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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo dos pontos críticos na cadeia de beneficiamento e seus efeitos na qualidade e conservação de lima ácida \'Tahiti\' / Study of the critical points of impact on the handling line and its effects on the quality and conservation of \'Tahiti\' acid lime

Thiago Machado da Silva Acioly 09 February 2018 (has links)
O Brasil é o maior produtor de lima ácida \'Tahiti\' (Citrus latifolia Tanaka), uma fruta de origem tropical pertencente à família Rutaceae. O beneficiamento pós-colheita desta fruta visa conservar a qualidade obtida no campo por mais tempo, entretanto, injúrias mecânicas podem ocorrer neste processo, elevando a perda de qualidade e, reduzindo a vida útil e o valor comercial dos frutos. Este trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas, as quais deram origem a dois artigos que objetivaram: (1) Avaliar a influência da colheita e do beneficiamento pós-colheita na qualidade e conservação de lima ácida \'Tahiti\', (2) Identificar os pontos críticos de impacto na linha de beneficiamento de lima ácida \'Tahiti\', e avaliar a influência desses pontos na qualidade e na conservação pós-colheita. Na etapa 1, os frutos foram coletados na planta e na linha de beneficiamento, sendo os tratamentos denominados: colheita, secagem, fungicida e giberelina, cera e embalagem. Na etapa 2, os frutos foram coletados diretamente das plantas e submetidos a impactos visando simular aqueles da linha de beneficiamento. Foram realizadas análises físico-químicas de rendimento do suco, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis, ácido ascórbico, clorofila total, perda de massa, coloração da casca (colorímetro e escala de cor), incidência e severidade de oleocelose, e avaliação visual (podridões, murchamento, danos físicos, coloração e perda do cálice). Também foram realizados experimentos sensoriais considerando frutos coletados na linha e com os impactos simulados em laboratório, cada qual em duas condições de armazenamento (refrigerado e ambiente). O beneficiamento contribui para a manutenção de características físico-químicas importantes para a lima ácida \'Tahiti\', todavia, os resultados obtidos nestes trabalhos apontam que as condições da linha e os impactos a que os frutos são submetidos durante o beneficiamento influem negativamente na qualidade. Na etapa 1, constatou-se com o beneficiamento redução no conteúdo de sólidos solúveis no último dia de armazenamento, queda dos cálices e, maior incidência e severidade de oleocelose. Além disto, o beneficiamento completo acarretou numa maior porcentagem de murchamento e perda da coloração verde da casca dos frutos, sobrepujando os efeitos positivos da giberelina e da cera. Na etapa 2, ao realizar a caracterização da linha, constatou-se magnitude total de 1788,6 G, variando de 23,9 G à 147,4 G dependendo do ponto de transferência. Nos frutos com impactos simulados houve perda da cor verde da casca, de sólidos solúveis, e de acidez titulável e, maior teor de ácido ascórbico, perda de massa, murchamento, queda do cálice e, incidência e severidade de oleocelose. Além disto, a análise sensorial apontou que a preferência dos provadores está alinhada aos níveis de impactos, com os frutos injuriados obtendo menor aceitabilidade para a aparência e, maiores intensidades de amargor e gosto de sobremaduro do suco. Os principais motivos que influenciam na tomada de decisão para o atributo aparência do fruto são incidência de distúrbios, turgidez e coloração da casca. A redução dos impactos na linha de beneficiamento pelo controle das alturas de quedas e do uso de tecnologias, como materiais amortecedores, contribui para a conservação de atributos importantes para a comercialização de lima ácida \'Tahiti\', reduzindo suas perdas pós-colheita e, gerando maiores lucros aos envolvidos na cadeia de produção. / Brazil is the largest producer of \'Tahiti\' acid lime (Citrus latifolia Tanaka), a fruit of tropical origin belonging to the Rutaceae family. The postharvest handling of this fruit aims to preserve the quality obtained in the field, however, mechanical injuries increases quality loss, reducing the fruit useful life and commercial value. This work was divided into two stages, which gave rise to two articles that objectified:: (1) To evaluate the influence of harvest and postharvest handling on the quality and conservation of \'Tahiti\' acid lime; (2) Identify the critical impact points of the \'Tahiti\' acid lime handling line, and to evaluate the influence of these points on quality and postharvest conservation. In step 1, the fruits were collected in the plant and in the handling line, being the treatments denominated: harvest, drying, fungicide and gibberellin, wax and packaging. In step 2, fruit were collected from the plants, being the same submitted to impacts aiming to simulate those of the handling line. Physicochemical analysis of the juice yield, titratable acidity, soluble solids, ascorbic acid, chlorophyll, weight loss, peel color (colorimeter and color scale), the incidence and severity oleocellose and visual evaluation (rotting, wilting, physical damage, coloring and loss of the calyx) were performed. Sensory experiments were also performed considering fruits collected in the line and with simulated impacts in the laboratory, each one under two storage conditions (refrigerated and ambient). The handling contributes to the maintenance of important physical and chemical characteristics for the \'Tahiti\' acid lime, however, the results obtained in these studies indicate that the conditions of the line and the impacts to which the fruits are submitted during the handling affect negatively the quality. In step 1, it was verified with the handling the reduction was observed in the content of soluble solids on the last day of storage, drop in the calyces and, greater incidence and severity of oleocellose. In addition, the complete handling resulted in a higher percentage of wilting and loss of the green color of the fruit peel, overcoming the positive effects of gibberellin and wax. In step 2, when performing the line characterization, a magnitude of 1788.6 G was found, varying from 23.9 G to 147.4 G depending on the transfer point. In fruits with simulated impacts there was loss of the green color of the peel, soluble solids, and titratable acidity and higher ascorbic acid content, weight loss, wilting, and drop the calyx, oleocelose incidence and severity. In addition, the sensorial analysis showed that the preference of the tasters agrees with the impact magnitude levels, with the injured fruits obtaining less acceptability for the appearance, higher intensities of bitterness and taste overriper of juice. The main reasons that influence in the decision making for the attribute appearance are incidence of disorders, turgidity and coloration of peel. Reducing impacts on the handling line for control of falls and the use of technologies such as bumpers materials, contributes to the conservation of important attributes for the marketing of \'Tahiti\' acid lime, reducing its postharvest losses and generating higher profits to those involved in the production chain.

Espaces et sociétés en milieu vodoun : aménagements et territoires de conflit / No title

Lando, Paul 11 June 2013 (has links)
En milieu vodoun, l’espace et son contenu appartiennent à Dieu et aux dieux, avantles hommes. Le vodoun est dans la nature et les marqueurs végétaux, les dieux-objets, lesterritoires aquatiques et autres en font un marqueur spatial prégnant.Les concessions ouvertes et fermées en milieu urbain comme en milieu rural constituent desterritoires non corruptibles et des hauts-lieux imprégnés d’identité, d’histoire et de religion.Cette collusion d’hommes, de territoire et de sacré fait aussi de la concession familiale uneforteresse imprenable. Il se pose alors en matière d’aménagement, le problème des espacesbloqués, inviolables et inaliénables. Le vodoun influence véritablement l’occupation del’espace et se pose comme un facteur incontournable dans les actions qui visent à donner uneautre configuration à des espaces déterminés. Le mode de production de l’espace en milieuvodoun est spécifique et reste lié au sacré. On comprend alors pourquoi les conflits mondemoderne et milieu traditionnel, de même les raisons pour lesquelles les acteurs de lagouvernance s’activent pour des relations et une collaboration apaisées entre les différentsacteurs de la société. Le vodoun est aujourd’hui une culture à la croisée des chemins, prêtcomme toujours à s’adapter, mais pas à tout céder. Les remparts mis en place pour assurer sesarrières sont énormes et l’un des plus sûrs et des plus solides est l’Homme. L’Homme prisdans un rapport social de communication au point de s’aliéner totalement et de se confondreau territoire qui l’a vu naître. / Space and its components belong to God and gods before men in “vodoun” beliefareas. “Vodoun” exists in nature such as in plants, in god-objects, in watery spaces and others,thus testifying of spatial resonances.Opened and closed family houses in urban and rural areas are non- corrupt territories and highspots carrying a strong sense of identity, history and religious belief. Due to the collusion ofmen, the space they live in and the sacral, the place in which the family inhabits is like anunbreakable fortress. Therefore, environmental planning in “vodoun” belief areas isconfronted to a problem as far as those locked, sacral and inalienable spaces are concerned.“Vodoun” practice has a real impact on how space and places are being designed, and itcannot be ignored by those who plan on modifying a designated area. The way space is dealtwith by “vodoun” is specific and remains linked to the sacral. This explains the conflictsbetween modern and traditional ways of life, and it is also the reason why leaders strive tomaintain peaceful relationships and collaboration among the main organized forces in society.Today, “vodoun” culture is at a crossroads ; it is willing to adapt but it is not ready to give upon everything. The ramparts built to secure “vodoun” practices are huge and one of the mostreliable and strong is Man. Being caught in public relation exercises, Man totally trappeshimself and cannot distinguish himself from the place he was born.

Problematika vzdělávání zaměstnanců v hotelu Jalta / Problems of In-House Training in the Jalta Hotel

Relichová, Vlasta January 2009 (has links)
The topic of the graduation thesis is concerned in the in-house training. The thesis is focused on the issue in the Jalta Hotel, so the title of graduation thesis is Problems of In-House Training in the Jalta Hotel. The thesis contains four chapters: the first chapter deals with the theoretical base of the training, the second chapter describes the Jalta Hotel, the third chapter contains the analysis of the in-house training in the Jalta Hotel. The marketing research found out ways of in-house training, their positives and negatives. For purpose of the third chapter there were distributed questionnaires to the employees of the Jalta Hotel. In the last chapter there are the suggestions and recommendations of improvement in the in-house training in the Jalta Hotel. For the graduation thesis it was used the information base from the special and periodical literature, the Internet and from the in-house documents.

Ekonomické posouzení výstavby pasivních a aktivních domů / Economic Assessment of the Construction of Passive and Active Houses

Ondra, Filip January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines the economics of use of technologies linked with low-energy, passive, and active house construction which is presently very often a topic of interest. The goal of the thesis is to evaluate economic effectivity of additional investment into construction materials leading to reduction of heating requirements of the evaluated family house. Furthermore, economics of the use of advanced technologies of ventilation, different heat sources and photovoltaic power plant are assessed. The result is a complex evaluation of different alternatives of the house which makes this thesis helpful in answering the question whether these additional investments will pay off.

Bytový dům, Uničov / Apartment building, Unicov

Navarová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Object of presented dissertation is proposition of block of flats. Block of flats is based on wood technology with free stages without cellar. Block of flats is designed with 22°saddle roof based on rafters with tie beam. Object is situated in Uničov, Czech Republic.

The erosion and instability of slopes at Rupert House, James Bay, PQ /

Wilcock, Peter R. January 1981 (has links)
No description available.

Energy Efficiency Improvements on the Passive House Concept in Wooden House Construction in Sweden

Hettige Don, Lakmal Priyasad January 2022 (has links)
In the current business context, the demand for energy efficiency in the wooden house construction has been increased due to higher requests for the service by society. Passive house standards can be considered as a key concept to increase the energy efficiency of the building. Improvements in energy efficiency have prompted new advances in the construction industry that focus on the building industry development.   Improving energy efficiency in wooden houses is one of the major targets of wooden house construction sector in Sweden. To accomplish this desire, energy efficiency improvements in the wooden building industry are required to develop their building and construction practices into a more sustainable and energy-efficient approach. The aim of this research is to investigate current processes and challenging factors related to the energy efficiency of wooden houses in Sweden and identify the methods to improve the energy efficiency of wooden houses in the passive house concept. The purpose of this research is to define the current problems and challenges within the energy efficiency wooden house construction industry and provide recommendations to improve the energy efficiency performance of construction process in upcoming wooden house construction projects in Sweden towards energy efficiency in passive house standards.   This study has been conducted through a qualitative approach; the data was collected through a semi-structured interview with five engineering professionals in the energy efficiency sector within the wooden building construction industry and all the data analysis was done by using thematic analysis.   The findings were that innovative materials and building envelope are the main consideration in the newly built wooden house and climate zone consideration, design complexity and practical difficulties in the construction phase are the main elements challenging to improve building the passive house with the Swedish energy efficiency building regulations. Supplier-led systemic innovation, formalization of wooden passive house certifications, and technological advancement to build a well-developed building envelope are the required improvements to increase the energy efficiency of wooden house construction in the passive house concept.

Mr. Dickens's Book of Household Management:(Re)-Reading Bleak House as Domestic Literature

Verge, Carrie Ann January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Městský polyfunkční dům na ulici Křížová, Brno / Multipurpose Town House on Křížová Street, Brno

Ferenc, Jonáš January 2011 (has links)
The object of this thesis is a design of a polyfunctional house on Křížová street, Brno, Czech Republic. The design follows up the previously proposed reconstruction of Mendel square (and its change from a solely transit area to a target area), which is a prerequisite for this project. The city house has shops and commercial spaces on the ground floor, offices on the second floor, traditional flats on the third floor, while the fourth and five floors offer alternative housing in the form of “roof houses”, which combine the advantages of both having a family house and living in an urban environment. There are underground garages below the building, a hotel inside of it and a multipurpose hall in the courtyard.

Městský polyfunkční dům na ulici Křížová, Brno / Multipurpose Town House on Křížová Street, Brno

Ferenc, Kryštof January 2011 (has links)
The goal if this thesis is to design a house built in a city. This fact has influenced both the choice of the building's functions and its layout. The house on Křížová street, Brno, Czech Republic, has been designed to fit in the city and to shape its environment – both the street and the block's inner courtyard. The focus of the building is to help creating a pleasant urban space, while at the same time allowing for a maximal comfort of its flats and other spaces. In functional terms, the house is a combination of commercial spaces on the ground floor, and of flats and offices on the higher floors. The housing was designed to be variable and to offer a wide scale of standards.

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