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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

NMR studies of host-pathogen interactions

Petzold, Katja January 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes the use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) for characterizing two host-pathogen interactions: The behavior of a regulatory RNA of the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and the attachment of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) to the gastric mucosa. NMR is a powerful tool in biomedicine, because molecules ranging from small ligands to biomacromolecules can be studied with atomic resolution. Different NMR experiments are designed to determine structures, or to monitor interactions, folding, stability or motion. Paper I describes the analysis of the motions of a regulatory RNA of HBV. The NMR structure of the RNA had revealed before that several well-conserved nucleotides adopt multiple conformations. Therefore an analysis of possible underlying motions was undertaken using two different NMR techniques, one of which (off-resonance ROESY) was applied to nucleic acids for the first time. The observed motions suggest an explanation why the structurally poorly defined nucleotides are highly conserved. In paper II we improved the ROESY NMR experiment, which is used to measure internuclear distances for structure determination of medium-sized molecules. Using a small protein and an organometallic complex as examples, we demonstrated that the new EASY ROESY experiment yields clean spectra that can directly be integrated to derive interatomic distances. H. pylori, the bacterium involved in peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer, survives in the harsh acidic environment of the stomach. It possesses many membrane proteins which mediate adherence, raising the question, if their activity is related to membrane composition. In paper III & IV we analyzed therefore the phospholipid composition of H. pylori membranes. In paper III, an advanced method for the analysis of the phospholipid composition of biological membranes was developed. The two-dimensional semi-constant-time 31P,1H-COSY experiment combines information from phosphorus and hydrogen atoms of phospholipids for their unambiguous identification. Furthermore, the high resolution of the two-dimensional experiment allows the quantification of phospholipids where conventional methods fail. In paper IV we applied the new experiment to analyze the lipid composition of whole H. pylori cells, their inner and outer membranes, and of vesicles shed by the bacterium. The goal of this study was to characterize the vesicles which are suggested to play a role in the inflammation process. We established that the outer membrane and the vesicles have similar phospholipid compositions, suggesting that the vesicles are largely derived from the outer membrane. The NMR results presented here elucidate details of molecular systems engaged in pathogenicity, as basis for therapeutic strategies against these pathogens.

Wechselwirkungen der intestinalen Mikroflora und des angeborenen Immunsystems bei entzündlichen Erkrankungen im Gastrointestinaltrakt

Fischer, André 03 September 2007 (has links)
Die chronisch-entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen Morbus Crohn und Colitis ulzerosa sind wiederkehrende, nicht heilbare, immunvermittelte Krankheiten unklarer Ursache. Genetische Prädisposition und Umweltfaktoren können die Barrierefunktion der Darmmukosa stören, so dass eine überschiessende Entzündungsreaktion folgt, die durch kommensale Bakterien der normalen Darmflora verstärkt wird. Die Infektion mit H. pylori im Magen kann zu Gastritis, Ulkuskrankheit und der Entstehung von MALT-Lymphomen und Magenkarzinomen führen. An der Erkennung von bakteriellen Bestandteilen im Gastrointestinaltrakt sind Toll-like-Rezeptoren (TLR), als Komponenten des angeborenen Immunsystems maßgeblich beteiligt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Veränderungen der Bakterienflora bei Ileitis, Colitis und bei Vorliegen einer H. pylori-Infektion im Mausmodell untersucht. Durch eine globale Florenanalyse mit klassischen mikrobiologischen und molekularbiologischen Techniken konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Konzentrationen an Gram-negativen Stäbchenbakterien während der Entzündung in Ileum und Colon anstiegen. Die bakteriellen Faktoren, die eine Ileitis induzierten, wurden durch den Einsatz von gnotobiotischen TLR-defizienten Mäusen mit definierter bakterieller Rekolonisierung ermittelt. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass eine Ileitis durch das LPS von akkumulierenden E. coli über die TLR4-vermittelte Signaltransduktion verstärkt wurde. Die Entzündungsreaktionen konnten durch Behandlung mit Antibiotika oder dem LPS-Antagonisten Polymyxin B gebessert werden. In Folge einer H. pylori-Infektion kam es im Mausmagen zu einer erhöhten Diversität der Bakterienflora durch die Besiedelung mit Bakterienarten, die normalerweise das Colon kolonisieren. Eine derartige Florenverschiebung konnte durch eine Vakzinierung gegen H. pylori verhindert werden. Die Tiermodelle zur T. gondii-induzierten Ileitis und DSS-Colitis erlauben eine reproduzierbare Analyse entzündungsrelevanter Komponenten und damit die Möglichkeit, therapeutische Ansatzpunkte, wie z.B. den Einsatz von Lipopolysaccharid-Inhibitoren, die Blockade von TLR4 oder dem LPS-Bindeprotein oder den Einsatz von Probiotika, unter definierten Bedingungen zu analysieren. / Inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn´s disease and ulcerative colitis are chronic, relapsing, immunologically mediated disorders with uncertain etiology. Genetic abnormalities and environmental factors may have negative influences on the physiologic barrier function of the intestinal mucosa with inflamamtion coming up after immune response which is aggravated by commensal intestinal bacteria. The infection of H. pylori can cause gastritis and ulcus disease and contribute to the occurence of MALT lymphoma and gastric cancer. Bacterial ligands in the intestine are recognized by toll-like receptors (TLR) which are one component of the innate immune system. This study observed variations of the bacterial flora in mice with ileitis, colitis or H. pylori-infection. Performing a global survey of the intestinal flora combining culture based techniques with molecular methods, it was observed, that the concentration of gram-negative rods is elevated during ileitis or colitis. The bacterial factors, which are capable of inducing ileitis, could be confirmed using gnotobiotic TLR-deficient mice with a defined bacterial recolonization. It was clearly shown that ileitis was aggravated by LPS of accumulating E. coli through a TLR4-mediated signal transduction. The inflammation was ameliorated through antibiotic treatment or after application of the LPS-scavenger polymyxin B. H. pylori infection of mice leads to an increase of bacterial diversity in the stomach and bacterial species which are normally colonize the colon were detected after infection. Vaccination against H. pylori could prevent this diversity shift. The animal models for the T. gondii-induced ileitis and DSS-colitis used in this study offering the reproducible analysis of inflammation relevant components so that new approaches of treatment like inhibition of lipopolysaccharide, blockage of TLR4 or LPS binding protein or application of probiotics could be studied under well defined conditions.

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