Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aydrogen/deuterium exchange"" "subject:"aydrogen/deuterium cxchange""
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Method Development in Quantitative and Structural Proteomics using Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass SpectrometryHagman, Charlotte January 2005 (has links)
In this thesis, methods for studying different aspects of proteomics were developed with Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance, (FTICR), mass spectrometry. The FTICR technique provides ultra-high mass resolving power, mass accuracy at sub ppm level and sensitivity in the attomole region. Methods for quantifying biomarkers in body fluids such as cerebrospinal fluid, (CSF), and plasma were developed. Two sets of global markers with different properties were used for quantitative analysis; S-Methyl Thioacetimidate, (SMTA), and S-Methyl Thiopropionimidate, (SMTP), and [H4]- and [D4]-1-Nicotinoyloxy succinimide ester. Reduced ion suppression and higher sensitivity was obtained by coupling a High Performance Liquid Chromatography, (HPLC), system to the FTICR mass spectrometer. In body fluids, proteins and peptides are present in a broad dynamic concentration range. Therefore, depleting abundant proteins prior to analysis results in decreased ion suppression and increased sensitivity. Two commercial depletion kits were evaluated with the SMTA- and SMTP-markers. For both types of global markers, the experimental error for quantitative analysis of abundant proteins was less than 30%. This provides a lower limit for the protein up- and down regulations in complex solutions that can be monitored with HPLC-FTICR mass spectrometry. Together with the identity and quantity of selected proteins the structure, dynamics and interactions with other molecules are of great importance. The later can be elucidated with Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange, (HDX), mass spectrometry. Structural information at high resolution can be obtained with Collision-Induced Dissociation, (CID), HDX mass spectrometry. In this thesis, exchange rates of amide hydrogens in peptides were in excellent agreement with NMR results. In some cases, the CID-fragments have different gas-phase exchange properties and as a consequence the solution phase exchange process can not be monitored. By applying Electron Capture Dissociation, (ECD), at ultra-high vacuum, the exchange process at a specific residue could be monitored.
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Structure of prion β-oligomers as determined by structural proteomicsSerpa, Jason John 07 September 2017 (has links)
The conversion of the native monomeric cellular prion protein (PrPC) into an aggregated pathological β-oligomeric (PrPβ) and an infectious form (PrPSc) is the central element in the development of prion diseases. The structure of the aggregates and the molecular mechanisms of the conformational change involved in this conversion are still unknown.
My research hypothesis was that a specific structural rearrangement of normal PrPC monomers leads to the formation of new inter-subunit interaction interfaces in the prion aggregates, leading to aggregation. My approach was to use constraints obtained by structural proteomic methods to create a 3D model of urea-acid induced recombinant prion oligomers (PrPβ). My hypothesis was that this model would explain the mechanism of the conformational change involved in the conversion, the early formation of the β-structure nucleation site, and would describe the mode of assembly of the subunits within the oligomer.
I applied a combination of limited proteolysis, surface modification, chemical crosslinking and hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) with mass spectrometry for the differential characterization of the native and the urea-acid converted prion β-oligomer structures to get an insight into the mechanism of the conversion and aggregation. Using HDX, I detected a region of the protein in which backbone amides become more protected from exchange in PrPβ compared to PrPC. In order to obtain the inter-residue distance constraints to guide the assembly of the oligomer model, I then applied zero-length and short-range crosslinking to an equimolar mixture of 14N/15N-metabolically labeled β-oligomer thereby enabling the classification of the crosslinks as either intra-protein or inter-protein. Working with the Dokholyan group at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, I was able to assemble a structure of the β-oligomer based on the combination of constraints obtained from all methods. By comparing the structures before and after the conversion, I was able to deduce the conformational change, that occurs during the conversion as the rearrangement and disassembly of the beta sheet 1– helix 1 – beta sheet 2 (β1-H1-β2) region from the helix 2 – helix 3 (H2-H3) core, forming new β-sheet nucleation site and resulting in the exposure of hydrophobic residues patches leading to formation of inter-protein contacts within aggregates. / Graduate / 2018-06-14
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Développements méthodologiques en spectrométrie de masse structurale pour la caractérisation de complexes biologiques multiprotéiques / Structural mass spectrometry developments for the characterization of multiprotein complexesBourguet, Maxime 25 June 2019 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur le développement de méthodes de spectrométrie de masse (MS) structurale pour la caractérisation de systèmes protéiques complexes, souvent réfractaires aux approches biophysiques classiques. Dans ce contexte, les développements entrepris furent notamment focalisés sur la caractérisation de complexes impliqués dans la biogénèse des ribosomes et dans la régulation transcriptionnelle, fonctions cellulaires essentielles pouvant être liées à de nombreuses pathologies humaines dont certains cancers. Ainsi, les approches par MS native, pontage chimique et d’HDX-MS ont permis de renseigner sur la connectivité, les proximités spatiales ou encore la dynamique conformationnelle retrouvées au sein des complexes étudiés. Parmi ces techniques, l’HDX-MS permet une approche comparative basée sur les mesures d’incorporations en deutérium renseignant sur la dynamique conformationnelle d’une protéine sous différents états. Aussi, la combinaison d’approches de MS structurale a permis d’approfondir la caractérisation des systèmes complexes étudiés, démontrant ainsi l’intérêt d’une approche intégrative dans ce contexte. / This PhD thesis focuses on developing methods in structural mass spectrometry (MS) to characterize complex protein systems, given their size and their heterogeneity, frequently inaccessible by classical biophysic approaches. In this context, methodological developments have particularly focused on the characterization of protein complexes involved in ribosomes biogenesis and transcriptional regulation. These fundamental cellular processes are related to numerous diseases such as cancers and genetic diseases. Thus native MS, crosslink, and hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled to MS (HDX-MS) allowed gaining insights about the stoechiometry, spatial proximities and conformational dynamics of studied systems. Among these approaches, HDX-MS enables a comparative approach based on deuterium incorporation measurements giving information about the conformational dynamics of labeled proteins in various experimental conditions. Finally, the combination of structural approaches enables to deeply characterize complex protein systems, highlighting the advantages of an integrative approach in this context.
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Structural Endeavors in the Retinoid (Visual) CycleHofmann, Lukas 06 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Síntesis de catalizadores sólidos orgánicos e híbridos orgánicos-inorgánicos y su aplicaciónVilloria del Álamo, Beatriz 22 February 2021 (has links)
[ES] En este trabajo de tesis doctoral, la investigación se ha centrado en el desarrollo de diferentes procesos catalíticos heterogéneos empleando materiales híbridos orgánico-inorgánicos porosos (MOFs y sílices funcionalizadas) y materiales orgánicos aromáti-cos (PAFs), que se han estudiado en diversas reacciones orgánicas. Tras la preparación de los MOFs en estudio, se han caracterizado sus propiedades estructurales y se han determinado sus centros activos en los clústeres metálicos (circonio, hafnio o cerio). La reactividad de estos MOFs y de los materiales híbridos sílice-aminas se ha estudia-do teniendo en cuenta sus centros catalíticos; estas reacciones se han optimizado lle-vando a cabo un estudio de los mecanismos de reacción. Finalmente, se han preparado sólidos homoquirales de tipo PAF que presentan el sistema binaftilo, cuya reactividad también ha sido probada. Más específicamente, en el capítulo 3 se ha estudiado la esterificación de amidas, que permite convertirlas en ésteres, grupos funcionales más versátiles. Esta transfor-mación se ha abordado desde la catálisis heterogénea via MOFs basados en circonio, hafnio y cerio de las series MOF-808, UiO-66 y MOF-801. El catalizador más eficien-te para la esterificación de amidas ha sido el MOF-808-Zr. Mediante análisis TGA y la adsorción de una molécula sonda básica (CO) estudiada utilizando espectroscopia FT-IR, se han determinado los centros ácidos de Lewis y Brönsted presentes en ellos. De los MOFs preparados en este trabajo, el MOF 808-Zr posee una menor conectividad de los clústeres metálicos y un mayor tamaño de poro mayor que el UiO-66 y el MOF-801; además, tiene el balance adecuado de centros ácidos y básicos de Brönsted y Lewis para activar los sustratos de la reacción. El alcance de la alcoholisis con n-butanol se ha extendido a un gran número de sustratos (amidas primarias, secundarias y terciarias; aromáticas y alifáticas). La reacción también se ha estudiado en condicio-nes no solvolíticas con alcoholes más complejos. El catalizador es estable durante la reacción y puede ser reutilizado fácilmente. El mecanismo de reacción en la esterifica-ción de benzamida con n butanol catalizada por MOF-808-Zr se ha investigado me-diante el análisis cinético empleando el modelo de LHHW y el estudio in situ de las interacciones moleculares por FT-IR. En el capítulo 4, se ha investigado la deuteración por intercambio isotópico deute-rio/hidrógeno catalizada por aminas soportadas en sílice comerciales empleando D2O como fuente de deuterio. Este procedimiento es aplicable a una gran gama de sustra-tos, como compuestos carbonílicos, sales de organofosfonio, nitrocompuestos e, inclu-so, hormonas esteroideas. La estabilidad del catalizador, SiO2-(CH2)3-NH2, se mantie-ne hasta en 10 usos de reacción sin pérdidas significativas de la actividad. Por último, en el capítulo 5, se afronta la síntesis y aplicación de PAFs homoquira-les donde se ha integrado el esqueleto del BINOL (1,1′-binaftil-2,2′-diol) y del BIN-BAM (1,1' binaftil-2,2'-disulfonimida) generando tres nuevos PAFs activos en catáli-sis asimétrica: PAF-3,3'-(S)-BINOL, PAF-6,6'-(R)-BINOL y PAF 3,3'-(S)-BINBAM. En concreto, el PAF-6,6'-(R)-BINOL ha demostrado su actividad catalítica en la reacción de alquilación de aldehídos aromáticos con dietil-zinc y el catalizador PAF-3,3'-(S)-BINBAM es activo en la reacción aldólica de Mukaiyama y la reducción del doble enlace de compuestos carbonílicos a,b-insaturados. / [CA] En aquesta tesi doctoral, la investigació s'ha centrat en el desenvolupament de dife-rents processos catalítics heterogenis emprant materials híbrids orgànic-inorgànics porosos (MOFs i sílices funcionalitzades) i materials orgànics aromàtics (PAFs), que s'han estudiat en diverses reaccions orgàniques. Després de la preparació dels MOFs en estudi, s'han caracteritzat les seues propietats estructurals i s'han determinat els seus centres actius en els clústers metàl·lics (zirconi, hafni o ceri). La reactivitat d'aquests MOFs i dels materials híbrids sílice-amines s'ha estudiat tenint en compte els seus cen-tres catalítics; aquestes reaccions s'han optimitzat duent a termini un estudi dels meca-nismes de reacció. Finalment, s'han preparat sòlids homoquirals de tipus PAF que presenten el sistema binaftilo, la reactivitat del qual també ha sigut provada. Més específicament, en el capítol 3 s'ha estudiat l'esterificació d' amides, que per-met convertir-les en èsters, grups funcionals més versàtils. Aquesta transformació s'ha abordat des de la catàlisi heterogènia via *MOFs basats en zirconi, hafni i ceri de les sèries MOF-808, UiO-66 i MOF-801. El catalitzador més eficient per a l'esterificació d'amides ha sigut el MOF-808-Zr. Mitjançant anàlisi TGA i l'adsorció d'una molècula sonda bàsica (CO) estudiada utilitzant espectroscopia FT-IR, s'han determinat els cen-tres àcids de Lewis i Brönsted presents en ells. Dels MOFs preparats en aquest treball, el MOF 808-Zr posseeix una menor connectivitat dels clústers metàl·lics i una major grandària de porus que el UiO-66 i el MOF-801; a més, té el balanç adequat de centres àcids i bàsics de Brönsted i Lewis per a activar els substrats de la reacció. L'abast de l'alcoholisi amb n-butanol s'ha estés a un gran nombre de substrats (amides primàries, secundàries i terciàries; aromàtiques i alifàtiques). La reacció també s'ha estudiat en condicions no solvolítiques amb alcohols més complexos. El catalitzador és estable durant la reacció i pot ser reutilitzat fàcilment. El mecanisme de reacció en l'esterifica-ció de benzamida amb n-butanol catalitzada per MOF-808-Zr s'ha investigat mitja-nçant l'anàlisi cinètica emprant el model de LHHW i l'estudi in situ de les interaccions moleculars per FT-IR. En el capítol 4, s'ha investigat la deuteració per intercanvi isotòpic deuteri/hidrògen catalitzada per amines suportades en sílices comercials emprant D2O com a font de deuteri. Aquest procediment és aplicable a una gran gamma de substrats, com a com-postos carbonílics, sals d'organofosfoni, nitrocompostos i, inclosa, hormones esteroi-dals. L'estabilitat del catalitzador, SiO2-(CH2)3-NH2, es manté fins a 10 usos de reac-ció sense pèrdues significatives de l'activitat. Finalment, en el capítol 5, s'afronta la síntesi i aplicació de PAFs homoquirals on s'ha integrat l'esquelet del BINOL (1,1′-binaftil-2,2′-diol) i del BINBAM (1,1'-binaftil-2,2'-disulfonimida) generant tres nous PAFs actius en catàlisi asimètrica: PAF-3,3'-(S)-BINOL, PAF-6,6'-(R)-BINOL i PAF 3,3'-(S)-BINBAM. En concret, el PAF-6,6'-(R)-BINOL ha demostrat la seua activitat catalítica en la reacció d'alquilació d'aldehids aromàtics amb dietil-zinc i el catalitzador PAF-3,3'-(S)-BINBAM és actiu en la reacció aldólica de Mukaiyama i la reducció del doble enllaç de compostos carbonílics a,b-insaturats. / [EN] In this Doctoral Thesis, the research has been focused on the development of different heterogeneous catalytic processes using hybrid porous organic-inorganic materials (MOFs and functionalized silicas) and organic aromatic materials (PAFs), which have been studied in various organic reactions. After the preparation of the MOFs under study, their structural properties have been characterised and their active centres in the metal clusters (zirconium, hafnium or cerium) have been determined. The reactivity of these MOFs and the hybrid silica-mine materials has been studied considering their catalytic centres; these reactions have been optimised by carrying out a study of the reaction mechanisms. Finally, homochiral PAF-type solids have been prepared with the binafil system, whose reactivity has also been tested. More specifically, the esterification of amides has been studied in Chapter 3. This reaction allows to convert the amides into esters, which are more versatile functional groups. This transformation has been approached from the heterogeneous catalysis via MOFs based on zirconium, hafnium and cerium of the MOF-808, UiO-66 and MOF-801 series. The most efficient catalyst for amide esterification has been MOF-808-Zr. Using TGA analysis and the adsorption of a basic probe molecule (CO) studied using FT-IR spectroscopy, the acid centres of Lewis and Brönsted present in them have been determined. Among the MOFs prepared in this work, MOF 808-Zr has a lower metal cluster connectivity and a larger pore size than UiO-66 and MOF-801; it also has the appropriate balance of acid and basic Brönsted and Lewis centres to activate the reaction substrates. The scope of n-butanol alcoholysis has been extended to a large number of substrates (primary, secondary and tertiary amides; aromatic and aliphatic). The reaction has also been studied in non-solvolitic conditions with more complex alco-hols. The catalyst is stable during the reaction and can be easily reused. The reaction mechanism in the esterification of benzamide with n-butanol catalysed by MOF-808-Zr has been investigated through kinetic analysis using the LHHW model and the in situ study of molecular interactions by FT-IR. In Chapter 4, the deuteration by isotopic deuterium/hydrogen exchange catalysed by commercial silica-supported amines using D2O as a source of deuterium has been investigated. This procedure is applicable to a wide range of substrates, such as carbonylic compounds, organophosphonium salts, nitro compounds and, even, steroid hormones. The stability of the catalyst, SiO2-(CH2)3-NH2, is maintained for up to 10 reaction uses without significant loss of activity. Finally, in Chapter 5, the synthesis and application of homochiral PAFs, in which the structure of BINOL (1,1′-binaftil-2,2′-diol) and BIN-BAM (1,1' binaftil-2,2'-disulfonimide) has been integrated, is discussed. Three new PAFs active in asymmetric catalysis has been generated: PAF-3,3'-(S)-BINOL, PAF-6,6'-(R)-BINOL and PAF 3,3'-(S)-BINBAM. In particular, PAF-6,6'-(R)-BINOL has demonstrated its catalytic activity in the alkylation reaction of aromatic aldehydes with diethyl zinc and the catalyst PAF-3,3'-(S)-BINBAM is active in the Mukaiyama aldolic reaction and the reduction of the double bond of carbonylic a,b-unsaturated compounds. / Villoria Del Álamo, B. (2021). Síntesis de catalizadores sólidos orgánicos e híbridos orgánicos-inorgánicos y su aplicación [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/163789
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