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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metabolinės kepenų ligos: Vilsono ligos ir hfe-hemochromatozės genetinė charakteristika / Metabolic hepatic diseases: genetic characteristics of Wilson diseases and hfe-hemochromatosis

Kučinskas, Laimutis 21 June 2013 (has links)
Vilsono liga (VL) ir HFE-hemochromatozė – monogeninės, pagal Mendelio dėsnius paveldimos retos ligos. Šių ligų priežastis yra ATP7B arba HFE genų mutacijos, sukeliančios gyvybei pavojingas lėtines ligas. Šio darbo metu buvo tirti ligonių, sergančių metabolinėmis kepenų ligomis – VL ir HFE–hemochromatoze genų mutacijos, jų dažnis, ligų fenotipinės charakteristikos bei HFE geno dažniausių mutavusių alelių dažnis Lietuvos savanorių kraujo donorų populiacijoje. Buvo nustatyta, kad Rytų ir Centrinės Europos šalių populiacijoms būdinga c.3207C>A (p.His1069Gln) mutacija ATP7B gene taip pat dažniausia ir Lietuvoje. Patvirtinta, kad VL jautriausias metodas - molekulinis genetinis diagnostikos metodas. Kitiems klinikiniams laboratoriniams tyrimo metodams buvo būdingas mažesnis jautrumas. Ištyrus Lietuvos savanorius kraujo donorus nustatyta, kad HFE–hemochromatozės geno c.845G>A (p.Cys282Tyr) ir c.187C>G (p.His63Asp) mutacijų dažnis yra artimiausias Lenkijai ir kitoms Rytų ir Centrinės Europos šalims. HFE-hemochromatozės išsivystymo rizika yra 1,3 proc. Lietuvos savanoriams kraujo donorams, kurių genotipas c.[845G>A]; [845G>A] (0,1 proc. tiriamųjų) arba genotipas c.[845G>A];[187C>G], (1,2 proc. tiriamųjų). Tiriant HFE geno mutacijų paplitimą tarp skirtinguose Lietuvos etnokultūriniuose regionuose gyvenančių savanorių kraujo donorų nustatyta, kad c.845G>A mutacijos dažnis statistiškai patikimai buvo dažnesnis Žemaitijoje. / Wilson’s disease (WD) and HFE-hemochromatosis are monogenic rare diseases inherited following Mendel’s laws. These diseases are caused by ATP7B or HFE gene mutations, which cause life-threatening chronic diseases. This study analyzed gene mutations in patients with metabolic liver diseases – WD and HFE–hemochromatosis, the frequency of such mutations, the phenotypic characteristics of these diseases, and the frequency of the most common mutations in the alleles of the HFE gene in the population of Lithuanian volunteer blood donors. The study showed that the ATP7B gene mutation c.3207C>A (p.His1069Gln), which is characteristic of the populations of Central and Eastern Europe, was also most common in Lithuania. The study confirmed that molecular genetic diagnostics was the most sensitive technique in detecting WD. Other clinical laboratory diagnostic techniques demonstrated lower sensitivity. The examination of Lithuanian volunteer blood donors showed that the frequency of HFE–hemochromatosis mutations c.845G>A (p.Cys282Tyr) and c.187C>G (p.His63Asp) was closest to that in Poland and other Eastern and Central European countries. The risk of developing HFE-hemochromatosis among Lithuanian volunteer blood donors with genotype c.[845G>A]; [845G>A] (0.1% of the subjects) or c.[845G>A];[187C>G] (1.2% of the subjects) was 1.3%. The analysis of the prevalence of HFE gene mutations among Lithuanian volunteer blood donors from different ethno-cultural regions of Lithuania showed that... [to full text]

Hémochromatose HFE : influence de facteurs génétiques et non génétiques sur l'expression phénotypique / HFE hemochromatosis : influence of genetic and non genetic factors on phenotypic expression

Saliou, Philippe 18 November 2014 (has links)
L’hémochromatose HFE est une maladie du métabolisme du fer liée au gène HFE dont la principale mutation est C282Y. L’objectif général de ce travail était d’étudier l’influence de facteurs génétiques et non génétiques sur l’expression phénotypique de patients atteints d’hémochromatose HFE. Cette étude prospective incluait les patients C282Y/C282Y etC282Y/H63D inclus en protocole de saignées entre janvier 2004 et décembre 2011 au centre de santé brestois de l’EFS-Bretagne. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié l’influence du génotype C282Y/H63D sur la survenue d’une surcharge en fer. Nous avons confirmé que le variant H63D doit être considéré comme un facteur de susceptibilité dont l’expression est liée à la présence de co-facteurs responsables d’une hyper ferritinémie. Ensuite, nous avons étudié le rôle des grossesses et de l’alimentation sur l’expression phénotypique du génotype C282Yhomozygote. Nous avons montré qu’il existe bien une différence d’expressivité clinique liée au sexe chez les patients C282Y/C282Y. Cependant, nos données n’ont pas confirmé l’effet protecteur typiquement attribué aux grossesses pour expliquer la plus lente accumulation de fer chez les femmes. Cette étude a également mis en évidence une association modérée entre la consommation d’aliments riches en fer et le degré de surcharge en fer des patients C282Yhomozygotes traités par phlébotomies. Ce travail contribue à mieux comprendre l’hétérogénéité phénotypique observée dans l’hémochromatose HFE. La finalité est de pouvoir repérer précocement les sujets les plus à risque de développer les surcharges en fer les plus sévères et par conséquent des complications cliniques. / HFE hemochromatosis is a disorder of iron metabolism related to the HFE gene whose mainmutation is C282Y. The overall aim of this study was to investigate the influence of genetic and non genetic factors on phenotypic expression of patients with HFE hemochromatosis. This prospective study included the C282Y/C282Y and C282Y/H63D patients enrolled in a phlebotomy program between 2004 and 2011 in a blood centre of western Brittany (Brest, France). First, weassessed the weight of the C282Y/H63D genotype in the occurrence of iron overload. We confirmed that H63D is a discrete genetic susceptibility factor whose expression is most visible in association with other co-factors responsible for hyper ferritinemia. Then we investigated the effect of pregnancies and iron-rich diet on phenotypic expressivity of the C282Y/C282Y genotype. We have shown that there is a difference in clinical expression related to gender in C282Y/C282Ypatients. However our findings did not confirm that pregnancies protect against iron accumulationin women. This study established a moderate link between dietary iron intake and the degree of iron overload in HFE hemochromatosis patients who come to medical attention. This work contributes to a better understanding of the phenotypic heterogeneity observed in HFE hemochromatosis. The purpose is to identify precociously subjects the most at risk of developing iron overload and therefore clinical complications.

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