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Zdravotnické informační systémy a měřítka kvality zdravotnické péče / Health Care Information Systems and Health Care Quality StandardsKopecká, Markéta January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is aimed at the quality of health care in the specificmedical facility. The goal of the thesis is to characterize actualsituation of services, which are provided and to find out whether the present information system contribute to increase quality in the medical facility or not. In the first part is defined theoretical knowledge of the quality of medical care and the quality of information systems. This theoretical base is applied in the second part. On the base of data from information system, the indicators by which the quality was evaluated were defined. Used indicators were analysed, compared and consequently evaluated. In the case of ineffective system, which does not contribute to increase the quality of medical facility, there are some recommendation and changes which leads the system to be more effective.
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Využitie informačného systému v personálnej agentúre / Use and analysis of information system in personnel agencyŠutáková, Lucia January 2010 (has links)
The information system is an important tool for optimizing and simplifying many operations and business processes, saving time and also money. Development of information technology is in constant activity, and is therefore not always easy to implement on time all the innovation. The number of pitfalls in the implementation and requirements grow with the development of IS / ICT market. This thesis aims to analyze the information system and the satisfaction of its users in the selected personnel agency through a survey and proposal for solving the deficiencies, which respondents have identified.
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Implementace nového informačního systému konkrétní společnosti / The implementation of the information system to the certain companyPospíšil, David January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issues of implementation of the new information system. The work was based on the experiences in implementing a new information system. The main point of this thesis is to present the process of implementation beginning with the analyzing the current state and vendor selection to implementation itself. Then I will describe the current situation, the risks of process of the implementation, the possibilities in saving the expenses in the next project and how to avoid the errors arising from this implementation. There are two separated parts of the written essay. First part is about the theoretical approach of the professional publications, and in the second part there is a description of the process of implementation on the particular example, the application BUMERANG. This work should mainly offer the summary of the real problems and risks arising from implementation similar systems and it also might be some kind of aid for other projects in the company as it reveals the risks and offers the instructions how to avoid risky situations.
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Informační systémy pro sportovní kluby / Information Systems for Sports ClubsTripes, Stanislav January 2010 (has links)
The goal of this work is to acquaint with the current situation of information system for sportclubs. To get a comprehensive overview of their species, the suitability of some of them just for these organizations. Specific target group is university sports clubs. This work shows for their needs with regard to the size of the club and its activities, obtained through the survey. The practical part is presented in detail, information system made-to-measure USK FM Jindrichuv Hradec and is compared with offerings of software companies in its development.
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Implementace podnikového informačního systému: teorie a praxe / Implementation of business information system: Theory and PracticeJonáš, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The work try to familiarize the users with information systems in contemporary business and show the greates weakness in the implementation of information systems in enterprises. The issue of implementation is addressed in the work from all sides and angles. First, the implementation process itself analyzed and its parts. The following are general methods applicable to software development and evaluated their use in the implementation process. In addition to the implementation process is part of the work given to the management. In the work is discusses how to look at the company's management can influence the implementation process. Another problem to be solved are the key factors influencing the course and success of implementation. In addition of these factors are mentioned the most important risks affecting various stages of implementation. Based on these risks are created by three specific scenarios which could arise in individual cases of emergency. Gradually, readers are drawn into the issue and during the actual implementation in real practice. The individual parts are reminded of the most significant weaknesses or places that none of the parties should not be underestimated. In addition to the actual weaknesses of the implementation process are discussed and two basic Casework across the entire spectrum of companies. At the conclusion of the implementation process is displayed in a graphic sketch, where the individual problems of implementation are shown in the very way the implementation process. The reader can better imagine the implementation process, including the sequence of steps. Complete implementation issue is addressed in the work of all views of interested parties. So your company owner will find thinking about the implementation, or project manager who deals with the issue. The work is based on the author's years of experience in information systems implementations themselves.
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Réalité augmentée pour l’ aide à la navigation / Augmented reality for navigation assistance.Hugues, Olivier 12 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a été réalisée sous convention CIFRE dans la cadre d’un partenariat entre la société MaxSea et le pôle recherche de l’ESTIA. La demande exprimée initialement par la société évoquait la nécessité d’améliorer la sécurité à bord des navires, autant d’un point de vue matériel et environnemental qu’humain. Ces travaux de thèse se situent donc au croisement de plusieurs domaines que sont la Réalité Augmentée, la Réalité Virtuelle, les systèmes d’information géographique, le génie logiciel, le traitement d’image et les sciences humaines et sociales. Le premier axe de ce mémoire concerne les apports relatifs à l’amélioration des connaissances du domaine de la réalité augmentée. Nous présentons dans ce chapitre les fondements de la réalité augmentée. Nous proposons, basés sur nos définitions et sur les travaux en réalité virtuelle, notre modèle d’interaction et d’immersion en réalité augmentée nommé 3i2RA.L’axe suivant permet de préciser la problématique liée à l’utilisation d’un système d’aide à la navigation par un état de l’art spécifique aux systèmes d’information géographique. Le troisième axe présente nos apports méthodologiques concernant la conception d’un outil d’aide à la navigation. L’objectif est de proposer une méthode permettant d’interfacer la modélisation des activités des navigateurs et une méthode agile de développement d’un logiciel. Pour illustrer notre méthode, après une présentation rapide de la méthode “Scrum”, nous présentons un cas pratique de conception d’un système d’information géographique pour l’aide à la navigation pour lequel nous nous sommes rapprochés de la Société Nationale de Sauvetage en Mer (SNSM).Enfin, le dernier axe présente nos apports technologiques mis en œuvre afin de réaliser les fonctionnalités demandées. Nous allons présenter dans ce chapitre l’architecture logicielle basée sur trois composants principaux et l’architecture matérielle de notre Système d’Information Géographique Maritime Augmenté, SIGMA. Nous présentons un cadre d’application de SIGMA pour la surveillance du trafic maritime. / This thesis was carried out under CIFRE partnership between the MaxSea company and the research ESTIA laboratory. The initial request made by the company referred to the need to improve safety on ships. This research thesis are at the crossroads of several areas such as Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, geographic information systems, software engineering, image processing and social sciences. The first axis concerns the contributions to the improvement of knowledge in the field of augmented reality. In this chapter we present the foundations of augmented reality. We propose, based on our definitions and the work in virtual reality, our model of interaction and immersion in augmented reality, named 3i2RA.The next axis is used to specify the issues related to the use of navigational aids. The third axis presents our methodological contributions in the design of an aid to navigation. The goal is to provide a method for interfacing modeling activities and a method of agile software development. To illustrate our method, we present a practical design of a geographic information system for the navigation aid for which we approached the National Society Rescue Sea (SNSM).The last line shows our technological approach to achieve the required functionality. We will present in this section the software architecture based on three main components and the hardware architecture of our Geographic Information System Enhanced Maritime, SIGMA. We present a use case of SIGMA for traffic monitoring.
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Návrh interního informačního systému / Design of Internal Information SystemKanta, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on designing a model for corporate internal information system. The theoretical part characterizes possible intranet risks and principles it should be based on. The practical part contains introduction of a company for which it was created through a case study, its design and realization of the project, its consequent evaluation resulting in definition of a corporate internal information system model based on acquired findings.
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Systém pro vedení bakalářských a diplomových prací / System for theses managementHavlíček, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis, design and final implementation of information system for thesis management. In the introduction the theoretical background is defined and avail-able technologies are identified and later practically used within the implementation. Fur-ther, the functional and non-functional demands are identified, use case scenarios defined and later on the system is designed and implemented. The requirements are defined based on the universal use within the use cases of the University of Economics in Prague. Within the last part, a user manual can be found.
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Implementation of Sophisticated Controlling System in a Company (Case of Gearspect Group s.r.o.) / Zavedení Controllingového Systému ve firmě (Případová studie firmy Gearspect Group s.r.o.)Horáčková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the implementation of a Controlling System in Gearspect Group s.r.o. company, and its results and contributions to the management of the company. Main contribution of author will be practical application of Controlling Information Systems and generalization of the results for Controlling System Implementation in small-medium sized companies within Czech engineering industry. The central goal of this thesis is to pinpoint the necessity and significance of the successful application of controlling and its instruments in management of a company. This thesis includes the theoretical framework of controlling, literature overview of controlling applied, analysis of current situation and processes in the company, suggesting the optimum implementation of such system, and finally the results in the company that can be further generalized for small-medium sized companies within the Czech engineering industry.
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Inovace informačních systémů v nákladní železniční dopravě v ČR / Innovation of information system in rail freight transport in the Czech RepublicŠeda, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with innovations in freight transport, especially from the perspective of information and communication technologies. It identifies key strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats in an implementation of innovations. Its main contribution is the linking of current informatics trends with specific trends of the rail freight sector in the Czech Republic in relation to the regulation and harmonization of the European Union. One of the important objectives of today's enterprise informatics is support of the strategic management. Based on the test the validity of the working hypothesis, according to which companies in the rail freight don't use strategic management tools enough, it makes recommendations for innovation in the sector. The thesis also briefly presents some innovative applications of Czech IT developers. It is a comprehensive material from which the Chief information officer (CIO) can get basic orientation in the rail freight sector. It may also serve as an inspiration for companies that want to enter the market, or are already operating on it and want to achieve competitive advantage through innovation.
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