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Vaikų hiperkinezinių sutrikimų šiuolaikinė slauga / Contemprorary nursing of children with hyperactive disorderBakutytė, Sandra 23 June 2014 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo pavadinimas „Vaikų hiperkinezinių sutrikimų šiuolaikinė slauga” Darbo vadovė: VU MF Psichiatrijos klinikos Vaikų psichiatrijos ir socialinės pediatrijos centro docentė Sigita Lesinskienė Darbo autorė: VU MF slaugos magistartūros II kurso S. Bakutytė Vilniaus Universitetas Medicinos Fakultetas, Vidaus ligų pagrindų ir slaugos katedra Darbo metodika. Tyrime dalyvavo 40 vaikų tėvų, kurių vaikai ambulatoriškai gydosi paskirtais psichostimuliatorių grupės preparatais (PGP) (Ritalin'u ® ar Concerta XL®). Atlikta pusiau struktūrizuota tėvų apklausa telefonu VUVL filialo Vaiko raidos centro Vaikų psichiatrijos skyriuje gydytų vaikų, kuriems diagnozuotas HS ir pradėtas gydymas psichostimuliatorių grupės preparatais (PGP). Anketa sudaryta iš dviejų dalių: pirma anketos dalis susideda iš 32 klausimų, kuri buvo sudaryta savarankiškai, ir antra anketos dalis – vaistų šalutinių poveikių vertinimo skalė (Russel A. Barkley and Kevin Murphy „SIDE EFFECTS RATING SCALE“). Duomenys apdoroti statistikos programa SPSS for Windows v. 9 bei “MS Exel 2002” programa. Darbo rezultatai. Daugiausia tyrime dalyvavo 11-15 m. amžiaus vaikų, kurie sudarė 75% visų tiriamųjų, t.y. 30 iš 40 vaikų. Berniukams HS diagnozuojamas ir gydymas skiriamas dažniau nei mergaitėms, tai sudarė atitinkamai 87,5% ir 12,5%. Vaikai stacionare pradėti gydyti psichostimuliatorių grupės preparatais (PGP): Ritalin‘u® ir Concerta XL® atitinkamai (23 berniukai - 57,5% ir 17 mergaičių – 42,5%). Du trečdaliai vaikų po... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY Master‘s degree: Contemprorary nursing of children with hyperactive disorder Work tutor: VU MF Psichiatrijos klinikos Vaikų psichiatrijos ir socialinės pediatrijos centro docentė Sigita Lesinskienė Work author: student of the II course of master nursing speciality, Sandra Bakutytė Methodology. In this research participate 40 child parents, who children dispensary take psycho-stimulants group preparations (Ritalin or Concerta). This research accomplished parents interview by telephone, who children diagnosed ADHD and medicated psycho-stimulants group preparations in Child evolution centre children psychiatrical department of VUVL affiliate. Questionnaire made of two parts: first questionnaire part consist of 32 questions, which made independently, and second questionnaire part – medicine side effects rating scale (Russel A. Barkley and Kevin Murphy “Side effects rating scale”). Information processed by statistical programme SPSS for Windows v. 9 and “MS Exel 2002”. Results. The most part in the research participate 11 – 15 years old child, which consist 75%, it is 30 of 40 children. ADHD for boys is diagnosing and healing often than girls, it takes accordingly 87,5% and 12,5%. Children in stationary medicated psycho-stimulants group preparations: Ritalin and concerta accordingly 23 boys – 57,5% and 17 girls – 42,5%. Two-thirds of child after medical continues psycho-stimulants usage dispensary, but more than half 25 (62,5%) of all child medicines takes not regular, it... [to full text]
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An application of vocational interest and confidence measures to work-bound youthWolfe, Jessica B. 30 September 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigação multidisciplinar da biossíntese de sesquiterpenos bioativos de Lychnophora ericoides (Vernonieae: Asteraceae) / Multilevel investigation of bioactive sesquiterpene biosynthesis from Lychnophora ericoides (Vernonieae: Asteraceae)Pavarini, Daniel Petinatti 29 September 2014 (has links)
Lychnophora (Vernonieae: Asteraceae) é um gênero micro-endêmico dos \"campus rupestris\" do bioma Cerrado. Os extratos foliares de Lychnophora ericoides (\"Arnica-da-serra\") são usados na terapêutica popular principalmente como analgésico. Seus óleos essenciais são quimicamente ricos em sesquiterpenos. Tais compostos, principalmente os de esqueletos bisabolano e cadinano são produtos biossintéticos do precursor cátion nerolidila. Óleos essenciais de folhas de L. ericoides são bioativos frente a invertebrados do Táxon Acari. Um de seus componentes majoritários, o orto-acetoxi bisabolol, é antinociceptivo em ensaios in vitro. Terpenos são valorizados pela indústria de química fina, haja vista sucessos como Taxol® e Acheflan®. Nossos objetivos em Fitoquímica e Ciências Farmacêuticas se alinham a esse interesse. As terpeno-sintases (TerpS) envolvidas na biossínteses dos compostos são ainda alvo de pesquisas com em Bioquímica. Sua identificação é frequentemente conclusiva em diversos aspectos. Como exemplo, citamos a compreensão dos mecanismos da variabilidade metabólica temporal em espécies nativas e selvagens e os avanços na bioengenharia de Produtos Naturais (PN). Frente a este cenário de fronteira este manuscrito traz um resumo da investigação que objetivou determinar se há diversas isoformas de TerpS operando na produção temporalmente variável de sesquiterpenos bioativos em tecidos foliares de Lychnophora ericoides ou se não as há. Acessamos diferentes amostras selvagens de L. ericoides in situ. Nossos esforços em responder a questão supracitada foram divididos em tarefas, a seguir: (1) Determinação da fração rica em sesquiterpenos inspirada na \"Química Analítica Verde\"; (2) MALDI imaging das proteínas das folhas; (3) Estratégia \"omics\" combinada na identificação e clonagem das TerpS. Visitamos campos de ocorrência (CampO) georreferenciados bem como desconhecidos. O desenvolvimento de método de quantificação por Headspace-SPME permitiu uma comparação rápida e livre de solventes de amostras vegetais mínimas (10 mg). A separação e identificação foi conduzida por Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). As amostras de Diamantina, CampO mais Boreal de todos, apresentam a maior quantidade de derivados bisabolano. A hidrodestilação do material vegetal excedente ao HS-SPME forneceu óleos essenciais para o isolamento de moléculas. Dados espectrais diversos fundamentam a descrição de um derivado cadinano, o 11-dehidro cadinol, entre outros. O MALDI imaging determinou como exequível a geração de imagens moleculares em folhas de L. ericoides. Foram geradas imagens subepidermais dos íons com m/z que se assemelham a cadinano e bisabolano synthases (CadS and BS). A limitação do emprego da técnica é a determinação previa da massa nominal da proteína nativa. Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (1D-PAGE) gerou mapas de proteínas separadas por tamanho (A, B, C, e D) (30KDa> m/z <80KDa). A digestão com tripsina das bandas geraram peptídeos para análise em MS. Íons resultantes alimentaram o algorítimo MASCOT. Uma isoforma de germacrano-sintase foi identificada. Prospecção de genes codificadores com o cDNA (Ubiquitina +) determinou uma BS, de comprimento 1600pb, amplificada com primers de design para genes de Helianthus spp. A BS de L. ericoides foi clonada. Concluindo, destacamos dois pontos. (1) O controle enzimático na produção dos sesquiterpenos poderá enfim ser averiguada a nível do transcriptoma. (2) A busca pela produção biotecnológica de PN sofreu um pequeno incremento. Esperamos ter contribuído humildemente na produção sustentável de PN e por conseguinte na preservação da biodiversidade. / Lychnophora (Vernonieae: Asteraceae) is micro endemic to \"campus rupestris\" from Brazilian \"Cerrado\". Leaves extracts of Lychnophora ericoides (\"Arnica-da-serra\") are used as folk medicine and mainly as wound healer. Its essential oils were chemically profiled as sesquiterpene-rich. Such sesquiterpenes, both bisabolene-like and cadinane-like carbon skeletons, are derivatives of the nerolidyl cation. L. ericoides leaves essential oils are bioactive against invertebrate Acari. An anti-hypernociceptive ability of its component orto-acetoxy bisabolol was also displayed in vitro. Terpenes are valuable in fine chemistry industry, e.g. Taxol® and Acheflan®. Our phytochemical and pharmaceutical goals are aligned to such an interest. Terpene synthases (TerpS) behind their biosynthesis are target of researches in plant sciences and biochemistry. Identification of TerpS often led to conclusions with diverse impacts. Fundamental concepts on time-dependent shifts of terpene productions in wild type species and advances towards plant metabolites bioengineering are examples. Facing such a frontier field we share here an abstract for the investigation aimed to determine whether there were many isoforms of sesquiterpene synthases operating at leaves tissues in Lychnophora ericoides shift-able production of bioactive sesquiterpenes or whether there were not. We have accessed different in situ samples of L. ericoides. Efforts to answer the above question were sectioned as follows: (1) \"Green-Analytical-Chemistry\" oriented profiling of sesquiterpene-rich fraction; (2) MALDI imaging of proteins in leaves; (3) Combined \"omics\" approaches towards identifying TerpS and gene cloning. We visited both known and novel L. ericoides sites of occurrence (SoO). The development of a quantitative Headspace-Solid Phase Micro Extraction (HS-SPME) method enabled a rapid and solvent-free comparison of minimized samples (10mg). Separation and identification were carried out using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Samples harvested in Diamantina, Northern Most SoO, accumulate the highest amount of bisabolene-like derivatives. Hydrodistillation of leftovers material from HS-SPME yield essential oils used to purify unknown compounds. Based on a diverse spectra collection we report a novel cadinane-like derivative, one 11dehydro Cadinol. MALDI imaging has been determined as suitable for imaging proteins in L. ericoides. In a prospective fashion we generate sub-epidermal images of ions within the m/z frame comprising reported isoforms of both cadinane and bisabolane synthases (CadS and BS). The limitation to its use is the awareness of molecular weight of targeted native proteins. Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (1D-PAGE) protein mapping determined broad bands of protein distribution in different mass ranges (A, B, C, and D) (30KDa> m/z <80KDa). Bands tryptic digestion, followed by sample clean up, generated peptide pools feasible for MS. The output ions data feed MASCOT algorithm. A germacrane synthase could have been identified. When prospecting encoding genes, viable cDNA (Ubiquitin +) was used. A BS, lengthened 1600bp, was amplified with BS primers designed for Helianthus spp. genes. BS presented in L. ericoides was successfully cloned. In conclusion we headline two topics. (1) Hypothetical enzymatic control of the sesquiterpenes production can now be further investigated at transcriptome level. (2) The seek of a platform that guarantee natural products production in a controlled system has been moved forward. Future production of valued compounds can slightly rely in our humble contribution to support biodiversity conservation.
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Investigação multidisciplinar da biossíntese de sesquiterpenos bioativos de Lychnophora ericoides (Vernonieae: Asteraceae) / Multilevel investigation of bioactive sesquiterpene biosynthesis from Lychnophora ericoides (Vernonieae: Asteraceae)Daniel Petinatti Pavarini 29 September 2014 (has links)
Lychnophora (Vernonieae: Asteraceae) é um gênero micro-endêmico dos \"campus rupestris\" do bioma Cerrado. Os extratos foliares de Lychnophora ericoides (\"Arnica-da-serra\") são usados na terapêutica popular principalmente como analgésico. Seus óleos essenciais são quimicamente ricos em sesquiterpenos. Tais compostos, principalmente os de esqueletos bisabolano e cadinano são produtos biossintéticos do precursor cátion nerolidila. Óleos essenciais de folhas de L. ericoides são bioativos frente a invertebrados do Táxon Acari. Um de seus componentes majoritários, o orto-acetoxi bisabolol, é antinociceptivo em ensaios in vitro. Terpenos são valorizados pela indústria de química fina, haja vista sucessos como Taxol® e Acheflan®. Nossos objetivos em Fitoquímica e Ciências Farmacêuticas se alinham a esse interesse. As terpeno-sintases (TerpS) envolvidas na biossínteses dos compostos são ainda alvo de pesquisas com em Bioquímica. Sua identificação é frequentemente conclusiva em diversos aspectos. Como exemplo, citamos a compreensão dos mecanismos da variabilidade metabólica temporal em espécies nativas e selvagens e os avanços na bioengenharia de Produtos Naturais (PN). Frente a este cenário de fronteira este manuscrito traz um resumo da investigação que objetivou determinar se há diversas isoformas de TerpS operando na produção temporalmente variável de sesquiterpenos bioativos em tecidos foliares de Lychnophora ericoides ou se não as há. Acessamos diferentes amostras selvagens de L. ericoides in situ. Nossos esforços em responder a questão supracitada foram divididos em tarefas, a seguir: (1) Determinação da fração rica em sesquiterpenos inspirada na \"Química Analítica Verde\"; (2) MALDI imaging das proteínas das folhas; (3) Estratégia \"omics\" combinada na identificação e clonagem das TerpS. Visitamos campos de ocorrência (CampO) georreferenciados bem como desconhecidos. O desenvolvimento de método de quantificação por Headspace-SPME permitiu uma comparação rápida e livre de solventes de amostras vegetais mínimas (10 mg). A separação e identificação foi conduzida por Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). As amostras de Diamantina, CampO mais Boreal de todos, apresentam a maior quantidade de derivados bisabolano. A hidrodestilação do material vegetal excedente ao HS-SPME forneceu óleos essenciais para o isolamento de moléculas. Dados espectrais diversos fundamentam a descrição de um derivado cadinano, o 11-dehidro cadinol, entre outros. O MALDI imaging determinou como exequível a geração de imagens moleculares em folhas de L. ericoides. Foram geradas imagens subepidermais dos íons com m/z que se assemelham a cadinano e bisabolano synthases (CadS and BS). A limitação do emprego da técnica é a determinação previa da massa nominal da proteína nativa. Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (1D-PAGE) gerou mapas de proteínas separadas por tamanho (A, B, C, e D) (30KDa> m/z <80KDa). A digestão com tripsina das bandas geraram peptídeos para análise em MS. Íons resultantes alimentaram o algorítimo MASCOT. Uma isoforma de germacrano-sintase foi identificada. Prospecção de genes codificadores com o cDNA (Ubiquitina +) determinou uma BS, de comprimento 1600pb, amplificada com primers de design para genes de Helianthus spp. A BS de L. ericoides foi clonada. Concluindo, destacamos dois pontos. (1) O controle enzimático na produção dos sesquiterpenos poderá enfim ser averiguada a nível do transcriptoma. (2) A busca pela produção biotecnológica de PN sofreu um pequeno incremento. Esperamos ter contribuído humildemente na produção sustentável de PN e por conseguinte na preservação da biodiversidade. / Lychnophora (Vernonieae: Asteraceae) is micro endemic to \"campus rupestris\" from Brazilian \"Cerrado\". Leaves extracts of Lychnophora ericoides (\"Arnica-da-serra\") are used as folk medicine and mainly as wound healer. Its essential oils were chemically profiled as sesquiterpene-rich. Such sesquiterpenes, both bisabolene-like and cadinane-like carbon skeletons, are derivatives of the nerolidyl cation. L. ericoides leaves essential oils are bioactive against invertebrate Acari. An anti-hypernociceptive ability of its component orto-acetoxy bisabolol was also displayed in vitro. Terpenes are valuable in fine chemistry industry, e.g. Taxol® and Acheflan®. Our phytochemical and pharmaceutical goals are aligned to such an interest. Terpene synthases (TerpS) behind their biosynthesis are target of researches in plant sciences and biochemistry. Identification of TerpS often led to conclusions with diverse impacts. Fundamental concepts on time-dependent shifts of terpene productions in wild type species and advances towards plant metabolites bioengineering are examples. Facing such a frontier field we share here an abstract for the investigation aimed to determine whether there were many isoforms of sesquiterpene synthases operating at leaves tissues in Lychnophora ericoides shift-able production of bioactive sesquiterpenes or whether there were not. We have accessed different in situ samples of L. ericoides. Efforts to answer the above question were sectioned as follows: (1) \"Green-Analytical-Chemistry\" oriented profiling of sesquiterpene-rich fraction; (2) MALDI imaging of proteins in leaves; (3) Combined \"omics\" approaches towards identifying TerpS and gene cloning. We visited both known and novel L. ericoides sites of occurrence (SoO). The development of a quantitative Headspace-Solid Phase Micro Extraction (HS-SPME) method enabled a rapid and solvent-free comparison of minimized samples (10mg). Separation and identification were carried out using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Samples harvested in Diamantina, Northern Most SoO, accumulate the highest amount of bisabolene-like derivatives. Hydrodistillation of leftovers material from HS-SPME yield essential oils used to purify unknown compounds. Based on a diverse spectra collection we report a novel cadinane-like derivative, one 11dehydro Cadinol. MALDI imaging has been determined as suitable for imaging proteins in L. ericoides. In a prospective fashion we generate sub-epidermal images of ions within the m/z frame comprising reported isoforms of both cadinane and bisabolane synthases (CadS and BS). The limitation to its use is the awareness of molecular weight of targeted native proteins. Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (1D-PAGE) protein mapping determined broad bands of protein distribution in different mass ranges (A, B, C, and D) (30KDa> m/z <80KDa). Bands tryptic digestion, followed by sample clean up, generated peptide pools feasible for MS. The output ions data feed MASCOT algorithm. A germacrane synthase could have been identified. When prospecting encoding genes, viable cDNA (Ubiquitin +) was used. A BS, lengthened 1600bp, was amplified with BS primers designed for Helianthus spp. genes. BS presented in L. ericoides was successfully cloned. In conclusion we headline two topics. (1) Hypothetical enzymatic control of the sesquiterpenes production can now be further investigated at transcriptome level. (2) The seek of a platform that guarantee natural products production in a controlled system has been moved forward. Future production of valued compounds can slightly rely in our humble contribution to support biodiversity conservation.
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The role of voluntary organisations in developing the capabilities of vulnerable young peopleAdefila, Arinola Anneke January 2010 (has links)
What do people need to live functional and flourishing lives in today’s global society? They require sophisticated socio-economic skills and the prowess of political and cultural participation to undertake duties as world citizens. Can schools in the United Kingdom, adequately prepare all young people for these challenges? Data published by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF, 2009b) show that two in five children do not acquire key literacy and numeracy skills before leaving primary school. Some young people leave the education system altogether with no qualifications and limited understanding of their rights and responsibilities as global agents. Most of the young people in this category have multiple and sometimes complex disadvantages; they may live in poor and deprived neighbourhoods, experience poor physical and mental health or lack the support of adults who are able to model successful, flourishing and capable citizenry. Sen (1992) argues that the instruments needed for individuals to flourish are “capabilities”. These are the “potentials to be and do”. This study examines the means by which voluntary organisations improve the capabilities of vulnerable young people. It focuses on three major vulnerable groups: young people who have been excluded from mainstream education, those in cared for by the State and young people with learning difficulties. The research uses a mixed methods approach, skewed in favour of qualitative methods to analyse diverse trajectories of vulnerable young people towards capability. It relies on the capability approach to investigate the methods used in Voluntary Organisations which support the participants’ transformation to functional individuals. Organised as communities of learning, Centres of non-formal education provide the space, expertise and pedagogies for transformative learning processes to take place. The study shows vulnerable individuals need to combine and convert specialised capabilities in specific suites to enable them make the transition to capability successfully.
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The real meaning of our work : religion in Jewish boys' and girls' clubs 1880-1939Holdorph, Anne Louise January 2014 (has links)
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, philanthropists in Britain created a large number of clubs for young people. Whilst many of these were connected with churches, British Jewry founded a number of their own clubs for young Jewish men and women. These clubs were run in the East End of London and other urban centres with high numbers of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe such as Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow and Liverpool. The club managers were established Jews who lived in wealthier areas of the cities who sought to pass on positive British attributes to the immigrant population. In addition to secular activities such as sports, the clubs used religion as a way to encourage young immigrants to adapt to religious life in England, a neglected aspect of their work. This thesis explores the inclusion of a religious element within these clubs, examining the period from the beginning of the clubs existence in the 1880s, responding to the influx of Eastern European immigrants arriving in the UK, until the outbreak of the Second World War when the focus of Anglo-Jewish philanthropy shifted from domestic concerns to those within Europe and on combating anti-Semitism. This thesis explores how religion promoted an ideal of national identity, specifically designed for working class immigrant Jews, as well as the ways in which religion promoted gender identities which were designed to aid integration into British society. The first two chapters analyse Orthodox Jewish boys’ and girls’ clubs. As the majority of clubs fall into these categories these chapters will look at these groups as providing normative experiences. The third chapter will look at uniformed groups and explore the extent to which these groups provided a ‘uniformed’ experience not only in relation to outward appearance but also in terms of gendered religion. The final chapter will examine Liberal Jewish clubs, the major alternative to the other organisations explored. These were attacked by those within the Orthodox mainstream due to their religious affiliation and this thesis will discuss the ways in which this criticism was heightened in response to deviations from gender norms. This thesis therefore demonstrates the centrality of gender norms in religious programming for young people.
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Ecologia química como um mediador na atratividade de fêmeas Centris analis (Hymenoptera, Apidae) para colonização de ninhos, criação e manejo / Chemical ecology as a mediator in the attractiveness of Centris analis (Hymenoptera, Apidae) females for nest colonization, rearing and managementSousa, Paulo Herbesson Pereira de January 2017 (has links)
SOUSA, Paulo Herbesson Pereira de. Ecologia química como um mediador na atratividade de fêmeas Centris analis (Hymenoptera, Apidae) para colonização de ninhos, criação e manejo. 2017. 68 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Zootecnia)– Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2017. / Submitted by Francisca Gomes (francisbeserra@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-06-27T18:09:08Z
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Previous issue date: 2017 / Raising and managing Centris analis bees is facilitated by the use of trap nests, however, there is few number of research regarding factors that may influence the process of attracting nest-founding females. The present study aimed to identify volatile organic compounds (VOCs) existing in nests of C. analis, by employing the solid-phase microextraction (SPME) in order to learn about those compounds and variations of their chemical composition. This study also intended to optimize an extraction method for VOCs in food samples of immature C. analis. We made use of three types of fiber: apolar PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane), bipolar CAR/PDMS (Carboxen/Polydimethylsiloxane), and bipolar DVB/CAR/PDMS (Divinylbenzene/Carboxen/Polydimethylsiloxane). We identified 27 compounds bellowing to those chemical classes. Among the compounds; trans-nerolidol (67,15%), detected by the PDMS fiber; hexanal (12,72%) and 3-methyl-1-butanol acetate (10,95%), detected by CAR/PDMS fiber; were the most representative for this sample. CAR/PDMS fiber was more selective extracting 20 compounds, DVB/CAR/PDMS and PDMS, 17 and 10 respectively. CAR/PDMS proved to be the most suitable for the extraction of VOCs in nests of Centris analis. When using CAR/PDMS fiber, we identified 40 VOCs belonging to nine chemical classes in food samples, oil and resin, used nest, and larvae. The major compounds cis-β-ocimene (35,7%), 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol (30,24%), p-xylene (24,59%) and 1-Octanol (20,63%), were detected in samples of oil, resin, used nest, and larvae, respectively. We noticed an existing variation in the diversity of volatile compounds according to larval and nest development, besides, certain compounds linger in the nest after emergence. / A criação e o manejo de abelhas Centris analis é facilitada pela utilização de ninhos armadilha, porém há poucas pesquisas sobre os fatores que possam influenciam no processo de atração de fêmeas fundadoras. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar os compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs) presente no ninho de C. analis, utilizando a microextração em fase sólida (SPME) a fim de conhecer tais compostos e as variações na sua composição química. Este estudo buscou também, otimizar um método para extração dos COVs a partir de amostras do alimento de imaturos de C. analis. Utilizou-se três tipos de fibras: PDMS (Polidimetilsiloxano) apolar, CAR/PDMS (Carboxen/Polidimetilsiloxano)bipolar e DVB/CAR/PDMS (Divinilbezeno/Carboxen/Po
lidimetilsiloxano) bipolar. Foram identificados 27 compostos pertencentes a cinco classes químicas. Entre os compostos, trans-nerolidol (67,15%) detectado pela fibra PDMS, hexanal (12,72%) e acetato de 3-metil-1-butanol (10,95 %) detectados pela fibra CAR/PDMS, foram os compostos de maior representatividade para esta amostra. A fibra CAR/PDMS foi mais seletiva, extraindo 20 compostos, DVB/CAR/PDMS e PDMS, 17 e 10 respectivamente. A fibra CAR/PDMS mostrou-se como mais indicada para extração de COVs em ninhos de Centris analis. Utilizando-se a fibra CAR/PDMS, foram identificados 40 COVs pertencentes a nove classes químicas em amostra de alimento, óleo e resina, ninho usado e lavas. Os compostos majoritários cis-β-ocimeno (35,7%), 2-Etil-1-hexanol (30,24%), p-xileno (24,59%) e 1-Octanol (20,63%), foram detectados em amostra de óleo e resina, ninho usado e lavas respectivamente. Verificamos que há uma variação na diversidade de composto voláteis segundo o desenvolvimento larval e do ninho e que determinados compostos permanecem no ninho após a emergência.
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A qualitative exploration of cultic experience in relation to mental health difficultiesWalsh, Yvonne Susan January 2009 (has links)
The thesis explores the nature of religious cults and the question of what it is about such groups that leads some former members to experience them as producing lasting harm. The methodology of Classical Grounded Theory is identified as the most suitable for this enquiry and two interrelated studies using Classical Grounded Theory are reported. The first gives rise to a coherent and overarching conceptual model of the structure and function ofgroups that are now defined within the study as ‘mission focussed’. The second study produces a model of the elements that contribute to what certain members of such groups have identified as lasting difficulties. It is theorised that the mission focussed function of certain groups interacts with elements in some individuals (principally their perception of themselves as‘outsiders’ with a consequent high ‘need to belong’) to produce effects which participants within this research experience as lasting difficulties in living. The thesis goes on to explore which main-stream psychological paradigms might lend themselves to an understanding of this interaction and the emergent theory is related to psychotherapeutic constructs to derive an approach which may enable psychotherapists who undertake work with this client group to have a sound conceptual framework underlying their interventions. In the conclusion the potential generalisability of some of the constructs is considered.
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Využití různých extrakčních technik pro analýzu výluhů z biouhlu / Use of various extraction techniques for the analysis of biochar extractsJakubčeková, Kristína January 2021 (has links)
Biochar is a material whose properties, composition and impact on the environment are often discussed nowadays. The reason is its application as a soil conditioner. This leads to the need for qualitative as well as quantitative knowledge of its composition. This diploma thesis focuses on the qualitative analysis of biochar leachates processed by various extraction techniques. To approximate the real conditions, six aqueous mediums with different pH values is used, which a solid sample of biochar is exposed to. The prepared leachates are after that processed by extraction techniques, which are solid phase microextraction (SPME), single drop microextraction (HS-SDME), solid phase extraction (SPE) and liquid-liquid extraction (LLE). Analysis of the extracts was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The measurements showed that the HS-SDME technique did not show a response. SPE was a rapid technique, but compared to other techniques, it acquired a smaller range of substances. Liquid-liquid extraction, a time-consuming technique, did not obtain as much analytes as SPME. By comparing these applied techniques, the SPME technique is the best choice. The most common determined analytes were those from the group of ketones and carboxylic acids and their derivatives.
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QUANTUM MIXING IN 5-COORDINATE HS COBALT (II) EPR SPECTRAMarvin, Brock C. 02 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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