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Role of IGF-II/M6P receptor in the regulation of brain functionAmritraj, Asha Unknown Date
No description available.
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"Insulina semelhante a fator de crescimento na reparação óssea" / Insulin Like Growth Factor in Bone Repair.Almeida, Tiago Estevam de 14 March 2005 (has links)
Em nossos dias, a Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial busca novas terapêuticas tendo como meta uma rápida reparação, osteointegração e regeneração dos tecidos ósseos e periodontais. Uma diminuição do tempo de reparação em fraturas e cirurgias ortognáticas, uma reparação normal de defeitos ósseos de tamanho crítico sem a utilização de enxertos e a redução do tempo de osteointegração de implantes possibilitará redução da morbidade, dos custos e uma reabilitação protética com menor período de tempo. Uma alternativa recente é a utilização de Fatores de Crescimento Semelhante a Insulina (IGFs) para a estimulação da proliferação e reparação tecidual. Os resultados observados na revisão de literatura indicam que as futuras terapias com IGFs propiciarão um avanço em relação à velocidade de reparação óssea, reparação em defeitos ósseos de tamanho crítico e em implantes imediatos. / In our days, the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery search new techniques to goal a quick repair, osteointeration and regeneration of bone and periodontal tissues. A diminution of time healing of bone fractures and ortognatic surgery, a normal healing in critics bone defects without grafts and a decrease time of osteointegration will make possible a low morbidity and a rapid protetic rehabilitation. An newly alternative is the use of Insulin Like Growth Factor (IGFs) to estimulate the tissue proliferation and healing. The results discovered in literature review indicate that future therapies with IGFs provide an advance in speed of bone healing, healing critical bone defects and immediate implants.
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"Insulina semelhante a fator de crescimento na reparação óssea" / Insulin Like Growth Factor in Bone Repair.Tiago Estevam de Almeida 14 March 2005 (has links)
Em nossos dias, a Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial busca novas terapêuticas tendo como meta uma rápida reparação, osteointegração e regeneração dos tecidos ósseos e periodontais. Uma diminuição do tempo de reparação em fraturas e cirurgias ortognáticas, uma reparação normal de defeitos ósseos de tamanho crítico sem a utilização de enxertos e a redução do tempo de osteointegração de implantes possibilitará redução da morbidade, dos custos e uma reabilitação protética com menor período de tempo. Uma alternativa recente é a utilização de Fatores de Crescimento Semelhante a Insulina (IGFs) para a estimulação da proliferação e reparação tecidual. Os resultados observados na revisão de literatura indicam que as futuras terapias com IGFs propiciarão um avanço em relação à velocidade de reparação óssea, reparação em defeitos ósseos de tamanho crítico e em implantes imediatos. / In our days, the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery search new techniques to goal a quick repair, osteointeration and regeneration of bone and periodontal tissues. A diminution of time healing of bone fractures and ortognatic surgery, a normal healing in critics bone defects without grafts and a decrease time of osteointegration will make possible a low morbidity and a rapid protetic rehabilitation. An newly alternative is the use of Insulin Like Growth Factor (IGFs) to estimulate the tissue proliferation and healing. The results discovered in literature review indicate that future therapies with IGFs provide an advance in speed of bone healing, healing critical bone defects and immediate implants.
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Estudi en animals transgènics del paper de la sobreexpressió d'IGF-II en cèl·lula ? en el desenvolupament de diabetis mellitusSalavert i Larrosa, Ariana 18 June 2007 (has links)
La diabetis mellitus tipus 1 i la tipus 2 són malalties metabòliques que afecten col·lectivament a un 10% de la població mundial. En ambdós casos l'alteració metabòlica més important és la hiperglucèmia, resultant de la deficiència absoluta (tipus 1) o bé relativa (tipus 2) d'insulina. Concretament, la diabetis tipus 2 es caracteritza per una resistència a la insulina, per part dels teixits perifèrics, acompanyada d'un defecte en la secreció de la hormona, per part de les cèl·lules ? pancreàtiques. La diabetis oberta, però, només es dóna quan les cèl·lules ? no són capaces de continuar compensant la resistència a la insulina. Així doncs, les alteracions en la funcionalitat de les cèl·lules ? serien un component clau en el desenvolupament de la diabetis tipus 2, i no una simple conseqüència de la patologia. Per tant, l'estudi de les cèl·lules ? en els estadis inicials del procés diabètic, resulta ser d'enorme interès per tal d'investigar els mecanismes i les causes que condueixen a la diabetis oberta, Ratolins transgènics que sobreexpressen el factor de creixement IGF-II específicament a les cèl·lules ? pancreàtiques (RIP/IGF-II) presenten un estat pre-diabètic. En aquest treball es van utilitzar aquests animals com a model per estudiar les cèl·lules ? en les fases inicials del procés diabètic i la possible implicació d'IGF-II en el desenvolupament d'aquesta patologia. Es va observar que les cèl·lules ? d'aquests ratolins transgènics presentaven una disminució en la secreció d'insulina en resposta a glucosa. Aquesta disminució podria venir donada per les alteracions funcionals i estructurals presents en aquests illots. S'observava una disminució en l'expressió de Glut2 i insulina, probablement deguda a una reducció dels factors de transcripció que regulen la seva expressió, com Pdx1 i HNF3?. Els illots dels ratolins transgènics presentaven també hiperexpressió de molècules involucrades en la resposta immunitària, com els MHC de classe I i II, tot i no presentar infiltració limfocitària. Així doncs, l'expressió d'IGF-II en les cèl·lules ? dels ratolins transgènics provocava alteracions funcionals en els illots similars a les descrites en models animals o en pacients diabètics.L'evolució del procés diabètic és un procés llarg i varia molt entre individus. En l'evolució d'aquest procés hi intervindrien tant les alteracions presents en les cèl·lules ? de cada individu, com la influència de factors externs. En aquest treball es va estudiar si les alteracions descrites en les cèl·lules ? dels ratolins RIP/IGF-II, podrien predisposar-los a desenvolupar diabetis oberta enfront a factor accelerador. Vam determinar la susceptibilitat dels ratolins RIP/IGF-II enfront dos estímuls diferents: a) el tractament amb molt baixes dosis d'estreptozotocina (STZ), i b) un procés autoimmune, que seria un procés més crònic i comú en la patologia diabètica. Després del tractament amb STZ, es va observar que aquest ratolins transgènics resultaven ser més sensibles a dosis molt baixes, considerades no diabetogèniques pels ratolins control. En segon lloc, per tal d'induir la infiltració limfocitària als ratolins RIP/IGF-II, aquests es creuaren amb ratolins transgènics RIP/hIFN?. L'expressió d'IFN? en cèl·lules ? resulta en una important infiltració dels illots dels ratolins transgènics. D'aquest creuament s'obtingueren ratolins doble transgènics IFN?/IGF-II, un 75% dels quals desenvoluparen diabetis espontània durant els dos primers mesos de vida. Demostrant així que les alteracions pre-diabètiques descrites en les cèl·lules ? dels ratolins IGF-II, incrementaven la susceptibilitat a desenvolupar diabetis oberta en presència d'un factor accelerador.Els resultats d'aquest treball indiquen que alteracions en la funcionalitat de les cèl·lules ? pancreàtiques serien necessàries per incrementar la susceptibilitat a certs factors ambientals que desencadenen la diabetis mellitus. A més, el nostre estudi suggereix que l'increment d'IGF-II en cèl·lules ? podria ser un factor clau en l'inici del procés diabètic. / Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are metabolic diseases with very different etiology that affect collectively 10% of the world-wide population. In both cases the most important metabolic alteration is hyperglycemia, resulting from the absolute (type 1) or relative (type 2) insulin deficiency. In particular, type 2 diabetes mellitus is characterized by decreased response of the liver and peripheral tissues to insulin (insulin resistance) and by inadequate compensatory insulin secretory response. However, overt diabetes only develops when ?-cells fail to compensate for increased insulin demand. Alterations in the functionality of ?-cells would be a primary defect, and not only a simple consequence, in the diabetic pathology. Therefore, studying ?-cells during the initial stages of the diabetic process would be interesting for finding the mechanisms and causes that lead to overt diabetes. Transgenic mice overexpressing IGF-II specifically in ?-cells (RIP-I/IGF-II) develop pre-diabetes. We decided to use these animals as a model in which to study ?-cells in the initial stages of the diabetic process. After the analysis of RIP/IGF-II ?-cells, we observed that transgenic mice showed a decreased insulin secretion in response to glucose. This decrease was likely due to functional and structural alterations found in these islets. Reduction in Glut2 and insulin was observed, probably due to a reduction in the transcription factors that regulate their expression, such as Pdx1 and HNF3?. At structural level these islets showed an increase in the expression of important extracellular matrix components, but showed a decrease in molecules implicated in the intracellular adhesion. Transgenic islets also showed hyperexpression of molecules involved in the immune response, such as MHC class I and II, although no lymphocyte infiltration was observed in their islets. These results suggest that expression of IGF-II in ?-cells of these transgenic mice leads to similar changes to the ones described in other type 2 animal models and diabetic patients. The progression to type 2 diabetes is a long process and varies greatly among individuals. In each individual, alterations present in ?-cells and the influence of external factors would both contribute to the process. In this study, we determined if the alterations described in RIP/IGF-II ?- cells could predispose those animals to develop overt diabetes in the presence of a stimulus that acted as an accelerator factor. We tested the susceptibility of RIP/IGF-II mice to two different stimuli: a) treatment with streptozotocin (STZ), which would stimulate a toxic response specific for ?-cells; and b) an autoimmune process, which would simulate a more chronic effect, more similar to the diabetic pathology.STZ treatment demonstrates that transgenic mice were more sensitive to very low doses of STZ, considered non-diabetogenic for control mice. On the other hand, in order to induce the lymphocyte infiltration to RIP/IGF-II mice, we crossed them with RIP/hIFN transgenic mice. These later mice show a significant infiltration in their islets, induced by the expression of hIFN in their pancreatic ? cells. From this crossbreeding we obtained IFN?/IGF-II double transgenic mice, 75% of which developed spontaneous diabetes during the first two months of age. These results showed that pre-diabetic alterations described in the RIP/IGF-II ?-cells increased their susceptibility to develop overt diabetes in the presence of an accelerator factor.All these results indicate that correct functionality of pancreatic ?-cells is crucial for being able to resist the effect of environmental factors that would lead to the diabetic process. Moreover, our study suggests that the increase of IGF-II in ?-cells could be a key factor in the beginning of the diabetic process.
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Genetic markers for genes encoding Pit-1, GHRH-receptor, and IGF-II, and their association with growth and carcass traits in beef cattleZhao, Qun 20 December 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Příprava a charakterizace selektivních analogů insulinu a IGF-2 pro různé isoformy insulinového receptoru / Preparation and characterization of selective analogues of insulin and IGF-II for various isoforms of the insulin receptorKřížková, Květoslava January 2014 (has links)
Modern lifestyle with its lack of exercise and healthy diet often leads to obesity which is accompanied by a decreasing biological effect of insulin and the onset of hyperinsulinemia, and consequently type 2 diabetes. Persistently high levels of insulin stimulate signalling pathways with growth effects; cells thus become more sensitive to mitogenic effects of all growth factors which may even lead to the loss of control over cell proliferation and the rise of various malignancies. Due to a high degree of structure homology of insulin, IGF-I/II as well as particular IR (existing in "mitogenic" IR-A isoform and "metabolic" IR-B isoform) and IGF-1R, there are a number of cross- interaction among hormones and receptors; nevertheless, the biological response may be different during the binding to a receptor. The determination of the crucial structural regions in insulin and IGF which are responsible for binding to the receptors could lead to the evolution of selective insulin analogues with strengthen metabolic effects, or could lead to the evolution of selective antagonism of IGF which would, in turn, suppress the mitogenic effect. The highest overlap is between insulin and IGF-II since both hormones are able to bind to the isoform A of an insulin receptor (IR-A) with a high affinity, and to activate...
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Untersuchungen zur normalen und pathologischen Steuerung der Nebennierenrinden-Androgene im KindesalterL'Allemand-Jander, Dagmar 17 July 2003 (has links)
Die Reifung der Zona reticularis der Nebennieren-Rinden (NNR) und ihrer Androgen-Sekretion vor der Pubertät unterscheidet sich bei Menschen und höheren Primaten von der NNR-Reifung anderer Species, z.B. der Nager. Die Sekretion der NNR-Androgene leitet die Pubertätsentwicklung ein. Die NNR-Androgene erlangen medizinische Bedeutung dadurch, dass sie bei Frauen zu Hirsutismus und Fertilitätsstörungen führen können. Neben diesen Symptomen stellen sie einen Risikofaktor für die Entwicklung eines Polycystischen-Ovar-Syndroms (PCOS) dar, das ungefähr 7 % der prämenopausalen Frauen betrifft. Lange Zeit war nicht bekannt, wie die Differenzierung der Zona reticularis beim Menschen reguliert wird. Sicher ist ACTH bei weitem das bedeutsamste übergeordnete Hormon für die globale adrenocorticale Differenzierung und Funktion. Weitere Faktoren sind speziell für die Androgensekretion verantwortlich, aber nicht genau definiert. Nun wurde zunächst in zellbiologischen Experimenten belegt, dass die ACTH-Wirkung durch ein Spezies-spezifisches Muster von Wachstumsfaktoren autokrin moduliert wird und so die postnatale Entwicklung der Nebenniere steuern kann. Die vorliegenden Untersuchungen an menschlichen NNR-Zellen von Kindern und Erwachsenen in Primärkultur zeigen erstmals, dass IGF-I und IGF-II differenzierte Funktionen dieser Zellen aufrecht erhalten. IGF-I und, mehr noch, IGF-II steigern die Steroid-Biosynthese und ACTH-Ansprechbarkeit, und sie fördern die Bildung von Androstendion, einem delta5-Androgen der Zona reticularis. Darüberhinaus bewirkt Insulin in physiologischen sowie in micromolaren Konzentrationen den IGFs ähnliche Änderungen der Steroidsynthese. In Querschnittsuntersuchungen an gesunden Kindern vor der Pubertät sowie Kindern mit einfacher Adipositas konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Körperzusammensetzung mit den NNR-Androgenen zusammenhängt. Über die Mediatoren IGF-I, Insulin und Leptin wird offensichtlich der NNR der Zustand von Gewicht und Wachstum des Kindes signalisiert, auch bei pathologischer Körperzusammensetzung, wie dem Prader-Willi-Syndrom. Während die Adipositas die Androgen-Bildung steigern kann, ist sie jedoch selbst nicht der kausale Faktor einer vorzeitigen Nebennierenrindenreifung. Der Prämaturen Pubarche können in 5 - 10 % der untersuchten weiblichen Population ein nicht-klassisches AGS oder NNR-Tumoren zugrunde liegen. Bei den verbleibenden Kindern besteht eine eigentlich harmlose Reifungsbeschleunigung mit normaler Wachstumsprognose. Betrachtet man diese Kinder mit idiopatischer Prämaturer Adrenarche jedoch genauer, so finden sich zwei Untergruppen mit langfristigen Risiken: erstens zeigen Kinder mit einer sogenannte manifesten Heterozygotie für einen 21-Hydroxylase-Defekt Auffälligkeiten des Wachstums, die eine Endgrössenreduktion bewirken könnten, und zweitens wird bei Jugendlichen mit einer Überstimulierbarkeit der NNR diese "Exaggerated Adrenarche" für ein nachfolgendes PCOS verantwortlich gemacht. Schliesslich scheint es vor dem Hintergrund der sich epidemieartig ausbreitenden Zunahme des Übergewichts im Kindesalter angezeigt, den Bezug dieser NNR-Störungen zur Adipositas und der Hyperinsulinämie weiter zu klären. / The prepubertal maturation of the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex and its androgen secretion in man and higher primates differs from other species, e.g. rodents. The secretion of adrenal androgens induces the pubertal development. The importance of adrenal androgens is derived from them being the cause for hirsutism and fertility disorders in women. In addition they represent a risk factor for the development of the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), that affects about 7% of all pre-menopausal women. The regulation of the differentiation of the zona reticularis was unknown for a long time. However, ACTH is by far the most important hormone to regulate the global adrenocortical differentiation and function. In addition, other yet undefined factors are specifically responsible for the secretion of adrenal androgens. The cell-biological experiments presented here demonstrate that the effects of ACTH can be modulated in an autocrine manner by a species-specific pattern of growth factors so as to allow for the control of the postnatal development of the adrenal gland. The present investigations in human adrenocortical cells of children and adults in primary culture show for the first time that IGF-I and IGF-II maintain the differentiated function of these cells. IGF-I and to an even greater extent IGF-II enhance the biosynthesis of steroids and ACTH-responsiveness, and they promote the production of androstenedione, a delta5-androgen of the zona reticularis. Moreover, insulin, in physiological as well as in micromolar concentrations, induces changes in steroid production similar to the IGFs. In cross-sectional studies of healthy pre-pubertal children and children with simple obesity, it was shown that body composition is associated with adrenal androgens. Mediated by IGF-I, insulin and leptin, body composition apparently signals the child's state of weight and growth to the adrenals, even in patients with abnormal body composition, e.g. the Prader-Willi syndrome. While obesity may enhance androgen production, it is not the direct causal factor to induce premature adrenal maturation. In 5-10% of the female population investigated, premature pubarche is caused by non-classical adrenal hyperplasia or an adrenocortical tumour. In the remaining children, there is merely a harmless acceleration of maturation with normal growth prediction. A closer look at the children with idiopathic premature adrenarche, however, reveals two subgroups with long-term risks: First, children with a so called manifest heterozygosity of a 21-hydroxylase-defect show growth abnormalities, possibly reducing final height. Second, in adolescents with enhanced stimulation of the adrenal cortex, this 'exaggerated adrenarche' is held responsible for the subsequent development of PCOS. Finally, with regard to the rapidly spreading epidemic of overweight in children, it seems essential to study into greater depth the relationship between these adrenal dysfunctions and obesity or hyperinsulinism.
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Genotype and phenotype interactions of the insulin-like growth factor system in type 2 diabetesNarayanan, Ram January 2013 (has links)
Background: Multiple lines of evidence implicate the insulin-like growth factor(IGF) group of proteins in human type 2 diabetes. The actions of IGF-I and IGF-IIare modulated through their interaction with IGF binding proteins. A holisticapproach to study the IGF system is preferable to analyses of individual proteininteractions as the inter-relationships between these proteins are complex. Inparticular, the associations of IGF-II and its associated binding proteins withcardiovascular risk have been inadequately studied. This study aimed to study indetail the genotype and phenotype interactions of the IGF system with longitudinalcardiovascular risk factor trends and phenotypic outcomes in type 2 diabetes.Methods: 1000 subjects of predominantly Caucasian origin from the SalfordDiabetes Cohort were studied. Measurements of IGF proteins (IGF-I, IGF-II,IGFBP-1, IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-3) were performed in 554 of these patients. 991Caucasian subjects were successfully genotyped for 76 single nucleotidepolymorphisms (SNPs) related to ten genes in the IGF system. In this project weanalysed associations of the studied SNPs with the measured IGF proteins as well aslongitudinal risk factor trends. In addition, the baseline concentrations of themeasured proteins were studied for associations with cardiovascular risk factortrends and vascular outcomes.Results: This project demonstrates for the first time that high serum IGF-IIconcentration at baseline predicts longitudinal increases in high-density lipoproteincholesterol. High baseline IGF-II was also observed to predict longitudinal weightloss. High baseline concentration of IGFBP-2 (which has a preferential associationof IGF-II over IGF-I) was associated with a number of favourable longitudinalcardiovascular risk trends like increased HDL cholesterol and decreased diastolicblood pressure. However high IGFBP-2 was also associated with deterioration inrenal function and increased all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. The IGF2 geneand the genes encoding IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-5 (proteins with IGF-II bindingaffinity) were also associated with longitudinal trends in renal function, bloodpressure and cholesterol concentration.Discussion: This study is the most detailed exploration to date of the genotype andphenotype interactions of the IGF system in a Caucasian population with type 2diabetes. Results from this study strongly hint that changes in IGF-II bioavailabilitymay influence inter-individual variations in cardiovascular risk. The precisebiological role of IGF-II merits clarification in future expression studies in renal,adipose and vascular tissues. Replication of significant results in an independentdiabetes cohort and measurement of other IGF binding proteins will be performed inthe next stage of this study.
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Microphysiometry Studies of Rapid Binding of Insulin-Like Growth Factor I by Parental and Transfected Mammary Epithelial Cell LinesRobinson, Rose Marie 13 November 1998 (has links)
Breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer death of women in the U.S. today. Members of the family of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are proposed to play a major role in the development and subsequent uncontrolled proliferation of breast cancer cells. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is known to be a potent mitogen for mammary epithelial cells. IGF-I acts by binding to cell surface receptors, thereby stimulating a cascade of events leading to cell division. In the interest of interrupting the effect of IGF-I on cancerous mammary epithelial cells, an understanding of how IGF-I behaves in the presence of other extracellular components is needed. This study examines the IGF-I response of SV40-IGF-I, an immortalized bovine mammary epithelial cell line which secretes IGF-I constitutively.
The microphysiometer allows real-time sampling of cellular activity by measuring the excretion of protons from a sample of cells stimulated by IGF-I binding. The contributions of other factors in enhancing or suppressing stimulation can be compared by examining the pH response of cells exposed to IGF-I in the presence of these factors. We present data showing the stimulatory effect of IGF-I in a dose dependent manner on the SV40-IGF-I cell line.
In addition, we compare IGF-I stimulation with stimulation by long R3IGF-I, a substituted analogue of IGF-I having a reduced binding affinity for the IGF binding proteins. We examine the effect of insulin-like binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) both in the presence and absence of IGF-I, finding no IGF-I independent effect in the rapid binding experiment and no effect on stimulation of IGFBP-3 pre-incubated cells by subsequent IGF-I challenge. This is of particular interest due to recent work demonstrating an IGF-independent IGFBP-3 response in a number of cell lines. Binding studies to correlate with the rapid binding stimulation show binding of the IGFBP-3 molecule with high affinity to a small number of surface receptors on the SV40-IGF-I cell.
Analysis of the extracellular environment and the components contributing to the binding of IGF-I to the cell membrane receptor will provide information for the development of interventions to slow or interrupt the process of IGF-I binding and therefore cancer growth. Optimization of the Cytosensor(r) Microphysiometer System for the (transfected) SV40-IGF-I and the (parental) MAC-T cell lines was achieved to continue comparison studies of autocrine and paracrine stimulation of bovine mammary epithelial cells by IGF-I.
This work was supported by the Whitaker Foundation Biomedical Engineering Grant. / Master of Science
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IGF-I, IGF-II and IGF-IR expression as molecular markers for egg quality in mullet and grouperBangcaya, Josette Pesayco January 2004 (has links)
Common measures of egg quality have been survival to specific developmental stages, higher hatching rate of fertilized eggs and final production of fry. Determinants of egg quality are variable among and between teleost species and no common unified criteria have been established. Maternally inherited genes influence egg quality and early embryo development is partially programmed by the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA). Among the genes, the insulin family is important for growth functions and the presence of their transcripts in the ovary, oocytes and embryos implies their involvement during the reproductive process and their relevance to egg quality. The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system has three components, the ligands IGF-I and II, the IGFBPs (insulin-like growth factor binding proteins) and the IGF receptors that mediate biological activity of the ligands. Vitellogenin (Vtg) is the major source of nutrients for the developing embryo and elevated levels in female fish plasma signals gonadal development preceding spawning. In oviparous fish where the developing embryo is dependent on the stored food in the yolk, vitellogenin levels in the egg could indicate its capability to support embryonic growth. This study aimed to develop molecular tools, specifically probes for IGF-I, IGF-II and IGF-IR, for the evaluation of fish egg quality. These probes would be used to determine expression levels of IGF-I, IGF-II and IGF-IR during egg development to assess their potential as molecular indicators for egg quality. In addition, this study also aimed to establish an enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) for quantifying Vtg in fish eggs and determine if differences in Vtg levels could be linked to fertilization and hatching success. Through reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) putative complementary deoxyribonucleic acid (cDNA) fragments of IGF-I, IGF-II and IGF-IR were cloned and sequenced from mullet (Mugil cephalus) and grouper (Epinephelus coioides). The relative expression ratio of the three genes in the eggs of mullet and grouper were assayed by quantitative PCR (QPCR) and calculated using the Pfaffl method (Pfaffl, 2001). Levels of vitellogenin in different batches of mullet eggs were quantified by ELISA. Spawned eggs of grouper were grouped into low (<60%) or high (>60%) fertilization rate (FR) and the fertilized eggs that were incubated until hatching were grouped into medium (>90%) or high (>90%) hatching rate (HR). Samples were categorized into sinking eggs, late embryo and hatched larvae. Relative expression ratio of IGF-II was significantly high (P<0.01) compared to IGF-I and IGF-IR in all samples examined. All three genes were strongly expressed in sinking eggs compared to either late embryo or hatched larvae. However, there was no significant interaction effect between the genes and the samples analyzed. Mullet samples all came from a high FR and high HR group and were categorized into sinking, multicell stage, blastula, gastrula, late embryo and hatched larvae. There was a significant interaction effect (P<0.01) between gene and stage, showing that genes are differentially expressed during embryonic development. IGF-II was strongly expressed relative to the other genes in all stages examined and was highest during the gastrula stage. Vtg levels were examined in mullet oocytes and egg samples that were grouped into 4; oocytes from females that subsequently spawned, had fertilized eggs which hatched (Group A); oocytes from females that did not spawn, therefore no fertilization and no hatching (Group B); eggs that were stripped, artificially fertilized but no hatching (Group C); and eggs that were spawned, assumed to be fertilized but did not hatch (Group D). Group A showed a trend of higher Vtg levels than the other three but this result was not statistically significant.
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