Spelling suggestions: "subject:"heat demand"" "subject:"meat demand""
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Thermal energy storage in residential buildings : a study of the benefits and impactsAbedin, Joynal January 2017 (has links)
Residential space and water heating accounts for around 13% of the greenhouse gas emissions of the UK. Reducing this is essential for meeting the national emission reduction target of 80% by 2050 from the 1990 baseline. One of the strategies adopted for achieving this is focused around large scale shift towards electrical heating. This could lead to unsustainable disparity between the daily peak and off-peak electricity loads, large seasonal variation in electricity demands, and challenges of matching the short and long term supply with the demands. These challenges could impact the security and resilience of UK electricity supply, and needs to be addressed. Rechargeable Thermal Energy Storage (TES) in residential buildings can help overcome these challenges by enabling Heat Demand Shifts (HDS) to off-peak times, reducing the magnitude of the peak loads, and the difference between the peak and off-peak loads. To be effective a wide scale uptake of TES would be needed. For this to happen, the benefits and impacts of TES both for the demand side and the supply side have to be explored, which could vary considerably given the diverse physical, thermal, operational and occupancy characteristics of the UK housing stock. A greater understanding of the potential consequence of TES in buildings is necessary. Such knowledge could enable appropriate policy development to help drive the uptake of TES or to encourage development of alternative solutions. Through dynamic building simulation in TRNSYS, this work generated predictions of the space and water heating energy and power demands, and indoor temperature characteristics of the UK housing stock. Twelve building archetypes were created consisting of: Detached, semi-detached, mid-terrace and flat built forms with thermal insulation corresponding to the 1990 building regulation, and occupied floor areas of 70m2, 90m2 and 150m2. Typical occupancy and operational conditions were used to create twelve Base Case scenarios, and simulations performed for 60 winter days from 2nd January. HDS of 2, 3 and 4 hours from the grid peak time of 17:00 were simulated with sensible TES system sizes of 0.25m3, 0.5m3 and 0.75m3, and water storage temperatures of 75°C and 95°C. Parametric analysis were performed to determine the impacts and benefits of: thermal insulation equivalent to 1980, 1990 (Base Case), 2002 and 2010 building regulation; locations of Gatwick (Base Case) and Aberdeen; heating durations of 6, 9 (Base Case), 12 and 16 hours per day; thermostat settings of 19°C, 21°C (Base Case) and 23°C, and number of occupiers of 1 person and 3 persons (Base Case) per household. Good correlation was observed between the simulated results and published heat energy consumption data for buildings with similar thermal, physical, occupancy and operational conditions. The results allowed occupied space temperatures and overall daily and grid peak time energy consumption to be predicted for the range of building archetypes and parameter values considered, and the TES size necessary for a desired HDS to be determined. The main conclusions drawn include: The overall daily energy consumption predictions varied from 36.8kWh to 159.7kWh. During the critical grid peak time (17:00 to 21:00) the heat consumption varied from 4.2kWh to 58.7kWh, indicating the range of energy demands which could be shifted to off-peak times. On average, semi-detached, mid-terrace, and flat built forms consumed 7.0%, 13.8% and 22.7% less energy for space heating than the detached built form respectively. Thermal insulation changing from the 1990 building regulation level to the 1980 and 2010 building regulation levels could change the mean energy use by +14.7% and -19.6% respectively. A 0.25m3 TES size with 75°C water storage temperature could enable a 2 hour HDS, shifting 4.3kWh to 11.7kWh (mean 8.7kWh) to off peak times, in all 70m2 Base Case archetypes with the 60 day mean thermal comfort of 100%, but with the minimum space temperature occasionally dropping below an 18°C thermal comfort limit. A 0.5m3 TES size and water storage of 95°C could allow a 3 hour HDS, shifting 9.8kWh to 28.2kWh (mean 18.7kWh) to off peak times, in all 90m2 Base Case archetypes without thermal comfort degradation below 18°C. A 0.75m3 TES with a 95°C water temperature could provide 4 hour HDS, shifting 13.9kWh to 47.7kWh (mean 27.2kWh) to off peak times, in all 150m2 Base Case archetypes with 100% mean thermal comfort but with the 60 day minimum temperature occasionally dropping below the 18°C thermal comfort limit in the detached built form. Improving the thermal insulation of the buildings was found to be the best way to improve the effectiveness of HDS with TES, in terms of the demand shift period achievable with minimal thermal comfort impact. A 4 hour HDS with 100% thermal comfort is possible in all 90m2 floor area buildings with a 0.25m3 tank and a water storage temperature of 75°C provided that the thermal insulation is as per 2010 building regulation. Recommendations for further research include: 1) creating larger number of archetype models to reflect the housing stock; 2) using heat pumps as the heat source so that the mean effect on the grid from electric heating loads can be predicted; 3) taking into account the costs associated with taking up HDS with TES, in terms of capital expenses and space requirement for housing the TES system; 4) considering alternative methods of heat storage such as latent heat storage to enhance the storage capacity per unit volume; and 5) incorporating zonal temperature control, for example, only heating rooms that are occupied during the demand shift period, which could ensure better thermal comfort in the occupied space and extend the demand shift period.
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Business strategies for the district heating sector in southern SwedenGunnarsson, David January 2021 (has links)
The heat demand in Sweden has stagnated and district heating companies must take action to sustain in the market. Based on this background this study combines a PEST and SWOT analysis to produce a basis to suggest general strategies suitable for district heating companies in southern Sweden. The analysis found that both investments into activities outside of the heating market, as well as further development of current systems, are viable options. Increasing the awareness and knowledge about district heating companies was also identified as a factor that could entail several benefits.
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How bright does the sun shine over Storvreta IK? : Mapping the energy use of a local Swedish sports clubDahmén, Viktor, Holgersson, Martin, Larsson, Aron, Norman, Joel January 2016 (has links)
In 2011 Storvreta IK installed two solar collector systems in order to reduce the club’s electricity demand for domestic hot water. However, electricity use from 2012 to 2015 shows that the expected reduction in the electricity demand has not occurred. This project investigates the solar collector systems and the heat demand of Storvreta IK’s buildings in order to explain the “failure” in electricity savings. The results of the simulations show that the heat production of the solar collectors is lower than Storvreta IK’s expectations. This could be explained by that the domestic hot water is not used as much as Storvreta IK thought and the system is therefore over-dimensioned for their need. The rebound effect could be another reason to why the electricity saving is lower than expected.
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Energisimulering av effektiviseringsåtgärder vid punkthusen i Östra Sätra : Validering av byggnadsmodell samt analys av förändrade lastkurvorMorales, Leonel, Sandfors, Mats January 2016 (has links)
Det globala energibehovet ökar ständigt och i takt med detta ökar även faran för global uppvärmning bortom en hanterbar nivå och därför stramas kraven åt gällande minskade utsläpp av växthusgaser. EU har som följd av detta enats om en uppsättning klimatmål som benämns 20/20/20-målen som syftar till att minska växthusgasutsläppen med 20 procent, jämfört med 1990 års nivåer, sänka energianvändningen med 20 procent, höja andelen förnybar energi samt höja andelen biobränsle i transportsektorn med 10 procent. Sektorn bostäder och service står enligt energimyndigheten för nära 40 procent av Sveriges totala energianvändning och blir därför ett område som är mycket intressant när det gäller att implementera energieffektiviseringsåtgärder. Det kommunala företaget AB Gavlegårdarna ska under perioden 2016-2018 renovera ett tiotal punkthus i stadsdelen Östra Sätra i Gävle. Husen är typiska miljonprogramshus och beroende på val av effektiviseringsåtgärder kommer behovet av köpt värme samt el att förändras, dvs deras lastprofiler på det energisystemet. Dessa förändringar kommer i föreliggande arbete att simuleras och studeras i simuleringsprogrammet IDA ICE (IDA Indoor Climate and Energy) version 4.6.2, där resultaten jämförs och valideras med befintlig statistik. Husen som berörs av upprustningen är av typen punkthus som definieras som friliggande hus med trapphus i mitten med lägenheter runt om. Punkthusen var vanliga på 1940 talet och byggdes då oftast med 4-5 våningar. Även om huskropparna står fritt är de oftast placerade i grupp för att skapa en områdeskänsla. De aktuella byggnaderna är i stort lika varandra där avsaknad av källarplan hos vissa av husen är den tydligaste skillnaden, i övrigt består konstruktionen av markplan plus 4 våningsplan och ett vindsutrymme. Hus med källarplan rymmer totalt 29 lägenheter medan de övriga rymmer 27. Energisystemmodellen validerades samt modifierades att passa de renoverade husen. Resultatet har sedan använts för att beräkna områdets lastprofil gällande fjärrvärme vilket kan ses i nedanstående figur. Diagrammet visar lastkurvan både före och efter de energieffektiviserande åtgärderna implementerats. Med hjälp utav de erhållna effektkurvorna kan områdets totala energianvändning jämföras före och efter implementering av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder. Resultatet visar att värmebehovet sjunker med 1,39 GWh. Appliceras detta på kraftvärmeproduktionen resulterar minskningen i 0,55 GWh lägre elproduktion som måste importeras till systemet. Importeras elen från kolkondens kan detta ge upphov till ökade koldioxidutsläpp med 512 ton koldioxidekvivalenter per år jämfört med 2,13 ton CO2 ekvivalenter om elen tas från svensk elmix.
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District Heating-driven Membrane Distillation for Water Purification in Industrial ApplicationsWoldemariam, Daniel Minilu January 2017 (has links)
Domestic and industrial water demands are growing globally due to population growth and rapid economic development, placing increasing strains on water resources. Wastewater effluents generated from these and other activities impact the environment and are thus subject to tightening regulation. The focus of research and development in water treatment processes aims at both pollutant removal efficiency and cost of purification. Membrane distillation (MD) is a developing thermally driven technology capable of achieving extremely high environmental performance utilizing renewable energy sources to a high degree. District heating networks, and in particular those driven by biomass, represent an ideal heat supply for MD systems. This thesis presents a technoeconomic assessment of district heating driven MD for water purification in selected industrial applications. The study covers analysis of MD separation performance and the related costs from different district heating integration scenarios. The analyses are based on three types of semi-commercial MD modules, with experiments conducted at laboratory and pilot scales. The case studies include pharmaceutical residue removal from effluents of municipal wastewater treatment plant, wastewater purification in pharmaceutical industry, and ethanol concentration in bioethanol production plant. Full-scale simulation studies were carried out for the identified case studies based on the experimental data obtained from MD module along with process information gathered from the industries. Results from the pharmaceutical residue removal pilot trials showed very good to excellent separation efficiency for 37 compounds at feed concentrations ranging from ng/L to mg/L. From alcohol-water feeds, ethanol concentrations were increased from 5% to nearly 90%. Simulation studies revealed that district heating integration of MD systems is feasible. Costs per unit volume of purified water are higher than competing technologies, however the configurations enable enhanced environmental performance that would be difficult to achieve otherwise. / Kommunala och industriella vattenkrav växer globalt på grund av befolkningstillväxt och snabb ekonomisk utveckling, vilket ökar belastningen på vattenresurserna. Avloppsvatten från alla verk-samheter påverkar miljön och är därmed föremål för tilltagande reglering. Fokus i forskning och utveckling av vattenreningsprocesser syftar till att både öka effektiviteten i avlägsnandet av föroreningarna och att minska kostnaderna för detta. Membrandestillation (MD) är en ny termiskt driven teknik som kan uppnå extremt hög miljö-prestanda genom att den är effektiv och i hög grad kan drivas av förnybara energikällor. Fjärrvärmesystem, särskilt de som drivs av biomassa, utgör en idealisk värmeförsörjning för ett MD-system. Avhandlingen presenterar en teknoekonomisk bedömning av fjärrvärmedriven MD för vattenrening i utvalda industriella applikationer. Studien analyserar MD-systemets separations-prestanda och kostnader i olika fjärrvärmeintegrationsscenarier. Analyserna baseras på tre typer av semi-kommersiella MD-moduler, med experiment utförda på laboratorie- och pilotskala. Fallstudierna innefattar: borttagning av läkemedelsrester från avloppsvatten från kommunalt avloppsreningsverk; avloppsvattenrening i läkemedels-industrin; och uppkoncentrering i bioetanolproduktionsanläggning. Fullskaliga simuleringsstudier har utförts för fallstudierna baserat på experimentella data erhållna från MD-modulen och med processinformation som samlats in från industrin. Resultaten från försöken med läkemedelsrester visade mycket god till utmärkt separationseffektivitet för 37 föreningar vid förorenings-koncentrationer som sträckte sig från ng/liter till mg/liter. Vid uppkoncentrering av alkohol ökades etanolhalten från 5 % till nära 90 %. Simuleringsstudier visade att fjärrvärmeintegration av MD-system är möjlig. Kostnader per volym renat vatten är högre än konkurrerande teknik, men konfigurationerna möjliggör förbättrad miljöprestanda som skulle vara svår att uppnå på annat sätt. / <p>This doctoral research has been carried out in the context of an agreement on joint doctoral research supervision between KTH Royal Institute of Technology, (Stockholm, Sweden), and Politecnico di Torino − PoliTo, (Turin, Italy). Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate, SELECT+ (Environomical pathways for sustainable energy services) program. QC 20170523</p> / SLECT+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Program
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Analýza možností vytápění rodinného domu / Analysis of the possibilities of heating a houseAbíková, Klára January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the possibility of heating the particular house and depending on the results to recommend appropriate option resp. type of fuel needed for heating. For this reason, the paper is primarily focused on general knowledge related to the issue of heating houses, which belong types of heating systems and heating options or heat loss or heat demand for heating. After all the general knowledge is applied to a particular house, which will serve as input for the analysis. Analysis of heating the house is subsequently determined not only from a cost point of view but also from a technical point of view and the output of recommending specific options for heating the house.
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Evaluation of heat pump concepts in ice rinks / Utvärdering av värmepumpskoncepts i ishallarGummesson, Patrik January 2014 (has links)
In Sweden there are about 350 ice rinks in operation today which consume approximately 300 GWh per year. The average energy consumption for a Swedish ice rink is approximately 1000 MWh per year. Ice rink dose not only consume energy it also rejects heat. The rejected heat comes from the refrigeration system that cools down the ice floor. The refrigeration system rejects heat around 700 to 1000 MWh per season. The reason for this study is because of the rejected heat which leads to the question how the rejected heat can be used.The object is to find a heat pump concept that can use the rejected heat or another heat source in an ice rink. Three different heat pump concepts were evaluated. The first heat pump concept use the ice floor as a heat source (called BHP), the second concept use the rejected heat as a heat source (called CHP) and the third concept use the rejected heat to charge an energy storage (called GHP).To accomplish the objective a heat analysis of two ice rinks were made to be able to simulate the heat pump concepts. With the simulation results a life cycle cost was made for a better evaluation. The results from the heat analysis were used for simulating the heat pump concepts. The two ice rinks that were analyzed were Järfälla ice rink and Älta ice rink. The main heat source the two ice rinks uses today is district heating and electricity. Järfälla only use district heating (DH) as a heat source and Älta ice rink use recovery heat, electricity and district heating.The heat analysis of the two the ice rinks showed that the highest district heating consumer was the domestic hot water at 47% of the DH followed by the dehumidifier at 32% of the DH and last the space heating at 22% of the DH. This shows how the heat is used in a general ice rink in Sweden. The temperature levels for the dehumidifier is around 65 °C (only DH part), the domestic hot water at 55 °C and last the space heating at 20 °C. However the heat demand for the ice rinks resulted in 443 MWh for Järfälla and 192 MWh for Älta. To know the size of the heat pump used for the heat pump concepts a heat profile for the ice rinks were made. The result of heat profiles lead to a heat pump size of 105 kW in Järfälla and 45 kW in Älta. The rejected heat for one season in Järfälla is 1000 MWh and 780 MWh in Älta.With the results from the heat analysis the evaluation the heat pump concepts was possible. The COP1 for the CHP resulted at 3,8 and the COP1 for the GHP was assumed to be the same as for the CHP. The COP1 calculations for the BHP concept resulted at 2,5. COP was calculated with collected data from the respective ice rinks refrigeration system. The simulations results were that the BHP and the CHP concept could fulfill the heat demand up to around 79% and the GHP up to around 84% in both ice rinks. The rest of the heat demand is heated with supplementary heat. The life cycle cost (LCC) showed that the CHP concept had the lowest cost followed by the GHP concept. The BHP concept had the highest LCC, because of the low COP. The LCC model dos not include the running cost, the maintenance cost and the energy tariffs for the district heating.The recommended solution is the GHP concept. This is because it is a good investment for the future since other buildings can be connected to the energy storage. The GHP concept is also the solution that fulfills the heat demand best and has the lowest annual energy cost.
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Investigation of impact of detached house buildings orientation on energy saving result of renovation scenarios and energy generation of installed PV panels in VäxjöAli, Hassan January 2023 (has links)
Most of the detached houses in Sweden were built more than 30 years ago, and most of them are oldand need a deep renovation. The renovation is an excellent opportunity to apply the energy measure witha combination of renewable energy such as PV solar, which could be a great option to reduce energyconsumption and contribute to reducing greenhouse emissions. For this reason, selecting effectiverenovation scenarios for buildings could be important and challenging. One of these challenges isapplying typical scenarios for one archetype's buildings. A building could be in the same archetypeswith similar geometry and properties but in different directions. In this study, the researcher aims toinvestigate the yearly heat demand energy saving of buildings from one archetype, the same renovationscenario, and the same area but in four different directions, 0-30-60-90 degrees from the south (casestudies).This project's additional aim is to examine the electricity generation from PV when installedon one and both sides for four houses in the same area in four different directions, 0-30-60-90 degreesfrom the south. Design Builder software was used as a graphical user interface through the Energy Plus engine. In thisway, the heat demand of case studies was simulated for different scenarios (Standard renovation andadvanced renovation) in the Växjö region. The results from the simulation of the houses with differentdirections showed that the heat demand energy decreased by, on average, 20% for standard and 28% foradvanced renovation. The comparison of the case studies with the same renovation scenario concludesthat they are no differences in the heat energy savings, which means the direction of the building has nobig impact on the energy saving of the renovation scenario in the Växjö region. The installation side ofthe PV has no impact on the annual electricity generation from PV for the house with a direction of 0degrees from the south. For the other houses, the yearly electricity generation from the PV increased by36.8% with one side on the roof (South direction). House number 4 is the best direction to install PVwith one side on the roof (south direction), and house 3 is the next best direction to install PV on oneside. When installed on both sides of the roof, the annual electricity generation from the PV decreased by5,3% with four houses in different directions. The changes are not so high may be due to the weather ofthe Växjö, which is 65 % cloudy according to the weather data file from TMY. Another reason is thatthe PV was installed on both sides of the pitched roof. When the houses have different directions, 0 to90 degrees from the south, that may be increased the electricity generation from the PV on one side andreduce it on the other.
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Využití kogenerační jednotky pro vytápění a výrobu elektrické energie / Using cogeneration unit for heating and electricity productionŽeníšek, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The final thesis deals with the heating of the hospital building and preparation of the domestic hot water by cogeneration unit. The building will be largely heated by plate radiators. As a heat source is used a cogeneration unit with combustion engine. The project deals with the design dimensioning and connection of these parts.
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Matematická simulace průběhu teplot v podzákladí a vytvoření modelu odpovídajícího reálnému stavu. / Mathematical simulation of temperature profile in the subsoil and creation of a model corresponding its real stateCharvátová, Pavlína January 2020 (has links)
Increasing demands for low heat losses and energy intensity of a building influence energy calculations. Higher demands are placed on the accuracy of the calculations. An important part of the thermal engineering calculations is the determination of the correct boundary conditions. An important input factor is primarily the indoor and outdoor environment, and temperature is the most important parameter for these types of enviromnent. It is not always the temperature of the external environment, but the environment that is adjacent to the soil or to unheated or differently heated spaces. The possibilities of modeling temperatures below the object are described in the standard ČSN EN ISO 10211. This standard specifies details for a geometric model for the numerical calculation of heat flows to assess the total heat loss of buildings or parts thereof, as well as to derive linear and point heat transfer factors. Furthermore, to calculate minimum surface temperatures to assess the risk of surface condensation and to determine the surface temperature factors. These are two different computational models. Therefore, it would be appropriate to simplify these calculations by simplifying the boundary conditions, namely to conduct an isotherm at a certain level below the terrain, which will be considered as a boundary condition, which is also based on long-term experience with "frost-free" depth. This calculation would be unambiguous, clear and simple.
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