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Deuteration of ammonia in the starless core Ophiuchus/H-MM1Harju, J., Daniel, F., Sipilae, O., Caselli, P., Pineda, J. E., Friesen, R. K., Punanova, A., Guesten, R.;, Wiesenfeld, L., Myers, P. C., Faure, A., Hily-Blant, P., Rist, C., Rosolowsky, E., Schlemmer, S., Shirley, Y. L. 30 March 2017 (has links)
Context. Ammonia and its deuterated isotopologues probe physical conditions in dense molecular cloud cores. The time-dependence of deuterium fractionation and the relative abundances of different nuclear spin modifications are supposed to provide a means of determining the evolutionary stages of these objects. Aims. We aim to test the current understanding of spin-state chemistry of deuterated species by determining the abundances and spin ratios of NH2D, NHD2 and ND3 in a quiescent, dense cloud. Methods. Spectral lines of NH3, NH2D, NHD2, ND3 and N2D+ were observed towards a dense, starless core in Ophiuchus with the APEX, GBT and IRAM 30-m telescopes. The observations were interpreted using a gas-grain chemistry model combined with radiative transfer calculations. The chemistry model distinguishes between the different nuclear spin states of light hydrogen molecules, ammonia and their deuterated forms. Different desorption schemes can be considered. Results. High deuterium fractionation ratios with NH2D = NH3 similar to 0 : 4, NHD2 = NH2D similar to 0 : 2 and ND3 = NHD2 similar to 0 : 06 are found in the core. The observed ortho/para ratios of NH2D and NHD2 are close to the corresponding nuclear spin statistical weights. The chemistry model can approximately reproduce the observed abundances, but consistently predicts too low ortho/para-NH2D, and too large ortho/para-NHD2 ratios. The longevity of N2H+ and NH3 in dense gas, which is prerequisite to their strong deuteration, can be attributed to the chemical inertia of N-2 on grain surfaces. Conclusions. The discrepancies between the chemistry model and the observations are likely to be caused by the fact that the model assumes complete scrambling in principal gas-phase deuteration reactions of ammonia, which means that all the nuclei are mixed in reactive collisions. If, instead, these reactions occur through proton hop/hydrogen abstraction processes, statistical spin ratios are to be expected. The present results suggest that while the deuteration of ammonia changes with physical conditions and time, the nuclear spin ratios of ammonia isotopologues do not probe the evolutionary stage of a cloud.
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High-Velocity Cloud Complex C: Galactic Fuel or Galactic Waste?Gibson, Brad K., Giroux, Mark L., Penton, Steven V., Stocke, John T., Shull, J. Michael, Tumlinson, Jason 01 December 2001 (has links)
We present HST Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph and Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph observations of five quasi stellar objects that probe the prominent high-velocity cloud (HVC) Complex C, covering ∼10% of the northern sky. Based upon a single sight-line measurement (Mrk 290), a metallicity [S/H] = -1.05 ± 0.12 has been associated with Complex C by Wakker et al. When coupled with its inferred distance (5 ≲ d ≲ 30 kpc) and line-of-sight velocity (v ∼ -100 to -200 km s-1), Complex C appeared to represent the first direct evidence for infalling low-metallicity gas onto the Milky Way, which could provide the bulk of the fuel for star formation in the Galaxy. We have extended the abundance analysis of Complex C to encompass five sight lines. We detect S n absorption in three targets (Mrk 290, 817, and 279); the resulting [S II/H I] values range from -0.36 (Mrk 279) to -0.48 (Mrk 817) to -1.10 (Mrk 290). Our preliminary O I FUSE analysis of the Mrk 817 sight line also supports the conclusion that metallicities as high as 0.3 times solar are encountered within Complex C. These results complicate an interpretation of Complex C as infalling low-metallicity Galactic fuel. Ionization corrections for H II and S III cannot easily reconcile the higher apparent metallicities along the Mrk 817 and Mrk 279 sight lines with that seen toward Mrk 290, since Hα emission measures preclude the existence of sufficient H II. If gas along the other lines of sight has a similar pressure and temperature to that sampled toward Mrk 290, the predicted Hα emission measures would be ∼900 mR. It may be necessary to reclassify Complex C as mildly enriched Galactic waste from the Milky Way or processed gas torn from a disrupted neighboring dwarf, as opposed to low-metallicity Galactic fuel.
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Green Pea Galaxies: Physical Properties of Low-redshift Analogs of High-redshift Lyman-alpha EmittersJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: Green pea galaxies are a class of rare, compact starburst galaxies that have powerful optical emission line [OIII]$\lambda$5007. They are the best low-redshift analogs of high-redshift (z$>$2) Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies (LAEs). They provide unique opportunities to study physical conditions in high-redshift LAEs in great detail. In this dissertation, a few physical properties of green peas are investigated. The first study in the dissertation presents star formation rate (SFR) surface density, thermal pressure in HII regions, and a correlation between them for 17 green peas and 19 Lyman break analogs, which are nearby analogs of high-redshift Lyman break galaxies. This correlation is consistent with that found from the star-forming galaxies at z $\sim$ 2.5. In the second study, a new large sample of 835 green peas in the redshift range z = 0.011 -- 0.411 are assembled from Data Release 13 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) with the equivalent width of the line [OIII]$\lambda$5007 $>$ 300\AA\ or the equivalent width of the line H$\beta$ $>$ 100\AA. The size of this new sample is ten times that of the original 80 star-forming green pea sample. With reliable T$_e$-based gas-phase metallicity measurements for the 835 green peas, a new empirical calibration of R23 (defined as ([OIII]$\lambda$$\lambda$4959,5007 + [OII]$\lambda$$\lambda$3726,3729)/H$\beta$) for strong line emitters is then derived. The double-value degeneracy of the metallicity is broken for galaxies with large ionization parameter (which manifests as log([OIII]$\lambda$$\lambda$4959,5007/[OII]$\lambda$$\lambda$3726,3729) $\geq$ 0.6). This calibration offers a good way to estimate metallicities for extreme emission-line galaxies and high-redshift LAEs. The third study presents stellar mass measurements and the stellar mass-metallicity relation of 828 green peas from the second study. The stellar mass covers 6 orders of magnitude in the range 10$^{5}$ -- 10$^{11}$ M$_{\odot}$, with a median value of 10$^{8.8}$ M$_{\odot}$. The stellar mass-metallicity relation of green peas is flatter and displays about 0.2 - 0.5 dex offset to lower metallicities in the range of stellar mass higher than 10$^{8}$ M$_{\odot}$ compared to the local SDSS star-forming galaxies. A significant dependence of the stellar mass-metallicity relation on star formation rate is not found in this work. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Astrophysics 2018
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A Survey of Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer and Hubble Space Telescope Sight Lines Through High-Velocity Cloud Complex CCollins, Joseph A., Shull, J. Michael, Giroux, Mark L. 01 March 2003 (has links)
Using archival Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data, we have assembled a survey of eight sight lines through high-velocity cloud Complex C. Abundances of the observed ion species vary significantly for these sight lines, indicating that Complex C is not well characterized by a single metallicity. Reliable metallicities based on [O I/H I] range from 0.1 to 0.25 Z⊙. Metallicities based on [S II/H I] range from 0.1 to 0.6 Z⊙, but the trend of decreasing abundance with H I column density indicates that photoionization corrections may affect the conversion to [S/H]. We present models of the dependence of the ionization correction on H I column density; these ionization corrections are significant when converting ion abundances to elemental abundances for S, Si, and Fe. The measured abundances in this survey indicate that parts of the cloud have a higher metallicity than previously thought and that Complex C may represent a mixture of " Galactic fountain " gas with infalling low-metallicity gas. We find that [S/O] and [Si/O] have a solar ratio, suggesting little dust depletion. Further, the measured abundances suggest an overabundance of O, S, and Si relative to N and Fe. The enhancement of these α-elements suggests that the bulk of the metals in Complex C were produced by Type II supernovae and then removed from the starforming region, possibly via supernova-driven winds or tidal stripping, before the ISM could be enriched by N and Fe.
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Metallicity and Ionization in High-Velocity Cloud Complex CCollins, Joseph A., Shull, J. Michael, Giroux, Mark L. 01 March 2007 (has links)
We analyze HST and FUSE ultraviolet spectroscopic data for 11 sight lines passing through the infalling high-velocity cloud (HVC) Complex C. These sight lines pass through regions with H I column densities in the range N H I = 1018.1 -1020.1 cm-2. From [OI/HI] abundances, we find that Complex C metallicities range from 0.09 to 0.29 Z⊙, with a column density weighted mean of 0.13 Z ⊙. Nitrogen (N I) is underabundant by factors of (0.01 -0.07)(N/H)⊙, significantly less than oxygen relative to solar abundances. This pattern suggests nucleosynthetic enrichment by Type II SNe, consistent with an origin in the Galactic fountain or infalling gas produced in winds from Local Group galaxies. The range of metallicity and its possible (2 σ) dependence on NH I could indicate some mixing of primordial material with enriched gas from the Milky Way, but the mixing mechanism is unclear. We also investigate the significant highly ionized component of Complex C, detected in C IV, Si IV, and O VI, but not in N V. High-ion column density ratios show little variance and are consistent with shock ionization or ionization at interfaces between Complex C and a hotter surrounding medium. Evidence for the former mechanism is seen in the Mrk 876 line profiles, where the offset in line centroids between low and high ions suggests a decelerating bow shock.
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Highly Ionized High-Velocity Clouds: Hot Intergalactic Medium or Galactic Halo?Collins, Joseph A., Michael Shull, J., Giroux, Mark L. 10 April 2005 (has links)
We use spectroscopic data from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) to study the wide range of ionization states of the "highly ionized high-velocity clouds" (HVCs). Studied extensively in O VI absorption, these clouds are usually assumed to be infalling gas in the Galactic halo at distances less than 50 kpc. An alternative model attributes the O VI (and O VII X-ray absorption) to cosmological structures of low-density, shock-heated intergalactic gas, distributed over 1-3 Mpc surrounding the Milky Way. The latter interpretation is unlikely, owing to the enormous required mass of gas (4 × 1012 M⊙). Our detection, in 9 of 12 sight lines, of low-ionization stages (C II/III/IV; Si II/III/IV) at similar high velocities as O vi requires gas densities far above that (nH ≈ 5 × 10-6 cm-3) associated with the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM). These HVCs are probably cooling, multiphase gas in the Galactic halo, bow shocks, and interfaces between clouds falling through a hot, rotating gaseous halo. The velocity segregation of these HVCs in Galactic coordinates is consistent with a pattern in which infalling clouds reflect the sense of Galactic rotation, with peculiar velocities superposed.
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Highly Ionized High-Velocity Clouds Toward PKS 2155-304 and Markarian 509Collins, Joseph A., Shull, J. Michael, Giroux, Mark L. 10 April 2004 (has links)
To gain insight into four highly ionized high-velocity clouds (HVCs) discovered by Sembach et al., we have analyzed data from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) for the PKS 2155-304 and Mrk 509 sight lines. We measure strong absorption in O VI and column densities of multiple ionization stages of silicon (Si II, III, and IV) and carbon (C II, III, and IV). We interpret this ionization pattern as a multiphase medium that contains both collisionally ionized and photoionized gas. Toward PKS 2155-304, for HVCs at -140 and -270 km s-1, respectively, we measure logN(O VI) = 13.80 ± 0.03 and logN(O VI) = 13.56 ± 0.06; from Lyman series absorption, we find logN(H I) = 16.37 -0.14+0.22 and 15.23-0.22+0.38. The presence of high-velocity O VI spread over a broad (100 km s-1) profile, together with large amounts of low-ionization species, is difficult to reconcile with the low densities, ne ≈ 5 × 10-6 cm-3, in the collisional/photoionization models of Nicastro et al., although the HVCs show a similar relation in N(Si IV)/N(C IV) versus N(C II)/N(C IV) to that of high-z intergalactic clouds. Our results suggest that the high-velocity O VI in these absorbers does not necessarily trace the warm-hot intergalactic medium but instead may trace HVCs with low total hydrogen column density. We propose that the broad high-velocity O VI absorption arises from shock ionization, at bow shock interfaces produced from infalling clumps of gas with velocity shear. The similar ratios of high ions for HVC Complex C and these highly ionized HVCs suggest a common production mechanism in the Galactic halo.
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Decoding Galaxy Evolution with Gas-phase and Stellar Elemental AbundancesAndrews, Brett H. 30 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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