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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improved composability of software components through parallel hardware platforms for in-car multimedia systems

Knirsch, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
Recent years have witnessed a significant change to vehicular user interfaces (UI). This is the result of increased functionality, triggered by the continuous proliferation of vehicular software and computer systems. The UI represents the integration point that must fulfil particular requirements for usability despite the increased functionality. A concurrent present trend is the substitution of federated systems with integrated architectures. The steadily rising number of interacting functional components and the increasing integration density implies a growing complexity that has an effect on system development. This evolution raises demands for concepts that aid the composition of such complex and interactive embedded software systems, operated within safety critical environments. This thesis explores the requirements related to composability of software components, based on the example of In-Car Multimedia (ICM). This thesis proposes a novel software architecture that provides an integration path for next-generation ICM. The investigation begins with an examination of characteristics, existing frameworks and applied practice regarding the development and composition of ICM systems. To this end, constructive aspects are identified as potential means for improving composability of independently developed software components that differ in criticality, temporal and computational characteristics. This research examines the feasibility of partitioning software components by exploitation of parallel hardware architectures. Experimental evaluations demonstrate the applicability of encapsulated scheduling domains. These are achieved through the utilisation of multiple technologies that complement each other and provide different levels of containment, while featuring efficient communication to preserve adequate interoperability. In spite of allocating dedicated computational resources to software components, certain resources are still shared and require concurrent access. Particular attention has been paid to management of concurrent access to shared resources to consider the software components' individual criticality and derived priority. A software based resource arbiter is specified and evaluated to improve the system's determinism. Within the context of automotive interactive systems, the UI is of vital importance, as it must conceal inherent complexity to minimise driver distraction. Therefore, the architecture is enhanced with a UI compositing infrastructure to facilitate implementation of a homogenous and comprehensive look and feel despite the segregation of functionality. The core elements of the novel architecture are validated both individually and in combination through a proof-of-concept prototype. The proposed integral architecture supports the development and in particular the integration of mixed-critical and interactive systems.

Designing an interactive handlebar infotainment system for light vehicles / Design av ett interaktivt styr-monterat infotainment system för lätta fordon

Bratt, Jesper January 2016 (has links)
This thesis studies what the crucial aspects are when designing and developing an in-vehicle infotainment system for light vehicles that should both extend functionality and improve safety. In order to ground the research, innovations made in automotive infotainment systems are examined and a design for a light vehicle infotainment system that utilizes optical gesture based touch interaction is proposed. This is done with the goal to provide drivers of light vehicles with the same safety and usability improvements that drivers of cars can enjoy. A research through design approach together with heuristics and cognitive walkthrough enabled rapid design iterations to be made in order to produce a prototype to be tested. In the end, a design proposal was presented which showed that there are several similar ways of thinking that can be applied to light vehicle infotainment designs compared to its automotive counterparts. During the design process, the importance of a simple menu; animations to convey spatial connections; and notifications to lower the overall visual clutter were identified as key aspects of a safe and usable infotainment system. / Denna uppsats undersöker vilka de viktigaste aspekterna i designprocessen för nya infotainmentsystem är med fokus på utökad funktionalitet och säkerhet för lätta fordon. För att grunda undersökningen så studeras framsteg gjorda inom infotainmentsystem för bilar samt andra relevanta lösningar för lätta fordon. När detta är gjort presenteras en design för ett infotainmentsystemsomanvänderoptiskgest-baserad interaktion. Detta görs med målet att förare av lätta fordon ska få samma säkerhets- och användbarhetsförbättringar som bilförare idag har. En forskning genom design (research through design) approach tillsammans med kognitiv genomgång (cognitive walkthrough) och heuristiker möjliggjorde snabba iterationer i designprocessen. I slutändan presenterades ett designförslag som påvisade att det finns flera liknande sätt att tänka vid design för lätta fordon samt för bilar. Under processen framkom det bland annat att en simpel meny; animationer som framför rumsliga förhållanden; samt notifikationer för att minska den visuella belastningen blev identifierade som nyckelpunkter vid design av ett säkert och användbart infotainmentsystem.

Passenger Digital Experience in Autonomous Vehicles

Cherni, Wiem January 2024 (has links)
The automotive industry is going through a massive transformation sparked by integrating emergingtechnologies within cars, such as automation and digital connectivity. These technologies were among theenablers of in-vehicle digital services. These services are deployed in the in-vehicle infotainment (IVI)system. While current IVI systems prioritize driver safety, they often overlook the needs of passengers forimmersive entertainment experiences. This oversight becomes especially critical as OEM companiestransition to level 4 autonomous cars, where driver distraction is no longer problematic. Therefore, thisthesis explores how automotive companies in Sweden will adapt their infotainment services when shifting tolevel 4 autonomous cars. An interpretive qualitative study is conducted with Polestar employees. Two mainthemes emerge 1) Current state of Digital Services in IVI Systems and 2) Future Directions of DigitalServices in IVI Systems within Level 4 Autonomous Vehicles. Findings highlight challenges faced by appdevelopers, adoption criteria for new technology, and strategies for future-proofing IVI digital services.Implications are discussed, and future directions of IVI digital services are proposed in the discussionsection. Finally, the manuscript concludes with suggestions for limitations and future research, inviting theaudience to contribute to the ongoing discourse.

A Concept Design for Personalized In-vehicle Infotainment in Car Sharing / En konceptdesign för personlig infotainment i bilen i bildelning

Yang, Shuo January 2021 (has links)
As a possible solution for environmental and social problems, car sharing is emerging. A number of studies have documented that personalization could increase convenience, comfort, and safety which becomes a shaping consumer trend, especially in cars. However, most studies in the field of personalization have only focused on privately-owned cars. This study set out to explore the personalization in shared cars. A usercentered approach was used. Nine user interviews were conducted to explore the problems of driving an unfamiliar car. Based on the interview results, the prototype of in-vehicle infotainment was designed which can exchange data with the mobile phone and provide personalized functions. Finally, the prototype was evaluated with 5 users with the Technology Acceptance Model to test the user acceptance. The prototype demonstrated the concept of exchanging personal information with the mobile phone. The frequently used functions on in-vehicle infotainment including calendar, navigation, and instruction were personalized in content and functionality. The evaluation results indicated that participants were possible to accept the prototype for its usefulness and ease of use but it should be noticed that privacy is an important issue when designing personalized functions. The findings presented in this thesis include the process and problems of driving an unfamiliar car, the possible approach for personal data exchange, the convenient personalized functions, and the user’s attitudes towards these personalized functions and privacy problems. / Som en reaktion på klimatförändringar och visionen om framtidens städer ökar intresset för bildelning. Ett antal studier har påvisat hur personalising värderas högt när det gäller bilanvändning. Dessa studier har dock bara fokuserat på privatägda bilar. Denna studie syftade till att utforska en mer personaliserad upplevelse av delade bilar med ett användarcentrerat tillvägagångssätt. Nio användarintervjuer genomfördes för att utforska problem som kan uppstå när man blir står inför att köra en okänd bil. Baserat på intervjuresultaten designades en prototyp för infotainmentsystemet tillsammans med en parkopplad mobiltelefonen och för att kunna erbjuda personaliserade funktioner till användaren. Slutligen utvärderades prototypen med 5 användare med tillvägagångsättet Technology Acceptance Model för att testa användarens acceptans. Prototypen visade konceptet att låta bilen få tillgång till personlig information från mobiltelefonen. De mest använda funktionerna på infotainmentsystemet i bilen inklusive kalender, navigering och instruktioner personaliserades i aspekterna innehåll och funktionalitet. Utvärdering och användartest visade att deltagarna uppskattade prototypen för dess användbarhet och användarvänlighet, men det bör noteras att integritet är en viktig fråga när man utformar personaliserade funktioner. Resultaten som presenteras i denna avhandling inkluderar processen och problemen med att köra en okänd bil, ett möjligt tillvägagångssätt för utbyte av personuppgifter, design och utvärdering av personaliserade funktioner och användarens attityder till dessa samt problematisering kring integritetsfrågor.

Penetration Testing of an In-Vehicle Infotainment System / Penetrationstestning av ett Infotainmentsystem i Fordon

Andersson, Philip January 2022 (has links)
With the growing demand for smart and luxurious vehicles, the automotive industry has moved toward developing technologies to enhance the in-vehicle user experience. As a result, most vehicles today have a so-called In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) system, or simply an infotainment system, which provides a combination of information and entertainment in one system. IVI systems are used to control, for instance, the audio, navigation, and air conditioning in vehicles. Increasingly more IVI systems are also connected to the internet which has enabled features such as web browsers and third-party apps on them. This raises questions concerning the cybersecurity of IVI systems. As more vehicles are connected to the internet, it increases the risk of vehicles getting hacked. Previous research has shown that it is possible to take control of an entire vehicle by hacking the IVI system. In this thesis, penetration testing was conducted on an IVI system included on a rig from Volvo Cars to find potential vulnerabilities in the system. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first paper describing penetration tests performed on a greater attack surface of the Android Automotive operating system used by the IVI system than previous research which only focused on the attack surface of third-party apps. Moreover, threat modeling was performed by employing the threat analysis and risk assessment part of the ISO/SAE 21434: Road vehicles — Cybersecurity engineering. This has not yet been done in the research area of security of IVI systems as far as the author knows. The results from the various penetration tests show that no major vulnerabilities were discovered in the IVI system. However, several findings were made in the thesis where the main one was that multiple content providers, managing access to storage (e.g., relational databases) in Android, were found to be exported by Android apps on the IVI system, and that some of these were vulnerable to SQL injection. This vulnerability of some of the content providers was exploited but did not lead to any collection of private information. For future work, penetration testing of the cellular interface of the IVI system is suggested. / Med en ökad efterfrågan för smarta och lyxiga fordon så har fordonsindustrin behövt utveckla teknologier som förbättrar användarupplevelsen i fordon. Ett resultat av detta är att de flesta fordon idag har ett så kallat infotainmentsystem vilket kombinerar information och underhållning i ett system. Infotainmentsystem används till exempel för att styra ljudet, navigationen och luftkonditioneringen i fordon. Fler infotainmentsystem börjar också bli uppkopplade mot internet som möjliggör för användare att surfa på internet och ladda ner tredjepartsappar. Detta väcker frågor beträffande cybersäkerheten hos dessa. I takt med att fler fordon blir uppkopplade mot internet så ökar det risken för att fordon blir hackade. Tidigare forskning har visat att det är möjligt att ta kontroll över ett helt fordon genom att hacka infotainmentsystemet. I detta examensarbete har penetrationstestning utförts på ett infotainmentsystem som var inkluderad på en rigg från Volvo Personvagnar för att hitta potentiella säkerhetsbrister i infotainmentsystemet. Till författarens bästa vetskap är denna rapport den första som beskriver om penetrationstester utförda på en större attackyta av operativsystemet Android Automotive som används av infotainmentsystemet än tidigare forskning som bara har fokuserat på tredjepartsappar som attackyta. Hotmodellering har också utförts i examensarbetet enligt ett avsnitt kallad hotanalys och riskbedömning i ISO/SAE 21434: Vägfordon — Process och metod för cybersäkerhet. Detta har ännu inte gjorts inom forskningsområdet säkerhet för infotainmentsystem så vitt författaren känner till. Resultaten från de olika penetrationstesterna visar att inga allvarliga säkerhetsbrister hittades i infotainmentsystemet. Dock gjordes flera upptäckter under examensarbetet där den mest väsentliga var att ett flertal innehållsleverantörer, som hanterar åtkomst till lagring (t.ex. relationsdatabaser) i Android, var exporterade från Android appar på infotainmentsystemet, och att några av dem var sårbara till SQL-injektioner. Denna sårbarhet hos vissa innehållsleverantörer utnyttjades men ledde inte till någon insamling av privat information. Ett förslag för framtida arbeten är att utföra penetrationstestning på det mobila gränssnittet hos infotainmentsystemet.

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