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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A critical assessment of the link between climate change and violent conflict in the context of sub-Saharan Africa: The case of Darfur

Roettinger, Julia 23 August 2019 (has links)
Up until the beginning of this century climate change was mostly seen as an environmental issue, although, the issue of violent conflict has been linked to natural resources before. However, in the last decade the focus has increasingly shifted to connecting climate change with, in particular, human security. In contrast to previous debates, contemporary discussions put emphasis on the impacts that climate change has on human lives. Yet, it is not uncontroversial to what extent environmental degradation as well as carbon dioxide emission based economies play and have played an accelerating role. But even if 'climate change sceptics’ or 'climate change deniers’ question the credibility of climate change the reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) present a solid base for the international climate debate which is accepted and supported by the majority of academic experts. Nonetheless, there is significant ambiguity about what the negative consequences of climate change could pose on peaceful human co-existence. In 2007, specifically, it was brought to public attention that the effects of a warming climate, such as more intense storms, floods and droughts have severe impacts on the human-wellbeing, especially in more vulnerable areas of the globe. Experts even claimed that, in many parts of the world, climate change would cause dramatic impacts in the form of violent conflicts due to the decrease of drinking water, fertile soil as well as food. Entire states might be weakened and societies could collapse which might lead to severe consequences for conflict resolution institutions and mechanisms, human security as well as migration. However, findings regarding the impacts of climate change on violent conflict are highly controversial and sometimes even contradictory. One reason for that could be that the physical effects of climate change are limited to date. Furthermore, as studies from the 1990s on the consequences of environmental change have shown, it is difficult to disconnect the environmental factor from other societal and political influences that lead to conflict. This thesis explores the politically charged issue as well as academically controversial link between climate change, as one of the environmental changes, and violent conflict by providing a conceptual assessment of the two different bodies of literature, namely the literature on violent conflict and the climate change literature, before examining available literature on the connection of the two phenomena. Finally, the case study of Darfur is analysed with regards to the often misused term climate war in order to conclude that violent conflicts are caused by multiple factors which should not be oversimplified and therefore cannot be traced back to purely environmental reasons. Therefore, the central research questions addressed in this thesis are: what do scholars say about the connection between climate change and violent conflict? Can climate change and its repercussions be seen as a threat multiplier in unstable and therefore vulnerable societies? And can the Darfur conflict be described as one of the first climate wars?

Digitisation and access to Archives: Case study of Sarah Baartman and Khoi San Collections

Cornelissen, Rozanne Leigh 22 August 2019 (has links)
Digitisation is occurring all over the world today. So to bring it to South Africa is one step in changing people’s understandings of Africa, because the information would be accessible to the world and the rest of South Africa. There are many challenges that have been debated around digitisation in Africa such as technological challenges, international relations or external institutions, the creation of a new kind of archive and the various digitising projects that have occurred in Africa specifically for creating online libraries. This study’s focal point is on two collections that are housed at the University of the Western Cape Archive; The Sarah Baartman and Khoi San Collections. The documents with regards to Sarah Baartman are the books of her story and how she became famous, but there is more to the books that we see in the shops or hear of. The collection of documents hold valuable information about her return to her homeland and the research of her descent. The Sarah Baartman Collection consists of the documentation that helped with the return of her remains. The University of the Western Cape Khoi San Collection consists of documentation of the Khoi San Conference that was held in 1994, with regards to the notion of becoming an identity and to view the Khoi San as people and not as just objects of study. The documents are basically faxes and letters that were sent to a Professor Bredekamp at the University of the Western Cape who was a participant in the conference. The University of the Western Cape Khoi San Collection is different from the Bleek and Lloyd Collections in that it is not someone’s journal or research but peoples voices of protecting the Khoi San Heritage. The two collections were chosen due to the fact that there was a gap in how to digitise collections that belonged to indigenous people/ descendent communities within South Africa and how to access these collections. The key purpose of the study is to determine the implications that digitisation has on Public Access. The aims of the study were to investigate the factors that determined decisions about how to digitise an Archive and how does Access impact digitisation. The data for this study was collected by the help of Archivists. The subjects of this study were archivists with the respected expert knowledge in digitisation. A semi-structured questionnaire was emailed to six Archivists. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the same six Archivists; the interviews were recorded on audiotape or hand written. On the basis of the results of this research it can be concluded that archives need to develop policies that incorporate consultations and take into consideration the descendent communities before the digitisation process occurs. There need to be cultural sensitivity towards collections of indigenous people which rarely occurs during digitisation. The recommendations that flowed from this study are: there needs to be further research in the curation of digital archives, needs to be more communication between archives and communities and digitisation policies need to be standardized.

Occult-Related Crime and the Policing thereof, through the lens of Cosmology of Socio-Political Factors

Scholtz, Marcia 24 July 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Occult-related crimes are crimes of a spiritual nature, in Africa, the study of these crimes could be approached from the field of African cosmology, which encompasses spirituality, culture, and nature. But these crimes also exist in a sociopolitical context, as well as an economic one. It is said that modern occult crimes have become entrepreneurial, this is what the Comaroffs (1999) call ‘modern occult economies.' The transition from traditional occult practices to modern practices can further be explored through a lens of, deeply rooted belief systems, being hijacked and manipulated by the opportunistic. This research explores not only traditional African occult crime, but also the Western branch practices and hybrid systems, and it touches on global occult crimes and ‘moral panics'. Occult crime is not labelled as such, but as general crimes, but the argument is for the typology of occult crime, for this has implications on police training and investigation, as well sentencing processes in courts. Modern-day panics are described as conspiracy theories, and in the 80s and 90s a significant example of this phenomenon was labelled the ‘Satanic Panic', and more recently, it could be argued in the theories of groups like QAnon. Further, the policing of the occult is engaged, specifically in South Africa, through exploring the challenges in the policing of occult crimes, by general police officers and South Africa's Occult Related Crime Unit (ORCU). Complexities in the South African criminal justice system and the occult, as with legislation and the judiciary, is an ongoing conversation between scholars, and one this research also touches on.

La recherche de la justice dans le theatre de Paul Claudel

Van de Ghinste, Josee 02 October 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Ce n'est pas sans apprehension que l'exegete de notre temps aborde l'oeuvre monumentale qu'est le theatre de Paul Claudel, et cela pour bien des raisons. D'abord, Claudel passe, a juste titre, pour un auteur difficile. 11 peut para1tre souvent obscur, paradoxal, presentant a ses lecteurs des textes dans lesquels se chevauchent plusieurs niveaux de signification. Les nombreuses allusions qu'on y trouve sont non seulement erudites, mais peuvent se rapporter a des evenements contemporains n'eveillant plus d'echo en nous, OU encore a des legendes purement locales. La syntaxe etant souvent deliberement desarticulee, il est parfois hecessaire de demonter completement certaines tirades pour en percevoir le sens. Le vocabulaire lui-meme presente de nombreuses difficultes. Les noms propres de la plupart des personnages sont symboliques et pretent a des jeux de mots multiples ; certains d'entre eux ont ete forges par l'auteur a partir d'elements latins, gaulois OU encore espagnols. Le langage employe par certains personnages est emaille de mots dialectiques et, pour ne citer que cet exemple, comment deviner, si l'on ne conna1t pas le patois du Nord de la France, que les "cesses" dont on parle dans La Jeune Fille Violaine designent une certaine espece de cerises ? Ensuite, d'autres difficultes se posent. L'oeuvre de Claudel a deja ete traitee par des centaines de critiques et tant de galeries ont deja ete creusees.dans cette mine qu'on serait tente de s'ecrier comme la Bruyere : "Tout est ditl et l'on vient trop tard ( ••• ) le plus beau et le meilleur est enleve ; l'on ne fait que glaner apres les anciens 1 et les habiles d'entre les modernes" • Enfin, l'envergure meme de cette oeuvre a de quoi decourager le chercheur. Car comment oser aborder ce theatre sans consacrer tout le temps qu'il faut a chacune des grandes pieces, 'sans se livrer a la comparaison ligne a ligne qui s'impose entre les multiples versions de certains drames. Ceux qui se sont attaques a l'ensemble de ce theatre, tels Messieurs M. Lioure et A. Vachon, pour ne citer que ces excellents critiques, se sont bien vus contraints, sous peine d'etre superficiels, a produire de fort longues etudes ; et un tel travail a de quoi effrayer le chercheur. Pourtant, paradoxalement, c'est de ces difficultes memes qu'est ne notre courage. D'abord parce que toute difficulte est le defi qui allume l'enthousiasme du chercheur. Ensuite parce que, une partie de notre jeunesse s'etant passee a la frontiere du Nord, nous nous sentions proche de cet esprit, de ce dialecte, de ce fond de folklore regional. Puis, l 'enorme travail accompli par les critiques, s 'i·1 representai t pour nous de longues heures d'etude, offrait aussi de precieuses clefs pour la comprehension de pieces particulierement obscures, et nous pensons ici particulierement aux magnifiques etudes de Monsieur J. Petit sur La Ville. Enfin, il nous a semble pouvoir apporter quelque chose de neuf dans ce champ d'etudes grace a l'examen approfondi d'un theme encore peu aborde : celui de la Justice, dans ce theatre. Certains critiques dent nous citons les articles dans notre bibliographie, en avaient deja decele l'importance. H.A. Waters, dans un article base sur les reflexions de Cla.udel dans "Propositions su.r la Justice" (Positions / . · et prorosi tions II), avai t note la distinction qui existe entre la Justice Divine et la justice hw11aine da.ns l 'oeuvre de Claudel. Plus recep..JTient, J. Streignart s I etai t intgrroge sur le·) sens de "Justice", l 'ee;lise b3.tie -~ par Pierre de Craon dans L'Annonce faite a. HarJ..Q• ilais, a part ces articles interessants, il manquait encore, a notre connaissance, une .etude d'ensemble de ce theme dans toute l'oeuvre theatrale de Claudel • ..... · .De plus, nous nous proposions de traiter ce theme de fayon a ' l'eclairer non seulement sur le plan philosophique, mais en l'abordant sous un certain angle, a partir de textes mi-philosophiques, mi-poetiques de l'auteur, textes qui, esperions-nous, pourraient nous fournir a la fois une structure de base et un reseau d'images, clef qui nous aiderait dans l'exploration et la comprehension de ces pieces. Au debut de notre etude, nous avons commenc~ par nous pencher sur la traduction que Claudel fit de l'Orestie, dont le grand theme est 9recisement la Justice, et sur ses reflexions a propos de ce travail. Puis, lors de notre ~tude de son oeuvre non-theatrale, c'est l'Art poetique qui, pour notre propos, se revela la source la plus feconde, nous donnant, dans sa densite, un raccourci saisissant du monde interieur claudelien. La lecture aes "Propositions sur la Justice", mentionnees ci-dessus, vint confirmer et preciser de fa9on. explic:i.te cortaines no-Hons qui steta.ient degagecs de notre etude de l'Art......I?.oetiaueo

Discursive Psychology: Meta-theoretical applications for clinical Psychology

Tunbridge, Mark 06 September 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis proposes how Rom Harre's meta-theory for (social) psychology (Discursive Psychology) might be applied to the typical concerns of mainstream Clinical Psychology, namely, DSM IV diagnosis; clinical formulation; treatment intervention; and therapeutic evaluation. Discursive ' Psychology is posited as an overarching meta-theory for the social institution of Clinical Psychology, which is conceptualized as a phylogenetic discursive artifact (Vygotsky, 1962). The conjunction of these two divergent paradigms forces novel, emergent clements which might be usefully applied in efforts at improving both theoretical and applied psychotherapy. This is possible since all psychotherapeutic activity must necessarily include two interrelated, implicit first premises, i.e., 1) social discourse; 2) persuasive rhetoric for motivating healthful change in therapeutic subjects on the part of the psychologist as therapeutic agent. Discursive Psychology therefore provides an ideal, subsuming meta-theory which might inform therapists attempting to integrate the strengths of diverse schools of psychotherapy into one coherent formulation since social discourse, therapeutic or otherwise, is the essential subject of its investigation. Discursive Psychology also informs Clinical Psychology through its rich empirical research heritage - this can be adapted for the pursuits of clinical work, thereby augmenting the Clinical Psychology discursive artifact still further. This thesis attempts to explore the theoretical and pragmatic implications of these claims through philosophical argumentation and empirical investigation (case study analysis). This claim is possible given that optimal counterpoising of the meta-theoretical strengths and weaknesses of Empiricism, Rationalism (Scientific Realism) and Social Constructionism makes Discursive Psychology the ideal heuristic ('toolkit') for conducting practical clinical work, since the theoretical integration of diverse schools of psychotherapy is so facilitated. It is therefore claimed that 'discursive clinical psychology' provides a coherent, professionally accountable meta-theory for the concerted application of existing therapeutic principles, strategies and techniques ('tools') as these inform a range of psychotherapeutic schools of thought, thereby availing practitioners of an optimal therapeutic discourse. This might be fashioned into a 'working eclecticism' in psychotherapy devoid of the usual theoretical anomalies which plague clinical eclecticism. These assertions are demonstrated both philosophically (Part I) and empirically (Part m in three detailed case studies of situations typically confronting the psychotherapist in contemporary clinical practice. Chapter 1 reviews how three central philosophical contentions have been addressed in Clinical Psychology over the past century; that is, biological versus social considerations; individual versus collective dimensions; and cognitive versus affective elements. A cursory historical analysis of the V following psychotherapeutic schools was undertaken in this regard: psychiatric, psychoanalytic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic-phenomenological ( client-centered, gestalt, existential), systemstheoretical (strategic, structural, Milanese, eco-systemic), narrative therapy, and, radical therapeutic deconstruction. The resulting analysis provides the philosophical substratum for the ensuing discussion outlining the theoretical basis of a possible discursive clinical psychology formulation. The following three chapters therefore focus on Harre's meta-theory through a discussion of - his theoretical biography as this evolved over time into the mature Discursive Psychology formulation, and is outlined in Chapter 2; developmental concerns, and notions of psychological change more generally are considered in Chapter 3; the evolution and nature of the diverse research instruments ('tools') available in Discursive Psychology research methodology is discussed in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 is devoted to a theoretical synthesis of traditional Clinical Psychology activities with those of Discursive Psychology. These notions are integrated conceptually with the assertions made in the preceding philosophical and theoretical review into a coherent discursive clinical psychology formulation, which concludes Part I of the thesis. This provides the theoretical template for guiding therapeutic discourse during the process of facilitating discursive therapy interventions and is demonstrated in the ensuing case study illustrations and discussion. Part Il opens with an outline of the empirical research procedure adopted as this changed over time (Chapter 6), followed by three further chapters devoted to a discursive clinical psychology analysis of each case study m1it. These function as illustration of how traditional forms of psychotherapeutic intervention typically used by the contemporary psychotherapist might be constructed from a Discursive Psychology position. That is, Chapter 7 discusses the collective Wlit - a depressed child and his family, and includes individual play and collective family therapy sessions; Chapter 8 focuses on the dyadic Wlit - a sparing couple attempting to create a reconstituted family, and includes couples therapy sessions; Chapter 9 considers the individual unit - a certified psychiatric patient whose disability grant is threatened, and includes examples of individual psychotherapy sessions. Each case study includes full transcripts of sessions, and is enclosed on a CD-ROM using the Adobe Acrobat™ PDF format. The transcripts are indexed to clinical discussion during the course of the chapters, focusing on research, diagnosis, intervention and evaluation, as informed by discursive therapy principles, strategies and techniques. The final chapter provides a brief critical review and summary evaluation of the discursive clinical psychology project as a whole, and outlines the way forward.

Viral Politics: Jacques Derrida's reading of Auto-immunity and Carl Schmitt

Johnson, Andrew 01 May 2010 (has links)
Since Jacques Derrida’s 1989 essay “Force of Law: the Mystical Foundations of Authority,” Carl Schmitt has been a perennial subject of Derrida’s political critique. I will argue that Derrida’s concept of auto-immunity is uniquely applicable to Derrida’s interpretation of Schmitt’s political philosophy. Therefore, my argument will consist of two interrelated but equally divergent parts; the digressive structure will attempt to mimic Derrida’s complex style of weaving opposed concepts into a coherent whole. First, I will demonstrate the many forms of Derrida’s concept of auto-immunity. Second, I will exhibit how this schema uniquely applies to Derrida’s criticisms of Schmitt and the contemporary state of politics. / Viral Politics: Jacques Derrida's account of Auto-Immunity and Carl Schmitt


BHAR B., DILBAGH S. 02 March 2015 (has links)
pharbitis, vitro, intact, plants / <p>In this investigation the methods of obtaining uniform and maximum germination of seeds and of producing contamination-free cultures of the shoot apices of Pharbitis nil have been examined and established.</p> <p>Flowering response of vegetative seedlings of different ages has been investigated as related to photoperiodic induction. The sequence of orphological changes at the shoot apex has been examined in Pharbitis nil, in relation to an inductive photoperiod. The phenomenon of revrersion has been investig~ted, by excising and culturing in vitro the shoot apices from intact plants, at varying periods following inductive period. Floral induction in cultured vegetative apices has been attempted.</p> <p>It is shown that the intact plants respond differently in flower formation to an inductive photoperiod. The apices vary in morphological configuration and cytologic zonation, during the germination, vegetative and reproductive stages. The in vitro studies have also shown that the flowering process once initiated, cannot be reversed until and unless a mechanism inhibits its regulatory process in the early stages of transition. The leaf is the primary site of photoinduction. Floral induction is related to the presence of a minimum leaf area. </p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Some Aspects of Sarte's Political Theories (with Special reference to their Relationship to Marxism)

Brazendale, Kevin R. January 1974 (has links)
Master of Arts (MA)

Bergson and His Place in the History of Philosophy

Chaikes, E. January 1931 (has links)
Master of Arts (MA)


Hogan, Homer 05 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts (MA)

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