Spelling suggestions: "subject:"harmful"" "subject:"armful""
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Métodos substitutivos ao uso prejudicial de animais no ensino médico veterinário: uma análise da realidade brasileira por meio da percepção do estudante / Substitutive methods to the use of animals in Veterinary Medical Education: an analysis of the Brazilian reality through the perception of the studentRosangela Ribeiro Gebara 21 September 2015 (has links)
No ensino da medicina veterinária esta implícito o uso de animais para o aprendizado das mais diversas habilidades profissionais, sendo que na maioria das vezes os animais utilizados nas práticas pedagógicas sofrem algum tipo de prejuízo ou morrem para este fim. Com o aumento da preocupação ética em relação aos animais, nas últimas duas décadas, surgiu a necessidade de se substituir estes métodos de ensino onde havia prejuízo aos animais e ao aprendizado do aluno, por métodos humanitários. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o conhecimento e opinião dos alunos das Faculdades de Medicina Veterinária brasileiras acerca da implementação dos chamados “métodos substitutivos“ ao uso prejudicial de animais e os métodos que estão sendo utilizados atualmente. Foram obtidas 1383 respostas de estudantes de medicina veterinária de 26 estados brasileiros e do Distrito Federal, que responderam questionário semiaberto divulgado de forma online e as respostas foram submetidas à uma analise estatística que nos permitiu concluir que 47,9% dos entrevistados desconhecem a principal legislação acerca do uso de animais, 66,4% afirmaram conhecer o que é um método substitutivo ao uso de animais, 87,7% entendem como "uso prejudicial de animais” a eutanásia de um animal saudável para fins didáticos”; 55,6% acreditam que métodos substitutivos podem sim substituir o uso de animais, desde que seja o método apropriado e que a principal vantagem desta substituição seria o fato de que são métodos eticamente aceitáveis onde não há crueldade contra animais” (57,3%) e a principal desvantagem seria o custo para aquisição (51,8%). Cerca de 93% indicaram que há utilização de animais no seu curso, sendo que a principal espécie o cão (76,5%) e a anatomia apontada como a disciplina que mais utiliza animais. Quanto as aulas de técnica cirúrgica, o método mais citado foi o uso de cadáveres preservados (27,2%).Quanto a utilização de métodos substitutivos, 47,3% responderam que seus cursos utilizam estes métodos e que a disciplina que mais utilizava métodos como manequins, simuladores, vídeos, e softwares era a de anatomia, seguidas das disciplinas de clinica e cirurgia de pequenos animais, que utilizavam atendimento clinico de animais da comunidade ou de ONGs. De acordo com os dados analisados, podemos afirmar que os alunos de Instituições de ensino públicas tiveram mais contato com o conceito dos 3Rs que os alunos de Instituições de ensino privadas e que não há diferenças significativas entre as Instituições públicas e privadas quanto ao uso de métodos substitutivos. Diante destes resultados, faz-se necessário um esforço de toda comunidade acadêmica, dos docentes, dos coordenadores e do comitê de ética da escola no sentido de se desenvolver e implantar métodos didáticos humanitários e eficazes, que possam ir ao encontro das necessidades e posicionamentos éticos dos estudantes de medicina veterinária / In veterinary medicine teaching is implicit the use of animals for learning different professional skills, and most of the time these animals used in pedagogical practices suffer some kind of injury or die for this purpose. With the increasing of the ethical concern for animals in the last two decades, emerged the necessity to replace these teaching methods to humane methods. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of the "substitutive methods" to the harmful use of animals in veterinary teaching and training in Brazilian Schools, through information obtained from undergraduate students. They were obtained 1383 answers of veterinary medical students from 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District, who responded an online semi-open questionnaire, the responses were submitted to a statistical analysis and we concluded that 47.9% of respondents are unaware of the main legislation about the use of animals, 66.4% said they knew what is a substitute method to animal use, 87.7% perceive as "harmful use of animals' - euthanasia of healthy animals for teaching purposes"; 55.6% believe that substitutive methods can replace the use of animals, but depends of the method, the main advantage of these humane methods is the fact that they are ethically acceptable and avoid animal cruelty"(57.3%) and the main problem would be the cost of acquisition (51.8%). About 93% indicated that use animals in its course, and the main specie is the dog (76.5%) and the anatomy was considered the discipline that use most animals. In the surgical classes, the most cited method was the use of preserved cadavers (27.2%). Regarding the use of substitutive methods, 47.3% answered that their courses using these methods and the discipline that most used methods such as mannequins, simulators, videos, and software was the anatomy, followed by clinical disciplines and surgery of small animals who used clinical care of animals from the community or NGOs. According to the data analysed, we can say that most students of public education institutions had contact with the concept of the 3Rs than students in private educational institutions and there are no significant differences between public and private institutions on the use of substitutive methods. According to this result, is necessary an effort of the academic community (teachers, coordinators and school ethics committee) in order to develop and implement humane and effective teaching methods, which can meet the ethical requirements and positions of students of veterinary medicine
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Alterações nos parâmetros biológicos de Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) e Cotesia flavipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) causadas por Nosema sp. (Microsporidia: Nosematidae) / Alterations in biological parameters of Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and Cotesia flavipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) caused by Nosema sp. (Microsporidia: Nosematidae)Renata Araujo Simões 10 April 2012 (has links)
O Filo Microsporidia é composto por parasitas intracelulares obrigatórios que infectam de invertebrados a mamíferos. Alguns gêneros de microsporídeos entomopatogênicos são de extrema importância, visto que diversos estudos epizootiológicos indicam tais agentes como detentores de um papel fundamental na regulação da densidade populacional de seus hospedeiros. Além disso, esses patógenos são considerados como um dos principais obstáculos na manutenção da sanidade nas criações de insetos em laboratório. No Brasil, a partir de 1977, foram relatadas as primeiras ocorrências de nosemoses em criações de laboratório da broca-da-cana, Diatraea saccharalis (Fabr.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Este problema agravou-se no decorrer dos anos em função de alterações nas técnicas de criação da broca visando aumentar a escala produtiva deste inseto e do parasitoide Cotesia flavipes (Cam.) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Os objetivos deste trabalho consistiram na: (i) caracterização morfológica e molecular do patógeno, abordando ciclo de vida, patogenicidade a outros lepidópteros de importância agrícola e prevalência em populações de laboratório e campo de D. saccharalis e C. flavipes; (ii) determinação da virulência de Nosema sp. a D. saccharalis em laboratório; (iii) caraterização da propagação do patógeno nas lagartas e sua disseminação pelas fezes; (iv) efeitos da infecção na biologia de D. saccharalis e de C. flavipes e no desempenho do parasitoide quanto à seleção de hospedeiros infectados e não infectados; (v) transmissão do patógeno por C. flavipes a sua progênie e seus hospedeiros e (vi) controle de Nosema sp. em D. saccharalis por produtos antimicrobianos. Foi confirmado que o microsporídeo isolado de D. saccharalis pertence ao gênero Nosema, sendo patogênico à todas as espécies-praga avaliadas. A prevalência do patógeno em C. flavipes foi maior que a prevalência nas criações de D. saccharalis. Os esporos de Nosema sp. foram liberados nas fezes de D. saccharalis, variando o tempo até a liberação e a quantidade de esporos de acordo com o inóculo inicial de infecção. Embora Nosema seja considerado por muitos cientistas como enzoótico e com baixo potencial como agente de controle microbiano para ser usado de forma inundativa, a DL50 para D. saccharalis de 1º ínstar foi estimada em 5,6 esporos, demonstrando como as lagartas recém-eclodidas são muito suscetíveis ao microsporídeo. Infecções por Nosema sp. afetaram negativamente a biologia de D. saccharalis, exceto a duração da fase de pupa, sendo transmitido horizontal e verticalmente. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na mortalidade de D. saccharalis infectadas por Nosema sp. tratadas com os antimicrobianos utilizados neste estudo em comparação à mortalidade do tratamento controle. Os parâmetros biológicos e o comportamento de C. flavipes sofreram alterações causadas pelo patógeno Nosema sp., que foi transmitido pelo parasitoide para o hospedeiro e por pelo menos quatro geraçõe de C. flavipes. Estes resultados ressaltam a relevância dos estudos sobre o impacto de Nosema sp. em D. saccharalis e C. flavipes, justificando esforços futuros no manejo da doença, dada a importância dessas espécies no agroecossistema da cana-de-açúcar. / The phylum Microsporidia consists of obligatory intracellular parasites that infect from invertebrates to mammalians. Some genera of entomopathogenic microsporidia are extremely important, considering that several epizootiological studies indicate that these agents as having a key role in density population regulating of their hosts. In addition, these pathogens are considered a major obstacle in maintaining healthiness in laboratory insect rearing. In Brazil occurrences of nosemoses were first reported in laboratory rearing of sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (Fabr.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), in the 1977. This problem has worsened over the years due to changes in the rearing methods aiming to increase the production scale of this insect and the parasitoid Cotesia flavipes (Cam.) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). The objectives of this project consisted of (i) morphological and molecular characterization of the pathogen, addressing life cycle, pathogenicity to other lepidopterans of agricultural importance and prevalence in D. saccharalis and C. flavipes in laboratory rearing and in sugarcane plantations in the State of São Paulo, (ii) virulence of Nosema sp. to D. saccharalis in laboratory, (iii) transmission of the pathogen in D. saccharalis larvae and their dissemination in feces, (iv) the effects of infection on D. saccharalis and C. flavipes biology and performance of the parasitoid on the selection of infected and uninfected hosts, (v) the transmission of the pathogen by C. flavipes to their progeny and their hosts and (vi) the control of Nosema sp. in D. saccharalis by antimicrobial products. It was confirmed that the microsporidium isolated from D. saccharalis belongs to the genus Nosema, being pathogenic to all pest species evaluated in the host specificity study. The prevalence of the pathogen in C. flavipes was higher than the one in the D. saccharalis rearing facilities. Nosema sp spores were disseminated in the feces of D. saccharalis, varying the time until their release and the quantity of spores according to the initial inoculum of infection. Although Nosema is considered by many scientists as enzootic and low potential as a microbial control agent to be used inundatively, the LD50 for 1st instar D. saccharalis was estimated as 5.6 spores, demonstrating how that the newly-hatched larvae are very susceptible to this pathogen. Nosema sp. infections negatively affected the biology of D. saccharalis, except in the duration of the pupal stage, being transmitted horizontally and vertically. There were no significant differences in mortality of D. saccharalis infected by Nosema sp. treated with the antibiotics used in this study compared with the mortality of the control treatment. The biological parameters and behavior of C. flavipes suffered adverse effects caused by the pathogen Nosema sp., which was transmitted to the host by the parasitoid and its progeny to four C. flavipes generation. These results underscore the relevance of studies on the impact of Nosema sp. in D. saccharalis and C. flavipes, justifying future efforts in managing the disease, given the importance of these species in the sugarcane ecosystem.
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Recentes avanços na toxidade em têxteis: avaliação da toxicidade do formaldeído em têxteis via mercado brasileiro atual em relação à globalização / Recent advances in toxicity in textiles: evaluation of toxicity of formaldehyde in textiles via the Brazilian market in relation to globalizationMarcelo Costa 07 December 2017 (has links)
Em 2014, foi criado pela ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas), um grupo de trabalho, autointitulado GT- Segurança Química em Têxteis, vinculado ao CB-17 ABNT Comitê Brasileiro de Têxteis ao qual,sua premissa, é criar normalizações nacionais por meio do estudo das legislações e normas internacionais vigentes que versam sobre as questões de toxicidade de produtos têxteis e confeccionados. Onde, sua adaptação, atua diretamente às condições tecnológicas das indústrias nacionais e das necessidades de proteção da saúde dos consumidores. Onze grupos de substâncias, consideradas perigosas, foram inicialmente foco das discussões, que deram origem às sistemáticas de definição qualitativa e quantitativa da presença de classes de produtos químicos em produtos têxteis e confeccionados. No entanto, em razão do volume e da complexidade total do estudo, o objetivo deste projeto foi identificar e quantificar a presença de formaldeído utilizada nos processos de obtenção de fibras, fios, ou tecido, bem como nos processos de beneficiamentos têxteis, com ênfase no residual presente em artigos têxteis e confeccionados, produto este que pode ser encontrado em muitos artigos têxteis e couros, devido a sua presença na composição de uma variedade de auxiliares químicos utilizados no beneficiamento. A Metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica constituída em procedimento básico para os estudos monográficos, a pesquisa tecnológica que visa à materialização de um produto, protótipo, processo, instalação piloto ou um estudo de viabilização desses e, para análise de dados, utilizou-se a pesquisa quantitativa e os resultados experimentais mostraram que o método adotado foi adequado para a proposta do estudo / In 2014, was established by ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas), a working group, self-titled GT-chemical safety in textile, linked to the CB-17-ABNT-Brazilian Committee of textiles which, your premise is to create national normalizations through the study of existing laws and international standards relating to the issues of toxicity of textile and made-up. Where your adaptation, acts directly to the technological conditions of national industries and the needs of protection of consumer health. Eleven groups of substances considered dangerous, were initially focus the discussions, giving rise to systematic qualitative and quantitative definition of classes of chemicals in textiles and made-up. However, due to the volume and the total complexity of the study, the objective of this project was to identify and quantify the presence of formaldehyde used in the process of getting fiber, yarn, or fabric, as well as in cases of processed textiles, with emphasis on the present in residual textile and made-up, this product can be found in many textile and leather due to your presence in a variety of auxiliary chemicals used in processing. The methodology used was bibliographical research consists in basic procedure for the monographic studies, technological research aimed at the materialization of a product prototype, pilot installation process or a feasibility study of these and, for data analysis, quantitative research and experimental results showed that the method adopted was suited to the proposal of the study
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Smoking prevalence, knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about health risks of tobacco smoking among female Psychology 1 students at the University of the Western CapeMalinga, Mandisa January 2011 (has links)
Magister Psychologiae - MPsych / Tobacco smoking is the second major cause of preventable deaths in South Africa. The
Western Cape has the second highest smoking rates in South Africa and the highest smoking rate among young women. Previous studies indicate that female smokers are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of smoking than males. The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs regarding health risks of tobacco use among female undergraduate students at the University of the Western Cape. A sample of 210 female psychology 1 students were recruited and served as research participants. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire adapted from instruments measuring knowledge, attitudes and beliefs regarding the health risks of tobacco smoking. Descriptive and Inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The Health Belief Model was used as the theoretical framework for this study. The results showed a 20% prevalence of smoking among the students. Differences were found among smoking and non-smoking participants regarding their knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about the health risks of tobacco smoking. The results of the study may inform smoking prevention and intervention strategies aimed at female students on campus.
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Daňová konkurence v USA a v Evropské unii / Tax Competition in the USA and in the European UnionBúry, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The subject matter of the thesis is a comparative analysis of the possibilities of tax competition in the USA and in the European Union. It aims to compare the extent and form of the tax competition within these systems. The thesis consists of five parts. At the beginning, the term tax competition is examined and the possibility of a distinction between fair and unfair tax practices is explored. In the next part the analysis of the US tax system with a focus on competition in the area of direct and indirect taxation is carried out. The third part provides similarly structured analysis of the tax competition in the EU. The fourth part presents the evaluation and the comparison of the tax competition in both systems. The final part concludes with certain normative recommendations for the future of the EU tax system which are made with respect to their applicability for current deliberation of the reform of the taxation in the European Union. The performed analysis yielded interesting results. Contrary to the expectations, it was determined that the tax competition in the US was more intense than in the EU and the tax practices used by some US states included at least the same level of unfairness as those used by some member states in the EU.
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Det finns inget dåligt väder, bara dåliga bostäder : Kartläggning av bebyggelse med risk för höga temperaturer i Kalmar läns största tätorter / There’s no bad weather, only lousy residences : Mapping of buildingswith risk of high temperatures in Kalmar County's largest citiesJohansson, Victor January 2021 (has links)
Global warming risks overthrowing the Earth's climate system, which would mean thatmany communities need to be reshaped and adapted to a new climate. The PublicHealth Agency of Sweden has run a project during the years 2017-2019 that aims toincrease society's ability to identify, prevent and manage harmful heat in existingbuildings. The project focuses on covering the occurrence and developing measures toprevent heat stress in both urban outdoor- and indoor environments. The agency has commissioned a GIS method which, based on the buildings' groundcover, aims to identify areas that are at risk of developing harmful temperatures. Themethod is based on first calculating the total land area of the cities in order to be able tocalculate the proportion of the area covered by high vegetation, hardened surfaces,building bodies and low vegetation. Based on this calculation, areas with a highproportion of paved surfaces and building bodies as well as a low proportion of highvegetation have been identified as areas with a higher risk of developing harmfultemperatures. In this essay, the method has been used to identify risk areas in KalmarCounty's largest cities; Kalmar, Västervik and Oskarshamn. High temperatures can be dangerous for all people, but elderly people are highlighted asa particularly vulnerable group as they have a reduced ability to regulate bodytemperature. Therefore the survey of the thesis has been supplemented with data onwhere people over the age of 65 live in relation to the risk areas in order to make furtherpriorities in where the measures are needed the most. The conclusion is that the need for cooling measures in the mapped cities is greatest inthe urban centers, as the high density of urban areas there provides good conditions fordeveloping high temperatures while a large part of the old population live in thesecentral areas. Several industrial areas have been identified as risk areas in all mappedcities, but there the need for cooling measures is less as they are usually located on theoutskirts of the cities and lack residents over 65 years. The exception is the OldIndustrial Area in Kalmar, whose central location and the circular design of Kalmarindicate that high temperatures develop here at night, which can drive the urban heatisland in the city.
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Understanding the Impacts of Harmful Algal Blooms on Biologically-Active Filtration for Drinking Water TreatmentJeon, Youchul January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Farmer Willingness to Implement Constructed Wetlands in the Western Lake Erie BasinSoldo, Cole George January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Keeping an Eye on Lake Erie: Using Remote Sensing Imagery to Identify Characteristics of Harmful Algal BloomsAvouris, Dulcinea M. 31 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Nutrient Loading from the Maumee River to Lake ErieHoward, Lucas Margiotta 23 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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