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A influência dos fatores econômicos institucionais e sociais na inserção das agroindústrias rurais no mercado : um estudo no meio-oeste de Santa CatarinaSantos Junior, Silvio January 2011 (has links)
A intensificação concorrencial decorrente do processo de globalização e da internacionalização dos mercados tem provocado profundas mudanças no agronegócio brasileiro, e as agroindústrias rurais (AR) estão sendo vistas como uma possibilidade estratégica para os pequenos e médios produtores rurais. Diversos são, entretanto, os fatores críticos ao sucesso desses empreendimentos como, também, diversos são os formatos organizacionais deles. O presente estudo, tendo por objetivo conhecer a realidade dessas ARs na ótica econômica, institucional e social durante o processo de comercialização de seus produtos, busca quantificar a influência destes fatores em promover a inserção delas no mercado, bem como verificar se essa influência ocorre de forma diferenciada para os tipos de ARs existentes na realidade. Como base teórica, utilizou-se da Teoria Econômica Neoclássica e da Teoria da Organização Industrial para abstrair os fatores da dimensão econômica. A fim de identificar os fatores da dimensão institucional, recorreu-se à Nova Economia Institucional, e a Sociologia Econômica serviu de suporte para a obtenção dos fatores sociais que influenciam na inserção das ARs no mercado. A Teoria das Convenções foi utilizada para auxiliar na interpretação dos resultados. O universo da pesquisa abrange as agroindústrias rurais de pequeno e médio portes, e a amostra foi composta por 40 agroindústrias de duas microrregiões geográficas do estado de Santa Catarina. Para a coleta de dados foi realizada uma entrevista estruturada com os dirigentes dessas agroindústrias. Na análise dos resultados, através de um modelo de regressão, buscou-se quantificar a influência de cada dimensão, e os achados mostraram que as dimensões econômica e institucional têm influências semelhantes para a inserção das ARs no mercado, e são, aproximadamente, duas vezes mais influentes que a dimensão social, quando se consideram todas as ARs da amostra. Quando se estratifica a amostra por tipos de ARs, percebe-se que há diferentes influências das dimensões do estudo para os diferentes tipos de ARs. / The intensification of competition resulting from the process of globalization and internationalization of markets has brought profound changes in Brazilian agribusiness and the rural agro-industries (RA) are being seen as a strategic option for small and medium farmers. Several, however, are the critical factors to the success of these undertakings as are also their organizational formats. The present study, aiming to know the reality of RAs in the economic, institutional and social perspective during the process of commercialization of its products, seeks to quantify the influence of these factors in promoting their inclusion in the market as well as verifying whether this influence occurs differently to each the type of RAs that exist in reality. As a theoretical basis, we used the Neoclassical Economic Theory and the Theory of Industrial Organization to abstract the economic dimension factors. In order to identify the factors of the institutional dimension we resorted to the New Institutional Economics and the Economic Sociology was used as a support for the attainment of social factors that influence the insertion of RAs in the market. The Theory of the Conventions was used to assist in interpreting the results. The research covers the small and medium size rural agro-industries, and the sample was comprised of 40 agro-industries from two geographical microregions in the state of Santa Catarina. To collect the data a structured interview was conducted with the leaders of these agro-industries. While analyzing the results through a regression model, we attempted to quantify the influence of each dimension and the findings showed that the economic and institutional dimensions have similar influences to the insertion of RAs in the market and are approximately twice more influential than the social dimension, when you consider all the RAs of the sample. When the sample is stratified by types of RAs, one realizes that there are different influences of the dimensions of the study for different types of RAs.
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A influência dos fatores econômicos institucionais e sociais na inserção das agroindústrias rurais no mercado : um estudo no meio-oeste de Santa CatarinaSantos Junior, Silvio January 2011 (has links)
A intensificação concorrencial decorrente do processo de globalização e da internacionalização dos mercados tem provocado profundas mudanças no agronegócio brasileiro, e as agroindústrias rurais (AR) estão sendo vistas como uma possibilidade estratégica para os pequenos e médios produtores rurais. Diversos são, entretanto, os fatores críticos ao sucesso desses empreendimentos como, também, diversos são os formatos organizacionais deles. O presente estudo, tendo por objetivo conhecer a realidade dessas ARs na ótica econômica, institucional e social durante o processo de comercialização de seus produtos, busca quantificar a influência destes fatores em promover a inserção delas no mercado, bem como verificar se essa influência ocorre de forma diferenciada para os tipos de ARs existentes na realidade. Como base teórica, utilizou-se da Teoria Econômica Neoclássica e da Teoria da Organização Industrial para abstrair os fatores da dimensão econômica. A fim de identificar os fatores da dimensão institucional, recorreu-se à Nova Economia Institucional, e a Sociologia Econômica serviu de suporte para a obtenção dos fatores sociais que influenciam na inserção das ARs no mercado. A Teoria das Convenções foi utilizada para auxiliar na interpretação dos resultados. O universo da pesquisa abrange as agroindústrias rurais de pequeno e médio portes, e a amostra foi composta por 40 agroindústrias de duas microrregiões geográficas do estado de Santa Catarina. Para a coleta de dados foi realizada uma entrevista estruturada com os dirigentes dessas agroindústrias. Na análise dos resultados, através de um modelo de regressão, buscou-se quantificar a influência de cada dimensão, e os achados mostraram que as dimensões econômica e institucional têm influências semelhantes para a inserção das ARs no mercado, e são, aproximadamente, duas vezes mais influentes que a dimensão social, quando se consideram todas as ARs da amostra. Quando se estratifica a amostra por tipos de ARs, percebe-se que há diferentes influências das dimensões do estudo para os diferentes tipos de ARs. / The intensification of competition resulting from the process of globalization and internationalization of markets has brought profound changes in Brazilian agribusiness and the rural agro-industries (RA) are being seen as a strategic option for small and medium farmers. Several, however, are the critical factors to the success of these undertakings as are also their organizational formats. The present study, aiming to know the reality of RAs in the economic, institutional and social perspective during the process of commercialization of its products, seeks to quantify the influence of these factors in promoting their inclusion in the market as well as verifying whether this influence occurs differently to each the type of RAs that exist in reality. As a theoretical basis, we used the Neoclassical Economic Theory and the Theory of Industrial Organization to abstract the economic dimension factors. In order to identify the factors of the institutional dimension we resorted to the New Institutional Economics and the Economic Sociology was used as a support for the attainment of social factors that influence the insertion of RAs in the market. The Theory of the Conventions was used to assist in interpreting the results. The research covers the small and medium size rural agro-industries, and the sample was comprised of 40 agro-industries from two geographical microregions in the state of Santa Catarina. To collect the data a structured interview was conducted with the leaders of these agro-industries. While analyzing the results through a regression model, we attempted to quantify the influence of each dimension and the findings showed that the economic and institutional dimensions have similar influences to the insertion of RAs in the market and are approximately twice more influential than the social dimension, when you consider all the RAs of the sample. When the sample is stratified by types of RAs, one realizes that there are different influences of the dimensions of the study for different types of RAs.
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Estrutura de capital: o papel das fontes de financiamento nas quais as companhias abertas brasileiras se baseiam / Capital structure: the role of sources of financing in which Brazilian publicly traded companies are basedWilson Tarantin Júnior 12 December 2013 (has links)
Este estudo avaliou estrutura de capital das companhias abertas brasileiras, no período de 2005 a 2012, verificando o papel das fontes de financiamento nas quais tais companhias se baseiam. Para tanto, a proporção das dívidas em três fontes distintas foram avaliadas: as instituições financeiras, o mercado de capitais e as fontes com taxas de juros subsidiadas, esta representando um fator institucional da economia brasileira. Foi utilizada uma amostra de noventa e cinco empresas dentre as cento e cinqüenta maiores empresas com ações negociadas na BM&FBOVESPA. Por meio de modelos com dados em painel, os resultados mostram que as fontes de financiamento exercem influência na formação da estrutura de capital das empresas via alavancagem e maturidade das dívidas. Em relação à alavancagem, empresas que tem maior proporção de seus recursos captados no mercado de capitais são mais alavancadas. O mesmo não acontece com as empresas que tem maior proporção de recursos subsidiados. Foram encontradas evidências de que as firmas com maior proporção de recursos no mercado de capitais são as maiores, menos rentáveis, com maior proporção de ativos tangíveis, menos arriscadas e com menores oportunidades de crescimento. Em relação à maturidade das dívidas, recursos de diferentes maturidades são captados em diferentes fontes: os recursos de menores maturidades são captados via instituições financeiras e os recursos de maiores maturidades são captados no mercado de capitais e nas fontes com taxas de juros subsidiadas (leia-se BNDES). Comparando-se os recursos do mercado de capitais com os recursos subsidiados, verificou-se que as companhias tem se utilizado do mercado de capitais para seus financiamentos de maior maturidade. Os recursos subsidiados tem sido utilizados para maturidades intermediárias. Os resultados podem ser justificados devido ao crescimento do mercado de capitais brasileiro nos últimos anos, a partir de 2009, dada a Instrução CVM Nº 476/09, apontando evidências de que as companhias estão alterando a forma como se utilizam das fontes de financiamento para compor sua estrutura de capital. / This study evaluated the capital structure of Brazilian listed companies, in the period from 2005 to 2012, verifying the role of sources of financing in which this companies rely for their funding. Therefore, the proportion of debt in three distinct sources were evaluated: financial institutions, capital markets and sources with subsidized interest rates, this representing an institutional factor of the Brazilian economy. A sample of ninety five companies, among the one hundred fifty largest companies listed on the BM&FBOVESPA, was used. Using models with panel data, the results show that the sources of financing exert influence on the capital structure of firms in two ways: via leverage and debt maturity. Regarding leverage, firms that have a higher proportion of their funds raised in the capital market are more leveraged. The same is not true for companies that have a higher proportion of subsidized resources. Were found evidence that firms with higher proportion of funds raised in the capital market are larger, less profitable, with higher proportion of tangible assets, less risky and lower growth opportunities. Regarding maturity of the debt, resources of different maturities are raised in different sources: resources of smaller maturities are raised through financial institutions and resources of larger maturities are raised in the capital markets and sources with subsidized interest rates (read BNDES). Comparing the features of the capital market with subsidized resources, it was found that the companies has used the capital market for their financing of longer maturity. Subsidized resources have been used for intermediate maturities. Results can be justified due to the growth of the Brazilian capital market in recent years, from 2009, given to Instruction CVM Nº 476/09, pointing out evidence that companies are changing the way they use the sources of financing to compose its capital structure.
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A influência dos fatores econômicos institucionais e sociais na inserção das agroindústrias rurais no mercado : um estudo no meio-oeste de Santa CatarinaSantos Junior, Silvio January 2011 (has links)
A intensificação concorrencial decorrente do processo de globalização e da internacionalização dos mercados tem provocado profundas mudanças no agronegócio brasileiro, e as agroindústrias rurais (AR) estão sendo vistas como uma possibilidade estratégica para os pequenos e médios produtores rurais. Diversos são, entretanto, os fatores críticos ao sucesso desses empreendimentos como, também, diversos são os formatos organizacionais deles. O presente estudo, tendo por objetivo conhecer a realidade dessas ARs na ótica econômica, institucional e social durante o processo de comercialização de seus produtos, busca quantificar a influência destes fatores em promover a inserção delas no mercado, bem como verificar se essa influência ocorre de forma diferenciada para os tipos de ARs existentes na realidade. Como base teórica, utilizou-se da Teoria Econômica Neoclássica e da Teoria da Organização Industrial para abstrair os fatores da dimensão econômica. A fim de identificar os fatores da dimensão institucional, recorreu-se à Nova Economia Institucional, e a Sociologia Econômica serviu de suporte para a obtenção dos fatores sociais que influenciam na inserção das ARs no mercado. A Teoria das Convenções foi utilizada para auxiliar na interpretação dos resultados. O universo da pesquisa abrange as agroindústrias rurais de pequeno e médio portes, e a amostra foi composta por 40 agroindústrias de duas microrregiões geográficas do estado de Santa Catarina. Para a coleta de dados foi realizada uma entrevista estruturada com os dirigentes dessas agroindústrias. Na análise dos resultados, através de um modelo de regressão, buscou-se quantificar a influência de cada dimensão, e os achados mostraram que as dimensões econômica e institucional têm influências semelhantes para a inserção das ARs no mercado, e são, aproximadamente, duas vezes mais influentes que a dimensão social, quando se consideram todas as ARs da amostra. Quando se estratifica a amostra por tipos de ARs, percebe-se que há diferentes influências das dimensões do estudo para os diferentes tipos de ARs. / The intensification of competition resulting from the process of globalization and internationalization of markets has brought profound changes in Brazilian agribusiness and the rural agro-industries (RA) are being seen as a strategic option for small and medium farmers. Several, however, are the critical factors to the success of these undertakings as are also their organizational formats. The present study, aiming to know the reality of RAs in the economic, institutional and social perspective during the process of commercialization of its products, seeks to quantify the influence of these factors in promoting their inclusion in the market as well as verifying whether this influence occurs differently to each the type of RAs that exist in reality. As a theoretical basis, we used the Neoclassical Economic Theory and the Theory of Industrial Organization to abstract the economic dimension factors. In order to identify the factors of the institutional dimension we resorted to the New Institutional Economics and the Economic Sociology was used as a support for the attainment of social factors that influence the insertion of RAs in the market. The Theory of the Conventions was used to assist in interpreting the results. The research covers the small and medium size rural agro-industries, and the sample was comprised of 40 agro-industries from two geographical microregions in the state of Santa Catarina. To collect the data a structured interview was conducted with the leaders of these agro-industries. While analyzing the results through a regression model, we attempted to quantify the influence of each dimension and the findings showed that the economic and institutional dimensions have similar influences to the insertion of RAs in the market and are approximately twice more influential than the social dimension, when you consider all the RAs of the sample. When the sample is stratified by types of RAs, one realizes that there are different influences of the dimensions of the study for different types of RAs.
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Validacao de instrumento para diagnostico e analise do clima organizacional a partir da serie historica de aplicacao no IPENFEHER, ANA C.M. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:48:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:58:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
09309.pdf: 8871299 bytes, checksum: 05bddd29894540470910fc5c9eac2051 (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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Är det ett under? : En studie om underprissättning i Skandinavien / Is it a miracle? : A study about underpricing in ScandinaviaMalmquist, Hampus, Hansson, Anton January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund : Underprissättning är ingen ny företeelse utan det finns mängder av forskning påämnet. Underprissättning förekommer vid de börsintroduktioner där teckningskursen är lägreän vad stängningskursen är för aktien efter första handelsdagen. Tidigare forskningundersöker många tänkbara orsaker bakom underprissättning och vi har valt att inkludera trevanligt förekommande vilket är asymmetrisk information, institutionella faktorer samtkulturella skillnader. Syfte : Syftet med denna studien är att undersöka underprissättning och faktorer bakom detpå de skandinaviska marknaderna. Metod : Studien följer ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt med en deduktiv ansats där 7hypoteser ska besvaras. Dessa hypoteser grundar sig i tidigare forskning där bland annatindex representerar variabler som potentiellt kan påverka underprissättning. Hypoteserna äräven grundade från teori inom underprissättning. Studiens kortsiktiga urval består 224 bolagunder tidsperioden 2005 till 2021 medans det långsiktiga perspektivet inkluderar 163 styckenobservationer mellan 2005 till 2018. Studien är baserad på de skandinaviskaaktiemarknaderna. Resultat : Studiens resultat indikerar att underprissättning existerar och skiljer sig åt mellande skandinaviska länderna. Kulturella skillnader och institutionella faktorer är signifikanta irelation till underprissättning vilket tyder på att det finns ett samband mellan dessavariablerna. Studien hittar inga bevis som stödjer att underprissättning har en påverkan påaktiekurser långsiktigt men vi finner att underprissatta bolag presterar bättre på en treårsperiod än icke underprissatta bolag. / Background : Underpricing is not a new phenomenon or area per say since there is plenty ofexisting research. Underpricing occurs when an IPO has a higher closing price after the firstday compared to their initial offer price. Prior research examines possible explanations for theunderpricing phenomenon and we have chosen to include three commonly used causes whichis, asymmetric information, institutional factors along with cultural differences. Purpose : The purpose with this paper is to examine underpricing and the factors behind itwithin the scandinavian markets. Method : This paper follows a quantitative approach including a deductive path in whichseven hypotheses shall be examined. These hypotheses are based on prior research in whichindexes are used as explanatory factors for the underpricing. The hypotheses are also basedon theory within underpricing. For the short run a sample of 224 observations were chosenunder the timeframe 2005 to 2021. Whilst for the long run 163 observations are includedwithin the period 2005 to 2018. The paper is based on the scandinavian stock markets. Results : The results indicate that underpricing exists and differs between the scandinaviancountries. Cultural differences and institutional factors are significant to underpricing whichimplies that there is causality between the variables. The paper finds no evidence thatunderpricing has an influence on the stock price in the long run but we do find thatcompanies that have been underpriced tend to perform better over a three year period thannon underpriced companies.
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The influence of institutional factors on the effectiveness of global product launchVargas Carmona, Diego Daniel, Mahmod, Mohamed Kamil Morsi January 2023 (has links)
In today’s fast-changing markets, many international firms invest a significant amount of money in terms of marketing and technology to launch their products globally. To reduce such costs, a better understanding of the factors that affect the performance of global products launch is needed. However, little is known about how institutional factors of the type social, legal and political could influence the performance of global products launch. Accordingly, this thesis aims to investigate whether the simultaneous action of institutional factors of the type social, legal and political influence the performance of a new global product launch. Considering a single case study of Tesla’s products in 21 European countries between 2014 and 2019, a quantitative approach was followed using panel regression analysis. The sales of Tesla’s were used as dependent variable to represent the market performance of Tesla. For independent variables, data was collected for institutional factors including social indicators based on Hofstede framework (i.e., Uncertainty avoidance, Power distance, Individualism), political (i.e., Government Effectiveness, Voice and Accountability) and legal indicators (i.e., Rule of Law, Strength of legal rights) based on the World Bank indices. Seven hypotheses were formulated and tested. The results indicated that the market performance of Tesla’s products is positively associated with political factors in terms of voice and accountability. Moreover, the establishment of supercharger network from Tesla was found to have a significant positive impact on its products’ sales. Due to multicollinearity, some of the independent variables were removed and hence their respective hypotheses were not tested. For future research, it is recommended to use more data which incorporate a wide variety of countries including non-European countries as well as other companies offering electric cars.
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No description available.
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Predicting Academic Success among First-Year, First Generation StudentsAmelink, Catherine T. 28 April 2005 (has links)
Due to immigration the non-Hispanic White population continues to decrease and the population continues to change in regard to the ethnic and racial make-up. As these demographic changes take place higher education institutions will face increasing pressure from stakeholders to create environments that facilitate degree completion among mounting numbers of populations who are at risk in terms of academic success.
First generation status denotes one group of students who are at risk in terms of persistence towards a bachelor's degree. The purpose of this study was to examine what factors predict the academic success of first year, full-time first generation students. Furthermore, this study examined whether there is a relationship between race, gender, financial need, and language ability and factors used to predict the academic success of first generation students.
Factors were defined as variables measured by the 2002 Your First College Year Survey (YFCY) data (HERI, 2004a). Factors fell into five main areas: Student Background Characteristics, Agents of Socialization, Structural Characteristics, Institutional Environment, and Student Effort (Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991).
The study was based on secondary analysis of the 2002 YFCY data provided by the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles. A combination of descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and logistic regression was used for this study.
Findings revealed there are significant differences between academically more successful FGs and FGs who are academically less successful in relation to three factors: Institutional Environment, Student Effort, and Agents of Socialization. FGs are more likely to experience academic success in regard to variables associated with the factor Institutional Environment. There is a greater likelihood FGs will be academically less successful in relation to variables associated with the factors Student Effort and Agents of Socialization. When considering demographic variables in relation to the three significant institutional factors, FGs who are Asian American are more likely to experience academic success. Alternatively, FGs have greater odds of being academically less successful if they are male, African American, Mexican American, and non-native speakers of English. / Ph. D.
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Understanding Implementation : A Case Study of the TOD Implementation Process in Flemingsbergsdalen / Att förstå implementering : En fallstudie av implementeringsprocessen av TOD i FlemingsbergsdalenGustafsson, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is a strategic approach in urban planning that promotessustainable urban growth through efficient land use and enhanced public transportation. This thesisexplores the implementation of TOD within a Swedish context through a case study on the developmentof Flemingsbergsdalen in southern Stockholm. This is done through interviews with different actorsinvolved in the development process. The study aims to understand how TOD is adapted to andimplemented in Flemingsbergsdalen and to identify the primary challenges encountered in the TODimplementation process. The research revealed two primary findings. Firstly, the implementation of TOD in Flemingsbergsdalenadheres closely to recognised design and planning principles of TOD, reflecting both the historical andcontemporary planning contexts. Flemingsbergsdalen's development, informed by early TOD initiativesin Flemingsberg, illustrates how evolving planning ideas contribute to and shape the built environment.Secondly, the study identifies three main categories of challenges: financing TOD, defining roles andresponsibilities, and managing internal and external organisation. These challenges highlight thecomplex interplay between economic factors and institutional roles, significantly influenced by bothformal and informal institutional factors such as budgeting, economic priorities, and the varying levelsof stakeholder knowledge and experience in navigating financing processes for TOD projects. The findings suggest that while TOD principles are well-supported in theory, the process ofimplementation is filled with complex challenges that can be difficult to navigate. This thesis contributesto research by identifying and categorising these challenges and providing a framework forunderstanding the dynamics between them.
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