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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lateral Pressures On Rigid Retaining Walls : A Neural Network Approach

Yildiz, Ersan 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Lateral pressures on non-yielding walls due to surface strip loads were investigated considering the non-linear stress-strain behaviour of the soil by finite element analyses. Data obtained from the finite element analyses were used to train neural networks in order to obtain a solution to assess the total lateral thrust and its point of application on a non-yielding wall due to a strip load. A 2-layered backpropogation type neural network was used. An artificial neural network solution was obtained, as a function of six parameters including the shear strength parameters of the soil ( cohesion and angle of friction ). The effects of each input parameter on the lateral thrust and point of application were summarized and the results were compared with the conventional linear elastic solution.

Modellering av grävpålar i Plaxis 2D : En parameterstudie applicerad på nya Vårbybron, Stockholm / Modelling of bored piles in Plaxis 2D : A parametric analysis applied at the new bridge Vårbybron, Stockholm

Johansson, Josefin, Wennberg, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
I samband med Förbifart Stockholm och Tvärförbindelse Södertörn förväntas en flaskhals skapas vid Vårbybron i södra Stockholm. För att förhindra överbelastning planeras en nybyggnation där pålgrundläggning med grävpålar föreslås. Markförhållanden är ovanliga i Stockholm, med över 100 meter ned till berg. Komplexa omständigheter i området gör det nödvändigt att analysera markrörelser som verkar på grundläggningen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka horisontella- och vertikala sättningar vid ett brolandfäste. Syftet är vidare att analysera vilken typ av numerisk konstitutiv modell som är lämplig med hänsyn till studiens specifika fall och område; Mohr-Coulomb (MC), Hardening Soil (HS) och Hardening Soil med small-strain stiffness (HSS). Slutligen ska jordparametrarnas väsentlighet avgöras i en parameterstudie. Sonderingsdata tillämpas i studien för att skapa en jordlagermodell i AutoCAD Civil 3D 2019 Metric och vidare simulering av sättningar i Plaxis 2D. Vid modellering av sättningar i förekommande geologi rekommenderas att en avancerad modell används, med fördel HSS. Däremot kräver mer avancerade modeller noggranna indata för tillförlitligt resultat och ytterligare tester för styvhetsparametrar bör utföras. I detta projekt kan dyrare tester tänkas sänka slutgiltig budget, eftersom underskattning av moduler i djupa och fast lagrade jordar baserade på konservativt valda moduler ger upphov till en dyrare konstruktion. / In conjunction with the opening of the Stockholm Bypass and Tvärförbindelse Södertörn, a bottleneck is expected at the bridge Vårbybron in southern Stockholm. To prevent traffic congestion, a new construction is planned where pile foundation consisting of bored piles is proposed. The ground conditions are unusual and not typical for Stockholm involving over 100 meters distance to rock. Complex circumstances in the area makes it complicated as well as necessary to analyze ground movements. The aim of the study is to investigate horizontal- and vertical settlements at a bridge abutment. The aim is further to analyze which type of numerical constitutive model that is appropriate with respect to the specific case and area; Mohr-Coulomb (MC), Hardening Soil (HS) and Hardening Soil with small-strain stiffness (HSS). Finally, the significance of the soil parameters is to be determined in a parameter analysis. Results from soundings are used to create a geological model in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2019 Metric. Furthermore, simulation of settlements in Plaxis 2D is performed. It is recommended to apply advanced models for this type of geology, advantageously HSS. However, more advanced models require accurate input data to obtain reliable results, and additional tests for stiffness parameters must be performed for accuracy in the results. In this project, more expensive tests can be thought of as lowering the final budget, as underestimation of modules in deep and stiff soils based on conservatively selected modules leads to an unnecessarily expensive construction.


[pt] Prever o comportamento de estruturas de solo de grande porte, como barragens, durante a construção, em operação e inclusive sob o efeito de eventos sísmicos tem muita importância para evitar possíveis consequências catastróficas e indesejáveis. Neste sentido, este estudo apresenta, através de uma análise acoplada hidromecânica pelo método dos elementos finitos, os resultados numéricos discutidos em termos de tensões e suas trajetórias, deslocamentos verticais e horizontais, poropressões, incluindo a estabilidade de taludes. Além disso, é apresentada também a análise da resposta sísmica quando a estrutura é submetida a um carregamento dinâmico. Para tanto, analisou-se a barragem de terra zonada Recreta, situada na província de Huaraz - Peru, mediante o emprego do programa PLAXIS 2010. Foram descritas as metodologias de análise para simular passo a passo a construção incremental da barragem, o primeiro enchimento do reservatório por incrementos de níveis de água, o avanço da frente de saturação até atingir a condição de fluxo permanente e a avaliação da resposta dinâmica quando a barragem é submetida ao último maior movimento sísmico (história de acelerações) registrado em 1974 na capital do Peru, Lima, adjacente à cidade onde se localiza este projeto. Também se empregou o software Seismosignal versão 5.0, para o tratamento do sinal sísmico, e os programas Shake 2000 e Strata para a calibração dos parâmetros de amortecimento. Os resultados fornecidos por estas ferramentas numéricas foram avaliados em função do fundamento teórico, exposto na revisão bibliográfica, e de uma série de testes para o estabelecimento das metodologias e procedimentos mais adequados para a obtenção destes resultados. / [en] Predicting the behavior of soil structures, such as large-scale dams, during construction and operation, including the effect of earthquakes, is very important to prevent possible catastrophic and undesirable consequences. This study presents, through a coupled hydromechanical analysis by the finite element method, numerical results discussed in terms of stresses and trajectories, vertical and horizontal displacements, poropresssures and soil slope stability analyses. The investigation of the seismic response when the structure is subjected to a seismic load is also included, considering the dynamic behavior of the zoned earth dam Recreta, located in the province of Huaraz in Peru. The numerical analyses were carried out using the computational program PLAXIS 2010 to simulate the incremental construction of the dam, the first fill of the reservoir by increments of the water levels, the advance of the front of saturation until achieving the condition of steady flow condition and the seismic response when the dam is subject to the last major earthquake (accelerations history) registered in Peru s capital, Lima, in 1974, which is located near to the site of the Recreta dam. The Seismosignal software version 5.0 was also used for seismic signal processing and the programs SHAKE 2000 and STRATA were also employed for calibration of the damping parameters of the soils. All the results provided herein were discussed, based on the theoretical basics presented in the literature review as well as on the various numerical examples investigated with the main purpose to better understand the hydromechanical behavior of a zoned earth dam subject to static and dynamic loads.

Zpětná analýza sypané přehradní hráze a predikce jejího chování při mimořádných zatěžovacích stavech / Back analysis of embankment dam and prediction of its behaviour during accidental design situations

Krajčovič, Ján January 2019 (has links)
Diplomová práce představuje vytvoření softwarového 2D MKP modelu přehrady Slezská Harta v České Republice za pomoci softwaru PLAXIS 2D. V úvodu práce je analýza vodní nádrže, vytvořené jako zásobárna vody a protipovodňové dílo. Analýza sleduje geomorfologii, geologii, konstrukci tělesa hráze, použité materiály a metody, a stávající monitorovací zařízení. Pro pochopení tvorby 2D MKP modelu jsou předloženy a definované metody použitých analýz - metoda konečných prvků, analýza prosakování, materiálové modely, citlivostná analýza. Následně byla definována tvorba struktury modelu - určení posloupnosti použitých analýz, definování vstupních dat a mezních podmínek a tvorba kalibračního segmentu. V závěrečné části práce je analýza dosažených výstupů rozsáhlého testování modelu, jejich korelace s reálnými naměřenými hodnotami a celkové shrnutí přínosu vytvořeného modelu pro jeho využití při předpovídání chování přehrady v extrémních případech.

Settlement Behaviour Of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dams: A Case Study

Ozkuzukiran, Riza Savas 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this study settlement behaviour of K&uuml / rt&uuml / n dam, which is the first concrete faced rockfill dam in Turkey, is investigated. Two dimensional plane strain finite element analyses are carried out in order to determine the total stresses and displacements during construction and reservoir filling conditions. Hardening soil model is used in order to represent the non-linear, inelastic and stress dependent behaviour of rockfill material. Material model parameters are selected mainly referring to the previous studies on the dams consisting of similar materials. Calculated stresses and settlements are compared with the observed values and in general, they were found to be in good agreement for the construction stages. It is seen that, due to the relatively narrow valley and steep abutment slopes, arching is a significant parameter as far as the stresses and settlements are concerned. For the reservoir impounding condition, calculated settlements were found to be slightly larger than the observed values, which may indicate that during the reservoir impounding, the rockfill embankment behaves in a stiffer manner as compared to that of during construction stages.

Numerisk modellering av deformationer och portryck i en experimentdamm : Jämförelse mellan in-situmätningar och FE-simuleringar i PLAXIS 2D / Numerical modelling of deformations and pore pressures in an experimental embankment dam : Comparison between in-situ measurements and FE simulations in PLAXIS 2D

Sjödin, Adam January 2021 (has links)
Under hösten 2019 har Vattenfall Research & Development byggt en experimentell jordfyllningsdamm i Älvkarleby med dimensionerna 20x15x4 meter. Delar av experimentdammen är konventionellt konstruerade och har installerats med geoteknisk utrustning som utgörs av bland annat inklinometrar och portrycksgivare. Andra delar av experimentdammen har byggts in med defekter som ska representera åldersrelaterade skador eller utförandefel vid konstruktion. Experimentdammen ger möjlighet att under realistiska och kontrollerade förhållanden studera det mekaniska beteendet i samband med fyllning av vatten och vidare drift med hjälp av den geotekniska instrumenteringen samt med stöd av numerisk modellering. I detta examensarbete, som utgör en del av Luleå tekniska universitets forskningsprojekt mot experimentdammen, har experimentdammens beteende i form av deformationer och portryck studerats under uppfyllnad och drift fram till sommaren 2021. Detta har utförts genom simuleringar i det finita elementprogrammet PLAXIS 2D 2019 för en tvärsektion av experimentdammen i plant-deformationstillstånd. Mätpunkterna i modellen har baserats på faktisk placering av den geotekniska instrumenteringen. Den finita elementmodellen av experimentdammen har konstruerats och fyllts med vatten enligt dokumentation från fält. En flödes-deformationsanalys, med den konstitutiva modellen Hardening Soil och den hydrauliska modellen van Genuchten, har tillämpats för att modellera den simultana utvecklingen av portryck och deformationer under uppfyllnad. Materialparametervärden för den finita elementmodelleringen har erhållits från Vattenfall R&D, relevant litteratur och från fält- och laboratorieförsök. I fält har vattenvolymeterförsök utförts på tätkärnan och i laboratoriemiljö har modifierad proctorpackning, dränerade konventionella triaxialförsök, permeabilitetsförsök och övertryckskapillarimeterförsök utförts på tätkärnans material. Resultatet från övertryckskapillarimeterförsök har anpassats mot den hydrauliska modellen van Genuchten för att uppskatta en vattenbindningskurva som beskriver det icke-linjära förhållandet mellan jordens vatteninnehåll och porundertryck, det vill säga det omättade förhållandet. Vattenbindningskurvor för övriga materialzoner har uppskattats baserat på litteratur. Verktyget PLAXIS SoilTest har använts för att optimera materialparametervärden för tätkärnan mot resultat från utförda triaxialförsök. Materialparametrarna E50ref, Eoedref, Eurref, m, c, och ϕ har optimerats fram till brott i triaxial belastning. En känslighetsanalys har utförts för reduktion av filterzonernas och stödfyllningens styvhetsmoduler och deras inverkan på horisontella deformationer i dammkroppen under uppfyllnad. Känslighetsanalysen indikerar att finfiltrets styvhetsmoduler har störst inverkan och grovfiltrets styvhetsmoduler har minst inverkan på de horisontella deformationerna. Studiens resultat visar att magnituden av horisontella och vertikala deformationer kommer vara som störst i den övre delen av dammkroppen och uppgår där till 3,5 respektive 4,0 mm. Dammkroppens huvudsakliga rörelse kommer vara i nedströms riktning och det observerades hur en kontaktzon mellan uppströms filterzon och tätkärnan utgör en gräns för riktning av deformationer. Faktiskt uppmätta rörelser i installerade inklinometrar kunde inte jämföras mot deformationer i den finita elementmodellen eftersom författarens tolkning indikerar på att botten av inklinometrarna har rört på sig, och mätpunkterna i botten av modellen är fixerade. Modellen visar hur en fördröjd utveckling av vattenmättnad sker genom tätkärnan, där uppströms sida av tätkärnan reagerar snabbare på förändringar i vattennivå jämfört med nedströms sida av tätkärnan som uppvisar en fördröjd respons. Vid en sänkning av vattennivån observerades hur tätkärnan håller kvar vatten ovan portryckslinjen medan de grövre materialen dränerar i takt med vattennivåns sänkning. Utvecklingen av de simulerade portrycken i modellen under uppfyllnad och drift överensstämmer bra med de uppmätta portrycken i experimentdammen, när portrycken är positiva. Det observeras hur den finita elementmodellen överskattar negativa portryck (porundertryck). Portrycken i modellen når ett stadigt tillstånd ungefär 115 dagar efter att fyllningen av vatten påbörjats. Den finita elementmodellen lyckas att återge det teoretiska beteendet av jordfyllningsdammar under fyllning i form av huvudsakliga riktningar av deformationer och utveckling av vattenmättnad i tätkärnan. Denna studie bidrar till en djupare förståelse för experimentdammens, och i allmänhet jordfyllningsdammars, mekaniska beteende under uppfyllnad. Resultaten från den finita elementmodellen kan ur ett dammsäkerhetsperspektiv användas för erhålla indikationer på utvecklingen av deformationer, portryck och vattenmättnadsgrad i jordfyllningsdammar under uppfyllnad, och även under en tillfällig sänkning av vattennivån under den första fyllningen. Studien ger också indikationer på vilka materialparametrar som är viktiga vid numerisk modellering av mekaniskt beteende i jordfyllningsdammar. / During the autumn of 2019, Vattenfall Research & Development constructed an experimental embankment dam in Älvkarleby with the dimensions 20x15x4 metres. Parts of the experimental dam are conventionally constructed and have been equipped with geotechnical instrumentation which consist of, among other things, inclinometers and pore pressure transducers. Other parts of the experimental dam have built in defects to represent age-related damages or execution errors during construction. The experimental embankment dam provides the opportunity to, under realistic and controlled conditions, study the mechanical behaviour during filling of water and operation by means of the geotechnical instrumentation and the use of numerical modelling. In this master’s thesis, which forms part of Luleå University of Technology’s research project towards the experimental dam, the behaviour of the experimental dam in terms of deformations and pore pressures have been studied during filling and operation until the summer of 2021. This has been performed by simulations in the finite element program PLAXIS 2D 2019 for a cross section of the experimental dam under plane-strain conditions. Measuring points in the model have been based on the actual location of the geotechnical instrumentation. The finite element model of the experimental dam has been constructed and filled according to documentation from field. A fully-coupled flow deformation analysis, with the constitutive model Hardening Soil and hydraulic model van Genuchten, has been utilised to model the simultaneous development of pore pressure and deformations during filling. Values of material parameters for the finite element modelling have been received from Vattenfall R&D, relevant literature and from field- and laboratory tests. In the field, balloon tests have been performed on the core material. In laboratory environment, modified proctor compaction tests, drained conventional triaxial tests, permeability tests and pressure plate tests have been performed on the core material. Results from the pressure plate tests have been adapted to the hydraulic model van Genuchten to estimate a soil-water characteristic curve in order to describe the non-linear relation between the water content and suction in the soil, i.e. unsaturated conditions. Soil-water characteristic curves for the other material zones have been estimated based on literature. The tool PLAXIS SoilTest has been used to optimise material parameter values of the core against the results from conducted triaxial tests. The material parameters E50ref, Eoedref, Eurref, m, c, and ϕ have been optimised until failure in triaxial loading. A sensitivity analysis has been carried out, by reducing stiffness moduli of the filter zones and the shoulder material, to investigate the influence on horizontal deformations in the dam body during filling. The sensitivity analysis indicates that the stiffness moduli of the fine filter have the largest impact and the stiffness moduli of the coarse filter have the least impact on the horizontal deformations. The results of the study show that the magnitude of horizontal and vertical deformations will be largest in the upper part of the dam body and amounts to 3.5 and 4.0 mm, respectively. The main movement of the dam body will be in the downstream direction and it was observed how a contact zone between the upstream filter zone and the core forms a boundary for direction of deformations. Actual measured movements in the installed inclinometers could not be compared to deformations in the finite element model because the author’s interpretation indicates that the bottom of the inclinometers have moved, and the measuring points at the bottom of the model are fixed. The model shows how a delayed development of saturation occur through the core, where the upstream side of the core responds more quickly to changes in water level compared with the downstream side of the core which show a delayed response. At a lowering of the water level, it was observed how the core retains water above the phreatic line while the coarser materials drain as the water level decreases. Development of the simulated pore pressures in the model during filling and operation corresponds well with the measured pore pressures in the experimental dam, when the pore pressures are positive. It is observed how the finite element model overestimates negative pore pressures (suction). The pore pressures in the model reaches a steady state approximately 115 days after filling of water started. The finite element model succeeds in reproducing the theoretical behaviour of embankment dams during filling in terms of main directions of deformations and development of saturation in the core. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the experimental dam, and in general mechanical behaviour of embankment dams during filling. The results from the finite element model can be used from a dam safety perspective to obtain indications on the development of deformations, pore pressures and degree of saturation in embankment dams during filling, and also for a temporary lowering of the water level during the first filling. The study also provides indications of which material parameters that are of importance in numerical modelling of mechanical behaviour in embankment dams.

Retroanálise de uma escavação de vala escorada a céu aberto de uma linha do metrô de São Paulo / Back analyses of on open trench excavation for the São Paulo subway

Frigerio, Giulio Peterlevitz 23 March 2004 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta em primeira etapa o trabalho desenvolvido para averiguar a adequação dos modelos reológicos de Mohr-Coulomb e de Endurecimento de solo, para representar as deformações e distorções que ocorrem no sistema soloestrutura, quando do processo de escavação de valas escoradas. Além disto, em uma segunda etapa fazem-se estimativas de previsão de danos causados em edificações, em decorrência das escavações de uma vala escorada da linha 1 do Metropolitano de São Paulo (Metrô S.P.). A primeira e a segunda etapa foram feitas através de 810 simulações numéricas, em elementos finitos utilizando-se o software PLAXIS, associadas a retroanálise por processo direto do módulo de deformabilidade a 50% da tensão de ruptura dos solos utilizando-se para isto o processo direto. Apresenta-se também uma síntese da formação e dos tipos de solos que constituem a bacia sedimentar de São Paulo, onde se localiza a seção experimental nº1 objeto de estudo desta dissertação. Faz-se uma breve revisão bibliográfica a respeito das técnicas de retroanálise. Apresentam-se critérios para escolha de intervalos de parâmetros geotécnicos que representem o sistema solo-estrutura no processo de escavação. Foram feitas análises paramétricas para determinar os parâmetros geotécnicos que mais influenciam o sistema solo-estrutura. Comparam-se os modelos constitutivos de Mohr-Coulomb e de endurecimento na previsão das deformações. Por fim, faz-se a previsão do nível de danos causados pelas escavações da vala, a um edifício hipotético / This dissertation presents, in a first part, the work done to verify how appropriate are the Mohr-Coulomb and hardening soil constitutive models to represent the strains and the distortions associated with escavations of braced wall process. In the second part, estimates are made of the damages in constructions due to the braced excavations of line one of Sao Paulo Subway (Metrô S.P.). In the two phases, 810 numeric simulations were made, in finite elements using the software PLAXIS, associated the back analysis for direct process. It is presented a synthesis of the formation and the types of soils that constitute the basin of the sediments of the city of São Paulo, where is located the section experimental nº1, object of study of this dissertation. It is presented an short bibliographical revision regarding the back analysis techniques. Criteria for choice of intervals of parameters geotechnical that represent the system soil-structure in the excavation process are presented. Parametric analyses are made to determine which the parameters have larger influence in the behavior of the system soil-structure. The behavior of the soil-structure system is simulated using the Mohr-Coulomb and hardening soil constitutive models. The Mohr-Coulomb and hardening soil constitutive models are compared in the forecast of the deformations. Finally, it is made the forecast of the level of damages to a hypothetical building caused by the braced excavations

Retroanálise de uma escavação de vala escorada a céu aberto de uma linha do metrô de São Paulo / Back analyses of on open trench excavation for the São Paulo subway

Giulio Peterlevitz Frigerio 23 March 2004 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta em primeira etapa o trabalho desenvolvido para averiguar a adequação dos modelos reológicos de Mohr-Coulomb e de Endurecimento de solo, para representar as deformações e distorções que ocorrem no sistema soloestrutura, quando do processo de escavação de valas escoradas. Além disto, em uma segunda etapa fazem-se estimativas de previsão de danos causados em edificações, em decorrência das escavações de uma vala escorada da linha 1 do Metropolitano de São Paulo (Metrô S.P.). A primeira e a segunda etapa foram feitas através de 810 simulações numéricas, em elementos finitos utilizando-se o software PLAXIS, associadas a retroanálise por processo direto do módulo de deformabilidade a 50% da tensão de ruptura dos solos utilizando-se para isto o processo direto. Apresenta-se também uma síntese da formação e dos tipos de solos que constituem a bacia sedimentar de São Paulo, onde se localiza a seção experimental nº1 objeto de estudo desta dissertação. Faz-se uma breve revisão bibliográfica a respeito das técnicas de retroanálise. Apresentam-se critérios para escolha de intervalos de parâmetros geotécnicos que representem o sistema solo-estrutura no processo de escavação. Foram feitas análises paramétricas para determinar os parâmetros geotécnicos que mais influenciam o sistema solo-estrutura. Comparam-se os modelos constitutivos de Mohr-Coulomb e de endurecimento na previsão das deformações. Por fim, faz-se a previsão do nível de danos causados pelas escavações da vala, a um edifício hipotético / This dissertation presents, in a first part, the work done to verify how appropriate are the Mohr-Coulomb and hardening soil constitutive models to represent the strains and the distortions associated with escavations of braced wall process. In the second part, estimates are made of the damages in constructions due to the braced excavations of line one of Sao Paulo Subway (Metrô S.P.). In the two phases, 810 numeric simulations were made, in finite elements using the software PLAXIS, associated the back analysis for direct process. It is presented a synthesis of the formation and the types of soils that constitute the basin of the sediments of the city of São Paulo, where is located the section experimental nº1, object of study of this dissertation. It is presented an short bibliographical revision regarding the back analysis techniques. Criteria for choice of intervals of parameters geotechnical that represent the system soil-structure in the excavation process are presented. Parametric analyses are made to determine which the parameters have larger influence in the behavior of the system soil-structure. The behavior of the soil-structure system is simulated using the Mohr-Coulomb and hardening soil constitutive models. The Mohr-Coulomb and hardening soil constitutive models are compared in the forecast of the deformations. Finally, it is made the forecast of the level of damages to a hypothetical building caused by the braced excavations

Definición de criterios de influencia entre parámetros geotécnicos y profundidad en excavaciones, mediante la aplicación de un software de elementos finitos para la grava del conglomerado de Lima Metropolitana / Definition of Criteria of influence from Geotechnical Parameters and Depth in Excavations, through the application of a finite element’s software for the Metropolitan Lima conglomerate gravel.

Luque Aldana, Luis Alejandro, Rodríguez Manyari, Adrián Franz 31 October 2020 (has links)
La presente tesis tiene como finalidad establecer criterios de influencia entre parámetros geotécnicos y profundidad de excavaciones en suelos gravosos, mediante la aplicación de un software de elementos finitos. Para ello, se tomó como referencia a 5 estudios geotécnicos desarrollados en Lima Metropolitana (Santa Anita, San Isidro, Miraflores y San Luis), en donde se emplearon diversos ensayos con el fin de obtener parámetros necesarios para su modelación. Por ejemplo, gracias a estos estudios, se determinaron rangos a los parámetros geotécnicos (Ángulo de fricción, Cohesión y Peso Específico) que serán considerados en la modelación de los casos de estudio. De acuerdo con estos estudios, el Ángulo de Fricción oscila entre 25° y 46°; la Cohesión entre 10 kPa y 84 kPa; mientras que el Peso Específico tiene un rango de 18 kN/m3 a 24 kN/m3. Las excavaciones que serán evaluadas durante la presente investigación serán de 8m, 12m y 16m de profundidad y contarán también con rangos para el Módulo de Elasticidad (E50) y el Coeficiente de carga y descarga (Eur) necesarios para analizar el comportamiento físico del suelo. Los resultados obtenidos luego de emplear el Modelo Constitutivo Hardening Soil, fue que conforme van incrementado los Ángulos de fricción del suelo y el Módulo de Elasticidad (E50), los desplazamientos van disminuyendo poco a poco (estamos hablando de una relación inversamente proporcional). Asimismo, existe una relación directamente proporcional entre la profundidad de excavación, el módulo de elasticidad y los desplazamientos del suelo considerando un sistema de reforzamiento anclado. / The purpose of this thesis is to establish criteria of influence between geotechnical parameters and depth of excavations in burdensome soils, through the application of finite element software. For this, 5 geotechnical studies developed in Metropolitan Lima (Santa Anita, San Isidro, Miraflores and San Luis) were taken as a reference, where various tests were used in order to obtain parameters necessary for their modeling. For example, thanks to these studies, ranges were determined for the geotechnical parameters (Angle of friction, Cohesion and Specific Weight) that will be considered in the modeling of the case studies. According to these studies, the Angle of Friction ranges from 25 ° to 46 °; Cohesion between 10 kPa and 84 kPa; while the Specific Weight has a range from 18 kN / m3 to 24 kN / m3. The excavations that will be evaluated during this investigation will be 8m, 12m and 16m deep and will also have ranges for the Modulus of Elasticity (E50) and the Coefficient of loading and unloading (Eur) necessary to analyze the physical behavior of the soil. The results obtained after using the Hardening Soil Constitutive Model were that as the friction Angles of the soil and the Modulus of Elasticity (E50) increase, the displacements gradually decrease (we are talking about an inversely proportional relationship). Likewise, there is a directly proportional relationship between excavation depth, modulus of elasticity and soil displacements considering an anchored reinforcement system. / Tesis

Výpočet sedání výškové budovy s využitím metody konečných prvků / Prediction of foundation settlement of high-rise building using the finite element method

Červenka, Jan January 2020 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is to deal with reverse engineering of high-rise building settlements. This is modeled via the finite element method performed in the Plaxis 3D program. In the first part of this thesis, a calibration of input parameters of an appropriate material model – Hardening soil – is conducted. This calibration is a result of oedometric test data which were obtained within a geotechnical survey. An influence of soils over consolidation affecting calibration and the material model choice is described. Final values of reference stiffness parameters are used in a mathematical model of the focused area. This model is created for one half of the high-rise building plan, including vestibule. The high-rise building is founded in a foundation pit. The foundations of this building consist of raft foundation and piles of jet grouting. In the model, there are also changes in pore pressure during an excavation of foundation pit included. The functional model is used for parametric analyses, namely examining cases of object´s foundations and the possible influence of foundation pit´s symmetry on the object´s settlement. All the calculated processes in the object´s settlements are then compared to data obtained from geotechnical monitoring of the structure.

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