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Exploring Pathways to Work through Skills Development in Sport for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities in Metropolitan ZimbabweKasu, Sandra 16 February 2022 (has links)
Background Youth with intellectual disabilities usually experience poorer post-school outcomes than youth with any other disabilities and youth in the general population (McConkey, Dowling, Hassan & Menke, 2013). Youth with intellectual disabilities are often marginalized and discriminated against regarding skills development and work opportunities as society seems to place high value on an individual's intellect (International Labour Organisation, 2015). However, international experience shows that youth with intellectual disabilities can become valuable employees with adequate training (Scheef, 2016). Participation in sports has shown to have a positive correlation with quality of life, satisfaction with life, community reintegration, and mood as well as employment opportunities for persons with disabilities (Diaz, Miller, Krauz & Fredericson, 2019). Hence it became useful to explore skills development and vocational training opportunities in sports that could facilitate youth with intellectual disabilities to access work skills training and work opportunities in urban Zimbabwe. Aim The overall aim of the study was to explore how participation in activities related to sports organisations and events enables youth with intellectual disabilities to access livelihood opportunities to become economically active. Objectives The objectives of the study were: 1. To identify any possible skills development and vocational training opportunities for youth with intellectual disabilities in sports events and organisations in Zimbabwe. 2. To describe the personal factors of youth with intellectual disabilities that enable them to access skills development and vocational training. 3. To identify environmental factors that enable youth with intellectual disabilities to access self-employment, supported employment or formal employment. 4. To determine the role of family, caregivers, and guardians in shaping the livelihood options of youth with intellectual disabilities. 5. To determine the role of skills trainers in developing the pre-vocational skills and vocational training in general for youth with intellectual disabilities. 6. To determine the role of sports coaches and managers in shaping the life skills' development of youth with intellectual disabilities who partake in sports. Methodology The research was a qualitative study in the form of critical ethnography. Critical ethnography speaks on behalf of minority groups such as the point of view of youth with intellectual disabilities' by stating what is and how it can be changed (Duff, Rogers, and Ross, 2016). The design was a collective study as more than one study site was used. The research took place at two adult vocational training centres for youth with intellectual disabilities and at three sports events. Participants were recruited by purposive sampling. Six youths with intellectual disabilities, five parents, caregivers, or guardians of youth with intellectual disabilities, two sports managers or organisers, two sports coaches and two skills trainers of youths with intellectual disabilities participated in the study to make a total sample size of seventeen. Participation observations, semi-structured interviewing and reflective journaling were used as data collection methods. Findings Untapped work opportunities were identified for youth with intellectual disabilities who participated in sports; however, they remained as lost opportunities as they were not being fully utilized. The youths had potential enablers for employability, but they were not being given access to work opportunities. The youths were invisible to potential employers owing to the remote location of their vocational training centres. Female youths were being prejudiced regarding livelihoods' development owing to the remote nature of the training centres, which made it unsafe for them to travel there. There were limited resources for the livelihoods' development of the youth due to economic hardships the country was facing. The government's support for livelihoods' development of the youth was inadequate. Families, peers, and the community were segregating youth with intellectual disabilities, which had the effect of disempowering them and their parents regarding the youths' livelihoods' development. The parents had shared feelings of fear and anxiety over what would become of their youth once they finished school or if their parents died. There was a lack a collective action amongst the parents regarding the youths' livelihoods' development. The parents' support regarding their children's livelihoods' development was inadequate and their knowledge on how to enhance their youths' livelihoods development was insufficient. The parents were also not getting sufficient support from society to empower their youth. The youths with intellectual disabilities were often left out of economic activities at sports events and in the greater community. The sports coaches and skills trainers were not actively planning or advocating for the youths to participate in economic activities at sports events. Conclusion This study explored the livelihoods' developments that were possible for youths with intellectual disabilities through their participation in sports. It was necessary to find effective ways to develop youths with intellectual disabilities' opportunities to become economically active as engagement in work activities is a basic human right. This study established that the parents of the youths needed to take the initiative regarding the livelihoods' development of their children. The youths and their parents needed to take collective action and find their political voice to advocate for skills training and work opportunities to the training centres, the community, and potential employers as well as the government. The parents needed to take their negative perceptions, which were acting as indirect blocks and which were disempowering them, as motivators to enact positive change for their children's livelihoods' development. It was necessary for parents, skills trainers, and sports coaches to market the youths to potential employers. At the training centres, the administration, skills trainers, and sports coaches need to consider a curriculum change to include a work attachment for the youth in inclusive employment. Sports coaches and skills trainers need to teach life skills intentionally that are transferrable in work situations and provide the youth with opportunities to practice the skills learnt in work settings. The sports coaches and skills trainers needed further training on how to use sports participation as a medium to enhance the youths' livelihoods' development. Sports managers needed to incorporate youth with intellectual disabilities and their training schools in economic activities in sports organisations and at sports events. Female youths with intellectual disabilities needed to be encouraged to attend the vocational training centres by providing for their interests and providing them with safe transportation to attend the vocational training centres.
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El emprendimiento social como motor de desarrollo sostenible: propuesta de un modelo para fortalecer la gestión del impacto social en los grupos de interésMurillo Pérez, Lina María 26 April 2022 (has links)
[ES] El emprendimiento social, entendido como aquella iniciativa, organización o proyecto con una misión exclusivamente social, nace como respuesta a determinadas necesidades de una colectividad que no han sido debidamente atendidas por el Estado. Estas entidades poseen un gran potencial para contribuir al desarrollo humano y sostenible de las localidades y regiones, puesto que todos sus esfuerzos van orientados a propiciar el bienestar de diversos grupos poblacionales en aspectos como la educación, la salud, el empleo, el medio ambiente y la inclusión, entre otros.
La creación y maximización del valor social representa el más alto objetivo de cualquier emprendimiento social y, a diferencia de la empresa convencional, la generación de beneficios económicos es considerada como un medio y no como un fin per se. Para lograr el deseado impacto social, los citados emprendimientos deben trabajar por superar la barrera del acceso al capital y, además, por mejorar sus procesos de gestión organizacional que, generalmente, evidencian debilidades como la falta de focalización estratégica; los inadecuados métodos de planificación y control; y las escasas herramientas para el monitoreo y valoración del impacto.
Ante estos desafíos, se considera necesario proponer a los emprendedores, líderes y gestores, nuevas metodologías e instrumentos que permitan la creación y fortalecimiento de las capacidades organizacionales para la generación de valor en los grupos de interés. Por tanto, el objetivo de esta tesis doctoral se centró en el diseño de un modelo de gestión que pudiera guiar y soportar la tarea de planificación, seguimiento y evaluación del impacto social de los emprendimientos que trabajan en pro de la inclusión socio-laboral.
Este trabajo empírico se desarrolló por medio de tres etapas. En la primera, se construyó un esquema inicial base del modelo, el cual incluyó un conjunto de elementos estratégicos mínimos que deberían ser considerados por las organizaciones sociales para asegurar la creación de valor en los públicos atendidos y demás grupo de interés. Dentro de esta fase, se tomó como principal referente un reconocido enfoque de planificación y control organizacional (el mapa estratégico) y, adicionalmente, se extrajeron aportaciones de diversos estándares de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE), teorías de desarrollo y lineamientos estratégicos de dos organizaciones valencianas que trabajan en el campo de la inclusión laboral.
En la segunda etapa, por medio de un estudio de caso, se exploró en dos emprendimientos de inclusión socio-laboral sobre las estrategias, metodologías y prácticas que estos utilizan para cumplir con su respectiva misión social. Asimismo, se pretendió determinar, como dichas estrategias, respondían a las principales demandas y expectativas de valor de los más relevantes grupos de interés. Finalmente, en la etapa tres, se consolidó la propuesta del modelo con base a los resultados obtenidos en las fases previas.
Como resultado principal de este estudio, se destaca entonces la propuesta de un modelo de gestión basado en un mapa estratégico, el cual sugiere un conjunto de 29 buenas prácticas potencialmente aplicables a cualquier organización de inclusión socio-laboral. Este esquema pretende ser una guía, flexible y adaptable, para los gestores de los emprendimientos, a fin de que estos puedan fortalecer su capacidad para la toma de decisiones orientadas a maximizar el valor social y, por tanto, a incrementar su aporte al desarrollo sostenible de las comunidades atendidas. / [CA] L'emprenedoria social, entesa com aquella iniciativa, organització o projecte amb una missió exclusivament social, naix com a resposta a determinades necessitats d'una col·lectivitat que no han sigut degudament ateses per l'Estat. Aquestes entitats posseeixen un gran potencial per a contribuir al desenvolupament humà i sostenible de les localitats i regions, ja que tots els seus esforços van orientats a propiciar el benestar de diversos grups poblacionals en aspectes com l'educació, la salut, l'ocupació, el medi ambient i la inclusió, entre altres.
La creació i maximització del valor social representa el més alt objectiu de qualsevol emprenedoria social i, a diferència de l'empresa convencional, la generació de beneficis econòmics és considerada com a mitjà i no com un fi per se. Per a aconseguir el desitjat impacte social, les citades emprenedories han de treballar per superar la barrera de l'accés al capital i, a més, per millorar els seus processos de gestió organitzacional que, generalment, evidencien febleses com la falta de focalització estratègica; els inadequats mètodes de planificació i control; i les escasses eines per al monitoratge i valoració de l'impacte.
Davant aquests desafiaments, es considera necessari proposar als emprenedors, líders i gestors, noves metodologies i instruments que permeten la creació i enfortiment de les capacitats organitzacionals per a la generació de valor en els grups d'interés. Per tant, l'objectiu d'aquesta aquesta tesi doctoral es va centrar en el disseny d'un model de gestió que poguera guiar i suportar la tasca de planificació, seguiment i avaluació de l'impacte social de les emprenedories que treballen en pro de la inclusió soci-laboral.
Aquest treball empíric es va desenvolupar per mitjà de tres etapes. En la primera, es va construir un esquema inicial base del model, el qual va incloure un conjunt d'elements estratègics mínims que haurien de ser considerats per les organitzacions socials per a assegurar la creació de valor en els públics atesos i altre grup d'interés. Dins d'aquesta fase, es va prendre com a principal referent un reconegut enfocament de planificació i control organitzacional (el mapa estratègic) i, addicionalment, es van extraure aportacions de diversos estàndards de Responsabilitat Social Empresarial (RSE), teories de desenvolupament i lineaments estratègics de dues organitzacions valencianes que treballen en el camp de la inclusió laboral.
En la segona etapa, per mitjà d'un estudi de cas, es va explorar en dues emprenedories d'inclusió soci-laboral sobre les estratègies, metodologies i pràctiques que aquests utilitzen per a complir amb la seua respectiva missió social. Així mateix, es va pretendre determinar com aquestes estratègies responien a les principals demandes i expectatives de valor dels més rellevants grups d'interés. Finalment, en l'etapa tres, es va consolidar la proposta del model amb base als resultats obtinguts en les fases prèvies.
Com a resultat principal d'aquest estudi, es destaca llavors la proposta d'un model de gestió basat en un mapa estratègic, el qual suggereix un conjunt de 29 bones pràctiques potencialment aplicables a qualsevol organització d'inclusió soci-laboral. Aquest esquema pretén ser una guia, flexible i adaptable, per als gestors de les emprenedories, a fi que aquests puguen enfortir la seua capacitat per a la presa de decisions orientades a maximitzar el valor social i, per tant, a incrementar la seua aportació al desenvolupament sostenible de les comunitats ateses. / [EN] Social entrepreneurship, understood as an initiative, organization or project with an exclusively social mission, arises as a response to certain needs of a community that have not been duly attended by the State. These entities have great potential to contribute to the human and sustainable development of localities and regions, since all their efforts are aimed at promoting well-being of various population groups in aspects such as education, health, employment, environment and inclusion, among others.
Creation and maximization of social value represents the highest objective of any social enterprise and, unlike conventional companies, economic benefits are considered a mean and not an end per se. In order to achieve the desired social impact, the aforementioned undertakings must work to overcome barriers of access to capital and, in addition, to improve their organizational management processes that, generally, show weaknesses such as lack of strategic focus; inadequate planning and control methods; and few tools for impact monitoring and assessment.
Faced with these challenges, it is considered necessary to propose to entrepreneurs, leaders and managers, new methodologies and instruments that allow to build and strengthen organizational capacities in order to create value in the stakeholders. Therefore, the objective of this doctoral thesis was focused on the design of a management model that could guide and support the tasks of planning, monitoring and evaluating social impact of enterprises that work towards social and labor inclusion.
This empirical work was developed in three stages. First, an initial base scheme of the model was built, which included a set of minimum strategic elements that should be considered by social organizations to ensure the creation of value for the public serviced and other stakeholders. Within this phase, a recognized organizational planning and control approach (the strategic map) was taken as the main reference and, additionally, contributions were extracted from various Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) standards, development theories and strategic guidelines of two Valencian organizations who work in the field of labor inclusion.
In the second stage, through a case study in two social-labor inclusion enterprises, strategies, methodologies and practices used to fulfill their respective social mission were explored. Likewise, it was intended to determine how these strategies responded to the main demands and value expectations of the most relevant stakeholders. Finally, in stage three, the model proposal was consolidated based on the results obtained in the previous phases.
As the main result of this study, the proposal of a management model based on a strategic map is highlighted, which suggests a set of 29 good practices potentially applicable to any social-labor inclusion organization. This scheme is intended to be a flexible and adaptable guide for enterprises managers, in order to strengthen their decision-making capacity aimed at maximizing the social value and, therefore, to increase their contribution to sustainable development of the communities serviced. / Murillo Pérez, LM. (2022). El emprendimiento social como motor de desarrollo sostenible: propuesta de un modelo para fortalecer la gestión del impacto social en los grupos de interés [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182264
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