Spelling suggestions: "subject:"homogenization"" "subject:"omogenization""
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Homogenization of Acoustic Wave Propagation in a Magnetorheological FluidReese, Owein 30 April 2004 (has links)
We formulate a model for acoustic excitations in a magnetorheological fluid. Constitutive equations are derived for Navier-Stokes flow coupled with Maxwell's Equations. The viscosity of the fluid is modified to reflect the dependence of waves propagating within the fluid itself and in the case where they propagate along the network of particles.
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Caractérisation expérimentale et modélisation multi-échelle des propriétés mécaniques et de durabilité des bétons à base de granulats recyclés / Expérimental characterization and multi-scale modeling of mechanical and durability properties of recycled aggregate concretesAdessina, Ayodele 14 November 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse combine des approches expérimentales et théoriques visant à caractériser les propriétés mécaniques et de durabilité des bétons à base de granulats recyclés. La première partie est consacrée à la quantification de l'effet des granulats recyclés sur les propriétés mécaniques et de durabilité de ces bétons. Les résultats montrent que les propriétés mécaniques et de durabilité des bétons à base de granulats recyclés sont sensibles non seulement aux propriétés physiques des granulats recyclés mais aussi à leur quantité au sein de la microstructure. Par ailleurs, une caractérisation des propriétés mécaniques locales grâce aux essais de nano indentation et micro indentation a aussi été entreprise; ce qui a permis d'avoir accès aux propriétés mécaniques des phases telles que les zones d'interface ou encore l'ancien mortier. La deuxième partie est une approche consacrée à l'établissement des modèles multi-échelles en mesure de rendre compte des propriétés macroscopiques (mécanique et de diffusion) des bétons à base de granulats de démolition en tirant profit des informations recueillies sur la microstructure (observation au microscope, nano et micro indentation,...). Une prise en compte du caractère complexe des granulats recyclés a aussi été abordée dans ce développement théorique. Enfin, une comparaison des résultats des modèles avec ceux expérimentaux est présentée puis discutée dans ce travail / This thesis combines experimental and theoretical approaches to characterize the mechanical and durability properties of recycled aggregate concretes (RAC). The first part of the work is devoted to the quantification of the impact of recycled concrete aggregates on the mechanical and durability properties of RAC. The results show that mechanical and durability properties of recycled aggregate concretes depend not only on the physical properties of recycled concrete aggregates but also on their quantity in the microstructure. Furthermore, statistical indentation technique is used to capture the local mechanical properties of phases in the microstructure of RAC such as the interfacial transition zones and the attached mortar. The second part of this study deals with the multi-scale modeling of the mechanical and the durability properties of RAC. The main purpose of this theoretical work is to establish models capable to predict the macroscopic behaviour based on the available information on the microstructure (obtained by optical microscopy or through indentation technique). The established models take into account the complex structure of the recycled concrete aggregates. Finally, the results of the models are compared with experimental data for discussion
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Modélisation du couplage carbonatation – chlorures et étude multiéchelle de l’influence des granulats sur la diffusivité dans les bétons / Modeling the coupled transport of carbonation and chlorides and multi-scale study of the effect of aggregates on the diffusivity in concretesAchour, Mohamad 06 December 2018 (has links)
La corrosion des aciers est l’une des principales causes de dégradation des ouvrages en béton armé, notamment en façade maritime. Cette dégradation est due à la diffusion d’ions chlorures qui peut se produire dans les ouvrages immergés dans l’eau de mer, ceux subissant des cycles de marnage et également ceux soumis aux embruns marins. La corrosion peut être également due au processus de carbonatation du béton, responsable de la baisse du pH et par conséquent de la dépassivation des aciers. Cette thèse propose un modèle physico-chimique pour décrire la penetration des agents agressifs dans la première phase de la corrosion des aciers. Cette phase dite « incubation » correspond à la phase pendant laquelle le transfert des espèces agressives se produit dans le béton. Afin d’identifier clairement les paramètres de transport de ce modèle macroscopique une démarche multi-échelle est mise en oeuvre pour rendre compte de la diffusion dans les bétons. Cette démarche repose sur une description détaillée de la microstructure du béton (constituants et morphologie) par des méthodes de changement d’échelle. Cette approche se veut la plus exhaustive possible avec la prise en compte explicite de l’influence du rapport eau sur liant de la pâte de ciment, des propriétés des granulats et de la zone de transition entre la pâte et les granulats. Après identification de tous les paramètres d’entrée, le modèle physico-chimique macroscopique est utilisé pour évaluer la durée de vie d’un béton soumis au couplage carbonatation -chlorures en milieu insaturé. Suite à une validation du modèle par comparaison à des résultats expérimentaux, plusieurs applications de ce modèle sont présentées. / The corrosion of steels is one of the principal causes of degradation of reinforced concrete structures, especially in front of the sea. This degradation is due to the diffusion of chloride ions that can occur in the structures immersed in the seawater, those undergoing tidal cycles and also those subjected to the sea spray. The corrosion can also be due to the carbonation process of the concrete, which is responsible for decreasing of the pH and consequently the depassivation of the steels. This thesis proposes a physicochemical model to describe the penetration of aggressive agents in the first period of steel corrosion. This so-called « incubation » period corresponds to the period during which the transfer of aggressive species occurs in the concrete. In order to clearly identify the transport parameters of thismacroscopic model, a multi-scale approach is implemented to consider the diffusion in concretes. This approach is based on taking into account the detailed description of the microstructure of the concrete (constituents and morphology) by upscaling methods. This multi-scale approach is intended to be the most comprehensive with the consideration of the influence of the water-to-binder ratio of the cement paste, the properties of the aggregates and the transition zone between the cement paste and the aggregates. After identifying all the input parameters, the macroscopic physico-chemical model is used to evaluate the service life of a concrete subjected to coupling carbonation -chlorides in unsaturated medium. Following a validation of the model compared to experimental results, several applications of this model are presented.
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Simulação geoestatística aplicada ao planejamento de pilhas de homogeneização : um estudo de caso de reconciliaçãoAbichequer, Luciana Arnt January 2010 (has links)
A lucratividade da indústria mineira é diretamente dependente do planejamento adequado de todas as fases de extração e beneficiamento de minério. Cada passo deste processo por sua vez, também é dependente dos resultados da fase anterior. As usinas de beneficiamento, por exemplo, devem ser alimentadas por um material o mais homogêneo possível, o que é garantido por um planejamento adequado de lavra e de forma muito eficaz por pilhas de homogeneização. No entanto, os métodos de estimativa comumente utilizados para prever os teores dos blocos que formam esses sistemas, não medem adequadamente a incerteza associada a este processo de estimativa. Este estudo avalia a eficácia da simulação geoestatística na previsão da variabilidade in situ dos teores e planejamento de pilhas de homogeneização. O método gera múltiplos cenários equiprováveis para o depósito que devem reproduzir os parâmetros estatísticos das amostras, o histograma e o variograma do fenômeno. Para um dado plano de lavra, o conjunto de cenários simulados irá gerar um conjunto de valores equiprováveis para cada pilha de homogeneização. A metodologia proposta foi aplicada a um depósito de fosfato na região central do Brasil. Neste caso de estudo, os teores de P2O5 previstos pelo plano de lavra de curto prazo e amostrados na área industrial foram comparados com o grupo de valores gerados para as pilhas por meio da simulação. A reprodução dos resultados demonstrou a aplicabilidade da metodologia para o depósito em questão. Além disto, a simulação geoestatística demonstrou ser uma ferramenta muito eficiente na previsão da variabilidade in situ dos teores e planejamento de pilhas de homogeneização. / Profits in mineral industry strongly depend on proper planning at all stages of mining and ore processing, and every step of these processes depends on the results from the previous stage. These chains of events can be illustrated, for instance, by the processing plant. To maximize ore recovery, among various factors, the processing plant must be fed by a material as homogeneous as possible minimizing the variance of the head grades that can be achieved initially by a proper mining plan and optimal schedule and more effectively by homogenization piles. The key factor is to know the input grade variance to design a blending system capable of attenuating it. Estimation methods commonly used to predict block grades which form the geological model used for mine planning do not adequately measure the variance associated with these estimates. This study evaluates geostatistical simulation in predicting in situ grades variability and planning blending piles. The method generates multiple, equally probable grade scenarios for the deposit, which reproduce the values of the samples, the histogram, and the variograma of the attribute being simulated. For a given mining plan, the set of simulated scenarios will generate a group of equiprobable values for each homogenization pile. These results provide the means to assess a range of possible values each pile can have. To validate the suggested methodology, the contents of P2O5 obtained by the short-term mining plan and sampled at the processing plant from a large phosphate mine in central Brazil were compared against the simulated values. The results matched adequately demonstrating that geostatistical simulation and pile emulation methodology are efficient tools that could be applied in predicting grades in situ variability and in planning blending piles.
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Desenvolvimento e avaliação da atividade antifúngica de nano partículas lipídicas sólidas contendo óleo de copaíba e alantoínaSvetlichny, Gregory January 2014 (has links)
Alguns decênios atrás, o advento da nanotecnologia abriu perspectivas inovadoras permitindo alcançar novos alvos. Na área farmacêutica, as nanopartículas abriram alternativas ineditas de acesso para tratar órgãos e tecidos. Dentre as diversas nanopartículas existentes, este trabalho assentou sobre as nanopartículas lípidicas sólidas porque elas permitem a utilização de substâncias naturais, que representam um interesse cada vez maior devido às suas potencialidades diversificadas e comprovadas. Assim, foram escolhidos o óleo de copaíba e a alantoína devido às suas propriedades farmacológicas. Da mesma maneira que existem vários tipos de nanopartículas, existem várias técnicas para produzi-las. Neste estudo, o método por homogeneização à alta pressão foi selecionado devido às diversas vantagens. Para validar essas opções tecnológicas e caracterizar as nanopartículas, análises morfológicas, físico-químicas e térmicas foram realizadas. O segundo propósito desta pesquisa foi a avaliação do potencial antifúngico das nanopartículas contra fungos leveduriformes e filamentosos multirresistentes, devido às diversas propriedades microbiológicas do óleo de copaíba. Consequentemente, diversos ensaios micológicos foram feitos a fim de determinar onde e como essas nanopartículas agiram sobre esses fungos. Os resultados mostraram que a produção de nanopartículas lípidicas sólidas homogêneas e estáveis físico-quimicamente foi possível. Além disso, essas nanopartículas, compostas por substâncias naturais, demonstraram atividade antifúngica contra fungos multiresistentes, fato que não ocorreu com as matérias-primas isoladas. A nanotecnologia foi fundamental e levou a desenvolver suspensões antifúngicas. / Some decades ago, the advent of nanotechnology has opened new perspectives allowing reaching new targets. In the pharmaceutical area, nanoparticles have opened new ways for treating organs and tissues. Among the various existing nanoparticles, this work was based on solid lipid nanoparticles because they permitted the use of natural substances which represent a growing interest due to their diverse and proven strengths. So, copaiba oil and allantoin were chosen. Just as there are several types of nanoparticles, there are several techniques to produce them. In this study, the method of high pressure homogenization was selected because of several advantages. To validate these technological options and characterize nanoparticles, morphological, physico-chemical and thermal analysis were performed. The second purpose of this research was to evaluate the antifungal potential of nanoparticles against multiresistant yeasts and filamentous fungi due to various microbiological properties of copaiba oil. Consequently, many mycological tests were performed to determine where and how these nanoparticles acted on these fungi. The results showed the production of homogeneous and physico-chemically stable solid lipid nanoparticles is possible and, moreover, these nanoparticles produced with natural substances demonstrated their antifungal activity against multiresistant fungi, which did not happen with isolated raw materials. The nanotechnology was fundamental and led to develop antifungal suspensions.
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Análise de sistemas multiescala acoplados com ferramentas de otimização topológicaLisboa, Ederval de Souza January 2018 (has links)
A definição das estruturas hierárquicas envolve uma estrutura que pode ser observada em escalas de diversos comprimentos, sendo que um elemento estrutural de certa escala é formado por subestruturas periódicas de uma escala menor. Utilizando o método bidirecional de otimização topológica evolucionária BESO (Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization) em estruturas contínuas compostas por materiais únicos e por vários materiais, modeladas através do método dos elementos finitos, este trabalho implementa os procedimentos computacionais necessários com o objetivo de otimizar o comportamento dinâmico do sistema estrutural, através da maximização da frequência fundamental bem como da separação de um ou dois pares de frequências adjacentes de forma simultânea ou não, sujeita a restrições de volume estrutural nas diversas fases. Cada nível hierárquico é assumido como um meio contínuo composto por um ou mais materiais homogêneos, cada um destes com uma microestrutura associada. No projeto simultâneo com múltiplas fases, as informações foram transferidas entre a micro e a macroescala através do método da homogeneização, enquanto que as técnicas de otimização topológica visaram encontrar a melhor distribuição de fases em ambas as escalas para a maximização das propriedades desejadas Dessa forma se alcançaram uma série de topologias associadas às diversas funções objetivo utilizadas, decorrentes da maximização da frequência fundamental, do intervalo entre um par de frequências naturais consecutivas, da separação das frequências naturais a partir de uma frequência prescrita e da separação de dois pares de frequências consecutivas concomitantemente. Experimentos numéricos também foram realizados buscando o melhor leiaute na macroescala, na microescala, ou em ambas de forma acoplada, apresentando-se as discussões correspondentes. Conjunto de soluções ótimas foram gerados, baseado no método dos pesos, os quais possibilitaram por exemplo a identificação da perda de integridade estrutural em alguns casos otimizados. Foram obtidas estruturas com valores de separação entre duas frequências consecutivas muito maiores do que nas topologias não otimizadas. Por exemplo quando da otimização utilizando microestrutura única com dois materiais, a maximização do intervalo entre a terceira e a segunda frequências naturais supera em aproximadamente 520% a diferença entre as mesmas frequências na topologia não otimizada. / Hierarchical structures are structures that can be observed at different length scales, where typically a structural element at a certain scale is composed by periodic substructures at a smaller scale. Applying the Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization (BESO) method to continuous structures made of a single or multiple materials modelled via the finite element method, this work implements the computational procedures needed in order to optimize the dynamic behavior of the structural system. The optimization is achieved either via maximization of the fundamental frequency, or via separation of adjacent natural frequencies, as well as via separation of one or two pairs of adjacent frequencies, simultaneously or not, all former cases subjected to volume restrictions in the different material phases. Each hierarchical level is treated as a continuous medium occupied by one or more homogeneous material, each material having an associated microstructure. In the simultaneous project with multiple phases, the information is transferred from the microstructure to the macrostructure through the homogenization method, while topology optimization techniques are employed to reach the best material distribution such that the chose objective function is maximized. In this way, a series of topologies associated to each optimization type were found, from the maximization of either the fundamental frequency, the gap between a pair of adjacent natural frequencies, the distance of all natural frequencies from a prescribed frequency, or the gap of two pairs of adjacent natural frequencies concurrently Numerical experiments were conducted in order to find the best layout for the macrostructure, microstructure, or both simultaneously via a coupled formulation. Following the results a discussion is presented. Sets of optimal solutions based on the weighed method were generated, making possible to identify the loss of structural integrity in some optimized cases. It was possible to obtain structures with separation values between two consecutive frequencies much higher than the initial values in unoptimized topologies. For example, the optimization of a single microstructure containing two materials reached a gap maximization between the third and second natural frequencies approximately 520% bigger than the difference between these same frequencies in the unoptimized topology.
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Um modelo tridimensional para túneis escavados em rocha reforçada por tirantes passivosCouto, Eduardo Costa January 2011 (has links)
No presente trabalho, é apresentado um modelo numérico para análise tridimensional de túneis escavados em maciços rochosos reforçados por tirantes aderidos ao longo de todo o seu comprimento. O método numérico utilizado é o método dos elementos finitos. A abordagem usada na modelagem da interação maciço/tirante é o método de homogeneização de meios periódicos. Essa abordagem substitui o meio compósito constituído de rocha e tirantes por um meio homogeneizado equivalente, dispensando a tarefa de discretizar cada tirante separadamente. O comportamento do maciço é considerado elastoplástico perfeito, caracterizado pelo critério de Drucker-Prager, com regra de fluxo associada. O revestimento é considerado elástico, enquanto os tirantes são tratados como inclusões lineares em tração/compressão com lei de comportamento elastoplástica. Com esse modelo foi implementado um código, tridimensional, que simula o processo de escavação pelo método da ativação/desativação de elementos. Esse código é capaz de levar em conta diferentes situações de profundidade, geometria e estado inicial de tensões. Com a finalidade de avaliar o desempenho da abordagem de homogeneização, foi implementado um segundo código, que modela a interação maciço/tirante por meio do método incorporado. Esse método, muito usado em análises de concreto armado, tem em comum com o método de homogeneização a capacidade de lidar com diferentes configurações de reforços utilizando a mesma malha base. Ao final, os dois códigos são utilizados em modelagens de um caso real, o túnel experimental Kielder (Inglaterra), para o qual se dispõe de dados medidos in situ. A comparação destes dados com os resultados das duas modelagens mostra uma aproximação muito boa. / A numerical model for three-dimensional analysis of tunnels excavated in reinforced rock mass by fully grouted bolts is presented in this work. The numeric method utilized is the finite element method and the approach used in the modeling of the interaction mass/bolt is the homogenization of periodic media method. This approach replaces the composite medium formed by rock and bolts by a homogenized equivalent medium eliminating the task of discretizing each bolt separately. The rockmass behavior is considered elastoplastic perfect caracterized by the Drucker-Prager criterion with associated flow rule. The lining is elastic, while the bolts are treated as linear inclusions in tension / compression with elastoplastic behavior law. A three-dimensional code was implemented with this model that simulates the excavation process by means of the activation-deactivation method. This code is able to consider different situations of depth, geometry and initial state of stress. In order to evaluate the performance of the homogenization approach, a second code was implemented to model the interaction rockmass/bolts by means of the embedded method. This method, widely used in analysis of reinforced concrete, has in common with the approach of the homogenization the capacity to deal with different configurations of reinforcements with the same base mesh. Finally, the two codes are used to model a real case, the Kielder experimental tunnel (England), for which in situ measured data are available. The comparison of these data with the results of the two modeling shows a very good approximation.
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Desenvolvimento de nanoemulsões para uso em alimentos e uso tópico / Development of nanoemulsions for food and topical applicationsGalvão, Karen Cristine Santos 11 February 2015 (has links)
O uso de princípios ativos a base de plantas em alimentos pode ser interessante devido à sua atividade (ex.: antioxidante, antimicrobiana, dentre outros), entretanto, alguns desses aditivos são hidrofóbicos, sendo, portanto, de difícil dispersão na formulação do alimento, que é geralmente rico em água. Do mesmo modo, a diminuição da concentração utilizada de antisépticos é um desafio atual. Uma alternativa é a utilização desses princípios ativos na forma de nanoemulsões com baixas concentrações de princípios ativos. O objetivo geral desta tese foi o desenvolvimento de nanoemulsões a base de eugenol e extrato de pimenta dedo-demoça para uso em alimentos, e a base de triclosan, para uso tópico, como alternativa para higienização de mãos de manipuladores de alimentos. O desenvolvimento das nanoemulsões foi realizado com o auxílio de um homogeneizador de alta velocidade seguido de um homogeneizador de alta pressão. Foram estudados os seguintes parâmetros, em vários experimentos: tipo e concentração de tensoativos, valor ideal de HLB, relação fase lipídica/fase aquosa, relação tensoativo/óleo, e composição e processo. As nanoemulsões foram otimizadas por desenho experimental, avaliadas quanto à estabilidade por estresse térmico e força centrífuga e estabilidade ao armazenamento por 90 dias, caracterizadas por diferentes análises, incluindo a determinação do potencial antioxidante e antibacteriano. Foram desenvolvidas nanoemulsões com tamanho médio de gota menor que 200 nm, sendo que, a estabilidade frente ao estresse térmico e força centrífuga variaram para cada sistema, mas, todas nanoemulsões foram estáveis pelo período de 90 dias em temperatura ambiente. A nanoemulsão de eugenol demonstrou bom potencial antioxidante e a nanoemulsão de triclosan demonstrou alta atividade bacteriostática na concentração de 3% e atividade bactericida em concentração menor que 40µg/mL pelo período de 90 dias. As nanoemulsões desenvolvidas têm potencial de aplicação nas indústrias de alimentos e sanitária. / The utilization of plant bioactives in food can be interesting because of its activity (eg.: antioxidant, antimicrobial, among others) and to minimize the use of their high concentration of antiseptics. However, some of these additives are hydrophobic, and, therefore, are more difficult to be dispersed in food, which are generally water-based. A good alternative is the use of low concentration of these actives as nanoemulsions. The aim of this thesis was the development of nanoemulsions with eugenol, \"dedo-de-moça\" pepper extract for food applications, and of triclosan for topical application as hand\'s cleaner. The studies for development of these nanoemulsions were carried out with a high speed homogenizer followed by a high pressure homogenizer. The following parameters were tested: type and concentration of surfactants, ideal HLB value, lipid phase/aqueous phase relation, surfactant/oil relation, and composition and processing conditions. Nanoemulsions were optimized by experimental design, evaluated by preliminary and storage stability, characterized by different analysis, including antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Nanoemulsions with mean droplet size lower than 200 nm were developed; the thermal stress and centrifuge stabilities were different for each system, but, all nanoemulsions were stable over 90 days on ambient temperature. The eugenol nanoemulsion had good antioxidant activity and triclosan nanoemulsion had high antimicrobial activity in the concentration of 3% and a bactericidal activity at concentration lower than 40µg/mL over 90 days period. The nanoemulsions developed have potential for applications in food and sanitary industries.
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Etude des comportements statique et dynamique des composites à phases piézo-électrique et piézo-magnétique / Study of the static and dynamic behavior of piezoelectric and piezo-magnetic phase compositesNguyen, Tien The 17 May 2016 (has links)
Les matériaux magnéto-électro-élastiques (MEE) sont l'association des matériaux piézo-électrique et piézo-magnétique qui présentent un couplage "magnéto-électrique". L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier d'une part, le comportement effectif de ces composites et d'autre part, la propagation des ondes planes dans le milieu homogène équivalent. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous avons modélisé le comportement effectif des composites MEE à partir de la méthode de la moyenne. Nous avons d'abord établi les équations générales, ensuite nous avons traité le cas où chaque phase est supposée isotrope transverse suivant un axe et polarisée suivant la même direction. La loi de comportement obtenue, ainsi que les tenseurs effectifs du milieu homogène équivalent ont été établis. Les propriétés élastiques effectives sont influencées par les propriétés électriques et magnétiques et réciproquement. Nous nous sommes intéressés en particulier à deux types de composites : les stratifiés et les fibres longues. L'influence de la géométrie des constituants ainsi que la proportion des phases sur le comportement effectif ont été étudiées. La deuxième partie du travail a porté sur l'étude de la propagation d'ondes planes dans les stratifiés. En utilisant la méthode d'homogénéisation périodique, nous avons obtenu les équations de la dynamique dans le milieu homogène équivalent. La longueur d'onde considérée est supposée grande devant la périodicité spatiale. Une méthode de résolution numérique a été développée afin d'obtenir les courbes de dispersion. Nous avons obtenu ces courbes en fonction des proportions des phases constitutives. Bien que les trois propriétés: élastique, électrique, magnétique, contribuent au comportement oscillatoire global, l'onde conserve essentiellement une nature élastique. / The objective of this thesis is estimating fundamental properties and studying the propagation of waves in the equivalent homogeneous medium based on the periodic magneto-electro-elastic (MEE) composite. These artificial MEE media are realized by means of combining piezo-electric and piezo-magnetic materials, and featurea direct "magneto-electric" coupling. In the first part, we modeled the effective behavior of these composites applying the averaging method. First, we derived the general equations, then we treated a particular case a uni axial medium comprised of alternating layers of piezo-electric and piezo-magnetic phases and polarized in the direction normal to the surfaces of these layers. The law of behavior was obtained as well as the effective tensors of the equivalent homogeneous medium. The effective elastic properties are influenced by the magnetic and electrical properties and inversely. We were particularly interested in two types of materials: multi-layers (planar symmetry) and long fibers (cylindrical symmetry). The influence of the geometry of these components on the effective behavior was revealed. The second part of the study focuses on the propagation of plane waves in the case of periodic multilayer structures. Using the periodic homogenization method, we obtained the effective tensors and the equations of propagation of elasto-electro-magnetic plane waves. The wavelength is supposed much larger than the spatial period of the investigated structure, hence the quasi-static approximation for the equations of electromagnetic could be used. The chosen method has allowed estimation of the wave frequency as a function of the wave number, the corresponding dispersion curves were plotted for a wide range of proportions of the constituent materials. Although all the three properties, mechanical, electrical and magnetic contribute to the global oscillatory behavior, the wave is essentially elastic.
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In this dissertation, we first provide a short introduction to qualitative homogenization of elliptic equations and systems. We collect relevant and known results regarding elliptic equations and systems with rapidly oscillating, periodic coefficients, which is the classical setting in homogenization of elliptic equations and systems. We extend several classical results to the so called case of perforated domains and consider materials reinforced with soft inclusions. We establish quantitative H1-convergence rates in both settings, and as a result deduce large-scale Lipschitz estimates and Liouville-type estimates for solutions to elliptic systems with rapidly oscillating periodic bounded and measurable coefficients. Finally, we connect these large-scale estimates with local regulartity results at the microscopic-level to achieve interior Lipschitz regularity at every scale.
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