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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Marschner, Tess 03 July 2023 (has links)
Seit dem in den 1990er Jahren proklamierten Animal Turn befasst sich das interdisziplinäre Forschungsfeld der Human-Animal Studies mit dem von Missverständnissen geprägten Verhältnis zwischen Mensch und Tier. Das Bestreben liegt darin, Disziplinen wie Biologie, Philosophie, Soziologie, Anthropologie und Geschichte zusammenzuführen und einen Perspektivwechsel hin zur Anerkennung nichtmenschlicher Wirkmächtigkeit und ihrer Agency vorzunehmen. Ich werde zu Beginn meiner Arbeit nachvollziehen, in welchem Maße die religiöse, wissenschaftliche und philosophische Zentrierung des Menschen immer wieder dazu gedient hat, jedwede Form von Unterdrückung und Gewalt an sogenannten Anderen zu legitimieren. Dies war und ist nur dadurch möglich, dass sich der angebliche Universalismus des Menschen aus dem Konstrukt des heterosexuellen, weißen Mannes speist(e), dessen Männlichkeit als geschlechtslos, dessen „Weißsein als unrassifiziert, Cis-Geschlechtlichkeit als echt, und so weiter“ (Laboria Cuboniks 2015: 26) erscheint. So wurden „Tiere“, „Frauen“ und „Schwarze“ in abendländischen Diskursen immer wieder als „Andere“ konstruiert, diffamiert, diskriminiert und eliminiert. Während das Überleben auf einem gemeinsamen Planeten einen ebenso bescheidenen wie essentiellen Anspruch formuliert, bleibt darüber hinaus auf kommende Gemeinschaften zu hoffen, in der unterschiedlichen Seins- und Beziehungsweisen nicht mit Gewalt und Unterdrückung, sondern gegenseitigem Respekt, Neugierde und „uneigennütziger Solidarität“ (Vgl. Ebd.: 33) begegnet wird, sowohl zwischen Menschen als auch zwischen Spezies. Die Bestrebungen der Human-Animal Studies sind in diesem Sinne basal für zukünftige, fürsorglichere Gesellschaften, die erst mit der Überwindung des Anthropozentrismus möglich sind. Wie kommen wir endlich von den etablierten Positionen im Nachdenken über humans und nonhuman animals hin zu einer Neukonstitution von Beziehungsweisen und zu der Anerkennung produktiver Differenzen? Einen eigenen Wissenskanon zu formulieren, ist eine wirksame Intervention, um den hartnäckigen Fundamenten den Kampf anzusagen. Diese Arbeit ist in dieser Hinsicht auch eine Dokumentation meiner Recherche nach Verbündeten, deren Gemeinsamkeiten und produktiven Differenzen. Die titelgebenden ANIMAL REMINDER leihe ich mir von Martha C. Nussbaum und etabliere sie im Laufe der Arbeit als eine Figur der Transition: ANIMAL REMINDER verweisen auf die Probleme und Potentiale an porösen Grenzübergängen. Deren Koordinaten sind variabel und einer Vielzahl an Interpretationen und Irritationen unterworfen. ANIMAL REMINDER kommentieren zeitgenössische Diskurse an den Schnittstellen von feministischer Theorie, Kunst, Technik und Wissenschaft und lassen sie in unterschiedlichen Bedeutungsfacetten changieren. Sie durchwirken und verbinden die folgenden Kapitel auf der Suche nach widerständigen Praktiken: ANIMAL REMINDER erscheinen in der Liebe, in Verwandtschaften, bei der Reproduktion, in Architekturen, als Abjekte und Monster. Sie sind trans*, sie atmen und sind belebt. Ausgehend von der Ordnung der Lebewesen als nur eine mögliche von vielen, werde ich die Möglich- und Wirklichkeiten der Transformation sozialer Beziehungen und deren Bedingungen erforschen. Interdependenzen zwischen menschlichen und speziesübergreifenden Beziehungen werde ich fortlaufend bespiegeln. Mit dieser Arbeit erhebe ich keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit, ihre Form der künstlerischen Recherche ist unabgeschlossen und durchlässig. Mein Umgang mit Sprache, Verknüpfung und Übersetzung ist spielerisch und beharrt auf ebendieser Unabgeschlossenheit. Jack Halberstam benutzt in seinen* Arbeiten den Asterisk nicht zur Markierung eines alternierenden Geschlechts, sondern drückt damit die „prinzipielle Konstruiertheit und Instabilität jeglicher (Geschlechts-)Identität“ (Halberstam 2021: 10) aus. „Trans* sei demnach weder als ein Seinszustand noch als ein zielgerichteter Übergang zu verstehen, sondern als genuine Unabgeschlossenheit ungewisser Seinsweisen, wie – aus einer queer-dekonstruktiven Perspektive – in letzter Konsequenz alle Identitäten betrachtet werden müssen.“ (Ebd.: 11) So bestand laut Halberstam auch der Nutzen des Begriffs queer nie darin, etwas zu beschreiben: „Queer sollte nie ein Begriff sein, mit dem sich jemand vollständig identifiziert, den jemand für sich in Anspruch nimmt […] Die Intention war vielmehr, mit queer ein kritisches Verhältnis zu Identität auszudrücken.“ (Halberstam 2007: 30) Dieses kritische Verhältnis ist für ANIMAL REMINDER wesentlich. Queere Diskurse sind in einer zweiten Hinsicht für diese Arbeit von Bedeutung: So wie das Tier als Prototyp für die Konstruktion von Andersartigkeit dient(e), können die Verhandlungen am Geschlecht als beispielhaft für die kulturelle Tradierung des Verhältnisses von Norm und Tatsache gelesen werden (Vgl. Laboria Cuboniks 2015: 22). Dieses Verhältnis ist laut Laboria Cuboniks nie festgelegt, sondern der unendlichen Aufgabe des Entwirrens unterlegen (Vgl. Ebd.: 28). Laboria Cuboniks (2015): „Xenofeminismus – Eine Politik für die Entfremdung“. In: Armen Avanessian, Helen Hester (Hg.): Dea Ex Machina. Merve Verlag Berlin Halberstam, Jack (2021): Trans*Positionen zu Geschlecht und Architektur. Anna Babka, Rosemarie Brucher (Hg.), Verlag Turia+r Kant Wien Berlin:Vorwort DELTA FIKTIVE TIERE* ANIMAL LOVERS [CON]FUSION ARCHITEKTUREN WE HAVE NEVER BEEN HUMAN

Animal Liberation : 'n kritiese bespreking vanuit 'n filosofies-veekundige perspektief

Kluyts, Johan Francois 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: 1. The purpose of the first chapter was to give a short introduction to the study. Philosophy is the search for wisdom; to know what a virtuous life is and to know what the morally correct thing to do is. Our lifelong relationship with animals, our attitudes towards them and the ways we treat them are some of the issues that beg philosophers to think. An important question in this regard is if it is morally correct to eat meat or should humans become vegetarian. To answer this question the „Animal Liberation‟ argument, as presented by Peter Singer, was critically analyzed. Does this argument balance our concern for animals with human interests? 2. To understand our attitude towards animals, reviews of the Judeo-Christian and philosophical traditions were done in Chapter 2. The different views related to these traditions were also discussed. The Judeo-Christian view is based on the interpretation of Genesis and the idea of human dominion. Philosophical views on the moral status of animals and moral consideration of animals can be classified in three categories namely indirect theories, direct-but-unequal theories and equal moral status theories. 3. The nature and extent of the current beef production debate was discussed in Chapter 3. The most important issues were the environmental impact of beef production, socio-economic and human health concerns as well as ethical issues related to the inhumane treatment of animals. It was then concluded that most attacks on beef production were biased and did not take context into account. 4. The „Animal Liberation‟ argument was critically analyzed from a logical perspective in Chapter 4, 5 and 6 by using the so called FRISCO approach – with emphasis on the Focus of the argument, Reasons given for the conclusion, the quality of Inferences, the Situation or context of the argument as well as the Clarity of the argument. This argument lacks objectivity and rationality. It includes a number of fallacies, false statements and emotional language. Ideas, concepts and principles were not applied consistently. The argument was therefore found to be unsound. 5. In Chapter 7 the conclusion was stated namely that the “animal liberation” approach could not formulate a sound argument for a vegetarian diet. The „Animal Liberation‟ argument was also unable to balance our concern for animals with human interests, in the process compromising human dignity and freedom. However, human attitudes towards animals and the treatment of animals need to be improved. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 1. Die doel van die eerste hoofstuk was om ʼn kort inleiding tot die studie te gee. Filosofie is die strewe en soeke na wysheid; om te weet wat ʼn deugsame lewe is, en om te weet wat moreel korrek en aanvaarbaar is. Ons verhouding met diere, ons ingesteldheid teenoor diere, asook die manier hoe ons diere behandel, is slegs enkele van die kwessies wat filosowe dwing om daaroor na te dink. ʼn Belangrike vraag in die verband is die volgende: Is dit moreel aanvaarbaar om vleis te eet, of moet die mens ʼn vegetariese dieet volg? Om hierdie vraag te beantwoord word die “Animal Liberation”-argument, soos aangebied deur Peter Singer, krities ontleed. Is hierdie argument in staat om ons kommer oor die behandeling van diere met menslike belange te balanseer? 2. Om die mens se houding en ingesteldheid teenoor diere beter te verstaan, word ʼn oorsig van die Joods-Christelike en filosofiese tradisies in Hoofstuk 2 gedoen. Die verskillende sienings, wat verband hou met hierdie tradisies, word ook kortliks bespreek. Die Joods-Christelike siening is gebaseer op ʼn spesifieke vertolking van Genesis en die idee van menslike heerskappy. Die filosofiese sienings van die morele status, en gevolglik ook die morele inagneming van diere, kan in drie kategorieë, naamlik indirekte teorieë, direk-maar-ongelyke teorieë en die gelyke-morele-status teorieë, opgedeel word. 3. Die aard en omvang van die beesvleisproduksie-debat word in Hoofstuk 3 bespreek. Die belangrikste kwessies, onderliggend aan hierdie debat, het betrekking op die omgewingsimpak van vleisproduksie, sosio-ekonomiese en menslike gesondheidskwessies, asook etiese kwessies wat verband hou met die onaanvaarbare behandeling van diere. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die meeste aanvalle op vleisproduksie eensydig is en ook nie konteks in ag neem nie. 4. Die “Animal Liberation”-argument word in Hoofstuk 4, 5 en 6 krities ontleed vanuit „n logiese perspektief met behulp van die sogenaamde FRISCO-metode – waarin die klem val op die Fokus van die argument, Redes wat aangevoer word vir die konklusie, die gehalte van die afleidings, die Situasie of konteks van die argument, en die helderheid van die argument. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die argument nie objektief en rasioneel is nie, en gebuk gaan onder denkfoute, vals stellings en emosionele taal. Idees, konsepte en beginsel word ook nie konsekwent toegepas nie. Die argument is dus nie betroubaar nie. 5. In Hoofstuk 7 word die bevinding van die tesis gestel, naamlik dat die “animal liberation” benadering nie „n betroubare argument vir ʼn vegetariese dieet kon formuleer nie. Die argument was ook nie in staat om ons kommer oor diere met menslike belange te balanseer nie, en het in die proses menslike waardigheid en vryheid gekompromitteer. Die mens se houding en behandeling van diere, moet egter verander.

Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) : what is it?

Hettema, Elri January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on existing research into the field of animal-assisted therapy (AAT) and attempts to provide a clear answer as to what animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is. In addition, the limitations of current research, as well as future opportunities for research in this field and some practical considerations for applying animal-assisted therapy are explored. The origin of animal-assisted therapy is examined. How the present terminology has developed in that it defines the use of animals in therapy as an adjunct to other therapeutic techniques is discussed in contrast to previous terminology, which created the impression that there was some form of managed process on the part of the animal. The terminology has developed from terms such as pet therapy and pet-facilitated therapy to animal-assisted therapy (AAT) and animal-assisted activities (AAA). The history of animal-assisted therapy is examined in relation to the three therapy categories of milieu therapy, physical rehabilitation and animal-assisted psychotherapy. The most common theoretical frameworks for AAT are also discussed. In general, systems theory tends to be the most favoured theoretical foundation for AAT. The typical target populations of animal-assisted therapy are examined in the light of target relationships. The six target relationships that a practitioner of animal-assisted therapy would need to manage are identified and their merits discussed: therapist-and-patient relationship; therapist-and-animal relationship; the staff-and-patient and staff-and-animal relationship; the staff-and-animal therapist relationship; the animal-and-patient relationship; and the application environment wherein these relationships are lived. The typical research designs for AAT are also discussed within the history of AATand successful research tends toward longitudinal studies wherein patients with similar diagnostic profiles are all exposed to a common form of treatment. The experimental group has some form of AAT in addition to the standard treatment whilst the control group continues with only the standard treatment. Comparisons are made against specific measurements such as degree of sociability and other indices. In general, the current research indicates a need for research characterised by better controls and the application of general research principles to supplement the abundance of anecdotal and case study reports on AAT. In addition, the practical application of AAT is also examined in relation to training and liability, office management and décor, animal well-being, and the necessary precautions to safeguard patients from possible harm. A critique of AAT is provided as well as the difficulties encountered in the practical implementation of animal-assisted therapy. The literature reviewed for this study confirms that animal-assisted therapy shows excellent promise, which increases when complimented by experimental endeavour in terms of properly evaluated AAT programmes. In terms of the future potential of AAT, the possible advantages of the implementation of AAT programmes into schools, prisons and working environments is raised. Related therapeutic adjuncts such as horticultural and natural therapy are also discussed. Fine (2000) was the most up to date and encompassing source for AAT and may be a good tool to guide future practitioners and researchers in the field of AAT. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DIERE-ONDERSTEUNDE TERAPIE (DOT) -WAT IS DIT? Hierdie studie fokus op huidige navorsing op die gebied van diere-ondersteunde terapie (DOT) en strewe om lig te gooi op wat presies diere-ondersteunde terapie is. Daarbenewens, word die beperkinge van huidige navorsing sowel as toekomstige geleenthede vir navorsing op hierdie gebied. Praktiese doelwitte vir die toepassing van diere-ondersteunde terapie is ook geidentifiseer. Die oorsprong van diere-ondersteunde terapie word ondersoek. Hoe die huidige terminologie ontwikkel het in sover dit die gebruik van diere aangaan in terapie as adjunk tot ander terapeutiese tegnieke word bespreek, in vergelyking met vorige terminologie wat die indruk geskep het dat daar een of ander bestuurde proses is wat deur die dier uitgevoer word. Die terminologie het ontwikkel van terme soos troeteldierterapie en troeteldier-gefasiliteerde terapie tot diere-ondersteunde terapie (DOT) en diereondersteunde aktiwiteite (DOA). Die geskiedenis van diere-ondersteunde terapie word ondersoek volgens die drie terapiekategoriee van milieuterapie, fisiese rehabilitasie en diere-ondersteunde psigoterapie. Die mees algemene teoretiese raamwerke vir DOT word ook bespreek. Oor die algemeen, is sisteemteorie die sigbaarste teoretiese grondslag vir DOT. Die tipiese teikengroepe vir diere-ondersteunde terapie word ondersoek in die lig van teiken verhoudings. Die ses teikenverhoudings wat 'n praktisyn van diere-ondersteunde terapie sou bestuur word onderskei en hul relatiewe meriete bespreek: die terapeut/pasient-verhouding; terapeut/dier-verhouding; personeel/pasient-verhouding; personeel/diereterapeut- verhouding; dier/pasient- verhouding ; sowel as die toepassings omgewing waarin die verhoudings uitgeleef word. Die tipiese navorsingsontwerpe vir DOT word ook binne die geskiedenis van DOT bespreek. Die mees geloofwaardige navorsing neig tot longitudinale studies waarin pasiente met soorgelyke diagnostiese profiele almal aan 'n gemene vorm van behandeling blootgestel is. Die eksperimentele groep kry dan een of ander vorm van DOT sowel as die standaard behandeling terwyl die kontrole groep slegs die standaard behandeling ontvang. Vergelykings word dan gemaak volgens spesifieke metings soos mate van sosialiteit en ander persoonlike effektiwiteit maatstawwe. Oor die algemeen dui huidige navorsing op 'n behoefte vir navorsing wat deur beter beheer gekenmerk word, en die toepassing van algemene navorsingsbegrippe om as aanvulling te dien tot die oorvloed anekdotiese en gevallestudies wat die DOT literatuur betref. Daarbenewens word die die praktiese toepassing van DOT ondersoek met betrekking tot opleiding en verantwoording, kantoorbeheer en dekor, dierewelsyn sowel as die nodige teenmaatreëls om pasiente teen enige negatiewe gevolge te beskerm. 'n Kritiese ontleding van DOT word ook voorsien en die moontlike struikelblokke wat in die praktiese implementasie van diere-ondersteunde terapie ondervind kan word. Die literatuur wat vir hierdie studie nagegaan is, bevestig dat diere-ondersteunde terapie uitstekende vooruitsigte toon. Sover dit die toekomstige potensiaal van DOT aangaan, word die moontlike voordele van die implementasie van DOT-programme in skole, tronke en werksomgewings genoem. Verwante terapeutiese byvoegings soos tuin- en natuur-terapie word ook bespreek. Fine (2000) blyk om die mees resente en omvattende bron van DOT te wees en mag 'n goeie hulpmiddel wees om toekomstige praktisyns en navorsers op die gebied van DOT van 'n riglyn te voorsien.

Faces of the wolf, faces of the individual : anthropological study of human, non-human relationships in West Mongolia

Charlier, Bernard January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Examining the Effects of Human-Animal Interaction on Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Feinstein, Jennie 01 January 2014 (has links)
Companion animals play a pivotal role in typical human development. It remains unknown how animals affect individuals with developmental disabilities. Based on the knowledge that companion animals help typically developing individuals, this research examined the effects of human-animal interactions on individuals with developmental disabilities. Human-animal interactions are based on the Biophilia hypothesis, an assertion that an emotional and beneficial relationship exists between humans and nature, in which there is an “innate tendency to focus on life and lifelike processes.” These are the shared, dynamic associations between people and animals, and the effects of those relationships on health and well-being. Sparse research exists, and the field and literature is scattered among various disciplines. In the first article in this work I examined and synthesized literature related to the effects of human-animal interaction on individuals with developmental disabilities, including companion animals and more formal animal-assisted therapy. In the second article in this work I examined, via direct observation, video recording, and Individualized Education Plan goal attainment, whether animal-assisted therapy (here, occupational therapy intervention incorporating a trained therapy dog) affected playfulness during routine occupational therapy sessions with children with developmental disabilities. Finally, in the third article I examined whether occupational therapy incorporating animal-assisted therapy changed participation during routine occupational therapy treatment sessions with children with developmental disabilities. Children with disabilities often exhibit impairments in play and participation, and enhancing these areas is likely to further their functional ability. The constructs of play and participation are significant in the lives of children with developmental disabilities, and a foundation of pediatric occupational therapy practice. Together they comprise two of the eight “Areas of Occupation” in the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework. The effects of incorporating animal-assisted therapy into occupational therapy are not well documented, although other disciplines have found animal-assisted therapy to be an effectual intervention. Human-animal interaction scholars have called for evidence-based effectiveness studies. This research responded to that call, examining the effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy from a functional perspective not yet addressed in the literature.

The Effects of Pet Ownership on Physical Well-Being in Older Adults

Pohnert, Tami 01 January 2010 (has links)
A large percentage of Americans own pets which may impact their health. This study examines pet ownership’s effect on well being in older adults looking at race/ethnicity. A sample of 6,565 older adults (>60) was selected from the Third National Health and Nutrition Survey. Pet owners comprised 28.3% of the sample. The theories of symbolic interaction and social integration were used to examine pet ownership’s effect on physical components of well-being. The descriptive results showed statistically significant differences in age, education, income, and marital status between pet owners and non-pet owners. Pet owners were younger, more educate, higher income and married. Similar results were found for Caucasians, African Americans and Mexican Americans. Logistic regression for the entire sample revealed pet owners were more likely to have a positive self perception of health, normal blood pressure, improved function, less chronic conditions, improved function and more falls. Multiple regression revealed pet owners had more hospital stays, but fewer physician visits and nursing home stays than non-pet owners. When examined by race/ethnicity differences were found between pet owners and non-pet owners that differed from the general sample results. This research revealed that pets overall positively impact their owners’ health but it appears to differ based on race/ethnicity. Further research is needed on pet ownership’s effect on older adults specifically in regards to race.

A study on elephant and human interactions in Kodagu, South India

Narayana, Malavika Hosahally January 2014 (has links)
Increasing human populations have resulted in the extensive conversion of natural forests and range lands into agricultural lands, resulting in an expansion of the interface between people and elephants across the elephant range countries of Asia and Africa. This interface describes the nature of two-way interactions between people and elephants, which can be positive and reverential or hostile and negative. Elephant crop-raiding, one of the most negative interactions for people at the interface, is not only the result of decreased food resources and space, but has also been attributed to a preference for cultivated crops and to damage caused during elephant movements between habitats. The aim of this thesis was an attempt to understand the use of coffee agroforestry areas by elephant populations in a South Indian district, Kodagu, and to assess the risks to elephants and people of coffee plantations. Geographically, located at a significant position in the Western Ghats, Kodagu district is a part of one of the largest wild Asian elephant ranges harbouring India’s largest elephant population. Kodagu has a unique topography and coffee agroforestry system in considered as the boon for conservation. This thesis is the first long term (one year) study on the elephant populations using coffee estates in Kodagu. Crop-raiding events across Kodagu and their intensity of occurrence were determined from the Forest Department compensation records. Virjapet taluk was one of the three administrative units of Kodagu with frequent incidences of crop-raiding, including elephant mortality and human deaths. High rates of crop-damage in Virajpet included both coffee and paddy rice produce as the land is conducive for the cultivation of both. To understand the use of coffee estates by elephants, coffee estates in Virjapet were directly and indirectly monitored for the presence of elephants using dung sampling (N=202), camera trapping, video and photo documentation, as well as sightings (N=408) and reports by local workers, in order to identify the individuals or groups of elephants frequenting these coffee estates. Lone male and all male groups used coffee estates most frequently and family herds ranging in group size from 2 to 10 were present mainly during the peak season of coffee ripening (post monsoon). Presence of large numbers of elephants, especially with large female groups, was associated with crop-damage during the months of December-January. As seasonal movements of elephants in Kodagu districts are still not known, it is unclear why the number of elephants in coffee estates post-monsoon increases when food availability should also be higher in forests. These large coffee estates were used as refuge areas by elephants during the day by all individuals and groups, and feeding on estates occurred during the night to early morning hours. Dung analysis and observations suggested that coffee estates were attractive for elephants due to the constant availability of water (for irrigation), green fodder, and cultivated fruit trees, especially jackfruit. Coffee plants were damaged both due to consumption (47% of dung samples in this study) and accidental damage during elephant movements within the estates. Although the dung sampling could not confirm whether coffee had become a novel food resource, the presence of large number of elephants during the coffee ripening season suggested that the potential for coffee berries to be added regularly to the diet in the future, with potential consequences for coffee invasion of native forests through dung seed dispersal. People working on large coffee estates were accustomed to the presence of elephants and were generally knowledgeable of the areas that elephants frequented, thus avoiding fatal encounters. However, safety of farmers and other people working on the estates remains a major concern, especially for large coffee estates owners. The constant interaction between elephants and people also led to more negative perceptions of elephants, and reduced the tolerance of elephants in the area. The unique topography of Kodagu as a mosaic of forests and farms challenges the number of possible mitigation methods to prevent negative encounters between people and elephant. The elephants of Kodagu may have adapted behaviourally to the presence of people, but long-term monitoring of the elephant population is important to understand their ecological and social adaptations to the various costs and benefits of using this agroforestry landscape. Suggestions for management of the elephant-human interface and mitigation of negative attitudes and actions were made, through a model that incorporates a multiple stakeholder (including elephants) action plan.

For Pets’ Sake: Is There a Need for Dog Safety Community Education?

Unknown Date (has links)
The history of the human-canine relationship and the human-canine bond is longstanding and has grown and developed throughout the years. Today, dogs are considered part of the family and are beneficial in impacting people across the United States. Introducing the community to dog safety education may strengthen the awareness and confidence of dog lovers across the state of Florida and hopefully reduce the number of preventable dog emergencies. This research suggested the reasons for dog ownership and the importance of protecting our beloved canines by presenting a literature review covering the evolution of the human-canine relationship, human-canine bond, positive effects of canines on humans, history of humane education to demonstrate the importance of dogs in the lives of American citizens and an overview of community education and the importance dog safety community education. The purpose of this mixed methods study was to understand the current state of dog safety community education in Florida and to introduce the need for policies and procedures for dog safety training for adults, if needed based on the research. This topic was analyzed through a needs assessment administered through a Parks & Recreation department in south Florida and online through social media. Ten key informants were selected to interview for an in-depth understanding of their perspective on this topic. Document analysis was conducted to see if results of the needs assessment were addressed in brochures and other media locally. The participants were community members of Florida who were also dog owners. Participants were adults over the age of 18. The participants’ anonymity was protected, as no names were collected from the survey. After carefully examining data collected from 10 interviews, document analysis, and surveys of 150 participants who are dog owners in Florida, the researcher of this study revealed factors that show substantial value that dog owners place on their dogs and interest in educational opportunities to protect their safety. The significance of this study presented additional research dispelling a misconception that dog safety education as easily accessible and available in Florida based communities. This study was also significant because it contributes to the literature by identifying the value dog owners place on their dogs, as demonstrated in both survey and document analysis. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Abuse, Attachment and Animal Assisted Activities

Gallagher, Elizabeth January 2004 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Aimee Seiler / In the effort to take responsibly and effect positive change in the lives of our children, we must begin by identifying and applying the most effective methods to help them overcome obstacles to mental and emotional well-being. In conjunction with a limited number of quantitative studies, anecdotal evidence suggests that animal-assisted therapies and activities promote positive outcomes for children who have been physically abused and who have developed behavioral and emotional disorders. Chapter one will address the current state of the research on the impact of physical abuse on children's physical, social and emotional beings. Understanding what we know about what abused children must cope with, chapter two will examine service provision under the current system known as the continuum of care. Finally, chapter three will introduce animal assisted therapy and illustrate the ways in which it can strengthen and support services that are already in place for children who are struggling with behavioral and emotional disorders that result from physical abuse. Before the argument for including animal assisted programs as a supplement to services currently provided can be made, this therapeutic approach deserves to be appropriately standardized and evaluated. Allocating more resources to research that will develop the breath and depth of knowledge in the field of animal assisted therapy is a necessary step in improving the quality of care. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2004. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Education, Lynch School of. / Discipline: College Honors Program.

Jaws of significance: the conservationist's perception of the shark in South Florida

Unknown Date (has links)
In examining the intentional relationship between the conservationist and the shark in South Florida, this thesis considers the latter as both a scarce natural resource - caught up in what Clifford Geertz citing Weber referred to as "webs of significance" (Geertz 1973:5) - and as a reflection of dynamic human conceptions of nature : a meta shark. This complex relationship is described by interpretations of conservation discourse recorded through ethnographic interviews that demonstrate how these perceptions have been influenced by factors such as personal experiences, film and text, and broad changes in the relationship between humans and nature since the early days of the environmental movement. By linking these perceptual changes with changes in American shark conservation policy, this work not only explains a relationship between culture, perception, and policy, but also celebrates the emergence of a multispecies marine community. / by Patrick Nason. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

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