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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design and evaluation of a portable device for the measurement of bio-impedance cardiography

Shi, Qinghai, Heinig, Andreas, Kanoun, Olfa 29 March 2011 (has links)
Electrical impedance of biological matter is known as electrical bio-impedance or simply as bio-impedance. Bio-impedance devices are of great value for monitoring the pathological and physiological status of biological tissues in clinical and home environments. The technological progress in instrumentation has significantly contributed to the progress that has been observed during the last past decades in impedance spectroscopy and electrical impedance cardiograph. Although bio-impedance is not a physiological parameter, the method enables tissue characterization and functional monitoring and can contribute to the monitoring of the health status of a person. In this paper an inexpensive portable multi frequency impedance cardiograph device based on impedance spectroscopy technique has been developed. By means of this system the basic thoracic impedance range and the heart-action-caused changes of impedance can be measured and the hemodynamic parameters of the heart function can be determined. This system has small size and low current consumption. The impedance cardiograph signals of the electrodes configuration by Sramek, Penney and Qu in this work was measured; compared and summarized. The differences of the measuring method, the schematic circuit diagram, the measurement results and area of application between impedance cardiograph and impedance spectroscopy were discussed and compared. The performance of this sensor-system was evaluated.

Novel Intraoperative Imaging of Gastric Tube Perfusion during Oncologic Esophagectomy—A Pilot Study Comparing Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) and Fluorescence Imaging (FI) with Indocyanine Green (ICG)

Hennig, Sebastian, Jansen-Winkeln, Boris, Köhler, Hannes, Knospe, Luise, Chalopin, Claire, Maktabi, Marianne, Pfahl, Annekatrin, Hoffmann, Jana, Kwast, Stefan, Gockel, Ines, Moulla, Yusef 02 May 2023 (has links)
Background: Novel intraoperative imaging techniques, namely, hyperspectral (HSI) and fluorescence imaging (FI), are promising with respect to reducing severe postoperative complications, thus increasing patient safety. Both tools have already been used to evaluate perfusion of the gastric conduit after esophagectomy and before anastomosis. To our knowledge, this is the first study evaluating both modalities simultaneously during esophagectomy. Methods: In our pilot study, 13 patients, who underwent Ivor Lewis esophagectomy and gastric conduit reconstruction, were analyzed prospectively. HSI and FI were recorded before establishing the anastomosis in order to determine its optimum position. Results: No anastomotic leak occurred during this pilot study. In five patients, the imaging methods resulted in a more peripheral adaptation of the anastomosis. There were no significant differences between the two imaging tools, and no adverse events due to the imaging methods or indocyanine green (ICG) injection occurred. Conclusions: Simultaneous intraoperative application of both modalities was feasible and not time consuming. They are complementary with regard to the ideal anastomotic position and may contribute to better surgical outcomes. The impact of their simultaneous application will be proven in consecutive prospective trials with a large patient cohort.

New Intraoperative Imaging Tools and Image-Guided Surgery in Gastric Cancer Surgery

Knospe, Luise, Gockel, Ines, Jansen-Winkeln, Boris, Thieme, René, Niebisch, Stefan, Moulla, Yusef, Stelzner, Sigmar, Lyros, Orestis, Diana, Michele, Marescaux, Jacques, Chalopin, Claire, Köhler, Hannes, Pfahl, Annekatrin, Maktabi, Marianne, Park, Ji-Hyeon, Yang, Han-Kwang 02 June 2023 (has links)
Innovations and new advancements in intraoperative real-time imaging have gained significant importance in the field of gastric cancer surgery in the recent past. Currently, the most promising procedures include indocyanine green fluorescence imaging (ICG-FI) and hyperspectral imaging or multispectral imaging (HSI, MSI). ICG-FI is utilized in a broad range of clinical applications, e.g., assessment of perfusion or lymphatic drainage, and additional implementations are currently investigated. HSI is still in the experimental phase and its value and clinical relevance require further evaluation, but initial studies have shown a successful application in perfusion assessment, and prospects concerning non-invasive tissue and tumor classification are promising. The application of machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies might enable an automatic evaluation of the acquired image data in the future. Both methods facilitate the accurate visualization of tissue characteristics that are initially indistinguishable for the human eye. By aiding surgeons in optimizing the surgical procedure, image-guided surgery can contribute to the oncologic safety and reduction of complications in gastric cancer surgery and recent advances hold promise for the application of HSI in intraoperative tissue diagnostics.

Apport de l'imagerie en fluorescence au vert d'indocyanine dans le staging et le traitement du cancer colorectal

Liberale, Gabriel 27 March 2017 (has links)
Résumé:IntroductionLa chirurgie reste le seul traitement à visée curative pour les patients porteurs d’un cancer colorectal (CCR) primitif ou métastatique. L’établissement précis de l’extension de la maladie, au niveau de la tumeur primitive, des ganglions loco-régionaux et des métastases à distance représente un élément essentiel pour la prise en charge thérapeutique. Les ganglions locorégionaux et la technique du ganglion sentinellePour les patients présentant un CCR non métastatique, l’analyse pathologique des ganglions (pN) conditionne la décision d’administrer ou non une chimiothérapie adjuvante. Les patients présentant un envahissement ganglionnaire (pN+) recevront un traitement adjuvant, celui-ci n’étant le plus souvent pas indiqué chez les patients sans envahissement ganglionnaire (pN0). Près de 20 à 30% des patients classés pN0 vont cependant développer des récidives tumorales. Parmi ces patients, il est probable qu’une partie ait été sous-classée au moment du diagnostic. La technique du ganglion sentinelle (GS) permet d’identifier les ganglions les plus susceptibles d’être envahis et de réaliser des analyses anatomopathologiques plus approfondies sur un nombre plus limité d’échantillon. Cette technique est recommandée dans le cancer du sein et dans le mélanome, mais son rôle reste discuté dans le CCR. Le premier volet de cette thèse concerne les résultats d’études cliniques que nous avons menées pour évaluer le rôle de la technique du GS au bleu patenté (BP) et de l’imagerie en fluorescence (IF) au vert d’indocyanine ou indocyanine green (ICG) dans le staging ganglionnaire des patients présentant un CCR. Les principaux objectifs de ces travaux étaient d’évaluer la faisabilité de ces techniques et leur apport dans le staging des patients présentant un CCR.Notre première étude sur la technique du GS au BP, représentant la plus grande cohorte monocentrique européenne, a permis de démontrer la faisabilité de la technique. En outre, cette approche a modifié le geste chirurgical dans 12% des cas (technique in vivo) et a permis de reclasser 10% des patients initialement classés pN0 en pN+ par la réalisation de coupes sériées spécifiquement réalisées sur les ganglions démontrés comme GS. Dans une seconde étude sur la technique du GS comparant l’IF-ICG à la technique au BP, nous avons montré que ces 2 techniques étaient complémentaires, permettant d’augmenter la sensibilité globale pour la détection des métastases ganglionnaires. De plus, l’IF-ICG apparaît comme plus sensible chez les patients présentant une surcharge pondérale. En termes de sensibilité, la recherche du GS par IF est supérieure à la technique BP, ces résultats restant cependant limités, notamment en raison d’un taux élevé de faux négatifs (FN) pour les tumeurs localement avancées (pT3-4). Les métastases ganglionnaires et la carcinose péritonéaleDans le CCR, les patients métastatiques, présentant une carcinose péritonéale (CP) et/ou un envahissement ganglionnaire, ont un pronostic sombre. La chirurgie d’exérèse de la CP associée à une chimiothérapie hyperthermique intrapéritonéale (CHIP) et la réalisation de curages ganglionnaires chez les patients porteurs d’une maladie oligométastatique permettent toutefois d’obtenir des survies prolongées et parfois des guérisons, avec des résultats similaires à ceux observés chez les patients opérés pour métastases hépatiques isolées. Pour la CP, l’étendue de la maladie et la radicalité de la résection sont les principaux facteurs pronostiques de survie. La sensibilité des examens d’imagerie conventionnelle et métabolique reste cependant faible pour déterminer l’extension de la maladie péritonéale. L’évaluation de l’étendue de la CP et son exérèse sont donc essentiellement fondées sur la palpation et l’exploration visuelle réalisée durant l’intervention chirurgicale, représentant un facteur limitant pour la radicalité de la chirurgie. De façon similaire, chez les patients présentant une maladie métastatique ganglionnaire limitée, la détection peropératoire est souvent difficile, nécessitant la réalisation de curages étendus de principe, afin de s’assurer de l’exérèse des ganglions pathologiques.L’utilisation de l’IF après injection iv intra-opératoire d’ICG a été rapportée comme une technique permettant la détection de tissu tumoral tant visible que non visible (infraclinique), pouvant potentiellement aider le chirurgien et guider les gestes de résection. Aucune étude n’avait particulièrement analysé le rôle de l’IF-ICG dans la détection de CP et de métastases ganglionnaires de CCR. Le second volet de cette thèse concerne l’évaluation de l’apport de l’IF après injection iv d’ICG pour la détection de la CP et des métastases ganglionnaires dans le CCR. L’objectif primaire était de vérifier si les métastases péritonéales (MP) et ganglionnaires visibles par le chirurgien étaient effectivement détectées par l’IF-ICG peropératoire. En parallèle, nous avons évalué si l’IF-ICG permettait de détecter une maladie infraclinique, non détectée par le chirurgien dans les conditions habituelles. La première étude de cette seconde partie a permis de montrer que les MP étaient visualisées comme hyperfluorescentes à l’IF-ICG pour autant qu’elles ne soient pas d’origine mucineuse. De plus, l’IF-ICG a permis de détecter des MP non visualisées en lumière visible, permettant d’adapter le geste chirurgical et d’augmenter la radicalité de la résection dans près de 38% des cas. Dans une seconde étude, nous avons rapporté que la technique d’IF utilisée in vivo et ex vivo après injection iv d’ICG permettait d’identifier des ganglions métastatiques, détectés ou non par les imageries conventionnelles et métaboliques préopératoires. Les résultats de cette étude constituant une preuve de concept ont été ensuite confirmés dans une étude rétrospective réalisée sur l’analyse ex vivo des ganglions de patients ayant reçu une injection iv d’ICG. Dans ce travail, nous avons montré que les ganglions envahis étaient plus fluorescents que les ganglions non envahis. Toutefois, cette preuve de concept doit encore être confirmée et évaluée plus largement dans une étude prospective. Ces 2 travaux montrent donc le bénéfice potentiel de l’utilisation de l’IF après injection iv d’ICG à 2 niveaux, pour guider la chirurgie en améliorant la détection peropératoire des sites métastatiques infracliniques et pour guider l’analyse histologique, en identifiant des ganglions fluorescents sur la pièce de résection, permettant une étude anatomopathologique plus ciblée et plus approfondie. Conclusions et perspectivesNos travaux sur la recherche du GS dans le CCR par la technique au BP et à l’IF-ICG ont montré que ces techniques étaient faisables mais que leurs sensibilités restaient limitées, en particulier chez les patients porteurs de tumeurs localement avancées. Dans la CP d’origine colorectale, nous avons montré que l’IF-ICG permettait d’améliorer la stadification de la CP des patients opérés de métastases péritonéales non mucineuses, de révéler des lésions non visibles dans les conditions standards et d’améliorer la radicalité de la chirurgie. Pour la détection de ganglions métastatiques, nous avons montré que l’IF-ICG permettait, in vivo, de détecter des ganglions infracliniques durant l’intervention et ex vivo, de guider l’analyse anatomopathologique de la pièce de résection. Enfin, nous pensons que ces observations pourraient nous permettre d’élaborer un nouveau concept de GS systémique par opposition au GS classique correspondant aux ganglions de drainage anatomique de la tumeur. Nous proposons que les capacités particulières de rétention de l’ICG dans les tissus cancéreux après injection par voie systémique pourraient permettre d’identifier des sites ganglionnaires métastatiques en dehors des sites de drainage révélés par les injections de marqueurs au sein ou en périphérie de la tumeur elle-même. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse, nous avons élaboré un nouveau protocole d’une étude clinique prospective dans laquelle la détection du GS systémique après injection iv d’ICG sera comparée aux résultats obtenus suite à l’injection péritumorale de BP. Les ganglions révélés par ces 2 techniques seront recherchés ex vivo sur la pièce de résection et analysés en anatomopathologie. Outre la démonstration de métastases ganglionnaires extra-anatomiques, nous pensons que cette approche systémique pourrait permettre de réduire le taux de FN observé suite à une injection péritumorale, notamment pour les tumeurs localement avancées, celles-ci pouvant perturber le drainage lymphatique selon les voies anatomiques. Summary:This thesis reports several clinical research works on the role of indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence imaging (FI) for the detection of colorectal tumoral tissue. We first evaluate and compare the role of ICG-FI in the detection of sentinel lymph node (SLN) in colorectal cancer (CRC) in view to upstage patients. We have reported that both techniques (blue dye and ICG-FI) are similar in term of sensitivity with a high rate of false negative results. Therefore, we think that new approaches for SLN detection should be developped in CRC. Secondarily, we evaluate the role of ICG-FI after IV ICG injection for the detection of peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) from CRC origin. We have reported that ICG-FI is able to detect non-mucinous PM with a sensitivity of 86%. Moreover, ICG-FI was able to guide surgery modifying the surgical procedure in 38% of patients. Thirdly, we investigate the role of ICG-FI for the detection lymph node (LN) metastases. We have reported that ICG-FI performed after IV ICG injection is able to detect LN metastases both in vivo and ex vivo. These findings have been confirmed in a retrospective study. Fiinally, we propose a new protocol to evaluate a new approach for SLN detection. In comparison with the standard technique using peritumoral injection, we propose a new approach using systemic (intravenous) ICG injection. We have called this approach the 'systemic' SLN detetion. This approach will be compared with the standard one using peritumoral blue dye injection. Sensitivity, specificity of both technique will be compared. In conclusion, the results of these preliminary clinical studies using ICG-FI for tumoral staging and treatment are encouraging and further larger studies should be performed. / Doctorat en Sciences médicales (Médecine) / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

OCT (Optical Coherense Tomography) : Teknik och tillämpning

Lundkvist, Stefan January 2013 (has links)
Before year 1895, the doctors could only make a probable diagnosis based on what the patient could tell and it was hurt and there was no discernable change to the outside of the body. With X-ray, it was possible to see inside the patient without first cutting it, you can say that the X-ray was the starting point for diagnostic imaging.The further development of X-ray gave CT (Computed Tomography), where X-ray tubes and detectors rotate around the patient while the patient table moves. Besides CT also developed MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), PET (Positron Emission Tomography) and Ultrasound. Common to these methods is that the produced 3D images.In 1990 a completely new approach for diagnostic imaging, OCT (optical coherence tomography), by measuring the phase shift and the intensity of reflected light, it provides real-time and non-destructive measurements (in vivo) a resolution of 1 to 15 microns, much higher than all other standard imaging techniques. You could say that OCT machine can be compared to ultrasound, which uses the reflection of sound waves to interpretation.The first OCT machines were of type TD (Time Domain), these had low resolution and low scanning speed. In 2005 came the SD-OCT, they had higher resolution and scanning speed, SD stands for spectral domain, SD-OCT is sometimes called FD-OCT as Fourier transformed signals and operating in the frequency domain.The development of OCT machines are only in their infancy, resolution, scanning speed and accuracy will increase all the time, this allows new uses and ways to diagnose developed. OCT can be used in such Oncology, MSD (Musculoskeletal disorders), cardiovascular medicine, teeth, nerves, but the largest field is the eye and then the back of the eye called the retina (retina).This thesis is limited to the eye, the purpose is to provide input to those who are likely to purchase an OCT-machine, but also show the measurement data OCT-machines are performing and how to use the OCT-machine more than to see age-related macular degeneration. Another aim is to increase understanding of the physics behind an OCT-machine for ease of understanding the output given.The manufacture/model that have selected for evaluation are Zeiss Cirrus 4000, Topcon 3D OCT-2000 and Heidelberg Spectralis, the reason is that there are only these three on the Swedish market and all are SD-OCT. The way to evaluate OCT-machines is to scan performance and what the various analysis programs can handle. Furthermore, each OCT-machine scans the macula and optic disk on a experimental person/ reference eye, in order to get the output of the precision, or if you want to call it repeatability, which is very important if one wants to follow a solitary disease course.The conclusion of this thesis is to OCT machines are quite similar. When it comes to ease of use when doing scans is the Cirrus is lightened by the use of the extra screen where you always look eye (iris camera), which makes it easy to adjust the sharpness and position of the mouse buttons. Topcon and Heidelberg is not difficult to use but requires more experience of the person making the OCT scans. Most measurement functions in the analysis program is Topcon and Heidelberg and best accuracy/repeatability is Heidelberg, both the macula and RFNL.OCT machine is a good tool to use on the anterior segment, but in the case the precision allows the precision used to monitor RNFL thickness changes in those with glaucoma. / <p>Validerat; 20131029 (global_studentproject_submitter)</p>

In vitro Studies of Improvement in Treatment Efficiency of Photodynamic Therapy of Cancers through Near-Infrared/Bioluminescent Activation

Luo, Ting 22 May 2015 (has links)
Cancer is a leading cause of death that affects millions of people across the globe each year. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a relatively new treatment approach for cancer in which anticancer drugs are activated by light at an appropriate wavelength to generate highly cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) and achieve tumor destruction. Compared with conventional chemo- and radiotherapy, PDT can be performed with minimal invasiveness, local targeting and reduced side effects. However, most of the currently available PDT drugs mainly absorb in the visible part of the spectrum, where light penetration depth into human tissues is very limited. Therefore, increasing the treatment depth of PDT has been considered to be an important approach to improve the effectiveness of PDT for treating larger and thicker tumor masses. In this thesis, we present our investigation into the potential of two-photon activated PDT (2-γ PDT), combination therapy of PDT and chemotherapy, and bioluminescence-activated PDT as a means to increase the treatment depth of this modality. In 2-γ PDT, the photosensitizing agents are activated through simultaneous absorption of two photons. This approach allows the use of near-infrared (NIR) light that can penetrate deeper into tissues and thus, has the potential of treating deep-seated tumors and reducing side effects, while the non-linear nature of two-photon excitation (TPE) may improve tumor targeting. We have evaluated the PDT efficacy of a second-generation photosensitizer derived from chlorophyll a, pyropheophorbide a methyl ester (MPPa), through both one- and two-photon activation. We observed that MPPa had high one-photon (1-γ PDT efficacy against both cisplatin-sensitive human cervical (HeLa) and cisplatin-resistant human lung (A549) and ovarian (NIH:OVCAR-3) cancer cells when activated by femtosecond (fs) laser pulses at 674 nm. At a low light dose of 0.06 J cm-2, the MPPa concentration required to produce a 50% cell killing effect (IC50) was determined to be 5.3 ± 0.3, 3.4 ± 0.3 and 3.6 ± 0.4 μM in HeLa, A549 and NIH:OVCAR-3 cells, respectively. More significantly, we also found that MPPa could be effectively activated at the optimal tissue-penetrating wavelength of 800 nm through TPE. At a light dose of 886 J cm-2, where no measurable photodamage was observed in the absence of MPPa, the IC50 values were measured to be 4.1 ± 0.3, 9.6 ± 1.0 and 1.6 ± 0.3 μM in HeLa, A549 and NIH:OVCAR-3 cells, respectively. We obtained corresponding LD50 (the light dose required to produce a 50% killing effect) values of 576 ± 13, 478 ± 18 and 360 ± 16 J cm-2 for 10 μM MPPa, which were approximately 3-5 times lower than the published 2-γ LD50 of Visudyne® and 20-30 times lower than that of Photofrin®. These results indicate that MPPa may serve as a photosensitizer for both 1- and 2-γ activated PDT treatment of difficult-to-treat tumors by conventional therapies. Indocyanine green (ICG), a dye having an absorption maximum near 800 nm, has been considered to be a potential NIR PDT agent. However, the PDT efficacy of ICG has been found to be very limited probably due to the low yield of cytotoxic ROS. In the present work, we have evaluated the combination effects of ICG-mediated PDT with conventional chemotherapy mediated by two types of chemotherapeutic drugs, namely the type II topoisomerase (TOPII) poisons etoposide (VP-16)/teniposide (VM-26) and the platinum-based drugs cisplatin (CDDP)/oxaliplatin (OXP). Synergistic enhancement of cytotoxicity and increased yields of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) were observed in HeLa, A549 and NIH:OVCAR-3 cancer cells treated with the combination of ICG-PDT and VP-16. The presence of VP-16 during the laser irradiation process was found to be critical for producing a synergistic effect. An electron-transfer-based mechanism, in which ICG could increase the yield of highly cytotoxic VP-16 metabolites, was proposed for the observed synergistic effects, although direct spectroscopic detection of the reaction products was found to be very challenging. Moreover, we observed a much lower degree of synergy in the human normal fibroblast GM05757 cells than that in the three cancer cell lines investigated. Synergistic effects were also observed in A549 cells treated with the combination of ICG-PDT and VM-26 (i.e. an analog of VP-16). Furthermore, the combination of low-dose CDDP/OXP and ICG-PDT was demonstrated to produce an additive or synergistic effect in selected cancer cell lines. These preliminary results suggest that the combination of ICG-PDT with VP-16/VM-26 or CDDP/OXP chemotherapy may offer the advantages of enhancing the therapeutic effectiveness of ICG-PDT and lowering the side effects associated with the chemotherapeutic drugs. Bioluminescence, the generation of light in living organisms through chemical reactions, has been explored as an internal light source for PDT in recent years. This approach, in principle, does not suffer from the limited tissue penetration depth of light. In the present project, we have evaluated the effectiveness of luminol bioluminescence in activating the porphyrin photosensitizers meso-tetra(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphine dihydrochloride (TPPS4) and Fe(III) meso-tetra(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphine chloride (FeTPPS). The combination treatment induced significant killing of HeLa cells, while additive effects were observed in two normal human fibroblast cell lines (GM05757 and MRC-5). Our observations indicate that bioluminescence of luminol may generate sufficient light for intracellular activation of PDT sensitizers. Furthermore, the combination treatment may have intrinsic selectivity towards cancerous tissues. In summary, we have demonstrated effective killing of cancer cells by MPPa-mediated 1- and 2-γ PDT, combination of ICG-PDT and VP-16/VM-26 or CDDP/OXP chemotherapy, and bioluminescence of luminol activated PDT mediated by TPPS4/FeTPPS. These positive preliminary results indicate that all these three approaches have the potential of increasing the treatment depth of PDT and facilitating the development of more effective PDT treatment strategies.

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