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Why on earth would you start your business in China when you could just as well do it back home? : - The internationalisation of new entrepreneurial venturesBoström, Marielle January 2009 (has links)
<p>Historically the research of International Business and the internationalisation of companies have been concentrated to large, mature companies with extensive resources to deploy in new markets. Since the 90’s a big field of research has though been on so called born globals, or international new ventures. In this thesis I will take up where this research is today and I will deal with the issue of new entrepreneurial ventures that internationalise from a very early stage of their existence From the theory five factors are retracted; 1) The Entrepreneur; 2) Identified Opportunities; 3) Entry/ Establishing mode; 4) Deployed Resources and 5) Local Challenges and from this the theoretical model is created. The following empirical study is made on Swedish entrepreneurs that have established in China during the last decade and the model seeks to answer why and how the entrepreneur established in China. The model is constructed to be usable for research on entrepreneurs from any market entering any other market. This specific study on Swedish entrepreneur in China merely fills the function of illustrating the use of the model, as the sample is too small to generalize.</p>
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Why on earth would you start your business in China when you could just as well do it back home? : - The internationalisation of new entrepreneurial venturesBoström, Marielle January 2009 (has links)
Historically the research of International Business and the internationalisation of companies have been concentrated to large, mature companies with extensive resources to deploy in new markets. Since the 90’s a big field of research has though been on so called born globals, or international new ventures. In this thesis I will take up where this research is today and I will deal with the issue of new entrepreneurial ventures that internationalise from a very early stage of their existence From the theory five factors are retracted; 1) The Entrepreneur; 2) Identified Opportunities; 3) Entry/ Establishing mode; 4) Deployed Resources and 5) Local Challenges and from this the theoretical model is created. The following empirical study is made on Swedish entrepreneurs that have established in China during the last decade and the model seeks to answer why and how the entrepreneur established in China. The model is constructed to be usable for research on entrepreneurs from any market entering any other market. This specific study on Swedish entrepreneur in China merely fills the function of illustrating the use of the model, as the sample is too small to generalize.
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Door openers, bridges and mercenaries : A thesis about Swedish International New Ventures internationalization processHeide, Viktor, Johansson, Björn January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to see how home networks and relationships are involved in the internationalization process of INVs. Therefore we will investigate how INVs are affected and use their home networks/relationships and to reach this purpose we have formulated two research questions: What roles do relationships and networks on the home market have for Swedish INVs internationalization? How do Swedish INVs use domestic relationships and their home network when internationalizing? The theoretical framework thus includes INV theory in order to categorize the case companies, networks and relations theory to see if different types of INVs respond differently to their different types of networks and international entrepreneurship theory as a higher theoretical lens to analyse the entrepreneurial behaviour. The methodology is qualitative and has an abductive approach, combined with a multiple case study on six companies which fall under the INV category. We have divided the gathered empirical data and analysed the cases where empirical data will be interpreted with the theoretical framework. The study’s conclusion indicates that INVs use their home networks/relationships as door openers to foreign markets. We then present the theoretical gap we found within the field of research and the theoretical contribution we found as well as suggestions for further research and managerial implications for practicing managers.
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Early Coptic Singular Readings in the Gospel of John: A Collection, Cataloging and Commentary on the Singular Readings of P. Mich. Inv. 3521, PPalau Rib. Inv.-Nr. 183 and Thompson's Qau El Kebir ManuscriptSharp, Daniel B. 01 January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this work is to take the methodology developed by Ernest Cowell, and further refined by James R. Royse, of cataloging singular readings of Greek scribes and seek to apply it to Coptic scribes. This study focuses on the text of John found in P. Mich Inv. 3521 and the singular readings of that manuscript. In order to have a basis of comparison, singular readings from two other Coptic versions of John are cataloged as well.1 In total 1619 singular readings have been identified in the three manuscripts.
Following Colwell and Royse, the readings have been further divided into orthographic, sensible and nonsense readings. The sensible and nonsense readings have been further divided and categorized into additions, omissions, substitutions, transpositions and verbal prefixes. All of these entries are then noted in the accompanying database with appropriate commentary so that the reader may format and use the information in a variety of ways.
In addition to the database, detailed commentary has been provided on the singular readings of P. Mich. Inv. 3521 with the following conclusions: Like Greek scribes, Coptic scribes are more likely to omit something than to add something; The category of "transpositions as corrected leaps" which James Royse found useful in his work, has proved unhelpful when dealing with this papyrus; and finally some preliminary analysis about the scribe of P. Mich. Inv. 351 is given.
1 Elinor Husselman, The Gospel of John in Fayumic Coptic (P. Mich. Inv. 3521), The University of Michigan Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Studies (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1962); Rodolphe Kasser, Papyrus Bodmer III: Évangile de Jean et Genèse I-IV, 2 en Bohaïrique (Louvain: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1958); Herbert Thompson, The Gospel of St. John According to the Earliest Coptic Manuscript (London: British School of Archaeology in Egypt, 1924).
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Varianty chromozomu 9 u člověka - od normy k patologii Epidemiologie a význam v klinické genetické praxi. / Variants of human chromosome 9 - from norm to pathology Epidemiology and significance for medical genetics.Šípek, Antonín January 2019 (has links)
Heterochromatin variants of human chromosome 9 belong to the most common variabilities of human karyotype. The variability involves the large block of constitutive heterochromatin in the pericentric region of chromosome 9, which is composed of various types of repetitive DNA sequences. Those variants can be studied from population epidemiologic, molecular cytogenetic and clinical genetic point of view. We have performed a broad epidemiologic study of the incidence of pericentric inversion of chromosome 9 (inv(9)) and other variants of chromosome 9 in 6 different laboratory cohorts, which included the evaluation of more than 26.000 of cytogenetic reports, the study we published is currently the largest in the world. We expressed the overall incidence of inv(9) to be 1.6% and the total incidence of variants of chromosome 9 to be 3.3-3.9%. Inv(9) was more common in females, however the difference was not statistically significant. Molecular cytogenetic part of the project was based on our own diagnostic approach, which involved the combination of three different commercial FISH probes. Combination of those probes allowed us to differentiate particular subvariants of chromosome 9, which cannot be analyzed only by using G- or C-banding. Using our method, we tested 49 carriers of chromosome 9...
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Inzidenz von therapieinduzierten, AML-assoziierten genetischen Aberrationen am Beispiel der Translokationen t(8;21), t(9;22) und Inversion 16 / Incidence of therapy-induced, AML-associated genetic aberrations using the example of the translocations t(8;21), t(9,22) and inversion 16Schwiertz, Ivonne 08 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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The role of the entrepreneur in the international new venture – opening the black boxGhannad, Navid January 2013 (has links)
Despite significant research output in recent decades on international new ventures (INVs),little attention has been paid to understanding the processes and conditions under whichthe entrepreneur identifies and exploits an opportunity and subsequently creates valuewithin the firm. As a result, the dynamics involved in the role of the entrepreneur during theestablishment and internationalization of INVs remain in a black box. In order to understandthe context, interaction among players and other dynamics involved before, during, and afterthe establishment of the INV’s creation and development, a different approach is needed. Theaim of this dissertation is to describe and understand the role of entrepreneurs in the processof establishment and internationalization of international new ventures. Three longitudinal case studies were conducted between 1999 and 2008 with a total of 108interviews using snowball sampling. In addition, comprehensive secondary data have beencollected to enrich the empirical cases with thick descriptions, and to enhance content validityas well as the reliability of the research. This study offers a more nuanced picture of how entrepreneurs’ characteristics influencethe international development of their firms. For example, it appears that it was neitherthe previous foreign experience, the education, nor the previously developed internationalnetwork (as suggested by previous literature) that can be credited for the rapid and vastinternationalization of the case firms. Instead, it is suggested that an entrepreneur’schildhood and prior life story directly influences their behaviour in the INV. We proposethat different types of entrepreneurs are important factors to understanding firms’ differentinternationalization patterns. Depending on the backgrounds of the entrepreneurs, theydeveloped preferences, skills, and especially desires that would come to affect the totalbehaviour of their future organizations. This study also develops the notion of psychicdistance into three separate spaces - the physical, the mental and the social space. Forexample, the context and experience during childhood creates the foundations for theentrepreneurs’ mental and social space, which can separately, but also in relation toeach other, offer a more accurate and deeper understanding of the actions taken by theentrepreneurs in the INV. Furthermore, this study has shown that the role and characteristicsof the entrepreneur do change over time, which also determines the individual’s sensitivity toopportunities and the international behaviour of the company.
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Transformation and approximation of rational Krylov spaces with an application to 2.5-dimensional direct current resistivity modelingStein, Saskia 17 April 2021 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Fragestellung, inwiefern sich gegebene Verfahren zur Approximation von rationalen Krylow-Räumen zur Berechnung von Matrixfunktionen eignen. Als Modellproblem wird dazu eine 2.5D-Formulierung eines Problems aus der Gleichstrom-Geoelektrik mit finiten Elementen formuliert und dann mittels Matrixfunktionen auf rationalen Krylow-Unterräumen gelöst.
Ein weiterer Teil beschäftigt sich mit dem Vergleich zweier Verfahren zur Transformation bestehender rationaler Krylow-Räume. Bei beiden Varianten werden die zugrunde liegenden Pole getauscht ohne dass ein explizites Invertieren von Matrizen notwendig ist. In dieser Arbeit werden die über mehrere Publikationen verteilten Grundlagen einheitlich zusammengetragen und fehlende Zusammenhänge ergänzt. Beide Verfahren eignen sich prinzipiell um rationale Krylow-Räume zu approximieren. Dies wird anhand mehrerer Beispiele gezeigt. Anhand des Modellproblems werden Beschränkungen der Methoden verdeutlicht.
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