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Elstart MotorsågMartinsen, Dan, Danielsson, Henrik Unknown Date (has links)
<p>As requested by the company Husqvarna AB, we have developed a prototype of an electrical start device to a chainsaw. </p><p>This was done through the development of new details in Catia, which has been integrated with existing details. Electrical components have been purchased by HAB electronics.</p><p> </p><p>In parallel with the modeling calculations was done, which was the basis for determine dimensions and the choice of an electric motor and gears. </p><p>Prototype 1 improved gradually and led to prototype number 2, which became the final result. </p><p>Prototype 2 made the chainsaw start, which was the goal of the project.</p>
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Social Media Marketing : Social media impact on brand awareness in the case of Husqvarna Sverige's customersKljucanin, Nermin, Shahbazi, Said, Pourjanekikhani, Pouyan January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to understand how brand awareness among customers is created and maintained through the use of social media as a marketing tool.The web does not only provide people to socialize and share and receive information among friends and family online, it is also a powerful marketing tool and marketing place where the customer can interact with other customers and firms. Social media has made it possible for customer to choose on their own when and where they want to receive information. The customers do not have to visit a firm's homepage; they can instead interact withother customers that have experienced a specific product or brand via the social media channels. Hence social media channels are environments where the customers set the rules and WOM makes or breaks the product.We used a mixed method approach. To gather our empirical data we used a questionnaire which we did send out to Facebookusers whom likes Husqvarna Sverige's page to answer about their perceptions of Husqvarna and their social media activity. We did also an interview with Anna Lindman, project manager at Husqvarna.Social media marketing is successful when online activities, relationship marketing and brand awareness are used in conjunction. All these parts are connected to each other and haveto be fulfilled if a firm wants to be successful in social media. This will influence the customer’s purchasing behavior andcould lead to an increase of sales (Miller & Lamas, 2010). The respondents answer from the questionnaire show that Husqvarna needs to be more active and participating online.
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Elstart MotorsågMartinsen, Dan, Danielsson, Henrik Unknown Date (has links)
As requested by the company Husqvarna AB, we have developed a prototype of an electrical start device to a chainsaw. This was done through the development of new details in Catia, which has been integrated with existing details. Electrical components have been purchased by HAB electronics. In parallel with the modeling calculations was done, which was the basis for determine dimensions and the choice of an electric motor and gears. Prototype 1 improved gradually and led to prototype number 2, which became the final result. Prototype 2 made the chainsaw start, which was the goal of the project.
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Utveckling av värmeelement på Husqvarna AB 2019 : Utveckling av värmeelement för handtagen på bensindrivna motorsågar. / Development of heat element at Husqvarna AB 2019 : Development of heat element for the handle on petrol driven chain saws.Broman, Anders, Morad, Roland January 2019 (has links)
Throughout Jönköpings University has a bachelor thesis at Husqvarna AB been done, were the main focus is to develop the existing heating element. On the existing front and rear handle is where the heating element are placed and the material the handles are made of is aluminum respectively plastic. These handle are also called the reference at Husqvarna AB. To be able to have different type of concepts was a method called concept generating, where these concepts were developed and later on eliminate nonrealistic ideas. During the project there was a lot of visits at several companies to be able to see the production and have a meeting with them. PTC-technology was the chosen heating element for this project and stands for “Positive Temperature Coefficient” and is a self-regulating heating element. PTC has a low inner resistance until it reaches the temperature that it is manufactured for to maintain a more stable heating level. Tests were made on the concepts that was given against the reference to see which concept that is most suitable for further development. Different methods and theories was used to be able to create tools for embossing the front handle, which later on got heat-treated. The existing heating element is based on the amount of rounds per minute the flywheel rotates which result in different heating levels for the consumer. PTC technology gives a more stable heating level for such system with various rotational speed. Husqvarna AB’s purpose with this thesis is to develop a more stable heating element on the XPG chainsaws. This thesis ended with a result of two different winning concepts which was given recommendations for how they could further be developed to be possible to replace the existing heating element.
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Production Organization at Husqvarna AB : A Study of Chainsaw Production at Three FactoriesCarlsson, Anders, Fredriksson, Henrik January 2005 (has links)
This bachelor thesis looks at the organization of the production of chainsaws in three different Husqvarna AB plants; one in Sweden, one in Brazil and one in the USA. The field of production organization carries the mark of men like Adam Smith, Frederick Taylor and Henry Ford, and it is with reference to the approaches of these men, and others, that we ask how Husqvarna AB organizes its production of chainsaws. We found that production in the Swedish plant consisted of a worker philosophy influenced by the “group thinking” that was prominent in Sweden in the 1970s, coupled with a production philosophy sharing many traits with Ford’s mass production while incorporating elements of lean production. The production lines in Brazil are identical to the newer lines in the Swedish plant. The differences are fewer influences from “group” approaches such as the socio-technical view. The US plant provides a sharp contrast to the other two. It produces saws for the consumer market and not the professional market. Quality and longevity demands are radically different, which enables for another production approach to be used. With simple operations and very short times at each work station, the US plant is not many steps away from Ford’s mass production approach. / Denna kandidatuppsats studerar produktionsorganisationen inom Husqvarna AB:s motorsågstillverkning i tre olika fabriker; en i Sverige, en i Brasilien och en i USA. Området produktionsorganisation är influerat av män som Adam Smith, Frederick Taylor och Henry Ford, och det är i ljuset av bland annat dessas bidrag som vi frågar oss hur Huskvarna organiserar sin produktion. Vi fann att den svenska fabriken var en kombination mellan ”grupptänkandet” som aktualiserades i Sverige på 1970-talet, särskilt med avseende på arbetarna, och ett produktionssätt som i många delar är massproduktion av Fordiskt snitt som allt mer går emot lean production. De brasilianska produktionsbanorna är identiska med de nyare svenska. Skillnaderna ligger i arbetarnas roller, då den brasilianska fabriken bär färre tecken på att vara inspirerat av grupptänkandet i till exempel det socio-tekniska synsättet. Den amerikanska fabriken står i skarp kontrast till de övriga två. Den producerar för konsumentmarknaden och inte för den professionella marknaden. Lägre kvalitets- och livslängdskrav tillåter ett annat produktionssätt. Den amerikanska fabriken har många likheter med Fordisk massproduktion, med enkla handgrepp och mycket korta tider vid varje station.
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Production Organization at Husqvarna AB : A Study of Chainsaw Production at Three FactoriesCarlsson, Anders, Fredriksson, Henrik January 2005 (has links)
<p>This bachelor thesis looks at the organization of the production of chainsaws in three different Husqvarna AB plants; one in Sweden, one in Brazil and one in the USA. The field of production organization carries the mark of men like Adam Smith, Frederick Taylor and Henry Ford, and it is with reference to the approaches of these men, and others, that we ask how Husqvarna AB organizes its production of chainsaws.</p><p>We found that production in the Swedish plant consisted of a worker philosophy influenced by the “group thinking” that was prominent in Sweden in the 1970s, coupled with a production philosophy sharing many traits with Ford’s mass production while incorporating elements of lean production. The production lines in Brazil are identical to the newer lines in the Swedish plant. The differences are fewer influences from “group” approaches such as the socio-technical view. The US plant provides a sharp contrast to the other two. It produces saws for the consumer market and not the professional market. Quality and longevity demands are radically different, which enables for another production approach to be used. With simple operations and very short times at each work station, the US plant is not many steps away from Ford’s mass production approach.</p> / <p>Denna kandidatuppsats studerar produktionsorganisationen inom Husqvarna AB:s motorsågstillverkning i tre olika fabriker; en i Sverige, en i Brasilien och en i USA. Området produktionsorganisation är influerat av män som Adam Smith, Frederick Taylor och Henry Ford, och det är i ljuset av bland annat dessas bidrag som vi frågar oss hur Huskvarna organiserar sin produktion.</p><p>Vi fann att den svenska fabriken var en kombination mellan ”grupptänkandet” som aktualiserades i Sverige på 1970-talet, särskilt med avseende på arbetarna, och ett produktionssätt som i många delar är massproduktion av Fordiskt snitt som allt mer går emot lean production. De brasilianska produktionsbanorna är identiska med de nyare svenska. Skillnaderna ligger i arbetarnas roller, då den brasilianska fabriken bär färre tecken på att vara inspirerat av grupptänkandet i till exempel det socio-tekniska synsättet. Den amerikanska fabriken står i skarp kontrast till de övriga två. Den producerar för konsumentmarknaden och inte för den professionella marknaden. Lägre kvalitets- och livslängdskrav tillåter ett annat produktionssätt. Den amerikanska fabriken har många likheter med Fordisk massproduktion, med enkla handgrepp och mycket korta tider vid varje station.</p>
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Sippan som hjälpte mot allt. : En studie runt det omfattande bruket av Dr Hjortons pulver som ägde rum i staden Huskvarna och på fabriken Husqvarna AB.Andersson, Catharina January 2009 (has links)
År 1918 härjade spanska sjukan i världen och dödligheten till följd av denna pandemi var stor. Så även i Sverige. I den lilla staden Huskvarna beslutade stadsläkaren att försöka göra så mycket han kunde för att lindra sjukdomen hos invånarna han sörjde för och tillverkade ett influensapulver kallat Dr Hjortons pulver efter honom själv. Pulvret hjälpte inte mycket mot spanskan men de som tog det kände sig allmänt starkare och tyckte att det höjde deras allmänna prestation avsevärt. Detta spred sig bland invånarna i den lilla staden och snart började var och varannan använda det för att må bättre, frisk som sjuk. Detta utvecklades till ett allmänt bruk av pulvret och på 1950 talet låg det på klimax. Det upptäcktes då att användningen led till svåra njursjukdomar som ofta slutade med döden. Efter att en läkares avhandling klarlagt förhållandena så receptbelades pulvret 1961 och långsamt förföll historien i glömska. Dock finns det många uppfattningar och berättelser om vad pulvret var för något, hur det brukades samt huruvida det rörde sig om ett stort missbruk. Syftet med denna uppsats är att klarlägga de förhållanden som egentligen rådde kring bruket av Dr Hjortons pulver i Huskvarna med vikt på den för staden viktiga fabriken Husqvarna AB.
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Husqvarna AB : a study on pricing and qualityFredriksson, Henrik January 2006 (has links)
This thesis will compare and examine three different chainsaw models with re-spect to price, elasticity, price discrimination, product differentiation and durabili-ty. The three different saws are all aiming at different customer groups; hobby users, leisure users and professional users. The demands and needs of this groups differs a lot. The hobby users have the largest amount of different saws to choose from, this is a field with many different brands and the quality varies a lot, this implies that here is a fierce competition with respect to price. This indirect affects the elastic-ity and possibilities to price discriminate and product differentiation. I found that this model has the highest elasticity which is perfectly inline with the theory. Here is also a low possibility to price discriminate and the durability is the low-est. The other two models examined, the leisure and professional, are located in less competitive segments and from this follows that the professional model which has the smallest amount of competitors also has the lowest elasticity. Here was also the possibility to price discriminate the highest, durability the best and the product were viewed as differentiated.
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Sippan som hjälpte mot allt. : En studie runt det omfattande bruket av Dr Hjortons pulver som ägde rum i staden Huskvarna och på fabriken Husqvarna AB.Andersson, Catharina January 2009 (has links)
<p>År 1918 härjade spanska sjukan i världen och dödligheten till följd av denna pandemi var stor. Så även i Sverige. I den lilla staden Huskvarna beslutade stadsläkaren att försöka göra så mycket han kunde för att lindra sjukdomen hos invånarna han sörjde för och tillverkade ett influensapulver kallat Dr Hjortons pulver efter honom själv. Pulvret hjälpte inte mycket mot spanskan men de som tog det kände sig allmänt starkare och tyckte att det höjde deras allmänna prestation avsevärt. Detta spred sig bland invånarna i den lilla staden och snart började var och varannan använda det för att må bättre, frisk som sjuk. Detta utvecklades till ett allmänt bruk av pulvret och på 1950 talet låg det på klimax. Det upptäcktes då att användningen led till svåra njursjukdomar som ofta slutade med döden. Efter att en läkares avhandling klarlagt förhållandena så receptbelades pulvret 1961 och långsamt förföll historien i glömska. Dock finns det många uppfattningar och berättelser om vad pulvret var för något, hur det brukades samt huruvida det rörde sig om ett stort missbruk. Syftet med denna uppsats är att klarlägga de förhållanden som egentligen rådde kring bruket av Dr Hjortons pulver i Huskvarna med vikt på den för staden viktiga fabriken Husqvarna AB.</p>
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Effekter av ett informationsintensivt material- och produktionsstyrningssystem / Effects of a new material- and productionplanning system with a more intence flow of information.Löthmyr, Jenny, Nilsson, Therése, Pirttilä, Tina January 2000 (has links)
<p>We were assigned to do this master thesis by Husqvarna AB who at the time for this thesis just had implemented a new material and production planning system called Replenishment system. Husqvarna AB wanted us to examine the effects of their new planning system to see if it was profitable or not. Husqvarna AB had for a time considered their delivery and supplier service to bee their biggest problem and they wanted to solve this problem by improving the communication with all involved actors in the logistic chain, which they hoped would result in a better mix of products in their warehouses. The aim of this report was therefor to analyze eventual effects for Husqvarna AB when changing from a traditional material- and production planing system to a more information intensive one. The result of this report showed effects on decreasing administrational routines and improved flexibility and lead-times. An increased information exchange and thereby a closer market control also improves the chances of a correct mix in stock which improves the lead-time to customer as the"correct"parts is in stock. These improvements must offcurse be considered together with the increased number of transports and the cost of the implementation in the organization.</p>
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