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Analýza implementace ERP systému Infor M3v mezinárodní společnosti / Implementation analysis of ERP system Infor M3 in international companyHoffmann, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the implementation of the ERP system Infor M3 in international company. The main objective is to analyze the current implementation causes of delay and to recommend measures for future implementation stages to prevent them. The main objective of theoretical part is to analyze global ERP market and summarize available implementation methodologies of ERP systems. Second objective of theoretical part is to analyze the frequent causes of delays in implementation's projects in general and to summarize the basic methods for searching the causes of problems. Practical part is based on knowledge from theoretical part and through a survey identifies the most serious causes of delay in implementation in particular international company. The outcome of this thesis are recommendations for the rest of this implementation project to avoid and prevent the same causes and problems and allow to finish project implementation in time.
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Implementace ekonomického IS v podmínkách naboženské obce / The implementation of economic information system at the level of religious communityKourová, Miroslava January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the definition of the position of churches and religious societies in the Czech Republic. It focuses on the Act of state property settlement with churches and religious communities and its impact on financing and financial management of these nonprofit organizations. The thesis outlines different options of bookkeeping for churches or religious societies, dedicates to the changes caused by the amendment of the Accounting Act and Decree no. 504/2002 Coll., the establishment of Decree no. 325/2015 Coll., which deals with the reintroduction of simple accounting. The paper specifies various tax benefits for nonprofit organizations respectively churches and religious communities and tax obligations related to the economic activity of nonprofit organizations. The thesis identifies revenues and expenses which generate organizational units of The Czechoslovak Hussite Church, how they are budgeted and who supervises them in the organizational structure. The thesis also describes the implementation of a new accounting and information system at the level of the Diocese of The Czechoslovak Hussite Church. This was caused by the acquisition of restituted property and accounting of restitution and received operating grants according to the requirements of government departments. The end of the paper deals with multi-source financing of The Czechoslovak Hussite Church.
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Open Archival Information System (OAIS) as a data curation standard in the World Data CentreLaughton, Paul Arthur 06 June 2012 (has links)
D. Litt. et Phil. / The use of data in science has evolved to a new level in e-science. Collaboration in e- science is important as scientists, engineers and technologists work together to solve scientific problems, through the collection and analysis of large data sets. These experiments can generate enormous amounts of data, creating a need for more efficient storage, management and processing of data. Data needs to be managed effectively to ensure possible future use for secondary analysis and further experimentation. The practice of data curation deals with the management of data, with the objective of sustaining data as a resource for future use. A number of frameworks and models have been developed to address the curation of data, but only the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) has been accepted internationally. The World Data Centre (WDC) is an organisation that was established to ensure access to scientific data for a number of different scientific disciplines. This organisation consists of 52 individual data centres (iWDCs) that are members of the WDC, and are responsible for the curation of scientific data. Because the data curation practices and needs of each iWDC differ, the purpose of this study is to determine to what extent it is possible to develop a framework for the curation of data in the WDC. This study used a mixed method research design through the collection of data from an online survey (quantitative data) and a multiple-case case study (qualitative data). All the iWDCs were invited to participate in the online survey, which was created to quantify OAIS functional model compatibility, sampling for the case study was conducted based on the OAIS functional model compatibility scores. v Based on the findings from this study, suggestions towards a suitable framework for the curation of data in the WDC are made. The key outcomes from this research included a quantitative OAIS functional model compatibility test and suggestions towards a suitable framework for the curation of data. The suggestions towards a suitable framework for the curation of data in the WDC should in future be tested in the newly formed World Data System (WDS) and adjustments made to create a viable framework for curating data in the WDS.
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Informační systémy v éře cloud computingu / Information Systems in a Cloud Computing eraKlimt, Roman January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is focused on cloud computing and its impact on enterprise resource planning information systems. The historical background of cloud computing is discussed in the first of the thesis. After that, analysis of all possible services and types of cloud computing are provided. In this first part of this thesis, there is also an analysis of cloud computing providers who provide one of the possible cloud computing service - Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS). This thesis evaluates IaaS providers based on suggested methodology. According to this methodology each provider is ranked and the provider with the highest score is used as a provider for outsourcing infrastructure for a new model of information system which is suggested further in the thesis. The next part of this thesis provides a detailed view on cloud computing service closely related to software distribution - Software as a Service(SaaS). This focuses on key features of this approach, there is a discussion about differences between ASP and on-premis approach. At the end of this part there is a detailed discussion about SaaS benefits and risks for customers as well as software vendors. Having discussed all necessary theoretical background a local software company providing mainly on-premise enterprise resource planning information system is described. After all threads and opportunities of this company are analyzed it is suggested to provide a new option of distributing one of its information system to customers - in the form of SaaS. Based on the decision in the previous part, one of the information systems offered to customers is chosen and reengineered in order to allow distribution over the Internet as SaaS. While changing the architecture of the information system, the main focus is to reduce initial costs. A necessary features which need to be changed are analyzed from three perspectives - technological, process and economical. In all of these perspectives there is a discussion about problems which need to be kept in mind. Each problem is analyzed and the solution options are discussed. Towards the end of each problematical part there is a recommendation for the company in order to reach the set goals. The final part is comparing the on-premise system and the SaaS system. The comparison is provided in the customer example. There are calculations for each solution and a discussion about potential attractiveness of a newly designed information system for potential customers.
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Správa dat a informací v malé a střední firmě / Data and information in a small businessChrbolková, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
This MA thesis deals with the management of IT in a small company. The main goal of the thesis is to create a manual for designing and managing the information system of a small company, intended for the managers of these small companies. The first part of the thesis focuses on the theoretical basis. There are definitions of basic terms, and mainly, the analysis of current methodologies for designing and managing the company systems. The second part of the thesis consists of the introduction of a concrete company. Based on experience, and mainly on the knowledge gained during the studies and from the professional literature, the author of the thesis proposes the architecture of the company's system. The conclusion of the thesis then presents the multi-criteria analysis of the alternatives and the economic analysis in order to assess the feasibility.
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Systém správy kontaktních informací / Contact information management systemZávěrka, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
This master's thesis aims to develop a contact information sofware management system. This system is designed to support gathering, integration, synchronization and redistribution of contact information. The basis for the desing is research of theoretical sources, which puts the problem of contact information management into broader context. Based on information gathered in the research part this thesis chooses a suitable software development methodology to follow during the design phase. Before the actual design is started, the theoretical requirements are put to test against user requirements collected through interviews and a survey. The development follows the Software Development Lide Cycle model and results in a coarse-grained design. The major contributions of this thesis are primarily setting the problem of contact information management into broader context, which is poorly covered in literature and research, and performing user requirements analysis by a survey and interviews (which is something that has not been publicly done before).
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Metodika zavádění GIS do veřejné správy v obcích do 2 tisíc obyvatel / Methodology for the implementation of GIS in public administration in the municipalities of 2,000 inhabitantsSvoboda, Bohumír January 2011 (has links)
The thesis surveys preparedness of small municipalities to provide data of their cadastral territories in a digital form. This prospective regulation is based on the INSPIRE directive. The preparedness was surveyed by research aimed at usage of geographic information systems in small municipalities with less than 2 000 inhabitants. The output of this thesis is to create a methodology for the implementation of geographic information systems in small municipalities.
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Metodika pro budování inovativního softwarového produktu / Methodology of Innovative Software Product DevelopmentNovák, Adam January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the domain of software product methodologies in the context of innovation. In the opening part of the thesis the field of innovation and creativity is analysed. In the next chapter the reasons justifying the necessity to create a methodology for innovative software product development are given. The main intention of this thesis was to create a new methodology of innovative software product development; so the next section focuses on this goal. The new methodology relies on current agile software development methodologies, best practices in innovation management and approaches to startup creation. Based on these principles, the requirements are set up and individual components selected that will form the new methodology. A model of the new methodology was created using tool Eclipse Process Framework. Consequently the methodology was validated by its prospective users.
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Specifika projektového řízení v prostředí nadnárodních projektů systémové integrace a návrh rámcového konceptu jejich řešení / Analysis of specifics in project management within multinational system integration projects and elaboration of conceptual solution model of these specifics and factorsJiřík, Karel January 2014 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is an analysis of specifics in project management within multinational system integration projects together with elaboration of conceptual solution model of these specifics and factors. Main objective of this thesis is to elaborate solution which will fulfil all the requirements of specific environment of project management within multinational system integration projects and to develop conceptual project management framework which could be implemented into current project management model of author's company which will contribute to higher success rate of this kind of projects. To achieve the goals of this thesis it was needed to define an environment of the projects, on which is the thesis focused, together with most important terms. Then it was needed to make a research of commercial and non-commercial literature and final theses with aim to prove that the topic of this thesis has not been yet described and solved. In second part of this final thesis, the research of most commonly used project management standards and specifics of multinational system integration projects is made, together with identification of main problems and critical success factors of these projects. In the last part of the thesis is developed the previously mentioned conceptual solution model of these specifics and aspects. This also defines the whole structure of the final thesis. Main planned benefit of this text is an analysis of environment of this kind of projects which has not been yet thoroughly described and also improvement of multinational system integration projects realisation success rate in author's company.
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Vztah ERP systémů a lean principů / Relationship of ERP systems and lean approachesGühl, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the relation between ERP systems and lean principles. More specifically, the utility of these principles in conjunction with ERP systems for small and medium-sized companies supplied by Czech companies. The basic building block is then practical experience and interviews with experts. That all from both sides of the business relationship (supplier and client). The work does not only evaluate the relationship of mentioned systems and lean principles, or their usefulness in the Czech environment, but also provides complete material for basic awareness regarding these issues and answers to fundamental questions that I (or interviewed experts) choose like interesting. The thesis ends with finding the truth of the basic thesis and recommendations for possible implementation or integration of ERP systems and lean principles.
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