Spelling suggestions: "subject:"haploids"" "subject:"diploids""
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Developmental studies in relation to anther culture in Hordeum vulgareJenkins, R. E. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.
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The M-factor pheromone from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe : investigation into its proteolysisHughes, Marcus Daniel January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Indução in vitro de haplóides e de poliplóides e detecção molecular de alelos da auto- incompatibilidade em maracujazeiro (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg.) / Induction in vitro of haploid s and poliploids and molecular detection of self - incompatibility alleles in passion -fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg.)Rêgo, Mailson Monteiro do 12 August 2001 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antônio de Ramos Chagas (mchagas@ufv.br) on 2017-05-09T17:14:16Z
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texto completo.pdf: 865049 bytes, checksum: e1f0232ee5da962b69abe15831e4525c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2001-08-12 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a resposta ginogênica em 11 genótipos, adequar metodologia para indução in vitro de poliplóides e detectar alelos da auto - incompatibilidade em maracujazeiro azedo ( Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Degener). Para avaliar os 11 genótipos, óvulos não -fertilizados foram inoculados em meio MS suplementado com as vitaminas do meio B5, 100 mg.L -1 de mio-inositol, 3% de sacarose, 5,0 mg.L -1 de 2,4 – D e 1,0 mg.L -1 de BAP e cultivado na ausência d e luz a 27°C ± 1. Na indução dos poliplóides, utilizou -se explantes de segmentos de hipocótilo (1,0 cm de comprimento) de plantas germinadas in vitro e o meio MS suplementado com agentes antimitóticos, colchicina (0, 25, 250 e 1250 μM) e orizalina (0, 5, 15 e 30 μM). A determinação do nível ploidia das plantas regeneradas e aclimatadas foi feita por meio da contagem do número de cromossomos em células metafásicas de ponta de raiz. Na detecção molecular dos alelos S da auto -incompatibilidade, reações de PCR foram conduzidas utilizando DNA genômico extraído de folhas jovens e oligonucleotídeos iniciadores específicos para os alelos-S das classes I e II. O genótipo II – 20 apresentou melhor resposta ginogênica, produzindo 21 embriões (7,0 7% dos óvulos inoculados). Na indução dos poliplóides, os meios mais adequados foram MS suplementado com colchicina a 25 μM e MS suplementado orizalina a 15 μM. A colchicina, em concentrações superiores (250 e 1250 μM) foi fitotóxica aos explantes. Os indivíduos diplóides apresentaram 2n = 2x = 18 cromossomas, enquanto os tetraplóides, 2n = 4x = 36. O número de cloroplastos por célula guarda foi eficiente indicador do nível de ploidia nesta espécie. Plantas diplóides possuem quatro cloroplastos por célula-guarda e as tetraplóides oito, em média. Utilizando- se os iniciadores específicos para os alelos -S, foi possível detectar e incluir a nível molecular, os alelos S 1 e S 3 do maracujazeiro, no subgrupo I das glicoproteínas do loco -S (SLG) das brassicas. / The objectives of this work were to evaluate the gynogenic ability of 11 genotypes, to adapt in vitro methodology for poliploidy induction and detection of self -incompatibility alleles in yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Degener). For the evaluation of gynogenic ability, no-fertilized ovules were inoculated in a MS medium supplemented with vitamin B5, 100 mg.L -1 mio-inositol, 3 g.L -1 sucrose, 5,0 mg.L -1 2,4 - D and 1,0 mg.L -1 BAP and cultivated in dark at 27°C ± 1. For poliploidy induction, explants from hypoc otyl segments (1,0 cm length) of plants germinated in vitro were inoculated in BAD medium, supplemented with antimitotic agents: colchicine (0, 25, 250 and 1250 μM) and orizaline (0, 5, 15 and 30μM). The ploidy level of regenerated and acclimatized plants was determinated by counting the number of chromosomes at root tips metaphasic cells. For the molecular detection of self-incompatibility S-alleles, genomic DNA was extracted from young leaves and submitted to PCR reaction with specific oligonucleotides primers for the classes I and II of the S-alleles. The genotype II - 20 presented the better gynogenic ability, producing 21 embryos (7,07% of the inoculated ovules). For the induction of poliploidy, the most appropriate media were BAD supplemented with 25 μM colchicine and BAD supplemented with 15 μM orizaline. Higher concentrations of colchicine (250 and 1250 μM) were toxic to the explants. The diploid individuals presented 2n = 2x = 18 chromosomes, while the tetraploids had 2n = 4x = 36. The number of chlor oplasts in the guard-cells was an efficient indicator of the ploidy level in this species. The guard -cells had four chloroplasts in diploid plants and eight in tetraploid ones. The alleles S1 and S3 were detected at molecular level and included in the subgroup I of glicoproteins of S-locus (SLG) of the Brassica. / Tese importada do Alexandria
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Development of database support for production of doubled haploidsEngerberg, Malin January 2002 (has links)
<p>In this project relational and Lotus Notes database technology are evaluated with regard to their suitability in providing computer-based support in plant breeding in general and specifically in the production of doubled haploids. The two developed databases are compared based on a set of requirements produced together with the DH-group which is the main users of the databases. The results indicate that both Lotus Notes and the relational databases are able to fulfil all needs documented in this project, although both systems have their limitations. An often expressed opinion is that it is difficult to combine biology and databases. The experience gained in this project however suggests that it does not need to be the case in instances where data is not as complicated as often discussed. Observations made during this project indicate that data warehousing with integrated data mining and OLAP tools are surprisingly similar to how the DH-group at Svalöf Weibull works and could be a suitable solution for the production of doubled haploids.</p>
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Generación, caracterización molecular y evaluación morfológica de una población de líneas dihaploides en melón(Cucumis melo L.)Gonzalo Pascual, María José 14 October 2003 (has links)
El meló (Cucumis melo L.) és una espècie vegetal de gran importància econòmica, amb la que s'han establert nombrosos programes de millora. Dins d'ells, és de gran importància la utilització de línies pures, la seva obtenció ha avançat en gran mesura per la utilització de tècniques de biotecnologia, entre les que es troben, l'obtenció de poblacions de línies diphaploids i els marcadors moleculars.La producció de línies haploids diploiditzades, disminueix el temps de generació necessari per a obtenir individus completament homozigots a una mateixa generació. Així mateix, la naturalesa homozigòtica d'aquestes línies i el seu potencial per a ser perpetuades il·limitadament per llavor, fan de les poblacions de línies dihaploids, siguin molt útils per a estudis genètics com la generació de mapes genètics, on els marcadors dominants i codominants poden ser mapats amb idèntica precisió. Així mateix, la disponibilitat de material vegetal, genèticament idèntic de manera il·limitada, fa possible que es puguin afegir nous marcadors a mesura que es vagin generant i que aquestes poblacions siguin molt útils per a la localització de gens majors i QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci), podent-se estudiar, al mateix temps, genotips en diferents localitzacions i estudiar-se la interacció genotip per ambient (GxE).En aquest treball es va estudiar la resposta partenogènica de varis genotips de meló, donat que s'havia descrit la importància del genotip en l'obtenció de LDHs. Després d'aquest estudi es va poder descriure 3 passos limítrofs en el procés d'obtenció de LDHs: Eficàcia en l'obtenció d'embrions a partir de llavors de fruits partenocàrpics, supervivència dels embrions en el procés de cultiu in vitro i obtenció de línies diploiditzades, perpetuades per llavor a partir d'aquests embrions. Es va observar diferent comportament en els genotips estudiats en cadascun dels passos limítrofs definits per a el procés. Posteriorment es va generar, per partenogènesis induïda in situ per polinització amb pol·len irradiat, una població de 95 línies dihaploids (LDHs) a partir del creuament de dos línies de meló, PI161375 x T111. Aquestes dos línies es van escollir per presentar característiques agronòmiques importants. La línia T111 pertany a la varietat botànica inodorus, del tipus "Piel de Sapo" és una de les línies més consumides a Espanya, mentres que PI161375 "Sogwhan Charmi", pertany a la varietat botànica chinensis, presenta nombroses resistències a malalties. Les línies de la població van ser analitzades per marcadors moleculars del tipus codominant (RFLPs i SSRs) per a determinar la seva homozigòsis i es va determinar el seu nivell de ploidia per citometria de flux. A partir de la població de LDHs es va realitzar un mapa genètic, transferint marcadors moleculars codominants d'alta qualitat del tipus RFLPs i SSRs que ja havien estat posicionats en el mapa F2 obtingut a partir del mateix creuament i es van incloure 54 nous marcadors del tipus SSR. Es va obtindre un mapa amb 169 marcadors moleculars codominants de grups de lligament, cobrint una distància de 1289.6cM. La densitat de mapa va ser de 7.6cM/marcadors. L'ordre dels marcadors es va mantenir al comparar-lo amb altres mapes de meló existents i amb el mapa realitzat a partir d'una població F 2, el que demostra la consistència del mapa genètic obtingut, permet utilitzarlo com a mapa de referència per a posteriors estudis amb aquesta espècie i la integració dels dos mapes obtinguts a partir del creuament PI161375 x T111. Integrant es va obtenir un mapa altament saturat amb 331 marcadors codominants que es van distribuir en dotze grups de lligament, cobrint tot el genoma de meló, amb una densitat de 3.02cM/marcador i que van cobrir una distància de 1061cM.Es va estudiar, també, la segregació de les freqüències aléliques dels marcadors utilitzats en la generació del mapa de la població de LDHs per a identificar zones distorsionades que poguessin estar implicades en el procés d'obtenció d'haploids. Es van observar 6 zones que van presentar distorsió de les freqüències aléliques. Aquestes zones serien candidates a incloure gens que són seleccionats en el procés de generació de LDHs. En 2 d'aquestes zones la segregació va ser favorable a l'al.lel del parental PI161375 i en altres 4 la distorsió va ser favorable a l'al.lelde T111, el que indicaria que els dos parentals influeixen en el procés de generació de les línies dihaploids.Finalment, es van estudiar diferents caràcters quantitatius implicats en la morfologia floral, morfologia del fruit i la germinació, localitzant 71 QTLs, per a tots els caràcters analitzats. L'alta correlació observada entre la forma de l'ovari i el fruit i la co-localització dels QTLs implicats en aquest caràcters, suggereix que la forma del fruit ve determinada per la forma de l'ovari, és a dir, que els mateixos gens controlen ambdós caràcters, i la forma del fruit ve determinada en les primeres etapes de desenvolupament. També va permetre dividir el caràcter d'herència poligènica, el que explicaria l'aparició de genotips intermitjos en les classificacions taxonòmiques realitzades. Es van trobar, així mateix, QTLs relacionats amb la germinació de les LDHs que ens indiquen que els gens que intervenen en els processos relacionats amb la germinació s'expressen en les primeres etapes del procés, que existeixen al.lels de PI161375 amb efectes favorables a la germinació i que existeix un important efecte ambiental relacionat amb la llum, observant que amb presència de llum un major porcentatge de germinació. / El melón (Cucumis melo L.) es una especie vegetal de gran importancia económica, en la que se han establecido numerosos programas de mejora. En ellos es de gran importancia la utilización de líneas puras, cuya obtención ha avanzado en gran medida por la utilización de técnicas de biotecnología entre las que se encuentran la obtención de poblaciones de líneas dihaploides y los marcadores moleculares.La producción de líneas haploides diploidizadas disminuye el tiempo de generación necesario para obtener individuos completamente homocigotos a una generación. Así mismo, la naturaleza homocigótica de estas líneas y su potencial para ser perpetuadas ilimitadamente por semilla, hacen a las poblaciones de líneas dihaploides muy útiles para estudios genéticos como la generación de mapas genéticos, donde los marcadores dominantes y codominantes pueden ser mapados con igual precisión. Así mismo, la disponibilidad de material vegetal genéticamente idéntico de forma ilimitada hace posible que se puedan añadir nuevos marcadores a medida que se vayan generando y que estas poblaciones sean muy útiles para la localización de genes mayores y QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci), pudiendo estudiarse el mismo genotipo en diferentes localizaciones y estudiarse la interacción genotipo por ambiente (GxE).En este trabajo se estudió la respuesta partenogénica de varios genotipos de melón, ya que se había descrito la importancia del genotipo en la obtención de LDHs. Tras este estudio se pudieron describir 3 pasos limitantes en elproceso de obtención de LDHs: Eficacia en la obtención de embriones a partir de semilla de frutos partenocárpicos, supervivencia de los embriones en el proceso de cultivo in vitro y obtención de líneas diploidizadas, perpetuadas porsemilla a partir de estos embriones. Se observó diferente comportamiento de los genotipos estudiados en cada uno de los pasos limitantes definidos para el proceso. Posteriormente se generó, por partenogénesis inducida in situ porpolinización con polen irradiado, una población de 95 líneas dihaploides (LDHs) a partir del cruzamiento de dos líneas de melón, PI161375 x T111. Estas dos líneas se eligieron por presentar características agronómicas importantes. La línea T111 perteneciente a la variedad botánica inodorus, de tipo 'Piel de Sapo' es una de las líneas más consumidas en España mientras que PI 161375 'Sogwhan Charmi', perteneciente a la variedad botánica chinensis, presenta numerosas resistencias a enfermedades. Las líneas de la población fueron analizadas por marcadores moleculares de tipo codominante (RFLPs y SSRs) para determinar su homocigosis y se determinó sunivel de ploidía por citometría de flujo.A partir de la población de LDHs se realizó el mapa genético, transfiriendo marcadores moleculares codominates de alta calidad de tipo RFLPs y SSRs que ya habían sido posicionados en el mapa F 2 obtenido a partir del mismo cruce y se incluyeron 54 nuevos marcadores de tipo SSR. Se obtuvo un mapa con 169 marcadores que sedistribuyeron en 12 grupos de ligamiento, cubriendo una distancia de 1289.6cM. La densidad de mapa fue de 7.6cM/marcador. El orden de los marcadores se mantuvo al compararlo con otros mapas de melón existentes y con el mapa realizado a partir de una población F2, lo que demuestra la consistencia del mapa genético obtenido, permitiendo emplearlo como mapa de referencia para posteriores estudios en esta especie y la integración de los dos mapas obtenidos a partir del cruce PI161375 x T111. Integrando se obtuvo un mapa altamente saturado con 331 marcadores codominantes que se distribuyeron en doce grupos de ligamiento cubriendo todo el genoma de melón, con una densidad de 3.02cM/ marcador y que cubrieron una distancia de 1061cM.Se estudió también la segregación de las frecuencias alélicas de los marcadores utilizados en la generación del mapa de la población de LDHs para identificar zonas distorsionadas que pudieran estar implicadas en el proceso de obtención de haploides. Se observaron 6 zonas que presentaron distorsión de las frecuencias alélicas. Estas zonas serían candidatas de incluir genes que son seleccionados en el proceso de generación de LDHs. En 2 de estas zonas la segregación fue favorable al alelo del parental PI161375 y en las otras 4 la distorsión fue favorable al alelo de T111, lo que indicaría que los dos parentales influyen en el proceso de generación de las líneas dihaploides.Finalmente, se estudiaron diferentes caracteres cuantitativos implicados en la morfología floral, morfología de fruto y la germinación, localizando 71 QTLs, para todos los caracteres analizados. La alta correlación observadaentre la forma de ovario y fruto y la co-localización de los QTLs implicados en estos caracteres sugiere que la forma del fruto esta determinada por la forma del ovario, es decir, que los mismos genes controlan ambos caracteres, y laforma de fruto se determina en etapas tempranas del desarrollo. También permitió dividir el carácter de la pubescencia del ovario en dos componentes, longitud y densidad, confirmando que se trata de un carácter de herencia poligénica lo que explicaría la aparición de fenotipos intermedios en las clasificaciones taxonómicasrealizadas. Se encontraron, así mismo, QTLs relacionados con la germinación de las LDHs que nos indican que los genes que intervienen en los procesos relacionados con la germinación se expresan en las primeras etapas del proceso, que existen alelos de PI161375 con efectos favorables a la germinación y que existe un importante efecto ambiental relacionado con la luz, observándose en presenc ia de luz un mayor porcentaje de germinación. / Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is an important vegetal crop; with large number of breeding programs already established. In these programs, the use of inbred lines is very important; the process to obtain these lines can be enhanced with the use of biotechnology techniques as the generation of dihaploid lines population and molecular markers.DHLs production decreased the generation time needed to obtain complete homocigous plants to one generation.The homocigosity potential to be perpetuated by seed, make DHLs populations an useful tool for genetics studies, as genetic map construction, where the dominants and codominants markers can be mapped with the same precision.Also, the possibility to dispose unlim ited material genetically identical make possible to add news markers as soon as they are generated, the localization of major genes and QTLs (Quantitative trait loci) and study the genotype by environment (GxE) interaction by evaluating the same genotype in different locations.The parthenogenetic response of several melon genotypes was studied. As reported by other authors the genotype had an important effect on the production of DHLs. Three limiting steps were found in the DHLs production process: (1) the parthenogenic embryo production efficiency from parthenocarpic fruits; (2) the in vitro rescueefficiency of parthenogenic embryos; and (3) the production of diploid lines, perpetuated by seed, out of the rescued embryos. For each of these limiting steps, different behaviours were observed on the studied genotypes. Moreover, apopulation of 95 DHLs was generated from the PI161375 x T111 hybrid, utilizing the in situ induction of parthenogenic embryos through pollination by gamma-irradiated pollen. The two parents were chosen for their important agronomic traits. The T111 line, pertaining to inodorus botanic variety, of fruit type 'Piel de Sapo', is one of the most consumed in Spain. Whereas, PI 161375 or 'Sogwhan Charmi', pertaining to the chinensis botanical variety, has a large number of disease resistances. Presumed parthenogenic lines were analyzed by codominants molecular markers (RFLPs and SSRs) to confirm their homocigosity, and by flow citometry to determine their ploidy level.A molecular markers map, involving RFLP and SSRs mapped previously in a F2 population from the same cross, was constructed using the DHL population. 54 new SSRs markers were added to the DHL map. A map with 169 markers distributed in twelve linkage groups was obtained with a distance coverage of 1286 cM. The map density was 7.6cM/marker. The order of markers was maintained when compared with other melon maps and with the F2 map. This fact proved the consistence of obtained genetic map, allowing their use as a reference map for later studies in this specie and permitting the integration of the two maps obtained from the cross PI161375 X T111. After integration, a highly saturated map with 331 codominats markers, covering the whole genome was obtained. Markerswere distributed in twelve linkage groups with a density of 3.02cM/marker covering a distance of 1061cM.Allelic frequency segregation of markers in DHLs population map was studied to identify genomic regions with segregation distortion. Six regions were observed which could include genes selected during DHLs generation process. Two of the regions showed favourable segregation towards PI 161375 alleles and in the other four the segregation was favourable towards T111 alleles. This confirms the influence of both parentals in the DHLs generation process.Finally, a study of several quantitative traits involved in floral and fruit morphology and germination of melon was realized. Seventy-one QTLs were localized for all analysed traits. The high correlation observed between ovary andfruit shape and the co-localization of QTLs involved in these traits suggests that the fruit shape was determined by ovary shape, i.e., the same genes control both traits and the fruit shape is determinated in the early period of development. Also, this analysis allowed to divide ovary pubescence trait in two components, hair length and density, and also confirming that this trait is under polygenic control. This could explain the apparition of intermediate phenotypes in the taxonomic classifications by others authors. In addition, QTLs related with germination were found, indicating that the genes involved in germination are expressed in the first steps of the process. PI161375 alleles withfavourable effect in germination were uncovered. Light intensity during germination has a major effect on the percentage of seed germination, being higher light intensity associated with higher percentage of germination.
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Development of database support for production of doubled haploidsEngerberg, Malin January 2002 (has links)
In this project relational and Lotus Notes database technology are evaluated with regard to their suitability in providing computer-based support in plant breeding in general and specifically in the production of doubled haploids. The two developed databases are compared based on a set of requirements produced together with the DH-group which is the main users of the databases. The results indicate that both Lotus Notes and the relational databases are able to fulfil all needs documented in this project, although both systems have their limitations. An often expressed opinion is that it is difficult to combine biology and databases. The experience gained in this project however suggests that it does not need to be the case in instances where data is not as complicated as often discussed. Observations made during this project indicate that data warehousing with integrated data mining and OLAP tools are surprisingly similar to how the DH-group at Svalöf Weibull works and could be a suitable solution for the production of doubled haploids.
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Inheritance of microspore embryogenic potential and direct embryo to plant conversion in the oilseed rape DH population DH4079 x Express 617Valdés Velázquez, Ariana Istar 17 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Dissection moléculaire et cellulaire de la gynogenèse in vivo chez le maïs / Molecular and cellular dissection of the maize in vivo gynogenesisGilles, Laurine 19 October 2018 (has links)
Chez le maïs, la création de nouvelles variétés repose largement sur la technologie des plantes Haploïdes Doublées. Celle-ci s’appuie sur l’utilisation du pollen de lignées particulières, dites «inductrices d’haploïdes», qui déclenchent un processus de gynogenèse in vivo. Ce mécanisme permet la production d’embryons haploïdes contenant uniquement les informations génétiques maternelles. Après doublement des stocks chromosomiques des plantules haploïdes générées, il est possible d’obtenir des lignées fixées en seulement quelques générations, réduisant ainsi considérablement les schémas de sélection. Bien que les déterminismes génétiques à l’origine de la gynogenèse in vivo soient restés énigmatiques pendant près de soixante ans, nos travaux ont permis le clonage positionnel et l’identification du gène majeur causal de l’induction d’haploïdes. Ce gène, exprimé spécifiquement dans les grains de pollen, code pour une phospholipase A2, nommée NOT LIKE DAD (NLD). Il s’avère que chez l’ensemble des lignées inductrices le gène NLD présente une insertion de quatre paires de bases, conduisant à la formation d’une protéine tronquée responsable de la gynogenèse in vivo. Cette mutation n’entraine pas un défaut spatial ou temporel de l’expression du gène mais une délocalisation de la protéine. La protéine sauvage localise au niveau de l’unité mâle germinative, sur la membrane d’origine végétative entourant les deux cellules spermatiques, alors que la protéine tronquée perd cette localisation. Des approches pharmacologiques et de mutagenèses dirigées ont permis de révéler un adressage de NLD à la membrane grâce à des ancrages lipidiques et des interactions électrostatiques entre la membrane et la protéine. En parallèle, il a pu être observé que la troncation de NLD, en plus de conduire à la formation d’haploïdes maternels, entraînait de nombreux phénotypes de grains anormaux. Le génotypage des produits de fécondations (albumens et embryons) résultant de croisements avec des lignées inductrices ont permis de mettre en évidence l’existence d’anomalies chromosomiques paternelles, pouvant expliquer ces différents phénotypes de grains anormaux. L’ensemble de ces résultats indiquent que la phospholipase NLD intacte est nécessaire pour le bon déroulement de la reproduction sexuée. / In maize, plant breeding mainly relies on double haploid technology. The main principle of this technology is the use of special lines called “inducer lines”, which induce in vivo gynogenesis. This mechanism allows haploid embryos production which only contain maternal genetics information. After chromosome doubling of the haploid seedlings, it is possible to obtain fixed lines in only few generations, thus considerably reducing breeding cycles. Although genetic determinants behind in vivo gynogenesis remained enigmatic for nearly sixty years, our work allowed the positional cloning and the identification of the major gene controlling haploid induction. This gene, specifically expressed in pollen grain, encodes for a phospholipase A2 called NOT LIKE DAD (NLD). It turns out that in all the inducer lines the NLD gene has a 4-bp insertion, leading to the formation of a truncated protein responsible for gynogenesis in vivo. This mutation did not result in a spatial or temporal defect in the expression of the gene but in the delocalization of the protein. The wild type protein localizes at the male germ unit on the vegetative membrane surrounding the two sperm cells, while the truncated protein loses this location. Pharmacological and mutagenic approaches revealed that NLD is targeted to the membrane through lipid anchoring and electrostatic interactions between membrane and protein. In parallel, it has been observed that the truncation of NLD; in addition to leading to the formation of maternal haploids; led to many pleiotropic phenotypes of abnormal kernels. The genotyping of fertilization products (endosperms and embryos), shows the existence of paternal chromosomal anomalies, which can explain these different phenotypes of abnormal kernels. All these results indicate that the intact NLD phospholipase is therefore necessary for the proper course of sexual reproduction.
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Ontwikkeling van ’n koringkwekery met gestapelde, spesie-verhaalde roesweerstandWessels, Elsabet 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Genetics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Includes bibliography. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Wheat rust is a significant contributor to the total impact of diseases on sustainable wheat production. Genetic resistance, produced by using resistance genes from wheat and other related wild species, is the simplest and most cost-effective way to guard against these diseases. The pyramiding of resistance genes in a single line is a vital practice in bringing about durable resistance.
This study aimed to develop a series of doubled haploid (DH) wheat lines containing combination's of wild species genes for rust resistance. Rust resistance genes Lr19 (7BL), Sr31/Lr26/Yr9/Pm8 (1BS) and Lr54/Yr37 (2DL) were combined by means of crossing. Breeders. lines which have complex resistance including Lr24/Sr24 (3DL), Lr34/Yr18 (7D), Sr36 (2BS) and Sr2 (3BS), were used. Marker assisted selection (MAS) was used to type populations for the above mentioned genes. Using the DH method (maize pollination technique), an inbred population was developed from the selected lines, after which the lines were characterised molecularly for the resistance gene translocations which they contain.
The study produced 27 lines with diverse genetic profiles. Seven lines contain four translocations (Lr24/Sr24, Lr34/Yr18, Sr2 and Lr19 or Sr31) each, 11 lines contain three genes each, six lines contain two genes each and only three lines contain a single translocation (Lr24/Sr24). The reality that rust pathogens have already overcome three of the resistance genes in the final population . Lr19, Sr31 and Sr24 . is a clear indication of the value of using non-major gene resistance for bringing about durable resistance. The focus should fall ever more greatly upon the application of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for this purpose, which will result in MAS contributing to the development of more durable resistance.
The value of the integration of MAS and DH in combination with conventional breeding practices in breeding programmes has already been illustrated internationally for increasing the rate of cultivar development and this is reaffirmed by this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Koringroes lewer jaarliks .n beduidende bydrae tot die totale impak van siektes wat volhoubare koringverbouing belemmer. Die mees eenvoudige en koste-effektiewe verweer teen hierdie siektes is genetiese weerstand, wat deur weerstandsgene vanaf koring, sowel as wilde verwante spesies, bewerkstellig word. Die stapeling van weerstandsgene in .n enkele lyn word as .n onontbeerlike praktyk om duursame weerstand tot stand te bring, geag.
Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om .n reeks verdubbelde haploiede (VH) koringlyne te ontwikkel wat kombinasies van wilde spesie gene vir roesweerstand bevat. Roesweerstandsgene Lr19 (7BL), Sr31/Lr26/Yr9/Pm8 (1BS) en Lr54/Yr37 (2DL) is deur middel van kruisings gekombineer. Telerslyne wat oor komplekse weerstand beskik wat Lr24/Sr24 (3DL), Lr34/Yr18 (7D), Sr36 (2BS) en Sr2 (3BS) insluit, is gebruik. Merker-bemiddelde seleksie (MBS) is gebruik om populasies vir bogenoemde gene te tipeer. .n Ingeteelde populasie is vanaf die geselekteerde lyne met behulp van die VH metode (mielie-bestuiwing tegniek) ontwikkel, waarna die lyne molekuler vir die weerstandsgeentranslokasies waaroor hul beskik, gekarakteriseer is.
Die studie het 27 lyne met diverse genetiese profiele opgelewer. Sewe lyne bevat vier weerstandsgeentranslokasies (Lr24/Sr24, Lr34/Yr18, Sr2 en Lr19 of Sr31) elk, 11 lyne beskik oor kombinasies van drie gene elk, ses bevat twee gene elk en slegs drie lyne beskik oor .n enkele translokasie (Lr24/Sr24). Die realiteit dat die roespatogene reeds drie van die weerstandsgene in die finale populasie . Lr19, Sr31 en Sr24 . oorkom het, benadruk die waarde van die gebruik van nie-hoofgeenweerstand vir die daarstelling van duursame weerstand. Die fokus behoort toenemend meer op die aanwending van kwantitatiewe kenmerk-loci (QTL) vir hierdie doel te val en sal sodoende teweegbring dat MBS bydra tot die ontwikkeling van meer duursame weerstand.
Die waarde van die integrasie van MBS en VH in kombinasie met konvensionele telingsmetodiek is reeds internasionaal vir die versnelling van kultivarontwikkeling aangetoon en word ook deur hierdie studie herbevestig.
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Reação de híbridos de milho à podridão dos grãos causada por Stenocarpella macrospora e Stenocarpella maydis, em diferentes ambientes do BrasilMario, Justino Luiz 25 February 2010 (has links)
This work evaluated the reaction of 140 corn hybrids from double-haploid inbred derived from a crossing of a resistant inbred line with and susceptible inbred line. Being that, crossed with a conventional susceptible line which were inoculated with Stenocarpella maydis and Stenocarpella macrospora .The hybrids were assessed in three locations in the Miner Triangle and three locations in Southern Brazil to evaluate the difference of hybrids reaction to S. macrospora and S. maydis.
Two analysis were performed, one of the three locations in the Miner Triangle and one of the three locations in the South for the separation of five resistant hybrids, five average resistance and five susceptible to rot grain for the two locations. About the incidence of rot grain obtained from the hybrids, the quantification of S. macrospora, S.maydis and other fungi were done in the laboratory for the Miner Triangle and South of Brazil. In a joint analysis in the Miner Triangle it was found a frequency of 60% S. macrospora, 10% S.maydis and 30% other fungi. And in a joint analysis of South Brazil found 20% S. macrospora, 11% S.maydis and 69% of other fungi. The pathogen hybrid interaction showed the prevalence of S. macrospora in incidence of infected grains, with 60% in the Miner Triangle and 20% in the South, against S. maydis with 10% in the Miner Triangle and 11% in south of Brazil. These results showed that there were differences between the two places regarding the rotten grain caused by S. macrospora and S. maydis. Thus, positioning breeding programs in the pathosystem Stenocarpella-corn. / Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a reação de 140 híbridos de milho provenientes de uma linhagem duplo-haplóide derivada do cruzamento, entre uma linhagem resistente e uma linhagem suscetível, cruzada com uma linhagem convencional suscetível. Os híbridos quais foram inoculados com Stenocarpella maydis (Berkeley) Sacc e Stenocarpella macrospora (Earle) sendo avaliados em três locais no Triângulo Mineiro e Três locais no Sul do Brasil. O objetivo foi identificar genótipos resistentes à S. macrospora e S. maydis e a sua quantificação nas duas regiões. Efetuou-se duas análises conjuntas, uma com os três locais do Triângulo Mineiro e outra com três locais do Sul verificar a reação dos híbridos quanto a resistência à grãos ardidos. Na incidência de grãos ardidos obtidos dos híbridos, realizou-se a quantificação de S. macrospora, S. maydis e outros fungos, para o Triângulo Mineiro e Sul. Na análise conjunta do Triângulo Mineiro ocorreu uma freqüência de 60% de S. macrospora, 10% de S. maydis e 30% de outros fungos. A análise conjunta dos dados do Sul obteve-se 20% de S.macrospora, 11% de S.maydis e 69% de outros fungos. A interação híbrido patógeno mostrou a prevalência da S. macrospora na incidência dos grãos infectados, com 60% no Triângulo Mineiro e de 20% no Sul e S. maydis com 10% no Triângulo Mineiro e 11% no Sul do Brasil. Esses resultados mostram que existem diferenças entre os dois locais, quanto à reação à podridão de grãos de milho causado por S. macrospora e S. maydis. Com isso pode-se direcionar os programas de melhoramento no patossistema Stenocarpella-milho. / Doutor em Genética e Bioquímica
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