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Uporedna analiza rezultata operativnog lečenja ingvinalnih hernija beztenzionim i konvencionalnim tehnikama / A comparative analysis of the results of operative treatment of inguinal hernias by the tension - free and conventional techniquesPetaković Goran 29 May 2015 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Ingvinalna hernioplastika predstavlja najučestaliju operaciju u abdominalnoj hirurgiji. U istorijatu herniologije su se razvijale različite ideje, te iz njih nastale operativne metode, koje su imale za cilj formiranje kvalitetnog vezivnog tkiva na mestu kilnog defekta. Danas postoje brojne hirurške tehnike, bazirane na tenzionim ili beztenzionim principima, uz primenu hirurških mrežica, otvorenim pristupom, kao i laparoskopskim tehnikama. Zajednički cilj navedenih metoda je kreiranja idealne hernioplastike ingvinalnih kila. I pored postojanja ogromnog broja hirurških procedura i tehnika, još uvek ne postoji tzv. »prava hernioplastika« koja bi zadovoljila sve potrebne zahteve vezane za problem ingvinalnih hernija. CILJ I HIPOTEZA: Cilj rada je bio da se napravi uporedna analiza između dve različite hirurške tehnike otvorenim pristupom, konvencionalne tenzione suturne hernioplastike, te beztenzione tehnike, uz korišćenje hirurških mrežica ( mesh ). Korišćeni su sledeći parametri tokom istraživanja: određivanje nivoa postoperativnog bola prema numeričkoj skali, vizuelno-analognoj te kategorijskoj skali bola; određivanje samostalne fizičke aktivnosti; (savijanje nogu, naprezanje trbušnih mišića, ustajanje) u neposrednom postoperativnom periodu; gradacija nivoa mišićne snage, određivanje vremenskog perioda kada se pacijenti uspevaju vratiti svojim svakodnevnim aktivnostima i radnim obavezama; određivanje stope postoperativnog morbiditeta i mortaliteta te određivanje stope ranog recidiva bolesti. RADNA HIPOTEZA: Beztenzionu ingvinalnu hernioplastiku karakteriše znatno manja operativna trauma, što ima za posledicu manji lokalni i generalizovani odgovor organizma na stres. Kod bolesnika operisanih beztenzionom metodom očekuje se manji intenzitet bola, kraće zadržavanje u hospitalnim uslovima, manji procenat postoperativnih komplikacija, brži povratak uobičajenim fizičkim i radnim aktivnostima i znatno manji stepen recidiva bolesti. Pretpostavlja se da beztenziona ingvinalna hernioplastika u poređenju sa konvencionalnom uzrokuje manju nelagodnost za pacijente, znatno manji postoperativni bol i bolju mišićnu aktivnost. Poboljšanje mišićne aktivnosti ogleda se u lakšoj vertikalizaciji, kvalitetnijem kretanju uz manje bolan hod, bez povijanja tela na stranu operativne rane. MATERIJAL I METODE: Istraživanje je prospektivna, kliničko- statistička studija sa praćenjem parametara (preoperativnih, intraoperativnih i postoperativnih) kod svakog operisanog bolesnika. Studija je obuhvatila seriju od 200 pacijenata hospitalizovanih na Klinici za abdominalnu, endokrinu i transplantacionu hirurgiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine, od decembra 2002. do avgusta 2007.godine, svrstanih u dve jednake grupe po 100 pacijenata, odabranih metodom slučajnog izbora. Prva, ispitivana grupa obuhvatila je pacijente operisane beztenzionim procedurama, druga, kontrolna grupa je obuhvatila pacijente operisane konvencionalnim, tenzionim tehnikama. Korišćeni metod rada je kliničko statistički sa praćenjem svih potrebnih fizioloških parametara, a dobijeni rezultati su analizirani i međusobno upoređivani statističkim metodama multifaktorijalne analize. Pronađene vrednosti su međusobno upoređene parametrijskim i neparametrijskim testovima značajnosti na nivou p<0.05. REZULTATI: komparacija između dve ispitivane grupe je vršena tokom preoperativnog, intraoperativnog i postoperativnog perioda, različitim statističkim parametrima. Konstatovana je, statističkom analizom, homogenost grupa u smislu starosne dobi i polne distribucije, kao i lokalnog preoperativnog nalaza vezanog za tip, veličinu i lokalizaciju kila, kao i spram klasifikacije hernija. U sledećim parametrima je ustanovljena statistički signifikantna razlika: postoperativni bol, gradacija mišićne snage, rana fizička aktivnost, količina utrošenih analgetika, dužina hospitalizacije, prisutnost obostranih kila, povratak radnim aktivnostima i obavezama, postoperativne komplikacije i recidiv bolesti. Dobijeni podaci su prikazani tabelarno, te delom u vidu grafikona i dijagrama. ZAKLJUČCI: 1. Kod pacijenata operisanih beztenzionom metodom evidentan je znatno manji postoperativni bol i brži oporavak i povratak uobičajnim dnevnim i radnim aktivnostima 2. Proceduru treba izvoditi u svim slučajevima sa prisutnim velikim defektima i razorenim zadnjim zidom ingvinalnog kanala 3 Beztenzionu hernioplastiku karakteriše manji broj recidiva u poređenju sa otvorenim tenzionim hernioplastikama. 4. Pacijenti sa bilateralnim ingvinalnim i recidivnim hernijama imaju punu indikaciju za izvođenje beztenzione herioplastike sa ugradnjom mesh-a. 5. Preduslov za uspešno obavljenu beztenzionu hernioplastiku je primena dovoljno velike proteze, odnosno mesh-a, dimenzija 15 x 10 cm.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Inguinal hernioplasty is the most common surgical procedure in abdominal surgery. In the history of herniology have developed different ideas, and from them emerged operational methods, which are aimed at educating quality of connective tissue at the site of the hernia defect. Nowadays, there are numerous surgical techniques, based on the tensioned or tension-free principles, with the use of surgical mesh for open access as well as laparoscopic techniques. Common goal of these methods is creating ideal inguinal hernioplasty despite the existence of a huge number of surgical procedures and techniques, there is still no so-called »Proper hernioplasty " that would satisfy all the necessary requirements related to the problem of inguinal hernia. AIM AND HYPOTHESIS: The aim of this study was to make a comparative analysis between two different open access surgical techniques conventional tension hernioplasty and tension-free techniques, with the use of surgical mesh .The following parameters were used during the research: determining the level of postoperative pain according to a numerical scale, visual analogue scale and categorical scale of pain; determining the initial independent physical activities: (bending the legs, straining abdominal muscles, getting up) in the immediate postoperative period; gradation levels of muscular strength, determination period when patients can return to their usual daily activities and work duties; determining the rate of postoperative morbidity and mortality and to determine rates of early recurrence of the disease. WORKING HYPOTHESIS: Tension-free inguinal hernioplasty characterized by significantly less operative trauma, which results in smaller local and generalized body's response to stress. In patients operated by the tension. free method is expected to lower the intensity of pain, a shorter stay in the hospital setting, a smaller percentage of postoperative complications, faster return to normal physical and occupational activities and much lower degree of disease recurrence. It is assumed that the tensional. free inguinal hernioplasty compared with conventional causes less discomfort for patients, significantly less postoperative pain and better muscle activity. Better muscle activity is reflected in a facilitated mobilization, quality of movement and less painful gait, without bending the body at the side of the surgical wound. MATHERIAL AND METHODS: The research was a prospective, clinical-statistical study of the monitoring parameters (preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative) in each of the operated patients. The study involved a series of 200 patients hospitalized at the Clinic for Abdominal, Endocrine and Transplantation Surgery, Clinical Center Vojvodine, from December 2002 to August 2007, divided into two groups of 100 patients, randomly chosen. First, the test group consisted of patients operated by the tension-free procedures, the other, the control group consisted of patients operated on conventional techniques. The method used is the work of clinical statistical tracking of all necessary physiological parameters, and the results were analyzed and compared with each other with multivariate statistical methods of analysis. Found values are compared with each other parametric and non-parametric tests of significance at p <0.05. RESULTS: The comparison between the two study groups was performed during the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative period, using various statistical parameters. It was noted using the statistical analysis, the homogenity of the groups in terms of age and sex distribution, as well as local preoperative findings related to the type, size and location pounds as well as towards the classification of hernias. In the following parameters is statistically significant difference: postoperative pain, graduations of muscle strength, healing of physical activity, the quantity of analgesics, length of hospitalization, the presence of bilateral hernias, the return of work activities and responsibilities, postoperative complications and recurrence. The data are presented in tables, and partly in the form of graphs and charts. CONCLUSIONS: 1. In patients operated by the tension-free obvious method is significantly less postoperative pain and faster recovery and return to usual daily and work activities 2. The procedure should be performed in all cases with the presence of large defects and lacerated back wall of the inguinal canal 3. Tension-free hernioplasty is characterized by a smaller number of recurrence compared with conventional hernioplasty 4. Patients with bilateral inguinal hernias and recurrent have a full indication of the performance of the tension-free hernioplasty with the installation of mesh. 5. A prerequisite for the successful work carried out tension-free hernioplasty application is large enough prosthesis ( mesh ), measuring 15 x 10 cm.</p>
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O uso de laser diodo de 830nm em cicatrizes pós-cirúrgicas de hérnia inguinal. Um estudo clínico / The use of 830nm diode laser in post-surgical scarring of inguinal hernia. A clinical study.Carvalho, Rodrigo Leal de Paiva 06 May 2009 (has links)
Introdução: A Laserterapia de Baixa Intensidade (LTBI) é uma terapia que tem se mostrado eficiente na reparação tecidual em trabalhos com cultura celular e experimentos animais, mas existe uma escassez de trabalhos com cicatrização de incisões pós-cirúrgicas em humanos utilizando laser infravermelho GaAlAs de 830nm. O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar a eficácia do laser infravermelho GaAlAs de 830nm no processo de cicatrização de incisão póscirúrgica de hérnia inguinal Métodos: 28 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de hérnia-inguinal foram divididos randomicamente em grupo experimental (G1) e grupo controle (G2). O G1 recebeu tratamento com laser, sendo a primeira aplicação 24hs após a cirurgia e as demais dia sim dia não até um total de 4 aplicações. Ambos os grupos foram reavaliados após 6 meses por meio da Escala de cicatriz de Vancouver (ECV) e Escala visual analógica (EVA) e da espessura da cicatriz. As incisões foram irradiadas com laser diodo, =830 nm, 40 mW de potência de saída, 0,08cm² de diâmetro da ponteira de emissão, 26 segundos, 1,04J de energia por ponto e fluência de 13J/cm². Resultados: O G1 apresentou melhora significativa nas médias (p<0,05) da soma total da VSS 11 G1 2,14(±1,51) e G2 4,85(±1,87), na espessura G1 (0,11) e G2 (0,19) e na elasticidade da cicatriz G1 (0,14) e G2 (1,07). Conclusão: De acordo com os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho o tratamento com laser (830nm), usado na cicatrização de cirurgias de hérnia inguinal conseguiu melhorar a aparência e a qualidade da cicatriz seis meses após a incisão. / Background: Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) has been shown to be beneficial in the tissue repair process as shown in work done with tissue culture and animal experiments. However, there is a scarcity of work done with regard to post-surgical scarring of incisions in humans using infrared, 830nm, GaAlAs laser. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of an infrared, GaAlAs laser with a wavelength of 830nm in the post surgical scarring process after Inguinal Hernia Surgery. Method: 28 patients who underwent surgery for Inguinal Hernias were randomly divided into an Experimental Group (G1) and a Control Group (G2). The G1 received low level laser treatment (LLLT) with the first application being made 24 hours after surgery and then every other day for a total of 4 applications. Both Groups were re-evaluated after 6 months using the Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS), the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), and a measurement of scar thickness. The incisions were irradiated with an 830 nm diode laser operating with a continuous output power of 40 mW, spot size aperture of 0.08cm ², 26 seconds, an energy per point of 1.04J and energy density of 13J/cm ². Results: The G1 showed significantly better results; in the VSS totals (2.14±1.51) versus G2 (4.85±1.87), in the thickness measurements G1 (0.11 cm) versus G2 (0.19 cm), and in the pliability G1 (0.14) versus G2 (1.07). Conclusion: According to the results of this work LLLT (830nm) of Inguinal Hernia Scars resulted in better appearance and scar quality six months after surgery.
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O uso de laser diodo de 830nm em cicatrizes pós-cirúrgicas de hérnia inguinal. Um estudo clínico / The use of 830nm diode laser in post-surgical scarring of inguinal hernia. A clinical study.Rodrigo Leal de Paiva Carvalho 06 May 2009 (has links)
Introdução: A Laserterapia de Baixa Intensidade (LTBI) é uma terapia que tem se mostrado eficiente na reparação tecidual em trabalhos com cultura celular e experimentos animais, mas existe uma escassez de trabalhos com cicatrização de incisões pós-cirúrgicas em humanos utilizando laser infravermelho GaAlAs de 830nm. O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar a eficácia do laser infravermelho GaAlAs de 830nm no processo de cicatrização de incisão póscirúrgica de hérnia inguinal Métodos: 28 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de hérnia-inguinal foram divididos randomicamente em grupo experimental (G1) e grupo controle (G2). O G1 recebeu tratamento com laser, sendo a primeira aplicação 24hs após a cirurgia e as demais dia sim dia não até um total de 4 aplicações. Ambos os grupos foram reavaliados após 6 meses por meio da Escala de cicatriz de Vancouver (ECV) e Escala visual analógica (EVA) e da espessura da cicatriz. As incisões foram irradiadas com laser diodo, =830 nm, 40 mW de potência de saída, 0,08cm² de diâmetro da ponteira de emissão, 26 segundos, 1,04J de energia por ponto e fluência de 13J/cm². Resultados: O G1 apresentou melhora significativa nas médias (p<0,05) da soma total da VSS 11 G1 2,14(±1,51) e G2 4,85(±1,87), na espessura G1 (0,11) e G2 (0,19) e na elasticidade da cicatriz G1 (0,14) e G2 (1,07). Conclusão: De acordo com os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho o tratamento com laser (830nm), usado na cicatrização de cirurgias de hérnia inguinal conseguiu melhorar a aparência e a qualidade da cicatriz seis meses após a incisão. / Background: Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) has been shown to be beneficial in the tissue repair process as shown in work done with tissue culture and animal experiments. However, there is a scarcity of work done with regard to post-surgical scarring of incisions in humans using infrared, 830nm, GaAlAs laser. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of an infrared, GaAlAs laser with a wavelength of 830nm in the post surgical scarring process after Inguinal Hernia Surgery. Method: 28 patients who underwent surgery for Inguinal Hernias were randomly divided into an Experimental Group (G1) and a Control Group (G2). The G1 received low level laser treatment (LLLT) with the first application being made 24 hours after surgery and then every other day for a total of 4 applications. Both Groups were re-evaluated after 6 months using the Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS), the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), and a measurement of scar thickness. The incisions were irradiated with an 830 nm diode laser operating with a continuous output power of 40 mW, spot size aperture of 0.08cm ², 26 seconds, an energy per point of 1.04J and energy density of 13J/cm ². Results: The G1 showed significantly better results; in the VSS totals (2.14±1.51) versus G2 (4.85±1.87), in the thickness measurements G1 (0.11 cm) versus G2 (0.19 cm), and in the pliability G1 (0.14) versus G2 (1.07). Conclusion: According to the results of this work LLLT (830nm) of Inguinal Hernia Scars resulted in better appearance and scar quality six months after surgery.
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