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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation de nouveaux gènes et polymorphismes potentiellement impliqués dans les interactions hôtes-pathogènes / Finding novel gene candidates and polymorphisms involved in host-pathogen interactions

Abou-Khater, Charbel 05 July 2017 (has links)
La coévolution ainsi que les différentes interactions entre hôte et pathogène contribuent à former la diversité génétique de ces deux organismes. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’étude de la variabilité génétique de 1760 gènes immunitaires choisis suivant des critères définis, pour essayer d’expliquer pourquoi il existe une variation individuelle face aux infections. L’objectif principal de ce projet était alors de caractériser et d'analyser de nouveaux gènes et polymorphismes immunitaires pouvant expliquer le contrôle ou la susceptibilité à certaines infections. Deux études pilotes nous ont permis de développer le pipeline de détection de polymorphismes. Pour la première, le polymorphisme des 3 gènes CD28, CTLA4, et ICOS a été caractérisé. Dans la deuxième, nous avons caractérisé le polymorphisme de 10 gènes impliqués dans la réponse immunitaire contre M. tuberculosis. Ces gènes ne sont pas très polymorphes et trois d’entre eux sont très conservés. Ces deux études nous ont aidés à préparer l’analyse à grande échelle avec les mises au point et l’amélioration du pipeline. Nous avons sélectionné 1760 gènes en se basant sur des critères définis. La variabilité génétique a été étudiée dans les populations humaines par une analyse minutieuse in silico de données de séquençage d’exomes générées par différents projets et consortiums pour plus de 700 individus représentant 20 populations à travers le monde. 30 gènes les plus polymorphes ont été ainsi identifiés. Ces gènes pourront être entièrement caractérisés et les données produites pourraient être comparées avec des données de résistance/sensibilité de certaines maladies infectieuses. / Host-pathogen co-evolution and interactions contribute in shaping the genetic diversity of both organisms. The objective of this thesis is to define the genetic basis of variability in disease resistance/susceptibility through the development of large-scale in silico screens to identify novel gene candidates implicated in host-pathogen interactions (such as tuberculosis).A pilot study was conducted on CD28, CTLA4, and ICOS to investigate their polymorphism. As a first step in our study based on data available in the literature, we selected a set of ten genes relevant for the immune response against M. tuberculosis. Seven of these genes were moderately polymorphic, while three of them were highly conserved. This analysis was used to prepare and setup the large scale analysis using the same developed pipeline for polymorphism detection and allele reconstruction. For our in silico, we used sequence data from several projects and consortiums to isolate most polymorphic human genes amongst a list of over 1760 candidates selected based on already established relevance for infections and on evolutionary considerations. A first screen of 64 individuals from eight different populations from several regions of the world was performed and most variable genes were selected for further extensive analyses on a larger panel (715 individuals). 30 most polymorphic genes were thus identified. The extent of polymorphism and the allelic worldwide variants of each of these 30 genes are ready to be fully characterized. The data generated could be compared against infectious disease resistance/susceptibility data to identify potentially relevant gene variation.

The antiviral siRNA interactome in Drosophila melanogaster / L'interactome antivirale de la voie des siARNs de Drosophila melanogaster

Majzoub, Karim 23 September 2013 (has links)
La voie de l’ARN interférence (ARNi), en particulier celle des siRNA, constitue la défense antivirale majeure chez les plantes,les nématodes et les insectes. Le génome de l’organisme modèle Drosophila melanogaster code pour trois protéines, Dcr-­‐2, AGO2 et R2D2, indispensables à cette voie. Les mouches mutantes pour une de ces trois protéines sont plus susceptibles et succombent plus rapidement aux infections virales comparées aux mouches sauvages. Beaucoup d’études biochimiques ont permis d’obtenir une image assez précise de la fonction moléculaire de ces trois protéines in vitro. Cependant, plusieurs études in vivo ont révélé une réalité plus complexe, probablement liée à l’association de ces molécules avec des cofacteurs. Ce manuscrit décrit les approches adoptées afin d’identifier les partenaires protéiques de la voie des siRNA et d’étudier leurs rôles, notamment dans un contexte infectieux. Dcr-­‐2, AGO2 et R2D2 ont été étiquetés par génie génétique avec un tag de 16 acides aminés, reconnu par la biotin-­‐ligase BirA, qui permet leur biotinylation après leurs transfections dans les cellules S2. Les cellules transfectées ont été ensuite soumises à différentes infections virales,notamment avec le virus C de la Drosophile (DCV) (Dicistroviridae), le virus de la stomatite vésiculaire (VSV) (Rhabdoviridae) ou le Flock House virus (FHV) (Nodaviridae). Les cellules ont été ensuite lysées au pic de l’infection et les complexes protéiques purifiés et analysés par spectrométrie de masse.[...] / Fighting viral infections is hampered by the scarcity of viral targets and their variability resulting in development of resistance. Viruses depend on cellular molecules for their life cycle, which are attractive alternative targets, provided that they are dispensable for normal cell fonctions. Using the mode! organism Drosophila melanogaster, we identify the ribosomal protein RACK1 as a cellular factor required for infection by the internai ribosome entry site (IRES) containing virus Drosophila C virus (DCV). We further demonstrate that inhibition of RACK1 in human liver cells impairs hepatitis C virus (HCV) IRES-mediated translation and infection. Inhibition of RACK1 in Drosophila and hurnan cells does not affect cell viability and proliferation, and RACK1-silenced adult flies are viable, indicating that this protein is not essential for general translation. Our findings demonstrate a specific function for ribosomal protein RACK 1 in selective mRNA translation and uncover a promising targe! for the development of broad antiviral intervention.

Étude du rôle de l'autophagie dans l'infection par le virus de la rougeole : mécanismes d'induction et conséquences sur le cycle viral / Role of autophagy in measles virus infection : mechanisms of autophagy induction and consequences on measles virus life cycle

Richetta, Clémence 07 October 2013 (has links)
La macroautophagie, appelée ici autophagie, est un processus de dégradation lysosomale qui joue un rôle clé dans l'immunité en dégradant des micro-organismes intracellulaires mais également en activant des réponses immunitaires. Cependant, de nombreux virus ont développé des stratégies pour inhiber, utiliser voire détourner l'autophagie à leur propre bénéfice. L'objectif de cette thèse a été d'analyser la place de l'autophagie dans l'infection par le virus de la rougeole (VR). Ce travail démontre que les souches atténuées du VR utilisent plusieurs voies moléculaires successives d'induction d'autophagie dans les cellules infectées. En effet, elles sont capables d'induire une première vague d'autophagie très précoce mais transitoire par l'engagement de l'une des isoformes de leur récepteur d'entrée CD46. Après un bref retour à l'état basal, une deuxième vague d'autophagie est induite par l'interaction de la protéine virale non structurale C avec la protéine cellulaire autophagique IRGM. La formation de syncytia conduit à une troisième voie d'induction d'autophagie qui permet de maintenir l'autophagie mise en place. Cette autophagie soutenue est exploitée par le VR afin de limiter la mort des cellules infectées, ce qui promeut la production de particules virales. Les souches virulentes du VR, incapables de lier CD46, et utilisant comme récepteur d'entrée la protéine CD150, n'induisent que l'autophagie tardive qui est également utilisée pour favoriser la production de particules virales infectieuses. Ce travail de thèse montre donc que l'induction d'une autophagie soutenue lors de l'infection par le VR promeut l'infection, principalement en limitant la mort cellulaire / Macroautophagy, thereafter referred to as autophagy, is a lysosomal degradation which plays a key role in immunity by directly degrading intracellular pathogens but also by favouring innate and adaptive immune responses. However, several viruses have evolved strategies to inhibit, exploit or even hijack autophagy for their own benefit. The aim of this thesis was to analyse the role of autophagy in the course of measles virus (MeV) infection. This work demonstrates that attenuated strains of MeV induce successive autophagy signalling in infected cells, via distinct and uncoupled molecular pathways. First, attenuated MeV strains are able to induce a first early and transient wave of autophagy through the engagement of one of the isoform of their cellular receptor CD46. Soon after infection, a new autophagy signalling is initiated by the interaction of the non-structural MeV protein C with the cellular autophagic protein IRGM. Strikingly, this second autophagy signalling can be sustained overtime within infected cells via a third autophagy input resulting from cell-cell fusion and the formation of syncytia. Sustained autophagy is exploited by MeV to limit the death of infected cells and to improve infectious viral particle formation. Interestingly, virulent strains of MeV, which do not use CD46 as a cellular receptor but use CD150, are unable to induce the early autophagy wave, whereas they induce and exploit the late and sustained autophagy. Thus, this work demonstrates that the induction of a sustained autophagy during MeV infection promotes infectivity, mostly by limiting cell death. Overall, this work describes an unusual and complex interplay between autophagy and MeV

Abordagem proteômica da interação bactéria-hospedeiro na colibacilose aviária

Reis, Roberta Souza dos January 2011 (has links)
Escherichia coli patogênicas aviárias (APEC) causam infecções extraintestinais em frangos conhecidas como colibacilose. A APEC MT78, ao contrário de outras linhagens APEC, foi capaz de invadir células não-fagocitárias no modelo de fibroblastos aviários (CEC-32). Considerando que as interações patógeno-hospedeiro envolvem modificações na abundância de proteínas e padrões de expressão, principalmente nas proteínas de superfície, nosso objetivo foi comparar o proteoma da MT78 crescida em meio de cultura celular com o proteoma de MT78 isolada de fibroblastos aviários infectados (condição de co-cultura). Desenvolvemos aqui a padronização das etapas de extração de proteínas totais, isolamento de células bacterianas do co-cultivo e análise proteômica de modo a obtermos uma análise proteômica global reprodutível e de qualidade. A análise da interação APEC MT78 e células CEC-32 por microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura revelou que essa cepa se associa à célula-alvo em um padrão de adesão localizada. A internalização de APEC MT78 pareceu ocorrer como resultado de uma interação entre bactéria-célula que dispara rearranjos do citoesqueleto de actina da célula-alvo, formando estruturas filo e lamelipodiais que são dependentes da viabilidade bacteriana. O reisolamento de células bacterianas intactas, observadas por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, após o co-cultivo com CEC-32 foi obtido através da técnica de solubilização diferencial de membranas. As células bacterianas foram sonicadas e as proteínas digeridas em solução seguida de uma etapa de purificação. Nós identificamos 69 proteínas, distribuídas em 9 classes funcionais, incluindo as proteínas de membrana FimA, OmpA and OmpC. A proteína OmpA já foi associada a invasão do patógeno humano NMEC (neonatal meningitis-associated E. coli) à células HBMEC. Esses experimentos representam a primeira investigação proteômica global em E. coli patogênica aviária. As proteínas identificadas representaram diferentes rotas metabólicas, funções fisiológicas e diferentes localizações subcelulares. / In poultry, Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) cause localized extra- intestinal infections that often become systemic. APEC strain MT78 was able to invade non-phagocytic avian fibroblasts in vitro, raising the possibility that some APEC strains may invade epithelial cells and gain systemic access. Using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, we observed that viable MT78 strain associated with CEC-32 fibroblasts cells in clusters, and following association, MT78 internalization appeared to result from cytoskeleton rearrangements, such as filopodia and lamellipodia, in the eukaryotic membrane. Considering that host-pathogen interactions involve modifications of protein abundance and expression, mainly in surface proteins, we compared the proteome of MT78 harvested from culture medium with the proteome of MT78 isolated from infected avian fibroblasts (co-culture condition). For this purpose, we developed standard analytical procedures for global protein extraction and isolation of bacterial cells from infected CEC-32. Judged by transmission electron microscopy, we successfully reisolated intact APEC MT78 cells from CEC-32 fibroblasts using the differential membrane solubilization method. Bacterial cells were then sonicated and proteins digested in solution following a clean up procedure. We identified 69 proteins, distributed in 9 functional classes, including the membrane proteins FimA, OmpA and OmpC. The OmpA protein was already associated to invasion of the human pathogen called NMEC (neonatal meningitis-associated E. coli) to endothelial cell line HBMEC. Our results represent the first global proteomic investigation in APEC. The proteome of MT78 infecting avian fibroblasts may allow us to identify key proteins linked to the successful adhesion and/or invasion of host cells by APEC and thus throw light into the pathogenesis of avian colibacillosis.

Functional analysis of Shigella encoded IpaH E3 ubiquitin ligases in cell-autonomous immunity

Pathe, Claudio January 2018 (has links)
Shigella flexneri is a highly adapted pathogen that invades the host cytosol and causes bacillary dysentery. Shigella has evolved powerful countermeasures to disarm host defense mechanisms; amongst them a family of twelve bacterial E3 ubiquitin ligases (IpaH) that are structurally unrelated to eukaryotic enzymes. IpaH ligases are injected into the host cytosol via the bacterial type III secretion system (T3SS) to manipulate the host cell and counteract anti-bacterial defense pathways. My work demonstrated that IFN-induced guanylate-binding proteins (GBPs) are novel targets for IpaH9.8. GBPs inhibit actin-dependent motility and cell-to-cell spread of bacteria unless they are ubiquitylated by IpaH9.8 and consequently degraded by the proteasome. IpaH9.8 targets GBP1, GBP2, and GBP4, thereby causing a transient poly-ubiquitin coat comprising K48 and K27-linked chains around S. flexneri, which leads to the proteasome-dependent destruction of existing GBP coats and the re-establishment of bacterial motility and cell-to-cell spread. So far, ubiquitylation of bacteria has mostly been associated with anti-bacterial autophagy or immune signaling. However, the ubiquitin coat assembled around intracellular Shigella by IpaH effectors, in particular IpaH9.8, serves a pro-bacterial function, the first observed so far. In addition, I characterized IpaH1.4 and IpaH2.5 for their ability to prevent NF-κB activation by targeting LUBAC. I found that IpaH1.4 specifically binds the LUBAC component HOIP and mediates its proteasomal degradation, thus abolishing linear ubiquitylation of bacteria and consecutive NF-κB activation via NEMO and autophagy induction via optineurin. Lastly, I identified novel potential ubiquitylation targets for IpaH effectors in human cells using a mass spectrometry-based approach. The resulting IpaH interactome presents the groundwork for further investigations and will help to identify potentially unknown cellular defense mechanisms that are antagonized by Shigella flexneri.

In vivo and in vitro studies of Salmon Pancreas Disease Virus (SPDV) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Noguera, Patricia Alina January 2018 (has links)
Salmon Pancreas Disease Virus (SPDV) is the only viral species of the genus Alphavirus, family Togaviridae, affecting fish. SPDV induces two conditions historically recognised independently as Pancreas disease (PD) and Sleeping disease (SD), affecting Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), respectively. Infection by SPDV can lead to clinical disease with characteristic acinar pancreatic necrosis and a range of myopathies of the skeletal and heart muscle. Mortality is not a necessary outcome of the disease and usually is not significant. However, affected fish stop eating and therefore present a reduced growth rate and the disease can also leave visible lesions at the fillet level that lead to downgrading at slaughter. SPDV can affect in the fresh and sea water environments, but a higher and most relevant impact reported in the latter. Historically, PD has posed a significant challenge to the Atlantic salmon farming industry in the UK, as well as in other salmon producing countries. This thesis was developed and conducted at Marine Scotland Science (MSS), the Scottish National Reference Laboratory, with the aim to contribute to knowledge gaps identified by the industry and research communities. The focus was on development and improvement of in vivo and in vitro infection models to assist with host pathogen interaction studies. In vivo work was to establish an experimental challenge model to induce SPDV infection in a more natural way than by intra-peritoneal (IP) injection. The first step involved selection of an infective SPDV isolate through a comparative IP challenge study. An infective isolate was then used to establish a co-habitation challenge model in "post smolts", the sea-water stage predominantly affected by PD. Additionally, during this experiment assessment of viral tissue tropism along time and potential intra-subtype differences in infectivity was undertaken. In vitro work accounted for the more innovative part of this thesis with the development, optimization and application of an ex vivo cardiac primary culture originated from Atlantic salmon embryos. While fish origin aggregates of self-contracting cardiomyocytes had been previously isolated and suggested as a robust tool on human biomedical research and pharmacological and toxicology testing, paradoxically very little has been done to explore the approach of ex vivo primary cultures as a disease model with the specific goal for health issues affecting fish. The work involved an adaptation and refinement to produce salmon cardiac primary cultures (SCPCs). Once this was achieved, SCPCs could be kept under laboratory conditions with minimal maintenance for periods up to 6 months. Following this work, SCPCs were successfully challenged with different SPDV isolates as well as another cardiotropic viral agent (Infectious Salmon Anaemia, ISA). The kinetics of SPDV and ISA viral infection and one element of the immune response (i.e. expression of mx gene) were studied. As part of this study, the comparative response of SCPCs of diverse genetic backgrounds (i.e. IPN resistant vs. IPN sensitive) was also assessed. Differences were observed, which highlights potential usefulness of SCPCs to examine genotype-based differences in response to viral disease. Finally, SCPCs were used to examine the SPDV infection cycle ultrastructure by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). This work resulted in novel insights on the replication cycle of SPDV, drawing from the extensive literature in mammalian alphavirus work. With SPDV and other virus associated myocarditis severely affecting Atlantic salmon aquaculture at present, I believe that the SCPCs model represents the most relevant contribution of this PhD.

The early host responses upon HBV replication. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2010 (has links)
Further functional investigation revealed that knockdown of GRP78 expression by RNA interference resulted in a significant increase of both intracellular and extracellular HBV virions in the transient HBV-producing HepG2 cells, concomitant with enhanced levels of hepatitis B surface antigen and e antigen in the culture medium Conversely, overexpression of GRP78 in HepG2 cells led to HBV suppression concomitant with induction of the positive regulatory circuit of GRP78 and interferon-beta 1 (IFN-beta1). In this connection, IFN-beta1-mediated 2', 5'-oligoadenylate synthetase (OAS) and ribonuclease L (RNase L) signaling pathway was noted to be activated in GRP78-overexpressing HepG2 cells. Moreover, GRP78 was significantly down-regulated in the livers of chronic hepatitis B patients after effective anti-HBV treatment (p= 0.019) as compared with their counterpart pre-treatment liver biopsies. / Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a global public health problem, which plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Although considerable progress has been made over the past decade, the pathogenesis of HBV infection and the mechanisms of host-virus interactions are still elusive. / In conclusion, the present study demonstrates for the first time that GRP78 functions as an endogenous anti-HBV factor via IFN-beta1-OAS-RNase L pathway in hepatocytes. Induction of hepatic GRP78 may provide a novel therapeutic approach in treating HBV infection. / In this study, we applied a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry-based comparative proteomic approach to globally analyze the host early response to HBV by using an inducible HBV-producing cell line HepAD38. Twenty-three proteins were identified as differentially expressed, with glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) as one of the most significantly up-regulated proteins induced by HBV replication. This induction was further confirmed in both HepAD38 and HepG2 cells transfected with HBV-producing plasmids by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blotting, as well as in HBV-infected human liver biopsies by immunohistochemistry. / Ma, Yan. / Adviser: Ming-Liang He. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 72-01, Section: B, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 111-129). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.

Investigation of Klebsiella virulence : the role of capsule in Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis pathogenesis and characterization of a Klebsiella pneumoniae capsule mutant unable to produce colibactin toxin / Étude de la virulence de Klebsiella : caractérisation d’un mutant de capsule de Klebsiella pneumoniae incapable de produire la toxine colibactine

Corelli, Barbara 25 September 2017 (has links)
L’émergence et la dissémination récentes de clones hypervirulents et multi-résistants de Klebsiella pneumoniae ont renouvelé l'intérêt général envers Klebsiella. Cependant, notre connaissance de la pathogénèse de Klebsiella au niveau moléculaire et cellulaire reste faible. Dans ce travail, nous avons mené deux axes de recherche focalisés sur la pathogénèse de Klebsiella. Le premier projet visait à caractériser un mutant de capsule de K. pneumoniae incapable de produire une toxine colibactine fonctionnelle. La colibactine est un métabolite secondaire génotoxique produit principalement par des souches commensales et extraintestinales pathogènes d’Escherichia coli, mais également par des souches de K. pneumoniae. Elle induit des cassures double brin conduisant à la formation de tumeurs dans des cancers colorectaux et contribue à une virulence accrue de la bactérie. Cependant la structure, les voies de biosynthèse, la sécrétion et le mode d’action de la colibactine restent à définir. Le laboratoire avait préalablement observé qu’un mutant de capsule de K. pneumoniae n’était pas capable de produire une colibactine fonctionnelle, suggérant un rôle de la capsule dans ce processus. Nous avons ensuite démontré qu’en fait la capsule n’est pas impliquée dans la fonction de la colibactine, et que l’incapacité du mutant de la capsule à produire une génotoxicité est due à une mutation avec un fort effet dominant négatif dans la protéine ClbD, une enzyme essentielle de la voie de synthèse de la colibactine. Nous caractérisons actuellement cette mutation pour comprendre comment elle affecte la structure et la fonction de ClbD. Le second projet étudiait le rôle de la capsule dans la pathogénèse de K. rhinoscleromatis. K. rhinoscleromatis est une sous-espèce de K. pneumoniae, responsable du rhinosclérome, une maladie chronique granulomateuse des voies aériennes supérieures spécifiquement humaine, et caractérisée par la formation de macrophages spumeux atypiques appelés cellules de Mikulicz. Or les mécanismes physiopathologiques de cette pathologie sont peu connus. A l’aide d’un modèle murin, nous avons observé qu’un mutant de capsule de K. rhinoscleromatis est atténué in vivo, mais aussi que les cellules de Mikulicz sont recrutées lors d’une infection avec un inoculum élevé du mutant de capsule de K. rhinoscleromatis. Ces données nous indiquent 1) que la capsule est un facteur de virulence de K. rhinoscleromatis qui n’est pas impliqué dans la formation et le recrutement des cellules de Mikulicz, et 2) que des facteurs spécifiques de K. rhinoscleromatis contrôlant la formation de cellules de Mikulicz existent et restent à identifier. Les nouvelles données concernant la pathogénèse de Klebsiella apportées par notre travail représentent une contribution significative dans la connaissance du rhinosclérome et du rôle d’une enzyme impliquée dans la synthèse de la colibactine, tout en ouvrant de nouveaux axes de recherche sur la pathogénèse de K. pneumoniae et K. rhinoscleromatis / The recent emergence and global expansion of hypervirulent and multidrug-resistant clones of K. pneumoniae have increased general interest in Klebsiella. However, knowledge of Klebsiella pathogenesis at the molecular and cellular level is still scant. We pursued two lines of research focused on Klebsiella pathogenesis. The first aimed to characterize a K. pneumoniae capsule mutant unable to produce a functional colibactin. Colibactin is a genotoxic secondary metabolite produced mainly by commensals and extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli strains, but also by some K. pneumoniae strains. It induces double-strand DNA breaks leading to tumor formation in colorectal cancer and contributes to increased virulence. However, its structure, biosynthesis, secretion and mode of action have yet to be fully defined. Previous work from our laboratory showed that a K. pneumoniae capsule mutant was unable to produce a functional colibactin, suggesting a role for capsule in this process. We report herein that capsule does not in fact have a role in the colibactin effect and that the inability of the capsule mutant to induce DNA damage is due to a strong dominant negative mutation in ClbD, an essential enzyme of the colibactin biosynthetic pathway. We are currently characterizing this mutation to understand how it deeply affects ClbD structure and function. The second project explored the role of capsule (CPS) in K. rhinoscleromatis pathogenesis. K. rhinoscleromatis is a K. pneumoniae subspecies responsible for rhinoscleroma, a human specific chronic granulomatous disease of the upper airways characterized by the formation of atypical foamy macrophages called Mikulicz cells. However, little is known about the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying this disease. Using our mouse model, we report that a K. rhinoscleromatis CPS mutant is attenuated in vivo but also that Mikulicz cells are observed upon infection with higher doses of K. rhinoscleromatis CPS mutant. Altogether, our data indicate that 1) CPS is a virulence factor of K. rhinoscleromatis, which is not involved in the specific appearance of Mikulicz cells and that 2) the K. rhinoscleromatis specific factors controlling the appearance of Mikulicz cells remain to be identified. The new insights brought to Klebsiella pathogenicity by this work represent a significant contribution to the understanding of rhinoscleroma pathogenesis and of the role of an enzyme implicated in colibactin biosynthesis. This opens new lines of research on K. pneumoniae and K. rhinoscleromatis pathogenesis

Interaction Between Drosophila melanogaster mbn-2 Cells and Bacteria

Johansson, Karin January 2005 (has links)
Innate immunity relies on a repertoire of germline-encoded non-rearranging pattern recognition receptors that bind to invariant microbial surface molecules. This event initiates a number of signal transduction cascades that lead to humoral and cellular defense responses like synthesis of antimicrobial peptides, phagocytosis and coagulation – mechanisms that efficiently fight infectious microorganisms and have been evolutionary conserved to exist in parallel with the antibody-based adaptive immunity found in vertebrates. The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster represents a widely used animal model for studies of a pristine innate immune system. Its immune responsive intracellular signalling pathways display a high degree of similarity with the NF-κB /Rel-signalling pathways that mediate the inflammatory response in mammals. Insects are also vectors for medically important parasitic diseases which can trigger immune responses in the vector so basal knowledge about the regulation and function of insect immune systems can contribute to our understanding of inflammation and microbial disease in higher animals and open new strategies for biological vector control. Drosophila hemocytes play a key role in executing and coordinating local and systemic defenses in response to infection. This thesis describes in vitro studies of Drosophila gene expression in response to bacterial infection using the larval hemocyte-like cell line – mbn-2. Our results show that immune challenge with bacterial cell wall components and intact live bacteria induces differential gene expression that gives clues to how cellular immune responses could be activated and regulated.

Immunity to Chlamydia trachomatis and Host-Pathogen Interactions During Infection

Olive, Andrew James 25 February 2014 (has links)
Infections with the bacterial pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis are a critical public health problem. Chlamydia remains the number one cause of preventable blindness worldwide and the leading cause of bacterial sexually transmitted infections in the United States. In humans, repeat and persistent infections with Chlamydia result in severe inflammation. Inflammation in the conjunctiva can result in blindness, while inflammation in the genital tract can result in pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy or infertility. In order to curb the increasing incidence of Chlamydia infections worldwide it will be necessary to develop a protective vaccine that affords long-term protection and prevents pathologies. To better inform vaccine development we must understand the mechanisms that drive long-term immunity in the genital tract and elucidate critical interactions between Chlamydia and host cells to uncover potential mechanisms of immune evasion.

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