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Simulations of high mass star formation in the Milky WayNeves, Joao Fernando Ciotta January 2013 (has links)
Massive star formation takes place in the dense cores of molecular clouds where the stars may be obscured at optical wavelengths. An excellent signpost of a massive young stellar object is the presence of an ultra-compact HII region (UCHii), which is a dense photo-ionised cocoon of gas surrounding the newly formed star. The aim of this project is to develop an assembly of numerical tools, caravela, that can simulate realistic data streams representing high-mass star forming regions in our Galaxy. The synthetic output consists in images and photometric point source catalogues, in the IRAS and Herschel wavebands. In an era when large observational surveys are increasingly important, this tool can produce simulated infrared point-source catalogues of high-mass star forming regions on a Galactic scale. The approach used is to construct a synthetic Galaxy of star-forming regions represented by SED templates. The star-forming regions are distributed randomly along a four spiral arm morphology, although a wide range of geometries can be used including rings and different numbers of spiral arms. The caravela code then observes the synthetic Galaxy to produce simulated images and point source catalogues with appropriate sensitivity and angular resolution. caravela was first used to model the simulated Galaxy by constraining the synthetic output to observations made by IRAS. This numerical tool will allow the user to infer physical properties of the Galactic population of high-mass star forming regions from such observations. Second, the selected model was again observed with caravela in Herschel mode. These are therefore predictive results for the future Herschel observations. A model with 4.0×104 compact proto-stars embedded in larger grey-body envelopes (with T = 40 K and linear size scale lIII = 5.0 × 106 AU) is the best-fit model to the IRAS observational data set studied. We found a level of contamination from low- and intermediate-mass objects of " 90%. The modelled data set resulting from the Herschel simulation resulted in the detection of approximately twice as many Herschel objects than IRAS, which is consistent, in a limited way, with the real observed companion clump fraction (CCF) of 0.90 ± 0.07 (Thompson et al., 2006) means that on average there were observed 2 sources per one IRAS source. Our caravela and the real observed CCF are therefore consistent. caravela was coupled with an independent diffuse emission model (Paladini et al., 2007) and the resulting analysis is presented as an interesting seed for the future.
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Emission line stars in and beyond the Perseus ArmRaddi, Roberto January 2013 (has links)
I present low-resolution (Dl 6 A° ) follow-up spectroscopy of 370 Ha emitters (12 . r . 17) identified with IPHAS, in a 100 deg2 wide section of the Galactic plane that is located between ` = (120 ; 140 ) and b = ( 1 ; +4 ). Classical Be stars are found to be the most numerous group of the observed targets ( 60%). Sixty-eight classical Be stars have also been observed at higher spectral resolution (Dl 2 4 A° ) and S/N ratio, which allows spectral typing to an estimated precision of 1 sub-type. Colour excesses were measured via spectral energy distribution fitting of flux-calibrated data. I took care to remove the circumstellar contribution to the measured colour excess, using an established scaling to the Ha equivalent widths. In doing so, this method of correction was re-evaluated and modified to better suit the data at hand. Spectroscopic parallaxes were measured constraining the luminosity class via estimates of distances to main sequence A/F stars, which are found within a few arcminutes of each classical Be star on the sky. In order to probe the structure of the outer Galactic disc, I studied the spatial distribution of 63 out of 248 classical Be stars identified. Their cumulative distribution function with respect to the distance is statistically compatible both with a smooth exponential density profile and with a simple spiral arms representation. The distribution of reddenings of classical Be stars is compared with estimates of the total Galactic reddening along their sightlines. It is expected that the measured reddenings match the integrated Galactic values, for distant stars located outside the Galactic dust layer, or they are smaller than the asymptotic values if the stars are less distant. The outcome meets expectations, and lends support to the conclusion that the measured reddenings are determined to a precision of 10%. The sample of 248 objects doubles the number of known classical Be stars in this part of the Galactic plane. Unlike the pre-existing bright sample, the new objects are seen at large distances, between 2 – 8 kpc with typical E(B V) 0:9. Only four stars are members of known clusters. Ten classical Be stars are proposed to be well beyond the putative Outer Arm, at distances larger than 8 kpc. The large sample of stars, which has been identified here, is the result of a successful selection and analysis of classical Be stars that is offered for more exploitation in future. The proposition is that GAIA observations will use the present sample of classical Be stars as a new tracer of the Galactic disc.
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X Marks the Spot: Nexus of Filaments, Cores, and Outflows in a Young Star-forming RegionImara, Nia, Lada, Charles, Lewis, John, Bieging, John H., Kong, Shuo, Lombardi, Marco, Alves, Joao 15 May 2017 (has links)
We present a multiwavelength investigation of a region of a nearby giant molecular cloud that is distinguished by a minimal level of star formation activity. With our new (CO)-C-12(J = 2-1) and (CO)-C-13(J = 2-1) observations of a remote region within the middle of the California molecular cloud, we aim to investigate the relationship between filaments, cores, and a molecular outflow in a relatively pristine environment. An extinction map of the region from Herschel Space Observatory observations reveals the presence of two 2 pc long filaments radiating from a highextinction clump. Using the (CO)-C-13 observations, we show that the filaments have coherent velocity gradients and that their mass-per-unit-lengths may exceed the critical value above which filaments are gravitationally unstable. The region exhibits structure with eight cores, at least one of which is a starless, prestellar core. We identify a low-velocity, low-mass molecular outflow that may be driven by a flat spectrum protostar. The outflow does not appear to be responsible for driving the turbulence in the core with which it is associated, nor does it provide significant support against gravitational collapse.
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Star Formation in the Perseus Molecular Cloud: A Detailed Look at Star-Forming Clumps with HerschelSadavoy, Sarah I. 02 August 2013 (has links)
This dissertation presents new Herschel observations at 70 micron, 160 micron, 250 micron, 350 micron, and 500 micron of the Perseus molecular cloud from the Herschel Gould Belt Survey. The Perseus molecular cloud is a nearby star-forming region consisting of seven main star-forming clumps. The Herschel observations are used to characterize and contrast the properties of these clumps, and to study their embedded core populations. First, we probed the exceptionally young clump, B1-E. Using complementary molecular line data, we demonstrate that B1-E is likely fragmenting into a first generation of dense cores in relative isolation. Such a core formation region has never been observed before. Second, we use complementary long wavelength observations at 850 micron to study the dust properties in the larger, more active B1 clump. We find that Herschel data alone cannot constrain well the dust properties of cold dust emission and that long wavelength observations are needed. Additionally, we find evidence of dust grain growth towards the dense cores in B1, where the dust emissivity index, beta, varies from the often assumed value of beta = 2. In the absence of long wavelength observations, however, assuming beta = 2 is preferable over measuring beta with the Herschel-only bands. Finally, we use the source extraction code, getsources, to identify the core populations within each clump from the Herschel data. In addition, we use complementary archival infrared observations to study their populations of young stellar objects (YSOs). We find that the more massive clumps have an excess of older stage YSOs, suggesting that these regions contracted first. Starless cores are typically associated with peaks in the column density, where those found towards regions of higher column density also have higher average densities and colder temperatures. Starless cores associated with a strong, local interstellar radiation field, however, have higher temperatures. We find that the clumps with the most prominent high column density tails also had the highest fractions of early-stage YSOs. This relation suggests that the quantity of high column density material corresponds to recent star formation activity. / Graduate / 0606
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Mass assembly in star formation via interstellar filamentsChen, Michael Chun-Yuan 28 January 2021 (has links)
Understanding how diffuse molecular clouds at large scales (~10 pc) assemble mass into dense, star-forming cores at small scales (~ 0.1 pc) is crucial to building a holistic theory of star formation. While recent observations suggest that filaments play an important role in the mass assembly of dense cores, detailed gas kinematics studies are still lacking. My dissertation presents three innovative techniques that enable us to study star-forming filaments' complex gas kinematics in unprecedented detail: multi-component spectral fit, multi-dimensional filament identification, and membership assignment of velocity-coherent structures. Through these techniques, I analyzed star-forming filaments in the Perseus Molecular Cloud and unveiled unexpectedly complex velocity structures at scales where filaments are well resolved, to as low as the 0.01 pc scale. Moreover, the correlations I discovered between the various filament properties further suggest a scenario in which thermally supercritical filaments grow continuously via accretion from their surroundings while simultaneously forming cores through fragmentation along their lengths. / Graduate / 2022-01-08
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Cloud-scale molecular gas properties in nearby merging galaxiesBrunetti, Nathan January 2022 (has links)
In this thesis we present cloud-scale ALMA observations of two local mergers, NGC 3256 and NGC 4038/9 (the "Antennae"), in CO J=2-1. Through a pixel-based analysis of NGC 3256 we measure molecular-gas properties and compare to nearby spiral galaxies from the PHANGS-ALMA survey. NGC 3256 exhibits high mass surface densities, velocity dispersions, peak brightness temperatures, virial parameters, and internal turbulent pressures. High surface densities are expected to accompany its high star-formation rate, and high brightness temperatures may indicate warmer gas, heated by the vigorous star formation. Large virial parameters and internal pressures imply the molecular gas is not bound by self-gravity, but we explore how material external to clouds could alter this. We argue the molecular gas in NGC 3256 is smoother than in nearby spiral galaxies down to 55 pc. We also perform a cloud analysis of our NGC 3256 observations, identifying 185 clouds, and find similar results to the pixel analysis. We calculate additional cloud properties including eccentricity, CO luminosity, CO-estimated mass, virial mass, size-linewidth coefficient, and free-fall time. Properties in NGC 3256 are extreme compared to clouds from PHANGS-ALMA, including slightly larger clouds and shorter free-fall times. Cloud eccentricities in NGC 3256 are similar to those in PHANGS-ALMA galaxies, possibly indicating similar average cloud dynamical states. The shape of the cloud mass function in NGC 3256 is similar to many PHANGS-ALMA galaxies. Finally, we analyse our NGC 4038/9 observations using the same pixel methods as used in NGC 3256. NGC 4038/9 also harbours extreme molecular-gas properties and potentially smoother emission compared to spiral galaxies, but not as extreme as NGC 3256. We find the most-massive spiral galaxies have central molecular-gas properties similar to the mergers. Virial parameters in NGC 4038/9 are similar to many spiral galaxies, making it quite different from NGC 3256, potentially due to their different merger stages. Comparison of the overlap region of NGC 4038/9 in CO (2-1) to CO (3-2) shows general agreement. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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A submillimetre study of nearby star formation using molecular line dataDrabek-Maunder, Emily Rae January 2013 (has links)
This thesis primarily uses submillimetre molecular line data from HARP, a heterodyne array on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), to further investigate star formation in the Ophiuchus L1688 cloud. HARP was used to observe CO J = 3-2 isotopologues: 12CO, 13CO and C18O; and the dense gas tracer HCO+ J = 4-3. A method for calculating molecular line contamination in the SCUBA-2 450 and 850 μm dust continuum data was developed, which can be used to convert 12CO J =6-5and J =3-2 maps of integrated intensity (K km s−1) to molecular line flux (mJy beam−1) contaminating the continuum emission. Using HARP maps of 12CO J = 3-2, I quantified the amount of molecular line contamination found in the SCUBA-2 850 μm maps of three different regions, including NGC 1333 of Perseus and NGC 2071 and NGC 2024 of Orion B. Regions with ‘significant’ (i.e. > 20%) molecular line contamination correspond to molecular outflows. This method is now being used to remove molecular line contamination from regions with both SCUBA-2 dust continuum and HARP 12CO map coverage in the Gould Belt Legacy Survey (GBS). The Ophiuchus L1688 cloud was observed in all three CO J = 3-2 isotopologues. I carried out a molecular outflow analysis in the region on a list of 30 sources from the Spitzer ‘c2d’ survey [Evans et al., 2009]. Out of the 30 sources, 8 had confirmed bipolar outflows, 20 sources had ‘confused’ outflow detections and 2 sources did not have outflow detections. The Ophiuchus cloud was found to be gravitationally bound with the turbulent kinetic energy a factor of 7 lower than the gravitational binding energy. The high-velocity outflowing gas was found to be only 21% of the turbulence in the cloud, suggesting outflows are significant but not the dominant source of turbulence in the region. Other factors were found to influence the global high-velocity outflowing gas in addition to molecular outflows, including hot dust from nearby B-type stars, outflow remnants from less embedded sources and stellar winds from the Upper Scorpius OB association. To trace high density gas in the Ophiuchus L1688 cloud, HCO+ J = 4-3 was observed to further investigate the relationship between high column density and high density in the molecular cloud. Non-LTE codes RADEX and TORUS were used to develop density models corresponding to the HCO+ emission. The models involved both constant density and peaked density profiles. RADEX [van der Tak et al., 2007] models used a constant density model along the line-of-sight and indicated the HCO+ traced densities that were predominantly subthermally excited with den- sities ranging from 10^3–10^5 cm^−3. Line-of-sight estimates ranged from several parsecs to 90 pc, which was unrealistic for the Ophiuchus cloud. This lead to the implementation of peaked density profiles using the TORUS non-LTE radiative transfer code. Initial models used a ‘triangle’ density profile and a more complicated log-normal density probability density function (PDF) profile was subsequently implemented. Peaked density models were relatively successful at fitting the HCO+ data. Triangle models had density fits ranging from 0.2–2.0×10^6 cm^−3 and 0.1–0.3×10^6 cm^−3 for the 0.2 and 0.3 pc cloud length models re- spectively. Log-normal density models with constant-σ had peak density ranges from 0.2–1.0 ×10^5 cm^−3 and 0.6–2.0×10^5 cm^−3 for 0.2 and 0.3 pc models respectively. Similarly, log-normal models with varying-σ had lower and upper density limits corresponding to the range of FWHM velocities. Densities (lower and upper limits) ranged from 0.1–1.0 ×10^6 and 0.5–3.0 ×10^5 cm^-3 for the 0.2 and 0.3 pc models respectively. The result of the HCO+ density modelling indicated the distributions of starless, prestellar and protostellar cores do not have a preference for higher densities with respect to the rest of the cloud. This is contrary to past research suggesting the probability of finding a submillimetre core steeply rises as a function of column density (i.e. density; Belloche et al. 2011; Hatchell et al. 2005). Since the majority of sources are less embedded (i.e Class II/III), it is possible the evolutionary state of Ophiuchus is the main reason the small sample of Class 0/I protostars do not appear to have a preference for higher densities in the cloud.
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Links between galaxy evolution, morphology and internal physical processes / Liens entre l'évolution des galaxies, morphologie et processus physiques internesKraljic, Katarina 23 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but de faire le lien entre l’évolution des galaxies, leur morphologie et les processus physiques internes, notamment la formation stellaire comme le résultat du milieu interstellaire turbulent et multiphase, en utilisant les simulations cosmologiques zoom-in, les simulations des galaxies isolées et en interaction, et le modèle analytique de la formation stellaire. Dans le chapitre 1, j’explique la motivation pour cette thèse et je passe brièvement en revue le contexte nécessaire lié à la formation des galaxies et la modélisation en utilisant les simulations numériques. Tout d’abord, j’explore l’évolution de la morphologie des galaxies du type de la Voie Lactée dans la série des simulations cosmologiques zoom-in à travers l’analyse des barres. J’analyse l’évolution de la fraction des barres avec le redshift, sa dépendance en fonction de la masse stellaire et l’histoire d’accrétion de galaxies individuelles. Je montre en particulier, que la fraction de barres décroit avec le redshift croissant, en accord avec les observations. Ce travail montre également que les résultats obtenus suggèrent que l’époque de la formation des barres correspond à la transition entre une phase précoce “violente” de la formation de galaxies spirales à z > 1, pendant laquelle elles sont souvent perturbées par les fusions avec les galaxies de masse comparable ou par multiple fusions avec les galaxies de petite masse, mais aussi les instabilités violentes de disque, et une phase "séculaire" tardive à z < 1, quand la morphologie finale est généralement stabilisée vers une structure dominée par le disque. Cette analyse est présentée dans le chapitre 2. Étant donné que ces simulations cosmologiques forment trop d'étoiles trop tôt par rapport aux populations de galaxies observées, je me concentre dans le chapitre 3 sur la formation stellaire dans un échantillon de simulation de galaxies en isolation, à bas redshift, et à résolution du parsec et sous-parsec. J'étudie l'origine physique de leurs relations de formation stellaire avec les cassures, et montre que le seuil de densité surfacique pour une formation stellaire efficace peut être lié à la densité caractéristique d'apparition de turbulence supersonique. Ce résultat s'applique aussi bien aux galaxies qui fusionnent, dans lesquelles l'augmentation de la turbulence compressive déclenchée par les marées compressives les conduit au régime de sursaut de formation d'étoiles. Un modèle analytique idéalisé de formation stellaire liant la densité surfacique de gaz au taux de formation stellaire comme une fonction de la présence de turbulence supersonique et la structure associée du milieu interstellaire est ensuite présenté dans le chapitre 4. Ce modèle prédit une cassure à basse densité de surface qui est suivie par un régime de loi de puissance à haute densité dans différents systèmes en accord avec les relations de formation stellaire des galaxies observées et simulées. La dernière partie de cette thèse est dédiée à la technique alternative de zoom-in cosmologique (Martig et al. 2009) et son implémentation dans le code à raffinement de maillage adaptatif RAMSES. Dans le chapitre 5, je présente les caractéristiques de base de cette technique aussi bien que certains de nos tout premiers résultats dans le contexte de l'accrétion cosmologique diffuse. / This thesis aims at making the link between galaxy evolution, morphology and internal physical processes, namely star formation as the outcome of the turbulent multiphase interstellar medium, using the cosmological zoom-in simulations, simulations of isolated and merging galaxies, and the analytic model of star formation. In Chapter 1, I explain the motivation for this thesis and briefly review the necessary background related to galaxy formation and modeling with the use of numerical simulations. I first explore the evolution of the morphology of Milky-Way-mass galaxies in a suite of zoom-in cosmological simulations through the analysis of bars. I analyze the evolution of the fraction of bars with redshift, its dependence on the stellar mass and accretion history of individual galaxies. I show in particular, that the fraction of bars declines with increasing redshift, in agreement with the observations. This work also shows that the obtained results suggest that the bar formation epoch corresponds to the transition between an early "violent" phase of spiral galaxies formation at z > 1, during which they are often disturbed by major mergers or multiple minor mergers as well as violent disk instabilities, and a late "secular" phase at z < 1, when the final morphology is generally stabilized to a disk-dominated structure. This analysis is presented in Chapter 2. Because such cosmological simulations form too many stars too early compared to observed galaxy populations, I shift the focus in Chapter 3 to star formation in a sample of low-redshift galaxy simulations in isolation at parsec and sub-parsec resolution. I study the physical origin of their star formation relations and breaks and show that the surface density threshold for efficient star formation can be related to the typical density for the onset of supersonic turbulence. This result holds in merging galaxies as well, where increased compressive turbulence triggered by compressive tides during the interaction drives the merger to the regime of starbursts. An idealized analytic model for star formation relating the surface density of gas and star formation rate as a function of the presence of supersonic turbulence and the associated structure of the ISM is then presented in Chapter 4. This model predicts a break at low surface densities that is followed by a power-law regime at high densities in different systems in agreement with star formation relations of observed and simulated galaxies. The last part of this thesis is dedicated to the alternative cosmological zoom-in technique Martig et al. 2009 and its implementation in the Adaptive Mesh Refinement code RAMSES. In Chapter 5, I will present the basic features of this technique as well as some of our very first results in the context of smooth cosmological accretion.
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