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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a Virtual Acoustic Showroom for Simulating Listening Environments and Audio Speakers

Collins, Christopher Michael 17 June 2004 (has links)
Virtual acoustic techniques can be used to create virtual listening environments for multiple purposes. Using multi-speaker reproduction, a physical environment can take on the acoustical appearance of another environment. Implementation of this environment auralization could change the way customers evaluate speakers in a retail store. The objective of this research is to develop a virtual acoustic showroom using a multi- speaker system. The two main components to the virtual acoustic showroom are simulating living environments using the image source method, and simulating speaker responses using inverse filtering. The image source method is used to simulate realistic living environments by filtering the environment impulse response by frequency-dependant absorption coefficients of typical building materials. Psychoacoustic tests show that listeners can match virtual acoustic cues with appropriate virtual visual cues. Inverse filtering is used to "replace" the frequency response function of one speaker with another, allowing a single set of speakers to represent any number of other speakers. Psychoacoustic tests show that listeners could not distinguish the difference between the original speaker and the reference speaker that was mimicking the original. The two components of this system are shown to be accurate both empirically and psychologically. / Master of Science

Image Source Modeling of Time Reversal for Room Acoustics Applications

Denison, Michael Hunter 01 July 2018 (has links)
Time Reversal (TR) is a technique that may be used to focus an acoustic signal at a particular point in space. While many variables contribute to the quality of TR focusing of sound in a particular room, the most important have been shown to be the number of sound sources, signal bandwidth and absorption properties of the medium [Ribay et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117(5), 2866-2872 (2005)]. However, the effect of room size on TR focusing has not been explored. Using the image source method algorithm proposed by Allen and Berkley [J. Allen and D. A. Berkley, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 65(4), 943-950 (1979)], TR focusing was simulated in a variety of rooms with different absorption and volume properties. Experiments are also conducted in a couple rooms to verify the simulations. The maximum focal amplitude, the temporal focus quality, and the spatial focus clarity are defined and calculated for each simulation. The results are used to determine the effects of absorption and room volume on TR. Less absorption increases the amplitude of the focusing and spatial clarity while decreasing temporal quality. Dissimilarly, larger volumes decrease focal amplitude and spatial clarity while increasing temporal quality. This thesis also explores the placement of individual transducers within a room. It also compares the layout of several source transducers used for a reciprocal time reversal process. Maximum focal amplitude and spatial clarity are found to increase when the focus location is dual coplanar to the source location while temporal quality is found to decrease in comparison to the case when source and focal location share only one plane. Maximum focal amplitude is found to be at a minimum when the focus location is at the critical distance and increases closer and farther away from the source, while temporal quality steadily decreases and spatial clarity steadily increases farther from the source. The maximum focal amplitude and the temporal quality are not greatly affected by the type of array layout, but a circular array is ideal for maximizing spatial clarity.

Modelování prostorové akustiky / Room acoustic modeling

Bernát, Michal January 2010 (has links)
This Master's Thesis deals with geometric modeling methods and theirs implementation in Octave (Matlab), which is ideal for the practical realization. The first part of the thesis is focused on a very simplified image source method, which is able to calculate and render the 2D impulse response of rectangular rooms. The next part is aimed on~the same method, but extended by three-dimensional simulation of polyhedral prism-shaped rooms. There is both an explanation of theoretical and mathematical aspects and a~documentation of the implemented source code. Extended image source method is able to generate sound representation of impulse response characteristics, and use it for auralization, which is achieved by using convolution of both the input sound source and the calculated impulse response. At the end there are two practical examples for both methods with explanatory illustrations.

L'image souche : dialectique de la forme et du temps dans Lamento (1998-2005), Pascal Convert

Lakrissa, Fatima-Zahra 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
La transposition de la photographie de presse dans les œuvres du Pop Art jette les bases d'une réflexion sur la question esthétique de la reconstitution de la photographie de presse dans les pratiques artistiques contemporaines. Aujourd'hui, les images de presse sont intégrées aux pratiques contemporaines qui revendiquent certaines prérogatives du photojournalisme, notamment la représentation de l'histoire contemporaine. À titre d'exemple, citons les travaux d'Anno Dijkstra, Wang Du ou encore ceux d'Olivier Blanckart. Ce mémoire porte sur le travail de l'artiste français Pascal Convert, plus particulièrement sur les problématiques associées à la reconstitution sculpturale et monumentale d'images d'information. Le triptyque Lamento (1998-2005) constitue l'objet de prédilection de notre analyse portant sur les dimensions historiographiques et conceptuelles liées à semblable entreprise de transposition volumétrique. Loin de constituer des empreintes littérales des images sources, les sculptures de Pascal Convert procèdent d'une interrogation sur les régimes de temporalité des images d'actualité. Nous entendons montrer que le travail de Convert dans Lamento vise à renouveler le lien qu'entretient le spectateur à l'événement et à la représentation de la souffrance des autres. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Pascal Convert, photojournalisme, sculpture, reconstitution, temporalité, image source.

Developing A Tool For Acoustical Performance Evaluation Throughout The Design

Ozgenel, Caglar Firat 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Performance of the buildings has always been a concern for the architects. With the enhancements in the technology, it is possible to measure, analyze and evaluate the performance of an architectural design before it is built via simulation tools developed. With the evaluation of the analysis performance of the concerned space can be upgraded if simulation tools are employed throughout the design process. However, even though the simulation tools are developed for the acoustical simulation and performance analysis, it is not always simple to integrate the simulation tools to whole design process because of both specific knowledge required for the usage of the tools and the nature of the acoustical simulation tools. Within the scope of the thesis, a simulation tool, which does not require advanced knowledge on acoustics and which provides rapid feedbacks about the performance of the design for the enhancement of the performance is developed using method of image sources.

Geoacoustic inversion : improvement and extension of the sources image method / Inversion géoacoustique : amélioration et extension de la méthode des sources images

Drira, Achraf 10 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse propose d’analyser les signaux issus d’une source omnidirectionnelle sphérique réfléchis par un milieu sédimentaire stratifié et enregistré par une antenne d’hydrophones, en vue de caractériser quantitativement les sédiments marins aux moyennes fréquences, i.e. comprises entre 1 et 10 kHz. La recherche développée dans ce manuscrit propose une méthodologie facilitant la recherche des paramètres géoacoustiques du milieu avec la méthode des sources images, ainsi qu’un ensemble de solutions techniques appropriées afin d’améliorer cette méthode d’inversion récemment développée. La méthode des sources images repose sur une modélisation physique de la réflexion des ondes émises par une source sur un milieu stratifié sous l’approximation de Born. Par conséquent, la réflexion de l’onde sur le milieu stratifié peut être représentée par une collection de sources images, symétriques de la source réelle par rapport aux interfaces, dont les positions spatiales sont liées à la vitesse des ondes acoustiques et aux épaisseurs des couches. L’étude se décline en deux volets : traitements des signaux et inversion des paramètres géoacoustiques. La première partie du travail est focalisée sur le développement de la méthode des sources images. La méthode originelle se basait sur la construction de cartes de migration et de semblance de signaux pour déterminer les paramètres d’entrée de l’algorithme d’inversion qui sont des temps de trajet et des angles d’arrivée. Afin d’éviter cette étape, nous détectons les temps d’arrivée avec l’opérateur d’énergie de Teager-Kaiser (TKEO) et nous trouvons les angles par une méthode de triangulation. Le modèle d’inversion a été ensuite intégré en prenant en compte la possibilité de déformation de l’antenne. Cette partie se termine par une nouvelle approche qui combine TKEO et des méthodes temps fréquence afin d’avoir une bonne détection du temps d’arrivée dans le cas de signaux fortement bruités. Sur le plan du modèle et de l’inversion géoacoustique, nous proposons tout d’abord une description précise du modèle direct en introduisant le concept de sources images virtuelles. Cette étape permet de mieux comprendre l’approche développée. Ensuite, nous proposons une extension de la méthode des sources image pour l’inversion de paramètres géoacoustiques supplémentaires : la densité, l’atténuation et la vitesse des ondes de cisaillement. Cette extension est basée sur les résultats de l’inversion originelle (estimation du nombre de strates, de leur épaisseur, et de la vitesse des ondes de compression) ainsi que sur l’utilisation de l’amplitude des signaux réfléchis. Ces améliorations et extensions de la méthode des sources images sont illustrées par leur application sur des signaux synthétiques et des signaux réels issus d’expérimentations en cuve et à la mer. Les résultats obtenus sont très satisfaisants, tant au niveau des performances de calcul que de la qualité des estimations fournies. / This thesis aims at analyzing the signals emitted from a spherical omnidirectional source reflected by a stratified sedimentary environment and recorded by a hydrophone array in order to characterize quantitatively the marine sediments at medium frequencies, i.e. between 1 and 10 kHz. The research developed in this manuscript provides a methodology to facilitate the estimation of medium geoacoustic parameters with the image source method, and some appropriate technical solutions to improve this recently developed inversion method. The image source method is based on a physical modeling of the wave reflection emitted from a source by a stratified medium under the Born approximation. As result, the reflection of the wave on the layered medium can be represented by a set of image sources, symmetrical to the real source with respect to the interfaces, whose spatial positions are related to the sound speeds and the thicknesses of the layers. The study consists of two parts : signal processing and inversion of geoacoustic parameters. The first part of the work is focused on the development of the image source method. The original method was based on migration and semblance maps of the recorded signals to determine the input parameters of the inversion algorithm which are travel times and arrival angles. To avoid this step, we propose to determine the travel times with the Teager-Kaiser energy operator (TKEO) and the arrival angles are estimate with a triangulation approach. The inversion model is then integrated, taking into account the possible deformation of the antenna. This part concludes with a new approach that combines TKEO and time-frequency representations in order to have a good estimation of the travel times in the case of noisy signals. For the modeling and geoacoustic inversion part, we propose first an accurate description of the forward model by introducing the concept of virtual image sources. This idea provides a deeper understanding of the developed approach. Then, we propose an extension of the image sources method to the estimation of supplementary geoacoustic parameters : the density, the absorption coefficient, and the shear wave sound speed. This extension is based on the results of the original inversion (estimation of the number of layers, their thicknesses, and the pressure sound speeds) and on the use of the amplitudes of the reflected signals. These improvements and extents of the image source method are illustrated by their applications on both synthetic and real signals, the latter coming from tank and at-sea measurements. The obtained results are very satisfactory, from a computational point of view as well as for the quality of the provided estimations.

Caractérisation de sources acoustiques par imagerie en écoulement d'eau confiné / Characterization of acoustic sources by imaging in confined water flow

Amailland, Sylvain 28 November 2017 (has links)
Les exigences en matière de bruit rayonné par les navires de la Marine ou de recherche engendrent le développement de nouvelles méthodes pour améliorer leurs caractérisations. Le propulseur, qui est la source la plus importante en champ lointain, est généralement étudié en tunnel hydrodynamique. Cependant, compte tenu de la réverbération dans le tunnel et du niveau élevé du bruit de couche limite turbulente (CLT), la caractérisation peut s’ avérer délicate. L'objectif de la thèse est d'améliorer les capacités de mesures acoustiques du Grand Tunnel Hydrodynamique (GTH) de la DGA en matière de bruits émis par les maquettes testées dans des configurations d'écoulement.Un modèle de propagation basé sur la théorie des sources images est utilisé afin de prendre en compte le confinement du tunnel. Les coefficients de réflexion associés aux parois du tunnel sont identifiés par méthode inverse et à partir de la connaissance de quelques fonctions de transfert. Un algorithme de débruitage qui repose sur l’ Analyse en Composantes Principales Robuste est également proposé. Il s'agit de séparer, de manière aveugle ou semi-aveugle, l’ information acoustique du bruit de CLT en exploitant, respectivement, la propriété de rang faible et la structure parcimonieuse des matrices interspectrales du signal acoustique et du bruit. Ensuite, une technique d'imagerie basée sur la méthode des sources équivalentes est appliquée afin de localiser et quantifier des sources acoustiques corrélées ou décorrélées. Enfin, la potentialité des techniques proposées est évaluée expérimentalement dans le GTH en présence d'une source acoustique et d'un écoulement contrôlé. / The noise requirements for naval and research vessels lead to the development of new characterization methods. The propeller, which is the most important source in the far field, is usually studied in a water tunnel. However, due to the reverberation in the tunnel and the high level of flow noise, the characterization may be difficult. The aim of the thesis is to improve the measurement capabilities of the DGA Hydrodynamic tunnel (GTH) in terms of noise radiated by models in flow configurations.The propagation model is described through the image source method. Unfortunately, the reflection coefficients of the tunnel walls are generally unknown and it is proposed to estimate these parameters using an inverse method and the knowledge of some reference transfer functions. The boundary layer noise (BLN) may be stronger than the acoustic signal, therefore a Robust Principal Component Analysis is introduced in order to separate, blindly or semi-blindly, the acoustic signal from the noise. This algorithm is taking advantage of the low rank and sparse structure of the acoustic and the BLN cross-spectrum matrices. Then an acoustic imaging technique based on the equivalent source method is applied in order to localize and quantify correlated or decorrelated sources. Finally, the potentiality of the proposed techniques is evaluated experimentally in the GTH in the presence of an acoustic source and a controlled flow.

Simulace poslechového prostoru, azimutu a vzdálenosti zvukového zdroje pro vícekanálové ozvučovací systémy / Simulations of auditory space and azimuth&distance of sound source, for multichannel sound systems

Orlovský, Kristián January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is aimed at simulation of auditory space. It describes the most frequently used panning method: Vector Base Amplitude Panning. Also is focused on image source method, which allows computing the parameters of direct sound wave and reflections in rectangular room. This method is compared with ray–tracing method, which is also often used. It deals with the matter of the frequency – dependent absorption of materials in reflection of the sound wave against the wall. On the basis of these information two applications were designed in MATLAB development environment. The first one allows the simulation of auditory space. The other one is the application for sound source panning by its azimuth and distance.

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