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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplikace VBA (Visual Basic for Application) a Maple na problémy procesního inženýrství / VBA and Maple application in process engineering problematics.

Farkač, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
The task of the diploma thesis named VBA and Maple Application on Process Engineering Problems is to show the possibilities of using these programming languages for various engineering tasks. Particularly the programming language Visual Basic for Application (VBA), which is a part of MS Office package, is very little used in practise. That´s why this thesis solves the complex task of a furnaces design process; the topic was reccomended by the supervisor prof. Ing. Josef Kohoutek, CSc. Specifically, the thesis deals with calculations of heat transfer and optimization of the height of extended surfaces of tubes in the convection section of process furnaces. The entire task is elaborated in VBA and runs in Excel. After entering the input information, the created program first calculates the size and heat output of the convection section, but it can also optimize the height of extended surfaces in different parts of the convection section and thus minimize investment costs.

Posouzení vlivu provedení zateplení rodinného domu na Zlínsku na výdaje spojené s provozem této nemovitosti / Assessment of the Impact of Thermal Insulation Performance of a Detached House in the Zlín Disctrict on Running Expenses of this Property

Velísková, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Master´s thesis deals with an assessment of investment return in saving precurations. The issue is used on an ordinary detached family house. The assessment is done in more variants to reach an objective comparison of the most advantageous investments. In the first part there is a comprehensive theory explaining the connections of the procedures and the algorithms of the calculations. The second part is calculation, especially from the thermal engineering, energy rating of buildings and the economic return on investment. The third part is an evaluation which, on the basis of the experiences and the results from the thesis, offers a proces show to think in case of intended reconstruction and how to evaluate the efficiency of the investments in the saving precurations.

Provoz otopných těles / Working of radiators

Mašek, Miroslav January 2022 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the operation of radiators. It is divided into three parts. The first part describes the various types of radiators and heating surfaces, radiator control and heat measurement, the second part deals with the design of heating and hot water in an apartment building in Brno in two variants of the conceptual solution and the third part is processed in the form of experimental measurements issues of radiator operation during a real day in the heating season and operating conditions that may occur.

Heat transfer process between polymer and cavity wall during injection molding

Liu, Yao 05 December 2014 (has links)
Injection molding is one of the most commonly applied processing methods for plastic components. Heat transfer coefficient (HTC), which describes the heat conducting ability of the interface between a polymer and cavity wall, significantly influences the temperature distribution of a polymer and mold during injection molding and thus affects the process and quality of plastic products. This thesis focuses on HTC under diverse processing situations. On the basis of the heat conducting principle, a theoretical model for calculating HTC was presented. Injection mold specially used for measuring and calculating HTC was designed and fabricated. Experimental injection studies under different processing conditions, especially different surface roughness, were performed for acquiring necessary temperature data. The heat quantity across the interface and HTC between a polymer and cavity wall was calculated on the basis of experimental results. The influence of surface roughness on HTC during injection molding was investigated for the first time. The factors influencing the HTC were analyzed on the basis of the factor weight during injection molding. Subsequently FEM (Finite element method) simulations were carried out with observed and preset value of HTC respectively and the relative crystallinity and part density were obtained. In the comparison between results from simulation and experiment, the result calculated with observed HTC shows better agreement with actually measured value, which can verify the reliability and precision of the injection molding simulation with observed HTC. The results of this thesis is beneficial for understanding the heat transfer process comprehensively, predicting temperature distribution, arranging cooling system, reducing cycle time and improving precision of numerical simulation. / Das Spritzgießen ist eines der am häufigsten angewandten Verarbeitungsverfahren zur Herstellung von Kunststoffkomponenten. Der Wärmedurchgangskoeffizient (WDK), welcher den Wärmeübergang zwischen Kunststoff und Werkzeugwand beschreibt, beeinflusst während des Spritzgießens maßgeblich die Temperaturverteilung im Bauteil und dem Werkzeug und folglich den Prozess und die Qualität der Kunststoffprodukte. Der Inhalt dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem WDK unter verschiedenen Prozessbedingungen. Auf Grundlage des Wärmeleitungsprinzips wurde ein theoretisches Modell für die Berechnung des WDK vorgestellt. Es wurde dazu ein Spritzgießwerkzeug konstruiert und hergestellt, welches Messungen zur späteren Berechnung des WDK ermöglicht. Praktische Spritzgießversuche unter verschiedenen Prozessbedingungen, insbesondere unterschiedlicher Oberflächenrauheit, wurden für die Erfassung der erforderlichen Temperaturdaten durchgeführt. Auf Grundlage der experimentellen Ergebnisse wurde der Wärmeübergang zwischen dem Polymer und der Werkzeugwand berechnet. Der Einfluss der Oberflächenrauhigkeit auf den WDK wurde hierbei zum ersten Mal untersucht. Auf Grundlage des Bauteilgewichtes wurden anschließend die Faktoren, die den WDK beeinflussen, berechnet. Des Weiteren wurden FEM-Simulationen (Finite Element Methode) mit dem gemessenen und dem voreingestellten WDK durchgeführt und daraus der Kristallinitätsgrad und die Bauteildichte gewonnen. Der Vergleich zwischen den realen Ergebnissen und der Simulation zeigt, dass die Berechnungen mit dem gemessenen WDK eine bessere Übereinstimmung mit den realen Werten aufweist, was die Zuverlässigkeit und Präzision der Spritzgusssimulation bestätigt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit tragen zum umfassenden Verständnis des Wärmeübergangs im Spritzgießprozess, zur Vorhersage der Temperaturverteilung, zur Auslegung des Kühlsystems, zur Reduzierung der Zykluszeit und zur Verbesserung der Genauigkeit der numerischen Simulation bei.

Vliv obtokového součinitele na návrh a geometrii přímého výparníku pro chladící jednotku / The Effect of the Bypass Factor on Design and Geometry of the Evaporator for the Cooling Unit

Vytasil, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses on effect of the bypass factor on design and geometry of the evaporator for the cooling unit of data centre. Effect of the bypass factor on individual design parameters is solved in detail. All dependendecies are captured by using graphs in which s placed a cement on that parameter. In part C, mathematical and physical solutions are demonstrated calculations and processes leading to the design of the exchanger. In the end, evaluation of the calculations is done and there is also showed possible improvements for the practise.

Modelling of Heat Pumps Working with Variable-Speed Compressors

Ossorio Santiago, Rubén Josep 06 August 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La tecnología de bombas de calor se ha vuelto estratégica en Europa, está extendiéndose rápidamente y se planea que reemplace las calderas de gas en un futuro cercano. Sin embargo, aún enfrenta desafíos, como encontrar refrige-rantes nuevos viables y altamente eficientes, y mejorar aún más el rendimiento del sistema. Para abordar este último problema, han surgido las bombas de calor de velocidad variable que prometen reducir el consumo anual e incremen-tar el confort adaptando la potencia suministrada a las necesidades cambiantes. Esta tecnología se está implementando ya, pero carece de una metodología estandarizada para diseñar y seleccionar sus componentes. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo establecer pautas de diseño generales para la selección y diseño de componentes de bombas de calor de velocidad variable, y ofrecer información valiosa que se pueda traducir en herramientas para asistir en la simulación, diseño, selección y detección de fallas en estos dispositivos. El contenido del estudio se puede dividir en tres áreas temáticas: En una primera parte, se estudian los compresores de velocidad variable. El compresor es el primer componente que se selecciona en una bomba de calor, modula la capacidad y es el principal consumidor de energía. Sin embargo, no existen metodologías bien establecidas para modelar su comportamiento. En esta parte, se realizan ensayos de caracterización de compresores de velocidad variable y sus inversores para comprender su comportamiento y proporcionar correlaciones compactas para modelar su rendimiento. En la segunda parte, se propone una metodología para dimensionar los intercambiadores de calor en bombas de calor de velocidad variable. Nor-malmente, se diseñan para una potencia fija y temperaturas de trabajo constan-tes, sin embargo, en las bombas de velocidad variable, la capacidad y las tempe-raturas de trabajo fluctúan significativamente con el tiempo. En esta parte, se estudia la evolución del rendimiento de los intercambiadores de calor con la capacidad (velocidad del compresor) y se propone una metodología de selec-ción/dimensionamiento que considera la evolución de la capacidad requerida y de las condiciones climáticas externas a lo largo del año. Por último, se evalúa la circulación del aceite en las bombas de calor de velocidad variable. Gestionar la lubricación en los compresores de velocidad variable es un problema típico ya que, para tener suficiente lubricación a bajas velocidades, el compresor termina bombeando un exceso de aceite a altas velo-cidades. En esta parte se estudia la evolución de las tasas de circulación de acei-te con la velocidad y se analiza teóricamente su efecto en el rendimiento de la bomba de calor. / [CA] La tecnologia de les bombes de calor s'ha tornat estratègica a Europa, s'està estenent ràpidament i es preveu que substituïsca les calderes de gas en un futur pròxim. Tanmateix, encara s'enfronta a desafiaments com trobar refrigerants nous viables i altament eficients, i millorar encara més el rendiment del sistema. Per abordar aquest darrer problema, han sorgit les bombes de calor de velocitat variable que prometen reduir el consum anual i incrementar el confort adaptant la potència subministrada a les necessitats variables. Aquesta tecnologia ja s'es-tà implementant, però manca d'una metodologia estandarditzada per dissenyar i seleccionar els seus components. Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu establir pautes de disseny generals per a la se-lecció i disseny de components de bombes de calor de velocitat variable, i oferir informació valuosa que es pugui traduir en eines per ajudar en la simulació, disseny, selecció i detecció de fallades d'aquests dispositius. El contingut de l'estudi es pot dividir en tres àrees temàtiques: En una primera part, s'estudien els compressors de velocitat variable. El compressor és el primer component seleccionat d'una bomba de calor, modula la capacitat i és el principal consumidor d'energia. Tanmateix, no hi ha metodo-logies ben establides per modelar el seu comportament. En aquesta part, es realitzen assajos de caracterització de compressors de velocitat variable i els seus inversors per comprendre el seu comportament i proporcionar correlaci-ons compactes per modelar el seu rendiment. En la segona part, es proposa una metodologia per dimensionar els inter-canviadors de calor en bombes de calor de velocitat variable. Normalment, es dissenyen per a una potència fixa i temperatures de treball constants, no obs-tant això, en les bombes de velocitat variable, la capacitat i les temperatures de treball fluctuen significativament amb el temps. En aquesta part, s'estudia l'evo-lució del rendiment dels intercanviadors de calor amb la capacitat (velocitat del compressor) i es suggereix una metodologia de selecció/dimensionament que considera l'evolució de les càrregues i de les condicions climàtiques externes al llarg de l'any. Finalment, s'avalua la circulació de l'oli a les bombes de calor de velocitat variable. Gestionar la lubricació als compressors de velocitat variable és un pro-blema típic, ja que per tenir suficient lubricació a baixes velocitats, el compres-sor acaba bombejant un excés d'oli a altes velocitats. En aquesta part s'estudia l'evolució de les taxes de circulació d'oli amb la velocitat i s'analitza teòricament el seu efecte en el rendiment de la bomba de calor. / [EN] Heat pump technology has become strategic in Europe, it is rapidly spread-ing, and it is planned to replace gas boilers in the near future. However, they still have challenges to solve, such as finding new viable and highly efficient refriger-ants and further increasing their system performance. For this latter issue, vari-able-speed heat pumps arise, which claim to decrease annual consumption and increase comfort by adapting the delivered capacity to the changing loads. This technology is being implemented but lacks a standardized methodology to de-sign and select its components. This thesis aims to establish comprehensive design guidelines for selecting and designing variable-speed heat pump components and give insights that can translate into valuable information and tools for engineers to assist them in the pump simulation, design, selection and fault detection. The content of the study can be divided into three thematic areas: In the first part, variable-speed compressors are studied. The compressor is the first selected heat pump component; it modulates the capacity and is the primary energy consumer. However, there are no well-established methodolo-gies to model their behavior. In this part, extensive testing of variable-speed compressors and their inverters was carried out to understand their behavior and to provide compact correlations to model their performance. The second part proposes a methodology to size heat exchangers for variable-speed heat pumps. Typically, they are designed for a fixed capacity and constant working temperatures. However, the capacity and working tempera-tures fluctuate significantly overtime in variable-speed pumps. In this part, the performance evolution of heat exchangers with capacity is studied, and a meth-odological selection/sizing technique is proposed that considers the evolution of external climatic conditions and loads over the year. Lastly, the oil circulation in variable-speed heat pumps is assessed. Man-aging lubrication in variable-speed compressors is a typical issue, as a design valid for sufficient lubrication at low compressor speeds will end up pumping excess oil at high speeds. In this final part, the evolution of oil circulation rates with speed is studied, and its effect on heat pump performance is theoretically analyzed. / I am indebted to the Spanish and European governments for their financial support with the grant PRE2018-083535, which made this research possible. Their commitment to academic excellence and research advancement has been crucial in successfully completing this thesis. / Ossorio Santiago, RJ. (2024). Modelling of Heat Pumps Working with Variable-Speed Compressors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203104 / Compendio

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