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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hearth and Home: Life In and Around A "Kitchen" from Ancient Judah as Excavated at Tell Halif

Frank, Tim 15 December 2012 (has links)
A room with many well-preserved artifacts was excavated at Tell Halif in a level associated with Ancient Judah. By using analogy the use of these artifacts can be compared with that of other similar objects. Analogy is at the heart of archaeological interpretation and allows a more explicit determination of the possible uses of artifacts and their patterning. The artifacts serve as evidence for reconstructing life in and around an archaeologically excavated space. By discerning the patterns of artifact distribution we can interpret how the space might have been used. The room excavated at Tell Halif has strong evidence for food processing, closely integrated with storage. Textile production was also carried out in the room. Other artifacts point to food consumption, play, personal ornamentation and the use of symbolic images. The patterning of the artifacts indicates a busy multi-use space.

Identifying household cluster and refuse disposal patterns at the Strait Site: a third century A.D. nucleated settlement in the Middle Ohio River Valley

Burks, Jarrod Danial 10 March 2004 (has links)
No description available.

A maloca Saracá: uma fronteira cultural no médio Amazonas pré-colonial, vista da perspectiva de uma casa / The Saracá longhouse: a cultural boundary in the Pre-Colonial Middle Amazon from an house perspective

Bassi, Filippo Stampanoni 15 February 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa pretende contribuir para o entendimento da formação e da manutenção de uma fronteira cultural no contexto do médio Amazonas, durante o período pré-colonial tardio. O objeto de estudo insere-se no âmbito do ápice demográfico na Amazônia central, decorrente da convergência de movimentos populacionais em larga escala, associados à expansão das duas últimas grandes tradições culturais pré-coloniais: a Polícroma da Amazônia e a Inciso-Ponteada. Tal período foi descrito ressaltando a ocorrência de fortes conflitos em um processo de reconfiguração cultural. Através de uma abordagem que considera as fronteiras como processos históricos, propomos que na região do baixo rio Urubu (AM), a partir do ano 1000 d. C., a penetração de elementos exógenos faça de contrapeso à formação de um estilo local, a tradição Saracá, capaz de incorporar tais elementos e naturaliza-los sobre a base de uma ideologia de persistência cultural. Portanto, a hipótese com a qual trabalhamos vira ao avesso a visão tradicional, ao sustentar que à base da formação dessa fronteira persistente tenhamos que admitir o desenvolvimento e a afirmação de uma política interacionista. Com o objetivo de testar tal hipótese, investigamos o contexto de uma casa, localizada no sítio arqueológico Bom Socorro (Itacoatiara-AM); partindo do pressuposto que o âmbito doméstico possa ser altamente informativo das relações que se instauram entre o nível local e o nível regional. A escavação de tal estrutura possibilitou inserir a variabilidade artefatual dentro da dimensão social de uma comunidade circunscrita. Os resultados apontam para um período de ocupação do sítio entre 1430 e 1650 AD, quando, a interação entre diferentes grupos na região tem levado a formação de grandes assentamentos, compostos por casas comunais dispostas segundo fileiras paralelas. No setor central da maloca foi encontrada uma área de consumo de alimentos, possivelmente associada ao âmbito político-convivial. As cerâmicas desse contexto condensam toda a variabilidade estilística regional, revelando a ocorrência de relações sociais que perpassam as fronteiras culturais. O estudo das relações estilísticas entre a cerâmica Saracá e os outros conjuntos demostra que essa tradição local compartilha muitos traços diagnósticos também com os estilos mais antigos; inclusive, é evidente uma forte semelhança iconográfica com a arte rupestre regional. Tais elementos apontam para a produção de um estilo local fortemente embasado na tradição, que possivelmente reflete a intenção de reificar uma fronteira social. / This research aims to understand the formation and maintenance of a cultural frontier in the context of Middle Amazonas, during the late pre-contact period. The scope of this research is focused on the demographic peak period of central Amazonia, due to large population movements, along with the spread of the two last important traditions of pre-contact period: Polychrome and Incised and Punctate. This period has been characterized by heavy conflicts in a context of culture change. If we consider the frontier as an historical process, we argue that in this region, from 1000 AD onward, exogenous cultural elements are coexistent with a local style, Saracá tradition, which was able to include these items on a pre-existing ideological conservativism. Because of this, we argue the opposite of customary approach, stressing that at the very basis of this cultural frontier a cultural interchange has been developed and strengthened. In order to test this hypothesis, from the standpoint that domestic context is highly informative, we studied a communal house of Bom Socorro archaeological site (Amazonas state, Brazil). The excavation of this domestic structure made possible the contextualization of this artefactual variability in the social dimension of a small community, showing the connections of different cultural traditions with extra-frontier social bonds. Results point to an occupation period which extends between 1430 and 1650 AD, when the interaction between different groups lead to formation of large settlements made by large communal houses placed in parallel lines. In the central area of the house a feeding area has been recovered, possibly associated to a political or religious function. Ceramic production from this context is a synthesis of the entire regional stylistic variability, pointing to social relationships crossing cultural frontiers. The study of stylistic relationship between Saraca ceramics and other groups demonstrates that this local tradition shares many specific traits with the oldest stylistic assemblages. A strong iconographic relationship with regional rock art is also evident. All these elements point to the production of a local style deeply rooted into the tradition, maybe reflecting the aim of stressing a real social frontier.

Aldeias e organização espacial dos povos produtores da cerâmica Aristé: contribuições para a Arqueologia das unidades habitacionais da costa atlântica do Amapá / Villages and spatial organisation of the producer peoples of Aristé pottery: Contributions to the Household Archaeology of the Atlantic coast of Amapá.

Silva, Michel Bueno Flores da 03 August 2016 (has links)
Apesar de conhecidas arqueologicamente desde o século XIX e historicamente desde o início da conquista europeia, as cerâmicas filiadas à fase Aristé sempre tiveram maior repercussão quando provindas de contextos cerimoniais, devido à elaborada composição decorativa de seus materiais, bem como, o aspecto monumental e cerimonial destes sítios. As cerâmicas desta fase foram divididas em dois períodos cronológicos distintos: Ouanary Encoché e Enfer Polychrome, com profundidade cronológica de mais de um milênio, contudo esta divisão é baseada, principalmente, nos vestígios oriundos destes contextos especializados. Portanto, através desse trabalho busca-se verificar se esta divisão se mantém nos contextos domésticos e, uma vez verificada esta carência de dados empíricos oriundos destes contextos, procurar-se-á, com base nos resultados de escavações mecânicas, contribuir para uma arqueologia das unidades habitacionais filiadas à fase Aristé, através da correlação dos dados cerâmicos com os dados espaciais. Com esse fim, foram elaboradas as tipologias das cerâmicas e das estruturas antrópicas identificadas durante a escavação, permitindo sua interpretação através da análise espacial dos resultados, por fim, possibilitando a inferência de áreas de atividade e melhor compreensão desta fase arqueológica da costa atlântica do Amapá. / Although known archaeologically since the nineteenth century and historically since the European conquest, ceramics affiliated to Aristé phase always had greater impact when stemmed from ceremonial contexts, due to the elaborate decorative composition of their materials, as well as the monumental and ceremonial aspects of these sites. The ceramics of this phase were divided into two distinct chronological periods: Ouanary Encoché and Enfer Polychrome with chronological depth of more than a millennium, but this division is based mainly on traces originating from these specialized contexts. Therefore, this work seeks to verify if this division is maintained in domestic contexts and, once verified the lack of empirical data from these contexts, will be sought, based on the results of mechanical excavation, contribute to a household archeology of the Aristé phase by correlating ceramic data with spatial data. For this purpose were developed typologies of ceramics and anthropogenic structures identified during the excavation, allowing its interpretation through the spatial analysis of the results, at last, providing inferences of activities areas and a better understanding of this archaeological phase of the Atlantic coast of Amapá.

The Classicalperiod Houses In Burgaz: An Archaeological And Architectural Overview

Gokdemir, Ozgur 01 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to present the architectural and organizational characteristics of Burgaz houses by taking into consideration a number of internal and external factors such as economical, social and environmental that influenced the house plan and its utilization in 4th century BC. To discuss the place of Burgaz house within the ancient Greek domestic context, the architectural, structural, and functional characteristics of houses are investigated and compared to contemporary examples, such as Olynthus and Haleis from Mainland Greece, as well as Kolophon and Klazomenai from Western Anatolia.

Sampling methods in Northwest Coast household archaeology: a simulation approach using faunal data from the Ozette site

Gray, Brendan S. 27 January 2009 (has links)
The methodological and theoretical considerations that must be addressed when excavating the traditional longhouses of the First Nation peoples who lived in the Pacific Northwest region are the foci of this thesis. The large amount of faunal data contained within the remains of houses require the use of explicit, justifiable sampling strategies; however, the methods used to sample these dwellings are not generally a central research focus. A sampling simulation of faunal data recovered from the excavation of numerous houses from the village site of Ozette is the empirical basis of this research. Specifically, the effects of sample size and sample method on richness, relative abundance and the interpretation of status using faunal data are investigated. The results are of heuristic value for future household archaeology on the Northwest Coast and suggest alternative sampling methods which attempt to cope with the labour-intensive research generally required for shell-midden archaeology.

Defining Cooking Activity Areas Of Burgaz Domestic Units In The 4th Century B.c.

Atici, Nadire 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The main aim of this study is to define the cooking activity spaces in Burgaz at 4th Century B.C. by carrying out statistical analysis of artefacts come from floor levels. In this study the distribution of artefacts and the associations of these distributions with architectural remains are examined rather than architectural features. In order to defining cooking activity spaces, the spatial distribution of cooking wares and utilities were taken into consideration. The distributions of cooking wares were tried to associate with ashy areas that can be related to cooking activities. In this study, the spatial analysis of archaeological artefacts assemblages that found in four well preserved houses from NE Sector revealed during the excavations of Burgaz (1993-2003) was carried out and the space usage, especially cooking spaces, were identified in these houses.

Sampling methods in Northwest Coast household archaeology: a simulation approach using faunal data from the Ozette site

Gray, Brendan S. 27 January 2009 (has links)
The methodological and theoretical considerations that must be addressed when excavating the traditional longhouses of the First Nation peoples who lived in the Pacific Northwest region are the foci of this thesis. The large amount of faunal data contained within the remains of houses require the use of explicit, justifiable sampling strategies; however, the methods used to sample these dwellings are not generally a central research focus. A sampling simulation of faunal data recovered from the excavation of numerous houses from the village site of Ozette is the empirical basis of this research. Specifically, the effects of sample size and sample method on richness, relative abundance and the interpretation of status using faunal data are investigated. The results are of heuristic value for future household archaeology on the Northwest Coast and suggest alternative sampling methods which attempt to cope with the labour-intensive research generally required for shell-midden archaeology.

The Prehispanic Fishing On The Central Coast: A Necessary Revision According To New Data From The Fishermen’s Settlement Of Huaca 20, Maranga Complex / La pesca prehispánica en la Costa Central: una revisión necesaria a partir de los nuevos datos provenientes del barrio de pescadores del sitio Huaca 20, Complejo Maranga

Prieto, Gabriel 10 April 2018 (has links)
Recent excavations at the site of Huaca 20, a sector of the Maranga Complex, have uncovered a shing settlement from the Late/Terminal Lima period. e spatial analysis of the residential areas and the activities performed there permits an understanding of the social dynamics of the group of sherfolk in the greater context of the Maranga Complex.Moreover, a detailed study of the material culture and shing gear helps to understand subsistence practices and daily performance in this settlement. e analysis of earlier and later shing settlements located in the Rímac Valley and inthe nearby littoral zones contributes to interpretations of the cultural trajectory of these shing communities that are usually consider to be marginal groups. / Los recientes trabajos efectuados en el sitio Huaca 20, un segmento del gran Complejo Maranga de la cultura Lima, nos ha permitido identicar un barrio de pescadores del periodo Lima Tardío y Lima Terminal. El análisis espacial de susviviendas, las actividades desarrolladas en su interior, la cultura material registrada y los implementos de pesca presentes, nos permiten inferir sobre la dinámica social de este grupo en el contexto del Complejo Maranga. Más importante aún, haciendo un recuento de las características generales de las comunidades de pescadores del valle del Rímac y otros cercanos, podemos realizar una comparación diacrónica y bosquejar la trayectoria cultural de estos grupos de pescadores generalmente considerados marginales.

Aldeias e organização espacial dos povos produtores da cerâmica Aristé: contribuições para a Arqueologia das unidades habitacionais da costa atlântica do Amapá / Villages and spatial organisation of the producer peoples of Aristé pottery: Contributions to the Household Archaeology of the Atlantic coast of Amapá.

Michel Bueno Flores da Silva 03 August 2016 (has links)
Apesar de conhecidas arqueologicamente desde o século XIX e historicamente desde o início da conquista europeia, as cerâmicas filiadas à fase Aristé sempre tiveram maior repercussão quando provindas de contextos cerimoniais, devido à elaborada composição decorativa de seus materiais, bem como, o aspecto monumental e cerimonial destes sítios. As cerâmicas desta fase foram divididas em dois períodos cronológicos distintos: Ouanary Encoché e Enfer Polychrome, com profundidade cronológica de mais de um milênio, contudo esta divisão é baseada, principalmente, nos vestígios oriundos destes contextos especializados. Portanto, através desse trabalho busca-se verificar se esta divisão se mantém nos contextos domésticos e, uma vez verificada esta carência de dados empíricos oriundos destes contextos, procurar-se-á, com base nos resultados de escavações mecânicas, contribuir para uma arqueologia das unidades habitacionais filiadas à fase Aristé, através da correlação dos dados cerâmicos com os dados espaciais. Com esse fim, foram elaboradas as tipologias das cerâmicas e das estruturas antrópicas identificadas durante a escavação, permitindo sua interpretação através da análise espacial dos resultados, por fim, possibilitando a inferência de áreas de atividade e melhor compreensão desta fase arqueológica da costa atlântica do Amapá. / Although known archaeologically since the nineteenth century and historically since the European conquest, ceramics affiliated to Aristé phase always had greater impact when stemmed from ceremonial contexts, due to the elaborate decorative composition of their materials, as well as the monumental and ceremonial aspects of these sites. The ceramics of this phase were divided into two distinct chronological periods: Ouanary Encoché and Enfer Polychrome with chronological depth of more than a millennium, but this division is based mainly on traces originating from these specialized contexts. Therefore, this work seeks to verify if this division is maintained in domestic contexts and, once verified the lack of empirical data from these contexts, will be sought, based on the results of mechanical excavation, contribute to a household archeology of the Aristé phase by correlating ceramic data with spatial data. For this purpose were developed typologies of ceramics and anthropogenic structures identified during the excavation, allowing its interpretation through the spatial analysis of the results, at last, providing inferences of activities areas and a better understanding of this archaeological phase of the Atlantic coast of Amapá.

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