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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mapování tloušťky mazacího filmu u náhrad velkých kloubů člověka / Mapping of lubricating film thickness of human big joints replacements

Bosák, Dalibor January 2012 (has links)
This master’s thesis describes mechanism of lubricating film forming and its thickness in contact of a metal hip joint ball and a glass disc with chromium layer with presence of bovine serum as substitute of synovial fluid occured in a natural joint. Lubricating film thickness is evaluated by a thin film colorimetric interferometry, results are ploted at graphs representing dependence of lubricating film thickness on experiment duration or on mutual speed of articulating surfaces. There is described the influence of concentration of bovine serum and different kinematic conditions on lubricating film forming. From observed interferograms is apparent the adsorption of proteins to glass disc and femoral head surfaces, denaturation and formation of protein aggregations affecting the residual lubricating film thickness.

Zařízení pro měření vlnoplochy mikroskopových objektivů / Device for wavefront measurement of microscope objective lenses

Bartoníček, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The wavefront reconstruction of a light wave transformed by a microscope objective is the main subject of this diploma thesis together with the design and assembly of a~measuring device and the development of a computational algorithm. The purpose is to determine optical aberrations and to compare a quality of objectives with identical parameters. The term wavefront is explained and its description using Zernike polynomials is introduced in the first part of the thesis. The following part summarizes possible methods for wavefront reconstrucion. Two methods were chosen for experimental determination of a wavefront shape – shearing interferometry and solution of the transport of intensity equation. For each method a brief characteristic is provided together with possible applications, mathematical apparatus, image processing, computational procedure, setup description and proposition and results of experiments. The suitability of both methods for optical aberration determination and microscope objective comparison is discussed. Based on the obtained results, both methods were found to be suitable for comparison of microscope objectives. The suitability for optical aberration determination is possible with certain restrictions.

Experimentální studium mazání okolku kolejových vozidel / Experimental Study of Wheel Flange Lubrication

Frýza, Josef January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the experimental study of the influence of operating conditions on the tribological aspects of the wheel flange and rail gauge contact. The wheel flange contact occurs when the vehicle moves on a curve track and it leads to severe up to catastrophic wear regime. For effective reduction of wear is important to apply a suitable amount of lubricant at appropriate intervals into the contact. The issue in this work comprehensively studies using of three laboratory apparatus and six methods that are theoretically and experimentally compared. Assessed are friction, wear, distribution and film thickness of lubricants for different contact conditions. The resulted amount of lubricant and interval of its application eliminates development of seizure at low consumption of lubricant. The understanding of mechanisms that occur in the wheel-rail contact not only helps to reduce operating costs and improved to energy efficiency of movement of vehicle on a track, but it is the basis for safe, reliable and ecological operation of rail transport.

Experimentální studium tření a mazání TEP kyčle / Experimental study of friction and lubrication in THR

Urban, Filip January 2014 (has links)
This work analyzes problems of friction and lubrication of total hip replacement (THR). At first, experimental study of friction coefficient under various conditions was conducted using hip joint simulator based on principle of pendulum. After that, lubrication film development was observed, using colorimetric interferometry with head from THR and glass cup with respect of geometry and clearance to cups made originally for THR. With respect to research study [25] it was found that increasing contact conformity leads to increased film thickness. Also protein adsorption on articulating surfaces was observed. Thanks to adsorption 80 nm film thickness was measured even if relative surface speed was zero. Furthermore protein aggregation was observed on the border of contact zone, similar aggregations were observed by Myant et al. [29] or Vrbka et al. [25]. These aggregations are formed when lubricant is under shear stress and it can positively affect film thickness. If the relative motion of articulating surfaces is not sufficient, the protein layer can`t be refreshed enough and film thickness start decreasing. Coefficient of friction 0,13 was measured when lubricating film development was observed. Close to this value are material combinations metal on polyethylene and metal on metal.

Měření parametrů textury povrchu výrobků kontaktní a bezkontaktní metodou / Measurement of Surface Texture Parameters of Products Using Contact and Non-contact Methods

Harčarík, Matej January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis includes an overview of profile method of surface texture evaluation according to ISO standards and VDA automotive standards, as well as an overview of areal method according to ISO 25178 standard series, which includes a proposal for improvement of czech terminology. Suitability of application of selected measurement methods for measurement of a portfolio of automotive parts was evaluated based on measurements carried out using a contact profiler, a coherence scanning interferometer and a confocal microscope. Further recommendations for practice in surface texture metrology were also formulated. A regression analysis of the relationship between values of selected profile surface texture parameters and their areal equivalents was also performed. Its results may aid the spread of areal surface texture evaluation in the industry.

Konstrukce odměřovacího systému pro systém reaktivního iontového leptání / Mechanical design of measurement system for reactive ion etching system

Maňka, Tadeáš January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this work is to design fully working measuring system for the reactive ion etching system (RIE). The Michelson interfometer, previously developed in Ústav přístrojové techniky, v.v.i., is used in this work. The theoretical part is aimed at description of interferometric methods for precise measuring of length. In next part the etching proces with RIE is described. In practical part the testing system was constructed from the parts of Thorlabs company . The functionality was controlled with this system and the results of measuring were compared with the profilometer. In next step technical drawings were created and the whole system was made.

The Effect of Synovial Fluid Constituents on Lubrication of Hip Joint Replacements / The Effect of Synovial Fluid Constituents on Lubrication of Hip Joint Replacements

Nečas, David January 2016 (has links)
Dizertační práce se zabývá mechanismy mazání v náhradách kyčelního kloubu. Byla provedena systematická studie formování proteinového filmu při zahrnutí různých materiálů a provozních podmínek. Hlavní pozornost je přitom věnována roli jednotlivých proteinů obsažených v synoviální kapalině při současné přítomnosti dalších proteinů. Jelikož metody aplikované v předchozích studiích neumožňovaly separovat jednotlivé složky maziva, byla vyvinuta optická měřící metoda na principu fluorescenční mikroskopie. Z důvodu verifikace metody byly provedeny dvě nezávislé studie zaměřené na měření tloušťky mazacího filmu a dělení maziva na výstupu mazaného kontaktu. Z důvodu určitých limitací fluorescenční mikroskopie byla dále využita i metoda optické interferometrie, jejíž využití je ilustrováno ve studii zabývající se formováním mazacího filmu v náhradách kyčelního klubu při uvažování reálné konformity třecích povrchů. Závěrečná část práce představuje nový metodologický přístup založený na in situ pozorování kontaktní oblasti umožňující popsat roli jednotlivých proteinů ve vztahu k vývoji tloušťky mazacího filmu. Práce obsahuje originální výsledky, které přináší nové poznání v oblasti biotribologie náhrad kyčelního kloubu vedoucí k dalšímu vývoji implantátů při snaze zabránit jejich selhání v důsledku omezené životnosti.

Automatizované procedury pro Koherencí řízený holografický mikroskop / Automated Procedures for Coherence Controlled Holographic Microscope

Dostál, Zbyněk January 2016 (has links)
Coherence-Controlled Holographic Microscope (CCHM) and a Fluorescence Holographic Microscope (FHM) were developed particularly for quantitative phase imaging and measurement of live cell dynamics, which used to be a subject of digital holographic microscopy (DHM). CCHM and FHM in low-coherence mode extend capabilities of DHM in the study of living cells. However, this advantage following from the use of low coherence is accompanied by increased sensitivity of the system to its correct alignment. Therefore, the introduction of an automatic self-correcting system is inevitable. Accordingly, in the thesis, the theory of a suitable control system is derived and the design of an automated alignment system for both microscopes is proposed and experimentally proved. The holographic signal was identified as a significant variable for guiding the alignment procedures. On this basis the original basic realignment algorithms were proposed, which encompasses the processes for initial and advanced alignment as well as for long-term maintenance of the microscope aligned state. Automated procedures were implemented in both microscopes unique set of robotic mechanisms designed and built within the frame of the thesis work. All of the procedures described in the thesis were in real experimentally proved at real microscopes in the experimental biophotonics laboratory. In addition, the control software, which contains the needed automated procedures, was developed for FHM.

Optické metody pro měření průtoku založené na kontrastu speklí / Methods for flow estimation using laser speckle contrast imaging

Jahůdková, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with introduction to optical method called laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI). The thesis contains a description of the basic theory that is related to the method, the LSCI own principle, the characteristics of this technique, its applications and also a description of various variants of LSCI. The second part of the thesis deals with the modification of acquisition software to be suitable for measurement of multi-exposure LSCI (MESI), verification of this method by experiment and conclusions of evaluated of data.

Observation of dynamic processes with seismic interferometry

Gassenmeier, Martina 14 April 2016 (has links)
In this study, seismic interferometry is used to analyze dynamic processes in the Earth’s shallow subsurface caused by environmental processes and ground shaking. In the first part of the thesis, the feasibility of a passive monitoring with ambient seismic noise at the pilot site for CO2 injection in Ketzin is investigated. Monitoring the expansion of the CO2 plume is essential for the characterization of the reservoir as well as the detection of potential leakage. From June 2008 until August 2013, more than 67000 tons of CO2 were injected into a saline aquifer at a depth of about 650 m. Passive seismic data recorded at a seismic network around the injection site was cross-correlated in a frequency range of 0.5-4.5 Hz over a period of 4 years. The frequency band of 0.5-0.9 Hz, in which surface waves exhibit a high sensitivity at the depth of the reservoir, is not suitable for monitoring purposes as it is only weakly excited. In a frequency range of 1.5-3 Hz, periodic velocity variations with a period of approximately one year are found that cannot be caused by the CO2 injection. The prominent propagation direction of the noise wave field indicates a wind farm as the dominant source providing the temporally stable noise field. This spacial stability excludes variations of the noise source distribution as a spurious cause of velocity variations. Based on an amplitude decrease associated with time windows towards later parts of the coda, the variations must be generated in the shallow subsurface. A comparison to groundwater level data reveals a direct correlation between depth of the groundwater level and the seismic velocity. The influence of ground frost on the seismic velocities is documented by a sharp increase of velocity when the maximum daily temperature stays below 0 C. Although the observed periodic changes and the changes due to ground frost affect only the shallow subsurface, they mask potential signals of material changes from the reservoir depths. To investigate temporal seismic velocity changes due to earthquake-related processes and environmental forcing in northern Chile, 8 years of ambient seismic noise recorded by the Integrated Plate Boundary Observatory Chile (IPOC) are analyzed. By autocorrelating the ambient seismic noise field, approximations of the Green’s functions are retrieved and velocity changes are measured with Coda Wave Interferometry. At station PATCX, seasonal changes of seismic velocity caused by thermal stress as well as transient velocity reductions are observed in the frequency range of 4-6 Hz. Sudden velocity drops occur at times of mostly earthquake-induced ground describing the seismic velocity variations based on continuous observations of the local ground acceleration. The model assumes that not only the shaking of large earthquakes causes velocity drops, but any small vibrations continuously induce minor velocity variations that are immediately compensated by healing in the steady state. The shaking effect is accumulated over time and best described by the integrated envelope of the ground acceleration over one day, which is the temporal resolution of the velocity measurements. In the model, the amplitude of the velocity reduction as well as the recovery time are proportional to the strength of the excitation. The increase of coseismic velocity change and recovery time with increasing excitation is confirmed by laboratory tests with ultrasound. Despite having only two free scaling parameters, the model fits the data of the shaking-induced velocity variation in remarkable detail. Additionally, a linear trend is observed that might be related to a recovery process from one or more earthquakes before the measurement period. A clear relationship between ground shaking and induced velocity reductions is not visible at other stations. The outstanding sensitivity of PATCX to ground shaking and thermal stress can be attributed to the special geological setting of the station, where the subsurface material consists of a relatively loose conglomerate with high pore volume leading to stronger nonlinearity compared to the other IPOC stations. / In dieser Studie werden mit Hilfe von seismischer Interferometrie kleinste dynamische Prozesse in der Erdkruste beobachtet, welche beispielsweise durch umweltbedingte oder anthropogene Einflüsse sowie Bodenerschütterungen hervorgerufen werden können. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden Änderungen in der seismischen Geschwindigkeit am Pilotstandort für CO2-Speicherung in Ketzin untersucht. In einer Tiefe von 650m wurden dort zwischen Juni 2008 und August 2013 über 67000 Tonnen CO2 eingelagert. In einem Frequenzbereich vom 0,05-4,5 Hz wurden Kreuzkorrelationen des seismischen Hintergrundrauschens an einem kleinräumigen Netzwerk über einen Zeitraum von 4 Jahren berechnet. Der Frequenzbereich zwischen 0,5 und 0,9 Hz weist eine hohe Sensitivität von Oberflächenwellen in der Tiefe des Reservoirs auf, ist aber nur sehr schwach angeregt und eignet sich deswegen nicht für die Analyse. In einem Frequenzbereich von 1,5-3 Hz zeigen sich periodische Geschwindigkeitsänderungen mit einer Periode von einem Jahr, welche nicht durch die Einlagerung von CO2 erzeugt werden können. Eine Analyse des seismischen Hintergrundrauschens zeigt, dass dieses über den gesamten Zeitraum hinweg hauptsächlich aus der Richtung eines Windparks kommt. Durch die Stabilität des Wellenfeldes können Änderungen in den Quellpositionen, welche sich in scheinbaren Geschwindigkeitsänderungen zeigen können, ausgeschlossen werden. Eine Amplitudenabnahme der Geschwindigkeitsänderungen hin zu späteren Zeitfenstern in der Coda lässt auf oberflächennahe Prozesse als Ursache schließen. Ein Vergleich zwischen den jährlichen Geschwindigkeitsänderungen mit Schwankungen im Grundwasserspiegel zeigt eine direkte Korrelation. Ein sprunghafter Anstieg in der Geschwindigkeit zeigt sich im Winter, wenn die Tageshöchsttemperaturen unter den Gefrierpunkt sinken und der Boden zufriert. Obwohl Bodenfrost und Änderungen im Grundwasserspiegel nur einen sehr oberflächennahen Bereich betreffen, so überdecken sie dennoch mögliche Signale durch die Einlagerung von CO2. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden Geschwindigkeitsänderungen in Nordchile untersucht, welche durch erdbebeninduzierte Prozesse und umweltbedingte Einflüsse hervorgerufen werden. Dazu wurden über einen Zeitraum von 8 Jahren Autokorrelationen des seismischen Hintergrundrauschens des IPOC Netzwerkes (Integrated Plate Boundary Observatory Chile) berechnet und mit seismischer Interferometrie ausgewertet. An der Station PATCX können in einem Frequenzbereich von 4-6 Hz periodische Geschwindigkeitsänderungen beobachet werden, welche durch thermisch induzierte Dehnung hervorgerufen werden. Außerdem treten transiente Geschwindigkeitsabnamen nach Bodenerschütterungen auf, welche hauptsächlich von Erdbeben verursacht werden. Die seismische Geschwindigkeit kehrt daraufhin langsam wieder auf ihr vorheriges Niveau zurück. Für die Geschwindigkeitsänderungen wurde ein empirisches Modell entwickelt, welches auf Messungen der lokalen Bodenerschütterung basiert. Dabei wird angenommen, dass nicht nur große erdbebeninduzierte, sondern auch kleinste Bodenerschütterungen einen Abfall der Geschwindigkeit erzeugen, welche wiederum innerhalb kürzester Zeit durch Heilung in den Gleichgewichtszustand zurückkehrt. Dabei summieren sich die Effekte durch die Bodenerschütterungen mit der Zeit auf und werden am besten mit dem Integral der lokalen Bodenbeschleunigung über die Messwerte eines Tages beschrieben. Die Diskretisierung von einem Tag entspricht der zeitlichen Auflösung in der Messung der Geschwindigkeitsänderungen. Sowohl die Amplitude der Geschwindigkeitsabnahme als auch die Zeit bis der Gleichgewichtszustand wieder erreicht ist (Heilungszeit) werden im Modell als proportinal zur Größe der Anregung angenommen. Eine Korrelation der Heilungszeit und der Amplitude der koseismischen Geschwindigkeitsabnahme mit der Größe der Anregung konnte mit Hilfe von Laboruntersuchungen mit Ultraschall bestätigt werden. Mit nur zwei Parametern beschreibt das Modell die transienten Geschwindigkeitsänderungen in bemerkenswerter Genauigkeit. Desweiteren beinhaltet das Modell einen linearen Verlauf in den Geschwindigkeitsänderungen, welcher vermutlich durch einen Heilungsprozess hervorgerufen wird, der auf ein oder mehrere Erdbeben vor dem Messzeitraum folgte. Eine Beziehung zwischen Bodenerschütterung und Geschwindigkeitsänderung ist an anderen Stationen des IPOC Netzwerkes nicht erkennbar. Die herausragende Sensitivität von PATCX im Hinblick auf Bodenerschütterung und thermische Dehnung kann den speziellen geologischen Gegebenheiten an der Station zugeschrieben werden. Bei dem dort vorliegenden Material handelt es sich um ein relativ loses Konglomerat mit großem Porenvolumen, welches ein starkes nichtlineares Verhalten aufweist, was an anderen IPOC Stationen nicht zu erwarten ist.

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