Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1mpact."" "subject:"compact.""
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Splashing and Breakup of Droplets Impacting on a Solid SurfaceDhiman, Rajeev 24 September 2009 (has links)
Two new mechanisms of droplet splashing and breakup during impact have been identified and analyzed. One is the internal rupture of spreading droplet film through formation of holes, and the other is the splashing of droplet due to its freezing during spreading. The mechanism of film rupture was investigated by two different methods. In the first method, circular water films were produced by directing a 1 mm diameter water jet onto a flat, horizontal plate for 10 ms. In the second method, films were produced by making 0.6 mm water droplets impact a solid surface mounted on the rim of a rotating flywheel. Substrate wettability was varied over a wide range, including superhydrophobic. In both cases, the tendency to film rupture first increased and then decreased with contact angle. A thermodynamic stability analysis predicted this behavior by showing that films would be stable at very small or very large contact angle, but unstable in between. Film rupture was also found to be promoted by increasing surface roughness or decreasing film thickness. To study the effect of solidification, the impact of molten tin droplets (0.6 mm diameter) on solid surfaces was observed for a range of impact velocities (10 to 30 m/s), substrate temperatures (25 to 200°C) and substrate materials (stainless steel, aluminum and glass) using the rotating flywheel apparatus. Droplets splashed extensively on a cold surface but on a hot surface there was no splashing. Splashing could be completely suppressed by either increasing the substrate temperature or reducing its thermal diffusivity. An analytical model was developed to predict this splashing behavior. The above two theories of freezing-induced splashing and film rupture were combined to predict the morphology of splats typically observed in a thermal spray process. A dimensionless solidification parameter, which takes into account factors such as the droplet diameter and velocity, substrate temperature, splat and substrate thermophysical properties, and thermal contact resistance between the two, was developed. Predictions from the model were compared with a wide range of experimental data and found to agree well.
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Splashing and Breakup of Droplets Impacting on a Solid SurfaceDhiman, Rajeev 24 September 2009 (has links)
Two new mechanisms of droplet splashing and breakup during impact have been identified and analyzed. One is the internal rupture of spreading droplet film through formation of holes, and the other is the splashing of droplet due to its freezing during spreading. The mechanism of film rupture was investigated by two different methods. In the first method, circular water films were produced by directing a 1 mm diameter water jet onto a flat, horizontal plate for 10 ms. In the second method, films were produced by making 0.6 mm water droplets impact a solid surface mounted on the rim of a rotating flywheel. Substrate wettability was varied over a wide range, including superhydrophobic. In both cases, the tendency to film rupture first increased and then decreased with contact angle. A thermodynamic stability analysis predicted this behavior by showing that films would be stable at very small or very large contact angle, but unstable in between. Film rupture was also found to be promoted by increasing surface roughness or decreasing film thickness. To study the effect of solidification, the impact of molten tin droplets (0.6 mm diameter) on solid surfaces was observed for a range of impact velocities (10 to 30 m/s), substrate temperatures (25 to 200°C) and substrate materials (stainless steel, aluminum and glass) using the rotating flywheel apparatus. Droplets splashed extensively on a cold surface but on a hot surface there was no splashing. Splashing could be completely suppressed by either increasing the substrate temperature or reducing its thermal diffusivity. An analytical model was developed to predict this splashing behavior. The above two theories of freezing-induced splashing and film rupture were combined to predict the morphology of splats typically observed in a thermal spray process. A dimensionless solidification parameter, which takes into account factors such as the droplet diameter and velocity, substrate temperature, splat and substrate thermophysical properties, and thermal contact resistance between the two, was developed. Predictions from the model were compared with a wide range of experimental data and found to agree well.
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Le poids de la surveillance : les conséquences de la surveillance en danse sur la santé physique et psychologique telles que perçues par les danseuses classiquesDryburgh, Anne January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude qualitative de type exploratoire a pour but de mieux comprendre comment une des techniques du pouvoir, la surveillance, est vécue par les danseuses classiques professionnelles et comment celles-ci en perçoivent les conséquences sur le plan de la santé physique et psychologique. Le cadre théorique est inspiré par les écrits de Michel Foucault notamment en ce qui concerne la surveillance, le pouvoir, la discipline et les corps dociles. Des entrevues individuelles semi-structurées ont été menées entre janvier et mai 2006 auprès de quinze danseuses professionnelles ayant toutes étudié la danse classique et ayant dansé au Canada, en Europe et aux États-Unis. Cinq d'entre elles sont salariées, cinq sont pigistes et cinq sont retraitées. Les résultats de cette étude nous permettent d'affirmer que la pratique de la surveillance est indissociable de la danse et que le poids est l'objet de la plus grande surveillance. Deux types de surveillance ont été identifiés par les participantes, soit la surveillance positive et la surveillance négative. La surveillance positive a un effet bénéfique sur la santé et vise à motiver, guider et encadrer la danseuse dans son cheminement, alors que la surveillance négative, axée sur le jugement, la critique et un idéal corporel, a un impact direct sur la santé physique et psychologique de la danseuse. Cette étude nous démontre l'importance de continuer à mettre en question comment se joue le pouvoir en danse ainsi que le regard dirigé vers le corps de la danseuse et les exigences corporelles auxquelles celle-ci est soumise. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Surveillance, Foucault, Danse classique, Pouvoir, Santé physique, Santé psychologique.
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Les acteurs de la coopération et la dimension socio-économique de la désertification dans le sud du Maroc : cas de ZagoraHarakat, Ismail January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette recherche vise à déterminer l'impact de la désertification et le manque de ressources en eau sur la population ciblée (province de Zagora, au Sud-est du Maroc) et l'implication des acteurs de la coopération internationale pour apporter réponses et solutions aux préoccupations des villageois. Cette recherche se penche essentiellement sur la dimension socio-économique de la désertification et ses répercussions sur le quotidien des victimes de l'ensablement, de la rareté des ressources en eau, de la salinité du sol et du rétrécissement des superficies cultivables notamment. Le constat auquel on est parvenu au terme de deux années de travail, émaillées par de nombreux déplacements dans la zone concernée, c'est qu'il existe un décalage manifeste entre le discours des protagonistes de la coopération et la réalité sur le terrain. Les fonds injectés sont nettement insuffisants pour prétendre à un traitement en profondeur d'un phénomène qui s'inscrit parmi les défis majeurs de ce millénaire car en rapport avec le réchauffement climatique et le manque d'eau qui en découle. Les pistes de solution passent par la création de l'emploi, la promotion du développement durable dans un environnement fragile et la diversification des secteurs d'activité pour mettre un terme à la dépendance du secteur agricole. Parallèlement, la promotion de la recherche scientifique devrait constituer une priorité à un moment où un mode de vie séculaire se trouve menacé et où exode et émigration clandestine s'érigent en défi pour l'humanité. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Désertification, Développement, Développement durable, Pauvreté.
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Impact médical et social de la consultation en médecine homéopathique chez les mères : une question de paradigmeTaillefer, Anne January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
La médecine homéopathique fait partie de ce que certains auteurs nomment maintenant « les systèmes complexes » propres aux médecines non conventionnelles (MNC). Ces médecines ne s'inscrivent pas de la même manière que les médecines alternatives et complémentaires (MAC) dans la réalité médicale ou sociale. Certaines recherches sociologiques ont été faites à propos des MNC ou des MAC, toutes thérapies confondues, mais très peu exclusivement sur la médecine homéopathique. L'homéopathie est à la fois, la plus controversée des MNC et la plus utilisée dans le monde. Comme dans la plupart des sociétés occidentales, le recours à la consultation en médecine homéopathique est en croissance constante, mais n'a pas chez nous de légitimité juridique. Dans ce contexte social, comment les gens arrivent-ils à consulter un homéopathe et pour quelles raisons ? Pourquoi adoptent-ils par la suite, cette pratique de santé? Quel en est l'impact médical et social sur leur santé à long terme et dans leur vie? Pour répondre à ces questions il est nécessaire de considérer d'abord le paradigme holiste selon lequel la médecine homéopathique aborde la santé, la maladie et les soins de santé. Ensuite, il convient de tenir compte de la façon dont l'homéopathe s'adresse à la personne qui consulte en l'envisageant comme un sujet actif, savant et compétant. Cette recherche, prenant la perspective du constructivisme social féministe et se servant de l'analyse thématique descriptive, présente le résultat de l'étude d'entrevues menées auprès de mères québécoises qui ont consulté un ou une homéopathe pour elles-mêmes et leurs enfants. En redonnant la place à leur discours et à leur expertise, ces femmes nous révèlent la complexe démarche qui les a conduites à la consultation en médecine homéopathique, les transformations qui s'y sont opérées à travers un empowerment et leur perception sur l'efficacité sans équivoque de cette médecine face à leurs divers problèmes de santé.
Cette étude dévoile ainsi la singularité de la consultation homéopathique comme espace social unique, laquelle autorise un partage des savoirs, un apprentissage incomparable sur le couple santé-maladie et pourrait représenter une solution à long terme pour les besoins de santé d'une population. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Santé, Médecine homéopathique, Efficacité, Sociologie, Pratique de santé, Mères, Constructivisme social féministe, Consultation médicale.
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Exploring the Social, Environmental and Economic Aspects of Trail Surfacing DecisionsGiles, Andrew January 2002 (has links)
Visitor activities in parks often have a heavy impact on the soil, vegetation, water and wildlife. In front country areas, the most extreme damage is concentrated on and adjacent to recreational trails. Aside from controlling the numbers, activities and behaviours of trail users, managers may choose to make trails more resistant to impact through surfacing. Unfortunately, surfacing may have negative influences on park visitors' enjoyment of trails by limiting access or detracting from the primitive setting. In addition, some surfaces may be ineffective in certain environmental conditions such as wet ground or steep slopes. Finally, the wide variety in construction and maintenance costs may make some surface types economically unfeasible.
The goals of this research are to investigate the role of trail surfacing in the management of impacts from outdoor recreation; to develop better understanding of the social, economic and environmental aspects of trail surfacing decisions; and to explore a comprehensive framework for incorporating these three factors in trail management. It is hoped that this research can assist park managers in selecting surfacing options to reduce visitor impact without excessively compromising recreational experience or organizational limitations, such as financial resources.
In addition to a comprehensive review of literature on visitor impact management on trails and surfacing techniques, this research employs three methods to further investigate the social, environmental and economic aspects of trail surfacing: a trail user survey, manager survey and trail condition assessment. The trail user survey was conducted at two well-used natural areas in southwestern Ontario, Canada: Presqu'ile Provincial Park and Belfountain Conservation Area. Surveys at each area explored trail users' perceptions and preferences of trail surfacing techniques in late summer 1999. The managers' survey provided insight into organizational approaches to surfacing, including construction cost and observations on recreational or environmental effectiveness. Finally, the trail condition assessment explored an approach to determining environmental effectiveness of trail surfacing techniques, but was limited by the physical and recreational variation between trails.
Seven recommendations for trail managers are presented, tying in several conceptual frameworks of visitor impact management and trail surfacing decisions developed in the thesis. First, trail managers are recommended to develop a full understanding of trail design principles and alternative visitor impact management techniques. If surfacing is selected as the best impact management technique, trail managers should obtain as much information on user characteristics, environmental conditions and organizational limitations as possible. Despite the benefits and drawbacks for all surfaces, road base gravel (or angular screenings with fines) merits special attention as an excellent surface, while asphalt and concrete are not recommended for front country, semi-primitive recreation. Finally, trail managers are encouraged to share information on surfacing more freely and open surfacing decision processes to affected trail users.
Overall, trail managers are provided with an approach to surfacing decisions that considers the social, environmental and economic aspects of trail surfacing, with the goal of working toward more enjoyable, environmentally responsible and cost-effective trail solutions.
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Exploring the Social, Environmental and Economic Aspects of Trail Surfacing DecisionsGiles, Andrew January 2002 (has links)
Visitor activities in parks often have a heavy impact on the soil, vegetation, water and wildlife. In front country areas, the most extreme damage is concentrated on and adjacent to recreational trails. Aside from controlling the numbers, activities and behaviours of trail users, managers may choose to make trails more resistant to impact through surfacing. Unfortunately, surfacing may have negative influences on park visitors' enjoyment of trails by limiting access or detracting from the primitive setting. In addition, some surfaces may be ineffective in certain environmental conditions such as wet ground or steep slopes. Finally, the wide variety in construction and maintenance costs may make some surface types economically unfeasible.
The goals of this research are to investigate the role of trail surfacing in the management of impacts from outdoor recreation; to develop better understanding of the social, economic and environmental aspects of trail surfacing decisions; and to explore a comprehensive framework for incorporating these three factors in trail management. It is hoped that this research can assist park managers in selecting surfacing options to reduce visitor impact without excessively compromising recreational experience or organizational limitations, such as financial resources.
In addition to a comprehensive review of literature on visitor impact management on trails and surfacing techniques, this research employs three methods to further investigate the social, environmental and economic aspects of trail surfacing: a trail user survey, manager survey and trail condition assessment. The trail user survey was conducted at two well-used natural areas in southwestern Ontario, Canada: Presqu'ile Provincial Park and Belfountain Conservation Area. Surveys at each area explored trail users' perceptions and preferences of trail surfacing techniques in late summer 1999. The managers' survey provided insight into organizational approaches to surfacing, including construction cost and observations on recreational or environmental effectiveness. Finally, the trail condition assessment explored an approach to determining environmental effectiveness of trail surfacing techniques, but was limited by the physical and recreational variation between trails.
Seven recommendations for trail managers are presented, tying in several conceptual frameworks of visitor impact management and trail surfacing decisions developed in the thesis. First, trail managers are recommended to develop a full understanding of trail design principles and alternative visitor impact management techniques. If surfacing is selected as the best impact management technique, trail managers should obtain as much information on user characteristics, environmental conditions and organizational limitations as possible. Despite the benefits and drawbacks for all surfaces, road base gravel (or angular screenings with fines) merits special attention as an excellent surface, while asphalt and concrete are not recommended for front country, semi-primitive recreation. Finally, trail managers are encouraged to share information on surfacing more freely and open surfacing decision processes to affected trail users.
Overall, trail managers are provided with an approach to surfacing decisions that considers the social, environmental and economic aspects of trail surfacing, with the goal of working toward more enjoyable, environmentally responsible and cost-effective trail solutions.
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Utilizing Energy Storage System to Improve Power System VulnerabilityCurtis Martinez, Ivan 03 July 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, security measures and vulnerability mitigation are mainly addressed. How to improve the system vulnerability is one of the main issues for power system operation and planning. Recent research revealed that Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) have a great potential to be used to improve system vulnerability. A vulnerability assessment is proposed in this thesis to identify the impact factors in the power systems due to generation outage and line outage. A Bus Impact Severity (BIS) analysis is then proposed and used to find the vulnerable buses in the system. The buses with the larger BIS value defined in this thesis are the better locations for ESSs placement. Formulations for optimal locations and capacities of ESSs placement are derived and then solved by Genetic Algorithm (GA). Test results show that the proposed method can be used to find the optimal locations and capacities for ESSs for system vulnerability improvement.
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Environmental Impacts of Tourism in Khao Yai National Park, ThailandPhumsathan, Sangsan 2010 August 1900 (has links)
Knowledge of visitor impacts is critical for sustainable tourism management in
national parks. The focus of past tourism impact research on national parks is either on
bio-physical impacts (conducted as recreation ecology research) or on social impacts
(human dimensions, including environmental perception and crowding). Research
integrating these two dimensions has been rarely conducted. This research aims to fill
this gap through the integrative approach that attempts to understand current biophysical
impacts of visitor activities in a national park, and it examines how visitors
perceive these impacts. The primary objectives of this dissertation are 1) to provide a
synthesis of existing of bio-physical impacts of visitor activities in the Khao Yai
National Park (KYNP) and 2) to examine visitors’ perception of those impacts. Also, the
factors affecting visitors’ perception are analyzed. Both qualitative and quantitative
methods were used in this study. Previous impact studies conducted in KYNP were
reviewed. A visitor survey was conducted between December 2008 and February 2009.
The questionnaires were distributed to 628 domestic and 40 international visitors. The 38
KYNP official interviews were completed.
Based on previous impact research in KYNP, the most common bio-physical
impacts include soil compaction, removal of humus layer, erosion, plant damage, soil
and root exposure, water quality deterioration, disturbance and feeding wildlife. Other
environmental impacts include noise pollution and garbage accumulation. The results
indicate that more than 30 percent of visitors do not recognize the negative results of their
activities. With the exception of vegetation and water impacts, overall, visitors perceive
the impacts as less severe than the actual impacts. Environmental impacts are rated
differently by the KYNP officials, domestic, and international visitors. Also, significant
differences were found among birders, hikers, and campers. The key factors influencing
impact perceptions include income level, education level, residential location, park
visitation experience, length of stay in KYNP, recreation activity, frequency of activity,
group type, and group size. It is suggested that both the quality and the quantity of
visitor impact research are needed to construct the body of knowledge of impacts in
KYNP. A long-term impact monitoring is required to sustain the ecological integrity in
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Effect of impact fees on housing prices : analysis of quality differentiated single family housing market of King County and Snohomish County, Washington /Mathur, Shishir. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2003. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 93-99).
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