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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Doing Our Work Better, Together: An Application of Relational Coordination Theory to Explore and Shape Excellence in Trauma Care

Purdy, Eve Isabelle 08 1900 (has links)
I conducted a mixed-methods collaborative ethnography using the lens of relational coordination theory. This included a qualitative survey using an established tool to analyze the relational dimensions of multidisciplinary teamwork, participant observation, interviews, and narrative surveys. Findings were presented to clinicians in working groups for further interpretation and to facilitate co-creation of targeted interventions designed to improve team relationships and performance. I engaged a complex multidisciplinary network of ~500 care providers dispersed across seven core interdependent clinical disciplines. Initial findings highlighted the importance of each dimension of relational coordination in trauma care. Narrative survey and ethnographic findings further highlighted the centrality of team briefings and a translational simulation program in contributing positively to team culture and relational ties. A range of 16 interventions – focusing on structural, process and relational dimensions – were co-created with participants after reflecting on findings and are now being implemented and evaluated by various trauma care providers. Relational coordination theory is a valuable way to conceptualize the coordination of trauma care. Collaborative reflection on quantitative and narrative data through this lens can be used as a community-based quality improvement tool.

Comparaison des modalités de traitements antibiotiques post-opératoires des mastoïdites aiguës sans complication intracrânienne chez l’enfant

Rouillard-Bazinet, Noémie 02 1900 (has links)
La mastoïdite aiguë est l'une des complications les plus courantes de l'otite moyenne aiguë chez les enfants de moins de deux ans. Selon notre revue de la littérature, aucune directive nationale ou internationale ni étude prospective n’ont été émises concernant la sécurité des traitements de relai antibiotiques oraux ou intraveineux en période post-opératoire des mastoïdites aiguës sans complication intracrânienne. L’objectif de cette étude est de comparer les traitements antibiotiques post-opératoires oraux et intraveineux des mastoïdites aiguës sans complication intracrânienne chez l’enfant. Une étude de cohorte rétrospective par consultation de dossiers hospitaliers a été effectuée. Deux groupes d'enfants (n = 29) ayant subi une intervention chirurgicale appropriée, ont été comparés selon leurs données démographiques, selon le type d'antibiotiques utilisés en période postopératoire, selon la durée de leur hospitalisation ainsi que selon la prévalence des complications. Les deux groupes ont révélé des durées équivalentes d'hospitalisation et de traitement. Le groupe ayant reçu un traitement antibiotique intraveineux a présenté 14,3% de complications mineures (n = 2) et 7,1% de complications majeures (n = 1). Le groupe ayant reçu un traitement antibiotique oral a présenté 6,7% de complications mineures (n = 1) mais aucune complication majeure. Cette étude soutient l'idée que, dans la population pédiatrique, un drainage chirurgical adéquat des mastoïdites aiguës sans complication intracrânienne peut être suivi par un traitement antibiotique oral en toute sécurité avec des résultats similaires au traitement intraveineux post-opératoire. / Acute mastoiditis is one of the most common complication of acute otitis media in children under two years old. To our knowledge, neither guidelines have been published nor prospective study has compared the oral and intravenous post-operative antibiotic treatments of mastoïditis. Our objective was to compare the oral and intravenous post-operative treatments of pediatric acute mastoiditis without intracranial complication. A retrospective cohort study was done. Two groups of children (n = 29) diagnosed with acute mastoiditis without intracranial complication, who has been operated, were compared by the demographics, the type of antibiotics, the durations of hospitalization and postoperative treatment and the incidence of complications. Both groups had equivalent duration of hospitalization and postoperative treatment. The intravenous group had 14,3% of minor complications (n = 2) and 7,1% of major complications (n = 1). The oral group had 6,7% of minor complications (n = 1) without any major complication. This study supports the notion that, in the pediatric population, adequate surgical drainage of acute mastoiditis without intracranial complication can be followed by discharge with oral antibiotics to achieve the same satisfactory and safe outcomes of intravenous treatment.

La connectivité structurelle de l'insula chez l'humain

Ghaziri, Jimmy 08 1900 (has links)
L'insula est une structure complexe impliquée dans une variété de fonctions. Les études de connectivité par traçage chez les primates non humains ont révélé une multitude de connexions corticales entre l'insula et les lobes frontal (cortex orbitofrontal, cortex préfrontal, régions cingulaires, aire motrice supplémentaire), pariétal (cortex somatosensoriel primaire et secondaire) et temporal (pôle temporal, cortex auditif, cortex prorhinal et entorhinal). Les études de tractographie chez l'humain ont révélé des connexions structurelles similaires, mais n'ont pas rapporté de connexion avec le cortex cingulaire, malgré que cette structure soit reconnue comme étant fonctionnellement connectée à l’insula. Ce projet vise à approfondir la recherche sur la connectivité structurelle entre ces deux structures ainsi que d'autres régions connues comme étant fonctionnellement connectées à l'insula, à l'aide d'un échantillon plus grand et des plus récentes méthodes en tractographie par l’imagerie à haute résolution de diffusion angulaire basée sur des a priori anatomiques. En analysant les données de 46 participants adultes en bonne santé, notre étude rapporte un large éventail de connexions entre l’insula et les lobes frontal, temporal, pariétal et occipital ainsi que les régions limbiques, suivant un patron d’organisation rostrocaudal. Notamment, nous démontrons pour la première fois une connexion structurelle claire entre l’insula et les gyri cingulaire, parahippocampique, supramarginal et angulaire ainsi que le précunéus et les régions occipitales. / The insula is a complex structure involved in a wide range of functions. Tracing studies on non-human primates reveal a wide array of cortical connections in the frontal (orbitofrontal and prefrontal cortices, cingulate areas, and supplementary motor area), parietal (primary and secondary somatosensory cortices) and temporal (temporal pole, auditory, prorhinal and entorhinal cortices) lobes. However, recent human tractography studies have not observed connections between the insula and the cingulate cortices, although these structures are thought to be functionally intimately connected. In this work, we try to unravel the structural connectivity between these regions and other known functionally connected structures, benefiting from a higher number of subjects and the latest state-of-the-art high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) tractography algorithms with anatomical priors. By performing a HARDI tractography analysis on 46 young normal adults, our study reveals a wide array of connections between the insula and the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes as well as limbic regions, with a rostro-caudal organization in line with tracing studies in macaques. Notably, we reveal for the first time in humans a clear structural connectivity between the insula and the cingulate, parahippocampal, supramarginal and angular gyri as well as the precuneus and occipital regions.

Hypophosphatémie après résection hépatique

Nafidi, Otmane 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction : L’hypophosphatémie survient couramment après hépatectomie partielle. La régénération du foie était l’explication initiale. Cependant, les pertes rénales de phosphate observées récemment suggèrent que l’hypophosphatémie est probablement d’origine rénale. Nous avons donc mesuré la fraction d’excrétion urinaire de phosphate (FePO4) après hépatectomie partielle et nous avons étudié le rôle de la parathormone (PTH) et des phosphatonines dans cette hypophosphatémie. Méthodes : Les taux sériques de phosphate, de calcium ionisé, de PTH intacte, de « fibroblast growth factor- 23 » (FGF-23) intact et carboxyle-terminal, de FGF-7, de la « frizzled-related protein-4 » (FRP-4) et de HCO3- ainsi que le pH et la FePO4 ont été mesurés avant la chirurgie et aux jours postopératoires (po) 1, 2, 3, 5 et 7, chez 18 patients ayant subi une résection hépatique partielle. Résultats : Le phosphate sérique était à son plus bas niveau (0,66 ± 0,33 mmol/l; p < 0,001) au jour po 2. La FePO4 culminait à 25,07 ± 2,26 % au jour po 1 (p < 0,05) et était associée avec le taux de la parathormone intacte (r = 0,65; p = 0,006). Le calcium ionisé sérique diminuait à 1,1 ± 0,01 mmol/l, (p < 0,01) en même temps que la parathormone intacte s’élevait à 8,8 ± 0,9 pmol/l, (p < 0,01) au jour po 1; ces deux paramètres étaient inversement corrélés (r = -0,062; p = 0,016). Le FGF-23 intact atteignait son plus bas niveau à 7,8 ± 6,9 pg/ml (p < 0,001), au jour po 3; les valeurs de FGF-23 étaient corrélées avec la diminution du phosphate sérique aux jours po 0, 3, 5 et 7 (p < 0,001). Le FGF-23 carboxyle-terminal, le FGF-7 et la FRP-4 n’étaient pas reliés au phosphate sérique ni à la FePO4. Conclusion : L’hypophosphatémie observée après résection hépatique partielle est liée à une augmentation de la FePO4 qui est sans aucune relation avec les FGF-23 intact ou carboxyle-terminal, le FGF-7 et la FRP-4. La PTH intacte était associée avec la FePO4 uniquement au jour po 1. L’hypophosphatémie après résection hépatique est secondaire à d’autres facteurs non encore identifiés. / Background: Post-hepatectomy hypophosphatemia, first associated with metabolic demands by the regenerating liver, has recently been related to an excessive fractional urinary phosphate excretion (FePO4). We decided to investigate the role of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and of phosphatonins in the latter finding. Methods: Serum phosphate (PO4), ionized calcium (Ca++), HCO3-, pH and FePO4, Intact PTH, carboxyl-terminal and Intact fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23), FGF-7 and frizzled related-protein-4 (FRP-4) were measured before and serially on post-operative days 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7, in 18 patients undergoing liver resection. Results: Serum PO4 was lowest (0.66 ± 0.33 mmol/l; p < 0.001) on po day 2. FePO4 peaked at 25.07 ± 2.26 % on po day 1 (p < 0.05) and was associated with Intact PTH levels (r = 0.65, p = 0.006). Decreased Ca++ levels (1.1 ± 0.01 mmol/l; p < 0.01) and increased Intact PTH levels (8.8 ± 0.9 pmol/l; p < 0.01) observed on po day 1 were negatively related (r = -0.62, p = 0.016). Intact FGF-23 decreased to its nadir 7.8 ± 6.9 pg/ml (p < 0.001), on po day 3 and was correlated with PO4 levels on po days 0, 3, 5 and 7 (p < 0.001). Carboxyl-terminal FGF-23, FGF-7 and FRP-4 levels could not be related either to PO4 concentrations or FePO4. Conclusion: Post-hepatectomy hypophosphatemia is related to an increased FePO4 unrelated to Intact FGF-23 or carboxyl-terminal FGF-23, FGF-7 or FRP-4. I-PTH contributes to excessive FePO4 on po day 1 but not thereafter. Other factors not yet defined should explain post hepatectomy hypophosphatemia.

L’hypoalbuminémie dans les premières 24 heures de l’admission est associée avec la dysfonction d’organes chez les patients brûlés

Eljaiek Urzola, Roberto Antonio 06 1900 (has links)
L’hypoalbuminémie est une trouvaille fréquente chez le patient brulé mais sa relation avec la morbidité et mortalité n’a pas été bien établie. Objectif : Déterminer si l’hypoalbuminémie dans les premières 24 heures suivant l’admission est associée avec la dysfonction d’organes (mesurée avec le score SOFA) chez les patients présentant des brûlures graves. Méthodologie : Nous avons révisé les dossiers médicaux des patients adultes avec de brûlures de 20% ou plus de surface corporelle admis pendant les premières 24 heures à l’unité de grands brulés du CHUM entre les années 2008 et 2009. Nous avons utilisé un modèle de régression linéaire multivariée pour déterminer si l’hypoalbuminémie était un prédicteur indépendant de la dysfonction d’organes. Résultats : 56 sujets ont été analysés. L’analyse de régression linéaire multiple a montré qu’en contrôlant pour l’âge, le sexe, la surface corporelle brûlée et les brûlures par inhalation, l’hypoalbuminémie pendant les premières 24 heures suivant l’admission est un prédicteur indépendant de la dysfonction d’organes. Une concentration d’albumine ≤30g/L est aussi associée à une augmentation de la dysfonction d’organes [score SOFA au jour 0 (p = 0.005), jour 1 (p = 0.005), moyenne de la première semaine (p = 0.004)], mais n’est pas associée avec la mortalité (p = 0.061). Conclusions : L’hypoalbuminémie est associée avec la dysfonction d’organes chez les patients brulés. À la différence de facteurs non modifiables comme l’âge, le sexe, la surface corporelle brûlée et la présence de brûlures par inhalation, la correction de l’hypoalbuminémie peut être un objectif intéressant pour un futur essai clinique. / Hypoalbuminemia is a common finding in burn patients, but its association with increased morbidity and mortality has not been well established. Objective: We have assessed if hypoalbuminemia in the first 24 hours of admission is associated with organ dysfunction in patients with severe burns. Methods: For a two year period (2008-2009), we reviewed the chart of burn adult patients with a total body surface area ≥ 20% admitted in our unit in the first 24 hours following the burn injury. A multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to assess hypoalbuminemia as an independent predictor of organ dysfunction. Results: 56 patients were analyzed. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that hypoalbuminemia in the first 24 hours of admission was an independent predictor of organ dysfunction. Serum albumin concentration ≤ 30 g/L was associated with a two-fold increased in organ dysfunction [SOFA scores at day 0 (p = 0.005), day 1 (p = 0.005) and first week mean values (p = 0.004), but not with mortality (p = 0.061). Conclusion: Hypoalbuminemia is associated with organ dysfunction in burn patients. Unlike unmodifiable predictors such as age, burn surface and inhalation burn, correction of hypoalbuminemia might represent a goal for a future trial in burn patients.

Health-related quality of life in total hip replacement in Taiwan: A longitudinal analysis using Generalized Estimating Equations.

January 2005 (has links)

Modulation of cellular ion transport during human immunodeficiency virus infection

January 1994 (has links)
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is characterized by a chronic, progressive depletion of T-lymphocytes bearing the CD4 cell surface marker. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the causative agent of AIDS, is a cytolytic retrovirus which infects CD4+ T-lymphocytes resulting in virus-mediated cytopathic effects (CPE). HIV-induced CPE includes fusion of cells to form multinucleated giant cells or syncytia and the death of single cells due to a 'ballooning degeneration' Quantitation of intracellular volume regulation ions, sodium and potassium, was performed using ion-specific fluorescent probes, fluorescent microscopy, digital image analysis, and fluorescent concentration analysis (FCA). There were observable increases in the intracellular free concentrations of both cations in HIV-infected cells. The activity and expression of the Na+/K+/2C1$-$ cotransporter, a diuretic sensitive ion transporter, increased markedly during acute HIV infection of CD4+ lymphocytes. Inhibition of the cotransporter by diuretics inhibits HIV-mediated CPE supporting a critical role for this ion transporter in cell killing by HIV. The activity and expression of the Na+/K+ ATPase (sodium pump), a ouabain-sensitive electrogenic ion transporting enzyme, is reduced early in acute infection and in chronically HIV-infected cells as measured by ouabain binding, western immunoblotting, and binding of $\gamma-\sp{32}$P from ATP. The loss of this critical physiology regulator may be important in CD4+ cell depletion which characterizes HIV infection / acase@tulane.edu

A comparative study of cluster analytic methods for development and validation of typologies for somatoform disorders in primary care

January 1996 (has links)
The problem of somatization in primary care medicine has received considerable attention from researchers in the past few years. Somatizing patients visit the physician frequently with a variety of physical symptoms for which no organic cause can be found. Many researchers consider the current classifications of somatization disorder and undifferentiated somatoform disorder to be arbitrary and inadequate for describing the range of somatizing patients seen in medical settings. An important clinical research goal would be to identify and describe relatively distinct homogeneous subgroups if they exist Cluster analytic techniques, which have been used for classification problems in medicine and psychiatry, have been controversial due to inadequate theoretical basis. Methods have been developed for a statistical test for the presence of cluster structure, employing an internal criterion measure and Monte Carlo simulation of a null distribution. Different clustering outcomes can be compared using bootstrapping. Although these approaches offer solid statistical credibility they have not been widely used in clinical research The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of four hierarchical agglomerative clustering techniques for a clinical research problem. The use of a statistical test for cluster structure is presented. All four methods provided solutions with evidence to support the presence of distinct clusters. Five stable clusters were identified and concordance among the 'best' solutions from each method was high. Bootstrapping techniques were used for parameter estimation and comparison of the clustering methods. The group average method gave the best overall performance when all patients were to be classified. The centroid method performed well when a few outliers could remain unclassified. Ward's minimum variance and complete link methods appeared to be more seriously affected by the presence of outliers and unequal cluster size. Nevertheless, cluster analytic methods provided a reasonable means of identifying empirical subtypes of somatizers in this study / acase@tulane.edu

Hypophosphatémie après résection hépatique

Nafidi, Otmane 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction : L’hypophosphatémie survient couramment après hépatectomie partielle. La régénération du foie était l’explication initiale. Cependant, les pertes rénales de phosphate observées récemment suggèrent que l’hypophosphatémie est probablement d’origine rénale. Nous avons donc mesuré la fraction d’excrétion urinaire de phosphate (FePO4) après hépatectomie partielle et nous avons étudié le rôle de la parathormone (PTH) et des phosphatonines dans cette hypophosphatémie. Méthodes : Les taux sériques de phosphate, de calcium ionisé, de PTH intacte, de « fibroblast growth factor- 23 » (FGF-23) intact et carboxyle-terminal, de FGF-7, de la « frizzled-related protein-4 » (FRP-4) et de HCO3- ainsi que le pH et la FePO4 ont été mesurés avant la chirurgie et aux jours postopératoires (po) 1, 2, 3, 5 et 7, chez 18 patients ayant subi une résection hépatique partielle. Résultats : Le phosphate sérique était à son plus bas niveau (0,66 ± 0,33 mmol/l; p < 0,001) au jour po 2. La FePO4 culminait à 25,07 ± 2,26 % au jour po 1 (p < 0,05) et était associée avec le taux de la parathormone intacte (r = 0,65; p = 0,006). Le calcium ionisé sérique diminuait à 1,1 ± 0,01 mmol/l, (p < 0,01) en même temps que la parathormone intacte s’élevait à 8,8 ± 0,9 pmol/l, (p < 0,01) au jour po 1; ces deux paramètres étaient inversement corrélés (r = -0,062; p = 0,016). Le FGF-23 intact atteignait son plus bas niveau à 7,8 ± 6,9 pg/ml (p < 0,001), au jour po 3; les valeurs de FGF-23 étaient corrélées avec la diminution du phosphate sérique aux jours po 0, 3, 5 et 7 (p < 0,001). Le FGF-23 carboxyle-terminal, le FGF-7 et la FRP-4 n’étaient pas reliés au phosphate sérique ni à la FePO4. Conclusion : L’hypophosphatémie observée après résection hépatique partielle est liée à une augmentation de la FePO4 qui est sans aucune relation avec les FGF-23 intact ou carboxyle-terminal, le FGF-7 et la FRP-4. La PTH intacte était associée avec la FePO4 uniquement au jour po 1. L’hypophosphatémie après résection hépatique est secondaire à d’autres facteurs non encore identifiés. / Background: Post-hepatectomy hypophosphatemia, first associated with metabolic demands by the regenerating liver, has recently been related to an excessive fractional urinary phosphate excretion (FePO4). We decided to investigate the role of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and of phosphatonins in the latter finding. Methods: Serum phosphate (PO4), ionized calcium (Ca++), HCO3-, pH and FePO4, Intact PTH, carboxyl-terminal and Intact fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23), FGF-7 and frizzled related-protein-4 (FRP-4) were measured before and serially on post-operative days 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7, in 18 patients undergoing liver resection. Results: Serum PO4 was lowest (0.66 ± 0.33 mmol/l; p < 0.001) on po day 2. FePO4 peaked at 25.07 ± 2.26 % on po day 1 (p < 0.05) and was associated with Intact PTH levels (r = 0.65, p = 0.006). Decreased Ca++ levels (1.1 ± 0.01 mmol/l; p < 0.01) and increased Intact PTH levels (8.8 ± 0.9 pmol/l; p < 0.01) observed on po day 1 were negatively related (r = -0.62, p = 0.016). Intact FGF-23 decreased to its nadir 7.8 ± 6.9 pg/ml (p < 0.001), on po day 3 and was correlated with PO4 levels on po days 0, 3, 5 and 7 (p < 0.001). Carboxyl-terminal FGF-23, FGF-7 and FRP-4 levels could not be related either to PO4 concentrations or FePO4. Conclusion: Post-hepatectomy hypophosphatemia is related to an increased FePO4 unrelated to Intact FGF-23 or carboxyl-terminal FGF-23, FGF-7 or FRP-4. I-PTH contributes to excessive FePO4 on po day 1 but not thereafter. Other factors not yet defined should explain post hepatectomy hypophosphatemia.

Health care workers infected with the human immunodeficiency virus : an ethical analysis of U.S. and Canadian government and professional policies

Hayes, Ann M., 1964- January 1995 (has links)
On July 27th, 1990, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported that a Florida dentist had transmitted the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to five of his patients. These incidents raised many, previously unaddressed, questions regarding the ethical obligations of the HIV-infected health care worker (HCW), as well as the ethical responses to this difficult situation by patients and society. / This paper attempts to address these questions from an ethical viewpoint examining risk of harm and the individual duties of the HCW, the patient and society as well as through analysis of policies regarding HIV-infected HCWs. These policies were written by the federal U.S. and Canadian governments as well as state and provincial health departments and registrars of medical associations in the U.S. and Canada. / The policies were analyzed for five categories of requirements or recommendations with respect to: (1) notification of government and professional organizations or health care institutions and notification of patients of the HCW's HIV status, (2) mandatory HIV testing of HCWs, (3) work restriction for the HCW, (4) retrospective notification of the patient, and (5) monitoring compliance with the policy. / It was found that, in their practical interpretation, the policies left room for a wide spectrum of interpretation possibly due to poorly defined risk of individual invasive procedures. This indicates the need to accurately determine the risks of HIV transmission, from HCW to patient, during specific medical interventions. / It was concluded that certain policies, such as Health and Welfare Canada's Laboratory Centre for Disease Control (LCDC), policy and New York State Department of Health's policy allow enough flexibility to minimize risks of harm as well as to provide the possibility of a balance of the interests of all involved. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

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