Spelling suggestions: "subject:"household economy"" "subject:"rousehold economy""
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Trilhando recomeços: A socioeconomia da produção de sementes florestais do Alto Xingu na Amazônia brasileira / Moving into resumption: Socioeconomic of forest seeds production in the Upper Xingu of the Brazilian AmazonDanilo Ignacio de Urzedo 04 September 2014 (has links)
Recentemente, o mercado de sementes florestais têm se consolidado para atender demandas da restauração ecológica que são movidas por regulamentações. A produção de sementes se estabeleceu como um sistema de base comunitária e familiar com elevado potencial para promover um intrigante desafio, associar uso e conservação de ecossistemas com o desenvolvimento local. O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral avaliar a socioeconomia da produção de sementes florestais a partir das seguintes dimensões: (i) implicações das relações de cooperação no funcionamento da cadeia de valor; (ii) efeitos das técnicas de produção nos gargalos, inovações e custos financeiros; e (iii) impactos da participação no mercado de sementes nos meios de vida familiar. Para isso, a pesquisa envolveu como um estudo de caso a Rede de Sementes do Xingu na Amazônia brasileira. A coleta de dados foi conduzida por meio de observações participantes, entrevistas e oficinas com produtores de sementes de diferentes realidades socioculturais (indígenas, agricultores familiares e residentes urbanos) e técnicos que atuam na gestão da rede. O funcionamento da cadeia foi fortalecido pelas relações de cooperação entre os atores, principalmente em função do compartilhamento de valores. No entanto, os custos financeiros, a assistência técnica, a infraestrutura, os parâmetros técnicos e as legislações são os principais fatores que condicionam os processos da cadeia de sementes. Os atuais preços de comercialização das sementes seguem parâmetros empíricos que não dimensionam os reais custos de produção, demonstrando que os preços necessitam de reformulações. Por outro lado, as realidades socioculturais dos produtores exercem uma influencia direta nos sistemas de produção, o que promove a inovação de técnicas e tecnologias a partir de conhecimentos tradicionais e locais. Quanto à participação nos mercados, os grupos socioculturais estudados diferiram quanto às percepções sobre os impactos nos seus meios de vida familiar. As comunidades com algum grau prévio de organização foram mais susceptíveis ao fortalecimento do capital social, de tal forma que os grupos socioculturais menos integrados ao mercado apresentaram melhores resultados a partir da participação no mercado de sementes. / Recently, the markets of forest seeds have been established to meet demands for ecology restoration which are driven by regulations. The seeds production was design as a production system of the community and family groups with high potential to promote an intriguing challenge, associate ecosystem usage and conservation within local development. The overall purpose of the present study was to evaluate the socioeconomics of forest seeds production from the following dimensions: (i) implications of cooperation in the value chain operations; (ii) effects of production techniques in bottlenecks, innovations, and financial costs; and (iii) impacts of seed market participation in the household livelihoods. This research involved a case study of Xingu Seeds Network in the Brazilian Amazon. Data collection was conducted through participant observation, interviews and workshops with different sociocultural groups of seed producers (indigenous groups, urban residents and settler farmers) and staffs who manage the network. The value chain operation was strengthened by the relationship between the actors, mainly due to the common values between the actors. However, financial costs, technical assistance, infrastructure, technical parameters and laws are the main factors which constrain the seeds value chain. Current prices for seed marketing follow empirical parameters which do not measure the real production costs, which is requiring prices reformulation. On the other hand, the producers\' socio-cultural realities have influenced on production systems, which has lead into a promoting innovation of techniques and technologies by traditional and local knowledge. Regarding to market participation, the sociocultural groups showed different perceptions about impacts on their household livelihoods. Communities which are already organized are most likely to strengthen their social capital through participation, thus socio-cultural groups less integrated with the market achieved better livelihood outcomes through participation in the seed market.
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Relationen mellan hushållens ekonomiska situation och bostadspriser på den svenska bostadsmarknadenHansson, Sofia, Zackrisson, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
Svenska bostadspriser har stigit allt mer under de senaste åren. Privatpersoners konsumtion gör att priset på bostäder stiger och belåning ökar i och med prisökningarna. Det huvudsakliga syftet med studien var att undersöka förhållandet mellan bostadspriser och hushållens ekonomiska situation på den svenska bostadsmarknaden under tidsperioden år 2005 till år 2013. Fokus ligger på bostadsrätt- och villapriser på den svenska bostadsmarknaden, sekundärdata är inhämtad från databaser som studien baseras på. Dessa undersöks månadsvis under den valda tidsperioden. Vi har valt att studera variablerna; bostadspriser för bostadsrätter samt villor som beroende variabler och hushållens ekonomiska situation som oberoende variabel. Hushållens ekonomiska situation mäts med hjälp av konfidensindex. Utlåningsränta och antal bostäder till försäljning var studiens kontrollvariabler.Utifrån studiens fastställda hypoteser visade studien ett resultat som bekräftar att hushållens ekonomiska situation har ett signifikant förhållande till priser för bostadsrätter respektive villor och att studiens kontrollvariabler är relaterade till detta samband. Resultatet i denna studie har stöd från tidigare forskning. / Swedish housing prices have been rising steadily in recent years, the consumption of private individuals are pushing housing prices to rise and this relationship between these variables increases the ratio that households are borrowing from banks. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between housing prices and households' financial situation in the Swedish housing market during the period from 2005 until 2013. The focus is on villa and condominiums prices in the Swedish housing market. Secondary data are obtained from databases on which the study is based. These are examined monthly during the selected time period. We have chosen to study 6 variables, housing prices for condominiums and villas as the dependent variable, households' financial situation as the independent variable. The household's financial situation is measured using confidence index. Lending rates and number of housing for sale were the control varibles of the study. Based on the established hypotheses, the study showed a result confirming that the household's current financial situation has a significant relationship to housing prices for condominiums and villas, and that the study's control variables are related to this relationship. The result of this study is supported by previous research. / <p>Betyg E, 170709</p>
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Diskurzivní konstrukce a materialita dluhu v kontextu bydlení / Discursive construction and materiality of debt in context of housingSamec, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Housing debts have become fuel for the global economy, having been turned into tradable commodities on the financial markets. However, housing debts also have a profound relevance in the everyday life of those who have become indebted, enabling the dream of homeownership, but also leading to foreclosures and evictions. This thesis aims to take a rather under-researched perspective on formal and informal housing debts (i.e., mortgages and familial loans) by exploring the role of public and domestic discourses in, what is termed, the financialisation of housing. The financialisation of housing refers to the process of real estate being turned into assets and commodities and to the spread of individualised financial products being used to secure housing. The thesis uses the Czech Republic as a case through which to examine how discourse may enable this transition and how contribute to a specific financial governmentality. The thesis raises questions: How is it possible that mortgages come to be perceived as a normal and natural solution to housing issues? How do they become part of the debtors' lives through certain discourses? These questions are explored through an innovative framework of layered performativity, encompassing rhetoric, sociotechnical devices, and references to practices that reveal three main...
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L'économie du quotidien : une étude de la précarité à travers l'exemple des pratiques agricoles domestiques dans le monde rural russe / The everyday economy : a study of precariousness from the example of the agricultural domestic practices in the Russian rural worldMainguy, Glenn 07 December 2016 (has links)
Après la crise des années 1990, le monde rural, à l’image de la société russe, est traversé, à partir des années 2000, par un processus de normalisation économique et sociale. Cette thèse étudie ce phénomène – par le bas – à partir d’une enquête ethnographique menée au sein des espaces ruraux russes, portant sur les pratiques de la vie quotidienne dans divers lieux et auprès de différents acteurs en situation de précarité. L’argumentation développée obéit à un double mouvement. Elle montre d’une part comment le développement de l’économie de marché a généré au sein de la population rurale des formes diverses de précarité et d’autre part que l’investissement des individus au sein de l’économie domestique peut être considéré comme un moyen de se protéger contre le risque de précarisation, en se reconstruisant des formes de vie stables et en réduisant par là-même l’incertitude de leur existence. D’une part, l’examen de l’organisation de l’économie domestique est centré sur la mise en place des mécanismes de protections rapprochées en réponse à la situation de précarité vécue par les acteurs. D’autre part, cette thèse met en évidence que le mouvement de repli des hommes vers la sphère domestique entraine une redéfinition de leur rôle au sein de la famille et comment leur intégration à un collectif de travail domestique permet à ceux-ci de retrouver une place légitime dans la société. Enfin, ce travail révèle la manière dont les logiques marchandes véhiculées par le développement du capitalisme sont retraduites dans les pratiques économiques ordinaires et comment elles expriment un mouvement conjugué de domestication du marché et de marchéisation de la sphère domestique. / After the crises of the 1990’s, like the overall Russian society, the rural world experienced a process of economical and social normalization. This thesis studies this phenomenon – from below – on the basis of an ethnography of the practices of everyday life carried in the Russian rural territories, in various places and concerning different people in precarious situation. The argumentation of this thesis follows a double movement. On one hand, she explains how the development of the market economy generated in the rural population various form of precarious situations, and on the other hand she demonstrates how the work of people in the household production can be interpret as a protection toward this risk and a way of rebuilding some stability and security into the conditions of their daily life. Firstly, the analysis of the organisation of the household economy is focusing on the constitution of the family solidarities and on the way they help people dealing with the insecurity of their daily life. Secondly, this thesis emphasis that the movement of retreat into the household experienced by the men lead to a redefinition of their role in the family and highlight how by their integration in the household production they manage to rehabilitate themselves within the society. Thirdly, this study shows how the market logics spread by the development of the capitalism economy are translated in the ordinaries economics practices and how these practices reveal the existence of a combine movement of domestication of the market and marketization of household economy
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Cada uno en su sitio y cada cosa en su lugar. Imaginarios de desigualdad en America Central (1870-1900)Arroyo Calderon, Patricia 15 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Warren, Rhode Island : l'évolution d'une petite communauté canadienne-française établie en Nouvelle-Angleterre, 1895-1910Bélisle, Marie 08 1900 (has links)
Aux lendemains de la Guerre de Sécession, le petit centre manufacturier de Warren, dans l’État du Rhode Island, attira plusieurs immigrants canadiens-français en quête de travail. Ces derniers s’organiseront rapidement en établissant un réseau paroissial, en fondant plusieurs sociétés mutuelles et en multipliant les commerces prêts à desservir une clientèle francophone de plus en plus nombreuse.
Les premiers stades de développement de la communauté (1888-1895) avaient déjà été observés par Jean Lamarre dans le cadre de son mémoire de maîtrise (1985). D’une part, le chercheur avait remarqué un phénomène graduel d’enracinement des paroissiens et, d’autre part, l’analyse de leur profil socio-économique indiquait qu’ils travaillaient majoritairement à la filature.
Par cette étude, nous avons voulu revisiter cette communauté au moment où sa présence dans le paysage industriel et urbain de Warren apparaît consolidée. Grâce aux listes nominatives du recensement fédéral de 1910 et aux publications gouvernementales parues à la même époque, nous évaluons l’ampleur des changements socio-économiques transformant la communauté en l’espace d’une quinzaine d’années. L’observation du processus d’intégration des Canadiens français à l’environnement industriel est complétée par une analyse de l’apport des femmes et des enfants au ménage ouvrier. Les conclusions principales de cette étude démontrent que malgré l’attrait indéniable que représente encore et toujours le secteur manufacturier auprès de nombreux travailleurs, les Canadiens français jouissent en 1910 d’une qualité de vie généralement supérieure à celle qui caractérisait leurs débuts au sein de la localité. Leur situation socio-économique s’apparentera d’ailleurs davantage à celle des anglophones de Warren, Yankees et Irlandais, que de celle des représentants de la « nouvelle vague d’immigration » (Polonais, Italiens et Portugais). / In the aftermath of the Civil War, the small manufacturing center of Warren, Rhode Island, attracted many French Canadians immigrants in search of work and economic betterment. They rapidly organized themselves by establishing a parish network, by founding several mutual aid societies and by multiplying shops that were ready to welcome more and more customers.
The early stages of development of the community (1888-1895) have already been observed by Jean Lamarre in his Master’s thesis (1895). On one hand, the researcher noticed a gradual process of settlement occurring among the parishioners and, on the other hand, the analysis of their socio-economic profile indicated that most of them worked in the cotton mills.
By this study, we wanted to revisit this community when its presence in Warren’s industrial and urban area seemed consolidated. Through a systematic use of the unpublished nominative lists from the 1910 Federal Census of the United States as well as published government documents, this thesis assesses the extent of socio-economic changes that have transformed the community over the course of fifteen years. The observation of the integration process of French Canadian into the industrial environment is supplemented by an analysis of women and children’s contribution into the household economy. The main conclusions of this study show that despite the fact that a significant proportion of workers are still employed in the manufacturing sector, the French Canadian population of Warren mainly enjoys a better quality of life in 1910 than in the earlier era. Their socio-economic situation places them closer to their Yankees and Irish neighbours than to their “new immigration” counterparts (Poles, Italians, Portuguese).
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Warren, Rhode Island : l'évolution d'une petite communauté canadienne-française établie en Nouvelle-Angleterre, 1895-1910Bélisle, Marie 08 1900 (has links)
Aux lendemains de la Guerre de Sécession, le petit centre manufacturier de Warren, dans l’État du Rhode Island, attira plusieurs immigrants canadiens-français en quête de travail. Ces derniers s’organiseront rapidement en établissant un réseau paroissial, en fondant plusieurs sociétés mutuelles et en multipliant les commerces prêts à desservir une clientèle francophone de plus en plus nombreuse.
Les premiers stades de développement de la communauté (1888-1895) avaient déjà été observés par Jean Lamarre dans le cadre de son mémoire de maîtrise (1985). D’une part, le chercheur avait remarqué un phénomène graduel d’enracinement des paroissiens et, d’autre part, l’analyse de leur profil socio-économique indiquait qu’ils travaillaient majoritairement à la filature.
Par cette étude, nous avons voulu revisiter cette communauté au moment où sa présence dans le paysage industriel et urbain de Warren apparaît consolidée. Grâce aux listes nominatives du recensement fédéral de 1910 et aux publications gouvernementales parues à la même époque, nous évaluons l’ampleur des changements socio-économiques transformant la communauté en l’espace d’une quinzaine d’années. L’observation du processus d’intégration des Canadiens français à l’environnement industriel est complétée par une analyse de l’apport des femmes et des enfants au ménage ouvrier. Les conclusions principales de cette étude démontrent que malgré l’attrait indéniable que représente encore et toujours le secteur manufacturier auprès de nombreux travailleurs, les Canadiens français jouissent en 1910 d’une qualité de vie généralement supérieure à celle qui caractérisait leurs débuts au sein de la localité. Leur situation socio-économique s’apparentera d’ailleurs davantage à celle des anglophones de Warren, Yankees et Irlandais, que de celle des représentants de la « nouvelle vague d’immigration » (Polonais, Italiens et Portugais). / In the aftermath of the Civil War, the small manufacturing center of Warren, Rhode Island, attracted many French Canadians immigrants in search of work and economic betterment. They rapidly organized themselves by establishing a parish network, by founding several mutual aid societies and by multiplying shops that were ready to welcome more and more customers.
The early stages of development of the community (1888-1895) have already been observed by Jean Lamarre in his Master’s thesis (1895). On one hand, the researcher noticed a gradual process of settlement occurring among the parishioners and, on the other hand, the analysis of their socio-economic profile indicated that most of them worked in the cotton mills.
By this study, we wanted to revisit this community when its presence in Warren’s industrial and urban area seemed consolidated. Through a systematic use of the unpublished nominative lists from the 1910 Federal Census of the United States as well as published government documents, this thesis assesses the extent of socio-economic changes that have transformed the community over the course of fifteen years. The observation of the integration process of French Canadian into the industrial environment is supplemented by an analysis of women and children’s contribution into the household economy. The main conclusions of this study show that despite the fact that a significant proportion of workers are still employed in the manufacturing sector, the French Canadian population of Warren mainly enjoys a better quality of life in 1910 than in the earlier era. Their socio-economic situation places them closer to their Yankees and Irish neighbours than to their “new immigration” counterparts (Poles, Italians, Portuguese).
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