Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inactivity"" "subject:"anactivity""
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Nečinnost v řízení před správními orgány / Inaction in Proceedings before the Administrative AuthoritiesAdamec, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Inaction in Proceedings before the Administrative Authorities - abstract The dissertation thesis deals with the issue of inactivity of administrative authorities in proceedings before them, which from the point of view of legal doctrine and application practice represents the most widespread form of inactivity in public administration. It can be considered as one of the most serious negative phenomena in public administration and its execution. Public administration is primarily seen as an executive (active) activity aimed at fulfilling its tasks set by or based on the legal order and carried out within its limits. As a rule, both legislation and scholarly literature contain material concerning public administration activities and their forms. The issue of inactivity often remains neglected, while in application practice it is a relatively common undesirable phenomenon, which the addressees of public administration encounter relatively often. The dissertation thus represents another source of reflection on this topic. The author interconnected two levels - theoretical and application, which allowed him to examine the issue of inactivity of administrative bodies in a broader context. There are often fundamental differences in approaches to legal doctrine and practice, but there is no reason to always have...
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The independent effects of chronic high-fat feeding and long-term denervation in relation to development of diabetesCallahan, Zachary J. 02 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Zhodnocení pohybových aktivit dětí školního věku / The evaluation of physical activity of children of school ageFialová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
Title: The evaluation of physical activity of children of school age Objectives: The aim of the study is to assess physical activity in children of school age in Prague 6 and evaluate the main factors influencing physical activities and the possible correlation between these factors and levels of physical activities. The work includes the spectrum of information about physical activity and its importance in the pediatric population, level overview of physical activities children in the world and its measurement, then the description of programs to support the physical activity. Methods: The research was carried out using non-standardized questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to 15 elementary schools located in Prague 6 among students of 2nd and 6th class. We used the Microsoft Excel software to analyse the data. Results: We found that the largest number of children does sports 2-4 hours a day. Boys and younger students were more physically active than girls, and older students. The results of the work suggest that children in the Czech Republic are, in the monitored parameters of physical activity (frequency, time), at a similar level as other children abroad. Keywords: youth, sport, questionnaire, inactivity, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, pedometr
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Odpovědnost za škodu způsobenou nezákonnou nečinností ve správním řízení / Liability for damage caused by unlawful activities in administrative procedureTrejbalová, Eva January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is concentrated on the liability for damages caused by unlawful inactivity of the public administrative authority in the administrative process. The thesis is composed of five chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of this matter. Chapter One is introductory and discusses briefly the historical development of the liability for damages of public administration and describes the sources of law in the Czech law system. Chapter two generally deals with the liability for damages according to Law no. 82/1998, characterizes the forms of the liability of the public administrative authority for damages during the performance of public administration and figured out of subjects of the liability relationship. Chapter three tries to elucidate the tree basic preconditions of the liability for damages creation: the incorrect administrative proces, the material or immaterial damage formation and the casual nexus between them. Chapter four examines the unlawful inactivity as one of the form of the incorrect administrative process. The chapter is subdivided into three parts. Part One describes the protraction in the administrative process. Part Two explains the question of inactivity of the initiating administrative proces ex officio. Part three deals with the influence of the using of...
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Příčiny a důsledky vývoje ekonomicky aktivního obyvatelstva / Causes and consequences of economic inactivity in the Czech RepublicPetkovová, Ludmila January 2010 (has links)
The aim of study is to analyze the causes of economic inactivity in the Czech population of working age. Attention is focused on its development, deeper understanding of the structure of the population and the consequences for him mean. The first section presents the concept of economic status, population and methods used by survey data in this area. Next chapters deals with the particular reasons for economic inactivity, such as education, retirement and disability pensions and other reasons that are asked in the Labour Force Survey conducted by the Czech Statistical Office. In the development there is particularly noticeable the prolonged duration of education of young population and the increasing age of retirement. The study continues with the analysis of the age and educational structure and development of the economically active population of working age. The last chapter analyses the issue of the average length of economic activities according to individual education based on the tables of economic activity.
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Effet d'une contremesure nutritionnelle sur l'inflexibilité métabolique induite par simulation d'impesanteur chez l'homme / Effect of a nutritional countermeasure on metabolic inflexibility induced by simulated weightlessness in humansDamiot, Anthony 12 December 2018 (has links)
Les missions spatiales et les études de simulation par alitement prolongé ont montré que l’inactivité physique induite par la microgravité affecte l’ensemble des systèmes physiologiques chez l’humain. En condition d’alitement prolongé notre laboratoire (UMR7178, IPHC, DEPE, Strasbourg) a montré que l’adaptation métabolique était proche de celle retrouvée dans le syndrome métabolique associé, dans la population générale, à de nombreuses pathologies. Une hypothèse a été émise pour décrire la cascade des événements entraînant les dérèglements métaboliques en microgravité simulée. Cette cascade d’adaptations aurait pour conséquence le développement d’un état d’inflexibilité métabolique, définie comme une incapacité à ajuster l’utilisation des nutriments comme substrats aux changements de disponibilité des nutriments et dont la compréhension reste toutefois incomplète. Lors de ce projet de thèse, nous nous sommes attachés à caractériser le syndrome d’inflexibilité métabolique chez l’Humain à travers l’investigation clinique de l’état musculaire, de l’inflammation et du stress oxydant, de la sensibilité à l’insuline et de l’oxydation des substrats énergétiques au cours d’une étude de preuve de concept et d’une étude de simulation de microgravité de 60 jours. Sur la base d’études récentes démontrant l’impact de compléments nutritionnels sur les adaptations métaboliques associées à de nombreuses maladies métaboliques chroniques, une étude de preuve de concept a permis de tester l’efficacité d’un cocktail nutritionnel composé de polyphénols, d’oméga-3, de vitamine E et de sélénium. La supplémentation a permis de réduire l’atrophie musculaire, le stress oxydant et le développement d’une inflexibilité métabolique par l’intermédiaire d’une meilleure oxydation lipidique et d’une réduction de la lipogenèse de novo suite à une période d’inactivité physique de 20 jours. Sur la base de ces premiers résultats, une étude d’alitement de 60 jours a été menée chez l’Humain pour tester les effets du cocktail nutritionnel en condition de microgravité simulée. Dans cette seconde étude, la supplémentation nutritionnelle a permis de prévenir au moins partiellement des adaptations aigües et chroniques engendrées par l’inactivité physique au cours de l’alitement. En particulier la supplémentation a augmenté les défenses sanguines anti-oxydantes, a prévenu l’augmentation de la lipidémie et la réduction de l’oxydation lipidique et a contenu le développement d’une inflexibilité métabolique aiguë et chronique en absence de challenge métabolique. Toutefois la contremesure n’a pas eu d’effet protecteur suite à un challenge métabolique sous forme de surnutrition glucidique. L’ensemble des résultats indique que le développement d’une inflexibilité métabolique apparaît comme un événement précoce, qui, décelé à temps pourrait se révéler comme un biomarqueur d’intolérance au glucose dans des stratégies de prévention des maladies chroniques du XXIème siècle. Plus encore, cette étude a permis de démontrer l’atout d’un cocktail antioxydant et anti-inflammatoire en limitant les altérations métaboliques sans avoir d'effets néfastes sur les autres systèmes, tout en étant une contremesure facile à mettre en œuvre et peu coûteuse. Quand bien même la contremesure nutritionnelle utilisée lors de cette étude ne serait pas suffisante pour maintenir l’ensemble des systèmes physiologiques intacts, d’autres études devront être menées afin de trouver la combinaison de contremesures idéale permettant de limiter les dégradations induites par la microgravité et ainsi permettre des nouvelles avancées dans l’exploration spatiale (Lune, Mars) au cours des prochaines décennies. En ce sens, un protocole adapté d’activité physique combiné à une contremesure nutritionnelle sous forme de cocktail semble être une piste prometteuse. / Space missions and bedrest simulation studies have shown that physical inactivity affects all physiological systems in humans. In prolonged bed rest conditions, our laboratory (UMR7178, IPHC, DEPE, Strasbourg) showed that metabolic adaptations were close to that found in the metabolic syndrome associated with metabolic chronic diseases in the general population. Based on these results, we proposed a hypothesis to describe the cascade of events leading to metabolic alterations in simulated microgravity, leading to the development of metabolic inflexibility. Metabolic inflexibility is defined as the inability of the body to adjust fuel use to changes in fuel availability. The first objective of this Thesis was to test this hypothesis and understand the mechanisms underlying the simulated microgravity induced metabolic alterations. Specifically, we focused on characterizing the metabolic inflexibility syndrome in humans through clinical investigation of muscle condition, inflammation and oxidative stress, insulin sensitivity and oxidation of energy substrates in a proof of concept study and a 60-day microgravity simulation study in healthy male adults. Based on recent studies demonstrating the impact of nutritional supplements on metabolic adaptations associated with many chronic metabolic diseases, a proof-of-concept study tested the efficacy of a nutritional cocktail composed of polyphenols, omega-3, vitamin E and selenium. In the feasibility study, we showed that supplementation reduced muscle atrophy, oxidative stress and the development of metabolic inflexibility via an improvement in lipid oxidation and a reduction in de novo lipogenesis following a 20-day period of physical inactivity induced by daily step reduction. Based on these first results, a 60-day bed rest study was conducted in health men to test the effects of the dietary cocktail in simulated microgravity conditions. In this second human clinical research study, nutritional supplementation prevented at least partially acute and chronic adaptations caused by physical inactivity induced by bed rest. In particular, supplementation increased antioxidant blood defenses, prevented increased lipid levels, reduced lipid oxidation and mitigated the development of acute and chronic metabolic inflexibility in absence of metabolic challenge. However, the countermeasure did not have a protective effect following a metabolic challenge in the form of carbohydrate overnutrition. All the results indicate that the development of metabolic inflexibility appears to be an early event, which, if detected in time, could prove to be a useful biomarker to use to prevent chronic diseases in the 21st century. Moreover, this study demonstrated the advantage of an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory cocktail by limiting metabolic alterations without having harmful effects on other systems, while being easy to implement and cost-effective. Even if the nutritional countermeasure used in this study is not sufficient to keep all physiological systems intact, further studies will have to be carried out to find the ideal combination of countermeasures to limit microgravity-induced degradation and thus allow new advances in space exploration (Moon, Mars) over the next decades. In this line, an adapted protocol of physical activity combined with a nutritional countermeasure in the form of a cocktail could be a promising approach.
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Weight Maintenance: Determinants Of SuccessMitchell, Cynthia 01 May 2005 (has links)
This literature review was a selective examination of current obesity and physical activity research and opinions. Its purpose was more to evoke thought and discussion regarding the United States' obesity epidemic, rather than serve as an exhaustive account of prospective causes and solutions. Obesity and physical inactivity are major preventable health problems in the United States, but despite overwhelming evidence regarding the benefits of a healthy weight and regular physical activity, adult, childhood and adolescent obesity rates continue to escalate, creating significant health, medical and economic consequences.
While obesity rates soar, a small population percentage has proven successful in long-term weight maintenance, even in the presence of significantly influential environmental and interpersonal factors. Reviewing strategies employed by National Weight Control Registry members, this literature review discusses the two behavioral components missing from standard or traditional, action-oriented intervention programs.
Although th e Stages-of-Change Model ex plains an indi vidual"s readiness to change and the process in vo lved, se lf-effi cacy and self-regulating behav iors were shown to have a more positi ve effect on long-term maintenance. Thus, recommendati ons for practical appli cation include incorporating these behavioral components for a more effecti ve and client-centered interventi on program.
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Medical doctors physical activity patterns and their advice about chronic diseases of lifestyle risk reduction in TanzaniaKaruguti, M.Wallace January 2010 (has links)
<p>Chronic diseases of lifestyle (CDL) are on a raising trend in the world regardless of age, economic class or geographical location of a population. The mortality rate associated with CDL is alarmingly among the highest globally. Tanzania is not exempted from this development. Literature indicates that physical activity is a health practice that can prevent CDL. It is recommended that medical practitioners should hold the responsibility of counselling patients on physical activity. Some studies outside Africa found an association between doctors&rsquo / physical activity patterns and their counselling practices on the same. This study therefore sought to establish whether physical inactivity among medical  / doctors in Tanzania significantly influenced their counselling practices on physical activity. A cross sectional quantitative survey at the Muhimbili National Hospital and Muhimbili Orthopedic Institute was conducted to derive the required information. A self administered structured questionnaire was voluntarily answered by 144 medical doctors. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17 was used for data capturing and analysis. Descriptive statistics were employed to summarize data and was expressed as means, standard deviation, frequencies and percentages. The students&rsquo / t-test was used to compare mean physical activity between different groups. Furthermore students&rsquo / t-test and analysis of variance tests were used to examine association between different variables. Chisquare tests were used to test for associations between categorical variables. Alpha level was set at p< / 0.05. Most of the participants in this study were sedentary in their leisure time and only active at work. When their quality of  / physical activity counselling was assessed, the majority of them were found to be poor physical activity counsellors. A significant association was found between physical activity and age, as well as physical activity and counselling practice (p< / 0.05). Participants mostly informed their patients about the intensity and duration of exercising more than any other idea of physical activity such as types of exercises, issuing of a written prescription and planning for a follow up. Lack of knowledge and experience about details of physical activity were reasons offered for failure to counsel. Participants also reported the inconvenience of physical activity facility&rsquo / s schedules, fatigue and tiredness to be their  / barriers to physical activity participation. Doctors in Tanzania lacked personal initiative to participate in physical activity and consequently lacked the motivation to counsel.  / Measures around enhancing this health practice should be enhanced by all stakeholders including medical doctors, physiotherapists and patients. The need for short term and  / long term training in matters related to physical activity are therefore necessary among the practicing doctors and those undergoing training in medical schools. Physiotherapists who are trained in movement science can offer valuable advice/information to medical doctors to ensure that medical doctors acquire physical activity prescription and  / counselling knowledge. Collaboration between stakeholders in campaigning against sedentary lifestyles should be enhanced. Further reasons for failure to counsel, hindrances to physical activity participation and modern approaches to counselling should be explored.<br />
  / </p>
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Förväntat resultat (outcome expectations) av regelbunden fysisk aktivitet hos äldre.Benitez, Marcus, Frantzén, Love January 2011 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka det förväntade resultatet (outcome expectations) vad gäller fysiska, själv-värderande och sociala förväntningar av regelbunden träning hos äldre fysiskt aktiva respektive fysiskt inaktiva och även jämföra de båda grupperna och se om skillnad förelåg. Metod: 32 stycken deltagare inkluderades i studien genom bekvämlighetsurval för att representera populationen äldre (>65 år) friska individer. Deltagarna fick fylla i en enkät gällande motionsvanor senaste 12 månaderna och delades sedan in i grupperna regelbundet fysiskt aktiva respektive inaktiva beroende på vad de svarat i enkäten. Deltagarnas förväntningar på resultatet av regelbunden fysisk aktivitet mättes sedan med en enkät kallad Multidimensional Outcome Expectations for Exercise Scale (MOEES) som undersöker fysiska, själv-värderande och sociala förväntningar. Resultat: De regelbundet fysiskt aktiva hade högre resultatförväntningar på regelbunden fysisk aktivitet gällande fysiska förväntningar. Ingen signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna kunde ses gällande själv-värderande och sociala förväntningar. Konklusion: Äldre som regelbundet är fysiskt aktiva har högre fysiska förväntningar på fysisk aktivitet än äldre inaktiva. Fler studier som undersöker och jämför det förväntade resultatet gällande fysiska, själv-värderande och sociala förväntningar av fysiskt aktivitet mellan äldre aktiva och inaktiva behövs för att styrka sambanden mellan att vara fysiskt aktiv och vad äldre förväntar sig att få ut av det. / Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine outcome expectations in terms of physical, self-evaluative and social expectations of regular physical activity/exercise in physically active or physically inactive older adults, and compare the two groups and see if any difference existed.Method: The participants were 32 conveniently selected individuals, representing the population elderly (> 65 years) and healthy individuals who are regularly physically active or inactive. The participants answered a questionnarie regarding their level of physical activity during the last 12 months which divided them into two groups, physically active or physically inactive. The Multidimensional Outcome Expectations for Exercise Scale (MOEES) questionnaire was then used to measure the participant´s level of outcome expectations of regular physical activity/exercise. Results: The regularly physically active participants had higher scores on MOEES, in terms of physical expectations than participants who were physically inactive. No significant difference where seen between the two when comparing the total score of MOEES and the subgroups self-evaluative, and social expectations for regular physical activity/exercise. Conclusion: This study showed that there in older adults, is a relation between being physically active and having higher physical outcome expectations of physical activity/exercise. Further studies which examines outcome expectations in terms of physical, self-evaluative and social expectations of regular physical activity/exercise, in physically active or physically inactive older adults is warranted.
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Barns motivation till fysisk aktivitet : En litteraturstudie / Children’s Motivation for physical activityBolinder, Emmelie, Svensson, Patrik January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: I dagens samhälle finns flertalet tekniska nyskapelser som hjälper barn i vardagen och leder till stillasittande vardag. Idag är barnen mindre fysisk aktiva för att bland annat föräldrar skjutsar barnen till skolan. Barn rekommenderas idag att vara fysiskt aktiva i 60 minuter om dagen för hälsosam livsstil vilken endast en av fem barn kommer upp till. Den fysiskt inaktiva vardagen har stora negativa effekter på hälsan bland annat fetma, cancer och diabetes. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva barns motivation till ökad fysisk aktivitet. Metod: För att besvara syftet gjordes en litteraturstudie som baseraras på systematisk, metodisk och kritisk granskning av tidigare publicerade artiklar. Sökningen gjordes i databaser som Pubmed, Academic Search Elite och Sciens Direct som var publicerade mellan 2000-2011. Antalet artiklar som blev utvalda var 16 styckena artiklar, vars resultat granskades och sammanställdes i tre olika teman. Resultat: Barns motivation för ökad fysisk aktivitet resulterade i tre teman; Lek och rörelse som glädjekälla, miljöer som inspirerar till ökad fysisk aktivitet och ansvar och den sociala omgivningens påverkan till fysisk aktivitet. Resultatet visade att barn blir mer motiverade till ökad fysisk aktivitet genom att få vara ute och leka med andra barn. En stor motiverande faktor var också ett gott samarbete mellan skolan och föräldrar för en ökad aktivitet hos barn. En stor motiverande faktor för barn var även att de själva fick vara med och bestämma aktiviter. Implikation: Studien ger en god kunskap till skola, föräldrar och kommuner för att kunna öka barns hälsa och samhällets framtid till exempel att kommuner ökar antalet grönområden och att föräldrar får upp ögonen av vikten av fysisk aktivitet hos barn. / Background: In today's society there are several technical innovations that facilitate a child's daily life, that contribute children to be less active. Children are advised to be physically active for 60 minutes per day and only one of five children is take this advice seriously. Physical inactivity has major negative effects on health, including obesity, cancer and diabetes. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the child's motivation to increase physical activity. Methods: To answer the purpose, a literature study that was based on a systematic, methodical and critical review of previously published articles. The articles were searched in databases such as Pubmed, Academic Search Elite and Sciens Direct, which were published between 2000-2011. The number of items that were selected was 16 articles and the results were reviewed and summarized in three themes. Result: The child's motivation to increase physical activity resulted in three themes: Play and movement that source of joy, environments that inspire increased physical activity and responsibility and the social environment influence physical activity. The results showed that children become more motivated to increase physical activity by being out and play with other children. A major motivating factor is a good collaboration between schools and parents for an increased activity in children. A major motivating factor for children is also that they themselves may be involved in deciding activities. Implication: This study gives schools, parents and communities to improve children's health and future of society such as municipalities, the number of green areas and that parents become aware of the importance of physical activity in children.
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