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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Variations spatio-temporelles de la structure taxonomique et la compétition alimentaire des poissons du lac Tonlé Sap, Cambodge / Spatial and temporal variations in fish assemblages and feeding competition of the tropical flood pulse system : Tonle Sap Lake (Cambodia)

Kong, Heng 03 July 2018 (has links)
Le lac de Tonlé Sap (TSL), Cambodge, est un écosystème lac-rivière de forêt alluviale au régime d'écoulement alternatif. Le lac est un déversoir lors de l'inondation saisonnière du Mékong et sert de réservoir en période de basses eaux. La superficie du lac pendant la saison sèche (février à mai), est d'environ 2 700 km2 pour une profondeur d'environ 1 mètre. Cette superficie est pratiquement multipliée par six quand arrive la saison des pluies, pour atteindre près de 16 000 km2 et une profondeur de 9 mètres, noyant rizières et forêts. C'est le plus grand lac d'eau douce d'Asie du Sud-Est. C'est aussi l'une des zones de pêche d'eau douce les plus importantes et productives du monde avec près de 75% du volume annuel de pêche en eau douce du Cambodge, ce qui permet la survie de près de 2,5 millions de personnes. Les changements saisonniers du cycle hydrologique ont une influence sur la structuration des communautés de poissons à l'échelle temporelle et spatiale, mais aussi sur les comportements trophiques des principales espèces qui n'exploitent alors pas les mêmes habitats. Toutefois, le bassin versant du Mékong est en changement constant avec un développement important des infrastructures en lien avec l'eau : production d'hydro-électricité, besoins important en irrigation, maitrise des inondations, eau potable, ... Les changements climatiques accélèrent les modifications du cycle hydrologique annuel. Il est alors supposé que ces modifications ont des effets forts sur les habitats et les proies disponibles et finalement sur la biodiversité, notamment de l'ichtyofaune et sur l'abondance des poissons disponibles pour les pêcheries.Dans un premier temps, nous avons caractérisé les variations spatio-temporelles de la composition taxonomique des poissons et mis en lumière quels sont les déterminants de ces variations. À cette fin, nous avons estimé la diversité bêta comme la variance totale de la matrice site par communauté d'espèce et l'avons divisée en contribution locale à la diversité bêta (LCBD) et contribution des espèces à la diversité bêta (SCBD). Nous avons ensuite effectué plusieurs régressions linéaires pour déterminer si la richesse taxonomique, l'abondance des espèces et le niveau de l'eau expliquaient la variation temporelle de la contribution du site et de l'espèce à la diversité bêta. Nos résultats indiquent une forte variation temporelle de la diversité bêta due aux contributions différentielles des sites et des espèces à la variation spatiale de la composition taxonomique des poissons. Nous avons également constaté que la direction, la forme et l'effet relatif de la richesse spécifique, de l'abondance et du niveau de l'eau sur la variation temporelle des valeurs LCBD et SCBD varient grandement selon les sites. Ces résultats suggèrent ainsi une variation spatiale des processus conduisant à une variation temporelle de la composition de la communauté. Dans l'ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent que la composition taxonomique des poissons n'est pas distribuée de manière homogène dans l'espace et dans le temps et risque d'être affectée à l'avenir si la dynamique saisonnière d'écoulement du système est altérée par les activités humaines et/ou les changements climatiques. Dans un second temps, nous avons cherché à étudier le modèle d'évolution temporel des principales espèces en terme d'occurrence et d'abondance à travers le cycle saisonnier hydrologique. / The Tonle Sap Lake (TSL), Cambodia, is a flood-pulse system. It is the largest natural lake in South- East Asia and constitutes one of the largest fisheries over the world, supporting the livelihood 2.5 million peoples. Seasonal change in annual hydrological cycle appears to have influence on fish community structure, both spatial and temporal variation, particularly on feeding behavior of TSL's fishes. Nonetheless, the Mekong River Basin is changing rapidly due to accelerating water infrastructure development (hydropower, irrigation, flood control, and water supply) and climate change, bringing considerable modifications to the annual flood-pulse of the TSL. Such modifications are expected to have strong impacts on fish biodiversity, abundance, reduced habitat and food availability within the lake. To invest how TSL's fish community structure responds to the seasonal change, how they shift their diet across hydrological cycles and feeding competing for food resource: First, we aim to characterize the spatio-temporal variations of fish taxonomic composition and to highlights the underlying determinants of these variations. For this purpose, we estimated beta diversity as the total variance of the site-by-species community matrix and partitioned it into Local Contribution to Beta Diversity (LCBD) and Species Contribution to Beta Diversity (SCBD). We then performed multiple linear regressions to determine whether species richness, species abundances and water level explained the temporal variation in the contribution of site and species to beta diversity. Our results indicate strong temporal variation of beta diversity due to differential contributions of sites and species to the spatial variation of fish taxonomic composition. We further found that the direction, the shape and the relative effect of species richness, abundances and water level on temporal variation in LCBD and SCBD values greatly varied among sites, thus suggesting spatial variation in the processes leading to temporal variation in community composition. Overall, our results suggest that fish taxonomic composition is not homogeneously distributed over space and time and is likely to be impacted in the future if the flood-pulse dynamic of the system is altered by human activities. Second, we aim to investigate the temporal pattern of the most occurrence and abundance species and how their co-occurrence pattern across hydrological cycles. We found that occurrence and abundance patterns were temporally varied at all water level seasons. Strong temporal variation in species occurrence was occurred with visiting species such as Labiobarbus leptocheilus and Poropuntius deauratus while water level starts to fill into the TSL. We further observed that the abundance of 17 species was strongly varied while other 22 species (mainly TSL's residential species) were stable within the year. Positive species co-occurrence pattern was generally higher than negative species co-occurrence at all water level seasons. Highest positive co-occurrence patterns were found during the period of decrease and low water level seasons while fishes are migrating from flooded areas, competing for resource and habitats during low water season. Study on temporal distribution and species co-occurrence of fish and how community responds to the seasonal change in hydrological cycles provides critical information for fisheries management and conservation in the Tonle Sap Lake (TSL) as well as maintaining fish biodiversity in the Mekong system. Third, the implications of seasonality on food web structure have been notoriously understudied in empirical ecology, particularly in TSL's system. The current study, we focus on seasonal changes in one key attribute of a food web, vertical trophic position of consumers.

Apport de la télédétection spatiale à haute résolution pour l’étude des cycles des eaux de surface et des matières particulaires en suspension le long du continuum bassin versant – océan côtier / Contribution of high resolution spatial remote sensing for the study of surface water cycles and suspended particulate matter along the watershed-coastal ocean continuum

Normandin, Cassandra 17 September 2019 (has links)
L’anticipation et l’adaptation de nos sociétés aux bouleversements résultants du changement climatique sont aujourd’hui des questions majeures guidant les activités humaines et l’action publique. Néanmoins, la prévision reste un défi essentiel en raison des fortes incertitudes existantes et il est primordial de continuer à progresser dans la compréhension des mécanismes à l’origine de ces bouleversements. Au sein du cycle hydrologique, le réservoir de surface (incluant les lacs, les rivières et les plaines d’inondation) occupe une place importante car il est l’une des principales ressources en eau des écosystèmes et des populations. Or, la dynamique des stocks d’eau de surface est toujours mal connue aux échelles régionale et globale, du fait de l’absence de mesures pluriannuelles d’extension et de hauteur d’eau des zones inondées, et de la prise en compte limitée de ces variables dans les modèles hydrologiques et hydrodynamiques. La télédétection spatiale offre désormais la possibilité d’effectuer un suivi des stocks d’eau de surface en utilisant la complémentarité entre l’imagerie multi-spectrale, permettant de cartographier les étendues inondées, et l’altimétrie radar fournissant des séries temporelles de hauteur d’eau des hydro-systèmes continentaux. L’objectif de ma thèse est de tirer le meilleur parti de la complémentarité entre les différents types d’observations spatiales pour évaluer les ressources en eau du réservoir de surface et mesurer la dynamique des transferts d’eau des continents aux océans, et son impact sur la zone côtière en utilisant les concentrations de matières en suspension comme traceur des masses d’eau. Depuis le milieu des années 1990, la multiplication des missions multi-spectrales à moyenne résolution (< 1 km de résolution spatiale) et des altimètres radars à haute précision (comprise entre 10 et 30 cm) permet de réaliser un suivi hebdomadaire à mensuel des volumes d’eau de surface dans les grands bassins fluviaux. / The anticipation and adaptation of our societies to the upheavals resulting from climate change are today major issues guiding human activities and public action. Nevertheless, the forecast remains a key challenge because of the strong uncertainties that exist and it is essential to continue to progress in understanding the mechanisms behind these upheavals. Within the hydrological cycle, the surface reservoir (including lakes, rivers and floodplains) occupies an important place as it is one of the main water resources of ecosystems and populations. However, the dynamics of surface water stocks are still poorly known at the regional and global scales, due to the absence of multi-year measures of extension and water depth of the flooded areas, and the limited consideration of these variables in hydrological and hydrodynamic models. Satellite remote sensing now offers the possibility of monitoring surface water stocks by using the complementarity between multispectral imagery, allowing to map flooded areas, and the radar altimetry providing time series of water depths of continental hydro systems. The aim of my thesis is to make the most of the complementarity between the different types of spatial observations to evaluate the water resources of the surface reservoir and to measure the dynamics of water transfers between land and ocean, and its impact on the coastal zone using suspended particulate matter as tracer of water bodies. Since the mid-1990s, the multiplication of multispectral missions with medium resolution (<1 km of spatial resolution) and high-precision radar altimeters (between 10 and 30 cm) makes it possible to carry out weekly-to-monthly monitoring of volumes surface water in large river basins.

Land Use, Freshwater Flows and Ecosystem Services in an Era of Global Change

Gordon, Line January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse interactions between freshwater flows, terrestrial ecosystems and human well-being. Freshwater management and policy has mainly focused on the liquid water part (surface and ground water run off) of the hydrological cycle including aquatic ecosystems. Although of great significance, this thesis shows that such a focus will not be sufficient for coping with freshwater related social-ecological vulnerability. The thesis illustrates that the terrestrial component of the hydrological cycle, reflected in vapour flows (or evapotranspiration), serves multiple functions in the human life-support system. A broader understanding of the interactions between terrestrial systems and freshwater flows is particularly important in light of present widespread land cover change in terrestrial ecosystems. The water vapour flows from continental ecosystems were quantified at a global scale in Paper I of the thesis. It was estimated that in order to sustain the majority of global terrestrial ecosystem services on which humanity depends, an annual water vapour flow of 63 000 km3/yr is needed, including 6800 km3/yr for crop production. In comparison, the annual human withdrawal of liquid water amounts to roughly 4000 km3/yr. A potential conflict between freshwater for future food production and for terrestrial ecosystem services was identified. Human redistribution of water vapour flows as a consequence of long-term land cover change was addressed at both continental (Australia) (Paper II) and global scales (Paper III). It was estimated that the annual vapour flow had decreased by 10% in Australia during the last 200 years. This is due to a decrease in woody vegetation for agricultural production. The reduction in vapour flows has caused severe problems with salinity of soils and rivers. The human-induced alteration of vapour flows was estimated at more than 15 times the volume of human-induced change in liquid water (Paper II).

Porovnání vybraných metod výpočtu základního odtoku na malém povodí a zhodnocení vlivu základního odtoku na koncentrace dusíku v celkovém odtoku / Comparison of selected methods of calculating of the basic runoff in a small watershed and evaluation of the basic runoff effect to the concentrations of nitrogen in total runoff

MAIEROVÁ, Monika January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the selected methods of calculating basic runoff on a small catchment basin known as the P6, which belongs to the basin Kopaninsky flow and assess the impact on the basic runoff concentration of nitrate nitrogen in the total runoff. The thesis also analyzes the total, surface and subsurface runoff with its detailed division. There are also described in detail the chosen methods used for the separation of basic drainage. There is shown their mutual comparison too. We dealt with the nitrogen in groundwater. The methods for separation of basic runoff are described with regard to the content of nitrogen compounds, which are practically the most common type of pollution of groundwater used as drinking water sources.

Viabilidade de uso do modelo IPH2 como ferramenta de apoio a gestão hídrica da sub-bacia hidrográfica do Rio Poxim-Açu, Sergipe

Rocha, Ricardo Monteiro 19 February 2014 (has links)
Historically the issue of sustainable development is gaining emphasis in government policy decisions. The supply of water is in a crisis. For decision making a thorough study of the watersheds of the country for better efficiency in the management of water resources is necessary. The motivation of this research is based on hydrologic modeling n as subsidy programs for water resources management and analysis of water availability in the study area. This work models the behavior of the flow in the river basin Poxim-Açu, in the state of Sergipe and has the overall objective to study the flow in the river basin Poxim-Açu through hydrologic modeling using the IPH2 model and specific objectives 2 Calibrate the model IPH2 for the basin studied and compare results with those conducted by Silva (2013). Performance analysis of the model after calibration was rated satisfactory by the literature. The model showed the following coefficients: NSE = 0.73, R ² = 0.74, PBIAS = -7.44, RMSE = 0.95, RSR = 0.07. These values, compared with the work of Silva (2013) have certain conformity. What endorses the model as suitable for the study of hydrological processes in the study area. The statistics worsened during validation we react to the calibration period, but even so the model can be considered acceptable for a larger sample of observed data flow. / Historicamente a questão do desenvolvimento sustentável vem ganhando ênfase nas decisões políticas governamentais. O abastecimento de água encontra-se numa crise. Para tomadas de decisão é necessário um estudo aprofundado das bacias hidrográficas do país para uma melhor eficiência no gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos. A motivação dessa pesquisa fundamenta-se na modelagem hidrológica como subsídio para os programas de gestão de recursos hídricos e análise das disponibilidades hídricas na bacia estudada. O presente trabalho modela o comportamento da vazão na sub-bacia do rio Poxim-Açu, no estado de Sergipe e tem como objetivo geral estudar a vazão na sub-bacia deste rio, através de modelagem hidrológica usando o modelo IPH 2. Assim, os objetivos específicos foram Calibração do modelo IPH2 para a sub-bacia estudada e Comparar os resultados encontrados com os realizados por SILVA (2013). A análise de desempenho do modelo após sua calibração foi classificada como satisfatório. O modelo apresentou os seguintes coeficientes: NSE = 0,73, R² = 0,74, PBIAS = -7,44, RMSE = 0,95, RSR = 0,07. Esses valores, comparados com o trabalho de SILVA (2013) apresentam certa conformidade. O que referenda o modelo como satisfatório para o estudo dos processos hidrológicos na bacia estudada. As estatísticas durante a validação pioraram em relação ao período de calibração, mas mesmo assim o modelo pode ser considerado aceitável para uma amostra maior de dados observados da vazão.

Analýza faktorů ovlivňujících přímý odtok z povodí / Analysis of factors affecting a direct runoff from the catchment area

NEUBAUEROVÁ, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis follows my bachelor thesis. The main purpose of the bachelor thesis was to clarify fundamental terms and to explain the sorting of particular parts of a direct flow that involves both the surface saturated flow and the hypodermic flow. This diploma thesis is focusing on the origin of direct flow in a river basin. Specifically, it deals with river sub-basin P6, P52, and P53, which are located in Kopaninský potok river basin. Furthermore, it deals with Jenín I. and II. river basins and the last analysed is Ostřice river basin (SO2). Factors influencing direct flow are researched on all river basins. It is impossible to say that the origin of direct flow is caused solely by a single factor; it is always the result of multiple factors. Among these factors belongs the atmospheric precipitation, type of soil, vegetation, climatic and anthrophogenic conditions, land use, and inclination of the area. The bachelor thesis explains the issues of multiple methods of flow separation, but this diploma thesis is primarily focused on two methods for calculation of ratio between the direct and the total flow. 1) Empirical method GROUND, which is used to separate hydrographs of medium daily river basin flow. 2) Method of digital filter by Lyne Hollick separate fast and slowcomponents from the overall concentrated flow and are based on the theory od signal analysis. Afterwards, the results of flow separation were compared to the factors influencing the origin of the direct flow. The daily total flow rates for every analysed river basin were used as the input data for calculating the flow separation.

Influence of River Discharge on Climate in A Coupled Model

Sharif, Jahfer January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
River discharge can affect ocean surface temperature by altering stratification within the oceanic mixed layer. A hitherto unexplored aspect of present climate is the feedback of river runoff onto climate. This thesis presents an investigation of the impact of global river runoff on oceans and climate using a fully coupled global climate model, Community Climate System Model (CCSM). Two model simulations for a period of 100 years have been carried out: 1) a reference run (CTRL) that incorporates all the features of a global coupled model with river runoff into the ocean embedded in it, and 2) a sensitivity run (NoRiv) in which the global river runoff into the ocean is blocked. Comparison of model climate devoid of fluvial discharge with the reference run reveals the significance of fluvial discharge in the present climate. By the end of 50 years of NoRiv experiment, salinity growth slows down and reaches a quasi-stable state. Regions close to river mouths exhibited maximum salinity rise that can potentially alter local density and stratification. On an average, denser and saltier waters in the NoRiv run annihilate barrier layer and form a deeper mixed layer, compared to CTRL run. Density gradient created by the modulation in salinity set forth anomalous currents and circulation across coastlines that carries coastal anomalies to open ocean, preventing local salinity buildup. Arctic Ocean, Bay of Bengal, northern high latitude Pacific and the Atlantic are the most affected regions in terms of changes in salinity and temperature. Model simulations demonstrate that major transformation in Arctic freshwater budget can have potential impact on northern Pacific and Atlantic climate. In the absence of runoff, global average sea surface temperature (SST) rise by about ~ 0.5oC, with major contribution from northern higher latitude oceans. In the Pacific, high latitude warming is related to deepening of mixed layer as well as the northward transport of low latitude warmer waters. Substantial cooling in the central equatorial Pacific (~1oC during winter) can alter large-scale ocean-atmosphere circulation, including El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The reinforcement of Pacific and Atlantic western boundary currents aids the transport of warm saline water from low latitudes to higher latitudes. The results suggest that the river runoff can have potential impact on oceanic climate. Response of Indian summer monsoon rainfall to global continental runoff is also examined. In the NoRiv run, average summer monsoon rainfall over India increased by ~ 0.55 mm day−1. Consistent with the increase in annual average Indian monsoon rainfall, all other northern hemispheric monsoon systems showed an increase, while southern hemispheric monsoons weakened. Associated with enhanced monsoon, the periodicity of ENSO in the NoRiv run changes as a result of cooling tendency in the equatorial Pacific, a sign of consistent La Niña. Equatorial Pacific cooling, in spite of a global ocean warming trend, is found to be primarily because of the enhanced local easterly winds and resultant strong equatorial upwelling. Cold anomaly due to upwelling spread entire equatorial Pacific basin within a span of 50 years. The La Niña situation in the Pacific favored increased monsoon rainfall over Indian subcontinent. Another surprising result of this study is the strengthening of ENSO-monsoon relationship in the NoRiv run. This suggests that the river discharge can be considered as a dampening force in the ENSO-monsoon relationship. Northern hemisphere showed a clear warming in the NoRiv simulation compared to CTRL, the result of which is an enhanced trans-hemispheric gradient. Cross-equatorial winds triggered by this gradient blow from southern hemisphere and shift the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) northward, increasing the precipitation in the northern hemisphere. The cooling in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean and the warming in the west, reflected in the increase in number of positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) events (9 positive and 5 negative IOD events in the last 50 years), also favored summer-time rainfall over India.

Modelo distribuido de simulación del ciclo hidrológico y calidad del agua, integrado en sistemas de información geográfica para grandes cuencas. Aportación al análisis de presiones e impactos de la directiva marco del agua

Pérez Martín, Miguel Ángel 20 January 2023 (has links)
[ES] El agua como recurso natural en condiciones adecuadas para los ecosistemas terrestres y las actividades humanas es cada vez más escasa, lo cual es origen de tensiones crecientes entre los diferentes grupos sociales. A esta escasez se suma la capacidad actual del ser humano de modificar significativamente el ciclo hidrológico, tanto cuantitativa como cualitativamente, por lo que el recurso natural puede verse mermado, una vez más, de forma importante por las actividades humanas. La calidad del agua en las masas de agua superficiales y subterráneas depende de las características naturales de la cuenca así como de las afecciones antrópicas que se producen en la misma, y es un aspecto determinante de la salud de los ecosistemas acuáticos y de las actividades humanas que se puedan desarrollar en un territorio. Actualmente, un paso crucial para poder determinar la situación de las masas de agua y su previsible evolución futura, consiste en conocer adecuadamente el ciclo hidrológico en su etapa terrestre y como le afectan las actividades humanas. Debido a que la degradación de la calidad del agua genera externalidades negativas en el medio ambiente, y finalmente en todas las actividades humanas que pueden tener un impacto muy elevado, la sociedad europea, consciente de esta situación, establece mediante la Directiva 60/2000/CE Marco del Agua (DMA) (EC, 2000) el desarrollo de un proceso de análisis y de actuaciones para mejorar el estado de todas las masas de agua europeas en el año 2015. Uno de los pasos de este proceso es el “Análisis de Presiones e Impactos”, en el cual se trata de identificar las presiones que ejercen las actividades humanas y al mismo tiempo relacionarlas con los impactos que se producen en las masas de agua, de forma que se puedan establecer las medidas necesarias que mayor efectividad tengan en la mitigación de los impactos de las actividades humanas. En la presente tesis doctoral se ha desarrollado un módulo o herramienta para la modelación matemática del ciclo hidrológico y calidad del agua en grandes cuencas hidrográficas, dedicando especial atención a la componente subterránea y a las relaciones río-acuífero. El objeto de este módulo consiste en poder construir modelos de simulación que permitan conocer los flujos de agua, con sus características químicas, que se producen en una cuenca hidrográfica. El módulo PATRICAL (Precipitación Aportación en Tramos de Red Integrados con Calidad del Agua) permite construir modelos espacialmente distribuidos del ciclo hidrológico, obteniendo los flujos de agua que se producen en los diferentes puntos de la cuenca y los niveles piezométricos medios en los acuíferos. Además, incluye la simulación del contenido de nitrato y de la conductividad eléctrica del agua en el suelo, en el medio no saturado, en los acuíferos y en las aguas superficiales. Se ha definido también, en esta tesis, una metodología de aplicación gradual para la realización del análisis de presiones e impactos establecido en la DMA, de forma que los modelos de simulación que se construyen con esta herramienta permiten realizar la fase más compleja del análisis de presiones e impactos y también se podrá, con los mismos, cuantificar el efecto de las medidas que se definan en el futuro. La utilidad práctica de la herramienta y metodología desarrollada se demuestra con la aplicación que se ha realizado, la construcción de un modelo de simulación de una cuenca de gran tamaño como es el ámbito de la Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar, con más de 42.000 km2, obteniéndose los flujos de agua que se producen en la misma y los valores de concentración de nitrato y de conductividad eléctrica en las masas de agua superficiales y subterráneas. Estos resultados permiten identificar los agentes causantes de las modificaciones de las condiciones químicas en los diferentes puntos de la cuenca y, además, conocer la evolución histórica y la tendencia hacia el futuro. / [CA] L'aigua com a recurs natural en condicions adequades per als ecosistemes terrestres i les activitats humanes és cada vegada més escàs, la qual cosa és origen de tensions creixents entre els diferents grups socials. A esta escassetat es suma la capacitat actual del ser humà de modificar significativament el cicle hidrològic, tant quantitativa com qualitativament, motiu pel qual el recurs natural pot veure's minvat, una vegada més, de forma important per les activitats humanes. La qualitat de l'aigua en les masses d'aigua superficials i subterrànies depén de les característiques naturals de la conca així com de les afeccions antròpiques que es produeixen en la mateixa, i és un aspecte determinant de la salut dels ecosistemes aquàtics i de les activitats humanes que es puguen desenvolupar a un territori. Un pas crucial, actualment, per a poder determinar la situació de les masses d'aigua i la seua previsible evolució futura, consisteix a conéixer adequadament el cicle hidrològic en la seua etapa terrestre i com li afecten les activitats humanes. Pel fet que la degradació de la qualitat de l'aigua genera externalitats negatives en el medi ambient i, finalment, en totes les activitats humanes que poden tindre un impacte molt elevat, la societat europea conscient d'esta situació estableix, per mitjà de la Directiva 60/2000/CE Marc de les Aigües (DMA) (EC, 2000) el desenvolupament d'un procés d'anàlisi i d'actuacions per a millorar l'estat de totes les masses d'aigua europees l'any 2015. Un dels passos d'aquest procés és el “Anàlisi de Pressions e Impactes”, en el qual es tracta d'identificar les pressions que exerceixen les activitats humanes i, al mateix temps, relacionar-les amb els impactes que es produeixen en les masses d'aigua, de manera que es puguen establir la mesures necessàries en les activitats humanes que major efectivitat tinguen en la mitigació dels impactes que es produeixen. En la present tesi doctoral s’ha desenvolupat un mòdul o ferramenta per a realitzar la modelació matemàtica del cicle hidrològic i de la qualitat de les aigües en conques hidrogràfiques de gran tamany, dedicant especial atenció a la component subterrània i a les relacions riu-aqüífer. L'objecte d'aquest mòdul consisteix a poder construir models de simulació que permeten conéixer els fluxos d'aigua, amb les seues característiques químiques, que es produeixen a una conca hidrogràfica. El mòdul PATRICAL (Precipitació Aportació en Trams de Xarxa Integrats amb Qualitat de les Aigües) permet construir models espacialment distribuïts del cicle hidrològic, obtenint els fluxos d'aigua que es produeixen a diferents punts de la conca i els nivells piezomètrics en els aqüífers, a més inclou la simulació del contingut de nitrat i de la conductivitat elèctrica de l'aigua en el sòl, en el medi no saturat, en els aqüífers i en les aigües superficials. S’ha definit, en aquesta tesi doctoral, una metodologia d'aplicació gradual per a la realització de l'anàlisi de pressions e impactes establit en la DMA, de forma que els models de simulació que es construeixen amb aquesta ferramenta permeten realitzar la fase més complexa de l'anàlisi de pressions e impactes, i també es podrà, amb els mateixos, quantificar l'efecte de les mesures que es definisquen en el futur. La utilitat pràctica de la ferramenta i metodologia desenvolupada es demostra amb l'aplicació que s'ha realitzat, la construcció d'un model de simulació d'una conca de gran tamany, com és l'àmbit de la Confederació Hidrogràfica del Xúquer de més de 42.000 km2, obtenint-se els fluxos d'aigua que es produeixen en la mateixa i els valors de concentració de nitrat i de conductivitat elèctrica en les masses d'aigua superficials i subterrànies. Aquests resultats permeten identificar els agents causants de les modificacions de les condicions químiques als diferents punts de la conca, i a més, conéixer l'evolució històrica i la tendència cap al futur. / [EN] Water as natural resource in conditions adapted for the terrestrial ecosystems and the human activities is more and more scarce, which is origin of increasing tensions between the different social groups. The present-day capability of the human to modify the hydrologic cycle significantly adds to this scarcity, as much of quantitative form as of qualitative form, reason why the natural resource can be seen decreased, once again, of important form by the human activities Water quality in the superficial and groundwater bodies depends on the natural characteristics of the river basin and human affections that take place in the same one, and it is a determinant aspect of the health of the aquatic ecosystems and the human activities that can be developed in a territory. At the moment, a crucial step to be able to determine the situation of water bodies and its foreseeable future evolution consists of suitably knowing the hydrologic cycle in its terrestrial stage and as it affect human activities to it. Because the degradation of the quality of water generates negative external effects in the environment and finally, in all the human activities that they can have a very high impact, the European society, conscious of this situation, establishes by means of the Directive 60/2000/CE Frame of Waters (WFD) (EC, 2000) the development of a analysis process and performances to improve the state of all the European water bodies in 2015. One of the steps of this process is the “Analysis of Pressures and Impacts”, in which one tries to identify the pressures that exercise the human activities and at the same time to relate them to the impacts that take place in the water bodies, so that the necessary measures can be established that greater effectiveness must to reduce the impacts of the human activities In this doctoral thesis it has developed a module or tool for the mathematical modeling of the hydrologic cycle and the quality of water to large basins, dedicating especial attention to the underground component and relations river-aquifer. The object of this module consist of being able to do simulation models that allow to know water flows, with their chemical characteristics, that take place in a hydrographic river basin. The module PATRICAL allows to construct spacely distributed models of the hydrologic cycle, getting the water flows that are produced in the different points from the river basin and piezometric levels in the aquifers, in addition includes the simulation of the nitrate contents and of the electrical conductivity of water in the soil, in means non saturated, in the aquifers and in surface waters bodies. Besides, in this doctoral thesis has been defined a methodology of gradual application for the accomplishment pressures and impacts analysis established in the WFD, in order to simulation models that they are constructed with this tool they allow to make the most complex phase of pressures and impacts analysis, and also it will be able with them to quantify the effect of the measures that are defined in the future. The practical utility of the tool and developed methodology is demonstrated with the application that have been made, the construction of a simulation model of a large basin, the Júcar River District of over 42,000 km2, obtaining water flows that are produced in the same one and concentration values of nitrate and electrical conductivity in the superficial and underground water bodies. These results allow to identify the agents that cause chemical conditions modifications in the different points from the river basin, and in addition to know the historical evolution and the tendency towards the future / A la Comission of the European Communities por su financiación a través del proyecto "Water resources Management Under Drought Conditions, WAM-ME", contrato ICA3.1999.00014 (Directorate General XII Science, Research & Development); y del proyecto "SEDEMED - Sécheresse et Desertification dans les bassins méditerranées", ref. 2002-02-4.4-1084 (INTERREG III B-Mediterranée Occidentale). Al Ministerio de Educación y Cultura de España por su financiación a través de la Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología, CICYT mediante el proyecto "Desarrollo de Elementos de un Sistema Soporte de Decisión para la Gestión de Recursos Hídricos", contrato HID1999-0656 y el proyecto "Sistema de apoyo a la decisión para la gestión cuantitativa, cualitativa y ambiental de cuencas hidrográficas", referencia REN2002/03192. / Pérez Martín, MÁ. (2005). Modelo distribuido de simulación del ciclo hidrológico y calidad del agua, integrado en sistemas de información geográfica para grandes cuencas. Aportación al análisis de presiones e impactos de la directiva marco del agua [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191462

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