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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudos arqueométricos de sítios arqueológicos do baixo São Francisco / Archaeometrics studies of archaeological sites from Baixo São Francisco

José Osman dos Santos 28 February 2007 (has links)
O estudo minucioso das características físicas e químicas dos artefatos cerâmicos, associado com as pesquisas históricas e arqueológicas tem pennitido a reconstituição dos costumes culturais e modos de vida das comunidades antigas. O presente estudo objetivou estudar composição química elementar e mineralógica de cerâmicas arqueológicas coletadas nos sítios .lustino, São José, Curítuba, Saco da Onça, Porto Belo e Vitória Régia, localizados na região do Baixo São Francisco, Sergipe, Brasil. Por meio da análise por ativação com nêutrons instrumental (AANl) e difratometria de raios - X (DRX), pennitiuse definir grupos composicionais de cerâmicas conforme a similaridade química da pastas cerâmica, a qual reflete a composição da matéria-prima utilizada em sua manufatura pelo homem pré-histórico, e inferir a atmosfera e temperatura de queima da cerâmica. As amostras abeiTantes foram identificadas por meio das distâncias Mahalanobis clássica e robusta. O efeito do tempero na pasta cerâmica foi estudado por meio do filtro de Mahalanobis modificado. Os resultados foram interpretados por meio da análise de agioipamento, análise das componentes principais e análise discriminante. O horizonte temporal das cerâmicas foi verificado por meio de técnicas de datação tennoluminescência (TL). Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho, em associação com infonnações oriundas da Arqueologia, pennitiram a identificação dos gi-upos cerâmicos correspondentes às ocupações ceramistas no sítio Justino e a definição de gi\'upos cerâmicos de referência confonne o comportamento químico. A tecnologia de queima foi estabelecida para alguns vasos cerâmicos, bem como a contemporaneidade dos grupos composicionais segundo as datações determinadas por TL. Dessa forma, o trabalho contribui para a reconstituição da pré-história das comunidades que habitaram a região do Baixo Rio São Francisco e para remontagem do quadro geral das populações ceramistas do Nordeste brasileiro. / The study of the physical and chemical characteristics of the ceramics crafts, in association with historical and archaeological research, has allowed for the reconstruction of the cultural habits from ancient communities. The goal of this work was to study the chemical and mineralogical compositions of archaeological potteries collected from Justino, São José, Curituba, Saco da Onça, Porto Belo and Vitória Régia sites, located in Baixo São Francisco region, Sergipe state, Brazil. The use of the instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD), allowed the definition of compositional groups of potteries according to the chemical similarities of the ceramic paste, which reveals the composition of the raw materials utilized in the manufacturing process by prehistoric man, and the inference of the atmosphere and temperatures in which the potteries were burned. The outliers were identified by means of classic and robust Mahalanobis distance. The temper effect in the ceramic paste was studied by means of modified Mahalanobis filter. The results were interpreted by means of cluster analysis, principal components analysis and discriminant analysis. The ages of some potteries were determined by means of the thermoluminescence techniques. The results obtained in this work, in association with archaeological information, allowed for the identification of the ceramic groups relative to ceramist occupations at Justino Site and for the definition of the reference groups according to the chemical composition. The burning technology was established for some potteries and the relative ages among the compositional groups were determined by means of TL. Thus, this work provides contributions to the reconstmction of the prehistory of the communities which lived in the Baixo São Francisco region, and to the reconstitution of the general frame of the ceramist population from Brazilian Northeast.

Elemental analysis of some geological samples using neutron activation technique

Asres Yihunie Hibstie 09 May 2013 (has links)
This study describes the technique and procedures used for the simultaneous determination of elements involved in Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis, applied to some geological samples as a sensitive and non-destructive tool. Using Isotopic Neutron Source, the delayed gamma-rays emitted due to neutron capture have been applied for the investigation of the elemental constituents and concentrations of major, minor and trace elements in such samples. The experimental investigations were carried out at the scale of researcher's practices at the chosen site by measuring soil/rock nutrient contents from hydrologically isolated farmland/site plots. Using detailed sampling procedures with special precautions, against contaminations, to yield meaningful results, soil/rock samples have been collected from selected areas of East Gojjam, pulverized, homogenized and prepared for irradiation. The samples were properly prepared together with known standards of potassium iodide or cupric sulphate or arsenic trioxide (one /or both at a time), and simultaneously irradiated in to isotopic neutron ux in the same irradiation position. After activation, the samples were subjected to gamma-ray spectrometry, using a high-purity germanium detection system and computerized multichannel analyzer. The gamma-ray spectra from the irradiated samples were measured by high resolution gamma-ray spectrometry with a calibrated germanium detector. Both qualitative and quantitative approach to data collection and analysis were used in order to gain insight into what should be acceptable to the community. The results obtained have a practical interest in view of possible applications to the technology of extraction and exploration of a variety of industrial, metallic, cement minerals, and geothermal energy and coal deposits. These results tend to agree with the lowest values reported in the literature, and the analytical precision is su cient for the determination of the standard deviation of the distribution of all elements in East Gojjam and these results were brie y discussed within the text of this research work. In carrying out the analysis, the best and most convenient method being the Instrumental and /non-destructive Neutron Activation Analysis was adopted, and NAA has matured and attained analytical competence providing not only rapid, quantitative, qualitative, simultaneous, multi􀀀element analysis but also crucial validation support to programmes using di erent analytical techniques. This method of analysis is generally multi-element and experimental conditions can be designed to be non􀀀destructive to the sample, and it plays a leading role among analytical techniques in the eld of environmental research related to human, animal and plant health. Studies of di erent radionuclide and trace elements in the environmental samples are very important for health physics, research and education. Many forms of elements are possible in environmental samples which may be hazardous for human being, animals and also plants. Most of them have the potential for both benefcial and harmful effects / Environmental Sciences / D. Phil. (Environmental Science)

A biomonitoração da Mata Atlântica na conservação da biodiversidade: espécies arbóreas nativas acumuladoras de elementos químicos / Biomonitoring of the Atlantic Forest in biodiversity conservation: native tree species as accumulators of chemical elements

Elvis Joacir de França 04 September 2006 (has links)
O projeto BIOTA “Diversidade, dinâmica e conservação de florestas do Estado de São Paulo: 40 ha de parcelas permanentes” vem sendo conduzido para o conhecimento dos processos geradores, mantenedores e reguladores da biodiversidade nas principais formações vegetacionais do Estado. Uma parcela permanente de 10 ha foi instalada na unidade de conservação correspondente à Floresta Ombrófila Densa (Mata Atlântica) para a caracterização completa do ecossistema. A investigação de elementos químicos nesse ecossistema altamente ameaçado foi desenvolvida nesta Tese de Doutoramento. Diversos processos são responsáveis pela manutenção de ecossistemas naturais. À ciclagem mineral corresponde o caminhamento dos elementos químicos, que fluem entre os compartimentos bióticos (folha e serrapilheira) e abióticos (atmosfera e solo). A complexidade desse mecanismo regulatório está relacionada com a deficiência, a toxicidade, a fitodisponibilidade e as interações dos elementos químicos, além das condições ambientais de crescimento como luminosidade, temperatura e umidade. Devido à sua adaptabilidade, as plantas absorvem elementos químicos, acumulando-os nos seus tecidos. A acumulação é ativa, ou seja, independentemente do meio, as plantas mantêm as concentrações de determinados elementos. Essa característica corrobora o uso desses organismos para a quantificação da qualidade do ambiente a partir dos estudos de biomonitoração de poluição atmosférica. A análise por ativação neutrônica instrumental – INAA foi a técnica analítica empregada para a biomonitoração devido ao seu nível metrológico elevado e sua capacidade de determinação simultânea de diversos elementos. Para a comparabilidade dos resultados gerados, a qualidade do procedimento analítico, a representatividade das amostras e o efeito da contaminação com particulados de terra aderida à superfície das folhas foram também estudados. Os compartimentos solo, serrapilheira e folha tiveram sua composição química avaliada por INAA. De modo geral, foram detectadas concentrações totais de elementos químicos mais elevadas nos solos de vales (baixa altitude) do que nas regiões de alta altitude (solos mais desenvolvidos). Essa variabilidade não foi determinante das concentrações encontradas nas folhas, indicando a composição química elementar intrínseca das plantas. As concentrações nas folhas também não se alteraram significativamente (nível de 95% de confiança) de acordo com os resultados provenientes de quatro épocas de coleta diferenciadas. Foram identificadas espécies acumuladoras dos nutrientes Ca, Co, K, Na, Se e Zn, dos elementos traços Br, Ba, Cs, Hg, Rb, Sc, Sr e dos lantanídeos Ce, La e Sm. A utilização das espécies arbóreas para a biomonitoração da parcela permanente proporcionou o conhecimento das concentrações naturais dos elementos químicos. O trecho de Mata Atlântica avaliado foi considerado de baixo nível de poluição, pois a maior parte das espécies estudadas apresentou concentrações dos elementos químicos dentro da faixa esperada, com exceção das espécies naturalmente acumuladoras. Elementos traços como As, Cd, Cr e Ni ficaram abaixo dos limites de detecção. O trabalho concentrou esforços para o estabelecimento de padrões de referência para estudos de impacto ambiental considerando a composição química da parcela permanente da Mata Atlântica. O reservatório de elementos químicos no ecossistema foi estimado, evidenciando-se a importância desse conhecimento para a conservação da biodiversidade. / The BIOTA Project “Diversity, dynamic and conservation of forests from the São Paulo State: 40 ha of permanent parcels” has been conducted to provide the knowledge on the generation, sustainability and regulation processes of the biodiversity of the State. A long-term plot (permanent parcel) was installed in the conservation unit corresponding to the Dense Ombrophilous Forest (Atlantic Forest) for the environmental characterization of the ecosystem. The investigation of chemical elements in this highly threatened forest was performed in this Doctorate Thesis. Several processes are responsible for the sustainability of the natural ecosystems. Mineral cycling defines the pathway of chemical elements from non-biotic compartments (soil and atmosphere) to biotic compartments (leaf and litter). The complexity of this regulatory mechanism is related to the deficiency, toxicity, phytoavailability and the interactions of the chemical elements, in addition to environmental growth conditions like luminosity, temperature and humidity. Due to its adaptability, plants are able to uptake and accumulate chemical elements in their tissues. This accumulation is an active process in which the plants tend to maintain the concentrations of some chemical elements independently of the environmental conditions. Such characteristic corroborates the use of these organisms for quantifying the environmental quality by biomonitoring studies of atmospheric pollution. Instrumental neutron activation analysis – INAA was the analytical technique employed for biomonitoring due to its high metrological level and its capability for simultaneous determination of several chemical elements. For the comparability of the results, the quality of analytical procedure, the representativeness of samples and the effect of contamination with earth particles adhered to the leaf surface were also studied. The chemical composition of the soil, litter and leaf compartments was evaluated by INAA. The concentrations of some elements were higher for the soils of the valleys and considerably lower for the soils at higher altitudes. Such variability was not observed for the concentrations found in leaves, indicating the intrinsic chemical composition in plants. The concentrations in leaf did not change significantly (at the 95% confidence level) as demonstrated by the results from four different periods of sampling. Some tree species were able to accumulate the nutrients Ca, Co, K, Na, Se and Zn, the trace elements Br, Ba, Cs, Rb, Sc and Sr and the lanthanides Ce, Eu, La, Sm, Tb and Yb. The use of plants species for biomonitoring the long-term plot provided knowledge on the background concentrations of chemical elements. The Atlantic Forest can be considered to have a low status of pollution since most plants have shown concentrations within the expected range with exception of the accumulator species. Concentrations of some trace elements like As, Cd, Cr and Ni were below the detection limits. This work concentrated efforts to establish reference standards for studies on environmental impact considering the chemical composition in the long-term plot of the Atlantic Forest. The reservoir of chemical elements in the ecosystem was estimated, evidencing the importance of such knowledge for the biodiversity conservation.

Pottery Exchange and Interaction at the Crystal River Site (8CI1), Florida

Kemp, Kassie Christine 29 October 2015 (has links)
The Crystal River site (8CI1) is a Woodland-period mound (ca. 1000 BC to AD 1050) complex located on the west-central Gulf coast of Florida. Links to the Hopewell Interaction Sphere suggest that the people of Crystal River had connections with a broad range of communities, yet little is known concerning the role the site played in local, regional, or long-distance exchange networks. Pottery traditions vary amongst different communities of practice, therefore the level of interaction at Crystal River can be measured by looking at variation in the ceramic assemblage. I combine type/attribute, vessel form and function, gross paste, and chemical analyses to determine the amount of variability present in the pottery assemblage. These analyses show that Crystal River has a high level of ceramic variation with some spatial and temporal patterning. To determine Crystal River’s membership in and potential role within a sphere of interaction, I compare these patterns to three community types with diverse social interfaces. This research suggests that Crystal River may have started out as a homogenous, residential community but through time began to interact with a number of diverse, regionally associated communities drawn to the site for special occasions.

Hodnocení průmyslového znečištění životního prostředí Moravskoslezského kraje s použitím radioanalytických metod / Evaluation of Industrial Pollution of the Environment in the Moravian-Silesian Region Using Radioanalytical Methods

Brunčiaková, Miriama January 2016 (has links)
Moravian-Silesian Region is a part of an area so called „small black triangle". It is an area of higher pollution caused by some kind of industrial zone. This region belongs to the most polluted atmosphere in the Czech Republic. The pollution is caused by various factors but the most negative one is metallurgic industry but also mine-mining, transport, and small local furnaces. To analyze pollution, the instrumental neutron activation analysis with analyzing of moss samples were used. The moss has rudimentary root system so it takes nutrients as well as heavy metals from the atmosphere. All irradiation has performed in the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics (FLNP) at the reactor IBR-2M. Two kinds of irradiation have been performed as short-term irradiation as long-term irradiation. Short-term irradiation took about 3 mins and then short-lived isotopes were measured for about 15 mins. The long-lived isotopes were measured twice after about 4 days for 30 mins and after 23 days for 90 mins after 3 days of irradiation. For long term irradiation, the cadmium-screened irradiation channel was used. For analyzation and data processing the software Genie 2000 as well as software developed at FLNP JINR were used. In sum, 43 samples of the terrestrial mosses (Hypnum cupressiforme, Pleurozium schreberi and Brachythecium rutabulum) were collected in autumn of 2015 in which the concentration of 38 elements were determined, including heavy metals. As a result, the factor analysis have been performed as well as maps analyzation.

Etude des qualités chimiques et géochimiques du bassin versant de Bouregreg

Bounouira, Hamid 28 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
En se basant sur une étude détaillée depuis l'été 2003 à l'hiver 2005 sur différentes matrices (roches, sédiments, matière en suspension, phase colloïdale et phase dissoute), on a établi un bilan géochimique (éléments majeurs et traces) sur le bassin versant du Bouregreg au Maroc. L'étude géochimique des eaux et des produits solides ou colloïdaux transportés dans l'ensemble du bassin peut être particulièrement performante pour d'une part comprendre les processus de transport et d'échanges des différentes composantes naturelles et anthropiques (en solution ou adsorbées sur les particules en suspension) et d'autre part évaluer la contribution anthropique au sein du bassin. L'objet de ce travail a été de développer une méthodologie permettant d'établir un bilan géochimique de ce bassin et de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement d'un système naturel, en intégrant les phénomènes de transfert solide-liquide La méthodologie adoptée regroupe ainsi : (i) un échantillonnage semestriel, depuis l'été 2003 jusqu'à l'hiver 2005, des différentes matrices sur l'ensemble du bassin versant du Bouregreg. (ii) un protocole analytique multi-élémentaire couplant l'analyse par activation neutronique instrumentale (INAA), la spectrométrie de masse couplée à un plasma d'argon (ICP-MS) et la spectrométrie d'émission atomique couplée à un plasma d'argon (ICP-AES). (iii) des techniques de traitement des données recueillies (comparaison des moyennes obtenues pour chaque échantillon et des variabilités pour chaque site, diagrammes de normalisation par rapport aux croûtes continentales moyenne et supérieure, comparaison des rapports d'éléments, choix des éléments inertes comme références (exemple Ta ou Yb), et finalement une analyse en composantes principales (ACP)). De l'analyse des roches et des sédiments on en déduit : (i) L'importance de l'héritage géochimique de l'environnement géologique du bassin versant du Bouregreg (comparaison entre sédiments et roches, permanence des distributions le long du fleuve,.....). Cela découle du comportement très compatible et de l'inertie de certains éléments au cours de l'altération (éléments de transitions 3d (Co, Ni, Cr, ...), éléments de transition interne f (lanthanides, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta,....), (ii) L'homogénéité géochimique du bassin qui traduit à son tour un héritage lors de l'accrétion crustale (magmatisme-métamorphisme-sédimentation), (iii) La typologie de ce domaine continental ; plutôt de type croûte continentale supérieure. L'étude de la chimie des eaux dans les phases dissoute et particulaire a également permis de confirmer la différence de comportement entre les éléments dits solubles, dont les concentrations dans la masse d'eau sont liées à la lithologie du bassin versant, et les autres éléments quasiment insolubles tels que les terres rares. Les concentrations de ces derniers dans la phase dissoute sont davantage liées à la chimie interne du fleuve et à l'existence d'une phase colloïdale. Ceci est notamment mis en évidence lors des très basses-eaux où les concentrations en matières organiques peuvent être importantes. L'influence des activités humaines de type pollution métallique semble par ailleurs très limitée : les facteurs d'enrichissement n'ont pas montré de valeur importante excepté pour Cs, Li, Sb, Pb et As. Ce résultat confirme donc la faiblesse actuelle de la pollution chimique de la rivière Bouregreg.

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