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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude théorique des mécanismes de transfert d'énergie suivant le passage d'un ion rapide sans un matériau

Baril, Philip January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Emission de neutrons par les réactions d'ions lourds (4,6-95 MeV/nucléon) / Neutron emission by heavy-ion reactions [4.6-95 MeV/nucleon]

Trinh, Ngoc Duy 15 October 2018 (has links)
Les accélérateurs d’ions lourds sont un outil incontournable pour la recherche en physique nucléaire. Ils sont également utilisés pour diverses applications. Il est nécessaire de caractériser la production des neutrons secondaires dans les accélérateurs afin de garantir un fonctionnement sûr en toutes circonstances. Cependant, les données expérimentales sont très rares voire inexistantes. Pour certaines données, on note des divergences entre différentes publications. Des désaccords sont aussi observés entre les mesures et les calculs. Toutes ces raisons justifient le programme Thick Target Neutron Yields (TTNY) dont l’objectif est de mesurer des spectres doublement différentiels (énergie, angle) des neutrons générés par l’interaction des ions lourds (12≤Afaisceau≤208 et 4,6 MeV/nucléon≤Efaisceau≤95 MeV/nucléon) sur cibles épaisses (natC, natCu et natNb). Deux techniques de mesure ont été utilisées : Activation et Temps de vol. Cela permet d’avoir une meilleure confiance dans les mesures, d’étudier les limites expérimentales et de consolider les conclusions que l’on peut en tirer. Les mesures sont comparées à des simulations effectuées dans ce travail avec les codes Monte-Carlo les plus utilisés en calcul nucléaires : PHITS (japonais), FLUKA (européen (CERN/INFN)) et MCNP (américain). Ces comparaisons ont permis d’évaluer la qualité des codes dans les énergies étudiées et pour les masses des noyaux explorées. Elles ont permis aussi de conclure sur les incertitudes systématiques et les éventuelles évolutions à apporter aux modèles physiques de ces codes. / Heavy-ion accelerators are an essential tool for nuclear physics research. They are also adopted in several applications. It is necessary to characterize the secondary neutrons production in order to guarantee a safe operation in every circumstance in accelerators. However, experimental data are very rare or even non-existent. For some data, we notice disagreements between different publications. Disagreements are also observed between measurements data and simulations. For all these reasons, we established the program Thick Target Neutron Yields (TTNY). This program aims to measure the double differential neutron spectra (energy, angle) generated by the interactions of heavy-ions (12≤Abeam≤208 and 4.6 MeV/nucleon≤Ebeam≤95 MeV/nucleon) on thick targets (natC, natCu and natNb). Two measurements methods were adopted: Activation and Time of Flight. This choice allows having a better confidence on the measurements, studying experimental limits and consolidating the conclusions that could be drawn from the experimental results. The measurements are compared to the simulations performed with some Monte-Carlo widely used in nuclear simulation: PHITS (Japanese), FLUKA (European (CERN/INFN)) and MCNP (American). These comparisons allowed evaluating the modeling quality of heavy-ion reactions for the energies and masses explored in this work. We also conclude on the systematic uncertainties and on the potential improvements to be introduced to physics models of these codes.

Conexão entre condições iniciais e espectro de partículas no plasma de Quarks e Glúons / Connection between initial conditions and particle spectra on the Quark Gluon Plasma

Barbosa, Leonardo 15 May 2019 (has links)
O Plasma de Quarks e Glúons (Quark Gluon Plasma ou QGP) criado de forma sistemática em grandes aceleradores de partículas que envolvem colaborações do mundo inteiro, apesar de ter sua descoberta anunciada há bastante tempo ainda apresenta desafios e questões a serem respondidas tanto do ponto de vista experimental como do teórico. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a conexão entre as condições iniciais da expansão do QGP (que dependem da interação forte e não são acessíveis ao experimento) com a anisotropia da emissão azimutal das partículas (que por sua vez reflete as condições iniciais e é medida experimentalmente). O modelo hidrodinâmico é descrito inicialmente, com ênfase no programa NeXSPheRIO. Também são apresentadas alguns tipos de observáveis e modelos de condições iniciais (NeXus, MC-KLN e TRENTO). Por fim resultados de simulações para distribuições evento-por-evento do fluxo anisotrópico (facilmente ligadas aos modelos de condições iniciais) são comparadas com dados do LHC e previsões são feitas para a energia mais alta do RHIC. Estas previsões são testadas via a razão $v_2\\{4\\}/v_2\\{2\\}$ para a qual dados existem. / The Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), created in a systematic way in large particle accelerators which are built by worldwide collaborations, even though its discovery being announced a long time ago it still presents us with challenges and questions to be answered even from the experimental point of view to the theoretical one. The main goal of this work is to study the connection between the initial conditions for the QGP expansion (which depend on strong interactions and are not accesible to the experiments) to the anisotropy in the azimuthal particle emission (which in turn reflects the initial conditions and is measured experimentally). The hydrodynamical model is described initially, with emphasis on the code NeXSPheRIO. Additionally some types of observables and initial condition models (NeXus, MC-KLN and TRENTO) are presented. And at last, results from simulations for event-by-event distributions for the anisotropic flow (easily connected to the initial conditions models) are compared with LHC\'s data and predictions are made for the RHIC\'s top energy. These predictions are tested by the $v_2\\{4\\}/v_2\\{2\\}$ for which data exists.

Proposta de novos observáveis para jatos reconstruídos em colisões entre íons pesados relativísticos / Proposal of new observables for the study of reconstructed jets in heavy ion collisions

Barros, Gabriel Oliveira Valeriano de 05 June 2013 (has links)
O Plasma de Quarks e Glúons (Qgp), um meio denso e quente, pode ser produzido em laboratório a partir da colisão entre íons pesados relativísticos. Pode-se estudá-lo a partir da comparação entre jatos reconstruídos em tais eventos e aqueles reconstruídos em colisões próton-próton, uma vez que se espera que os pártons ao atravessarem o Qgp percam energia em função da interação com o meio, o chamado jet quenching. Este trabalho propõe dois novos observáveis no estudo de jatos reconstruídos em colisões entre íons pesados relativísticos: o espectro de jatos quasi-inclusivo e a evolução do espectro de jatos de recuo em função da partícula trigger. Mostra-se que conhecida a função de resolução do momento reconstruído do jato é possível obter o espectro verdadeiro desses observáveis a partir da técnica de deconvolução bayesiana iterativa. A técnica proposta é empregada em eventos de colisões núcleonúcleo realizadas nos aceleradores Rhic e Lhc cujos dados foram coletados pelas colaborações Star e Alice, respectivamente. Os resultados evidenciam a ocorrência do fenômeno de jet queching independentemente do sistema, da energia e da centralidade da colisão em um grande intervalo cinemático. / The Quark-Gluon Plasma (Qgp), a hot and dense medium, can be produced in laboratory by colliding relativistic heavy ion. This medium can be studied by the comparison of jets reconstructed in such events and those reconstructed in proton-proton collisions, once it is expected that partons lose energy when traversing the Qgp due to its interaction with the medium, the so-called jet quenching. This work proposes two new observables: the quasiinclusive jet spectrum and the evolution of the recoil jet spectrum as function of the trigger particle. It is shown that it is possible to obtain those spectra using iterative bayesian unfolding, which requires the resolution function for the reconstructed jet transverse momentum. This technique is applied to Star and Alice data which has been taken at Rhic and Lhc, respectively. The results indicate that jet quenching occurs in a very wide kinematic range, regardless the colliding system, its energy and centrality.

Estudando plasmas não-Abelianos fortemente acoplados usando a dualidade gauge/gravity / Understanding strongly coupled non-Abelian plasmas using the gauge/gravity duality

Finazzo, Stefano Ivo 02 March 2015 (has links)
O estudo de teorias de calibre não-Abelianas fortemente acopladas, em especial de aspectos térmicos e fora do equilíbrio, é um problema central para a compreensão da Cromodinâmica Quântica (Quantum Chromodynamics - QCD) - em particular, para entender a evolução do Plasma de Quarks e Glúons (Quark-Gluon Plasma- QGP). A técnica mais promissora, QCD na rede, obteve sucesso ao tratar de fenômenos no vácuo e em equilíbrio térmico, como espectros e termodinâmica, mas enfrenta desafios consideráveis ao lidar com fenômenos fora do equilíbrio. Uma ferramenta adaptada para lidar com problemas envolvendo plasmas fortemente acoplados em tempo real é a dualidade gauge/gravity, que mapeia uma Teoria Quântica de Campos (Quantum Field Theory - QFT) fortemente acoplada em d dimensões em uma teoria de gravitação em d + 1 dimensões, a qual, de modo geral, é mais fácil de ser resolvida. Nesta tese, estudamos diversas aplicações da dualidade gauge/gravity em teorias não-Abelianas fortemente acopladas que modelam qualitativamente o QGP. Nós estudamos o cálculo holográfico do potencial entre um par quark-antiquark pesado (QQ) para dipolos QQ estáticos e se movendo com relação ao plasma, apresentando um formalismo geral para o cálculo da parte real e imaginária para uma grande classe de teorias gravitacionais duais. Um estudo da massa de Debye holográfica, baseado no maior comprimento de correlação de operadores ímpares por transformações de CT, foi empreendido, com aplicações em modelos bottom-up que reproduzem a termodinâmica da teoria de Yang-Mills SU(Nc) pura e da QCD. Para estes modelos, também calculamos vários coeficientes de transporte associados com o transporte de cargas no plasma, como a condutitividade elétrica, a constante de difusão de carga e coeficientes de transporte associados a uma teoria de hidrodinâmica relativística de segunda ordem. / The study of strongly coupled non-Abelian gauge theories, especially concerning their thermal and non-equilibrium aspects, is a central problem for understanding Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) - in particular, to understand the evolution of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). The most successful approach, lattice QCD, succeeds in dealing with vacuum and equilibrium phenomena, such as spectra and thermodynamics, but faces a considerable challenge when it comes to with non-equilibrium phenomena. A tool adapted to deal with real time problems in strongly coupled plasmas is the gauge/gravity, which maps a strongly coupled d dimensional Quantum Field Theory (QFT) to a d + 1 dimensional theory of gravity, which, in general, is easier to solve. In this thesis, we study several applications of the gauge/gravity duality to strongly coupled non-Abelian theories which model qualitatively the QGP. We deal with the holographic evaluation of the heavy quark-antiquark (Q Q) potential for static and moving QQ dipoles, presenting a general formalism for the computation of the real and imaginary parts for a large class of dual theories of gravity. A study of the holographic Debye mass, based on the largest screening length of CT-odd operators, is pursued, with applications on bottom-up holographic models that reproduce the thermodynamics of pure SU(Nc) Yang-Mills theory and QCD. For these models, we also compute several transport coefficients associated with charge transport in the plasma, such as the electric conductivity, the charge diffusion constant, and transport coefficients associated with a theory of second order relativistic hydrodynamics.

Study of the 12C+197Au reaction at relativistic energies with the INDRA 4pi multidetector

Turzo, Ketel 08 November 2002 (has links) (PDF)
L'expérience INDRA@GSI permet d'étudier les mécanismes de la réaction 12C+197Au en cinématique directe par l'utilisation du multidétecteur 4p INDRA et de faisceaux de 12C aux énergies relativistes. La source du spectateur de la cible est determinée pour les protons et les fragments légers, séparement de la source de cascade émettant des particules légeres et d'une source de haute energie émettant des fragments approximativement dans le centre de masse. Les spectres de protons en énergie cinétique sont comparés à des combinaisons du modèle de Cascade Intra-Nucléaire de Liège avec des modèles statistiques. Le scénario privilegié associe un processus de cascade avec une multifragmentation statistique. Les températures de pente des fragments determinées par une combinaison de fonctions de Maxwell-Boltzmann mettent en évidence une dépendance en énergie de faisceau, la centralité de la réaction étant donnée par la multiplicité de particules chargées. Les pions, detectés pour la première fois avec INDRA, et les protons rapides présentent une correlation avec le paramètre d'impact mais non avec la production de fragments.

Do R_{AA} and R_{CP} Quantify Nuclear Medium Effects?

Zaballa, Robert Adrian 19 November 2008 (has links)
With the use of an incoherent binary nucleon-nucleon collision model of heavy ion collisions for simulating particle production, it is demonstrated that the nuclear modification factors, R_{AA} and R_{CP}, are less than unity for hard scattering in the absence of any nuclear modification effects. The nuclear modification factor R_{dAu} is also shown to approach or exceed unity only if p_T broadening is taken into account. With a simple phenomenological parameter, the mean nucleon energy loss fraction, this model yields particle distributions that are comparable to those of experiment. The nuclear geometry is described by the Glauber model, and particle production is simulated by the PYTHIA event generator.

Charmonium in Hot Medium

Zhao, Xingbo 2010 December 1900 (has links)
We investigate charmonium production in the hot medium created by heavy-ion collisions by setting up a framework in which in-medium charmonium properties are constrained by thermal lattice QCD (lQCD) and subsequently implemented into kinetic approaches. A Boltzmann transport equation is employed to describe the time evolution of the charmonium phase space distribution with the loss and gain term accounting for charmonium dissociation and regeneration (from charm quarks), respectively. The momentum dependence of the charmonium dissociation rate is worked out. The dominant process for in-medium charmonium regeneration is found to be a 3-to-2 process. Its corresponding regeneration rates from different input charmquark momentum spectra are evaluated. Experimental data on J/[psi] production at CERN-SPS and BNL-RHIC are compared with our numerical results in terms of both rapidity-dependent inclusive yields and transverse momentum (pt) spectra. Within current uncertainties from (interpreting) lQCD data and from input charm-quark spectra the centrality dependence of J/[psi] production at SPS and RHIC (for both mid-and forward rapidity) is reasonably well reproduced. The J/[psi] pt data are shown to have a discriminating power for in-medium charmonium properties as inferred from different interpretations of lQCD results.

Étude théorique des mécanismes de transfert d'énergie suivant le passage d'un ion rapide sans un matériau

Baril, Philip January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Estudando plasmas não-Abelianos fortemente acoplados usando a dualidade gauge/gravity / Understanding strongly coupled non-Abelian plasmas using the gauge/gravity duality

Stefano Ivo Finazzo 02 March 2015 (has links)
O estudo de teorias de calibre não-Abelianas fortemente acopladas, em especial de aspectos térmicos e fora do equilíbrio, é um problema central para a compreensão da Cromodinâmica Quântica (Quantum Chromodynamics - QCD) - em particular, para entender a evolução do Plasma de Quarks e Glúons (Quark-Gluon Plasma- QGP). A técnica mais promissora, QCD na rede, obteve sucesso ao tratar de fenômenos no vácuo e em equilíbrio térmico, como espectros e termodinâmica, mas enfrenta desafios consideráveis ao lidar com fenômenos fora do equilíbrio. Uma ferramenta adaptada para lidar com problemas envolvendo plasmas fortemente acoplados em tempo real é a dualidade gauge/gravity, que mapeia uma Teoria Quântica de Campos (Quantum Field Theory - QFT) fortemente acoplada em d dimensões em uma teoria de gravitação em d + 1 dimensões, a qual, de modo geral, é mais fácil de ser resolvida. Nesta tese, estudamos diversas aplicações da dualidade gauge/gravity em teorias não-Abelianas fortemente acopladas que modelam qualitativamente o QGP. Nós estudamos o cálculo holográfico do potencial entre um par quark-antiquark pesado (QQ) para dipolos QQ estáticos e se movendo com relação ao plasma, apresentando um formalismo geral para o cálculo da parte real e imaginária para uma grande classe de teorias gravitacionais duais. Um estudo da massa de Debye holográfica, baseado no maior comprimento de correlação de operadores ímpares por transformações de CT, foi empreendido, com aplicações em modelos bottom-up que reproduzem a termodinâmica da teoria de Yang-Mills SU(Nc) pura e da QCD. Para estes modelos, também calculamos vários coeficientes de transporte associados com o transporte de cargas no plasma, como a condutitividade elétrica, a constante de difusão de carga e coeficientes de transporte associados a uma teoria de hidrodinâmica relativística de segunda ordem. / The study of strongly coupled non-Abelian gauge theories, especially concerning their thermal and non-equilibrium aspects, is a central problem for understanding Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) - in particular, to understand the evolution of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). The most successful approach, lattice QCD, succeeds in dealing with vacuum and equilibrium phenomena, such as spectra and thermodynamics, but faces a considerable challenge when it comes to with non-equilibrium phenomena. A tool adapted to deal with real time problems in strongly coupled plasmas is the gauge/gravity, which maps a strongly coupled d dimensional Quantum Field Theory (QFT) to a d + 1 dimensional theory of gravity, which, in general, is easier to solve. In this thesis, we study several applications of the gauge/gravity duality to strongly coupled non-Abelian theories which model qualitatively the QGP. We deal with the holographic evaluation of the heavy quark-antiquark (Q Q) potential for static and moving QQ dipoles, presenting a general formalism for the computation of the real and imaginary parts for a large class of dual theories of gravity. A study of the holographic Debye mass, based on the largest screening length of CT-odd operators, is pursued, with applications on bottom-up holographic models that reproduce the thermodynamics of pure SU(Nc) Yang-Mills theory and QCD. For these models, we also compute several transport coefficients associated with charge transport in the plasma, such as the electric conductivity, the charge diffusion constant, and transport coefficients associated with a theory of second order relativistic hydrodynamics.

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