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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposta de novos observáveis para jatos reconstruídos em colisões entre íons pesados relativísticos / Proposal of new observables for the study of reconstructed jets in heavy ion collisions

Gabriel Oliveira Valeriano de Barros 05 June 2013 (has links)
O Plasma de Quarks e Glúons (Qgp), um meio denso e quente, pode ser produzido em laboratório a partir da colisão entre íons pesados relativísticos. Pode-se estudá-lo a partir da comparação entre jatos reconstruídos em tais eventos e aqueles reconstruídos em colisões próton-próton, uma vez que se espera que os pártons ao atravessarem o Qgp percam energia em função da interação com o meio, o chamado jet quenching. Este trabalho propõe dois novos observáveis no estudo de jatos reconstruídos em colisões entre íons pesados relativísticos: o espectro de jatos quasi-inclusivo e a evolução do espectro de jatos de recuo em função da partícula trigger. Mostra-se que conhecida a função de resolução do momento reconstruído do jato é possível obter o espectro verdadeiro desses observáveis a partir da técnica de deconvolução bayesiana iterativa. A técnica proposta é empregada em eventos de colisões núcleonúcleo realizadas nos aceleradores Rhic e Lhc cujos dados foram coletados pelas colaborações Star e Alice, respectivamente. Os resultados evidenciam a ocorrência do fenômeno de jet queching independentemente do sistema, da energia e da centralidade da colisão em um grande intervalo cinemático. / The Quark-Gluon Plasma (Qgp), a hot and dense medium, can be produced in laboratory by colliding relativistic heavy ion. This medium can be studied by the comparison of jets reconstructed in such events and those reconstructed in proton-proton collisions, once it is expected that partons lose energy when traversing the Qgp due to its interaction with the medium, the so-called jet quenching. This work proposes two new observables: the quasiinclusive jet spectrum and the evolution of the recoil jet spectrum as function of the trigger particle. It is shown that it is possible to obtain those spectra using iterative bayesian unfolding, which requires the resolution function for the reconstructed jet transverse momentum. This technique is applied to Star and Alice data which has been taken at Rhic and Lhc, respectively. The results indicate that jet quenching occurs in a very wide kinematic range, regardless the colliding system, its energy and centrality.

Amélioration de la tolérance de la radiothérapie par une approche individuelle radiobiologique et une démarche conceptuelle unifiée en hadronthérapie / Improved tolerance of radiotherapy by an individual radiobiological approach and a unified conceptual approach in heavy ion radiotherapy

Vogin, Guillaume 10 October 2014 (has links)
5 à 15% des 175 000 patients traités par radiothérapie (RT) chaque année sont exposés à une toxicité considérée comme « inhabituelle » pouvant entraîner des séquelles parfois graves. Les techniques innovantes de photonthérapie apportent une solution balistique pertinente mais inappropriée pour certaines tumeurs ou certains patients. Deux approches permettent d'entrevoir des solutions à ces situations. 1- Contribution au développement de l'hadronthérapie par ions carbone : Ces particules possèdent une masse et une charge qui leur confèrent un avantage balistique et biologique particulièrement intéressant. Le caractère rare des tumeurs éligibles et le très faible nombre de centres n'ont pas permis, ou justifié, à ce jour la réalisation d'études comparatives randomisées afin d'en évaluer le service rendu. Via le projet FP7 ULICE, nous avons intégré et animé plusieurs groupes à l'échelle nationale et internationale. Nous avons directement produit des procédures unifiées en terme d'immobilisation, de recueil des données élémentaires, de structuration protocolaire et de transformation des données en métadonnées échangeables. Nous avons proposé des concepts originaux permettant de décrire la dose prescrite et les volumes d'intérêt, au-delà du concept réducteur d'EBR. 2- Un nouveau biomarqueur de radiosensibilité individuelle (RSI). L'identification des patients les plus à risque de développer les réactions les plus sévères reste un enjeu majeur. Aucun test de RSI ne s'impose comme gold standard. A partir de primocultures fibroblastiques issues de patients ayant présenté un profil de toxicité inhabituel à la RT, le taux de cassures double brins résiduelles à 24h estimé par immunofluorescence indirecte (marqueur γH2AX) a permis de définir 3 groupes de RSI. Toutefois ce seul marqueur n'est pas assez robuste. Le délai de transit cyto-nucléaire de la protéine ATM semble affiner notre classification. Un nouveau modèle mécanistique a ainsi pu être développé / 5 to 15% of the 175,000 patients treated with radiation therapy (RT) annually are exposed to toxicity considered "unusual" that can lead to serious sequelae. Innovative photon RT techniques provide relevant but inappropriate ballistic solution for certain tumors or certain patients. Two approaches guide solutions to these situations.1- Contribution to the development of carbon ion RT. These particles possess a mass and a charge that give them particularly interesting ballistics and biological properties. The rarity of eligible tumors and the low care offer have failed conducting randomized controlled trials to evaluate its cost-effectiveness. Throughout the FP7-ULICE project, we directly produced standard operating procedures in terms of basic data collection, protocol structuring and processing of metadata. We proposed original concepts to describe and report the dose and volume of interest, beyond the restricted concept of RBE. 2- A novel biomarker of individual radiosensitivity (IRS). The identification of the patients the most at risk of developing the most severe reactions remains a major challenge. There is no gold standard in the field of IRS assays.From fibroblasts primocultures sampled from patients with an unusual toxicity, the number of residual DNA double-stand breaks 24h after radiation and estimated by indirect immunofluorescence (marker γH2AX) allows to identify three groups of IRS. However this single marker is not robust enough. The delay of ATM nucleoshuttling appears to refine our classification. A new mechanistic model has been developed

Inclusive J/psi production measurement in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV with the ALICE Muon Spectrometer / Mesure de la production inclusive de J/psi en collisions de Pb-Pb à sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV avec le spectromètre à muons d'ALICE

Valencia Palomo, Lizardo 06 September 2013 (has links)
La Chromodynamique Quantique prédit que la matière chaude et dense produite en collisions d'ions lourds ultra-relativistes, le Plasma de Quarks et de Gluons (QGP), se conduit comme un état déconfiné de quarks et gluons.ALICE est la seule expérience au LHC qui a été conçue et construite pour caractériser la physique du QGP. Le spectromètre à muons, un des détecteurs d'ALICE, est utilisé pour mesurer la production de quarkonia à rapidité en avant.Dans la thèse suivante, l'efficacité des chambres de trajectographie du spectromètre à muons est étudiée durant une année de pris des données. Les résultats obtenus des données réelles sont comparés avec des simulations pour calculer les incertitudes systématiques par rapport aux chambres de trajectographie.Une analyse complète de la production inclusive de J/psi --> mu^+ mu^- dans les collisions Pb-Pb 2011 est également presentée. L' étude inclut l'extraction du signal, normalisation et corrections d'acceptance et d'efficacité. Une partie importante est consacrée à quantifier les incertitudes systématiques liées aux différentes sources. Les résultats, R_{AA} et <p_{T}> , sont comparés avec des expériences précédentes et des modèles théoriques. / Quantum Chromodynamics predicts that the hot and dense matter produced in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), behaves as a deconfined state of quarks and gluons. Since 1980's it was predicted that quarkonia are suppressed due to screening effects in the QGP, making quarkonia a good tool to probe the plasma.ALICE is the only experiment at the LHC that was designed and built to characterize the physics of the QGP. The muon spectrometer, one of the detectors in ALICE, is used to measure the quarkonia production at forward rapidity. In this thesis the efficiency of the tracking chambers of the muon spectrometer is studied along one year of data taking. The results obtained from real data are compared to simulations in order to compute the systematic uncertainties associated to the tracking apparatus.A complete analysis of the inclusive J/psi --> mu^+ mu^- production in the 2011 Pb-Pb collisions is also presented. The study includes the signal extraction, normalization and acceptance times efficiency corrections. An important part is dedicated to the quantify the systematic uncertainties arising from different sources. The resulting R_{AA} and <p_{T}> are compared to previous experiments and also to theoretical models.

Radiation Response of Nanostructured Cu

Cuncai Fan (7036280) 02 August 2019 (has links)
Irradiation of metals with energetic particles causes heavy damage effects in microstructure and mechanical properties, which is closely associated with irradiation conditions, presence of impurities, and microstructural features. It has been proposed that the radiation tolerance of a certain material can be enhanced by introducing a high density of interfaces, acting as ‘sinks’ that can frequently involve in attracting, absorbing and annihilating defects. Nanostructured materials with large volume fraction of interfaces, therefore, are assumed to be more radiation tolerant than conventional materials. This thesis focuses on the radiation damage effects in nanostructured Cu via the methods of in-situ TEM (transmission electron microscope) radiation experiments, postirradiation TEM analyses, small-mechanical tests (nanoindentation and micro-pillar compression), and computer simulations (molecular dynamics and phase-field modeling). We design and fabricate nanostructured Cu using direct current (DC) magnetron sputtering deposition technique, a typica physical vapor deposition (PVD) method and a bottom-up way to construct various nanostructured metals. High-density twin boundaries (TBs) and nanovoids (NVs) are introduced into two distinct nanostructured Cu films, including nanovoid-nanotwinned (NVNT) Cu (111) and nanovoid (NV) Cu (110). The in-situ high-energy Kr<sup>++</sup> (1 MeV) and ex-situ low energy He<sup>+</sup> (< 200 keV) irradiations are subsequently preformed on the as-deposited Cu samples. On the one hand, the in-situ TEM observations suggest that TBs and NVs can influence the formation, distribution and stability of radiation-induced defects. Meanwhile, the preexisting microstructures also undergo structural change through void shrinkage and twin boundary migration. On the other hand, the ex-situ micro-pillar compression tests reveal that the Heirradiated NV-NT Cu contains less defect clusters but experiences more radiation-induced hardening. The underlying mechanisms of void shrinkage, twin boundary migration, and radiationinduced hardening are fully discussed based on post-irradiation analyses and computer simulations.

Two-Pion Intensity-Interferometry in Collisions of Au+Au at √sNN = 2.41 GeV measured with HADES

Greifenhagen, Robert André Heinrich 01 February 2021 (has links)
In this thesis high-statistics π⁻π⁻ and π⁺π⁺ femtoscopy data are presented for Au+Au collisions at √sNN =2.4 GeV, measured with the High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer HADES located at the heavy-ion synchrotron SIS18 at GSI.Due to space-momentum correlations the technique of intensity interferometry allows only to measure regions of homogeneity where pairs of particles with certain momentum origin. The determination of the space-time extent of the corresponding emission sources is then only possible via a comparison to models.The purpose of this thesis is to provide a multi-differential data set as input for such models and calculations, to draw conclusions from the total spatial and temporal extension of the pion emitting source. More than two billion events of the 45 % most central collisions are analysed. A complex data-driven pair cut is established to account for the close-track deficits in the non-trivial hexagonal geometry of the HADES setup. The correlation function is studied in the longitudinally co-moving system using the Bertsch-Pratt parametrisation. The region of homogeneity, parametrised as three-dimensional Gaussian distribution, is studied in dependence on pair transverse momentum, rapidity, azimuthal emission angle with respect to the event plane, collision centrality, and beam energy. For all centralities and transverse momenta, a geometrical distribution of ellipsoidal shape is found in the plane perpendicular to the beam direction with the larger extension perpendicular to the reaction plane. For large transverse momenta, the corresponding eccentricity approaches the initial eccentricity. The eccentricity is smallest for most central collisions, where the shape is almost circular.Furthermore, a tilt of the source w.r.t. the beam axis is found.The magnitude of the tilt angle of the emission ellipsoid in the reaction plane decreases with increasing centrality and increasing transverse momentum. All source radii increase with centrality, largely exhibiting a linear rise with the cubic root of the number of participants. A substantial charge-sign difference of the source radii is found, appearing most pronounced at low transverse momentum, which is addressed to the central Coulomb potential generated by the electrical charge of the participating nucleons in the collision. The extracted source parameters agree well with a smooth extrapolation of the center-of-mass energy dependence established at higher energies, extending the corresponding excitation functions down towards a very low energy. / In dieser Arbeit werden femtoskopische π⁻π⁻- und π⁺π⁺-Daten mit hoher Statistik präsentiert, welche in Kollisionen von Au+Au bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von √sNN =2.4 GeV pro Nukleonpaar mithilfe von HADES (Zwei-Elektronen Spektrometer mit hoher Akzeptanz) am Schwerionen-Synchrotron an der GSI gemessen wurden. Aufgrund von Orts-Impuls-Korrelationen können mittels der Methode der Intensitäts-Interferometry nur Homogenitätsbereiche gemessen werden, aus welchen Teilchenpaare mit bestimmten Impuls entspringen. Die Bestimmung der raum-zeitlichen Ausdehnung der entsprechenden Emissionsquelle ist dann nur über die Hinzunahme von Modellvergleichen möglich. Die Absicht dieser Arbeit ist es, einen multi-differenziellen Daten-Satz zur Verfügung zustellen, welcher als Eingabe für solche Modelle und Rechnungen genutzt werden kann, um dann Rückschlüsse auf die absolute räumliche und zeitliche Ausdehnung der Pionen-emittierenden Quelle ziehen zu können. Mehr als zwei Milliarden Ereignisse der 45 % zentralsten Kollisionen werden analysiert. Eine komplexe Daten-basierende Paarselektion wird eingeführt, um die Verluste nah beieinander verlaufender Teilchenspuren innerhalb des nicht-trivialen hexa-geometrischen HADES-Aufbaus zu berücksichtigen. Die Korrelationsfunktion wird im longitudinal mitbewegten Inertialsystem in Bertsch-Pratt-Parametrisierung untersucht. Der als dreidimensionales Ellipsoid parametrisierte Homogenitätsbereich wird in Abhängigkeit von Transversalimpuls, azimuthalem Emissionswinkel relativ zur Reaktionsebene und Rapidität des Paares sowie Zentralität der Kollision und der Strahlenergie untersucht. In allen Zentralitäts- und Transversalimpulsbereichen wird eine geometrische Verteilung mit elliptischer Form innerhalb der auf die Strahlachse bezogenen transversalen Ebene beobachtet, wobei die größte Ausdehnung senkrecht zur Reaktionsebene zeigt. Für große Transversalimpulse stimmt die zugehörige Exzentrizität mit derjenigen der initialen Nukleonenverteilung überein. Die Exzentrizität ist am kleinsten für die zentralsten Kollisionen, bei denen eine fast kreisrunde Form beobachtet wird. Des Weiteren ist eine Neigung der Emissionsquelle relativ zur Strahlachse feststellbar. Der Wert des Neigungswinkels des Ellipsoids innerhalb der Reaktionsebene verringert sich mit zunehmend zentraleren Kollisionen und steigendem Transversalimpuls. Alle Quellradien werden größer mit zunehmender Zentralität und zeigen einen nahezu linearen Anstieg mit der Kubikwurzel der Anzahl der Partizipanten. Ein beträchtlicher Unterschied der Quellradien bezogen auf das Ladungsvorzeichen der Pionen wird beobachtet, welcher am prägnantesten bei kleinen Transversalim\-pulsen auftritt. Dieser wird dem zentralem Coulomb-Potential zugeschrieben, welches durch die elektrische Ladung der an der Kollision teilnehmenden Nukleonen generiert wird. Die extrahierten Quellparameter stimmen gut mit glatten Extrapolationen der Schwerpunktsenergie-Abhängigkeit überein, welche bei höheren Strahlenergien fixiert wurden, und erweitern diese hinab bis zu sehr kleinen Energien.

Multi-ion radiotherapy treatment planning

Lidberg, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
Multi-ion radiotherapy has been suggested as a new way to treat cancer, combining the radiological advantages of lighter and heavier ions in a single treatment to improve plan robustness and increase LETd in the target. To succeed, multi-ion radiotherapy requires a treatment planning system capable of computing dose for and optimising multi-ion treatment plans. In this project, prototypical multi-ion radiotherapy treatment planning support has been implemented in the RayStation treatment planning system. The existing dose engine for helium and carbon ion beams has been extended to support protons, oxygen and neon ions, and support has been added for dose computation and plan optimisation for any combination of these ion species. The implemented functionality has been evaluated in two phantom cases and a patient case. Multi-ion treatment plans have been shown to outperform carbon ion treatment plans in terms of simultaneously providing plan robustness, uniform RBE-weighted dose and high LETd. In the patient case, the multi-ion plan displayed significant improvements in the ability to "paint" high LETd in the target. Clinical studies are required to determine to what extent this new modality increases treatment quality in practice.

Pre-equilibrium evolution effects on relativistic heavy-ion collision observables

Liu, Jia January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Photoproduction Processes as a Probe of the Strong Nuclear Force in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC

Gilbert, Benjamin Jacob January 2024 (has links)
The intense electromagnetic fields surrounding highly charged, ultra-relativistic ions at the LHC provide an intense flux of quasi-real photons. This high-energy photon flux provides a precise probe of the structure of the nucleus in photonuclear interactions and a tool to precisely study the properties of photoproduction in two-photon interactions. This thesis presents recent results from studies of photoproduction processes in √𝒔_𝐍𝐍 = 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC, using data collected in 2015 and 2018. A measurement of the differential cross-section for photonuclear jet production is performed with an integrated luminosity of 1.72 nb⁻¹. This measurement is triple-differential in two different sets of kinematic variables ([𝐻_𝐓, 𝒙_𝐀, 𝒛_𝛾] and [𝐻_𝐓, 𝒚_jets, 𝒎_jets) which allow for a direct measurement of the kinematics of struck partons in the nuclear target, and it is fully unfolded in three dimensions. After performing detailed studies of the rate for nuclear breakup in these collisions, the photonuclear jet cross-sections agree with leading-order predictions at the level of 10%. The uncertainty on this measurement and full treatment of its correlated uncertainties will allow for it to significantly constrain the nuclear parton distributions over a wide region of parton kinematics. A measurement was also performed of dimuon production via two-photon fusion in Pb+Pb collisions with nuclear overlap. This measurement studied the relative deflection of muons in each pair, and its results indicated that these distributions are substantially modified as a function of collision centrality. This modification is mostly well-described by initial-state models, which improve the modelling of the photon flux by incorporating correlations between the collision impact parameter and photon 𝒑_𝐓. Additional studies were performed to constrain the potential impact of any deflections due to the presence of strong magnetic fields in the hot, dense medium produced in heavy ion collisions.

Fabrication de semiconducteurs poreux pour améliorer l'isolation thermique des MEMS

Newby, Pascal January 2014 (has links)
Résumé : L’isolation thermique est essentielle dans de nombreux types de MEMS (micro-systèmes électro-mécaniques). Elle permet de réduire la consommation d’énergie, améliorer leurs performances, ou encore isoler la zone chaude du reste du dispositif, ce qui est essentiel dans les systèmes sur puce. Il existe quelques matériaux et techniques d’isolation pour les MEMS, mais ils sont limités. En effet, soit ils ne proposent pas un niveau d’isolation suffisant, sont trop fragiles, ou imposent des contraintes trop importantes sur la conception du dispositif et sont difficiles à intégrer. Une approche intéressante pour l’isolation, démontrée dans la littérature, est de fabriquer des pores de taille nanométrique dans le silicium par gravure électrochimique. En nanostructurant le silicium ainsi, on peut diviser sa conductivité thermique par un facteur de 100 à 1000, le transformant en isolant thermique. Cette solution est idéale pour l’intégration dans les procédés de fabrication existants des MEMS, car on garde le silicium qui est déjà utilisé pour leur fabrication, mais en le nanostructurant localement, on le rend isolant là où on en a besoin. Par contre sa porosité cause des problèmes : mauvaise résistance chimique, structure instable au-delà de 400°C, et tenue mécanique réduite. La facilité d’intégration des semiconducteurs poreux est un atout majeur, nous visons donc de réduire les désavantages de ces matériaux afin de favoriser leur intégration dans des dispositifs en silicium. Nous avons identifié deux approches pour atteindre cet objectif : i) améliorer le Si poreux ou ii) développer un nouveau matériau. La première approche consiste à amorphiser le Si poreux en l’irradiant avec des ions à haute énergie (uranium, 110 MeV). Nous avons montré que l’amorphisation, même partielle, du Si poreux entraîne une diminution de sa conductivité thermique, sans endommager sa structure poreuse. Cette technique réduit sa conductivité thermique jusqu’à un facteur de trois, et peut être combinée avec une pré-oxydation afin d’atteindre une réduction d’un facteur cinq. Donc cette méthode permet de réduire la porosité du Si poreux, et d’atténuer ainsi les problèmes de fragilité mécanique causés par la porosité élevée, tout en gardant un niveau d’isolation égal. La seconde approche est de développer un nouveau matériau. Nous avons choisi le SiC poreux : le SiC massif a des propriétés physiques supérieures à celles du Si, et donc à priori le SiC poreux devrait conserver cette supériorité. La fabrication du SiC poreux a déjà été démontrée dans la littérature, mais avec peu d’études détaillées du procédé. Sa conductivité thermique et tenue mécanique n’ont pas été caractérisées, et sa tenue en température que de façon incomplète. Nous avons mené une étude systématique de la porosification du SiC en fonction de la concentration en HF et le courant. Nous avons implémenté un banc de mesure de la conductivité thermique par la méthode « 3 oméga » et l’avons utilisé pour mesurer la conductivité thermique du SiC poreux. Nous avons montré qu’elle est environ deux ordres de grandeur plus faible que celle du SiC massif. Nous avons aussi montré que le SiC poreux est résistant à tous les produits chimiques typiquement utilisés en microfabrication sur silicium. D’après nos résultats il est stable jusqu’à au moins 1000°C et nous avons obtenu des résultats qualitatifs encourageants quant à sa tenue mécanique. Nos résultats signifient donc que le SiC poreux est compatible avec la microfabrication, et peut être intégré dans les MEMS comme isolant thermique. // Abstract : Thermal insulation is essential in several types of MEMS (micro electro-mechanical systems). It can help reduce power consumption, improve performance, and can also isolate the hot area from the rest of the device, which is essential in a system-on-chip. A few materials and techniques currently exist for thermal insulation in MEMS, but these are limited. Indeed, either they don’t have provide a sufficient level of insulation, are too fragile, or restrict design of the device and are difficult to integrate. A potentially interesting technique for thermal insulation, which has been demonstrated in the literature, is to make nanometer-scale pores in silicon by electrochemical etching. By nanostructuring silicon in this way, its thermal conductivity is reduced by a factor of 100 to 1000, transforming it into a thermal insulator. This solution is ideal for integration in existing MEMS fabrication processes, as it is based on the silicon substrates which are already used for their fabrication. By locally nanostructuring these substrates, silicon is made insulating wherever necessary. However the porosity also causes problems : poor chemical resistance, an unstable structure above 400◦C, and reduced mechanical properties. The ease of integration of porous semiconductors is a major advantage, so we aim to reduce the disadvantages of these materials in order to encourage their integration in silicon-based devices. We have pursued two approaches in order to reach this goal : i) improve porous Si, or ii) develop a new material. The first approach uses irradiation with high energy ions (100 MeV uranium) to amorphise porous Si. We have shown that amorphisation, even partial, of porous Si leads to a reduction of its thermal conductivity, without damaging its porous structure. This technique can reduce the thermal conductivity of porous Si by up to a factor of three, and can be combined with a pre-oxidation to achieve a five-fold reduction of thermal conductivity. Therefore, by using this method we can use porous Si layers with lower porosity, thus reducing the problems caused by the fragility of high-porosity layers, whilst keeping an equal level of thermal insulation. The second approach is to develop a new material. We have chosen porous SiC: bulk SiC has exceptional physical properties and is superior to bulk Si, so porous SiC should be superior to porous Si. Fabrication of porous SiC has been demonstrated in the literature, but detailed studies of the process are lacking. Its thermal conductivity and mechanical properties have never been measured and its high-temperature behaviour has only been partially characterised. We have carried out a systematic study of the effects of HF concentration and current on the porosification process. We have implemented a thermal conductivity measurement setup using the “3 omega” method and used it to measure the thermal conductivity of porous SiC. We have shown that it is about two orders of magnitude lower than that of bulk SiC. We have also shown that porous SiC is chemically inert in the most commonly used solutions for microfabrication. Our results show that porous SiC is stable up to at least 1000◦C and we have obtained encouraging qualitative results regarding its mechanical properties. This means that porous SiC is compatible with microfabrication processes, and can be integrated in MEMS as a thermal insulation material.

A large area time of flight detector for the STAR experiment at RHIC

Kajimoto, Kohei 29 June 2010 (has links)
A large area time of flight (TOF) detector based on multi-gap resistive plate chamber (MRPC) technology has been developed for the STAR (Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC) experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York. The TOF detector replaces STAR's Central Trigger Barrel detector with 120 trays, each with 32 MRPCs. Each MRPC has 6 channels. The TOF detector improves by a factor of about 2 STAR's particle identification reach in transverse momenta and enhances STARs physics research program.

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