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Rekommendation till MTA Södersjukhuset för val av ISO-standard / Recommendation to DMT Södersjukhuset Concerning Choice of ISO StandardOmar Hussein, Yacquub, Holmgård, Elsa January 2022 (has links)
Detta kandidatexamensarbete, som genomförts på uppdrag av medicinteknisk chef på Södersjukhuset Git Eliasson, hade som mål att analysera vilken standard av ISO 9001:2015 och SS-EN ISO 13485:2016 som var lämpligast för Södersjukhusets medicintekniska verksamhet. ISO 9001:2015 och ISO 13485:2016 är internationella standarder framtagna av EU kommissionen för att hjälpa organisationer att bygga upp kvalitetsledningssystem som uppfyller de krav som ställs på dessa organisationer. För att ta reda på vad som var lämpligast för Södersjukhuset MTA så gjordes en litteraturstudie där djupgående kunskaper om ISO 9001:2015 och SS-EN ISO 13485:2016 erhölls. Vid oklarheter så kontaktades projektledare och experter för att tydliggöra regelverk. Därefter gjordes verksamhetsbesök där Södersjukhusets medicintekniska verksamhet studeras för att förstå var de befinner sig i dagsläget samt för att kunna göra en GAP-analys. Även företag som erbjuder ackreditering kontaktades. Detta för att få en inblick på kostnadsfrågan då även den var utav intresse. Den lämpligaste standarden visade sig vara ISO 13485:2016, och för att hjälpa Södersjukhusets MTA med att uppnå kraven i standarden föreslogs en del förslag såsom att bygga upp ett kvalitetsledningssystem gentemot kraven i ISO 13485. För att upprätta en sådant system skulle MTA kunna anställa en verksamhetsutvecklare, alternativt utnyttja redan anställd personal till att göra det arbetet. / This bachelor's thesis, which was carried out on behalf of the medical technical director at Södersjukhuset Git Eliasson, aimed to analyze which standard among ISO 9001:2015 and SSEN ISO 13485:2016 was most suitable for Södersjukhuset's operations. ISO 9001:2015 and ISO13485:2016 are international standards constructed by the EU Commission to help organizations build quality management systems that meet the requirements set on these organizations. To find out what was most suitable for Södersjukhuset, a literature study was conducted where in-depth knowledge of ISO 9001:2015 and SS-EN ISO 13485:2016 was obtained. In case of ambiguity and vagueness, project managers and experts were contacted to clarify regulations.Thereafter, hospital visits were made where the Södersjukhusets medical technology operations were studied to understand where they are at the present and to subsequently attain the knowledge needed to make a thorough GAP analysis. With the intention to elucidate costs that come with accreditation, companies that offer accreditation were also contacted. The most suitable standard proved to be ISO 13485:2016. The GAP analysis, and thus the methods needed to reach certification, consisted of setting up a QMS system which met the requirements in ISO 13485. Such a QMS could be set up by a business developer, or by already hired personnel with the right expertise. / Nej
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Improvement of Prevas’ AB quality management system according to ISO 13485:2016 : As a parallel project with the fictive development of ViroDetect for Sweden Diagnostics ABKlingspor, Sophie, Svensson, Niclas January 2023 (has links)
Quality management system’s (QMS) describes how organisations control their interconnected processes through four elements defined as quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement to achieve quality through stakeholder satisfaction. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) develops certifiable international standards for quality management. Through the development of ISO and other standardisers, many organisations require their partners and suppliers to hold a certified QMS. By holding an ISO 13485:2016 certificate an organisation reassure that they can deliver medical devices and related services that meets customers and regulatory requirements. Swedish Diagnostics AB (Swedia), a fictive company, is planning to develop “ViroDetect”, a device for detection and quantification of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in blood plasma. For ViroDetect to be developed under ISO 13485:2016 Swedia will use Prevas AB as a development partner. During the project Prevas will put focus on improving their QMS, as continuous improvement of ones QMS is a requirement by ISO 13485:2016. Through a literature study combined with a document study of Prevas ́ QMS documents and direct observations with active participation of the development process of ViroDetect, this thesis aims to provide Prevas with improvement suggestions for their QMS certified according to ISO 13485:2016. Results showed that Prevas could improve regarding uniformity, traceability, and risk management to promote documentation and evidence-based decision making. Based on the limitations and observations done, the suggested improvements presented are considered reasonable for Prevas to implement. However, the general difficulties for organisations to achieve continuous improvement remains.
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