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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hebungen der Tagesoberfläche als Folge des Grundwasserwiederanstiegs stillgelegter Braunkohlentagebaue

Lieske, Katharina, Schade, Marco 29 July 2016 (has links)
Die Grundwasserstände unterliegen in den Gebieten des Braunkohlenbergbaus permanenter, bergbaulich bedingter Veränderung. Im Einflussbereich der aktiven Braunkohlentagebaue überwiegen sinkende - im Bereich der ehemaligen Tagebaubereiche nach Einstellung der Wasserhaltungsmaßnahmen dagegen steigende Grundwasserstände. Der Grundwasserwiederanstieg im Verantwortungsbereich der LMBV mbH ist schon weit vorangeschritten aber noch nicht überall abgeschlossen. Im Zuge der Auswertung von regelmäßig durchgeführten Präzisionsnivellements wurden in den gewachsenen Randbereichen der in Flutung befindlichen Tagebauseen Hebungen festgestellt, die in ihrer räumlichen Ausdehnung und dem Betrag mit den Ergebnissen der Beobachtungen der Grundwasserstände korrelieren. Rückblickend werden die Zusammenhänge zwischen Grundwasserwiederanstieg und Hebungen des gewachsenen Bodens anhand von Beispielen von bereits gefluteten Tagebauseen aus dem Mitteldeutschen Braunkohlenrevier betrachtet. Die festgestellten Hebungen vollziehen sich längerfristig über mehrere Jahre. Die Hebungsbeträge erreichen maximale Werte von einigen Zentimetern - erreichen aber nicht die Beträge der früheren sümpfungsbedingten Senkungen. Schädliche Auswirkungen auf Bauwerke durch grundwasserwiederanstiegsbedingte Hebungen waren nicht zu erwarten und sind auch nicht eingetreten. / Water tables in lignite mining areas are characterized by a permanent mining-related variation. In the sphere of influence of the active lignite mines preponderates decreasing – in reach of the abandoned lignite mining areas in contrast increasing water tables. The groundwater resurgence within the areas of responsibility of LMBV mbH is widely pro-ceeded but yet not completed in all areas. In the course of the evaluation of regularly conducted precision levellings uplifts were detected in the natural boundary areas of post-mining lakes still in flooding progress. These uplifts correlate in their regional/areal dimension and magnitude with the results of the water tables. The coherence between groundwater resurgence and the uplifts will be examined retrospectively based on examples of flooded post-mining lakes from the mining area around the cities of Leipzig and Halle. The observed elevation take place over some years. The elevation amount reaches maximum values of a few centimeters, but doesn’t reach the amount of the former drainage caused subsidence. Adverse effects on buildings by groundwater resurgence caused elevation were not expected and didn’t occur so far.

Bewertung von Unsicherheiten radarinterferometrisch detektierter vertikaler Bodenbewegungen in Folge des Grubenwasseranstiegs im ehemaligen Steinkohlenrevier Oelsnitz/E.

John, André, Löbel, Karl-Heinz 16 July 2019 (has links)
Das Institut für Markscheidewesen und Geodäsie der TU Bergakademie Freiberg beschäftigt sich bereits seit vielen Jahren mit der Analyse und dem Monitoring der vertikalen Bodenbewegungen im ehemaligen Steinkohlerevier Oelsnitz/Erzgebirge. Aktuelle Bestrebungen gehen dahin, die Potentiale der Radarinterferometrie zur Detektion vertikaler Bodenbewegungen bestmöglich auszunutzen um zukünftig, im Vergleich zu Nivellement Messungen in großen zeitlichen Abständen, auch zeitlich besser aufgelöste Aussagen zur Bewegungsdynamik zu erhalten. Nach einer grundsätzlichen Darstellung des Ablaufs einer PSI-Analyse unter Nutzung weitgehend freier Softwarelösungen, werden am Beispiel des Oelsnitzer Reviers verschiedene aus der Anwendung des Verfahrens resultierende praktische Fragestellungen analysiert. / The Institute for Mine Surveying and Geodesy of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg has been working for many years on the analysis and monitoring of vertical ground movements in the former coal mine area Oelsnitz/Erzgebirge. Recent efforts are aimed at making the best possible use of the potentials of radar interferometry for the detection of these vertical ground movements. In the future, for example, it would be possible to obtain temporally better-resolved statements on the dynamics of ground movements in comparison to levelling measurements at long time intervals. After a general presentation of the workflow of a PSI analysis using widely free software solutions, various practical questions resulting from the application of the method are analyzed using the example of the former mining area Oelsnitz/Erzgebirge.

Tectonics of an intracontinental exhumation channel in the Erzgebirge, Central Europe

Hallas, Peter 28 August 2020 (has links)
The late Variscan rapid extrusion of ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks into a preexisting nappe stack is the striking feature of the Erzgebirge, N-Bohemian Massif. Complex deformation increments, the large scatter of orientation and geometry of the finite strain ellipsoid as well as partly inverted metamorphic and age profiles are controversially discussed. Structural analysis and geothermobarometry show that deeply buried continental crust emplaced under transpression with horizontal σ1 (NNW-SSE) and σ3 stress axes. Thereby, west-directed lateral escape of isothermally exhumed high-pressure units led to the formation of an exhumation channel. The pervasive fabric of quartz-feldspar rocks formed between 400–650 °C. Based on Ar-Ar geochronology, the deformation in the exhumation channel is framed between 340 and 335 Ma. This preliminary results allow a modern texture analysis of natural shear zones, i.e. electron back scattering and neutron diffraction of quartz from shear zones of the exhumation channel. Because of an extensive and complex dataset, the crystallographic orientation of quartz is statistically analysed. I applied multidimensional scaling of the error between orientation density functions to visualize quartz textures together with additional microstructural features. I show that the temporal coexistence of two crystallographic orientation endmembers is the exclusive result of varying strain rates and differential stress. This thesis combines for the first time crystallographic textures of the Erzgebirge with modern plate tectonic concepts of the European Variscan orogeny.:Table of contents PREFACE Channel exhumation models in collisional Orogens Texture evolution of quartz in orogenic shear zones The structure of the thesis PART 1: THE EXHUMATION CHANNEL OF THE ERZGEBIRGE: GEOLOGICAL CONSTRAINS 1 Introduction 2 Geological Setting 2.1 The Variscan orogeny 2.2 The Saxo-Thuringian Zone as part of the European Variscides 2.3 Tectonics – constraints for an exhumation channel (<340 Ma) 3 Methods and Data processing 3.1 Field work, sample collection and selection 3.2 Geochemistry 3.3 MLA 3.4 EMP analyses and pressure-temperature estimations 3.5 Ar-Ar dating 3.6 Ar-Ar data handling and statistical treatment 4 Results 4.1 Geochemistry and Mineral Content of the Channel Rocks 4.2 Tectonics of the exhumation channel 4.2.1 Mica schists – roof of the channel 4.2.2 Paragneisses and Orthogneiss (type 1) 4.2.3 Orthogneiss (mgn) 4.2.4 Orthogneiss (type 2) – footwall of the channel 4.3 Petrology and Mineral chemistry 4.3.1 Garnet 4.3.2 Plagioclase 4.3.3 White mica 4.3.4 Biotite 4.4 Geothermobarometry 4.5 40Ar/39Ar – geochronology 4.5.1 Step heating 4.5.2 Single grain fusion 4.5.3 Ar-Ar and mineral chemistry 4.5.4 Ar-Ar and structural geology 5 The tectonometamorphic evolution of the exhumation channel 5.1 Local change in finite strain ellipsoid orientation 5.2 Evidence for advective heat transfer during exhumation 5.3 Position of the gneiss complex Reitzenhain-Catherine 5.4 Do Ar-Ar ages of the Erzgebirge represent cooling or recrystallization? 6 The channel model 6.1 Pre-channel stage – subduction 6.2 Channel stage – lateral extrusion 6.3 Post-channel stage – extensional doming 7 The Constrains for Texture analyses in a channel-type exhumation shear zone PART 2: QUARTZ TEXTURE AND MICROSTRUCTURAL EVOLUTION IN A CHANNEL-TYPE EXHUMATION SHEAR ZONE 1 Introduction 2 State of the Art 2.1 Dynamic recrystallization mechanism in quartz. 2.2 Texture evolution from natural and experimental deformed quartz 2.3 Quartz c-axis and textures in the Erzgebirge 3 Sample description 3.1 Mineral content 3.2 Quartz microstructures 3.2.1 Type 1 – Predominance of GBM 3.2.2 Type 2 – GBM overprints SGR 3.2.3 Type 3 – Equal ratio of GBM and SGR 3.2.4 Type 4 – Predominance of SGR 4 Methods 4.1 Time of Flight data processing and analysis 4.2 EBSD data processing and analysis 4.3 Multidimensional scaling 5 Results 5.1 Pole figure geometry 5.2 Multidimensional scaling 5.3 Texture properties and recrystallization 5.4 Grain and sample properties 5.5 Intragranular misorientation 5.6 Subgrain misorientation axes, slip systems and Schmid factor 6 Discussion 6.1 The dependence of quartz content and distribution and the particular CPO 6.2 The context between grain sizes, shape preferred orientation (SPO) and crystal preferred orientation (CPO) 6.3 Active slip systems during ductile quartz deformation 6.4 Recrystallization mechanism and texture 7 Conclusions GENERAL CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES APPENDIX A Isochemistry during metamorphism B Confidentiality of the PT estimations C Discrepancy of WPA and WMA D Appendix Figures E Appendix Tables

Surface movement due to coal mining and abandoned mine flooding

Zhao, Jian 12 July 2022 (has links)
To better understand the issues about the surface movements in the coal mining region Lugau-Oelsnitz, Germany, small-scale numerical models are firstly utilized for verifications via analytical solutions, to explore the simulation schemes, and for parameter sensitivity analysis. 1D rock column numerical models shows that simulated surface movements are consistent with analytical solutions. The investigations via 2.5D profile numerical models also show that uplift is linear related to water level rise under confined mine water conditions, while a quadratic function is valid for unconfined mine water. Geodetic survey in the Lugau-Oelsnitz district shows that at the end of the active mining period (1844 to 1971), general subsidence is about 5 - 10 m, with a maximum of 17 m in the southern mining area. General uplift velocity after abandoned mine flooding between 1972 and 2014 is about 0.5 - 2.0 mm/year. Based on numerical simulation results, predicted general uplift velocity vary between 0.5 - 3.0 mm/year, while maximum uplift position is moving toward south.:1 Introduction 2 State of the art 2.1 Overview 2.1.1 Coal mining induced settlements 2.1.2 Flooding induced uplift 2.2 Approaches to predict subsidence 2.2.1 Empirical approaches 2.2.2 Influence function methods 2.2.3 Physical models 2.2.4 Numerical simulation methods 2.3 Approaches to predict uplift 2.3.1 Empirical approaches 2.3.2 Numerical simulation methods 2.4 Comparison and conclusions 2.4.1 Comparison of research methods 2.4.2 Conclusions 3 Numerical simulation approaches 3.1 Continuum mechanical simulations with FLAC3D 3.1.1 Mining induced subsidence 3.1.2 Flooding induced uplift 3.2 Discontinuum mechanical simulations with 3DEC 3.2.1 Self-weight induced settlement in jointed rock column model 3.2.2 Uplift for jointed and fully saturated rock column 3.3 Parameter sensitivity study 3.3.1 Parameter effect on subsidence 3.3.2 Parameter effect on uplift 3.4 Interface and volume element representation of faults 3.4.1 Simulation schemes 3.4.2 Parameter sensitivity analysis of fault 3.4.3 Discussion 3.5 Conclusions 4 Case study: Coal mining region Lugau-Oelsnitz 4.1 Background information 4.1.1 Mining background 4.1.2 Geological and hydrogeological situation 4.2 In-situ monitoring data 4.2.1 Groundwater level data 4.2.2 Surface movement data 4.2.3 Discussion of data analysis 4.3 Continuum based numerical modelling 4.3.1 Introduction 4.3.2 Model set-up 4.3.3 Calculation results 4.3.4 Surface movement predictions 4.4 Discontinuum based numerical modelling 4.4.1 Model set-up 4.4.2 Calibration results 4.4.3 Surface movement prediction 4.5 Conclusions 5 Conclusions and prospects 5.1 Conclusions 5.2 Main contributions of thesis 5.3 Inadequacies and prospects

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