Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inactivity"" "subject:"anactivity""
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Ryggsmärta hos barn och ungdomar - en enkätundersökning : Med fokus på prediktorer för ländryggssmärta: fysisk aktivitet, fysisk inaktivitet samt stress, trötthet och nedstämdhet / Back pain in children and adolescents - a questionnaire survey : Focusing on predictors för low back pain: physical activity, physical inactivity and stress, fatigue and depressionCamitz, Birgitta January 2013 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva prevalens av ryggsmärta hos ett slumpmässigt urval av svenska ungdomar ur SIH-studien 2004, Skola-Idrott-Hälsa en nationell studie om barns och ungdomars hälsa och omgivande faktorers betydelse för deras fysiska aktivitet. Dessutom var syftet att beskriva köns- och åldersskillnader samt hur stor andel av de med generell ryggsmärta 2004 som hade rapporterat ryggsmärta 3 år tidigare. Vidare var syftet att koda ryggsmärtan i fyra olika fält markerad på smärtteckning, och undersöka om skillnader förelåg mellan barn och ungdomar med ländryggsbesvär och de utan ryggbesvär i fysisk aktivitet, fysisk inaktivitet samt psykologiska faktorer såsom stress, nedstämdhet och trötthet. Metod: Barn och ungdomar 12, 15 och 18 år svarade i enkät på frågan: har du ont i ryggen idag, och markerade ryggsmärta på en smärtteckning. Denna kodades och smärtan kartlades utifrån 4 anatomiska lokalisationer, eller fält: 1)nacke, 2)bröstrygg, 3)ländrygg och 4)smärta i fler än ett fält på ryggen. Den kodade ryggsmärtan presenterades och köns- och åldersskillnader beskrevs. Fält 3)ländrygg studerades separat och sambandet mellan faktorer i SIH-studiens enkät som representerar fysisk aktivitet och fysisk inaktivitet samt stress, trötthet och nedstämdhet jämfört med individer utan ryggsmärta. Resultat: Ryggsmärta rapporterades av 23%, 274 individer, av alla i studien och fler flickor än pojkar rapporterade ryggsmärta, skillnaden var signifikant p<0,001. Ryggsmärta rapporterades av 23% redan år 2001. Ländryggen var den vanligaste smärt-lokalisationen hos både pojkar och flickor och rapporterades av 46% av individerna som hade ryggsmärta. Fler flickor 60% än pojkar 40% rapporterade ländryggssmärta. Smärtan ökade mest från årskurs 6 till 9 hos individerna med ländryggsmärta och smärta i fler än ett fält på ryggen. Färre individer med ländryggssmärta tävlade i idrott eller deltog i idrottsförening. Större andel individer med ländryggsmärta chattade/surfade och spelade dataspel än individerna utan ryggsmärta (p=0,047). Unga med ländryggsmärta rapporterade mer stress, trötthet och nedstämdhet (p<0,001). Slutsats: Ryggsmärta rapporterades av 23% av alla individer i SIH-studien 2004. Ländryggen var den vanligaste smärtlokalisationen hos både pojkar och flickor och smärtan ökade främst från årskurs 6 till 9. Fler flickor än pojkar rapporterade ryggsmärta. Mindre andel individer med ländryggssmärta tävlade i drott eller deltog i idrottsförening och de unga med ländryggssmärta uppgav mer stress, trötthet och nedstämdhet än individer utan ryggsmärta. Signifikant fler individer med ländryggssmärta ägnade mer tid att chatta/surfa på internet och spela dataspel på helgerna än individerna utan ryggsmärta (p=0,047). / Abstract. Purpose and Issues: The aim of the present study was to describe the prevalence of back pain in a random sample of Swedish adolescents in the SIH-survey 2004, a national survey about health in children and adolescents and possible factors of importance of physical activity in their surrounding. The aim was also to describe the gender and age distribution and if those with back pain in 2004 had back pain 3 years earlier. Furthermore, the aim was to encode back pain in four different fields, marked on a paindrawing, and examine whether there were differences between children and adolescents with low back pain and those without back pain and physical activity, physical inactivity, and psychological factors such as stress, depression and fatigue. Method: Children and adolescents 12, 15 and 18 years old answered the question in a questionnaire: Do you have a sore back today, and highlighted back pain on a paindrawing. The coded backpain was mapped by four anatomical locations, or fields: 1) neck, 2) thoracic spine, 3) lumbar and 4) pain in more than one field at the back. The coded back pain and gender and age distribution were described. Field 3) lumbar spine, were studied separately and relationships between factors in the SIH-study questionnaire that represents physical activity and physical inactivity and stress, fatigue and depression compared with individuals without back pain. Results: Back pain was reported by 23%, 274 individuals, of all participating in the study and significantly more girls than boys reported back pain. Back pain was reported by 23% already in 2001. The lower back was the most common location of pain in both boys and girls and was reported by 46% of individuals who reported back pain. More girls 60% than boys 40% reported low back pain. The pain increased most from grades 6 to 9 in individuals with low back pain and pain in more than one field at the back. Less number of individuals with low back pain were competing in sports and participated in a sports-club. Young people with low back pain reported significantly more stress, fatigue and depression (p<0,001). Conclusion: Back pain was reported by 23% of all individuals participating in the SIH-study 2004. The lower back was the most common location of pain in both boys and girls and the pain increased primarily from grades 6 to 9. Less number of individuals with low back pain competed in sports and participated in a sports-club. Individuals with low back pain reported significantly more stress, fatigue and depression than individuals without back pain (p<0,001). Significantly more individuals with low back pain played computer games and chatted/surfed on the internet during weekends than individuals without backpain (p=0,047).
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Children and youth inactivity and sedentary at school is increasing. This means that some of the students have a significant unhealthy lifestyle with physical inactivity, which in turn implies risks of suffering from various diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, all related to a sedentary lifestyle. To prevent illness, it is important that children and young people early get a positive attitude towards physical activity. The purpose of this study was to study the causes of child and adolescent physical inactivity in school, based on teachers 'and parents' perspectives. A qualitative research has been selected. To achieve the study objectives, the author has conducted seven semi-structured interviews, with an appropriate choice of five teachers and two parents with children in school. Data was analyzed with a manifest content analysis. The results show that teachers and parents felt that physical activity is a protective factor for children's health. There are several reasons for physical inactivity in students today, blah new technologies, various transportation facilities and family finances. Some measures that can reduce the physical inactivity, for example be to increase sports lesson 'time and by starting with children and young people's interest to make them feel joy in moving, which increases the interest in physical activity. The conclusion of this work is that children's movement is important for their health. Children and youth in elementary school in need of physical activity so that they feel good. Both schools and parents have a responsibility to promote children's physical activity so that they can preserve their health, before improving their learning ability, have more energy and to manage the school in a good way.
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Medical doctors physical activity patterns and their advice about chronic diseases of lifestyle risk reduction in TanzaniaKaruguti, M.Wallace January 2010 (has links)
<p>Chronic diseases of lifestyle (CDL) are on a raising trend in the world regardless of age, economic class or geographical location of a population. The mortality rate associated with CDL is alarmingly among the highest globally. Tanzania is not exempted from this development. Literature indicates that physical activity is a health practice that can prevent CDL. It is recommended that medical practitioners should hold the responsibility of counselling patients on physical activity. Some studies outside Africa found an association between doctors&rsquo / physical activity patterns and their counselling practices on the same. This study therefore sought to establish whether physical inactivity among medical  / doctors in Tanzania significantly influenced their counselling practices on physical activity. A cross sectional quantitative survey at the Muhimbili National Hospital and Muhimbili Orthopedic Institute was conducted to derive the required information. A self administered structured questionnaire was voluntarily answered by 144 medical doctors. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17 was used for data capturing and analysis. Descriptive statistics were employed to summarize data and was expressed as means, standard deviation, frequencies and percentages. The students&rsquo / t-test was used to compare mean physical activity between different groups. Furthermore students&rsquo / t-test and analysis of variance tests were used to examine association between different variables. Chisquare tests were used to test for associations between categorical variables. Alpha level was set at p< / 0.05. Most of the participants in this study were sedentary in their leisure time and only active at work. When their quality of  / physical activity counselling was assessed, the majority of them were found to be poor physical activity counsellors. A significant association was found between physical activity and age, as well as physical activity and counselling practice (p< / 0.05). Participants mostly informed their patients about the intensity and duration of exercising more than any other idea of physical activity such as types of exercises, issuing of a written prescription and planning for a follow up. Lack of knowledge and experience about details of physical activity were reasons offered for failure to counsel. Participants also reported the inconvenience of physical activity facility&rsquo / s schedules, fatigue and tiredness to be their  / barriers to physical activity participation. Doctors in Tanzania lacked personal initiative to participate in physical activity and consequently lacked the motivation to counsel.  / Measures around enhancing this health practice should be enhanced by all stakeholders including medical doctors, physiotherapists and patients. The need for short term and  / long term training in matters related to physical activity are therefore necessary among the practicing doctors and those undergoing training in medical schools. Physiotherapists who are trained in movement science can offer valuable advice/information to medical doctors to ensure that medical doctors acquire physical activity prescription and  / counselling knowledge. Collaboration between stakeholders in campaigning against sedentary lifestyles should be enhanced. Further reasons for failure to counsel, hindrances to physical activity participation and modern approaches to counselling should be explored.<br />
  / </p>
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Influences Of Socioeconomic Status, Dietary Factors And Physical Activity On Overweight And Obesity Of Australian Children And AdolescentsWang, Zaimin January 2004 (has links)
The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity in young people is a major global public health concern, especially in developed countries. In Australia, studies in 2001 have suggested that 20% of boys and 21.5% of girls aged 7-15 years were overweight or obese, while in 1985 the figures were 10.7% and 11.8%, respectively. In the short-term, overweight and obese children and adolescents suffer from both adverse physical and psychological consequences. The most significant long-term consequence of childhood obesity is its persistence into adulthood, along with numerous associated health risks. A number of studies have shown that there is an association between being an overweight child and subsequent adulthood obesity. In general, childhood overweight and obesity is a multifactorial disease and its development is due to multiple interactions between genes and environment. A number of risk factors such as socioeconomic status, dietary patterns, and physical activity have been frequently identified as contributors to its development. However, the results of recent studies provide conflicting evidence. The statistical limitations also make it difficult to compare the studies on childhood obesity between countries. In addition, existing research in Australia that examines the contribution of different risk factors to childhood obesity is limited. There are no published data on the relationship between overweight/obesity, dietary patterns, and physical activity/inactivity in Australian children and adolescents. This study examined the influences of household income, dietary factors, physical activity/inactivity and ethnicity on overweight and obesity among Australian children and adolescents. It also explored the relationship between self-reported weight and height to actual weight and height in older Australian adolescents in order to clarify the accuracy of self-reported data among Australian youth. Data from the two national cross-sectional surveys, the 1995 Australian National Health Survey (NHS) and the 1995 National Nutrition Survey (NNS) were analysed to explore the influences of household income, intake of energy and fat and percentage of energy from fat on childhood obesity. The study focused on 1585 children and adolescents aged 7-15 years. These data were also used to examine the relationship of self-reported weight and height to measured weight and height in older adolescents. Additionally, another cross-sectional survey among a group of Australian primary school children from a multi-cultural school in southern Brisbane was undertaken as well as providing indicative data on the relationship of overweight/obesity to physical activity levels and ethnicity, and to provide a protocol on the methodology and practicality of measuring physical activity level in such a school setting. The results suggested that boys from households with low incomes were more likely to be overweight or obese compared with those from households with higher incomes. Having parents, especially mothers, who were overweight or obese increased the risk of children being overweight or obese. The results do not provide evidence that there are statistically significantly differences in the average intake of energy and fat and percentage of energy from fat between non-overweight and overweight or obese boys and girls. The correct classification of weight or obesity from self-reported height and weight by Australian older adolescents was about 70%, bias in reporting weight and height is higher among overweight or obese older adolescents than non-overweight counterparts. In addition, preliminary, indicative data from the pilot study on the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and physical activity in 10-12 year old Australian school children from a multi-cultural school revealed that the average daily physical activity level (PAL) was 2.3 Metabolic Equivalents (METs) when the PAL was measured using self-reported activity diary. The proportion of light, moderate and heavy PAL was 2.9%, 20.4% and 76.7% in children, respectively. Additionally no ethnic differences in the prevalence of overweight /obesity was found. There was no statistically significant difference in average daily TV view times between non-overweight and overweight or obese boys and girls. The average daily number of steps measured using pedometer in the weekdays was 16,505 in boys and 12766 in girls. Most of boys (94.0%) have a medium and over level of steps taken daily while nearly one-third of the girls had not reached the minimum level in the number of steps for optimal health. However it must be noted this school-based study was a small cross-sectional survey in a single school. The results should be viewed as indicative, not generalisable. The study does not provide any longitudinal data on physical activity patterns and the trends in relationship to body mass index. In spite of the limitations of this study, it did provide some preliminary data on PAL and its relationship to overweight/ obesity among young Australian schoolchildren from diverse cultural backgrounds. Most importantly, this pilot study has provided a protocol on the methodology and practicality of measuring physical activity levels of children using self-reported activity diaries and pedometers in a multicultural school setting. A number of strategies for the prevention and treatment of childhood overweight and obesity are discussed. In future studies, a population-based and randomly selected sample would ensure findings that are more representative of general Australian children, and the longitudinal studies would help to define the association between the risk factors and childhood obesity, as well as enabling conclusions on causality to be drawn.
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Acute exercise effects on cardiac gene expression in physically active and inactive ratsSimonsen, Michelle Lynn. January 2010 (has links)
Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 19-22).
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An Ecological Approach to Investigating the Influences of ObesityJanuary 2010 (has links)
abstract: "Globesity," as defined by the World Health Organization, describes obesity as a pandemic affecting at least 400 million people worldwide. The prevalence of obesity is higher among women than men; and in non-Hispanic black and Hispanic populations. Obesity has been significantly associated with increased all-cause mortality, and mortality from cardiovascular disease, obesity-related cancers, diabetes and kidney disease. Current strategies to curb obesity rates often use an ecological approach, suggesting three main factors: biological, behavioral, and environmental. This approach was used to develop four studies of obesity. The first study assessed dietary quality, using the Healthy Eating Index (HEI)-2005, among premenopausal Hispanic and non-Hispanic white women, and found that Hispanic women had lower total HEI-2005 scores, and lower scores for total vegetables, dark green and orange vegetables and legumes, and sodium. Markers of obesity were negatively correlated with total HEI-2005 scores. The second study examined the relationship between reported screen time and markers of obesity among premenopausal women and found that total screen time, TV, and computer use were positively associated with markers of obesity. Waist/height ratio, fat mass index, and leptin concentrations were significantly lower among those who reported the lowest screen time versus the moderate and high screen time categories. The third study examined the relationship between screen time and dietary intake and found no significant differences in absolute dietary intake by screen time category. The fourth study was designed to test a brief face-to-face healthy shopping intervention to determine whether food purchases of participants who received the intervention differed from those in the control group; and whether purchases differed by socioeconomic position. Participants in the intervention group purchased more servings of fruit when compared to the control group. High-income participants purchased more servings of dark green/deep yellow vegetables compared to those in the low-income group. Among those who received the intervention, low-income participants purchased foods of lower energy density, and middle-income participants purchased food of higher fat density. The findings of these studies support policy changes to address increasing access and availability of fruits and vegetables, and support guidelines to limit screen time among adults. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Nursing and Healthcare Innovation 2010
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Pohybová aktivita studentů oborové tělesné výchovy Pedagogické fakulty Jihočeské univerzity / Physical Activity and Inactivity of Students of Sport and Physical Education studying Pedagogical faculty University of South Bohemia\\ZÁRYBNICKÝ, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis is focused on movement activity of students of Physical Training of Pedagogical Faculty of the University of South Bohemia. The research was conducted in the spring 2009 using the students of Physical Training aged 19 ? 26. Subsequently, the research was compared with the research conducted in the spring 2007 using the students of Physical Training. Data and information concerning the movement activity were obtained from two individual sources, the pedometer SW ? 700 and the latest version of NQLS questionnaire.
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Att främja fysisk aktivitet hos inaktiva barn i åldrarna 9-13 år : En intervjustudie / To promote physical activity in sedentary children between9-13 years of age : An interview studyBensvik, Louise, Leuchovius, Richard January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Barn som är inaktiva har en ökad risk att drabbas av övervikt och fetma. Ett projekt som riktade sig till barn i behov av att öka sin fysiska aktivitetsnivå initierades därför för att förebygga övervikt och fetma, men också för att öka barns delaktighet i rörelseglädje och samhörighet. Syfte: Att belysa ett fysiskt aktivitetsprojekt riktat till barn i åldrarna 9-13 år, ur de involverade vuxnas perspektiv. Metod: Utifrån en semistrukturerad intervjuguide genomfördes sju intervjuer med vuxna som på olika sätt varit delaktiga i projektet. Intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet av studien mynnade ut i två huvudkategorier; Barn och vuxna i ett hälsofrämjande aktivitetsprojekt samt Att vara ledare inom ett hälsofrämjande projekt. Informanterna i studien beskrev projektet som en kravlös och öppen verksamhet som skapade ett sammanhang för barnen, stärkte deras självkänsla och ökade deras självförtroende. Barnens inställning till fysisk aktivitet uppvisade även ökad lust och glädje i att röra sig. Slutsats: Fysiska aktivitetsprojekt som är skräddarsydda efter inaktiva barns behov och förlagda till en tillgänglig plats där de kan få vara sig själva och utvecklas tillsammans med andra barn och vuxna ger en ökad rörelseglädje. / Background: Children spend an increasing amount of time on sedentary activities. A project aimed at children in need of increasing their physical activity level was therefore initiated to prevent overweight and obesity, but also to increase children's involvement in agility and togetherness. Aim: To highlight a physical activity project aimed at children between the ages of 9-13, from the perspectives of the adults. Method: Seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with people involved in the project. The interviews were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in two main categories: “Children and adults in a physical activity project ” and “To be leaders in an activity promotion project”. The informants described the project as an open and prestige less activity which created feelings of togetherness in the children and strengthened and increased their self-esteem. The children's attitude towards physical activity also showed increased pleasure and joyness for being physically active and agile. The results show the importance of custom-made projects for sedentary children. Conclusion: A custom-made physical activity project amenable for sedentary children where they can be themselves, and develop with other children and adults, creates an increased joy for physical activity and being agile.
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Atividade física no deslocamento em adultos e idosos do Brasil: prevalências e fatores associados / Commuting physical activity in adults and elderly in Brazil: prevalence and associated factorsMadeira, Marina Cordeiro 22 June 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-22 / Although evidences proving the benefits of an active lifestyle, recent evidence in the literature has shown that levels of physical inactivity are increasing. Aiming to combat the high rates of sedentarism, physical activity began to be analyzed in different domains. Among the four different domains, physical activity in the commuting form has become the object of study and interventions. Nevertheless, data representing populations are rare, both in developed and developing countries. The aim of this study is to describe the prevalence of insufficient physical activity in commuting context and associated factors in adults and elderly people, in a representative sample of Brazil. The present study is characterized as an epidemiological cross-sectional population-based, with a sample of Brazilian adults and elderly residents of urban areas of municipalities of small, medium and large population size. The sampling was carried out in multistage, stratified according to the size of the population. The approach was made independently for adults and seniors. Considering the different sizes, the one hundred municipalities were randomly selected. After their identification, the census tracts were defined by raffles. Households were selected in each sector through a random start and a jump routine. All individuals who met the inclusion criteria were invited to participate. It was collected socioeconomic, demographic and health-related information. For the implementation of the specific outcome of this study it was used the long version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) / Embora a comprovação dos benefícios de um estilo de vida ativo, evidências recentes na literatura têm demonstrado que os níveis de inatividade física estão aumentando. A fim de combater os altos índices de sedentarismo, a atividade física começou a ser analisada em diferentes domínios. Entre os quatro diferentes domínios, a atividade física como forma de deslocamento tem se tornado objeto de estudo e de intervenções. Apesar disso, dados que representem populações são raros, tanto nos países desenvolvidos quanto nos em desenvolvimento. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever a prevalência de atividade física insuficiente no contexto dos deslocamentos e alguns fatores associados em adultos e idosos, em uma amostra representativa do Brasil. O presente estudo é caracterizado como um inquérito epidemiológico transversal de base populacional, com amostra brasileira de adultos e idosos moradores da zona urbana dos municípios de pequeno, médio e grande porte populacional. A amostragem foi realizada em múltiplos estágios, estratificados de acordo o porte da população. A abordagem foi feita de forma dependente para adultos e idosos. Considerando os diferentes portes, foram sorteados aleatoriamente os cem municípios. Após a identificação dos mesmos, os setores censitários foram definidos através de sorteio. Os domicílios foram selecionados em cada setor através de um início aleatório e um pulo sistemático. Todos os indivíduos que preenchiam o critério de inclusão foram convidados a participar da pesquisa. Foram coletadas informações socioeconômicas, demográficas e relacionadas à saúde. Para a operacionalização do desfecho específico deste estudo foiutilizada a versão longa do Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física (IPAQ)
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Conséquences d’une simulation d’impesanteur de 21 jours chez l’homme sur le métabolisme des lipides et effets d’une supplémentation en protéines testée comme contremesure / Consequenes of simulated microgravity on lipid metabolism in humans and effects of proteins supplementation tested as a counter measureRudwill, Floriane 17 April 2015 (has links)
Au cours d’une simulation de la microgravité de 21 jours, le développement de plusieurs altérations métaboliques ont été étudiées : une inflammation de bas-niveau et une altération de la sensibilité à l’insuline et du métabolisme lipidique. Connues pour leurs impacts positifs sur le métabolisme, une supplémentation en protéines du petit lait, combinée à des sels alcalins, a également été testée.Contrairement aux études précédentes, aucune inflammation, ni altération du métabolisme lipidique n’a été clairement décrite dans notre étude. En revanche une diminution de l’oxydation des glucides en faveur des lipides est observée, suggérant le début d’une insensibilité à l’insuline. Nos données suggèrent qu’il serait possible de prévenir les dérégulations métaboliques associées à l’inactivité physique sévère par un remplacement isocalorique des lipides par les protéines, avec un apport protéique de base de 1,2g/kg/jour et un contrôle strict de la balance énergétique par l’apport calorique. / During 21 days of simulated microgravity, the development of several metabolic alterations has been studied: a low-grade inflammation and an alteration of insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism. Known for their positive effect on metabolism, whey proteins supplementation combined with alkaline salts have also been tested. At the opposite of previous studies, no inflammation, nor lipid metabolism alterations have clearly been described. Nevertheless, a decrease in carbohydrates oxidation in favor of lipids is observed, suggesting the development of insulin insensitivity. Our data suggest that it may be possible to prevent the metabolic disorders associated with severe physical inactivity by anisocaloric replacement of lipids by proteins in the diet, along with a protein intake of 1.2g/kg/day and tight control of energy balance by adjusting energy intake.
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