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Výukový informační systém školy / School information systemProcházka, Ivan January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to implement information system for schools.System requirements are gathered based on market analysis. Application is written in C# programming language with use of ASP .NET MVC framework. Thesis includes also user's manual.
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Projekt elektronické ošetřovatelské dokumentace v kontextu eHealth / Project of Electronic Nursing Documentation in the eHealth ContextŽornová, Dominika January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation on Project of Electronic Nursing Documentation in the eHealth (worldwide concept of electronic healthcare) Context analyses use of information technology in healthcare focusing on electronic healthcare documentation and also analyses means of information technology implementation using project management. The dissertation goal is to create a plan of the Project of Electronic Nursing Documentation at University Hospital Plzeň using standardized methods of the IPMA Project Management focusing on risk analysis and management and use of acquired knowledge in the eHealth context. Software development and implementation of the new clinical information system module utilizes agile methods of software development. The dissertation states the definition of project and project management within its standardized methods, presents means of healthcare documentation in compliance with current legislation and terms of healthcare documentation use in its electronic form, describes the hospital information systems, data security policy and mentions the National Healthcare Information System.
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Hybrid Approaches to Estimating Freeway Travel Times Using Point Traffic Detector DataXiao, Yan 24 March 2011 (has links)
The accurate and reliable estimation of travel time based on point detector data is needed to support Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applications. It has been found that the quality of travel time estimation is a function of the method used in the estimation and varies for different traffic conditions. In this study, two hybrid on-line travel time estimation models, and their corresponding off-line methods, were developed to achieve better estimation performance under various traffic conditions, including recurrent congestion and incidents. The first model combines the Mid-Point method, which is a speed-based method, with a traffic flow-based method. The second model integrates two speed-based methods: the Mid-Point method and the Minimum Speed method. In both models, the switch between travel time estimation methods is based on the congestion level and queue status automatically identified by clustering analysis. During incident conditions with rapidly changing queue lengths, shock wave analysis-based refinements are applied for on-line estimation to capture the fast queue propagation and recovery.
Travel time estimates obtained from existing speed-based methods, traffic flow-based methods, and the models developed were tested using both simulation and real-world data. The results indicate that all tested methods performed at an acceptable level during periods of low congestion. However, their performances vary with an increase in congestion. Comparisons with other estimation methods also show that the developed hybrid models perform well in all cases. Further comparisons between the on-line and off-line travel time estimation methods reveal that off-line methods perform significantly better only during fast-changing congested conditions, such as during incidents.
The impacts of major influential factors on the performance of travel time estimation, including data preprocessing procedures, detector errors, detector spacing, frequency of travel time updates to traveler information devices, travel time link length, and posted travel time range, were investigated in this study. The results show that these factors have more significant impacts on the estimation accuracy and reliability under congested conditions than during uncongested conditions. For the incident conditions, the estimation quality improves with the use of a short rolling period for data smoothing, more accurate detector data, and frequent travel time updates.
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Possibilidades de uso das informações do sistema mineiro de administração escolar na gestão das escolasTomaz, Paulo Aparecido 28 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-01-05T10:28:35Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-08-28 / Este trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa exploratória sobre o uso do Sistema Mineiro da Administração Escolar (SIMADE) pela equipe gestora nas escolas situadas na circunscrição da SRE-Metropolitana C. Trata-se de um sistema de informação que foi implantado nas escolas estaduais de Minas Gerais e tem como principais funções a coleta, o armazenamento e processamento de dados relativos à escola, docentes e turmas, bem como da vida escolar de cada aluno. Esta pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de analisar de forma criteriosa como o sistema pode ser utilizado para fins de contribuir no planejamento, execução e controle no âmbito da gestão escolar. Um estudo de múltiplos casos, de abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, foi realizado em quatro escolas, acompanhado de uma análise objetiva nas demais escolas estaduais da SRE – Metropolitana C. Como instrumentos de pesquisas, foram utilizados questionários estruturados e entrevista com roteiro semiestruturado. Por meio da pesquisa foi possível constatar que o SIMADE apresenta alguns pontos fortes que contribuem para a gestão escolar e alguns pontos passíveis de intervenção para tornar o sistema mais eficiente. Dentre os pontos fortes destaca-se a confiabilidade na informação e a importância dos relatórios e documentos para a secretaria escolar. Com base nos dados da pesquisa, observou-se que a criação de novos relatórios, mais capacitações para as pessoas que usufruem do sistema, definição mais clara de cronogramas e melhoria na comunicação poderá potencializar o uso do sistema na gestão escolar. Com o objetivo de melhor adequar o sistema à rotina da gestão escolar, a partir dos resultados obtidos, foi proposto o Plano de Ação Educacional (PAE), que, se implementado, poderá otimizar o uso do sistema pela equipe gestora. / This paper presents an exploratory research about the use of the School Management System of Minas Gerais (SIMADE) by the management team from schools located in the Metropolitan C Regional Teaching Superientence. It is an information system that was implemented in state schools of Minas Gerais and its main functions are collection, storage and processing of data relating to school, teachers and classes, as well as the educational life of each student. This research was conducted in order to analyze carefully how the system can be used for the purpose of contributing to planning, execution and control within school management. A multiple case study, qualitative and quantitative approach were conducted in four schools, followed by an objective analysis in other state schools from the Metropolitan C Regional Teaching Superientence. As research instruments, structured questionnaires and semi-structured interview were used. Through research, it was found that SIMADE has some strengths that contribute to school management and some points that are likely to change to make the system more efficient. Among the strengths, reliability of information and importance of reports and documents to the school office stand out. Based on survey data, it was observed that the creation of new reports, more training for people who use the system, more clearly defined schedules and better communication can enhance the use of the system in school management. In order to better tailor the system to the routine of school management, from the results obtained, it was proposed an Educational Action Plan, which, if implemented, can optimize the use of the system by the management team.
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O sistema de informação hospitalar no reconhecimento precoce de paciente cirúrgicos com sepse / The Hospital information system in the early recognition of surgical patients with sepsisIvia Cristina Almeida Tiago 12 March 2018 (has links)
Os Sistemas de Informação Hospitalar podem ser definidos como uma rede integrada de informações, projetada para gerenciar aspectos assistenciais, administrativos e jurídicos em organizações de saúde. No contexto da busca pela melhoria da qualidade na assistência à saúde, proporcionada pelos avanços significativos das tecnologias da informação e comunicação, insere-se a necessidade da abordagem da sepse enquanto importante tema de saúde pública mundial. A sepse pode ser definida como síndrome de anormalidades fisiológicas, patológicas e bioquímicas induzidas por um processo infeccioso. A equipe multiprofissional de saúde deve atuar no reconhecimento precoce dos pacientes com quadro sugestivo de infecção e suas potenciais complicações, que podem culminar em síndrome séptica, estabelecendo medidas que garantam seu controle, manuseio precoce, intervenção eficaz e segura, por meio de uma assistência integral e contínua. O objetivo neste estudo foi verificar a contribuição dos Sistemas de Informação Hospitalar para a identificação precoce e o manejo da sepse em pacientes cirúrgicos de um hospital universitário. Trata-se de pesquisa com delineamento quantitativo, retrospectivo, descritivo e correlacional. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio dos Sistemas de Informação Hospitalar, mediante aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. A população foi composta de 28 pacientes que atenderam os critérios de inclusão da pesquisa. Na caracterização sociodemográfica desses pacientes, constatou-se predominância do sexo masculino (17; 60,7%), brancos (26; 92,9%), com 60 anos ou mais (21; 75,0%). Quanto à análise clínica do paciente, 11 apresentaram predominância do diagnóstico oncológico (39,3%) na admissão hospitalar, assim como 24 (85,7%) tiveram histórico de somente uma internação hospitalar no período. No final do período de internação (desfecho), predominantemente 20 pacientes (71,4%) evoluíram para óbito. Quanto ao tempo de internação, 13 pacientes (46,4%) permaneceram internados por tempo superior a 30 dias, com média de 30,5 (DP=25,0), a maioria dos pacientes (18; 64,8%) passou pelo procedimento cirúrgico até o quinto dia de internação, com média de 8,25 dias (DP=15,2). Da mesma forma, apresentaram predominância de desenvolvimento dos primeiros sinais de SIRS e de disfunção orgânica também até o quinto dia de internação 19 pacientes (67,8%), com média de 5,2 dias (DP=4,8), e 15 (53,6%), com média de 9,14 dias (DP=12,23), respectivamente. A confirmação ou hipótese do diagnóstico de sepse ocorreu até o décimo dia de internação com 15 pacientes (53,5%), com média de 11,6 (DP=13,4). Na análise da evolução dos pacientes para óbito, identificou-se significância estatística em relação à idade, à especialidade do diagnóstico na admissão e ao tempo de internação. O conteúdo dos registros realizados diariamente pela equipe multidisciplinar evidenciou que os primeiros sinais de SIRS foram identificados, predominantemente, no sistema de monitorização dos pacientes (26; 92,9%), enquanto os primeiros sinais de disfunção orgânica foram descritos nas evoluções da equipe de enfermagem (24; 85,7%). Os resultados evidenciam a importância da qualidade dos registros de enfermagem nos Sistemas de Informações Hospitalares, para identificação dos riscos, reconhecimento precoce e manejo adequado da sepse em pacientes submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos, enquanto integrantes da equipe multidisciplinar, visando o alcance de maior efetividade das ações de gerenciamento dos processos de assistência à saúde / Hospital information systems can be defined as an integrated network of information, designed to manage assistance, administrative and legal aspects in healthcare organizations. In the context of the quest for quality improvement in health care, provided by the significant advances of information and communication technologies, the need of sepsis as an important theme of global public health. Sepsis can be defined as abnormalities syndrome, pathological and physiological biochemical induced by an infectious process. The multidisciplinary team of health should act in the early recognition of patients with suggestive of infection and its potential complications, which can lead to septic syndrome, establishing measures to ensure the control, early intervention handling effective and safe, through a full and continuous assistance. The objective of this study was to verify the contribution of hospital information systems for early identification and management of sepsis in surgical patients in a university hospital. This is a quantitative, descriptive, retrospective and correlational research. The data collection was performed through hospital information systems, subject to the approval of the Research Ethics Committee. The population was composed of 28 patients who attended the inclusion criteria of the survey. In demographic characterization of these patients, there was a predominance of males (17; 60.7%), white (26; 92.9%), 60 years or older (21; 75.0%). For the clinical analysis of patient, 11 showed predominance of oncological diagnostics (39.3%) in hospital admission, as well as 24 (85.7%) had a history of only one hospitalization. At the end of the period of hospitalization (outcome), predominantly 20 patients (71.4%) evolved to death. Regarding length of stay 13 patients (46.4%) remained hospitalized for more than 30 days, with an average of 30.5 (SD = 25.0), most patients (18; 64.8%) passed the surgical procedure until the fifth day of hospitalization, averaging 8.25 days (SD = 15.2). Similarly, showed a predominance of development of the first signs of SIRS and organic dysfunction, too, until the fifth day of hospitalization 19 patients (67.8%), with an average of 5.2 days (DP = 4.8), and 15 (53.6%), with an average of 9.14 days (SD = 12.23), respectively. Confirmation or chance of diagnosis of sepsis occur until the tenth day of hospitalization with 15 patients (53.5%), with an average of 11.6 (SD = 13.4). In the analysis of the evolution of the patients to death, statistical significance was identified in relation to age, the speciality of the diagnosis on admission and length of stay. The contents of the records held daily by the multidisciplinary team showed that the first signs of SIRS were identified, predominantly, in the system of monitoring of the patients (92.9%), while 26; the first signs of organic dysfunction were described in the evolutions of the nursing staff (24; 85.7%). The results highlight the importance of the quality of nursing records in hospital information systems, to identify the risks, early recognition and appropriate management of sepsis in patients undergoing surgical procedures, while members of the multidisciplinary team, aiming at the achievement of greater effectiveness of the actions of management of care processes health
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Assessment of the quality of HIV data in an electronic system in a health sub-district in the Eastern CapeMakazha, Timothy January 2020 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Information Management) - MCom(IM) / In South Africa, public health facilities provide free antiretroviral treatment (ART)
mainly via primary healthcare (PHC) nurses. To streamline data collection an electronic HIV
information system (TIER.Net), was introduced in 2010. Data originates in paper-based records
completed by clinicians with the data from these paper systems then being captured into TIER.Net by
clerical data capturers. TIER.Net is designed to effectively monitor outcomes of the ART programme
and generate information for planning, management and decision making. For Enock Mgijima subdistrict to attain these functions, it is imperative that data collected at the 21 PHC facilities in
the sub-district be of good quality. There has been uncertainty around the quality levels of the
data collected through the paper records and TIER.Net, and it was unclear which factors
promote or inhibit improved data quality.
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Distanční vzdělávání z pohledu pedagoga na 1. stupně ZŠ / Teacher Perspective on Distance Learning at Primary SchoolMalá, Alexandra January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the current state of distance education at the 1st stage of primary school (4th and 5th grade) year 2020/2021. The main part presents the management structures of distance education with the implementation of selected online's methods teaching and creation of materials' study (distance learning). These materials are making available to students with the possibility to provide feedbacks in both directions. It also deals with pedagogical and didactic aspects of distance education, including a comparison of differences between distance and full-time teaching (duration: January to June 2020 and September 2020 to May 2021). The empirical part of the thesis was carried out as action research. It compares the period of the beginning of distance learning, March 2020 - FIRST PHASE, with the period from October 2020 - SECOND PHASE. It also compares the performance of two selected students and the impact of distance education on their performance from January 2020 to May 2021. Supporting findings on the issue are substantiate by several methods (questionnaire survey, discussion with students and student results from tests). The conclusion of the thesis includes an evaluation of the teaching process in the first and second phase of distance education, the impact on the student...
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The impact of organisational culture on integrated communication : the case of the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) in PolokwaneSemono, Chuene Alfred January 2020 (has links)
Thesis(M.A. (Communication Studies)) -- University of Limpopo, 2020 / This study explored the impact of organisational culture on integrated communication
(IC) at the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) in Polokwane,
South Africa. Martin and Niemann-Struweg (2015), argued that top management in
organisations poorly understood IC. This study investigates if the same applies to the
GCIS in Polokwane. The study adopted a qualitative approach and made use of
individual interviews and content analysis in order to collect data, which was then
analysed by means of thematic analysis. The study used both the General Systems
Theory (Bertalanffy, 1968) and the Organising Theory (Weick, 1989) as its theoretical
The findings suggested that organisational culture at the GCIS was shaped by both
employee behaviour and organisational activities. The study found that information
sharing was poorly implemented by the GCIS, which meant that, information contained
in organisational documents differed from the perceptions shared by the employees.
Measures to improve both the sharing of information and the perception of this
information have been provided in the recommendations / National Research Foundation (NRF)
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Informační systém pro zubní kliniky / Dental Information SystemBačik, Radoslav January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis describes the creation of an information system for small to medium-sized dental clinics. The application will consist of a planning module (pa- tient ordering), a card index (patient information), a diagnosis and therapies system (the system will intelligently recommend treatment based on a speci ed health condi- tion) and a storage module (overview of the material). Administration takes doctors 1 to 2 hours a day and the goal of our application is to save this time.
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Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT ModificationČervený, Radek January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyzes the information system of FCC Environment CEE and is focused on a detection of risks and other imperfections of the system. The result of the thesis should be a proposal for a change which may lead to an improvement of the entire system and eventually to elimination of the discovered risks.
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