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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problematiken vid övergångsprocessen till ISO 9001:2015 : De upplevda svårigheterna av svenska tillverkningsindustrier med ISO 9001:2015 / The problem in the process of transition to ISO 9001:2015

Bekim, Haxha, Omar, Makie January 2016 (has links)
Den här rapporten behandlar ett kandidatarbete som utfördes vid Jönköping University. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka samt kartlägga de svårigheter som företagen, certifieringsorganen samt standardutvecklarna SIS upplever i samband med övergången till den nya revisonen av ISO 9001:2015.  Frågorna som besvaras i uppsatsen är, vilka skillnader kan ses mellan de stora och små företagen samt vad behöver företagen för hjälpmedel för en lättare övergång. Arbetet har utgått från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Informationen som samlats in utgör grunden för analysen och slutsatsen. Huvudsakliga empirin är insamlad i form av en enkätundersökning som genomfördes på tjugo respondenter under en utbildningsdag på SIS. För djupare förståelse har även sex stycken öppna strukturerade intervjuer utförts på både stora och små företag. Utöver det har även en öppen intervju utförts med certifieringsorganet Qvalify samt med standard utvecklarna SIS. Individerna som intervjuades var alla i någon grad ansvariga för övergången till ISO 9001:2015. Teoretisk komplettering har skett i form av litteraturstudier där huvudområdet har varit ”kvalitet”. I analysen gjordes en ”triangulering”(figur 6) vilket innebär att data som har samlats in från företagen, Qvalify och SIS separerades och analyserades iterativt. För att få flera dimensioner på problemet och kunna dra en slutsats ställdes den bearbetade informationen från företagen, Qvalify och SIS mot varandra för att se om några mönster eller kopplingar kunde upptäckas. Det visade sig att företagen upplevde andra svårigheter än vad SIS och Qvalify trodde angående övergångsprocessen till ISO 9001:2015 Resultatet på den här undersökningen visade att majoriteten av de deltagande företagen upplevde att det var svårt att tolka ISO 9001:2015. Företagen upplevde att texten i kravdokumentet är skrivet att den kan tolkas olika eller misstolkas. Klausulerna fyra och åtta upplevde företagen vara svårare än de andra. De små företagen upplevde att de hade mer kunskapsbrist än tolkningssvårigheter medan de stora företagen knappt upplevde någon kunskapsbrist. För att förenkla övergångsprocessen önskade företagen en gap-analys som visar vilka krav i ISO 9001:2015 som är tillagda, vilka krav som är nya samt vad som har tagits bort. / This report is a candidate work carried out towards Jönköping University. The purpose of this paper is to examine and identify the difficulties experienced by the companies, certification bodies and standards developers SIS with the transition to the new revision of ISO 9001: 2015. The questions answered in this essay is, what differences can be seen between the large and small businesses as well as what kind of tools businesses need for an easier transition. The work has been based on a qualitative research. The information collected is the basis for the analysis and conclusion. Main empirical data is collected in the form of a survey conducted with twenty respondents during a training day carried out by SIS. For deeper understanding has six open-structured interviews been conducted in both large and small companies. In addition, it also has an open interview conducted by the certification body Qvalify and the standard developers SIS. The individuals selected for interview were all responsible in any way in the transition to ISO 9001: 2015. Theoretical supplementation has been in the form of literature studies where the main field has been "quality". The analysis was a "triangulation" (figure 6), which means that the data collected from the companies, Qvalify and SIS was separated and analyzed iteratively. To get the multiple dimensions of the problem and be able to draw a conclusion was the processed information from the companies, Qvalify and SIS against each other to see if any patterns or connections could be discovered. It was discovered that the companies experienced other difficulties than SIS and Qvalify thought about the transition to ISO 9001: 2015. The results of this study showed that the majority of the participating companies felt that it was difficult to interpret ISO 9001: 2015. The companies felt that the text of the requirements in the document is written in a way that it can be interpreted differently or misinterpreted. The clauses four and eight experienced the companies to be more difficult than the others. The small companies feel that it has more knowledge than lack of interpretation as opposed to the large, barely experience any lack of knowledge. To simplify the transition process the companies required a gap analysis tool that shows the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 are added, the requirements that are new and what has been removed.

Implementación y certificación del SGC bajo la norma ISO 9001:2015 de las áreas de Talleres y Laboratorios y Centro de Documentación y Fondo Editorial de la UC

García Arroyo, Carolay Rosarella 27 August 2018 (has links)
Actualmente venimos atravesando diferentes cambios en nuestro país, cambios para la mejora en la calidad de la educación, como el proceso de Licenciamiento por SUNEDU y las acreditaciones por diferentes empresas reconocidas para cada Universidad. La calidad educativa es una necesidad inherente hoy en día, puesto que toda organización se debe a sus clientes, y en el caso de educación principalmente a los estudiantes y docentes; por ende, toda organización debe centrarse en gestionar y controlar adecuadamente sus procesos operativos, estratégicos, de soporte, entre otros y esto se da mediante un adecuado Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad (SGC). Es entonces, que el presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo implementar, certificar y mantener los Sistemas de Gestión de la Calidad bajo la Norma ISO 9001:2015 para los Talleres y Laboratorios y el Centro de Documentación y Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Continental, sede Huancayo. Se utilizó el método descriptivo, tipo de investigación básica y como técnicas se utilizaron las encuestas, entrevistas de auditorias y el análisis documental. Usando cuestionarios, correo electrónico, auditorias presenciales y las Normas: ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 9000:2015 como instrumentos. Como resultados tenemos los informes de auditorias principales, en donde se evidencian las respuestas favorables para el logro de las certificaciones de las áreas en mención. Finalmente se concluye que la implementación, certificación y mantenimiento de los SGC bajo la Norma ISO 9001:2015 para talleres y laboratorios como para el centro de documentación y fondo editorial fue fructífero ya que mejoró la satisfacción de las necesidades y expectativas de los clientes, usuarios y demás grupos de interés pertinentes.

Diagnostico para la implementación de la Norma Iso 9001:2015 en una empresa dedicada a la reparación de maquinaria minera

Herrera Sotelo, Danny David 31 October 2018 (has links)
En el presente estudio se realiza un diagnóstico para implementar el Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad bajo la norma ISO 9001:2015 a la empresa “Metso Service Center de Arequipa, Perú”; esta empresa se dedica a la reparación de maquinaria de procesamiento de minerales. El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue el de identificar y conocer el grado de cumplimiento actual de la organización frente a los requisitos de la Norma de Gestión de la calidad ISO 9001:2015.

Influencia de la implementación de la fase documentaria de la Norma ISO 9001: 2015 en el sistema de gestión de la calidad de talleres y laboratorios de la Universidad Continental de Huancayo – 2016

Idone Cordova, Gladys Dora 12 September 2017 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación ha tenido como problema general ¿Influye la implementación de la fase documentaria de la norma ISO 9001:2015 en el sistema de gestión de la calidad de los talleres y laboratorios de la universidad Continental de Huancayo – 2016? Y la hipótesis general ha sido: Sí influye la implementación de la fase documentaria de la norma ISO 9001:2015 en el sistema de gestión de la calidad de los talleres y laboratorios de la universidad Continental de Huancayo – 2016. Se utilizó el método científico como método general; el tipo de investigación aplicada, con un diseño de investigación pre - experimental, con la variable independiente Norma ISO 9001:2015 y la variable dependiente Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad. El instrumento aplicado fue la Ficha de conformidad del sistema de gestión de la calidad de talleres y laboratorios de la universidad Continental, la cual fue validada por juicio de expertos y declarados altamente confiables; por lo que fueron aplicados a las dos muestras de estudio: la primera, a los laboratorios y la otra a los talleres; ambos de la universidad Continental. Para el análisis de los resultados se utilizó la estadística descriptiva, por medio de tablas y gráficos estadísticos en barras que representa el resumen de frecuencias y porcentaje de las variables y dimensiones (requisitos). / Tesis

Framgångsfaktorer vid övergång till ISO 9001:2015 / Important factors for a successful transition to ISO 9001:2015

Yusuf, Maryan, Sege, Victoria January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att identifiera de viktigaste områdena mindre företag bör fokusera på vid övergång till ISO 9001:2015. Examensarbetet har utförts på det tillverkande företaget FIG Metall. Den nya utgåvan av standarden har en mer tolkningsbaserad struktur i jämförelse med tidigare vilket har bidragit till en svårighet för företag att förstå kraven i den nya utgåvan. Forskningsmetodiken som tillämpats är av kvalitativ karaktär. Vid genomförande av studien gjordes observation, intervjuer och dokumentstudier hos FIG Metall för att få en inblick i hur verksamheten fungerade samt identifiera deras gap mot ISO 9001:2015. Andra intervjuer som gjordes var med organisationerna Qvalify och SIS för att få reda på de största skillnaderna i den nya utgåvan av standarden samt vanligaste svårigheterna företag har vid övergången. De kvalitativa intervjuerna var semi-strukturerade vilket innebär att intervjupersonerna haft stor frihet att tolka frågorna som ställts samt att intervjuaren inte kan förutspå respondentens svar. I analyskapitlet jämfördes empirin från studiens olika metoder med hjälp av triangulering, se figur 10. Där kopplades resultaten även till relevanta teorier. I intervju med Qvalify och SIS framkom samstämmighet om vilka områden som behövde uppfyllas för en övergång till ISO 9001:2015. Resultatet av studien visar de viktigaste områdena mindre företag bör fokusera på för övergången. Istället för att gå igenom standarden krav för krav ska företag fokusera på ledarskap, organisationens förutsättningar, riskbaserat tänkande samt processinriktning. Studien visar även på att ISO 9001:2015 har en nära koppling till TQM, verksamhetsutveckling och organisationspsykologi och kan därmed användas som komplement till standarden. / The purpose with this study aims to identify the most important and critical factors for small-sized companies to make way for a successful transition to ISO 9001:2015. Because of the new structure, it is difficult for companies to interpret the standard and what is required to achieve a certification. This study has therefore been carried out at the manufacturing company FIG Metall in Gnosjö.  The study is based on qualitative research. Observation, interviews and document views were made at FIG Metall. Interviews were also carried out with the auditing company Qvalify and the Swedish Standards Institute to receive their views on which the important factors are as well as the general difficulties for companies when transitioning.  The interviews were semi-structured which resulted in an open discussion where the respondents were free to answer based on how they perceived the questions. The results of the empirical data were the basis of the analysis and the conclusion. The different methods used in the report can be seen in figure 10 which shows the triangular approach of the study. Qvalify and SIS agreed upon the same areas companies need to focus on when transitioning to ISO 9001:2015. The result of this study shows that the most important areas smaller companies need to focus on when transitioning are Leadership, Context of the organization, Risk based thinking and Process approach. The study concluded that ISO 9001:2015 is closely related to total quality management (TQM), organizational development and organizational psychology and can be used as complementary tools to the standard.

Implementace systému managementu kvality podle normy ISO 9001:2015 / Implementation of the Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2015

Čížková, Martina January 2015 (has links)
The main goal of my thesis is to show the process of transitioning the current quality management system (in accordance with the norm ISO 9001: 2008) into the new quality management system in accordance with the norm ISO 9001: 2015 in Sipral a.s. company. The thesis analyses current state in the company concerning requirements of the norm and suggests changes necessary for implementation of the new quality management system in accordance with the norm ISO 9001: 2015. The first section introduces the field of quality management system in theoretical perspective. Main approaches to quality management system, key terms and short historical review are presented. The norm ISO 9001: 2015 is analysed in detail, especially in relation to its previous version from 2008. Above all, I focus on the changes which the current norm brings and which are necessary to implement to functioning of the company. The second section of the thesis is dedicated to introduction of Sipral a.s. company, analysis of the current state, suggestions for changes and realization of them, which are brought about with implementation of the new norm. Attention is paid especially to areas undergoing essential changes: organizational structure, process model, labour risk and context of the organization. These areas are analysed from the view of the current norm, as well as from the view of the new norm. Transition in accordance with the norm ISO 9001: 2015, which I participated in, is described.

Återanvändning av ett företags åtgärder inom ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 14001:2015

Ekstener, Albin, Andersson, Kristoffer January 2021 (has links)
There are a variety of advantages to companies certifying their management system according to the ISO standards that exist. Examples of these advantages are that you get a tool that helps to conduct your business in a better way as you often get into continuous improvements in this context. This report concerns two companies, Götessons Industri AB and company X, company X was acquired just over a year ago by the Götessons Group. The Götessons Group wants all companies in the Group to be certified according to both ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. The purpose of the work was therefore to develop appropriate solutions to be able to certify a management system at company X in accordance with ISO requirements. This should be done by trying to take as much from the solutions that Götessons used to obtain a certificate and then apply this to company X.   The work also briefly addresses why companies choose to be certified according to ISO standards, but also a description of what a functioning management system can look like. The theories used to create a foundation in the work are ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, Management System and Management System Standard. To supplement these theories, a number of different methods have also been used in the form of document studies, literature studies, investigations, and interviews. The document study that has been carried out is to review Götesson's management system. The literature study that has been done is primarily an in-depth study at SIS on what a certification means. The investigations and interviews carried out are visits to the various companies and related interviews. The interviews have been with staff but mainly with the company's external auditor who has over 20 years of experience in certifications.   The work resulted in the reuse of a large part of Götesson's management system to company X’s management system. Some parts can be transferred without further adaptation, while some parts require a greater adaptation to better suit the business. When introducing a management system within a corporate group, the strategy used in the study lead to both time savings and cost savings for the companies involved. The work also showed that in this case it will not be possible to apply all the measures as the activities differ in certain processes.

ISO 9001:2015 implementation at a manufacturing company

Jönsson, Anna, Berglund, Magnus January 2016 (has links)
Martin Ivarsson, manager and part owner at Landeryd’s Mechanical Workshop (LMW), Landeryd, Sweden, initiated this project. This because of a new released ISO 9001 version that LMW has to implement before the 15th of September 2018 to remain certified. Since LMW is ISO 9001:2008 certified the project members only needed to identify the differences among the 2015 and 2008 version to see what LMW has to do to get certified. There are approximately 1.1 million ISO 9001 certificates issued worldwide. An ISO 9001 certification increase organizations ability to satisfy customer needs and customers can rely on that the products and services provided are of consistently good quality. ISO 9001 can also work as a tool to streamline the organization’s processes and make them more efficient. Since the ISO 9001 is reviewed every five year it helps organizations to keep current in an ever- changing world. Landeryd’s Mechanical Workshop has been ISO 9001 certified since 2002 and the “ISO- think” is deeply rooted within the company. LMW is a small owner-controlled company with only 18 employees. ISO 9001:2015 is applicable on different kinds of organizations in various scales. Comparing to previous versions of ISO 9001 the new version is more adaptable. This makes it more beneficial for the organizations but harder for the auditors that certifies. One major conclusion is that LMW will have more freedom of document handling with the new ISO version. This report highlights LMW’s status today in accordance to the new ISO 9001 version, and estimates how much effort that is needed for a successful revision. Readers of this report will benefit from the results, since much is applicable on all types of organizations or companies.

Associação entre as barreiras na implantação de sistemas de gestão da qualidade e os princípios da qualidade

Voltz, Cleiton Ismael 26 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-04-11T12:26:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Cleiton Ismael Voltz_.pdf: 1509729 bytes, checksum: ff89e7d8c6978a3251c6bb18dc19511c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-11T12:26:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cleiton Ismael Voltz_.pdf: 1509729 bytes, checksum: ff89e7d8c6978a3251c6bb18dc19511c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-26 / Nenhuma / O objetivo principal deste trabalho é identificar qual a associação entre as barreiras encontradas na implantação de sistemas de gestão da qualidade e as falhas no entendimento dos princípios norteadores da gestão da qualidade. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de caso múltiplo em empresas da indústria calçadista e insumos. Como forma de atribuir as associações desejadas, foram realizadas entrevistas e análises de conteúdo e de correspondência. A análise de conteúdo apresentou evidencias de relacionamento entre diversas barreiras citadas na literatura e validadas pelos gestores, com falhas no entendimento dos princípios da qualidade. A análise de correspondência corroborou com esses indícios, sendo possível traçar um plano adequado para minimizar falhas na implantação de um sistema de gestão da qualidade, no que tange às barreiras encontradas previamente. A contribuição deste trabalho se dá, principalmente, em agregar as discussões existentes na literatura, sugestões de associação entre barreiras na implantação de um sistema de gestão da qualidade e princípios da qualidade. Assim, ao ser implantado na prática, os gestores da qualidade poderão identificar no perfil dos seus funcionários as potenciais barreiras, e minimizá-las a partir da adequada compreensão dos princípios durante a fase de treinamento. / The main objective of this work is to identify the association between the barriers encountered in the implantation of quality management systems and the failures to understand the guiding principles of quality management. For that, a multiple case study was carried out in the footwear industry and supplies. As a way of assigning the desired associations, interviews and content and correspondence analyzes were carried out. The content analysis presented evidence of relation between several barriers cited in the literature and validated by managers, with failures in understanding the principles of quality. The correspondence analysis corroborated these indications, and it is possible to draw up an adequate plan to minimize failures in the implantation of a quality management system, in relation to previously encountered barriers. The contribution of this work is mainly to aggregate the existing discussions in the literature, suggestions of association between barriers in the implantation of a quality management system and principles of quality. Thus, when implanted in practice, quality managers will be able to identify potential barriers in the profile of their employees, and minimize them from a proper understanding of the principles during the training phase.

Övergångsfasen till ISO 9001:2015 i ett marknadsledande företag / The transition to ISO 9001:2015 in a market-leading organization

Binadam, Zulkiflee, Bergeling, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
Arbetet har genomförts på ett marknadsledande företag inom måleri-industrin, där rapportens fokus legat på att ta fram underlag för vilka områden som företaget behöver förbättra för att certifiera sig mot ISO 9001:2015. Produktionsavdelningen har i rapporten setts som ett fristående företag i syfte att kunna tillämpa de krav i standarden som faller på högsta ledningen. Rapporten har behandlat de problem som de flesta företag kan uppleva i övergångsprocessen till ISO 9001:2015. Frågeställningar är upplagda för att ge svar på hur väl det studerade företaget uppfyller kraven i nuläget och för att sedan presentera en gap-analys över vad som fattas för att nå de krav som inte uppfyllts. Dessa analyser leder till ett resultat där viktiga förbättringsområden inom företaget presenteras tillsammans med förslag på åtgärder för att uppfylla de krav som ställs i ISO-standarden.  För att göra arbetet så trovärdigt som möjligt har flera olika metoder använts och utvärderats, för att sedan kunna göra en rättvis bedömning över företagets nuläge. Metoderna som presenteras i rapporten involverar bland annat en metod för egenbedömning, där författarna har fått inspiration från tidigare examensarbeten, intervjuer med revisionsbolag och relevant personal på företaget. Det har även genomförts en observation/survey-undersökning på operatörerna i företaget för att få en inblick i deras bild av verksamheten. Rapportens diskussion och slutsats presenterar de områden i verksamheten som företaget brister i och ger förslag på hur företaget bör utveckla dessa. De huvudområden som har identifierats är: ständiga förbättringar, ledarskap, processinriktning och riskbaserat tänkande.  Dessa områden har författarna analyserats som det mest bristfälliga områden som företaget bör vidareutveckla och åtgärdsförslag på hur de kan utveckla dessa områden har presenterats. Åtgärdsförslagen är baserade på författarnas kunskap och erfarenheter, där förslagen utvecklats i samråd med handledare och personal på företaget. Slutsatsen utvärderar även metodernas och verktygens lämplighet vid implementering av ISO 9001:2015 i en organisation / The thesis work has been carried out in a market-leading company in the painting industry, where the main focus of the report focuses on which areas in the company that needs improvement in order to certify itself against ISO 9001:2015. The production department has been reported as an independent company within the company in order to apply the requirements of the standard that fall on management. The report has addressed the problems that most companies have in the transition process to ISO 9001:2015. The issues are formulated to provide answer to how well the studied company meets the requirement at current situation and then present a gap-analysis of what needs to be done to meet the requirements that are not met. These analysis leads to a result where key areas of improvement within the company are presented together with proposals to meet the requirements of the ISO-standard. In order to make the thesis as credible as possible, several different methods have been used and evaluated, to then make a fair assessment of the company’s current situation. The methods presented in the report include, among other things, a method of self-assessment, where the authors have received inspiration from previous thesis works, as well as interviews with an audit firms and relevant staff at the company. An observation/survey has also been conducted on the operators in the company to gain an insight of how they feel about the company’s work with ISO-standards. The report's discussion and conclusion presents the areas in the business that the company is lacking and suggests how the company should develop these areas. The key areas identified are: continuous improvement, leadership, process orientation and risk-based thinking. These areas have been analyzed by the authors as the most deficient areas that the company should further develop and proposals for how to develop these areas have been presented. The action proposals are based on the authors' knowledge and experience, where the proposals were developed in consultation with supervisors and staff at the company. The conclusion also evaluates the suitability of methods and tools for implementing ISO 9001: 2015 in an organization.

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