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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Síntesi i caracterització de materials bàsics i la seva aplicació en reaccions d'interés industrial

Abelló Cros, Sònia 25 November 2005 (has links)
La recerca de nous catalitzadors sòlids bàsics de tipus Brønsted ha estat en el punt de mira de nombrosos estudis recents, degut al seu gran potencial per a dur a terme reaccions de condensació ald-olica. Aquests materials sòlids eviten l'ús industrial de solucions aquoses de tipus KOH i NaOH, reduint significativament els problemes de generació de residus, corrosió o no reutilització dels catalitzadors. En els darrers anys, ha crescut l'interès en l'estudi dels hidròxids dobles laminars (layered double hydroxides, HDL) o compostos de tipus hidrotalcita, com a catalitzadors de nombroses reaccions, o bé, en altres aplicacions.Per tal de generar catalitzadors sòlids bàsics de tipus Brønsted, un HDL de Mg-Al, tractat tèrmicament, pot ser reconstruït degut al seu conegut efecte memòria. La reconstrucció es realitza per contacte del sòlid amb vapor d'aigua (fase gas) o per immersió en aigua liquida (fase liquida), ambdues en atmosfera inert. Un aspecte en discussió es la relació entre el procediment de rehidratació aplicat i l'activitat catalítica dels HDL de Mg-Al reconstruïts. En aquest treball s'han estudiat detingudament els processos de rehidratació en fase gas o en fase liquida. Donat que el procés de rehidratació porta a la formació d'un material de tipus meixnerita, el qual presenta centres bàsics de Brønsted en l'espai interlaminar, es mostra que l'accessibilitat cap a aquests centres bàsics es un factor determinant de l'activitat d'aquests catalitzadors en reaccions de condensació aldòlica. Per altra banda, s'ha estudiat també la sensibilitat dels catalitzadors HDL de Mg-Al reconstruïts en fase gas, a l'addició de promotors alcalins, per tal d'assegurar la seva influencia en l'activitat catalítica.La recerca descrita en aquest treball de tesi s'ha centrat en l'estudi dels procediments d'activació/rehidratació, i en conseqüència, en la morfologia dels catalitzadors de tipus hidrotalcita. Les propietats bàsiques s'han caracteritzat mitjançant diferents tècniques, com la desorció a temperatura programada de diferents molècules sonda, i mitjançant reaccions model del tipus condensació aldòlica entre citral-cetones. Una altra alternativa interessant és l'ús de líquids iònics, amb una amplia aplicació com a solvents, degut a les seves propietats físiques i químiques. L'ús dels líquids iònics amb propietats bàsiques, pot proporcionar catalitzadors eficients en moltes reaccions de condensació aldòlica. En aquest sentit, s'analitzen diferents aspectes com l'ús d'un líquid iònic suportat (l'hidròxid de colina), la seva activitat catalítica en diverses reaccions de condensació aldòlica i la caracterització de les propietats bàsiques. / The research about the use of new solid Brønsted-type basic catalysts has been the focus of many recent studies because of their potential for aldol condensation reactions. Besides, these solid materials avoid the industrially use of KOH and NaOH reducing several problems such as waste production, corrosion and not recovery of the catalysts. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in layered double hydroxides (LDH) or hydrotalcite-like compounds to perform numerous catalytic reactions and other applications. In order to provide solid Brønstedtype basic catalysts, a thermally treated Mg-Al LDH can be reconstructed due to its known memory effect, by rehydration in contact with water vapour or immersed in liquid water under decarbonated atmosphere. The catalytic performance of a reconstructed Mg-Al LDH in relation to the rehydration procedure applied is not well understood. In this work, careful studies of rehydration procedures (gas or liquid phase) over decomposed Mg-Al LDH have been performed. Since the rehydration process leads to a meixnerite-like material, having Brønsted basic sites in the interlayer space, it is shown that accessibility towards these basic sites is a key factor determining the performance of the catalysts in aldol condensation reactions. The sensitivity of gas-phase reconstructed Mg-Al LDH to the addition of alkaline promoters has been also studied to assess their influence on the catalytic performance. The research described in this thesis has focussed on getting more insight in the activation/rehydration procedure and consequently, in the final morphology of hydrotalcite-like compounds. The basic properties have been characterised by several techniques such as temperature programmed des orption of different probe molecules and by illustrative test reactions suchas the liquid-phase aldol condensation between citral-ketones. Another interesting alternative is the use of ionic liquids, which have attracted a large attention as solvents in recent years, due to their physical and chemical properties. Besides, the use of ionic liquids with basic properties could provide efficient catalysts for several condensation reactions. In this area, we also report the use of a supported ionic liquid (choline hydroxide), its catalytic performance in aldol condensation reactions and the characterisation of basic properties.

Nanomaterials in Catalysis: Study of Model Reactions.

Chimentão, Ricardo José 13 April 2007 (has links)
Metal nanoparticles catalysts considered in this work included systems consistingessentially of a single metal component (Ag) and bimetallic system. Bimetallic systemsof miscible (Au-Cu and Au-Ag) and immiscible components (Ir-Au) have beeninvestigated. The study of these materials with chemical probes including chemisorptionand selected catalytic reaction, in conjunction with physical and chemical methods suchas electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), temperature programmed reduction(TPR), UV-vis, photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) has been performed to contribute theknowledge of their structures. The fact that surface composition can differ substantiallyfrom bulk composition was also studied. High resolution electron microscopy (HRTEM)provided independent evidence of the highly dispersed nature of the metal clusters.Concepts concerning the effect of additives on the structure and physicochemical andcatalytic properties of oxide catalysts in selective oxidation reactions were considered.This work was also carried out in an attempt to study the different oxygen species formedon silver. Of particular interest is to understand the role and nature of the elusivesubsurface O species in the function of silver as an oxidant catalyst. The effect ofadditives on acid-base and redox properties and on their bearing on catalytic performancewas discussed, with particular emphasis on alkaline metal additives such as cesium andsodium. The phenomena occurring in monophasic and supported mixed oxide containingthe additives, including modification of structure, segregation, defect formation and spilloverof the reactants was also described.The nature of the surface of the bimetallic systems was the question of interest. Will theindividual clusters be monometallic or will they contain atoms of both metals andtherefore be bimetallic? It is interesting to consider how the state of dispersion the metalcatalysts affects the relationship between chemisorption capacity or catalytic activity andcatalyst composition. The bimetallic clusters discussed thus far have been combination ofa Group VIII and a Group IB metal. In spite of the great importance in petrochemistry,skeletal hydrocarbon reactions, such as hydrogenolysis of methylcyclopentane, offers aninteresting fingerprint of the dependence of specific rate on catalyst structure. The firstreported case of a reaction with large dependence on catalyst structure was performed forneopentane on platinum. This result led Boudart to classify reactions on metals as: (i)"facile" or "structure-insensitive" reactions, for which the specific rate does not dependupon the size of the metal particle, and (ii) "demanding" or "structure sensitive"reactions, for which the specific rate is highly dependent on the metal dispersion. Therate per surface metal atom is the fundamental interest. Thus, the metal dispersion isextremely important parameter to be determined. An experimental scheme based onselective H2 chemisorption was developed to investigate the surface composition ofbimetallic system. With this capability, the activity of such a catalyst was referred to theamount of metal in the surface rather than to the metal content of the catalyst as a whole.The interaction between catalytically active metal oxide particles and oxide carriersgreatly influences their structure and size. Vanadia catalysts constitute also a relevantexample of the influence of this interaction. Accordingly, it was decided to study theeffect of the support (TiO2 and MCM-41) with the aim of understanding theinterrelations on the catalytic properties of V2O5 as a way to improve its performance forthe selective oxidation of ethanol.Finally, the catalytic role of the different basic sites in hydrotalcite interlayer wasenvisaged through the study of the styrene epoxidation in liquid phase. Hydrotalcite-likecompounds are not only interesting for their industrial applications, but are also beautifulexamples of the scientific preparation of catalysts. All the stages of the preparation of acatalyst based on hydrotalcite-like precursor need precise chemical foundations in orderto avoid inhomogeneties and/or chemical segregations, which would be detrimental tothe properties of the final compounds. Layered double hydroxides (LDHs), also knownas hydrotalcites or anionic clays, are a class of ionic lamellar compounds made ofpositive-charged hydroxide layers with charge balancing anions and water moleculessandwiched between layers. Exfoliated Mg-Al layered double hydroxide in water wasinvestigated in the styrene epoxidation. The change in the basic properties during therehydration process of the calcined samples as well the influence on catalytic activitywas studied. Hydrotalcites are very attractive for this type of oxidation reaction becausetheir ability to give Lewis type acid-base bifunctional catalysts or basic catalysts withBrönsted type sites, proceeding from the mixed oxide and the meixnerite-like structures,respectively. / En este trabajo se han sintetizado y estudiado diferentes catalizadores a base denanopartículas metálicas con diferentes tamaños y morfologías. Se han estudiado tantosistemas monometálicos como bimetálicos con componentes de diferentes miscibilidad (porejemplo sistemas Au-Cu y Au-Ag de total miscibilidad, así como Ir-Au de prácticamentetotal inmiscibilidad) con la finalidad de estudiar el cambio que producen tanto en el tamañocomo en la morfología de las nanopartículas obtenidas.Los nanomateriales obtenidos han sido estudiados mediante el empleo de diferentestécnicas de caracterización como pueden ser, fisisorción, quimisorción microscopiaelectrónica (SEM-TEM), difracción de rayos X (XRD), reducción a temperaturaprogramada (TPR), espectroscopia ultravioleta-visible (UV-vis), espectroscopiafotoelectrónica (XPS), etc., así como mediante diferentes ensayos catalíticos modelo con lafinalidad de correlacionar las propiedades físico-químicas de dichos materiales con losmétodos de síntesis de éstos.Se ha hecho especial énfasis en el estudio de las diferentes especies de oxígeno quepresentan estos nanomateriales en superficie, así como su correlación con la actividadcatalítica que presentan en diferentes reacciones de oxidación selectiva de olefinas. Por otraparte, la modificación de las propiedades ácido-base de dichos materiales y su carácterredox cuando se adiciona metales alcalinos del tipo sodio y cesio, también ha sidoexhaustivamente estudiado.La formación de sistemas bimetálicos y su homogeneidad, así como el efecto de dispersióny el cambio en sus propiedades físico-químicas que hace un metal sobre el otro, ha sidotambién objeto de estudio en este trabajo. Este hecho se ha puesto en evidencia en elestudio de reacciones de hidrogenolisis del metilciclopentano que permite una buenacomprensión de la actividad catalítica, así como de la dependencia de la estructura en laactividad catalítica previamente ya descrita por Boudart.La interacción entre las especies metálicas cataliticamente activas y los soportes empleadostambién pueden ejercer una notable influencia en la estructura y tamaño de la especieactiva, y por consiguiente en el comportamiento catalítico. En este contexto, se hanestudiado la interacción de óxido de vanadio en diferentes soportes como TiO2 y MCM-4,para comprender el comportamiento catalítico del V2O5 en otra reacción test como es la deoxidación selectiva del etanol.Finalmente, el papel del los diferentes sitios básicos de materiales tipo hidrotalcita, elestudio de la exfoliación de dichos materiales y el cambio en sus propiedades básicasdespués de diferentes protocolos de rehidratación han sido estudiados en otra reacción testcomo es la reacción de epoxidación del estireno en fase liquida.

New basic catalysts for fine chemicals synthesis

Cota, Iuliana 28 June 2010 (has links)
En los últimos años, existe un creciente interés en la sustitución de viejas tecnologías por alternativas catalíticas más limpias para el desarrollo de procesos respetuosos con el medio ambiente para la industria química. De esta manera, es un desafío continuo encontrar nuevos catalizadores básicos capaces de realizar, con alta actividad y selectividad, las reacciones para la síntesis de productos de alto valor añadido tanto químicos como farmacéuticos. La investigación descrita en esta Tesis se ha centrado en el estudio de nuevos protocolos de síntesis para catalizadores básicos. Nuevos materiales con basicidad controlada, tipo hidrotalcita, se han sintetizado a lo largo de esta Tesis. Por otra parte, se ha desarrollado un nuevo protocolo de síntesis para líquidos iónicos alifáticos de cadena corta. Además, se presenta un amplio estudio de las propiedades físico-químicas de los líquidos iónicos sintetizados. Las propiedades básicas de los catalizadores desarrollados se han caracterizado por diversas técnicas y así como mediante el empleo de reacciones modelo. Por consiguiente, el trabajo realizado en esta Tesis permite avanzar en el diseño de nuevos sistemas catalíticos más activos y eficientes para su utilización en procesos de química fina. / In the last years, there is an increasing interest in substituting old technologies by cleaner catalytic alternatives to afford more environmental friendly processes in the chemical industry. In this way, it is a continuous challenge to find new base catalysts able to perform, with high activity and selectivity, reactions for the synthesis of pharmaceutical and fine chemicals.The research described in this thesis has focused on the study of new synthesis protocols for base catalysts. New types of hydrotalcite-like materials with controlled basicity were obtained. Also, a new synthesis protocol for short aliphatic chain ionic liquids and an extensive study of their physico-chemical properties is presented. Their basic properties have been characterized by several techniques and by illustrative test reactions. The work done in this thesis can be regarded as a progress in the design of new catalytic systems, more active and efficient for use in fine chemical processes.

Implementation, development and evaluation of the gas-phase chemistry within the Global/Regional NMMB/BSC Chemical Transport Model (NMMB/BSC-CTM)

Badia i Moragas, Alba 12 December 2014 (has links)
Air pollution is a serious issue that affects human health, the environment and the climate at levels from local to global scales. The main processes that affect air pollution levels are: emissions, chemistry, transport and deposition. Air quality models (AQMs) are mathematical tools that describe relevant physicochemical processes and quantify concentrations of air pollutants. Therefore, AQMs can be used to develop and detail measures taken to reduce air quality problems. Several AQMs are currently used and they have undergone a rapid evolution in recent years. Computer capacity has increased during the last decade enabling us to use higher spatial resolutions and more complex parameterizations schemes that resolve more complex atmospheric processes. Moreover, previous research has shown that the feedbacks between meteorology and chemistry are important in the context of many research applications. Therefore, this increase in computing power allows accurately simulate those feedbacks (online modelling). Online models are becoming more used in the atmospheric community. The NMMB/BSC Chemical Transport Model (NMMB/BSC-CTM) is being developed through an ongoing team effort at the Earth Sciences Department of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). The main motivation for this thesis is to contribute in the development of a unified fully coupled chemical weather prediction system able to solve gas-aerosol-meteorology interactions within a wide range of scales on local to global domains that can be used in both operational and research applications. In this sense, the focus in this Ph.D. has been on the development and evaluation of the tropospheric gas-phase chemistry within the online Global / Regional atmospheric model NMMB/BSC-CTM. With the meteorological core NMMB as the starting point, different parameterizations of several atmospheric chemistry processes such as dry deposition, photolysis, wet deposition, gas-phase chemistry, and stratospheric ozone handling have been reviewed, implemented and evaluated during this Ph.D. thesis. A complete spatial, temporal and vertical model evaluation of the relevant chemical species using different observational data has been performed in this Ph.D. thesis. Observational data has included ground-monitoring stations, ozonesondes, satellite data, climatologies and, aircraft campaigns. This is the first time that the gas-phase chemistry of the NMMB/BSC-CTM has been evaluated on a regional and global scales over a full year. Concerning the model evaluation in the regional scale, we had the opportunity to participate in the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII) Phase2 which aims to intercompare online coupled regional-scale models over North America and Europe. In this sense, we were participating in this initiative in the European runs with NMMB/BSC-CTM model. The model evaluations have shown a good agreement with observations. Overall, the model performance corresponds to state-of-the-art regional and global AQMs. / La contaminació de l’aire és un problema greu que afecta la salut humana i el medi ambient, tant a escala local com global. Els principals processos que concerneixen els nivells de contaminació de l’aire són les emissions, la química, el transport i la deposició. Els Models de Qualitat de l’Aire (AQMS) són eines matemàtiques que descriuen aquests processos fisicoquímics i quantifiquen les concentracions de contaminants de l’aire. Per tant, els AQMS es poden utilitzar per desenvolupar i detallar les mesures preses per reduir la mala qualitat de l’aire. Actualment, es fan servir diversos AQMS i aquests darrers anys han evolucionat molt ràpidament. La capacitat de la computació ha augmentat durant l’última dècada, i això ha fet possible una resolució espacial més bona i uns esquemes de parametritzacions més complexos que resolen més processos atmosfèrics. D’una altra banda, la investigació ha demostrat que els feedbacks entre la meteorologia i la química són certament importants en moltes aplicacions de recerca. Per tant, l’augment de la potència de càlcul permet simular acuradament aquests feedbacks (modelizació online). Els models online són cada vegada més utilitzats en la comunitat atmosfèrica. El NMMB/BSC Chemical Transport Model (NMMB/BSC-CTM) es desenvolupa gràcies a un esforç d’equip al Departament de Ciències de la Terra del Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). La principal motivació d’aquesta tesi és contribuir al desenvolupament i a l’avaluació d’un sistema de predicció unificat que sigui capaç de resoldre les interaccions gas-aerosolmeteorologia dins un ampli rang d’escales, des de dominis locals a globals, i que pugui ser utilitzat tant en aplicacions operatives com d’investigació. En aquest sentit, el principal objectiu d’aquesta tesi doctoral és el desenvolupament i l’avaluació de la química troposfèrica en fase gasosa del model online global/regional NMMB/BSC-CTM. Utilitzant el nucli meteorològic NMMB com a punt de partida, diverses parametritzacions de processos químics atmosfèrics com ara la deposició seca, la fotòlisi, la química dels núvol, la química en fase gasosa i l’intercanvi d’ozó entre estratosfera i troposfera han estat revisats, implementats i avaluats durant aquesta tesi doctoral. S’ha dut a terme una avaluació completa a nivell espacial, temporal i vertical de les espècies químiques més rellevants mitjançant diverses observacions a escala global i regional. Aquestes observacions inclouen estacions a nivell de superfície, ozonosondes, dades de satèl.lit, climatologies i campanyes d’aeronaus. És la primera vegada que la química en fase gasosa de l’NMMB/BSC-CTM s’avalua a escala global i regional durant un any complet. Respecte l’evaluació del model a nivell regional, vam tenir l’oportunitat de participar en el projecte de l’Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII) Phase2. L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte és la intercomparació de models online a escala regional sobre l’Amèrica del Nord i Europa. El nostre grup va participar en aquesta iniciativa sobre el domini europeu utilitzant el model NMMB/BSC-CTM. L’avaluació del model mostra una bona avinença amb les observacions. En general, els resultats del model es corresponen amb l’estat de l’art dels AQMS a escala regional i global.

Web crippling and local buckling response of stainless steel sections

Bock Montero, Marina 06 February 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the response of stainless steel members when subjected to transverse and normal forces triggering the instability phenomena called web crippling and local buckling, respectively. Currently, the part of Eurocode dealing with stainless steel, EN 1993-1-4 (2006) misses design provisions for web crippling and the applicability of some of its aspects is yet to be fully verified especially for application to ferritic stainless steel. The first part of the thesis laid in the development of design equations for the treatment of web crippling in stainless steel sections which are currently designed following specifications given in EN 1993-1-3 (2006) for cold-formed carbon steel. Two design approaches were derived covering austenitic and ferritic stainless steels: an empiric equation, in line with the current provisions for web crippling design given in EN 1993-1-3 (2006); and an alternative semi-empiric design method based on strength curves which enables a better understanding of the phenomenon and showed to significantly improve web crippling predictions. For the second part of the thesis, the applicability of the local buckling design provisions given in EN 1993-1-4 (2006) to ferritic stainless steel was examined giving focus to the slenderness limits and the effective width equations. The results showed that EN 1993-1-4 (2006) can safely be applied to ferritic stainless steel, though the code is rather conservative in comparison with other methods. Finally, a modification of the effective width equation incorporating element interaction effects was proposed which allows an improvement of cross-section capacity predictions and enables to amend the effective width method to the same level of alternative design approaches but promoting the use of the concepts currently considered in Eurocode.

Polymeric Macroporous Nanocomposites using highly concentrated emulsions as templates

Vílchez Villalba, Alejandro 30 January 2013 (has links)
The design of nanocomposites, which typically consist of polymeric matrices with embedded particles having at least one characteristic length in the nanometer range, has recently been the focus of a great attention. Nanocomposites, in a large variety of morphologies and distinct compositions are already on the market. In this context, the construction of novel porous nanocomposites, exhibiting hierarchical structures, will allow the development of innovative advanced materials with promising applications in many fields: catalysis, gas/liquid storage, gas purification, etc. The use of highly concentrated phase emulsions (HIPEs) as templates has been shown to be an effective route for the preparation of macroporous polymers. Specifically, the use of suitable surface-modified inorganic oxide nanoparticles as emulsions stabilizers (so called Pickering emulsions) provide an alternative approach to the classical surfactant-based systems, to obtain such hybrid organic-inorganic nanocomposite porous materials. Thanks to the ability of finely-divided solids to adsorb spontaneously at liquid-liquid interfaces, any functionality coming from the nanoparticles can be imparted to the materials, in a single-step preparation method. It has been described that, the resulting macroporous nanocomposites, obtained in Pickering highly concentrated emulsions, typically exhibit closed-cell structures and rather large pore sizes. These drawbacks are frequently overcome by combining simultaneously surfactants and particles. Nevertheless, there is a lack of systematic study on how the interactions between these two emulsifiers influence the final physicochemical properties of the materials obtained. For instance, contrary to what is often expected, the addition of particles to a surfactant-stabilized emulsion or inversely, the addition of surfactant to a particle-stabilized emulsion can negatively influence its stability, rather than enhance it. The main objective of this research work was to investigate the formation of polymeric macroporous nanocomposites with embedded functional nanoparticles, using W/O highly concentrated emulsions as templates. For this purpose, two kinds of nanoparticles with interesting functionalities have been used: - Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles - Titanium dioxide photocatalytic nanoparticles Styrene and the crosslinker divinylbenzene are used in the emulsion continuous phase, as a model monomer system. The emulsions are processed into macroporous materials by free-radical polymerization of such a continuous phase. In all cases, nanoparticles are included in the systems, and three different types of emulsions are studied using different approaches: (a) HIPEs stabilized with surfactants and prepared by the phase inversion method, containing nanoparticles inside the continuous phase. (b) HIPEs stabilized with nanoparticles, in absence of surfactant and prepared by the drop-wise addition method. The use of Pickering emulsions to obtain nanocomposite materials constitutes a very novel approach, recently first described. (c) HIPEs stabilized primary with nanoparticles with increasing amounts of surfactant molecules, prepared by the drop-wise addition method. In this work, special emphasis has been given to the study of the individual contribution of either nanoparticles or surfactants on the (in)stability of the resultant highly concentrated emulsions. Moreover, the precise role that each emulsifier plays, focusing on their interactions and the related emulsion stabilization mechanisms, has been investigated. In addition, we have study the arrangement of the nanoparticles in the resulting porous nanocomposites, with respect to several parameters such as particle size or surfactant concentration. Likewise, the main physical properties of the materials, such as macroporous structure, porosity, permeability or mechanical strength, have been compared. Finally, the magnetic properties and photocatalytic activity of the nanocomposite materials, which contained iron oxide and titanium dioxide nanoparticles, respectively, have been characterized. / La preparación de materiales constituidos por una matriz polimérica que contiene algún tipo de elemento inorgánico, como nanopartículas o nanotubos, ha generado durante los últimos años un enorme interés científico. Generalmente, estos materiales se denominan nanocompuestos. Actualmente, existen productos en el mercado en forma de sensores ópticos o productos en fase de desarrollo comercial, como poliolefinas reforzadas con arcilla en la industria automovilística. Uno de los campos de mayor actividad es la fabricación de materiales porosos avanzados, con aplicaciones en campos tan variados como el de membranas, purificación de gases o almacenamiento de líquidos/gases. Este trabajo de tesis tiene como objetivo principal el de obtener nanocomposites macroporosos con nanopartículas incorporadas, utilizando emulsiones altamente concentradas como plantilla. Para ello se han empleado emulsiones del tipo agua en aceite, estabilizadas tanto con tensioactivos como con nanopartículas (denominadas emulsiones de Pickering). La obtención de nanocompuestos macroporosos utilizando emulsiones de Pickering constituye un método novedoso descrito por primera vez recientemente. Con este propósito, se han utilizado dos tipos de nanopartículas funcionales: nanopartículas superparamagnéticas de óxido de hierro y nanopartículas fotocatalíticas de dióxido de titanio. Ambas han sido previamente funcionalizadas con ácido oleico para conferir hidrofobicidad a su superficie. Para obtener los materiales poliméricos, se ha llevado a cabo una polimerización entre el monómero estireno y el entrecruzante divinilbenceno en la fase externa de las emulsiones. De esta forma, se han obtenido materiales poliméricos porosos con nuevas funcionalidades magnéticas y fotocatalíticas. En primera instancia, se ha evaluado la interacción entre los dos emulsionantes empleados, nanopartículas y tensioactivos, y sus implicaciones en la estabilidad de las emulsiones altamente concentradas iniciales. Además, se ha estudiado la distribución de las nanopartículas en los materiales macroporosos obtenidos, en función de diversos parámetros como el tamaño o concentración de nanopartículas. Finalmente, se ha llevado a cabo una exhaustiva caracterización de las propiedades físicas de los materiales, tal como estructura macroporosa, porosidad, resistencia a la compresión o permeabilidad. También, se han estudiado las propiedades magnéticas y fotocatalíticas de los nanocompuestos, que contienen nanopartículas de óxido de hierro y de dióxido de titanio, respectivamente.

Optimització i modelització de processos avançats de digestió anaeròbia

Astals Garcia, Sergi 07 June 2013 (has links)
La codigestión anaeróbica es actualmente, como muestra el incremento de publicaciones, el tema más relevante en el campo de la digestión anaeróbica. La codigestión anaeróbica consiste en digerir dos o más sustratos de origen diferente, con el objetivo de compensar las carencias que los sustratos presentan cuando son digeridos individualmente. A pesar que la codigestión anaeróbica ha sido previamente estudiada, la mayoría de trabajos se han focalizado en la optimización del ratio carbono-nitrógeno o el porcentaje de cosustrato más que en analizar la influencia de la composición de la materia orgánica a digerir. Asimismo, existe poco conocimiento sobre los mecanismos sinérgicos que tienen lugar en un codigestor, aunque tales puede ser muy interesante para profundizar el conocimiento de la codigestión anaeróbica y, consecuentemente, hacer una mejor selección de los cosustratos y optimizar su dosis en el influente del digestor. Otro aspecto relevante en lo que se refiere a la viabilidad de la planta de codigestión es analizar cómo afecta la adición del cosustrato en el comportamiento del digestor y en la estabilidad del digerido. En esta tesis, la mono- y codigestión de residuos urbanos, agropecuarios e industriales ha sido estudiada con el objetivo de profundizar en el conocimiento de esta opción tecnológica, la cual permite mejorar la viabilidad económica de las plantas y, consecuentemente, fomentar su implantación. Dentro del campo de la codigestión anaeróbica, el presente trabajo hace énfasis en lo que refiere a las interacciones entre sustratos (sinergias y antagonismos), el efecto de la codigestión sobre la calidad del digerido y su modelización. La modelización de la codigestión se ha utilizado para estimar parámetros bioquímicos necesarios para el diseño y operación de estos digestores o para predecir el comportamiento del digestor. En los diferentes estudios de codigestión realizados: codigestión de residuos de matadero, codigestión de lodos de depuradora y glicerina, y codigestión de purín de cerdo y glicerina se ha podido quantificar que la codigestión de residuos es una opción tecnológica que permite incrementar la producción, mejorar la cinética de degradación y mitigar la inhibición de los microorganismos. Aunque el grado de mejora y los mecanismos que tienen lugar dependen de las propiedades susbtrato y cosustrato. / Anaerobic co-digestion consists of the anaerobic digestion of a mixture of two or more substrates with complementary characteristics; so that, the methane production is enhanced. The improvement is mainly a consequence of the increase of the organic loading rate; however, when possible, it is important to choose the best co-substrate and blend ration with the aim of favoring positive interactions. Today, there is very little knowledge about interactions between substrates that may enhance or attenuate inhibition, rate, or potential. Moreover, little attention has been paid to the digestate quality, although both biogas and digestate have to be managed in appropriate ways in order to make anaerobic digestion plants sustainable in the long term. In this thesis, several anaerobic mono- and co-digestion studies have been carried out to improve the knowledge about the interaction between wastes and to analyse the effect on the digestate quality after the addition of a co-substrate. Initially, the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge was evaluated in order to develop a methodology which could enable the obtention of parameters, coefficients and state variables for anaerobic digestion modeling, based on the Anaerobic Digestion Model No.1. The comparision between the simulation and the experimental results showed the consistency of the developed methodology, although an underestimation of the solubilisation rate was detected. Secondly, the interaction between substrates during anaerobic co-digestion were evaluated and modeled. Pure substrates (cellulose, casein and olive oil) and slaughterhouse waste (paunch, blood and dissolved air flotation fat) were used to study the role of carbohydrates, protein and lipids in the co-digestion behaviour. It was concluded that mixing substrates lead to an improvement in kinetics for all mixtures, although the ultimate methane potencial is generally not affected. Next, co-digestion of sewage sludge or pig manure and glycerol was evaluated with the aim of identifying synergism and inhibitory mechanisms when glycerol is used as co-substrate. The results showed that glycerol is an ideal co-substrate for sludge and manure digestion, being overloading the main risk of process failure. Finally, pig manure and glycerol were co-digested at mesophilic and thermophilic conditions in a continuous reactor. The improvement of the biogas production in both cases was related with the increase of the digester organic loading rate, the balance of the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio and the reduction of the free ammonia concentration. The comparison between both digestates indicated that a lower stability is expected at thermophilic than at mesophilic conditions because of the higher accumulation of intermediate compounds in the digester medium. However, the thermophilic digestate was likely to fulfil the requirements of the European hygienisation legislation for unrestricted agricultural use.

Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de viabilidad e idoneidad en el uso de nanocompuestos para piezas plásticas de automoción

Carod de Arriba, Xavier 22 December 2015 (has links)
Nanotechnology and specially nanomaterials, offer a range of opportunities for the automotive industry. The improvement of physical and chemical properties or the development of new functionalities in the vehicle has driven a growing interest in the application of these new technologies. In this new paradigm, lack of information and regulation, and the uncertainty associated with certain aspects of nanotechnology, including their impact on health and the environment, make it difficult evaluate the technological alternatives to objectively. However it is necessary to evaluate not only the viability, but also the suitability of the application of nanocomposites in cars, given the large volume of the sector's market. This research is focused in the application of nanocomposites for the production of large plastic parts of the vehicle, in order to obtain compounds with lower density maintaining or improving the mechanical performance by reducing its weight. On one hand, the feasibility study is approached from an experimental point of view through the characterization and production of real parts, while simultaneously, on the other hand, a helpful tool for decision making which evaluates the application of nanotechnology alternatives is proposed. As experimental case study, a modified polypropylene compound with embedded inorganic nanofibers is analysed. Impact properties and scratch resistance are characterized, but also the study of durability of this new compound is conducted with special emphasis. Its application is technically feasible but not economically in all cases studied. Extrapolating from experimental case, the called "Multi‐Criteria Value Analysis" tool is developed. It bases on existing multi‐criteria methods for defining and structuring the appropriate functional, environmental and economic criteria for assessing alternatives in the application of compounds and polymeric nanocomposites in interior vehicle parts / La nanotecnologia i en particular els nanomaterials, ofereixen un ventall de noves oportunitats per a l'automoció. La millora de les propietats fisicoquímiques o el desenvolupament de noves funcionalitats dels materials al vehicle han impulsat un interès creixent en l'aplicació d'aquestes tecnologies en el sector. En aquest nou paradigma, la manca d'informació i regulació, i la incertesa associada a certs aspectes de la nanotecnologia, com els seus efectes en la salut i el medi ambient, fan que sigui difícil l'avaluació objectiva d'alternatives tecnològiques. No obstant això és necessari poder avaluar, no solament la viabilitat, sinó també la idoneïtat de l'aplicació de nanocompostos en quantitats significatives, donat el gran volum de mercat que presenta el sector. En la present investigació s'analitza l'aplicació de nanocompostos per a la producció de grans peces plàstiques del vehicle, amb l'objectiu d'aconseguir compostos amb menor densitat que mantinguin o millorin les prestacions mecàniques reduint el seu pes. D'una banda s'aborda l'estudi de viabilitat des d'un punt de vista experimental mitjançant la caracterització i la producció de peces reals, mentre paral∙lelament es proposa una eina d'ajuda per a la presa de decisió que permet valorar l'aplicació d'alternatives nanotecnològiques. Com a cas d'estudi experimental s’agafa un compost de polipropilè modificat que incorpora unes nanofibres inorgàniques al seu interior. S'estudien detalladament les propietats a impacte i resistència al ratllat i posant especial èmfasi en l'estudi de durabilitat d'aquest nou compost. La seva aplicació resulta viable tècnicament, però econòmicament no és favorable en tots els casos estudiats. Extrapolant a partir del cas experimental, es desenvolupa l'eina "Anàlisi de Valor Multicriteri", que es basa en mètodes multicriteri ja existents per definir i estructurar els criteris funcionals, ambientals i econòmics a valorar en la selecció de compostos i nanocompostos polimèrics per a peces de l’interior del vehicle. / La nanotecnología y en particular los nanomateriales, ofrecen un abanico de oportunidades para la automoción. La mejora de las propiedades físico químicas o el desarrollo de nuevas funcionalidades de los materiales en el vehículo han impulsado un interés creciente en la aplicación de estas nuevas tecnologías en el sector. En este nuevo paradigma, la falta de información y regulación, y la incertidumbre asociada a ciertos aspectos de la nanotecnología, como sus efectos en la salud y el medio ambiente, hacen que sea difícil la evaluación objetiva de alternativas tecnológicas. No obstante es necesario poder evaluar, no solamente la viabilidad, sino también la idoneidad de la aplicación de nanocompuestos en cantidades significativas, dado el gran volumen de mercado que presenta el sector. En la presente investigación se analiza la aplicación de nanocompuestos para la producción de grandes piezas plásticas del vehículo, con el objetivo de conseguir compuestos con menor densidad que mantengan o mejoren las prestaciones mecánicas reduciendo su peso. Por un lado se aborda el estudio de viabilidad desde un punto de vista experimental mediante la caracterización y la producción de piezas reales, mientras paralelamente se propone una herramienta de ayuda para la toma de decisión que permite valorar la aplicación de alternativas nanotecnológicas. Como caso de estudio experimental se toma un compuesto de polipropileno modificado que incorpora unas nanofibras inorgánicas en su interior. Se estudian detalladamente las propiedades a impacto y resistencia al rayado y poniendo especial énfasis en el estudio de durabilidad de este nuevo compuesto. Su aplicación resulta viable técnicamente, pero económicamente no es favorable en todos los casos estudiados. Extrapolando a partir del caso experimental, se desarrolla la herramienta “Análisis de Valor Multicriterio”, que se basa en métodos multicriterio ya existentes para definir y estructurar los criterios funcionales, ambientales y económicos a valorar en la selección de compuestos y nanocompuestos poliméricos para piezas del interior del vehículo

Substitution of conventional pre-treatment units by membrane based processes in drinking water treatment

Ferrer Mallén, Olga 22 December 2015 (has links)
This thesis focused on the feasibility of substituting, partially or totally, drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) conventional pre-treatment by membrane based units, in particular by ultrafiltration (UF). For such purpose, bench and pilot scale tests with natural water were conducted, first, to address the technical feasibility and, second, to optimize its performance in order to determine whereas the proposed scheme was competitive from hydraulic and quality perspectives with the current conventional pre-treatment. Moreover, tailored microbes based tests were defined to assess its proper functioning and reliability, and additional advantages related to direct UF besides those purely related to the pre-treatment unit were investigated. The case study selected was Sant Joan Despí DWTP (Barcelona, Spain) due to its particularities: it treats Llobregat River water, which is a highly variable water resource in terms of quality and quantity, and it is a complex multistage system. As a result, this study covered a wide range of conditions and the technology under consideration could be pushed to its limits. Results showed that direct UF of raw river water was a competitive alternative to dioxichlorination, coagulation/flocculation, settling and sand filtration. The pilot plant was able to continuously treat raw river water during 2 years, independently of its quality (e.g. turbidity > 1,000 NTU), delivering water of high and stable quality, both physico-chemically and microbiologically. In terms of pre-treated water quality, most of the physico-chemical parameters monitored presented lower values and variability in the direct UF scheme than in the conventional pre-treatment process. From a microbiological perspective, the direct UF scheme tested ensured an average removal of > 5 log10 units of bacteria and viruses greater than 60 nm. The highest water yields achieved ranged between 94.0%-94.7% in optimal conditions, involving 1 or 2 chemically enhanced backwashes (CEBs) per day, transmembrane pressure (TMP) below 1 bar, filtration fluxes of 40¿70 L/(m2¿h) and low reagents consumption. When a micro-coagulation previous to the UF was applied, the increase of the hydraulic resistance during filtration was decreased and stabilized, especially in winter, the hydraulic cleaning efficiency raised and the CEB frequency diminished. Since fouling indicators (SDI15 and MFI0.45) of the direct UF permeate were lower than those associated to the conventional pre-treatment, the subsequent reverse osmosis (RO) unit would require less chemical cleanings and thus, its lifetime would be extended. In addition to this, besides the economic savings associated to the significant reduction of reagents dosed within the direct UF scheme (chemical disinfectants and coagulants mainly), a minimization of risk of RO membrane degradation was demonstrated. Studies concerning the effects on physico-chemical and transport properties of RO membranes exposed to chemicals used within the conventional pre-treatment scheme but avoided in the direct UF treatment were also undertaken. An advanced characterisation of the exposed membranes enabled understanding the RO membranes performance changes with its composition and structure modification. The implementation of direct UF would imply the pre-treatment being a single membrane filtration step. This has advantages in terms of process complexity, space requirements, as well as avoidance of chemical based disinfectants dosage. Nevertheless, the preservation of its separating properties along time is of utmost importance, especially from a microbiological standpoint. Consequently, microbes based tailored tests aiming at assessing membrane integrity were defined and conducted periodically, to determine the removal capacity reliability of the pre-treatment scheme proposed in this thesis. Results showed that membrane integrity had not been compromised despite the challenging conditions that direct UF posed. / Aquesta tesis s'ha centrat en l'estudi de la substitució, total o parcial, de l'etapa de pre-tractament d'estacions de tractament d'aigua potable (ETAPs) per processos de membrana, en particular per ultrafiltració (UF). Per a tal fi, es van realitzar experiments a nivell laboratori i pilot per, en primer lloc, avaluar la seva viabilitat tècnica, i en segon, optimitzar el seu funcionament per determinar així si l'esquema de tractament proposat era competitiu des d'un punt de vista hidràulic i de qualitat amb el pre-tractament convencional actual. A més, es van definir assajos per assegurar el seu correcte funcionament i fiabilitat, i es van identificar avantatges addicionals a les purament associades a l'etapa de pre-tractament. El cas d'estudi seleccionat va ser l'ETAP de Sant Joan Despí (Barcelona) degut a les seves particularitats: tracta aigua del riu Llobregat, que és un recurs altament variable en termes de qualitat i quantitat, i és un sistema multi-etapa complex. En conseqüència aquest estudi va cobrir un ampli rang de condicions i va permetre portar la tecnologia en qüestió a condicions límit. Els resultats vam mostrar que la UF directa d'aigua crua de riu és capaç de substituir, i resulta competitiva, amb la dioxicloració, coagulació/floculació, decantació i filtració per sorra. La planta pilot va ser capaç de tractar contínuament aigua crua durant 2 anys, independentment de la seva qualitat (ex. terbolesa d'entrada > 1000 NTU), produint aigua de qualitat alta i estable, tant fisicoquímicament com microbiològicament. La majoria dels paràmetres fisicoquímics avaluats van presentar valors inferiors i amb menor variabilitat en l'esquema d'UF directa que en el pre-tractament convencional. Des d'una perspectiva microbiològica, l'esquema d'UF directa avaluat va assegurar una eliminació > 5 log10 unitats de bactèries i virus de tamany superior a 60 nm. El rendiment hídric va oscil.lar entre 94.0-94.7% en condicions òptimes, requerint 1 o 2 contra rentats químics al dia, una pressió transmembrana per sota d'1 bar, fluxos de filtració entre 40-70 L/(m2.h) i un baix consum de reactius químics. En aplicar una micro-coagulació prèvia a la UF, l'increment de la resistència hidràulica durant la filtració va disminuir i es va estabilitzar, l'eficiència del contra rentat va augmentar, i la freqüència dels contra rentats químics va davallar. Degut a que els indicadors d'embrutiment (SDI15 i MFI0.45) del permeat d'UF directa van resultar inferiors als del pretractament convencional, és d'esperar que la unitat següent d'osmosis inversa (OI) precisi menys neteges químiques i per tant, la seva vida útil es prolongui. Addicionalment, a part de l'estalvi econòmic associat a la reducció significativa de reactius dosificats en l'esquema l'UF directa (desinfectants químics i coagulants principalment), es va demostrar una disminució del risc de degradació de les membranes d'OI. Es van dur a terme estudis avaluant els efectes de l'exposició de certs químics (dosificats en el pre-tractament convencional però no en l'UF directa) en les propietats fisicoquímiques i de transport de membranes d'OI. Una caracterització avançada va permetre relacionar els canvis de funcionament de les membranes d'OI amb els seus canvis de composició i d'estructura. La implementació de la UF directa implica que el pre-tractament consisteixi únicament en una etapa de filtració. Això suposa avantatges en termes de complexitat del procés, requeriments d'espai així com d'evitar l'ús de desinfectats químics. Tanmateix, la preservació de les seves propietats de separació al llarg del temps és de gran importància, sobretot des d'un punt de vista microbiològic. En conseqüència, es van definir i dur a terme periòdicament assajos en base a microorganismes per avaluar la integritat de la membrana d'UF directa. Els resultats van indicar que la integritat de la membrana d'UF s'havia preservat durant els 2 anys d'estudi, malgrat les condicions severes que la UF directa va suposar

Investigation of the antioxidant properties of five aromatic plants in model food systems

Azman, Nurul Aini Binti Mohd 22 December 2015 (has links)
In this PhD it has been analyzed the antioxidant activity of five plants: Camelia sinensis, Gentian lutea, Betula pendula, Convolvulus arvensis and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. An Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance has been tuned up to determine the antiradical activity of white tea against the methoxy radical using ferulic acid as a standard. It has been proven that the components with more antiradical activity, against the methoxy radical, are the ones with the gallate group, EGCG and ECG. Active ingredients of the Gentian root have been obtained with hydroalcoholic extraction and their antioxidant activity has been demonstrated in both in vitro methods and food models. The antiradical activity of such extracts was determined by FRAP, DPPH, TEAC and ORAC assays. The lyophilized extract, added to the ecological beef meat in a proportion of 2% (by mass), inhibited the meat oxidation (measured by TBARS assay) in high oxygen content atmospheres (80% in volume) as well as in low oxygen content ones (20% in volume). The simultaneous addition of ascorbic acid (0.5% by mass) resulted in significant improvements in color and stability. The lyophilized extract (0.5% by mass) also inhibited oxidation in model systems, oil-in-water emulsions, stored in forced oxidation conditions and constant agitation. The protein BSA addition (0.1% by mass) showed synergic effect and increased the emulsion stability against oxidation. HPLC quantitative analysis found that gentian contained secoiridoid-glycosides (gentiopiocroside and sweroside) and the post-column addition of ABTS cationic radical demonstrated the scavenging activity of each of its compounds. For Convolvulus and Betula, the effect of the solvent polarity in the total polyphenol extraction (by the Folin Ciocalteau assay) was determined. The 50% ethanol extract was the best performer. The scavenging activity of the Convolvulus extract was analyzed by TEAC, FRAP and ORAC assays and against methoxy radical (by EPR). Furthermore, lyophilized extract was added to minced meat hamburgers in different proportions (0.1 and 0.3% by mass). They were stored in a modified atmosphere (80% of O2 and 20% of CO2). Lastly, an edible gelatin film, with Convolvulus extract, was designed. All the assays showed capacity to protect the hamburgers against oxidation. The antiradical activity of the Betula extract was also determined by TEAC, ORAC and FRAP assays and against methoxy radical (by EPR). Some of its phenolic acids were identified by HPLC. Hamburgers, with a proportion of 0.1% and 0.3% by mass of the lyophilized extract, were made and stored under refrigeration (4ºC) and in a modified atmosphere (80% of O2 and 20% of CO2). Colour and percentage of metmyoglobin changes were analyzed as well as the oxidation degree (by TBARS assay). Both percentages provided significant improvements in all the studied parameters. The last part of this thesis was focused in the study of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. The scavenging activity against ABTS+ and methoxy radical was determined (by EPR). A percentage of 0.1% by mass of the lyophilized extract was added to oil-in-water emulsions. Oxidation was measured by VP and TBARS. There was a significant delay in oxidation. Extract was incorporated to edible gelatin films with 0.1% by mass. If such a film protects the hamburger, its life is increased. In conclusion, all five plants presented in this study have antioxidant activity (in the used proportions) that made them suitable to formulate new foods, more stable over time against oxidation without using the controversial synthetic antioxidants. Moreover, they will be able to provide additional advantages (incorporating natural antioxidants), which would provide functional foods. / Se ha analizado la actividad antioxidante de cinco plantas: Camelia sinensis, Gentian lutea, Betula pendula, Convolvulus arvensis y Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. Se ha puesto a punto, con el té blanco, la Resonancia Paramagnética Electrónica (EPR) para determinar la actividad antiradicalaria frente al radical metoxi, usando como patrón el ácido ferúlico. Se ha demostrado que los componentes del té con más actividad antiradicalaria, frente a los radicales metoxi, son los que tienen el grupo galato, EGCG y ECG. Se han obtenido, por extracción hidroalcohólica, los principios activos de la raíz de genciana y se ha demostrado su actividad antioxidante tanto en métodos in vitro como en modelos de alimentos. La actividad antiradicalaria de dichos extractos se determinó por FRAP, DPPH, TEAC y ORAC. El liofilizado del extracto, añadido a la carne de ternera ecológica en proporción 0,2 % (en masa), inhibió la oxidación de la carne (medida por TBARs), tanto en atmósferas de alto contenido en oxígeno (80% en volumen) como de bajo contenido (20% en volumen). La adición simultánea de ácido ascórbico (0,5% en masa) produjo mejoras significativas en el color y en la estabilidad. El extracto liofilizado (0,5 % en masa) también inhibió la oxidación en sistemas modelo, emulsiones de aceite en agua, almacenadas en condiciones de oxidación forzada y con agitación constante. La adición de la proteína BSA (0,1 % en masa) mostró efecto sinérgico y aumento la estabilidad de la emulsión frente a la oxidación. El análisis cuantitativo mediante HPLC mostró que la genciana contenía glucósidos secoiridoides (gentiopiocrosido y swerosido) y la adición post-columna del radical catiónico ABTS, demostró la actividad antiradicalaria de cada uno de sus compuestos. Para Convulvuvus y Betula se determinó el efecto de la polaridad del disolvente en la extracción de los polifenoles totales (por el método de Folin Ciocalteau). El extracto de etanol al 50% fue el que obtuvo mejores resultados. Se analizó la actividad antiradicalaria del extracto de Convulvuvus mediante el TEAC, el FRAP, el ORAC y frente al radical metoxi (por EPR). Además se añadió el extracto liofilizado a hamburguesas de carne picada en diferentes proporciones (0,1 y 0,3 % en masa). Se almacenó en atmósfera modificada (80% de O2 y 20% de CO2). Finalmente se diseñó un film comestible de gelatina con el extracto de Convulvuvus. Todos los ensayos mostraron capacidad de proteger las hamburguesas frente a la oxidación. Se determinó la actividad antiradicalaria del extracto de Betula por TEAC, ORAC, FRAP y frente al radical metoxi (por EPR). Se identificaron por HPLC algunos de sus ácidos fenólicos. Se hicieron hamburguesas con una proporción de 0,1% y 0,3%, en masa, del extracto liofilizado y se almacenaron en refrigeración (4ºC) y en atmósfera modificada (80% O2 y 20% CO2). Se analizó el cambio de color y el cambio en el porcentaje de metamioglobina, así como el grado de oxidación (a través del TBARs). Los dos porcentajes proporcionaron mejoras significativas en todos los parámetros estudiados. La última parte de esta tesis se centró en el estudio de la Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. Se determinó la actividad antiradicalaria frente al ABTS·+ y frente al radical metoxi (por EPR). Se añadió a emulsiones de aceite en agua un porcentaje de 0,1 % en masa del extracto liofilizado. Se midió la oxidación por VP y TBARs. Se produjo un retraso significativo en la oxidación. Se incorporó extracto a films comestibles de gelatina con 0,1 % en masa. Si dicho film protege la hamburguesa, aumenta su vida útil. En conclusión, las 5 plantas presentadas en este estudio tienen una actividad antioxidante (en las proporciones utilizadas) que las hace aptas para formular nuevos alimentos, más estables en el tiempo frente a la oxidación sin el uso de los controvertidos antioxidantes sintéticos. Además podrán proporcionar ventajas adicionales (incorporación de antioxidantes naturales), lo que permitiría obtener alimentos funcionales.

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