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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling larval connectivity among coral habitats, Acropora palmata populations, and marine protected areas in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

Higham, Christopher John 01 June 2007 (has links)
The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) encompasses North America's only living coral barrier reef and the third longest barrier reef in the world, making it a unique national treasure of international notoriety (FKNMS, 2005). Recent evidence of environmental decline within the sanctuary has created a sense of urgency to understand and protect the valuable resources within. This thesis contributed to the understanding of habitat connectivity to aid managers and decision makers in the creation of additional Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the FKNMS to help prevent further environmental decline. This research specifically focused on modeling larval transport and larval connectivity among Acropora palmata (Lamarck, 1816) populations, coral habitats and MPAs in the upper and middle FKNMS. The transport of larvae in relation to ocean currents is a very limited area of research, and the analytic modeling results may serve as powerful guides to decisions about the relative importance of individual coral habitats and MPAs in the study area.Larval transport was modeled with ArcGIS and TauDEM using SoFLA-HYCOM simulated ocean currents during the A. palmata spawning season. This model allowed for the assessment of coral habitat and A. palmata population larval connectivity. The dependence of three distant A. palmata test populations on other upstream coral habitats and A. palmata populations significantly differed (Kruskal-Wallis test, P less than 0.0001). The clonally diverse Sand Island Reef A. palmata population's larval connectivity was significantly higher compared to other distant monoclonal populations (Mann-Whitney test, P less than 0.0001). Compared to the clonal structure of each test population determined by Baums, Miller, and Hellberg (2006), results indicated simulated larval connectivity may be a determinant of A. palmata population clonal diversity.By modeling MPA and coral habitat connectivity, this study also identified unprotected and distant coral habitat areas with the greatest downstream influence on MPAs; these may serve as potential coral larvae sources. It is recommended that establishing these areas as no-take MPAs would improve overall coral habitat and MPA network connectivity.

Sensor Fusion and Control Applied to Industrial Manipulators

Axelsson, Patrik January 2014 (has links)
One of the main tasks for an industrial robot is to move the end-effector in a predefined path with a specified velocity and acceleration. Different applications have different requirements of the performance. For some applications it is essential that the tracking error is extremely small, whereas other applications require a time optimal tracking. Independent of the application, the controller is a crucial part of the robot system. The most common controller configuration uses only measurements of the motor angular positions and velocities, instead of the position and velocity of the end-effector. The development of new cost optimised robots has introduced unwanted flexibilities in the joints and the links. The consequence is that it is no longer possible to get the desired performance and robustness by only measuring the motor angular positions.  This thesis investigates if it is possible to estimate the end-effector position using Bayesian estimation methods for state estimation, here represented by the extended Kalman filter and the particle filter. The arm-side information is provided by an accelerometer mounted at the end-effector. The measurements consist of the motor angular positions and the acceleration of the end-effector. In a simulation study on a realistic flexible industrial robot, the angular position performance is shown to be close to the fundamental Cramér-Rao lower bound. The methods are also verified in experiments on an ABB IRB4600 robot, where the dynamic performance of the position for the end-effector is significantly improved. There is no significant difference in performance between the different methods. Instead, execution time, model complexities and implementation issues have to be considered when choosing the method. The estimation performance depends strongly on the tuning of the filters and the accuracy of the models that are used. Therefore, a method for estimating the process noise covariance matrix is proposed. Moreover, sampling methods are analysed and a low-complexity analytical solution for the continuous-time update in the Kalman filter, that does not involve oversampling, is proposed.  The thesis also investigates two types of control problems. First, the norm-optimal iterative learning control (ILC) algorithm for linear systems is extended to an estimation-based norm-optimal ILC algorithm where the controlled variables are not directly available as measurements. The algorithm can also be applied to non-linear systems. The objective function in the optimisation problem is modified to incorporate not only the mean value of the estimated variable, but also information about the uncertainty of the estimate. Second, H∞ controllers are designed and analysed on a linear four-mass flexible joint model. It is shown that the control performance can be increased, without adding new measurements, compared to previous controllers. Measuring the end-effector acceleration increases the control performance even more. A non-linear model has to be used to describe the behaviour of a real flexible joint. An H∞-synthesis method for control of a flexible joint, with non-linear spring characteristic, is therefore proposed. / En av de viktigaste uppgifterna för en industrirobot är att förflytta verktyget i en fördefinierad bana med en specificerad hastighet och acceleration. Exempel på användningsområden för en industrirobot är bland annat bågsvetsning eller limning. För dessa typer av applikationer är det viktigt att banföljningsfelet är extremt litet, men även hastighetsprofilen måste följas så att det till exempel inte appliceras för mycket eller för lite lim. Andra användningsområden kan vara punktsvetsning av bilkarosser och paketering av olika varor. För dess applikationer är banföljningen inte det viktiga, istället kan till exempel en tidsoptimal banföljning krävas eller att svängningarna vid en inbromsning minimeras. Oberoende av applikationen är regulatorn en avgörande del av robotsystemet. Den vanligaste regulatorkonfigurationen använder bara mätningar av motorernas vinkelpositioner och -hastigheter, istället för positionen och hastigheten för verktyget, som är det man egentligen vill styra.  En del av utvecklingsarbetet för nya generationers robotar är att reducera kostnaden men samtidigt förbättra prestandan. Ett sätt att minska kostnaden kan till exempel vara att minska dimensionerna på länkarna eller köpa in billigare växellådor. Den här utvecklingen av kostnadsoptimerade robotar har infört oönskade flexibiliteter i leder och länkar. Det är därför inte längre möjligt att få den önskade prestandan och robustheten genom att bara mäta motorernas vinkelpositioner och -hastigheter. Istället krävs det omfattande matematiska modeller som beskriver dessa oönskade flexibiliteter. Dessa modeller kräver mycket arbete att dels ta fram men även för att identifiera parametrarna. Det finns automatiska metoder för att beräkna modellparametrarna men oftast krävs det en manuell justering för att få bra prestanda.  Den här avhandlingen undersöker möjligheterna att beräkna verktygspositionen med hjälp av bayesianska metoder för tillståndsskattning. De bayesianska skattningsmetoderna beräknar tillstånden för ett system iterativt. Med hjälp av en matematisk modell över systemet predikteras vad tillståndet ska vara vid nästa tidpunkt. Efter att mätningar av systemet vid den nya tidpunkten har genomförts justeras skattningen med hjälp av dessa mätningar. De metoder som har använts i avhandlingen är det så kallade extended Kalman filtret samt partikelfiltret.  Informationen på armsidan av växellådan ges av en accelerometer som är monterad på verktyget. Med hjälp av accelerationen för verktyget och motorernas vinkelpositioner kan en skattning av verktygspositionen beräknas. I en simuleringsstudie för en realistisk vek robot har det visats att skattningsprestandan ligger nära den teoretiska undre gränsen, känd som Raooch mätstörningar som påverkar roboten. För att underlätta trimningen så har en metod för att skatta processbrusets kovariansmatris föreslagits. En annan viktig del som påverkar prestandan är modellerna som används i filtren. Modellerna för en industrirobot är vanligtvis framtagna i kontinuerlig tid medan filtren använder modeller i diskret tid. För att minska felen som uppkommer då de tidskontinuerliga modellerna överförs till diskret tid har olika samplingsmetoder studerats. Vanligtvis används enkla metoder för att diskretisera vilket innebär problem med prestanda och stabilitet. För att hantera dessa problem införs översampling vilket innebär att tidsuppdateringen sker med en mycket kortare sampeltid än vad mätuppdateringen gör. För att undvika översampling kan det motsvarande tidskontinuerliga filtret användas för att prediktera tillstånden vid nästa diskreta tidpunkt. En analytisk lösning med låg beräkningskomplexitet till detta problem har föreslagits.  Vidare innehåller avhandlingen två typer av reglerproblem relaterade till industrirobotar. För det första har den så kallade norm-optimala iterative learning control styrlagen utökats till att hantera fallet då en skattning av den önskade reglerstorheten används istället för en mätning. Med hjälp av skattningen av systemets tillståndsvektor kan metoden nu även användas till olinjära system vilket inte är fallet med standardformuleringen. Den föreslagna metoden utökar målfunktionen i optimeringsproblemet till att innehålla inte bara väntevärdet av den skattade reglerstorheten utan även skattningsfelets kovariansmatris. Det innebär att om skattningsfelet är stort vid en viss tidpunkt ska den skattade reglerstorheten vid den tidpunkten inte påverka resultatet mycket eftersom det finns en stor osäkerhet i var den sanna reglerstorheten befinner sig.  För det andra har design och analys av H∞-regulatorer för en linjär modell av en vek robotled, som beskrivs med fyra massor, genomförts. Det visar sig att reglerprestandan kan förbättras, utan att lägga till fler mätningar än motorns vinkelposition, jämfört med tidigare utvärderade regulatorer. Genom att mäta verktygets acceleration kan prestandan förbättras ännu mer. Modellen över leden är i själva verket olinjär. För att hantera detta har en H∞-syntesmetod föreslagits som kan hantera olinjäriteten i modellen. / Vinnova Excellence Center LINK-SIC

Die problematiek van die begrip oneindigheid in wiskundeonderrig en die manifestasie daarvan in irrasionale getalle, fraktale en die werk van Escher

Mathlener, Rinette 25 August 2009 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / A study of the philosophical and historical foundations of infinity highlights the problematic development of infinity. Aristotle distinguished between potential and actual infinity, but rejected the latter. Indeed, the interpretation of actual infinity leads to contradictions as seen in the paradoxes of Zeno. It is difficult for a human being to understand actual infinity. Our logical schemes are adapted to finite objects and events. Research shows that students focus primarily on infinity as a dynamic or neverending process. Individuals may have contradictory intuitive thoughts at different times without being aware of cognitive conflict. The intuitive thoughts of students about both the actual (at once) infinite and potential (successive) infinity are very complex. The problematic nature of actual infinity and the contradictory intuitive cognition should be the starting point in the teaching of the concept infinity. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Mathematic Education)

Géométrie à l'infini de certaines variétés riemanniennes non-compactes / Geometry at infinity of some noncompact Riemannian manifolds

Deruelle, Alix 23 November 2012 (has links)
On s'intéresse à la géométrie globale et asymptotique de certaines variétés riemanniennes non compactes. Dans une première partie, on étudie la topologie et la géométrie à l'infini des variétés riemanniennes à courbure (de Ricci) positive ayant un rapport asymptotique de courbure fini. On caractérise le cas non effondré via la notion de cône asymptotique et on donne des conditions suffisantes sur le groupe fondamental pour garantir un non effondrement. La seconde partie est dédiée à l'étude des solutions de Type III du flot de Ricci à courbure positive et aux solitons gradients de Ricci expansifs (points fixes de Type III) présentant une décroissance quadratique de la courbure. On montre l'existence et l'unicité des cônes asymptotiques de tels points fixes. On donne également des conditions suffisantes de nature algébrique et géométrique pour garantir une géométrie de révolution de tels solitons. Dans une troisième partie, on caractérise la géométrie des solitons gradients de Ricci stables à courbure positive et à croissance volumique linéaire. Puis, on s'intéresse au non effondrement des variétés riemanniennes de dimension trois à courbure de Ricci positive ayant un rapport asymptotique de courbure fini. / We study the global and asymptotic geometry of non-compact Riemannian manifolds. First, we study the topology and geometry at infinity of Riemannian manifolds with nonnegative (Ricci) curvature and finite asymptotic curvature ratio. We focus on the non-collapsed case with the help of asymptotic cones and we give sufficient conditions on the fundamental group to guarantee non-collapsing. The second part is dedicated to the study of (non-negatively curved) Type III Ricci flow solutions. We mainly analyze the asymptotic geometry of Type III self-similar solutions (expanding gradient Ricci soliton) with finite asymptotic curvature ratio. We prove the existence and uniqueness of their asymptotic cones. We also give algebraic and geometric sufficient conditions to guarantee rotational symmetry of such metrics. In the last part, we characterize the geometry of steady gradient Ricci solitons with nonnegative sectional curvature and linear volume growth. Finally, we study the non-collapsing of three dimensional Riemannian manifold with nonnegative Ricci curvature and finite asymptotic curvature ratio.

Modeling with Sketchpad to enrich students' concept image of the derivative in introductory calculus : developing domain specific understanding

Ndlovu, Mdutshekelwa 02 1900 (has links)
It was the purpose of this design study to explore the Geometer’s Sketchpad dynamic mathematics software as a tool to model the derivative in introductory calculus in a manner that would foster a deeper conceptual understanding of the concept – developing domain specific understanding. Sketchpad’s transformation capabilities have been proved useful in the exploration of mathematical concepts by younger learners, college students and professors. The prospect of an open-ended exploration of mathematical concepts motivated the author to pursue the possibility of representing the concept of derivative in dynamic forms. Contemporary CAS studies have predominantly dwelt on static algebraic, graphical and numeric representations and the connections that students are expected to make between them. The dynamic features of Sketchpad and such like software, have not been elaborately examined in so far as they have the potential to bridge the gap between actions, processes and concepts on the one hand and between representations on the other. In this study Sketchpad model-eliciting activities were designed, piloted and revised before a final implementation phase with undergraduate non-math major science students enrolled for an introductory calculus course. Although most of these students had some pre-calculus and calculus background, their performance in the introductory course remained dismal and their grasp of the derivative slippery. The dual meaning of the derivative as the instantaneous rate of change and as the rate of change function was modeled in Sketchpad’s multiple representational capabilities. Six forms of representation were identified: static symbolic, static graphic, static numeric, dynamic graphic, dynamic numeric and occasionally dynamic symbolic. The activities enabled students to establish conceptual links between these representations. Students were able to switch systematically from one form of (foreground or background) representation to another leading to a unique qualitative understanding of the derivative as the invariant concept across the representations. Experimental students scored significantly higher in the posttest than in the pretest. However, in comparison with control group students the experimental students performed significantly better than control students in non-routine problems. A cyclical model of developing a deeper concept image of the derivative is therefore proposed in this study. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Education)

A geometria e o infinito

Ortiz, Miguel Albuquerque January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Márcio Fabiano da Silva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional, 2017. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar como a Geometria e o Infinito estão relacionados, tomando como ponto de partida e referência a História da Matemática. Apresentamos como os pitagóricos tiveram contato com este tema, o que na sequência culminou na conhecida "Crise dos Incomensuráveis", resultando no declínio e fim da escola pitagórica. Após esse período, na "Academia de Platão", com o matemático Eudoxo, a "Crise dos Incomensuráveis" foi solucionada. Eudoxo também forneceu apoio teórico, com o Método da Exaustão, para as descobertas de Arquimedes em relação ao cálculo da área do círculo. Primeiramente, apresentamos e discutimos o que é o Infinito, tratando de temas como o Infinito Real e o Infinito Potencial. Analisamos, com exemplos, os diferentes tipos de infinitos que existem, a partir de conjuntos infinitos e suas propriedades. Em seguida, passamos a explorar como Arquimedes conseguiu encontrar um algoritmo capaz de calcular, com uma excelente aproximação, a área do círculo, gerando, como consequência, um método eficiente para o cálculo do número p. Também mostramos como as médias geométricas e as médias harmônicas foram utilizadas na descoberta das relações entre as áreas e os perímetros dos polígonos regulares inscritos e circunscritos no círculo. Ao final, propomos atividades didáticas relacionadas com o tema dessa dissertação para professores e estudantes de Matemática do ensino básico. / This work aims to present how Geometry and Infinity are related. Taking as a its starting point and reference the History of Mathematics. We present how the Pythagoreans came into contact with this theme. What then has culminated in the era known as "The Crisis of the incommensurable". Resulting in the decline and end of the Pythagorean School. After this period, at the "Academy of Plato", with the mathematician Eudoxus, the "Crisis of the Incommensurable"was solved. Eudoxus, in addition, provided theoretical support, with the Exhaustion Method, for Archimedes¿ discoveries in relation to the calculation of the area of the circle. First, we introduce and discuss what the Infinite is. Dealing with themes such as the Real Infinity and the Infinite Potential. We analyze, with examples, the different types of infinities that exist, from infinite sets and their properties. Then we come to understand how Archimedes was able to find an algorithm capable of calculating, with an excellent approximation, the area of the circle. Generating, therefore, an efficient method for calculating the p number. We also show how the geometric averages and the harmonic averages were used in the discovery of the relations between the areas and the perimeters of the regular polygons inscribed and circumscribed in the circle. At the end, we propose didactic activities related to the theme of this dissertation for teachers and students of Mathematics.

Analysis and control of parabolic partial differential equations with application to tokamaks using sum-of-squares polynomials / Analyse et contrôle des équations aux dérivées partielles parabolique aide de polynômes somme des carrés avec une application sur les tokamaks

Gahlawat, Aditya 28 October 2015 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous abordons les problèmes de l'analyse de la stabilité et de la synthèse de contrôleur pour une Equation aux Dérivées Partielles (EDP) parabolique linéaire de dimension 1. Ces problèmes sont résolus avec des méthodologies analogues au cadre des inégalités matricielles linéaires (LMI) pour les équations différentielles ordinaires (EDO). Nous développons une méthode pour EDP paraboliques dans laquelle nous testons la faisabilité de certaines LMIs utilisant la programmation semi-définie (SDP) pour construire des fonctions de Lyapunov quadratiques et des contrôleurs. Le cœur de notre démarche est la construction de fonctions de Lyapunov quadratiques paramétrées par les opérateurs définis positifs sur les espaces de Hilbert de dimension infinie. Contrairement aux matrices positives, il n'y a pas de méthode unique paramétrisant l'ensemble des opérateurs positifs sur un espace de Hilbert. Bien sûr, nous pouvons toujours paramétrer un sous-ensemble des opérateurs positifs en utilisant, par exemple, des scalaires positifs. Cependant, nous devons nous assurer que le paramétrage des opérateurs positifs ne doit pas être conservatif. Notre contribution est de construire une paramétrisation qui a seulement une petite quantité de conservatisme comme indiqué par nos résultats numériques. Nous utilisons des polynômes en somme des carrés (SOS) pour paramétrer l'ensemble des opérateurs positifs, linéaire et bornés sur les espaces de Hilbert. Comme son nom l'indique, un polynôme SOS est celui qui peut être représenté comme une somme de polynômes carrés. La propriété la plus importante d'un polynôme SOS est qu'il peut être représenté au moyen d'une matrice (semi-)définie positive. Cela implique que, même si le problème de polynôme (semi-)positif est NP-difficile, le problème de vérifier si polynôme est SOS (et donc (semi-)positif) peut être résolu en utilisant la SDP. Par conséquent, nous nous efforçons de construire des fonctions de Lyapunov quadratiques paramétrées par les opérateurs positifs. Ces opérateurs positifs sont à leur tour paramétrés par des polynômes SOS. Cette paramétrisation SOS nous permet de formuler le problème de faisabilité pour l'existence d'une fonction de Lyapunov quadratique comme un problème de faisabilité LMI. Le problème de la faisabilité LMI peut alors être adressé à l'aide de SDP. Dans la première partie de la thèse nous considérons analyse de stabilité et la synthèse de contrôleur aux frontières pour une large classe d'EDP paraboliques. Les EDP ont des coefficients de transport distribués spatialement. Ces EDP sont utilisés pour modéliser les processus de diffusion, de convection et de réaction de quantités physiques dans les milieux anisotropes. Nous considérons la synthèse de contrôleurs limite à la fois pour le cas de retour d'état et le cas de retour de sortie (à l'aide d'un observateur). Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous concevons un contrôleur distribué pour la régulation du flux magnétique poloïdal dans un tokamak (procédé de fusion thermonucléaire par confinement magnétique). Tout d'abord, nous concevons un contrôleur régulant la pente des lignes de champ magnétique (le facteur de sécurité). La régulation du profil du facteur de sécurité est importante pour supprimer les instabilités MHD dans un tokamak. Ensuite, nous concevons un contrôleur maximisant la densité de courant bootstrap généré en interne. Une proportion accrue du courant bootstrap conduirait à une réduction des besoins énergétiques exogènes pour l'exploitation d'un tokamak. / In this work we address the problems of stability analysis and controller synthesis for one dimensional linear parabolic Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). To achieve the tasks of stability analysis and controller synthesis we develop methodologies akin to the Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) framework for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). We develop a method for parabolic PDEs wherein we test the feasibility of certain LMIs using SDP to construct quadratic Lyapunov functions and controllers. The core of our approach is the construction of quadratic Lyapunov functions parametrized by positive definite operators on infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. Unlike positive matrices, there is no single method of parametrizing the set of all positive operators on a Hilbert space. Of course, we can always parametrize a subset of positive operators, using, for example, positive scalars. However, we must ensure that the parametrization of positive operators should not be conservative. Our contribution is constructing a parametrization which has only a small amount of conservatism as indicated by our numerical results. We use Sum-of-Squares (SOS) polynomials to parametrize the set of positive, linear and bounded operators on Hilbert spaces. As the name indicates, an SOS polynomial is one which can be represented as a sum of squared polynomials. The most important property of an SOS polynomial is that it can be represented using a positive (semi)-definite matrix. This implies that even though the problem of polynomial (semi)-positivity is NP-hard, the problem of checking if polynomial is SOS (and hence (semi)-positive) can be solved using SDP. Therefore, we aim to construct quadratic Lyapunov functions parametrized by positive operators. These positive operators are in turn parametrized by SOS polynomials. This parametrization using SOS allows us to cast the feasibility problem for the existence of a quadratic Lyapunov function as the feasibility problem of LMIs. The feasibility problem of LMIs can then be addressed using SDP. In the first part of the thesis we consider stability analysis and boundary controller synthesis for a large class of parabolic PDEs. The PDEs have spatially distributed coefficients. Such PDEs are used to model processes of diffusion, convection and reaction of physical quantities in anisotropic media. We consider boundary controller synthesis for both the state feedback case and the output feedback case (using and observer design). IN the second part of thesis we design distributed controllers for the regulation of poloidal magnetic flux in a tokamak (a thermonuclear fusion devise). First, we design the controllers to regulate the magnetic field line pitch (the safety factor). The regulation of the safety factor profile is important to suppress the magnetohydrodynamic instabilities in a tokamak. Then, we design controllers to maximize the internally generated bootstrap current density. An increased proportion of bootstrap current would lead to a reduction in the external energy requirements for the operation of a tokamak.

A Generalized H-Infinity Mixed Sensitivity Convex Approach to Multivariable Control Design Subject to Simultaneous Output and Input Loop-Breaking Specifications

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: In this dissertation, we present a H-infinity based multivariable control design methodology that can be used to systematically address design specifications at distinct feedback loop-breaking points. It is well understood that for multivariable systems, obtaining good/acceptable closed loop properties at one loop-breaking point does not mean the same at another. This is especially true for multivariable systems that are ill-conditioned (having high condition number and/or relative gain array and/or scaled condition number). We analyze the tradeoffs involved in shaping closed loop properties at these distinct loop-breaking points and illustrate through examples the existence of pareto optimal points associated with them. Further, we study the limitations and tradeoffs associated with shaping the properties in the presence of right half plane poles/zeros, limited available bandwidth and peak time-domain constraints. To address the above tradeoffs, we present a methodology for designing multiobjective constrained H-infinity based controllers, called Generalized Mixed Sensitivity (GMS), to effectively and efficiently shape properties at distinct loop-breaking points. The methodology accommodates a broad class of convex frequency- and time-domain design specifications. This is accomplished by exploiting the Youla-Jabr-Bongiorno-Kucera parameterization that transforms the nonlinear problem in the controller to an affine one in the Youla et al. parameter. Basis parameters that result in efficient approximation (using lesser number of basis terms) of the infinite-dimensional parameter are studied. Three state-of-the-art subgradient-based non-differentiable constrained convex optimization solvers, namely Analytic Center Cutting Plane Method (ACCPM), Kelley's CPM and SolvOpt are implemented and compared. The above approach is used to design controllers for and tradeoff between several control properties of longitudinal dynamics of 3-DOF Hypersonic vehicle model -– one that is unstable, non-minimum phase and possesses significant coupling between channels. A hierarchical inner-outer loop control architecture is used to exploit additional feedback information in order to significantly help in making reasonable tradeoffs between properties at distinct loop-breaking points. The methodology is shown to generate very good designs –- designs that would be difficult to obtain without our presented methodology. Critical control tradeoffs associated are studied and compared with other design methods (e.g., classically motivated, standard mixed sensitivity) to further illustrate its power and transparency. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2018

Controladores adaptativos não-lineares com critério H \'INFINITO\' aplicados a robôs espaciais / Adaptive nonlinear H \'INFINITE\' controllers applied to free-floating space manipulators

Tatiana de Figueiredo Pereira Alves Taveira Pazelli 24 November 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho, o equacionamento dinâmico de um manipulador espacial de base livre flutuante é descrito a partir do conceito do manipulador dinamicamente equivalente para que as técnicas de controle desenvolvidas sejam experimentalmente validadas em um manipulador convencional de base fixa. Dois tipos de controle de movimento são considerados. O primeiro foi desenvolvido no espaço das juntas e realiza o comando direto de posicionamento das juntas do manipulador; o segundo foi desenvolvido no espaço inercial e o controle é direcionado para o posicionamento do efetuador no espaço Cartesiano. Nos dois casos, o problema de acompanhamento de trajetória de um manipulador espacial com base livre flutuante sujeito a incertezas na planta e perturbações externas é proposto e solucionado sob o ponto de vista do critério de desempenho H \'INFINITO\'. Considerando métodos de controle para sistemas subatuados, três técnicas adaptativas foram desenvolvidas a partir de um controlador H \'INFINITO\' não-linear baseado na teoria dos jogos. A primeira técnica foi proposta considerando a estrutura do modelo bem definida, porém calculada com base em parâmetros incertos. Uma lei adaptativa foi aplicada para estimar esses parâmetros utilizando parametrização linear. Redes neurais artificiais são aplicadas nas outras duas abordagens adaptativas. A primeira utiliza uma rede neural para aprender o comportamento dinâmico do sistema robótico, considerado totalmente desconhecido. Nenhum dado cinemático ou dinâmico da base é utilizado neste caso. A segunda abordagem considera a estrutura do modelo nominal do manipulador bem definida e a rede neural é aplicada para estimar o comportamento das incertezas paramétricas e da dinâmica não-modelada da base. O critério H \'INFINITO\' é aplicado nas três técnicas para atenuar o efeito dos erros de estimativa. Resultados experimentais foram obtidos com um robô manipulador de base fixa subatuado (UArmII) e apresentaram melhor desempenho no acompanhamento da trajetória e no consumo de energia para as abordagens baseadas em redes neurais. / In the present work, the dynamics of a free-floating space manipulator is described through the dynamically equivalent manipulator approach in order to obtain experimental results in a planar fixed base manipulator. Control in joint and Cartesian spaces are considered. The first acts directly on joints positioning; the second control scheme acts on positioning the end-effector in some inertially fixed position. In both cases, the problem of tracking control with a guaranteed H-infinity performance for free-floating manipulator systems with plant uncertainties and external disturbances is proposed and solved. Considering control methods for underactuated systems, three adaptive techniques were developed from a nonlinear H-infinity controller based on game theory. The first approach was proposed considering a well defined structure for the plant, however it was computed based on uncertain parameters. An adaptive law was applied to estimate these parameters using linear parametrization. Artificial neural networks were applied in the two other approaches. The first one uses a neural network to learn the dynamic behavior from the robotic system, which is considered totally unknown. No kinematics or dynamics data from the spacecraft are necessary in this case. The second approach considers the nominal model structure well defined and the neural network is applied to estimate the behavior of the parametric uncertainties and of the spacecraft non-modeled dynamics. The H-infinity criterion was applied to attenuate the effect of estimation errors in the three techniques. Experimental results were obtained with an underactuated fixed-base planar manipulator (UArmII) and presented better performance in tracking and energy consumption for the neural based approaches.

Análise, desenvolvimento e controle de uma plataforma de movimentos com 6 graus de liberdade / Analysis, development and control of a platform of movements with 6 degrees of freedom

Ricardo Breganon 19 May 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, tem havido grande interesse em estudar manipuladores paralelos, aplicados principalmente em simuladores de voo, com seis graus de liberdade. O interesse em estruturas cinemáticas paralelas é motivado por sua alta rigidez e excelente capacidade de posicionamento em relação às estruturas cinemáticas seriais. Além disso, como os atuadores são posicionados em uma base, eles podem ser aplicados em cargas pesadas e ainda apresentam baixo consumo de energia, tendo em vista que vários atuadores atuam simultaneamente no mesmo corpo. A presente tese apresenta o projeto de três controladores, sendo eles, o controlador H infinito com realimentação de saída, o controlador PID e o controlador Fuzzy, com isto, esta metodologia poderá ser empregada na construção de um futuro simulador de voo. O modelo dos atuadores foi obtido através de uma entrada degrau de tensão nos motores, medindo os seus deslocamentos através dos encoders acoplados, individualmente, a cada um dos respectivos eixos dos motores. Sabendo-se a relação de transmissão do mecanismo de movimento entre o motor e cada haste dos atuadores obtém-se o deslocamento de cada haste a partir da rotação de cada motor medida pelo correspondente encoder e com isso obtém-se o modelo matemático de cada atuador em conjunto com seu sistema de transmissão. Entretanto, na prática, cada atuador é ligeiramente diferente dos outros, o que leva a comportamento e desempenho diferentes entre si. Isso afeta o comportamento da plataforma fazendo com que a trajetória final desejada não possa ser seguida adequadamente, algo que é extremamente necessário em simuladores de voo. Assim, uma das contribuições importantes deste trabalho é, em primeiro lugar, apresentar uma metodologia de padronização das respostas dos atuadores de modo a que todos eles tenham no final, um comportamento igual o mais próximo possível, particularmente em termos de velocidade e de posicionamento. Com os dados da cinemática e da dinâmica da plataforma compondo o modelo completo do sistema foram realizadas várias simulações que aplicadas na plataforma de Stewart real validaram o modelo e mostraram a eficiência das técnicas de controle aplicadas no controle de posição e orientação da plataforma. Para validar o projeto da Plataforma de Stewart como uma possível base de movimento de um simulador de voo, foi implementada a dinâmica longitudinal e lateral de um Boeing 747-100, e com o auxilio de um sensor inercial Xsens® MTi-G, foram realizadas as medições dos ângulos de Euler da Plataforma. Os resultados obtidos pelos três controladores foram satisfatórios e ilustram o desempenho e a robustez da metodologia proposta. / In recent years there has been great interest in studying parallel manipulators, mainly applied in flight simulators, with six degrees of freedom. The interest in parallel kinematic structures is motivated by its high stiffness and excellent positioning capability in relation to serial kinematic structures. Furthermore, since the actuators are positioned on a base, they can handle heavy loads and also have low power consumption, considering that several actuators act on the same platform. This thesis presents the design of three controllers, which are, H-infinity controller with output feedback, PID controller and Fuzzy controller, so that this methodology can be employed in building a future flight simulator. The actuators models were obtained by a step voltage input to the engines and measuring their displacements by the encoders that are coupled to each of the respective axes of the motors. Knowing the relation from the motion transmission mechanism between the motor and the spindle of each actuator, the displacement of each spindle is obtained from the rotation of each motor measured by the corresponding encoder and thus we obtain the mathematical model of each actuator together with its transmission system. However, in practice, each actuator is slightly different from others, which leads to different behavior and performance of each. This affects the behavior of the platform making the final desired trajectory cannot be properly followed something that is extremely necessary in flight simulators. Thus, one of the important contributions of this work is first to present a methodology to standardize the actuators responses so that they all have in the end a behavior equal a close as possible, particularly in terms of velocity and positioning. With the kinematics data and platform dynamics composing the complete system model, several simulations applied to the real Stewart Platform validate the model and show the effectiveness of control techniques applied to control the position and orientation of the platform. In order to validate the Stewart Platform design as a possible base for a motion flight simulator, the longitudinal and lateral dynamics of a Boeing 747-100 model were implemented, and with the aid of an inertial sensor Xsens® MTi-G, measurements of the Euler angles of the platform were performed. The results obtained by the three controllers were satisfactory and illustrate the performance and robustness of the proposed methodology.

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