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Regulation of Mammalian Phosphoglycolate Phosphatase / Regulation der Phosphoglykolat-Phosphatase von SäugetierenEngelmann, Daria Marie January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Mammalian phoshoglycolate phosphatase (PGP, also known as AUM) belongs to the ubiquitous HAD superfamily of phosphatases. As several other members of HAD phosphatases, the Mg2+-dependent dephosphorylation is conducted via a nucleophilic attack from a conserved aspartate residue in the catalytic cleft. The protein structure of PGP could not yet be solved entirely. Only a hybrid consisting of the PGP cap and the PDXP core (pyridoxal phosphatase, closest enzyme paralog) was crystallizable so far. PGP is able to efficiently dephosphorylate 2-phosphoglycolate, 2-phospho-L-lactate, 4-phospho-D-erythronate, and glycerol-3-phosphate in vitro which makes them likely physiological substrates. The first three substrates can be derived from metabolic side reactions (during glycolysis) and inhibit key enzymes in glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway, the latter is situated at the intersection between glycolysis and lipogenesis. 2-phosphoglycolate can also be released in the context of repair of oxidative DNA damage. The activity of purified PGP can be reversibly inhibited by oxidation - physiologically likely in association with epidermal growth factor (EGF) signal transduction. In fact, an association between persistently lacking PGP activity (via downregulation) and the presence of hyperphosphorylated proteins after EGF stimulation has been identified. Reversible oxidation and transient inactivation of PGP may be particularly important for short-term and feedback regulatory mechanisms (as part of the EGF signaling). Furthermore, cellular proliferation in PGP downregulated cells is constantly reduced. Whole-body PGP inactivation in mice is embryonically lethal. Despite the many well-known features and functions, the knowledge about PGP is still incomplete.
In the present work the influence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on PGP activity in cells und a possible connection between oxidative stress and the proliferation deficit of PGP downregulated cells was investigated. For the experiments, a spermatogonial cell line was used (due to the high PGP expression in testis). PGP activity can be reversibly inhibited in cellular lysates by H2O2 (as a ROS representative). Reversible oxidation could thus indeed be physiologically important. More oxidative DNA damage (by bleomycin) showed no PGP-dependent effects here. EGF stimulation (as an inducer of transient and well-controlled ROS production), low concentrations of menadione (as an oxidant) and N-acetylcysteine (as an antioxidant) were able to approximate the proliferation rate in PGP downregulated cells to that of control cells. The redox regulation of PGP could thus have an influence on cellular proliferation as a feedback mechanism - a mechanism that could not take place in PGP downregulated cells. However, the connections are probably even more complex and cannot be elucidated by a sole examination of the proliferation rate. The present results can thus only be regarded as preliminary experiments.
For a better understanding of the features and functions of PGP, this work then focused on specific regulation of enzyme activity by pharmacologically applicable small molecules. Four potent inhibitors had previously been identified in a screening campaign. In this work, three of these four inhibiting compounds could be further characterized in experiments with highly purified, recombinant murine and human PGP. Compounds #2 and #9 showed competitive inhibition properties with a markedly rising KM value with little or no change in vmax. The results were consistent for all tested protein variants: the murine and the human PGP as well as a PGP/PDXP hybrid protein. Compound #1 was the most potent and interesting PGP-inhibitory molecule: less change in KM and a constant decrease in vmax as well as a lower impact on the PGP/PDXP hybrid hint at a mixed mode of inhibition as a combination of competitive and non-competitive inhibition. The characterization of the potential inhibitors can serve as a basis for further structural analysis and studies on the complex physiological role of PGP. / Die Phosphoglykolat-Phosphatase (PGP, auch AUM genannt) in Säugetieren gehört zu der ubiquitär vorkommenden HAD Phosphatasen-Superfamilie. PGPs Proteinstruktur konnte bisher nicht vollständig gelöst werden. Es ließ sich nur ein Hybridenzym, bestehend aus der PGP-Kappe und dem PDXP-Kern (Pyridoxal-Phosphatase, am nächsten verwandtes Enzym), kristallisieren. Wie zahlreiche andere Mitglieder der HAD Phosphatasen, geschieht die Magnesium-abhängige Dephosphorylierung durch eine nukleophile Attacke eines konservierten Aspartat-Rests im katalytischen Zentrum. PGP ist in der Lage 2-Phosphoglykolat, 4-Phospho-D-Erythronat, 2-Phospho-L-Laktat und Glycerol-3-Phosphat in vitro zu dephosphorylieren, was sie zu wahrscheinlichen physiologischen Substraten macht. Die ersten drei Substrate können durch metabolische Nebenreaktionen (während der Glykolyse) entstehen und Schlüsselenzyme in Glykolyse und Pentosephosphatweg inhibieren, das letztgenannte findet sich an der Kreuzung zwischen Glykolyse und Lipogenese. 2-Phosphoglykolat kann auch im Rahmen der Reparatur von oxidativem DNA-Schaden freigesetzt werden. Die Aktivität von gereinigtem PGP kann durch Oxidation - physiologisch wahrscheinlich assoziiert mit der Signaltransduktion des epidermalen Wachstumsfaktors (EGF) - reversibel inhibiert werden. Es wurde nämlich auch ein Zusammenhang zwischen dauerhaft mangelnder PGP-Aktivität (durch Herabregulation) und dem Vorkommen hyperphosphorylierter Proteine nach EGF-Stimulation festgestellt. Reversible Oxidation und vorübergehende Inaktivierung der PGP könnten vor allem für Kurzzeit- und Rückkopplungs-Regulationsmechanismen (im Rahmen der EGF-Signalkaskade) bedeutend sein. Weiterhin ist die zelluläre Proliferation in PGP-herabregulierten Zellen konstant reduziert. Eine PGP-Inaktivierung im gesamten Organismus in Mäusen ist embryonal letal. Trotz der vielen inzwischen bekannten Eigenschaften und Funktionen ist das gesammelte Wissen über PGP noch lückenhaft.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zunächst der Einfluss von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) auf die PGP-Aktivität in Zellen und ein möglicher Zusammenhang zwischen oxidativem Stress und dem Proliferationsdefizit von PGP-herabregulierten Zellen untersucht. Für die Experimente wurde (aufgrund der hohen PGP-Expression in Hoden) eine spermatogoniale Zelllinie verwendet. PGP-Aktivität kann in zellulären Lysaten reversibel durch H2O2 (als ROS Vertreter) gehemmt werden. Reversible Oxidation könnte also tatsächlich auch physiologisch von Bedeutung sein. Mehr oxidativer DNA Schaden (durch Bleomycin) zeigte hier keine PGP-abhängigen Effekte. EGF-Stimulation (als Auslöser von transienter und gut kontrollierter ROS-Produktion), niedrigdosiertes Menadion (als Oxidans) und N-Acetylcystein (als Antioxidans) konnten die Proliferationsrate in PGP-herabregulierten Zellen an die von Kontrollzellen annähern. Die Redox-Regulation von PGP könnte als Feedback-Mechanismus also auch Einfluss auf die zelluläre Proliferation haben - ein Mechanismus, der bei PGP herabregulierten Zellen so nicht stattfinden könnte. Wahrscheinlich sind die Zusammenhänge aber noch komplexer und mit einer alleinigen Untersuchung der Proliferationsrate nicht aufzuklären. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse können also nur als Pionierversuche betrachtet werden.
Um die Merkmale und Funktionen von PGP besser zu verstehen, fokussierte sich die weitere Arbeit auf die spezifische Regulation der Enzymaktivität durch pharmakologisch anwendbare kleine Moleküle. Vier potentielle Inhibitoren waren zuvor in einer Screening-Kampagne identifiziert worden. In dieser Arbeit konnten drei von vier der inhibierenden Moleküle in Experimenten mit hoch-aufgereinigtem, rekombinantem murinem und humanem PGP näher charakterisiert werden. Die Moleküle #2 und #9 zeigten kompetitiv hemmende Eigenschaften mit deutlich steigendem KM-Wert bei geringer oder gar keiner Veränderung der Maximalgeschwindigkeit (vmax). Die Ergebnisse waren bei allen untersuchten Protein-Varianten - murinem und humanem PGP sowie einem PGP/PDXP-Hybrid-Protein - vergleichbar. Molekül #1 war der potenteste und interessanteste PGP-Inhibitor: eine geringere Veränderung des KM-Werts und eine konstante Verminderung von vmax sowie ein reduzierter Einfluss auf den PGP/PDXP-Hybriden weisen auf einen gemischten Inhibitionsmechanismus als Kombination aus kompetitiver und nicht-kompetitiver Hemmung hin. Die Charakterisierung der potentiellen Inhibitoren kann als Basis für weiterführende strukturelle Analysen und der Untersuchung der komplexen physiologischen Rolle von PGP dienen.
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Identification of new drug targets in adrenocortical carcinoma through targeted mRNA analysis / Identifikation neuer Drug Targets im Nebennierenrindenkarzinom durch gezielte mRNA-AnalyseLiang, Raimunde January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC) are aggressive tumors associated with a heterogeneous but generally poor prognosis and limited treatment options for advanced stages. Despite promising molecular insights and improved understanding of ACC biology, efficient targeted therapies have not been identified yet. Thus, this study aims to identify potential new drug targets for a future personalized therapeutic approach.
RNA was isolated from 104 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor samples from ACC patients, 40 of those 104 cases proved to be suitable for further mRNA analyses according to the quality check of the extracted RNA. Gene expression of 84 known cancer drug targets was evaluated by quantitative real-time PCR using 5 normal adrenal glands as reference. Protein expression was investigated for selected candidate drug targets by immunohistochemistry in 104 ACC samples, 11 adenomas and 6 normal adrenal glands. Efficacy of an available inhibitor of the most promising candidate was tested by functional in vitro experiments in two ACC cell lines (NCI-H295R and MUC1) alone or in combination with other drugs.
Most frequently overexpressed genes were TOP2A, IGF2, CDK1, CDK4, PLK4 and PLK1. Nuclear immunostaining of CDK1, CDK4 and PLK1 significantly correlated with the respective mRNA expression. CDK4 was chosen as the most promising candidate for functional validation as it is actionable by FDA-approved CDK4/6 inhibitors. ACC samples with copy number gains at CDK4 locus presented significantly higher CDK4 expression levels. The CDK4/6 inhibitor palbociclib showed a concentration- and time- dependent reduction of cell viability in vitro, which was more pronounced in NCI-H295R than in MUC1 cells. This was in line with higher CDK4 expression at western blot analysis in NCI-H295R cells. Furthermore, palbociclib was applied in combination with dual IGFR/IR inhibitor linsitinib showing a synergistic effect on reducing cell viability. In conclusion, this proof-of-principle study confirmed RNA profiling to be useful to discover potential drug targets. Detected drug targets are suitable to be investigated by immunohistochemistry in the clinical setting. Moreover, CDK4/6 inhibitors are promising candidates for treatment of a subset of patients with tumors presenting CDK4 copy number gains and/or overexpression, while linsitinib might be an interesting combination partner in patients with both IGF2 and IGF1R overexpression.
These results are intended as a basis for a validation study in a prospective cohort, further evaluation in vivo in suitable mouse models or testing in patients with ACC in clinical trials are needed and might improve the future management of patients with ACC in terms of precision medicine. / Nebennierenrindenkarzinome (ACC) sind aggressive Tumore, die mit einer heterogenen, aber insgesamt ungünstigen Prognose sowie limitierten therapeutischen Optionen für fortgeschrittene Stadien assoziiert sind. Trotz hoffnungsvoll stimmenden molekularen Einblicken und verbessertem Verständnis für die Biologie des ACC wurden bisher keine effektiven Targeted Therapies (zielgerichtete Therapien) identifiziert. Daher strebt diese Studie die Identifikation potentieller neuer Drug Targets (Arzneimittelzielpunkte) im Rahmen einer zukünftigen personalisierten Therapie an.
RNA wurde von 104 formalinfixierten und paraffineingebetteten Tumorproben von ACC Patienten isoliert, 40 der 104 Fälle zeigten sich nach der Qualitätsprüfung der extrahierten RNA geeignet für weiterführende mRNA-Analysen. Genexpression von 84 bekannten Karzinom-Drug Targets wurden durch quantitative Real-Time PCR unter Nutzung von 5 normalen Nebennieren als Referenz evaluiert. Proteinexpression wurde in selektierten Kandidaten-Drug Targets durch Immunhistochemie in 104 ACC-Proben, 11 Adenomen und 6 normalen Nebennieren untersucht. Das Potential eines verfügbaren Inhibitors gegen das vielversprechendste Kandidatengen wurde in funktionalen in vitro Experimenten mit zwei ACC-Zelllinien (NCI-H295R und MUC1) allein und in Kombination mit einem anderen Medikament getestet.
Die am häufigsten überexprimierten Gene stellten TOP2A, IGF2, CDK1, CDK4, PLK4 und PLK1 dar. Die immunhistologische Kernfärbung für CDK1, CDK4 und PLK1 korrelierten signifikant mit der jeweiligen mRNA-Expression. CDK4 wurde als erfolgversprechendster Kandidat für weitere funktionale Validierung ausgewählt, da es durch FDA-genehmigte CDK4/6-Inhibitoren angreifbar ist. ACC-Proben mit Copy Number Gains des CDK4 Genlocus zeigten signifikant höhere CDK4 Expressionslevel. Der CDK4/6-Inhibitor Palbociclib wies eine zeit- und konzentrationsabhängige Reduktion der Zellviabilität in vitro auf, welche ausgeprägter in NCI-H295R- als in MUC1-Zellen war. Dies war in Einklang mit stärkerer CDK4 Expression in den NCI-H295R-Zellen in der Western Blot Analyse. Weiterhin wurde Palbociclib in Kombination mit dem dualen IGFR/IR-Inhibitor Linsitinib eingesetzt, dies zeigte einen synergistischen Effekt auf die Reduktion der Zellviabilität.
Zusammenfassend bestätigte diese Proof-of-Principle den Nutzen von RNA Profiling zur Erfassung potentieller Drug Targets. Die ermittelten Drug Targets sind geeignet für immunhistochemische Untersuchungen im klinischen Setting. Darüber hinaus sind CDK4/6-Inhibitoren vielversprechende Kandidaten für die Behandlung einer Teilgruppe von Patienten mit Tumoren, die CDK4-Copy Number Gains und/oder -Überexpression aufweisen, während Linsitinib ein interessanter Kombinationspartner in Patienten mit sowohl IGF2- wie auch IGF1R-Überexpression darstellen könnte.
Diese Resultate sollen als Basis für eine Validationsstudie in einer prospektiven Kohorte dienen, weitere Evaluation in vivo in geeigneten Mausmodellen oder Untersuchung in ACC-Patienten in klinischen Studien sind erforderlich und könnten das zukünftige Management von ACC-Patienten verbessern im Rahmen der Präzisionsmedizin.
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Effects of Duration of Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Therapy on Markers of Bone Health in Men and Postmenopausal WomenPabin, Zarina Maria 02 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This observational study compared bone health biomarkers, bone mineral density (BMD),dietary habits, and physical activity levels of men (n=31) and non-estrogen supplementing postmenopausal women (n=23) divided according to duration of proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy; more than 5 years (n=16), less than 5 years (n=15), and no PPI therapy (n=23). The shortest duration of PPI therapy was 2 months and the longest duration of PPI therapy was 25 years with a mean duration of 7.5 years. No significant differences were found between measures of spine BMD, urinary deoxypyridinoline (bone resorption), urinary calcium and magnesium, serum osteocalcin (bone formation), serum parathyroid hormone, serum magnesium, serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D3, dietary and supplement intake, or physical activity levels. However, mean hip BMD was higher in females than in males in participants who took PPI therapy for any duration. In the no PPI therapy group, hip BMD was not significantly different between genders. These results suggest that there may be no measurable or clinically significant negative effects of long term PPI therapy on bone health. However, men may be at higher risk of hip fracture when taking long-term PPI therapy than women.
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Improving anti-tumor efficacy of low-dose Vincristine in rhabdomyosarcoma via the combination therapy with FOXM1 inhibitor RCM1Donovan, John 25 May 2023 (has links)
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Development of Multivalent DNA-Peptide Nucleosome Mimetics and Multi-Domain Protein Inhibitors That Directly or Indirectly Target the E3 Ligase UHRF1Gu, Li 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
UHRF1 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase and a key epigenetic regulator establishing a crosstalk between DNA methylation and histone modification. Despite the important biochemical role of UHRF1 in cells, its overexpression has been found in almost all primary cancer types including breast cancer, lung cancer and so on. Numerous evidence indicates a strong link between tumorigenesis and UHRF1 overexpression, supporting its potential as a universal biomarker for cancer. However, UHRF1 is “yet-to-be drugged” and no highly potent chemical probes have been developed to target UHRF1 to date. In this study, we proposed two drug design approaches for UHRF1. The first approach is to construct multivalent DNA-peptide nucleosome mimetics that can target UHRF1 directly. For UHRF1 to promote DNA methylation, the interaction with nucleosomes, both through a DNA-binding (SRA) and histone-binding domain (TTD-PHD), and ubiquitylation of histone H3 are necessary to recruit DNA methyltransferase. We utilized the natural binding activity between UHRF1 and nucleosome in cells to develop a DNA-peptide hybrid that mimics UHRF1’s interaction with nucleosomes, thereby inhibiting UHRF1-dependent histone ubiquitylation and impairing its function in controlling DNA methylation. Here, we described the synthesis of the DNA-peptide hybrids using different lengths of PEG linkers including PEG2, 6, 8, 16 and 24. We purified and characterized the molecules with RP-HPLC and ESI-MS. Biophysical assays such as ITC and METRIS were conducted to study about the binding affinities of these DNA-peptide hybrids. In vitro UHRF1 ubiquitylation assays were performed to investigate the inhibition efficacy of these inhibitors, and pull-down assays were conducted to study their selectivity. In addition, mass photometry assays were used to study the stoichiometry of the binding between UHRF1 and the DNA-peptide hybrids. We demonstrated that multivalent DNA-peptide hybrids possess high affinity for UHRF1 and can inhibit histone ubiquitylation. Among them, In16 can form a 1:1 binding complex with UHRF1, substantiating its ability to be used as a molecular tool for structural analysis of UHRF1. In the second approach, we designed and constructed three generations of multi-domain protein inhibitors of E2 enzyme Ube2D, including RING-UBL (RU), UBOX-UBL (UU) and UBOX-UbvD1.1 short/long (UD1 and UD2). Through targeting both the RING- and backside-binding sites on Ube2D, UHRF1 enzymatic function can be indirectly inhibited as Ube2D is the only cognate E2 enzyme that cooperates with UHRF1 for histone H3 ubiquitylation. In this study, ITC was used to measure the binding affinities of these inhibitors, showing an increasing affinity from the first inhibitor RU to the last one UD2, ranging from 10-6 M to
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A Comparison of Cultured Human Dermal Fibroblasts Derived from Terminal and Vellus Hair Bearing Skin. Differences in the expression of inhibitors of apoptosis proteins, oestrogen receptors, and responses to oestradiol under normal and wound induced conditionsKamala, Ola January 2014 (has links)
Wounds heal better in skin with terminal hair follicles (large and pigmented) as opposed to those with vellus hair follicles (small and unpigmented), while dermal fibroblasts from different anatomical regions also exhibit phenotypical differences. Tissue repair requires a tight control of cell proliferation, migration and apoptosis, and recent studies have shown the importance of inhibitors of apoptosis proteins (IAPs), which are proteins that prevent the process of apoptosis via their interaction with caspase molecules in wound healing. Oestrogens improve the rate and quality of wound healing, but their relationship with IAPs in human skin has not been studied. Therefore, terminal (scalp) and vellus (facial) hair bearing skin from the same donor was compared in situ and matching primary cultures of dermal fibroblasts were established from terminal (DF(T)) and vellus (DF(V)) hair bearing skin.
Using immunofluorescent staining, the expression of IAPs and their antagonists was compared at different stages of the hair cycle following depilation using a murine model and then in terminal and vellus hair bearing human skin. The size and granularity of matching DF(T) and DF(V) cultures was compared by FACS analysis and mRNA and protein expression of Apollon, cIAP2, NAIP and XIAP and their antagonists DIABLO and Xaf1 analysed by qRT-PCR and immunocytochemistry in unwounded and mechanically wounded fibroblast cultures. Differences in proliferation, migration, viability and caspase 3 activity in the presence of 17β-oestradiol and changes in mRNA expression of the oestrogen receptors (GPR30, ERα and ERβ) were compared between the two cell types. IAP protein expression was generally found higher during mid anagen of the hair cycle in murine skin and hair follicles. Overall, expression was slightly higher in human terminal hair bearing skin compared to corresponding vellus hair bearing skin. IAP protein expression was similar in unwounded DF(T) and DF(V) cells with the exception of Apollon which was higher in DF(V) cells. With the exception of XIAP and its direct antagonist Xaf1, mRNA expression was higher in DF(V) cells compared to corresponding DF(T) cells. FACS analysis demonstrated that DF(V) cells were more granular than matching DF(T) cells and proliferated faster. 17β-oestradiol accelerated migration of DF(T) cells only. Mechanical wounding decreased XIAP mRNA in DF(T) and increased it in DF(V) cells, while simultaneously decreasing Xaf1 expression. In unwounded cells, 17β-oestradiol stimulated the expression of XIAP mRNA in both DF(T) and DF(V) cells, but in scratched monolayers, while it also increased expression in DF(T) cells it decreased it in DF(V) cells. A XIAP inhibitor reduced cell viability in both DF(T) and DF(V) cells, which was rescued by 17β-oestradiol in unwounded and mechanically wounded DF(T) cells, but only in unwounded DF(V) cells. 17β-oestradiol decreased caspase 3 activity in the presence of a XIAP inhibitor only in DF(T) cells.
These results demonstrate significant differences between dermal fibroblasts cultured from terminal and vellus hair bearing skin of the same individual. The correlation between an increase in XIAP in response to 17β-oestradiol and a higher number of viable cells, along with a reduction in caspase 3 activity suggests that the protective effect of 17β-oestradiol may be modulated via the regulation of XIAP. Further elucidation of these different signalling pathways in dermal fibroblasts from hair bearing skin may lead to improved therapies for chronic non-healing wounds, particularly in postmenopausal females.
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Binding of the Nonnucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor Efavirenz to HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Monomers and DimersBraz, Valerie Ann January 2009 (has links)
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Development of Bicyclic Peptidyl Inhibitors against Peptidyl-Prolyl Isomerase Pin1Jiang, Bisheng 19 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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