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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Use of information and communication technology (ICT) and e-commerce in small remote hospitality establishments in KwaZulu-Natal

Nkosana, Tenson January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Master of Management Science: Tourism and Hospitality Management, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / The advent of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) coupled with sophisticated network channels and applications have unveiled new avenues for small organizations and those in the hospitality industry must be included. However, there is limited industry specific research activity on the impact of adoption and utilisation of ICTs on business specifically with regard to the hospitality industry in developing countries. This report records the findings of an analysis into ICT and e-commerce adoption and use in small remote hospitality establishments in the Natal Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The research used a mixed methods approach involving questionnaires, observations and interviews. The participants were drawn from three case areas namely Curry’s Post, Nottingham Road and Lions River. From each case area, two restaurants, two wedding venues, two lodges and two curio shops participated. The findings indicate that most establishment acknowledged the need to adopt and utilise ICT and e-commerce. The links between ICT adoption and level of business success were marked. The challenges to adoption and utilisation of ICT were found to centre on cost, owners’ lack of familiarity with ICTs, and a corresponding lack of ICT skills amongst staff. The inability of imported software packages to suit local needs also emerged as a significant issue. Recommendations involve targeted sponsorships of ICT courses, language accessibility initiatives, and adaptation of software packages to local needs, along with advantages in starting small and adopting more sophisticated ICT as the business grows. / M

Increasing the impact of ICT in language learning : investigating the effect of teachers' ownership of microblending CALL in the classroom within the WST model of ICT use

Bish, David William January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to address why the adoption of CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) within the language classroom is so varied, and its success so unclear, despite fifty years of investment and research. The huge promise of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) driven results has created an imbalance in language teaching, where initiatives are brought about from outside the classroom, with teachers held accountable for their adoption. My reading of the literature is that lack of consideration of the teacher’s role in implementation of classroom technology has led to mismatched expectations and performance. If the nature of the teacher’s contribution is recognized, I believe that this can lead to more effective use of ICT, which I have set out to show. My study, based on a survey of 319 EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers across the international group of 31 schools in which I work, seeks to put the teacher back into the picture by examining where their enacted beliefs in social constructivist pedagogy best align with classroom use of digital technology. I coin this emerging praxis ‘microblending’, a pedagogy rooted in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theory and contemporary methodology, and I seek to demonstrate its relevance in this study I test the viability of measuring teacher’s microblending readiness through application of Technology Acceptance Modelling (TAM) in an EFL setting to produce a model that explains the variation in classroom use of ICT. My model is based on a critical replication of the WST (‘Will, Skill, Tool’) model, a TAM model which has so far only been used in mainstream classroom teaching. I have updated, created and piloted new instruments within the scope of the study, which are now already in use within the institution where I carried out my investigations. Using both linear regression and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) techniques I explored how these measurements of the learning environment can explain a teacher’s application of technology. This first attempt appears to explain over 89% of the variation in classroom use of technology, which already exceeds the predictive power of several contemporary models in use in parallel fields of education. Given further work to refine and apply the model, a valuable improvement could be made in how teachers work with ICT in the language classroom for improved learning outcomes.

Knowledge and Information Communication Technology : perceptions of staff from selected Namibian banking institutions

Gandanhamo, Joseph Fungayi January 2016 (has links)
The integration of Information Communication Technology (ICT) into contemporary society and business operations is observed as a clear reality in Namibia. While Namibia faces one of the typical hurdles of developing nations, lack of a skilled knowledge workforce, literature presents a contrasting face of ICT investment in the country, in particular the financial services sector. This sector is considered a critical sector in the Namibian economy, embracing global trends while boasting world class ICT infrastructure. This is despite the sector struggling with a shortage of expertise. The situation in Namibia’s financial sector thus warrants a critical review of knowledge development practices as research shows. As literature explains, the financial institutions in Namibia are dependent on expertise from parent companies in the South African financial sector. The result is a need to identify means to develop the knowledge of Namibia’s workforce in the banking sector. Although there is evidence from literature to suggest that ICT can be used to create a skilled and knowledge based workforce mainly due to the promise of cost savings, and convenience, there exists a critical gap in literature on the adoption of ICT for knowledge development in the Namibian financial sector. This gap in knowledge as well as the high investment in ICTs in the banking sector pose a problem that the research aimed to address. This study explored the adoption of ICTs for knowledge development activities in the banking sector of Namibia identifying the perceptions and factors influencing its adoption for knowledge development purposes. Although adoption of ICT is influenced by various factors, this study focused on a specific factor, namely the impact of perceptions on ICT adoption. ICT adoption models such as the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) or the Technology Adoption Model (TAM) and more recently the Unified Theory of Adoption and Use of Technology (UTAUT) argue that the perceptions of users are fundamental determinants for the adoption of the ICT. Driving, thus, the need to understand the views of users of the ICTs in banks in order to understand the potential it may yield in knowledge development. The study adopts the Activity Theory (AT) as the means to uncover and clearly interpret the perceptions of banking staff, through its theoretic underpinnings of naturalistic investigation and beliefs of “intentional human-action”. This study thus set out to explore the perceptions of banking staff on the use of ICTs in knowledge development and identify the critical factors in their adoption of ICTs in the process. Drawing from the Activity Theory the investigation used a multi-case qualitative study that used semi-structured interviews that were administered on twenty-three respondents from three of the biggest banks in Namibia (cases). The respondents comprised of managerial and nonmanagerial staff with the three cases chosen based on their ties with South African banks. The findings show that all three Namibian banks have advanced ICT infrastructure which they have managed to adopt for knowledge development purposes. The Management of the banks in all three cases were of the belief that the use of ICT supports knowledge development. Nonmanagerial bank staff in all three cases likewise have a positive perception about the use of ICT for knowledge development purposes. However, key concerns about the development of ICT driven knowledge development initiatives which could affect adoption of the ICTs were expressed by the non-managerial staff. These included, management support, consultation in the development phase of the knowledge development initiatives, integration of knowledge development strategies into the staff processes and increasing awareness activities among the staff. The recommendations indicate a need for the institutions to drive knowledge management in general in the institution, which will in turn help foster knowledge development initiatives fully. Another recommendation concerning the design of knowledge development initiatives is the need to involve the targeted staff more fully. Yet another strong recommendation was the need to blend knowledge development initiatives into the work processes of staff and ensure active support by management. / Computing / M.A. (Computing)

Impact des TIC sur le sentiment d’auto-efficacité des enseignants du secondaire au Niger et leur processus d’adoption d’une innovation

Coulibaly, Modibo 12 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur le renforcement des sentiments de compétence professionnelle et d’auto-efficacité des enseignants du secondaire envers les habiletés techniques dans la formation aux TIC. Elle fait suite à un projet d’intégration pédagogique des TIC au lycée initié par le Campus numérique de Niamey. Après une formation des enseignants de lycée participant au projet d’alphabétisation informatique, notre étude est venue par la suite pour apprécier l’impact de cette formation aux TIC, via le CNF, sur le processus d’adoption de ces technologies par les enseignants. Les objectifs de la recherche sont les suivants : 1) évaluer l’impact de la formation aux TIC des enseignants du secondaire sur le processus d’adoption de ces technologies ; 2) décrire et analyser le cheminement parcouru par les enseignants ayant atteint un niveau élevé d’adoption des TIC ; 3) mieux comprendre l’impact de la formation aux TIC sur le sentiment de compétence professionnelle des enseignants (sentiments de compétence personnelle et générale) ; 4) Valider le Computer Self-Efficacy Scale (CSE) en français ; 5) Comprendre l’impact de la formation aux TIC sur le sentiment d’auto-efficacité à l’égard de l’utilisation de l’ordinateur des enseignants. Une enquête par questionnaires auprès de 69 enseignants représentant l’ensemble des enseignants de trois lycées de Niamey, et par des entrevues semi-dirigées auprès de six enseignants a permis de réaliser les objectifs de recherche. La thèse se fonde sur un mode de présentation par articles. Chaque article est en lien avec un ou deux objectifs de la recherche, suivant l’ordre précité. Les résultats révèlent une absence de relation entre la formation aux TIC des enseignants dispensée par le Campus numérique et les niveaux de l’innovation technologique en milieu scolaire de la typologie de Hall et Hord (1987). Les disparités dans les utilisations que font les enseignants des TIC témoignent de ce manque d’association. Par ailleurs, il apparaît que l’adoption des TIC dans l’éducation est embryonnaire au Niger. Cela fait que seuls quelques-uns de nos participants ont atteint les niveaux de sensibilisation et d’utilisation professionnelle constituant les deux premiers stades de l’usage pédagogique de la typologie de Raby (2005) qui en compte quatre. À la lumière des résultats, le sentiment de compétence personnelle est différent dans les deux groupes (enseignants formés et non formés), mais celui de compétence générale est apprécié de la même façon. Entre les enseignants formés aux TIC par les soins du campus numérique de Niamey et les autres, les résultats montrent une différence significative dans les niveaux d’habiletés techniques à l’égard de l’usage de l’ordinateur. Les forces et les limites de la recherche sont analysées et différentes recommandations sont proposées aux responsables éducatifs. / This study examines the development among high school teachers of feelings of professional competence and self-efficacy toward technical skills through ICT training. It follows a project to pedagogically integrate ICT into a lycée initiated by the Campus numérique de Niamey (Niamey digital campus). After lycée teachers participating in a computer literacy project were trained in ICT, we undertook a follow-up study to appraise the impact of this ICT training, via the Niamey digital campus, on teacher adoption of the technologies. The research objectives were the following: 1) assess the impact of ICT training provided to high school teachers on the adoption process for these technologies; 2) describe and analyze the learning paths of the teachers who experienced a positive ICT adoption process ; 3) better understand the impact of ICT training on feelings of professional competence in teachers (self-confidence and overall confidence); 4) validate the Computer Self-Efficacy Scale (CSE) in French; 5) understand the impact of ICT training on teachers’ feelings of self-efficacy in computer use. To achieve these objectives, a survey questionnaire was administered to 69 teachers from three lycées in Niamey and semi-directed interviews were conducted with six teachers. The thesis is presented in the form of a series of articles, each one addressing one or two of the research objectives in the above-presented order. The results reveal no relationship between the teachers’ ICT training via the digital campus and their level of technological innovation at school, according to the typology proposed by Hall and Hord (1987). ICT usage disparities among the teachers testify to this lack of association. Moreover, it appears that the ICT adoption process in education is barely nascent in Niger. Indeed, only a few participants attained the levels of awareness and professional use, the first two of the four stages in Raby’s (2005) typology of professional use. The results show that feelings of personal competence differ between the two groups (trained and untrained teachers), although their feelings of overall competence were similar. The results also show a significant difference in technical skill levels in terms of computer use between teachers who did and did not receive ICT training via the Niamey digital campus. The research strengths and limitations are analyzed and some recommendations are proposed to educational authorities.

Impact des TIC sur le sentiment d’auto-efficacité des enseignants du secondaire au Niger et leur processus d’adoption d’une innovation

Coulibaly, Modibo 12 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur le renforcement des sentiments de compétence professionnelle et d’auto-efficacité des enseignants du secondaire envers les habiletés techniques dans la formation aux TIC. Elle fait suite à un projet d’intégration pédagogique des TIC au lycée initié par le Campus numérique de Niamey. Après une formation des enseignants de lycée participant au projet d’alphabétisation informatique, notre étude est venue par la suite pour apprécier l’impact de cette formation aux TIC, via le CNF, sur le processus d’adoption de ces technologies par les enseignants. Les objectifs de la recherche sont les suivants : 1) évaluer l’impact de la formation aux TIC des enseignants du secondaire sur le processus d’adoption de ces technologies ; 2) décrire et analyser le cheminement parcouru par les enseignants ayant atteint un niveau élevé d’adoption des TIC ; 3) mieux comprendre l’impact de la formation aux TIC sur le sentiment de compétence professionnelle des enseignants (sentiments de compétence personnelle et générale) ; 4) Valider le Computer Self-Efficacy Scale (CSE) en français ; 5) Comprendre l’impact de la formation aux TIC sur le sentiment d’auto-efficacité à l’égard de l’utilisation de l’ordinateur des enseignants. Une enquête par questionnaires auprès de 69 enseignants représentant l’ensemble des enseignants de trois lycées de Niamey, et par des entrevues semi-dirigées auprès de six enseignants a permis de réaliser les objectifs de recherche. La thèse se fonde sur un mode de présentation par articles. Chaque article est en lien avec un ou deux objectifs de la recherche, suivant l’ordre précité. Les résultats révèlent une absence de relation entre la formation aux TIC des enseignants dispensée par le Campus numérique et les niveaux de l’innovation technologique en milieu scolaire de la typologie de Hall et Hord (1987). Les disparités dans les utilisations que font les enseignants des TIC témoignent de ce manque d’association. Par ailleurs, il apparaît que l’adoption des TIC dans l’éducation est embryonnaire au Niger. Cela fait que seuls quelques-uns de nos participants ont atteint les niveaux de sensibilisation et d’utilisation professionnelle constituant les deux premiers stades de l’usage pédagogique de la typologie de Raby (2005) qui en compte quatre. À la lumière des résultats, le sentiment de compétence personnelle est différent dans les deux groupes (enseignants formés et non formés), mais celui de compétence générale est apprécié de la même façon. Entre les enseignants formés aux TIC par les soins du campus numérique de Niamey et les autres, les résultats montrent une différence significative dans les niveaux d’habiletés techniques à l’égard de l’usage de l’ordinateur. Les forces et les limites de la recherche sont analysées et différentes recommandations sont proposées aux responsables éducatifs. / This study examines the development among high school teachers of feelings of professional competence and self-efficacy toward technical skills through ICT training. It follows a project to pedagogically integrate ICT into a lycée initiated by the Campus numérique de Niamey (Niamey digital campus). After lycée teachers participating in a computer literacy project were trained in ICT, we undertook a follow-up study to appraise the impact of this ICT training, via the Niamey digital campus, on teacher adoption of the technologies. The research objectives were the following: 1) assess the impact of ICT training provided to high school teachers on the adoption process for these technologies; 2) describe and analyze the learning paths of the teachers who experienced a positive ICT adoption process ; 3) better understand the impact of ICT training on feelings of professional competence in teachers (self-confidence and overall confidence); 4) validate the Computer Self-Efficacy Scale (CSE) in French; 5) understand the impact of ICT training on teachers’ feelings of self-efficacy in computer use. To achieve these objectives, a survey questionnaire was administered to 69 teachers from three lycées in Niamey and semi-directed interviews were conducted with six teachers. The thesis is presented in the form of a series of articles, each one addressing one or two of the research objectives in the above-presented order. The results reveal no relationship between the teachers’ ICT training via the digital campus and their level of technological innovation at school, according to the typology proposed by Hall and Hord (1987). ICT usage disparities among the teachers testify to this lack of association. Moreover, it appears that the ICT adoption process in education is barely nascent in Niger. Indeed, only a few participants attained the levels of awareness and professional use, the first two of the four stages in Raby’s (2005) typology of professional use. The results show that feelings of personal competence differ between the two groups (trained and untrained teachers), although their feelings of overall competence were similar. The results also show a significant difference in technical skill levels in terms of computer use between teachers who did and did not receive ICT training via the Niamey digital campus. The research strengths and limitations are analyzed and some recommendations are proposed to educational authorities.

Ado??o de tecnologias m?veis em empresas do Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco e Cear?

Alverga, Patrick Reinecke de 05 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:52:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PatrickRA.pdf: 1597143 bytes, checksum: be7cb13888aef28762e6bca5f5f95882 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-05 / One of the best examples of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) evolutions is on the high capability of storing and processing data into smaller devices, creating a new business condition, the mobility . This mobility in a deeper analysis proposes a business remodeling in many different areas (business segmentations), through the Internet anywhere at any time, allowing managers and researchers to think again their actual models that work nowadays in companies and public institutions, modifying the way internal and external clients can be attended. This thesis analyzes issues on mobile business adoption, technological evolutions and the impacts caused by this new reality the access to information anywhere at any time . This research is exploratory and shows a compilation of similar papers and thesis describing how was conducted the survey within 50 companies in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco and Cear?. The statistics analysis showed the different level of mobile technology usage from simple voice communications to wide band data transmission. The analysis pointed that canonic correlation was the most effective type of analysis to describe the relations among all groups of variables showing which of them are relevant, or not, for mobile technology adoption / Um dos principais exemplos da velocidade com que as mudan?as acontecem na Tecnologia da Informa??o e Comunica??o (TIC) est? na sua maior capacidade de processamento e armazenamento em dispositivos cada vez menores, criando uma nova condi??o para diversos neg?cios, a mobilidade. Esta mobilidade, que em uma an?lise mais aprofundada pode propor inclusive uma remodelagem de muitos neg?cios atrav?s do acesso ? internet em qualquer lugar e a qualquer tempo, permitir? ainda que gestores e pesquisadores repensem os modelos atuais de funcionamento de empresas e organiza??es al?m do atendimento a clientes internos e externos. Este trabalho avalia fatores que influenciam a ado??o de tecnologias m?veis, evolu??o tecnol?gica e o impacto provocado nas empresas por esta nova realidade a de acesso ? informa??o em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento . O trabalho cita o que outros pesquisadores j? identificaram dentro do tema de tecnologias m?veis e como foi realizada esta pesquisa explorat?ria, que foi aplicada nas empresas atrav?s de question?rios do tipo survey em um universo de 50 empresas dos estados do Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco e Cear?. A an?lise dos resultados foi dividida em an?lise descritiva, an?lise de correspond?ncia, an?lise de agrupamento (por vari?veis e por caso) e an?lise de correla??o can?nica, sendo esta a que melhor permitiu identificar os diferentes n?veis de utiliza??o das tecnologias m?veis que v?o desde a utiliza??o para voz at? aplica??es que demandam grandes volumes de transmiss?o de dados e as caracter?sticas das empresas, empres?rios, e da utiliza??o da TIC que influenciam, ou n?o, na ado??o de tecnologias m?veis

Adoption of a Trackability Tool among Humanitarian Practitioners in Local Units : A Field Study on a Food Assistance Program in Colombia / Införande av Spårbarhetssystem bland Humanitära Praktiker i Lokala Enheter : En Fältstudie av ett Livsmedelsbiståndsprogram i Colombia

Knoops, Lorinde January 2019 (has links)
Worldwide, the need for effective humanitarian aid is growing, and continuous aid such as commodity distribution plays a major role in ensuring sustained wellbeing. In literature, information and communication technology (ICT) has been recognized and suggested to enhance the performance and achieve higher social impact of humanitarian supply chains. Nevertheless, so far there has been little research on implementation practices and difficulties that can arise in the specific context. In pursuit of seizing the full benefits of ICT in humanitarian setting, there is an interest to further study ICT adoption among humanitarian practitioners, above all those in the most decentralized parts of the chain, which are more likely to be overlooked. This thesis aims to investigate what challenges arise when implementing an ICT trackability solution in local units of humanitarian supply chains. In this context, the concept of trackability was introduced to refer to monitoring of the downstream flow of a commodity until its intended beneficiary. Based on a thorough literature review at the intersection of Humanitarian Logistics, Supply Chain Visibility and ICT Adoption research, a substantiated theoretical context was built. Further, a case study on Colombian childcare centers, which serve as local service units of a national Food Aid Program aimed at early childhood, allowed for deep-going insights on the work of educators and the dynamics of such local humanitarian entities. Analysis of the empirical findings demonstrated the presence of numerous, both facilitating and inhibiting, ICT adoption antecedents. Five main challenges were identified: high workload, lack of technological skills, staff’s impact-oriented motivation in contrast to the tool’s broader efficiency goal, trackabilitiy’s monitoring nature as a threat to staff’s aspired autonomy, and deficient infrastructure. The study shows that these challenges can be interpreted as misalignments between the nature of attributes intrinsic to the humanitarian organization and that of the technological tool itself which is often shaped by commercial principles. The identified frictions could either be associated to a difference in operational reality or to diverging strategic goals, which mirror the overall discrepancies between commercial and humanitarian supply chains described in literature. The conclusion was drawn that the elucidated divide or incompatibility asks for bridging efforts in order to overcome implementation difficulties and seize the promising advantages of ICT in humanitarian setting. According to the findings, this should be done by enabling local practitioners rather than monitoring these. / Globalt ökar behovet av effektivt humanitärt bistånd, och kontinuerligt stöd såsom råvarudistribution spelar en viktig roll för att säkerställa ett fortsatt välbefinnande. I litteraturen har informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) erkänts och föreslagits förbättra prestationen och höja den sociala påverkan hos humanitära försörjningskedjor. Å andra sidan, finns det hittills ringa forskning på praktisk implementering och utmaningar som kan uppstå i det givna sammanhanget. I strävan att ta vara på samtliga fördelar som IKT kan ha i humanitärt sammanhang finns det intresse att ytterligare studera införande och användning av IKT bland humanitära praktiker, främst i de mest decentraliserade delarna av kedjan, då dessa är mer sannolika att förbises. Examensarbetet syftar till att undersöka vilka utmaningar som uppstår vid implementering av en IKT lösning för spårbarhet i lokala enheter av humanitära försörjningskedjor. Baserat på en grundlig litteraturöversikt vid skärningspunkten för forskning kring humanitär logistik, försörjningskedjor och IKTs införande och användning skapades ett teoretiskt ramverk. Vidare har en fallstudie av colombianska daghem, som utgör de lokala serviceenheter av ett nationellt program för livsmedelsbistånd riktad till tidig barndom, bidragit till djupgående insikter i praktikernas arbete och dynamiken i sådana lokala humanitära enheter. Analysen av det empiriska materialet påvisade många, både underlättande och inhiberande, faktorer för IKT införande och användning. Fem huvudsakliga utmaningar identifierades: hög arbetsbelastning, brist på tekniska färdigheter, personalens motivation baserad i direkt social påverkan i kontrast till IKT lösningens bredare effektivitetsmål, kopplingen mellan spårbarhet och övervakning som ett hot för autonomi, samt bristande infrastruktur. Studien visar att dessa kan tolkas som motsättningar mellan attribut hos den humanitära organisationen och attribut för det tekniska verktyget som oftast är format utifrån kommersiella principer. De identifierade friktionerna kan antingen vara kopplade till en skillnad i operativ verklighet eller i divergerande strategiska mål, vilket speglar de övergripande skillnaderna mellan kommersiella och humanitära försörjningskedjor som beskrivs i litteraturen. Slutsatsen drogs att den uppenbara klyftan eller oförenligheten manar till överbryggande ansträngningar för att övervinna de implementeringssvårigheter som uppstår och för att ta vara på IKT’s lovade fördelar i humanitär miljö. Enligt resultaten bör detta göras med fokus på att stödja lokala utövare istället för att övervaka dessa.

ICT adoption in a multicultural context: a case study of the African Union

Thuiya, Robert W. 04 1900 (has links)
Text in English with summary and key words in English, isiZulu and Afrikaans / Information and Communications Technology (ICT) adoption in a multicultural context needs to be well understood, since smooth ICT operations within several key sections of any multicultural organisation are impacted on by cultural factors. This study seeks to investigate the importance and effects of several variables – cultural tastes, cultural values, social structures, and the communication context and language – on ICT adoption in the African Union (AU). It also enhances understanding of issues faced by AU when adopting ICT in their daily operations. The study has reviewed theoretical literature, specifically Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DIT), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), The Competing Values Framework/Model, and Value-Based Adoption Model (VAM). The study used the value-based adoption model because in a multicultural environment such as AU, if an innovation is valuable and cost effective then they users are likely to adopt it. Reliability scores of the constructs were calculated by averaging the scores. The variables that could cause impact on ICT adoption included cultural values, social structure, culture taste, language and communication context. The tool was tested for reliability, and those questions that were found and unreliable questions were taken out from the final study. To enhance the test of validity of factors, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was preferred as the initial step in the validation process. The research was conducted at the AU offices within and outside of Ethiopia. A total of 288 participants completed a semi-structured questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis was used. The findings indicate that language and cultural taste had a noteworthy effect at the stated significance level (α<0.05). Cultural values, communication, social structure and the communication context were found to be insignificant at the stated significance level (α<0.05). The study recommends that the AU embraces inclusivity of different and diverse languages into its ICT systems, to facilitate adoption and use by employees. In conclusion, the study points out that cultural tastes and languages are the vital elements in the adoption of ICT in the AU. / Ukwamukelwa kohlelo lezobuChwepheshe Bolwazi Kanye nokuXhumana (Information and communications technology (ICT) kwizidingo zesimo esiqukethe amasiko amaningi kufanele kuzwisiseke kahle, njengoba imisebenzi ehamba kahle yohlelo lwe-ICT kwimikhakha esemqoka yanoma iyiphi inhlangano enamasiko amaningi ithintwa yimithelela yosikompilo. Lolu cwaningo luqonde ukuphenya ukubaluleka Kanye nemithelela yezinto ezahlukene, kuxutshwa phakathi izinhlobo zamasiko, ubuhle bamasiko, izakhowo zomphakathi, Kanye nesimo sokuxhumana Kanye nolimi, phezu kokwamukelwa kwe-ICT kwinhlangano yoBunye be-Afrika (African Union (AU), ngenhloso yokuqinisa ulwazi lwezinto ezihlupha inhlangano ye-AU, uma yamukela uhlelo lwe-ICT kwimisebenzi yalo yansuku zonke. Ucwaningo luye lwabuyekeza ukuba khona ithiyori yombhalo wobuciko, ikakhulu ithiyori ebizwa nge-Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DIT), uhlelol lwe-Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), uhlelo lwe-Competing Values Framework/Model Kanye ne-Value-based Adoption Model (VAM). Lolu hlelo lokugcina lusetshenzisiwe, ngoba kwisizinda samasiko amaningi esinjenge-AU, uma ngabe uhlelo lwamaqhinga amasha lutholakala lusemqoka futhi lungembi eqolo, ngakho-ke abasebenzisi balo bangalwamukela. Ucwaningo lwenziwa kumahovisi enhlangano ye-AU ezindaweni ezimbili ngaphakathi nangaphandle kwezwe lase-Ethiopia. Inani lonke labadlalindima aba-288 bagcwalise umbhalo wemibuzo ombaxambili. Amaphuzu achaza ukwethembeka (reliability scores) ezakhiwo akhalukhuleyithwe ngokuwalinganisa (averaged). Ithuluzi lohlelo lwe-VAM luhlolwe ngenhloso yokuthola izinga lokwethembeka, kanti-ke yinoma iyiphi imibuzo engathembeki isusiwe kucwaningo. Ukuqinisa uhlelo lokuhlola izinga lokufaneleko kwemithelela (validity of factors), ukuhlaziywa kwemithelela ephenyayo (exploratory factor analysis (EFA) kunconywe njengesinyathelo sokuqala kuhlelo lwe-validation. Ulwazi olutholakele luveza ukuthi ulimi kanye losikompilo kube nomthelela obonakalayo kwisilinganiso se (<0.05), kanti izimfundisa ezinhle zamasiko, ukuxhumana, isakhiwo somphakathi kanye nesimo sezokuxhumana kutholakele ukuthi akubalulekile kwisilinganiso esichaziwe sezinga le (<0.05). Ucwaningo luncoma ukuthi i-AU yamukela uhlelo lokufaka amasiko onke ngokusebenzisa izilimi ezahlukahlukene kumasistimu ayo e-ICT, ukunceda ukwamukelwa kanye nokusetshenziswa ngabasebenzi. Sengiphetha, ucwaningo, ucwaningo luyachaza ukuthi izinhlobo ezahlukene zamasiko kanye nezilimi kuyizinhlaka ezisemqoka ekwamukelweni kohlelo lwe-ICT ngaphakathim kwe-AU. / Die ingebruikneming van inligtings- en kommunikasietegnologie (IKT) in ʼn multikulturele konteks moet goed begryp word, aangesien vloeiende IKT-werksaamhede in verskeie sleutelsektore van enige multikulturele organisasie deur kulturele faktore beïnvloed word. Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om die belangrikheid van verskillende veranderlikes, insluitende kulturele smake, kulturele waardes, sosiale strukture, en die kommunikasiekonteks en -taal, en die invloed daarvan op IKT-ingebruikneming in die Afrika-unie (AU) te ondersoek, met die oog op verbeterde begrip van die kwessies waarmee die AU gekonfronteer word wanneer IKT in hul daaglikse werksaamhede gebruik word. In die studie is die beskikbare teoretiese literatuur hersien, spesifiek die Diffusie van Innovasie- Teorie (DIT), die Saambindende Teorie van Aanvaarding en Gebruik van Tegnologie (UTAUT), die Mededingende Waardes-raamwerk/-model en die Waardegebaseerde Ingebruikneming-model (VAM). Laasgenoemde is toegepas, want in ʼn multikulturele omgewing soos dié van die AU sal gebruikers waarskynlik ʼn innovasie gebruik indien dit waardevol en kostedoeltreffend is. Die navorsing is by AU-kantore in sowel as buite Etiopië uitgevoer. Altesaam 288 deelnemers het ʼn halfgestruktureerde vraelys voltooi. Die betroubaarheidspuntetelling van die konstrukte is bereken deur hul gemiddelde te bepaal. Die VAM-hulpmiddel is getoets vir betroubaarheid, en enige onbetroubare vrae is uit die finale studie verwyder. Om die toets van geldigheid van faktore te versterk, is verkennende faktorontleding (EFA) verkies as die aanvanklike stap in die proses van geldigheidsbepaling. Die bevindinge het getoon dat taal en kulturele smaak ʼn noemenswaardige uitwerking op die genoemde beduidendheidspeil (<0.05) gehad het, terwyl kulturele waardes, kommunikasie, sosiale struktuur en die kommunikasiekonteks onbeduidend blyk te wees op die genoemde beduidendheidspeil (<0.05). Die studie beveel aan dat die AU inklusiwiteit verwelkom deur diverse tale in sy IK-stelsels te gebruik, om aanvaarding en ingebruikneming daarvan deur werknemers te bewerkstellig. Ten slotte: die studie het bevind dat kulturele smake en tale deurslaggewende elemente in die aanvaarding van IKT in die AU is / Ukwamukelwa kohlelo lezobuChwepheshe Bolwazi Kanye nokuXhumana (Information and communications technology (ICT) kwizidingo zesimo esiqukethe amasiko amaningi kufanele kuzwisiseke kahle, njengoba imisebenzi ehamba kahle yohlelo lwe-ICT kwimikhakha esemqoka yanoma iyiphi inhlangano enamasiko amaningi ithintwa yimithelela yosikompilo. Lolu cwaningo luqonde ukuphenya ukubaluleka Kanye nemithelela yezinto ezahlukene, kuxutshwa phakathi izinhlobo zamasiko, ubuhle bamasiko, izakhowo zomphakathi, Kanye nesimo sokuxhumana Kanye nolimi, phezu kokwamukelwa kwe-ICT kwinhlangano yoBunye be-Afrika (African Union (AU), ngenhloso yokuqinisa ulwazi lwezinto ezihlupha inhlangano ye-AU, uma yamukela uhlelo lwe-ICT kwimisebenzi yalo yansuku zonke. Ucwaningo luye lwabuyekeza ukuba khona ithiyori yombhalo wobuciko, ikakhulu ithiyori ebizwa nge-Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DIT), uhlelol lwe-Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), uhlelo lwe-Competing Values Framework/Model Kanye ne-Value-based Adoption Model (VAM). Lolu hlelo lokugcina lusetshenzisiwe, ngoba kwisizinda samasiko amaningi esinjenge-AU, uma ngabe uhlelo lwamaqhinga amasha lutholakala lusemqoka futhi lungembi eqolo, ngakho-ke abasebenzisi balo bangalwamukela. Ucwaningo lwenziwa kumahovisi enhlangano ye-AU ezindaweni ezimbili ngaphakathi nangaphandle kwezwe lase-Ethiopia. Inani lonke labadlalindima aba-288 bagcwalise umbhalo wemibuzo ombaxambili. Amaphuzu achaza ukwethembeka (reliability scores) ezakhiwo akhalukhuleyithwe ngokuwalinganisa (averaged). Ithuluzi lohlelo lwe-VAM luhlolwe ngenhloso yokuthola izinga lokwethembeka, kanti-ke yinoma iyiphi imibuzo engathembeki isusiwe kucwaningo. Ukuqinisa uhlelo lokuhlola izinga lokufaneleko kwemithelela (validity of factors), ukuhlaziywa kwemithelela ephenyayo (exploratory factor analysis (EFA) kunconywe njengesinyathelo sokuqala kuhlelo lwe-validation. Ulwazi olutholakele luveza ukuthi ulimi kanye losikompilo kube nomthelela obonakalayo kwisilinganiso se (<0.05), kanti izimfundisa ezinhle zamasiko, ukuxhumana, isakhiwo somphakathi kanye nesimo sezokuxhumana kutholakele ukuthi akubalulekile kwisilinganiso esichaziwe sezinga le (<0.05). Ucwaningo luncoma ukuthi i-AU yamukela uhlelo lokufaka amasiko onke ngokusebenzisa izilimi ezahlukahlukene kumasistimu ayo e-ICT, ukunceda ukwamukelwa kanye nokusetshenziswa ngabasebenzi. Sengiphetha, ucwaningo, ucwaningo luyachaza ukuthi izinhlobo ezahlukene zamasiko kanye nezilimi kuyizinhlaka ezisemqoka ekwamukelweni kohlelo lwe-ICT ngaphakathim kwe-AU. / Die ingebruikneming van inligtings- en kommunikasietegnologie (IKT) in ʼn multikulturele konteks moet goed begryp word, aangesien vloeiende IKT-werksaamhede in verskeie sleutelsektore van enige multikulturele organisasie deur kulturele faktore beïnvloed word. Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om die belangrikheid van verskillende veranderlikes, insluitende kulturele smake, kulturele waardes, sosiale strukture, en die kommunikasiekonteks en -taal, en die invloed daarvan op IKT-ingebruikneming in die Afrika-unie (AU) te ondersoek, met die oog op verbeterde begrip van die kwessies waarmee die AU gekonfronteer word wanneer IKT in hul daaglikse werksaamhede gebruik word. In die studie is die beskikbare teoretiese literatuur hersien, spesifiek die Diffusie van Innovasie- Teorie (DIT), die Saambindende Teorie van Aanvaarding en Gebruik van Tegnologie (UTAUT), die Mededingende Waardes-raamwerk/-model en die Waardegebaseerde Ingebruikneming-model (VAM). Laasgenoemde is toegepas, want in ʼn multikulturele omgewing soos dié van die AU sal gebruikers waarskynlik ʼn innovasie gebruik indien dit waardevol en kostedoeltreffend is. Die navorsing is by AU-kantore in sowel as buite Etiopië uitgevoer. Altesaam 288 deelnemers het ʼn halfgestruktureerde vraelys voltooi. Die betroubaarheidspuntetelling van die konstrukte is bereken deur hul gemiddelde te bepaal. Die VAM-hulpmiddel is getoets vir betroubaarheid, en enige onbetroubare vrae is uit die finale studie verwyder. Om die toets van geldigheid van faktore te versterk, is verkennende faktorontleding (EFA) verkies as die aanvanklike stap in die proses van geldigheidsbepaling. Die bevindinge het getoon dat taal en kulturele smaak ʼn noemenswaardige uitwerking op die genoemde beduidendheidspeil (<0.05) gehad het, terwyl kulturele waardes, kommunikasie, sosiale struktuur en die kommunikasiekonteks onbeduidend blyk te wees op die genoemde beduidendheidspeil (<0.05). Die studie beveel aan dat die AU inklusiwiteit verwelkom deur diverse tale in sy IK-stelsels te gebruik, om aanvaarding en ingebruikneming daarvan deur werknemers te bewerkstellig. Ten slotte: die studie het bevind dat kulturele smake en tale deurslaggewende elemente in die aanvaarding van IKT in die AU is. / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

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