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An investigation of the information technology provision in initial teacher education in CyprusChrisostomou, Charalambos Loizou January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploratory Assessment of Manufactured E-Liquids and Do It Yourself (DIY) E-LiquidsPathak, Sarita 09 January 2015 (has links)
Introduction: Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) debuted in 2006 within the U.S market as novel tobacco products and have been gaining popularity since. Without enforced regulations, prevalence of awareness and use has significantly increased. The purpose of this study is to explore the evolving landscape of ENDS using the Host, Agent, Vector, Environment (HAVE) model with a focus on manufactured e-liquids and do it yourself (DIY) e-liquids as the Agent.
Methods: Content analysis of e-cigarette web forums was conducted to identify popular brick and mortar point of sales (POS) for the purchase of ENDS products. POS were mapped out within a 1-, 2-, and 3- mile radius from three college campuses using Google Maps. An environmental scan was then conducted on randomly selected POS sites (N=17) where observations on e-liquid flavors and characteristics were identified. In addition, a content analysis of web forums was used to qualitatively characterize DIY e-liquids in depth.
Results: A total of 602 flavors were profiled in the POS environmental scans and five main flavor categories of e-liquids were identified: 1) Tobacco and Menthol (16.6%); 2) Desserts and Candies (16.6%); 3) Fruits (20.6%); 4) Drinks (10.1%); 5) Other (36.0%). Most flavored e-liquids were sold in stand-alone vials (91.0%). When sold with manufactured products, flavored e-liquids were sold in E-Hookahs (10.6%) compared to E-Cigarettes (4.7%). Most (96.8%) flavored e-liquids were available with and without nicotine. Based on content analysis of e-cigarette web forums, the words with the highest frequency in the DIY transcripts were: “flavor”, “mixing”, “liquid”, “calculators”, and “nicotine”.
Conclusions: Our findings indicate that for both manufactured and DIY e-liquids, flavors are a distinguishing and primary characteristic. Given these findings, increased surveillance efforts to monitor ENDS and e-liquids are necessary to inform regulatory science.
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Urban development and the information technology industry : a study of Bangalore, IndiaSrinivas, S. January 1997 (has links)
The focus of the study is the city of Bangalore, in India, which has over the years become a centre for high technology industries, and in the mid-i 990s was home to the largest number of Information Technology (IT) firms in India. This has earned it the title of the 'Silicon Valley of India'. The city's comparative advantage in the IT industry in India emanates from various factors, of which favourable government policy, high quality work force, and the availability of research laboratories are some of its crucial determinants. This research aims to understand the reasons for Bangalore's success in attracting both foreign and domestic IT industries (especially between the mid-i 980s, when the Indian economy showed the initial signs of opening up, and the mid-I 990s), and investigates the extent to which the city can continue to be the most preferred location for IT industry in the country. Three research hypotheses have been tested in this research study. The first is directed towards the global IT industry, and contends that the global IT industry's interest in India goes beyond mere price considerations alone. The second proposes that the success of Bangalore in attracting the IT industries is due to a synergy of factors, which include favourable government policies, availability of skilled professionals, and local presence of research institutes and laboratories. The third hypothesis is guided towards the industry-institution linkage, and argues that there exists a strong link between the IT industry and the research laboratories in Bangalore, which has helped underpin growth in the local IT industry. The empirical analysis was conducted at tm, levels. One at the national level of policy making, and another at the city level. The research is based on both secondary sources of data and primary data collection. The study relied on two types of field surveys, a firm-level survey and a policy makers survey. An understanding of the competitiveness of Bangalore is carried out using a set of indicators which include inter ella level of telecommunications infrastructure, government policies, availability of industrial/office space, skilled labour and specialised services. The study finds that initially the main reason for the industrial growth in Bangalore was to be found in the strong industrial tradition of the region, dating back to the earlier part of the twentieth century and later, by government owned electronics and telecommunication industries that were founded in the city immediately after the country's independence (in 1947). Electronics industries continued to base themselves during the 1 960s and through the I 980s in the city. However, when the Indian economic policy was hberalised from the mid-1980s and more perceptibly after 1991, it was the lnfomiation Technology industries that began to establish themselves in Bangalore primarily to tap the available professional skills, and to make use of the city's existing base as a prominent centre for high technology industries. The research also found that there are strong links between the research institutes and laboratories and the private IT companies in Bangalore especially in R&D related activities. While many of the interviewed companies felt that Bangalore would continue to be the preferred location for the IT industry in the country, they do not rule out the possibility that an impending infrastructure crisis in the city will undermine its competitiveness.
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Maktrelationer inom IT-utbildningar : Hur makt visas ur ett studentperspektivÅkerfeldt, Sarah, Furunäs, Sara January 2015 (has links)
Uppsatsen ämnar undersöka hur studenter inom IT-utbildningar uppfattar hur deras utbildning är, hur den påverkar deras kunskapsintag och val av yrkesposition. Vi har valt att utföra intervjuer med både systemvetare och datavetare för att se om det är någon skillnad beroende på hur teknisk deras utbildning är. Genom intervjuerna har vi analyserat studenternas mest förekommande ord och utifrån dem använder vi oss av Foucaults maktteori för att undersöka vilka maktrelationer som uppstår utifrån deras uttalanden. Maktrelationerna visar att studenterna upplever att utbildningens kursutbud samt lärarnas pedagogiska egenskaper har stort inflytande på deras kunskapsintag och skapar antingen positiva eller negativa åsikter. Även yrkesbranschen influerar studenternas känslor inför att börja arbeta. De upplever en osäkerhet då de känner att de inte vet vad yrkesbranschen förväntar sig av dem och de är osäkra på om de har tillräckligt med kunskap för att kunna börja arbeta. Slutligen visar resultaten att det uppstår en maktrelation mellan kvinnliga och manliga studenter. De studerar inom en utbildning där majoriteten är män och manliga studenter menar att det är upp till kvinnliga studenter att skapa en mer attraktiv miljö för att locka till sig fler kvinnor till utbildningen.
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Var det bättre förr? : Högstadielärares användning och uppfattningar om digitala verktyg i musikundervisningTöyrä, Tommy January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att fördjupa kunskaper i hur högstadielärare i musik använder digitala verktyg i sin undervisning, samt vad de upplever att dessa verktyg har för pedagogiska för- och nackdelar. Ett delsyfte har varit att undersöka vad lärare har för ämnesuppfattning, och hur det eventuellt påverkar hur de väljer undervisningsinnehåll. Jag har intervjuat fyra musiklärare som undervisar på högstadiet, och detta genomfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Forskningsansatsen har varit hermeneutisk, vilket innebär att jag har tolkat och analyserat informanternas svar. Som teoretisk hjälp har jag bland annat använt mig av medieekologisk och sociokulturell teori. Resultatet av undersökningen har visat att lärarna i stor utsträckning använder sig av digitala verktyg i sin undervisning på liknande sätt, genom att använda sig av stora skärmar (projektorer eller smartboard) och även i skapandeprocesser genom iPad:s eller datorer. Som pedagogiska fördelar nämnde de att det är lätt att skapa något utan att egentligen ha några förkunskaper, då programvarorna och apparna hjälper till. Som nackdelar nämnde de att man riskerar att förlora tid till ämnets heliga, vilket alla ansåg vara att spela. Detta var även ämnesuppfattningen hos samtliga lärare, som poängterade vikten av att använda sig av undervisningsmaterial och teknik som är relevant för eleverna.
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Computerised accounting in Jordan : critical analysis and comparative study of applications for teaching accountancy studentsTabari, Mahmoud Omar Mahmoud January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Ryšių su klientais valdymo perspektyva pasitelkiant informacines technologijas / Perspectives of customer relationship management through information technologiesUrbas, Mindaugas 23 December 2014 (has links)
Darbe akcentuojami įmonės kaupiamos informacijos apie klientą sektoriai bei jos efektyvaus panaudojimo būdai. Išskiriami informacinių technologijų privalumai klientų segmentavimui. Sudarytas teorinis modelis kaip pasitelkus informacines technologijas turėtų būti valdoma ryšių su klientais informacija įmonės vidiniuose procesuose. Darbe išskiriamos pagrindinės ryšių su klientais valdymo sritys, kurios gali būti sustiprintos įmonės procesuose pasitelkus informacines technologijas. Įmonės sudarytą teorinį modelį gali taikyti praktikoje siekiant optimizuoti įmonėje vykstančius procesus. Tyrimo metu surinkti duomenys atskleidė, kad ryšių su klientais valdymo sprendimų pardavėjų rinka yra atvira naujiems dalyviams. / Customer relationship management (CRM) is a core process in every company. Information technologies enhances it to a new, higher level. This research is relevant in practice because of instantly growing amount of CRM software in the market. Companies must understand their needs and goals to succeed in controlling information related to customer relationships. The main object of this paper is customer relationship management through information technologies. Main tasks were to reveal essential concepts of CRM, its foundation, technical aspects. Another point was to distinguish main companies’ areas which are empowered with information technologies in customer relationship’s management. Another task was to prepare theoretical model of how customer relationships should be managed through information technologies. This model was used to prepare and perform a research on companies working in Lithuania’s business market. Research was performed to check the model empirically and prepare its practical implementation. Main results of the research showed that use of information technologies in customer relationship management is still uncommon. However companies whose financial stock is at least partly formed from foreign investors are more likely to use information technologies in CRM. To add more, market is rapidly evolving and information technologies are increasingly taking relevant part of company’s processes. Research also proved that companies who already use information... [to full text]
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Development of a knowledge-based system for the repair and maintenance of concrete structuresMoodi, Faramarz January 2001 (has links)
Information Technology (IT) can exploit strategic opportunities for new ways of facilitating information and data exchange and the exchange of expert and specialist opinions in any field of engineering. Knowledge-Based Systems are sophisticated computer programs which store expert knowledge on specific subject and are applied to a broad range of engineering problems. Integrated Database applications have facilitated the essential capability of storing data to overcome an increasing information malaise. Integrating these areas of Information Technology (IT) can be used to bring a group of experts in any field of engineering closer together by allowing them to communicate and exchange information and opinions. The central feature of this research study is the integration of these hitherto separate areas of Information Technology (IT). In this thesis an adaptable Graphic User Interface Centred application comprising a Knowledge-Based Expert System (DEMARECEXPERT), a Database Management System (REPCON) and Evaluation program (ECON) alongside visualisation technologies is developed to produce an innovative platform which will facilitate and encourage the development of knowledge in concrete repair. Diagnosis, Evaluation, MAintenance and REpair of Concrete structures (DEMAREC) is a flexible application which can be used in four modes of Education, Diagnostic, Evaluation and Evolution. In the educational mode an inexperienced user can develop a better understanding of the repair of concrete technology by navigating through a database of textual and pictorial data. In the diagnostic mode, pictures and descriptive information taken from the database and performance of the expert system (DEMAREC-EXPERT) are used in a way that makes problem solving and decision making easier. The DEMAREC-EXPERT system is coupled to the REPCON (as an independent database) in order to provide the user with recommendations related to the best course required for maintenance and in the selection of materials and methods for the repair of concrete. In the evaluation mode the conditions observed are described in unambiguous terms that can be used by the user to be able to take engineering and management actions for the repair and maintenance of the structure. In the evolution mode of the application, the nature of distress, repair and maintenance of concrete structures within the extent of the database management system has been assessedT. he new methodology of data/usere valuation could have wider implications in many knowledge rich areas of expertise. The benefit of using REPCON lies in the enhanced levels of confidence which can be attributed to the data and to contribution of that data. Effectively, REPCON is designed to model a true evolution of a field of expertise but allows that expertise to move on in faster and more structured manner. This research has wider implications than within the realm of concrete repair. The methodology described in this thesis is developed to provide tecýnology transfer of information from experts, specialists to other practitioners and vice versa and it provides a common forum for communication and exchange information between them. Indeed, one of the strengths of the system is the way in which it allows the promotion and relegation of knowledge according to the opinion of users of different levels of ability from expert to novice. It creates a flexible environment in which an inexperienced user can develop his knowledge in maintenance and concrete repair structures. It is explained how an expert and a specialist can contribute his experience and knowledge towards improving and evolving the problem solving capability of the application.
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Användarmedbestämmande i IT-relateratförändringsarbete : Förändringsarbetets framgång i relation till graden av användarmedverkan i förändringsarbetets första faser / User co-determination in IT-related change management : Change management success in relation to the degree of user involvement in the first phases of change managementOlsson, Lotta, Kuljanin Mlivic, Gorica January 2013 (has links)
Vår fokus för denna uppsats kretsar kring hur verksamheter hanterar användarinflytande i IT-relaterade förändringsarbeten och hur användarinflytande påverkar förändringsprocessen.Studien bygger på granskning och analys av fem fallstudier som behandlar förändringsarbete ur ett IT-relaterat perspektiv med fokus på användaren. Studien tar avstamp i den teori som finns, kring förändringsarbetet, dess grundprinciper och användaren som den komponent som medverkar i, och till förändringen. Tillsammans med den teoretiska referensramen ges stöd åt analysen och diskussionen. I sin tur leder detta fram till studiens slutsatser och att frågeställningarna ska få sina svar.Resultatet av studien visar en bild av ett antal fallorganisationer som på olika sätt och med olika resultat genomfört eller försökt genomföra ett IT-relaterat förändringsprojekt i sin organisation. Denna studie visar tydligt att kommunikation i organisationen kring förändringen är av stor vikt. Studien visar att även systemutvecklare vill att användarna involveras i förändringsarbetet i ett tidigt stadium. Användarna och utvecklarna kan diskutera krav och funktioner i IT-systemet för att jobba fram ett tillfredställande resultat som båda parter kan vara nöjda med. Användare som involveras tidigt blir mer nöjda med slutresultatet och mer benägna att använda det nya eller förändrade IT-systemet. Vidare visar studien också att projektledaren och dess egenskaper är en mycket viktig del av det IT-projekt som följer av ett startat förändringsarbete och dess förstudie.
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The Impact of Information Technology Investments on Hospital Performance and Quality of CareHdeib, Lina January 2011 (has links)
The business value of Information Technology (measuring the impact of IT investments on organizational productivity and efficiency) and quantifying Information technology’s tangible and intangible benefits havebeen significant areas of interest forresearchers and industry experts alike for more than threedecades. In healthcare, an information-rich industry that directly impacts peoples’ lives, investing in IT is still being challenged by questions of payoffs and returns; thus understanding how IT impacts quality outcomes and organizational financial performancein healthcare organizations is important in IT investment decisions.
The goal of this research study is to critically examinethe business value of IT in healthcare. To this end, IT’s impact on hospital outcomes is assessed throughmeasures such as increasedpatient satisfaction, improved clinical outcomes (i.e. reduced numbers of adverse events incidents and rates of readmissions), and enhanced hospital financial condition. Additionally, the effect of readily available clinical and administrative data and well-aligned process redesign initiatives to enhance strategic decision making by leadership teams is considered. To address these issues, panel data on 17 performance indicators from 107 hospitals were collected to analyze the impact of IT investment on hospital financial performance and quality of outcomes.
The study showsthat the relationship between IT investment and hospital performance measures is type dependent; community or small hospitals have different results from teaching hospitals,and IT investment has an impact on the financial condition of small hospitals only. Similarly, IT investments were shown to improve clinical outcomes in community hospitals but not in small or teaching hospitals. Finally, no direct relationship was found between IT investment and patient satisfaction in any type of hospital. The impact of IT investments is shown to be enhanced when combined with corresponding process-redesign initiatives; and making the right levels of investment in organizational corporate services such as administrative services, finance, human resources, and system support improved hospitals’ financial performance.
Among the IT systems used in hospital organizationsare the decision support systems that enhance the decision-making capabilities of both clinicians and administrative leaders. The Hospital Analytics Dashboard is introduced as an example of the use of such systems to allow leaders to analyzehospital’s performance as it relates to the impact of IT on patient satisfaction, clinical outcomes, and financial conditions. This proof-of-concept decision support tool can be adapted to include other performance measures, and has been devised to help hospital leadership teams visualize and analyze the relationships among performance measurespresented in a static scorecard format.It provides benchmarking information from similar-sized hospitals and is accompanied by an interactive dashboard where historical performance information can be analyzed to predict future performance according to different inputs.
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