Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bunting."" "subject:"counting.""
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Reported & Reported: differences among local and international game hunting data and potential reasons on the example of South AfricaJohanisová, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
The South African wildlife tourism industry is based on trophy hunting and together with international wildlife trade it can represent a major treat to biodiversity conservation. Annually, thousands of hunters participate in hunting activities in South Africa and thousands of trophy items are traded across international borders. This research is a result of comprehensive quantitative analysis in how far data of trophy hunting kills and data of trophy export are consistent on the example of South Africa. Data were extracted from 2 different sources: trade data reported under the CITES Trade Database on export of trophy items from South Africa within the year 2018; South African Professional Hunting statistics (SAPHs) containing trophy kills information for each species and the country of origin of the hunter. In the year 2018, a total of 3,126 hunting trophy items of 28 endangered taxa were exported out of South Africa to 37 countries that contributed to trophy hunting trade in South Africa. However, 64 countries participated in trophy hunting of endangered taxa in South Africa and a total of 4,726 trophy kills of 28 trophy-hunted endangered taxa were reported. Therefore, the level of inconsistence in data of trophy hunting kills and data of trophy hunting export is significant and differs to varying degrees across the countries contributing to trophy hunting and CITES-listed trophy-hunted species. This research provides possible reasons for the inconsistency and propose recommendations for improving the CITES reporting system. / <p>2020-06-10</p>
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Prey Capture Strategies in Passive and Active Spider WebsHan, Sarah I. 28 November 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Кинолошки аспекти ловног туризма у Србији / Kinološki aspekti lovnog turizma u Srbiji / Cynological aspects of hunting tourism in SerbiaMatejević Milosava 30 September 2015 (has links)
<p>Циљ докторске дисертације је да прикаже везу између кинологије, ловног туризма и других облика туризма, а ова проблематика није досад обрађивана у домаћој и страној литератури. Анализом садржаја и карактеристика пролећних, јесењих и свестраних узгојних испита ловачких паса представљен је значај ловачких паса у ловним активностима, а анализа резултата рада немачких оштродлаких паса, као свестрано употребљивих ловачких паса, на пролећним и јесењим узгојним испитима одржаним у Србији у периоду од 2006. до 2013. године показала је колико је популација ових паса у Србији способна да допринесе ловнотуристиким активностима. Резултати анкетних истраживања спроведених међу српским ловцима, домаћим и иностраним учесницима кинолошких манифестација, као и међу српским кинолошким судијама, допринели су схватању значаја и утицаја организовања и одржавања кинолошких манифестација на ловно-туристичка кретања и туристичка кретања уопште у Србији и дала смернице организаторима кинолошких манифестација за побољшање понуде тј. организације и спровођења манифестација, као и туристичким посленицима у местима одржавања кинолошких манифестација у проналажењу конкретних смерница у креирању и побољшавању укупне туристичке понуде и ефеката туристичке потрошње.</p> / <p>Cilj doktorske disertacije je da prikaže vezu između kinologije, lovnog turizma i drugih oblika turizma, a ova problematika nije dosad obrađivana u domaćoj i stranoj literaturi. Analizom sadržaja i karakteristika prolećnih, jesenjih i svestranih uzgojnih ispita lovačkih pasa predstavljen je značaj lovačkih pasa u lovnim aktivnostima, a analiza rezultata rada nemačkih oštrodlakih pasa, kao svestrano upotrebljivih lovačkih pasa, na prolećnim i jesenjim uzgojnim ispitima održanim u Srbiji u periodu od 2006. do 2013. godine pokazala je koliko je populacija ovih pasa u Srbiji sposobna da doprinese lovnoturistikim aktivnostima. Rezultati anketnih istraživanja sprovedenih među srpskim lovcima, domaćim i inostranim učesnicima kinoloških manifestacija, kao i među srpskim kinološkim sudijama, doprineli su shvatanju značaja i uticaja organizovanja i održavanja kinoloških manifestacija na lovno-turistička kretanja i turistička kretanja uopšte u Srbiji i dala smernice organizatorima kinoloških manifestacija za poboljšanje ponude tj. organizacije i sprovođenja manifestacija, kao i turističkim poslenicima u mestima održavanja kinoloških manifestacija u pronalaženju konkretnih smernica u kreiranju i poboljšavanju ukupne turističke ponude i efekata turističke potrošnje.</p> / <p>The aim of the dissertation is to show the relationship between cynology, hunting tourism and other forms of tourism. The importance of using hunting dogs in hunting activities is presented by analyzing the content and characteristics of spring, autumn and versality breeding tests for hunting dogs. One of the task was to determine the quality German wirehaired pointers population in Serbia and its capability to contribute hunting and touristic activities in Serbia. For the purpose of the study, surveys were conducted among serbian hunters, local and foreign participants of kennel events, as well as the Serbian kennel judges and hunters. Results could contribute to the understanding of the importance and impact of the dog event organization and maintenance on hunting tourism trends and the tourist industry in general. Results of the study could, be helpful to dog event organizers and tourism workers in destination for improving organization of events and finding specific guidelines in creating and improving tourist offer.<br /> </p>
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Pernata divljač kao deo lovno-turističke ponude Vojvodine / Game birds in Vojvodina as a part of hunting-touristic offerRistić Zoran 18 June 2004 (has links)
<p>Većina zemalja koje imaju uslove za razvoj turizma zalažu se za dovođenje što većeg broja turista. Zbog ovoga, inostrani lovni turizam u Vojvodini, prevashodno na pernatu divljač počinje da se razvija krajem pedesetih i početkom šezdesetih godina, da bi ekspanziju doživeo krajem sedamdesetih pa do početka devedesetih godina. U periodu od početka šezdesetih pa do kraja osamdesetih godina, lovni turizam je imao, pored povećanja broja inostranih lovaca, i povećanje odstrela pernate divljači. Međutim, od početka devedesetih godina pa do danas broj turista je smanjen iz poznatih razloga. Lovačke organizacije su zbog nedostatka lovnog turizma ostale bez značajnijih sredstava a time i mnogo manje ulagale u lovišta. Lovnim turizmom u Vojvodini su se lovačke organizacije bavile više od četrdeset godina. Od lovno turističkih organizacija koje su pioniri u ovom poslu svakako treba istaći "Lovoturs" koji je u ovoj oblasti prisutan više od četrdeset godina. Ovaj rad predstavlja doprinos savremenim istraživanjima iz oblasti lovnog turizma Vojvodine i čitave naše zemlje. U Vojvodini postoje potencijali koji su podstakli lovno turističku privredu, a za Vojvodinu je najznačajniji lovni turizam. U Vojvodini postoje potencijali koji su podstakli lovno-turističku ponudu koja se odvijala intenzivno od kraja šezdesetih pa do kraja osamdesetih godina.</p> / <p>Most of the countries with conditions for tourism development are supporting bringing as much tourists as possible. Foreign hunting tourism began to develop in Vojvodina, mostly to game birds, at the end of the 50s and the beginning of the 60s and reached its peak between the end of the 70s and the beginning of the 90s. In the period between the beginning of the 60s and the end of the 80s, hunting tourism have noted, apart of increase of foreign tourists number, an increased catch of game birds. But after beginning of 90s number of tourists had decreased due to well-known reasons. Hunters organizations were left without significant resources and consequently invested less in the hunting grounds. Hunters&apos; organizations in Vojvodina have been in hunting tourism for more than 40 years. From pioneers in this business, the "Lovoturs" must be mentioned, as organization being present in hunting tourism for over 40 years. "Lovoturs" is considered a pioneer in development of hunting tourism in Vojvodina, especially on game birds and a specialized house with considerable results in this field. This work is a contribution to contemporary investigation in a field of hunting tourism in Vojvodina and in the whole country. The main reason is that one of the Republic of Serbia&apos;s strategic directions of development is aimed at tourist economy, and in Vojvodina the hunting tourism is most important part of it. Vojvodina has potentials encouraging hunting-touristic offer intensively from the end of the &apos;60s to the end of the &apos;80s.</p>
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Pedofiljägares arbete för barns trygghet på internet : En fallstudie om konsekvenser för barn som har blivit utsatta för grooming / Paedophile hunters’ work for child safety on the internet : A a case study of theconsequences for children who have been exposed to groomingSahlberg, Clara, Waltner, Mathilda January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker möjliga konsekvenser för barn som blivit utsatta för grooming som tardel av pedofiljägarnätverks publicerade innehåll från uthängningar av misstänkta förövare. Forskning kring pedofiljakt finns tillgänglig medan det finns en kunskapslucka kring barn som tardel av nätverkens publicerade innehåll. Studien är en fallstudie med syfte är att studera pedofiljakti förhållande till dessa barn och till socialtjänsten, som har ansvaret att hjälpa barn i utsatta situationer. Detta görs med hjälp av Goffmans teori om stigma, kompletterad av en traumagenisk dynamisk modell. Resultatet visar att den bild som pedofiljägarnätverken visar av barn som blivit utsatta förgrooming är ensidig och utelämnar den komplexitet som finns hos barnens upplevelser, både av groomingen och av relationen till och känslorna kring sin förövare. Det kan leda till att barnen får ännu svårare att berätta om sina upplevelser, men att ta del av innehåll där en vuxen person bekräftar att groomingen alltid är förövarens ansvar och att det som hänt alltid är förövarens fel, kan upplevas som en lättnad och vara underlättande för att barnen ska berätta om groomingen för sin omgivning. Eftersom att berätta för omgivningen är en förutsättning för att socialtjänstenska kunna ge barnen hjälp och stöd, påverkas socialtjänsten av den information som barnen tardel av. Barns förändrade attityder till sina erfarenheter kan både underlätta och försvåra socialtjänstens arbete med att ge stöd och skydd till barn som blivit utsatta för grooming.
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Food-Searching Behavior of Free-Living Ferruginous Hawks: Factors Affecting the Use of Hunting Methods and Hunting SitesWakeley, James Stuart 01 May 1976 (has links)
Food-searching behavior of two adult male Ferruginous Hawks (Buteo regalis) was studied by direct observation in Curlew Valley, Utah-Idaho, during the nesting seasons of 1974 and 1975. This paper analyzes the effects of vegetation type, prey distribution, cover density, previous experience, and time and energy budgets upon the predators' choice of hunting methods and hunting sites.
Both hawks hunted actively throughout the day (0600 to 2100 hours MDT). Male 1 (1974) and Male 2 (1975) captured an average of 8.7 ± 2.0 and 9.0 ± 1.5 prey items per day, respectively, during the 4-wk observation period in each year. The hawks hunted by four distinguishable methods: (1) from a perch, (2) from the ground, (3) from low-altitude (active) flight, and (4) from high-altitude (soaring) flight. The birds made a total of 808 observed strikes and were successful in securing prey in 129 (16.6 percent) of those strikes. Success rate (successful strikes/total attempted strikes) varied significantly with hunting method.
The hawks were selective in their use of vegetation types for hunting. Both birds used the "bare ground" and "pasture" types more than expected by chance. Male 2 also over-used the "alfalfa" type. Both hawks significantly under-used the "grass-shrub," "grass or grain," "old field," "juniper," and "rush-grass" cover types. The differences in use of vegetation types could not be related to differences in prey biomass. The birds were selective in their use of areas which differed in density of vegetative cover. Areas with no cover were used by both hawks more than expected by chance; all other areas were under-used with the single exception of "dense" cover in 1975.
Previous experience was important to the birds' choice of hunting sites and hunting methods. Each hawk returned directly to the site of its last prey capture on more than half of its hunting forays. Similarly, each hawk tended to initiate a new hunting effort by using the hunting method that had been successful on its previous hunt.
In 1975, Male 2 switched its emphasis to a new major hunting area during the fourth week of observation. The apparent reason for the switch was a decline in success at the first hunting area due to the growth of vegetation which concealed prey.
Males 1 and 2 averaged 0.94 ± 0.43 and 1.27 ± 0.55 prey captures per hour of hunting time, respectively. Capture rates (captures/time) varied with hunting method. The amount of time a hawk spent hunting by each method was not related to its capture rate by that method. However, each bird's total use of sit-and-wait hunting (from a perch or from the ground) and of hunting from low-altitude flight was proportional to estimates of the number of captures per unit of energetic cost for those methods. Both hawks hunted from high-altitude flight more than expected on the basis of their catch/cost ratios for that technique. This suggests that soaring was not exclusively a hunting technique, but that it had some additional purpose unrelated to food gathering. There was some evidence that the hawks used major hunting sites which provided high benefit/cost ratios relative to the rest of their foraging ranges.
Both hawks foraged efficiently by concentrating more of their foraging time on the hunting method and in the hunting sites which yielded the highest number of prey captures per unit of energy ex-pended. The birds' use of secondary hunting areas may have contributed to their long-term foraging efficiency by informing them of changes in the foraging potential of different portions of their home ranges. Such flexible foraging patterns may be critical to the survival of predators which rely on highly variable small-mammal populations.
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Právní úprava myslivosti / Legal regulation of hunting managementČech, Jan January 2021 (has links)
75 Abstract This diploma thesis deals with Legal Adjustment of Gamekeeping. Gamekeeping is perceived not only as a hobby, but it is a phenomenon which became a lifestyle of many people. The main purpose of hunting is to protect and maintain freely living game for the future generations but at the same time ensure the environment protection. According to the importance of the environment protection and the game there is no doubt, that this issue requires its own legal adjustment. The adjustment has evolved over years and these days it is influenced by the globalization, membership in multinational communities and organizations and many others. In the introduction the term Gamekeeping is presented together with the reasons which make this topic current. In the first chapter the history of hunting is analysed heading towards the development of gamekeeping including the role of poaching during over the years. The second chapter is an important part of the thesis, it processes sources of the gamekeeping legislation. The international legislation related to many international contracts focused on component aspects of the environment protection is mentioned first.It is also necessary to deal with the legislation of the European Union, of which the Czech Republic is a member, in which the legislation is included...
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Současné myslivecké zvyky a obyčeje jako sociální kontrola myslivosti na příkladu středočeských a jihočeských mysliveckých komunit a jejich společných lovů / Current hunting customs and habits as means of social control over hunting practice represented by examples of Central Bohemian and South Bohemian hunting communities and their collective huntsSztymonová, Klára January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on contemporary hunting customs and their use in practice. It shows attemts by hunting clubs and societies as well as individual hunters to maintain Czech hunting customs. The thesis aims to present and evaluate various hunting habits and ceremonies in order to make assessment regarding current practice. The thesis has goal of finding how the social control of contemporary Czech game management is being executed in relation to the basic values of said society, respect for the nature and its animals. Above all this work tries to find out if the social control is maintained with hunting customs. Theoretical part of this thesis analyzes normatively the ideal procedures and forms of hunting practice as prescribed by the hunters code and professional guidelines, it also analyzes hunting from the perspective of existing legal framework. Research aimed at gaining real-life experience with hunting practice had been conducted between 2015 and 2016 among selected hunting clubs and societies. Data collected in the field will provide basis for comparison between hunting theory and practice.
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Chasseurs d’Afrique : safari de chasse et quête du sauvage / Hunters of Africa : hunting safari and quest for the wildMichaud, Maxime 31 October 2011 (has links)
Des voyages de la fin du XVIIIe siècle au tourisme cynégétique contemporain, les relations entre l’Europe et le continent africain ont été marquées par la pratique de la chasse. Le terme safari, qui désigne la formalisation dans une activité codifiée de ces séjours de chasse, suffit à incarner une certaine image romantique de l’Afrique sauvage. À travers une ethnographie dans des zones de chasse du nord du Bénin et l’analyse de sources textuelles et iconographiques diverses, il s’agit d’interroger le sens que donnent les chasseurs d’hier et d’aujourd’hui à leur engouement pour le safari de chasse. Lié historiquement au colonialisme, celui-ci peut être interprété comme une forme symbolique d’appropriation, à travers la mise en trophée de l’animal, d’un continent réduit à sa nature sauvage. Mais cette conquête, malgré sa facilité apparente, nécessite toutefois une contextualisation permettant d’actualiser des représentations du sauvage : y compris dans sa version commerciale, le safari ne peut se réduire à l’acquisition d’un trophée à prix d’argent. Les chasseurs associent de plus à leur pratique tout un discours de légitimation tournant autour de l’éthique de la chasse, qui emprunte, de nos jours, à des registres humanitaires ou écologistes. Si le tourisme cynégétique est relativement marginal et contesté dans le monde occidental contemporain, les représentations qui l’accompagnent et le fantasme d’un sauvage à conquérir incarné par le continent africain semblent, pour leur part, particulièrement répandus. / Hunting has had a prominent place in the relations between Europe and the African continent, from the expeditions of the end of the 18th century through to contemporary hunting tourism. The word safari alone, which refers to the formalisation within a codified activity of these hunting trips, evokes a fairly romantic image of wild Africa. Using data from an ethnography in the hunting areas of north Benin, and with the analysis of various textual and iconographic documents, it is worth questioning the meaning that hunters of yesterday and today give to the their infatuation for safari hunting. Historically linked to colonialism, safari hunting can be interpreted as a kind of symbolical appropriation, in the shape of the hunting trophy, of a continent reduced to its wildness. This kind of conquest, however, in spite of its apparent ease, calls for a contextualisation to actualise the representations of the wild; even in its commercial version, a safari cannot be reduced to acquiring a paid-for trophy. Hunters furthermore link their activities to a legitimising discourse revolving around the ethics of hunting, a discourse which, nowadays, borrows from humanitarian or ecological discourses. Even though, on the one hand, hunting tourism is relatively marginal and controversial in the contemporary western world, the representations that go with it and the fantasy of a wilderness to be conquered – embodied by the African continent – are, on the other hand, particularly widespread.
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