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Vme Slave Implementation On FpgaZorer, Tolga 01 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In today&rsquo / s complex technological systems, there is a need of multi tasking several
units running in accordance. Each unit is composed of several intelligent
microcontroller cards. Each intelligent card performs a different task that the unit is
responsible of. For this reason, there is a need of common communication bus
between these cards in order to accomplish the task duties. VME (Versa Module
Euro-Card) bus is a well known, the most reliable and the commonly used
communication bus, even if it was standardized three decades ago. In this thesis
work, the world wide accepted VME parallel bus protocol is implemented on FPGA
(Field programmable Gate Array). The implementation covers the VME standard
slave protocols. The VME Slave Module has been developed by VHDL (Very high
level Hardware Description Language). The simulations have been carried over a
computer based environment. After the verification of the VHDL code, an
Intellectual Property (IP) core is synthesized and loaded into the FPGA. The FPGA
based printed circuit board has been designed and the IP core&rsquo / s function has been
tested by bus protocol checkers for all of its functionality. The designed hardware
has several standard serial communication ports, such as / USB, UART and I2C.
Through the developed card and the add-on units, it is also possible to communicate
with these serial ports over the VME bus.
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Aplikace počítače v ultralehkém letounu / Applications of Computers in Ultramicro AircraftŽůrek, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the possibilities for monitoring the operation of ultralight aircraft or helicopters . The aim is to create a system for the determination of aircraft operating parameters with a main focus on motion detection and evaluation . The thesis describes speed sensing methods , acceleration measurement , frequency measurement methods , wireless communication , serial line communication , hardware and software implementation of the embedded system, and finally description of the implementation of the mobile application .
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Přípravek pro emulaci senzorů / Sensor emulation toolGromeš, Jan January 2020 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is design of platform capable of sensor output emulation. The platform allows to emulate either digital sensors, communicating over UART, SPI, I2C, CAN and RS-485 buses, or analog sensors and sensors with frequency output. Design of computer interface to configure the platform is also a part of the thesis. Special emphasis is placed on the universality and overall user-friendliness of the entire system.
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Zařízení pro monitorování teploty a vlhkosti s bezdrátovým přenosem dat / Temperature and humidity monitoring devices with wirelless communicationHorváth, Michal January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis is about designing device which monitors temperature and humidity. In the first part of thesis are explained basic terms, importance of key variables and on market offered products are described. After that the thesis describes device concept design with schematic designs. From designed schematics are described printed circuit board designs. Next part is about device commissioning and correction of errors caused by incorrect design. Last part is about program designing and device testing.
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Přístupový terminál se čtečkou RFID / RFID equipped security terminalVařečka, Radek January 2008 (has links)
The concept proposal of the RFID security terminal is described in this Master Thesis. The RFID identification and its usage are analyzed at first. The description of the selected fitting circuits, communication bus as well as its parameters follows. The practical realization, proposed module design and designed printed circuit board is described afterwards. Several problems found during activation phase are analyzed in the chapter describing the practical module realization. The problem resolution is mentioned as well. The practical prove of the real module parameters and differences compared to the designed values are described at the end of this Master Thesis.
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Návrh programovatelného regulačního systému / Design of programmable control systemTrpiš, Michal January 2008 (has links)
The goal of diploma thesis is design of programmable control system. This system can be used for regulation of basic parameters in an aquarium. Primary parameters for selection of this device are the price and the easy realization of final device. In first step there are selected parameters, which are needed to control. In second step there is described which kind of sensors can be used for measuring of selected parameters and suitable regulation of necessary parameters. The device is supposed to communicate with PC by USB and this communication is going to be compatible with an old RS-232. Device must be completed with hardware design. Device will be in principle system with real time, that is the reason why device will contain microcomputer. A microcomputer must communicate with other integrated circuit in the device and it supposes to communicate with PC. In specific chapter it will be described, how many different kinds of communication it is possible. For microcontroller it is necessary to create a program, which can figure the measured parameters and it also allows setting up the way how parameters can be regulated. Measured parameters are supposed to storage in the specific memory for the later interpretation. The completely device must be put into a case, which is calculating with a damp place. There must be created a host application for PC. This application suppose to detect if device is connected, figure measured parameters and also allows to set up the way, how to regulate the parameters and display the storages parameters. The application is suppose to run on the operation system created by Microsoft (Windows XP and Windows Vista or later). Diploma thesis contains a problem of the analysis which parameters may be controlled and the way how it can be controlled. There will be selected the sensors, which are suppose to measure and there will be described the basic data transfer and the specifications. It will also contain description of the hardware and software implementation of the device and possibilities of the user’s settings. There will be described the host application and its possibilities. Finally there will be described a functionality of the device and the host application. It will be also imagined some system upgrades for future.
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Distribuovaný měřicí systém s tlakoměry / Distributed measuring system with pressure gaugeKolarčík, Matúš January 2009 (has links)
This master thesies deals about pressure sensors producing by Honeywell and their applications in distributed measuring system. It deals also about base specifications from personal sensors of blood pressure, barometric hypsometer to 500 m, sensors of relative air velocity to 350km/h.
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Univerzální analyzátor sériových sběrnic / Universal Analyzer of Serial BusesGajdoš, Matúš January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to design and to realize the universal analyzer of serial buses. At the beginning there are described in detail specifications and properties of buses IC, SMBus, PMBus and of the UART interface. The second part is targeted especially to design and to realize the control unit, which is the main part of the whole analyzer. It provides connecting to the unknown bus, to buses IC, SMBus, PMBus and SPI and to the UART interface. The main part of the control unit is the microcontroller PIC24HJ128GP204, which partially analyses connected bus. In the next part there is created the user application for PC, which controls and sets the control unit and receives from it partially analyzed data through the USB port. These data are used for the rest of the analysis that is done by the user application. Results may be presented to user in graphical or text form. The user application provides export of results into some of image formats. Supported formats are PS, SVG, PDF, PNG and BMP. In case of the control unit is not available, the user may choose the simulator to simulate some functions that the application provides. It supports simulation of the analysis of the unknown bus and the IC bus. The user application also contains the function of the generating own signals. Signals can be created interactively by using the mouse in the graphical representation of this signal. They can be sent to the control unit and after that it applies them to output. This function is not supported in current version of the control unit software. The user application includes some items, which do not have implemented any methods and they are prepared for the future upgrading of the analyzer. It means especially user controls and components for signal conversions between any buses.
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Dotykové ovládání přístroje pomocí kapacitních senzorových obvodů / Device control based on touch-sensitive capacitance-sensing circuitsMatula, Rastislav January 2009 (has links)
The primary objective of this master’s thesis is to discuss a design and development of proximity touch control panel, which contains two simulated buttons and one rotary slider simulating functions of the potentiometer using specialized sensor controllers. The first part is describing functions and different technologies used to create touch sensors. It also introduces its usage in practice, advantages and disadvantages of different technologies which provides the readers with basic theoretical knowledge and introduction into the touch sensors. The second part as follows describes the definition of Integrated Circuits MPR083 and MPR084, outline of the features and methods of their functions. Displays internal connection of these circuits and describes forms of the serial communication with microcontroller connected to I2C bus. In these part there are in details described individual internal registers of these Integrated Circuits and theirs typical setups. It shows how it is possible to use the external interrupts and examples of their practical application. In the last chapter of these thesis is described the layout of the individual modules and construction of the whole designed device. The work is introducing two different concepts of programming the microcontrollers and consequently also construction of the appropriate ISP and JTAG programmers. It also introduces construction of the display units for visual feedback with the user and approach of the communication for the control LED matrix and graphical LCD display. The main part of this thesis is the construction of the control circuit, which includes key part, microcontroller ATmega16. It also presents the description of the program written in development environment AVR Studio in programming language C and his specific functions. In conclusion of the thesis are listed real measured behavior of the communication on I2C bus and their description.
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Řídící a diagnostický systém sběrnice I2C / Control and Diagnostic System for I2C BusJuhás, Miloš January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this diploma thesis is design and realization of I2C bus analyzer. I2C bus protocol is briefly described, together with means of connecting devices to the bus. Next the basic requirements for I2C bus analyzer are defined. Then the design of hardware I2C-to-USB converter including block description is proposed. The chapter dedicated to converter firmware describes method of communication with PC, decoding of intercepted commands and principles of master, slave and passive mode of bus monitoring. The last part is focused on operation software and its structure. Described are individual interfaces, most notable classes and default plugin modules.
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