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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design and experimental characterization of a metamaterial-assisted monopole antenna / Projeto e caracterização experimental de antena monopolo assistida por metamateriais

Lima, Larissa Cristiane Paiva de Sousa 24 September 2014 (has links)
In recent years a new class of materials, the metamaterials, has emerged in the scientific community. The use of these materials makes possible to achieve unique electromagnetic properties, such as the negative refractive index. Today there exist several applications that take advantage of these special properties, such as sensors, antennas and invisibility cloaks, aiming at improving their intrinsic characteristics. Based on these considerations, this project aims at developing metamaterials structures to control the radiation properties of antennas in the microwave range, such as gain and directivity. More specifically, it was also chosen chiral metamaterials, mainly due to the phenomenon of electromagnetic field rotation which opens the possibility to control efficiently the radiation properties of antennas. In addition, chiral metamaterials, which have proved to be a more attractive alternative to obtain negative or zero refractive index, enable a greater degree of freedom in the design of different structures. This work encompasses all different phases of the structure design, namely: project, computational modeling, fabrication, and characterization of the proposed structures. We show improvements for the gain that in some cases reaches more than the double of the conventional monopole antenna gain and for the return loss parameter, which reaches minimum values. We also could maintain good efficiency and improve the input impedance matching. Finally, it is worth mentioning that this new technology also has the great potential to be applied in the telecommunication devices, particularly to improve communications based on antennas. / Nos últimos anos uma nova classe de materiais, os metamateriais, emergiu na comunidade científica. O uso desses materiais torna possível alcançar propriedades eletromagnéticas singulares, como o índice de refração negativo. Hoje existem vastas aplicações que usufruem destas propriedades especiais, como os sensores, mantas de invisibilidade e antenas, onde se procura o aperfeiçoamento de suas características intrínsecas. Com base nestas considerações, este projeto buscou desenvolver estruturas metamateriais para controle das propriedades de radiação de antenas na faixa de micro-ondas, tais como diretividade e ganho. Mais especificamente, foram utilizados os metamateriais quirais, principalmente devido ao fenômeno de rotação do campo eletromagnético que abre a possibilidade de controle mais eficiente das propriedades de radiação de antenas. Além disso, os metamateriais quirais, por se mostrarem uma alternativa mais atraente para se obter meios com índice de refração zero ou negativo, possibilitam um maior grau de liberdade no projeto de diferentes estruturas. Este trabalho contempla, ainda, todas as etapas de projeto de tais estruturas, quais sejam: projeto, modelagem computacional, fabricação, e caracterização das estruturas. Mostramos melhorias para o ganho que, em alguns casos, chega a mais do que o dobro do ganho da antena monopolo convencional e para o parâmetro de perda de retorno, que atinge valores mínimos. Nós também mantivemos uma boa eficiência e melhoramos o casamento de impedância de entrada. Finalmente, vale salientar que essa nova tecnologia também apresenta grande potencial de ser aplicada em dispositivos de telecomunicações, com o intuito de aprimorar a comunicação baseada em antenas.

Nanoparticles in oxide and chalcogenide glasses: optical nonlinearities and waveguide fabrication by femtosecond laser pulses / Nanopartículas em vidros óxidos e calcogenetos: não linearidades ópticas e fabricação de guia de onda com pulsos de femtossegundos

Almeida, Juliana Mara Pinto de 13 October 2015 (has links)
Femtosecond laser has been an essential tool for nonlinear optics and materials processing at micrometer scale, in which chalcogenide and heavy metal oxide glasses have received special attention not only for their high third-order optical nonlinearities but also due to their transparency up to the infrared regions. Although metallic nanoparticles are expected to improve the optical properties of glasses, there are no enough experimental researches about their influence on the nonlinear refractive index (n2) and nonlinear absorption coefficient (&#946), moreover at femtosecond regime. Based on the scientific and technological interests on highly nonlinear glasses, the goal of this thesis was to apply femtosecond laser pulses in two main domains: (i) at the basis of fundamental science, to study the effect of metallic nanoparticles in the third-order nonlinear optical properties of glasses; and (ii) at the field of applied science, aiming the development of photonic devices, performed by the fabrication of 3D optical waveguides containing metallic nanoparticles. This aim was achieved through the techniques of z-scan and femtosecond laser micromachining, which provided the nonlinear optical characterization and waveguides development, respectively. First, we analyzed the third-order nonlinear optical properties of the GeO2-Bi2O3 glass containing gold nanoparticles, which promoted saturation of the absorption in the region of the surface plasmon resonance band. On the other hand, these gold nanoparticles did not affect the n2 that kept constant in the wavelength range of 480 - 1500 nm. The same features were investigated for a Pb2P2O7-WO3 matrix doped with copper nanoparticles. In contrast to the gold doped ones, these samples showed a slight enhancement of the nonlinear refractive index when the energy of the excitation approaches the surface plasmon band. We also found out that the Pb2P2O7-WO3 matrix is a good host to grow silver nanoparticles by fs-laser micromachining. Similarly, copper nanoparticles were produced in a borosilicate glass using single-step laser processing. The explanation for metallic nanoparticle formation is addressed in this thesis, as well as, its application in waveguides. Thus, we demonstrated the functionality of optical waveguides containing Cu0 or Ag0 nanoparticles. Still based on the technological interests on glasses doped with nanoparticles, we showed a single-step synthesis of silver sulfide nanoparticles in chalcogenide glass, which was carried in partnership with researches at Princeton University. The materials investigated in this PhD work are of great importance for photonics, in which the synthesis of nanoparticles, fabrication of waveguides and nonlinear optical characterization have been performed. / O laser de femtossegundos tem sido uma ferramenta essencial tanto para a óptica não-linear quanto para o processamento de materiais na escala micrométrica, na qual os vidros calcogenetos e óxidos de metais pesados têm recebido atenção especial, não apenas pelas suas elevadas não-linearidades ópticas de terceira ordem, mas também devido à sua transparência até o infravermelho. Embora seja esperado que nanopartículas metálicas melhorem as propriedades ópticas dos vidros, não existe investigações experimentais suficientes sobre a sua influência no índice de refração não linear (n2) e no coeficiente de absorção linear (&#946), sobretudo no regime de femtossegundos. Com base nos interesses científicos e tecnológicos de vidros altamente não-lineares, o objetivo deste trabalho foi aplicar pulsos laser de femtossegundos em dois domínios principais: (i) na campo da ciência fundamental, para estudar o efeito de nanopartículas metálicas nas propriedades ópticas não lineares de terceira ordem destes materiais; e (ii) no domínio da ciência aplicada, visando o desenvolvimento de dispositivos fotônicos, realizado pelo fabricação de guias de onda tridimensionais contendo nanopartículas metálicas. Este objetivo foi alcançado através das técnicas de varredura-z e microfabricação com laser de femtossegundos, que proporcionaram a caracterização óptica não-linear e o desenvolvimento de guias de onda, respectivamente. Primeiramente, foram investigadas as propriedades ópticas não-lineares de terceira ordem do vidro GeO2-Bi2O3 contendo nanopartículas de ouro, as quais promoveram saturação da absorção na região da banda de ressonância de plásmon. Por outro lado, essas nanopartículas não afetaram o n2, que se manteve constante no intervalo de comprimento de onda 480 - 1500 nm. As mesmas características foram investigadas para uma matriz Pb2P2O7-WO3 dopada com nanopartículas de cobre. Em contraste com os vidros dopados com ouro, estas amostras apresentaram um ligeiro aumento do índice de refração não linear quando a energia de excitação está próxima da banda de ressonância de plásmon. Observou-se ainda que a matriz Pb2P2O7-WO3 é ideal para a obtenção de nanopartículas de prata através da microfabricação com laser de femtossegundos. Similarmente, nanopartículas de cobre foram produzidas em vidro de borosilicato usando somente uma varredura a laser. A explicação para a formação de nanopartículas metálicas é abordada nesta tese, bem como sua aplicação em guias de onda. Deste modo, demonstrou-se a funcionalidade de guias de onda ópticos compostos por nanopartículas de Cu0 e Ag0. Ainda com base nos interesses tecnológicos em vidros dopados com nanopartículas, demonstrou-se uma síntese de nanopartículas de sulfeto de prata em vidro calcogeneto usando o processamento de única etapa, realizada em parceria com pesquisadores da Universidade de Princeton. Os materiais investigados neste trabalho de doutorado são de grande importância para aplicações em fotônica, em que a síntese de nanopartículas, a fabricação de guias de onda e a caracterização óptica não-linear foram realizadas.

Caracterização de propriedades de vidros polarizados do sistema P2O5 – B2O3 – CaO – TiO2

Costa Junior, Paulo Rodrigues da [UNESP] 27 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:25:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-02-27Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:53:36Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 costajunior_pr_me_ilha.pdf: 1643476 bytes, checksum: 5cbf98fcf43ed53a45f50da455aef0c4 (MD5) / Estudamos o sistema 40P2O5 – 10B2O3 – (50-x)CaO – xTiO2, onde variou-se a composição do TiO2 e CaO, com x=25,20,15,10,05,03 mol%. Neste sistema temos dois formadores de vidros, o P2O5 que pode incorporar na sua rede grande quantidade de Titânio e o B2O3. Dois grupos de amostras foram estudados: um sem polarizar, e outro grupo submetido à polarização eletro térmica a 300oC aplicando 1,5KV e 2,5 KV durante 60 minutos. Foram realizadas medidas de Análise Térmica diferencial e se observa que estes vidros possui transição vítrea entorno de 600ºC, aumentando com maior quantidade de TiO2. A evidência da polarização eletro térmica se observa nos espectros de infravermelho e Uv-Vis, nestas, as bandas de absorção correspondentes sofreram ligeiras mudanças. Para estes vidros são importantes as bandas de absorção na região visível que se estende desde 400nm até 900nm devido à existência de íons Ti3+ e pares Ti3+-T 4+ em estruturas de coordenação tetraedral e octaedral. As medidas da dispersão dos índices de refração utilizando a técnica do ângulo de Brewster mostram variações conforme os comprimentos de onda. Foi avaliado o índice de refração complexo dos espectros de transmitância e refletância. A análise da parte real do índice de refração foi feita através do modelo de um único oscilador de Wemple-Didomenico que está relacionado com a dispersão normal dos vidros. Os parâmetros como energia média e energia de dispersão são baixos quando comparados com outro vidros com TiO2. Os dados da absorção na forma da função dielétrica complexa foram ajustados utilizando funções gaussianas. Os resultados indicam a formação de bandas de absorção de íons Ti3+ com estruturas possivelmente distorcidas e de coordenação tetraedral e octaedral. Temos ainda as bandas... / We studied the system 40 P2O5 – 10 B2O3 - ( 50 – x ) CaO – x TiO2, which has varied the composition of CaO and TiO2, with x = 25, 20, 15, 10, 05, 03 mol%. In this system we have two glass formers, the P2O5 that can incorporate in its network great amount of titanium B2O3. Two groups of samples were studied: one without polarize, and another group submitted to a thermal electric polarization by 300ºC applying 1.5 KV and 2.5 KV for 60 minutes. Measures were made of differential thermal analysis and observed that these glasses have glass transition around 600ºC, increasing with a great amount of TiO2. The evidence of thermal electric polarization is observed in the spectra of infrared and UV-Vis, in the corresponding absorption bands have slightly changes. For these glasses are important the absorption bands in the visible region that extends from 400nm to 900nm due to the existence of ion Ti3+ pairs and Ti3+ - T4+ in co-ordination structures tetraedral and octaedral. The measures of dispersion of the indices of refraction using the technique of Brewster angle showed variations according to wavelengths. We evaluated the complex refractive index of the spectra of transmittance and reflectance. The analysis of the real part of the index of refraction was done by a single oscillator model of Wemple-Didomenico related to the normal dispersion of glass. The parameters such as average energy and energy dispersion are low when compared with other glasses with TiO2. The data of absorption in the form of complex dielectric function were fitted using Gaussian functions. The results indicate the formation of absorption bands of ions Ti3+ with possibly distorted structures and coordination tetraedral and octaedral. We have the bands due to the existence of pairs of ions Ti3+ - Ti4+ and undergo changes as the samples polarized and not polarized.

Nanoparticles in oxide and chalcogenide glasses: optical nonlinearities and waveguide fabrication by femtosecond laser pulses / Nanopartículas em vidros óxidos e calcogenetos: não linearidades ópticas e fabricação de guia de onda com pulsos de femtossegundos

Juliana Mara Pinto de Almeida 13 October 2015 (has links)
Femtosecond laser has been an essential tool for nonlinear optics and materials processing at micrometer scale, in which chalcogenide and heavy metal oxide glasses have received special attention not only for their high third-order optical nonlinearities but also due to their transparency up to the infrared regions. Although metallic nanoparticles are expected to improve the optical properties of glasses, there are no enough experimental researches about their influence on the nonlinear refractive index (n2) and nonlinear absorption coefficient (&#946), moreover at femtosecond regime. Based on the scientific and technological interests on highly nonlinear glasses, the goal of this thesis was to apply femtosecond laser pulses in two main domains: (i) at the basis of fundamental science, to study the effect of metallic nanoparticles in the third-order nonlinear optical properties of glasses; and (ii) at the field of applied science, aiming the development of photonic devices, performed by the fabrication of 3D optical waveguides containing metallic nanoparticles. This aim was achieved through the techniques of z-scan and femtosecond laser micromachining, which provided the nonlinear optical characterization and waveguides development, respectively. First, we analyzed the third-order nonlinear optical properties of the GeO2-Bi2O3 glass containing gold nanoparticles, which promoted saturation of the absorption in the region of the surface plasmon resonance band. On the other hand, these gold nanoparticles did not affect the n2 that kept constant in the wavelength range of 480 - 1500 nm. The same features were investigated for a Pb2P2O7-WO3 matrix doped with copper nanoparticles. In contrast to the gold doped ones, these samples showed a slight enhancement of the nonlinear refractive index when the energy of the excitation approaches the surface plasmon band. We also found out that the Pb2P2O7-WO3 matrix is a good host to grow silver nanoparticles by fs-laser micromachining. Similarly, copper nanoparticles were produced in a borosilicate glass using single-step laser processing. The explanation for metallic nanoparticle formation is addressed in this thesis, as well as, its application in waveguides. Thus, we demonstrated the functionality of optical waveguides containing Cu0 or Ag0 nanoparticles. Still based on the technological interests on glasses doped with nanoparticles, we showed a single-step synthesis of silver sulfide nanoparticles in chalcogenide glass, which was carried in partnership with researches at Princeton University. The materials investigated in this PhD work are of great importance for photonics, in which the synthesis of nanoparticles, fabrication of waveguides and nonlinear optical characterization have been performed. / O laser de femtossegundos tem sido uma ferramenta essencial tanto para a óptica não-linear quanto para o processamento de materiais na escala micrométrica, na qual os vidros calcogenetos e óxidos de metais pesados têm recebido atenção especial, não apenas pelas suas elevadas não-linearidades ópticas de terceira ordem, mas também devido à sua transparência até o infravermelho. Embora seja esperado que nanopartículas metálicas melhorem as propriedades ópticas dos vidros, não existe investigações experimentais suficientes sobre a sua influência no índice de refração não linear (n2) e no coeficiente de absorção linear (&#946), sobretudo no regime de femtossegundos. Com base nos interesses científicos e tecnológicos de vidros altamente não-lineares, o objetivo deste trabalho foi aplicar pulsos laser de femtossegundos em dois domínios principais: (i) na campo da ciência fundamental, para estudar o efeito de nanopartículas metálicas nas propriedades ópticas não lineares de terceira ordem destes materiais; e (ii) no domínio da ciência aplicada, visando o desenvolvimento de dispositivos fotônicos, realizado pelo fabricação de guias de onda tridimensionais contendo nanopartículas metálicas. Este objetivo foi alcançado através das técnicas de varredura-z e microfabricação com laser de femtossegundos, que proporcionaram a caracterização óptica não-linear e o desenvolvimento de guias de onda, respectivamente. Primeiramente, foram investigadas as propriedades ópticas não-lineares de terceira ordem do vidro GeO2-Bi2O3 contendo nanopartículas de ouro, as quais promoveram saturação da absorção na região da banda de ressonância de plásmon. Por outro lado, essas nanopartículas não afetaram o n2, que se manteve constante no intervalo de comprimento de onda 480 - 1500 nm. As mesmas características foram investigadas para uma matriz Pb2P2O7-WO3 dopada com nanopartículas de cobre. Em contraste com os vidros dopados com ouro, estas amostras apresentaram um ligeiro aumento do índice de refração não linear quando a energia de excitação está próxima da banda de ressonância de plásmon. Observou-se ainda que a matriz Pb2P2O7-WO3 é ideal para a obtenção de nanopartículas de prata através da microfabricação com laser de femtossegundos. Similarmente, nanopartículas de cobre foram produzidas em vidro de borosilicato usando somente uma varredura a laser. A explicação para a formação de nanopartículas metálicas é abordada nesta tese, bem como sua aplicação em guias de onda. Deste modo, demonstrou-se a funcionalidade de guias de onda ópticos compostos por nanopartículas de Cu0 e Ag0. Ainda com base nos interesses tecnológicos em vidros dopados com nanopartículas, demonstrou-se uma síntese de nanopartículas de sulfeto de prata em vidro calcogeneto usando o processamento de única etapa, realizada em parceria com pesquisadores da Universidade de Princeton. Os materiais investigados neste trabalho de doutorado são de grande importância para aplicações em fotônica, em que a síntese de nanopartículas, a fabricação de guias de onda e a caracterização óptica não-linear foram realizadas.

Design and experimental characterization of a metamaterial-assisted monopole antenna / Projeto e caracterização experimental de antena monopolo assistida por metamateriais

Larissa Cristiane Paiva de Sousa Lima 24 September 2014 (has links)
In recent years a new class of materials, the metamaterials, has emerged in the scientific community. The use of these materials makes possible to achieve unique electromagnetic properties, such as the negative refractive index. Today there exist several applications that take advantage of these special properties, such as sensors, antennas and invisibility cloaks, aiming at improving their intrinsic characteristics. Based on these considerations, this project aims at developing metamaterials structures to control the radiation properties of antennas in the microwave range, such as gain and directivity. More specifically, it was also chosen chiral metamaterials, mainly due to the phenomenon of electromagnetic field rotation which opens the possibility to control efficiently the radiation properties of antennas. In addition, chiral metamaterials, which have proved to be a more attractive alternative to obtain negative or zero refractive index, enable a greater degree of freedom in the design of different structures. This work encompasses all different phases of the structure design, namely: project, computational modeling, fabrication, and characterization of the proposed structures. We show improvements for the gain that in some cases reaches more than the double of the conventional monopole antenna gain and for the return loss parameter, which reaches minimum values. We also could maintain good efficiency and improve the input impedance matching. Finally, it is worth mentioning that this new technology also has the great potential to be applied in the telecommunication devices, particularly to improve communications based on antennas. / Nos últimos anos uma nova classe de materiais, os metamateriais, emergiu na comunidade científica. O uso desses materiais torna possível alcançar propriedades eletromagnéticas singulares, como o índice de refração negativo. Hoje existem vastas aplicações que usufruem destas propriedades especiais, como os sensores, mantas de invisibilidade e antenas, onde se procura o aperfeiçoamento de suas características intrínsecas. Com base nestas considerações, este projeto buscou desenvolver estruturas metamateriais para controle das propriedades de radiação de antenas na faixa de micro-ondas, tais como diretividade e ganho. Mais especificamente, foram utilizados os metamateriais quirais, principalmente devido ao fenômeno de rotação do campo eletromagnético que abre a possibilidade de controle mais eficiente das propriedades de radiação de antenas. Além disso, os metamateriais quirais, por se mostrarem uma alternativa mais atraente para se obter meios com índice de refração zero ou negativo, possibilitam um maior grau de liberdade no projeto de diferentes estruturas. Este trabalho contempla, ainda, todas as etapas de projeto de tais estruturas, quais sejam: projeto, modelagem computacional, fabricação, e caracterização das estruturas. Mostramos melhorias para o ganho que, em alguns casos, chega a mais do que o dobro do ganho da antena monopolo convencional e para o parâmetro de perda de retorno, que atinge valores mínimos. Nós também mantivemos uma boa eficiência e melhoramos o casamento de impedância de entrada. Finalmente, vale salientar que essa nova tecnologia também apresenta grande potencial de ser aplicada em dispositivos de telecomunicações, com o intuito de aprimorar a comunicação baseada em antenas.

Theory of Image Formation in Non-linear Optical Microscopy

van der Kolk, Jarno Nicolaas January 2017 (has links)
Nonlinear optical microscopy is a collection of very powerful imaging techniques. Linear optical microscopes probe the refractive index and absorption, which both stem from the first-order linear electric susceptibility. Especially in biological tissue, the variation in the refractive index is often small and the tissue is, in many cases, transparant. Nonlinear optical microscopes on the other hand probe the nonlinear higher-order susceptibilities, which can be chemically sensitive, leading to the capability to achieve label-free imaging. Nonlinear optical microscopes have been in development for more than thirty years and they are based on numerous nonlinear optical processes. The ones I will concentrate on in this thesis are second harmonic generation (SHG), coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS), and stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS). The first technique is commonly used to image collagen as those molecules have a particularly large second-order nonlinear susceptibility due to their chiral structure. CARS and SRS on the other hand are often used because they resonantly target vibrational resonances in molecules, giving rise to the aforementioned label-free imaging. Deep understanding of the nonlinear imaging process is crucial to the interpretation of the images these techniques produce. Computational tools are exceptionally suited for this task as they allow studying the electromagnetic field anywhere in the sample as well as the far-field, and one can change any of the material properties to study their effect. One such tool is finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) that our group developed for nonlinear optical microscopy simulations. It is a direct discretization of Maxwell's equation. While computationally costly, it does allow any arbitrary shaped sample to be simulated. The sample can have frequency dependent refractive indexes, and also nonlinear media with third-order nonlinearities such as Kerr media and Raman-active media, but also second-order nonlinearities for SHG. The code is designed in such a way that it can run on thousands of CPUs on a wide variety of compute cluster which allows our group to obtain nanoscale resolution. Another computational tool I use is the free-space Green's function solution to the Helmholtz equation, which can be used to calculate the Hertz vector in the frequency domain, both in the near- and far-field, based on the induced nonlinear polarization. The electric field is then calculated from this Hertz vector. This technique is much faster then FDTD and also allows for arbitrary shapes of the nonlinear electric susceptibility in the sample. However, it assumes a homogeneous refractive index throughout the entire spatial domain and requires complete knowledge of the input beam or beams that induce the nonlinear polarization. In this thesis, I use these tools to study the image formation process of various nonlinear optical processes mentioned earlier. For example, I study the effect of an inhomogeneous refractive index on the images produced by these microscopes. In literature the index of refraction is almost always assumed to be homogeneous, because, as mentioned before, the inhomogeneity of the refractive index is often small. However, I show that these small differences in the index of refraction can have a significant effect on the measured far-field intensity signal. For example, in SRS and CARS images, the measured signal can increase by an order of magnitude depending on the index mismatch and structure of the sample. Additionally, significant shifts in perceived position occur. Even nonresonant nonlinear signals can be evoked purely through a mismatch in linear refractive index. Computational modelling can also help reveal additional detail. As SHG is a coherent process, subwavelength information can be inferred through the phase information. Our experimental collaborators built an interferometric SHG (I-SHG) microscope for exactly that purpose. We used this to image collagen fibrils, which are all aligned in a parallel fashion. However, because collagen fibrils have a chiral molecular structure, they can point either ``up'' or ``down''. Using my Green's function simulations of the SHG imaging process of collagen fibrils, I was able to predict the standard deviation in the measured phase and link it to the orientation of collagen fibrils in the focal spot of the probing laser beam, even though the diameters are far below the minimum resolvable capabilities of the microscope. We found that the ``upwards'' fibrils make up 46--53% of the sample. Even with a normal SHG microscope that does not measures phase, additional subresolution information is obtainable. With our collaborators we measured the ratio of the forward SHG intensity signal to that in the backward direction and with my simulations, we are able to link this to the fibril diameters in collagen tissue. Thus we inferred that the fibril diameter increases as a function of tissue depth. Furthermore, a computational technique called ptychography is able to retrieve phase information without an interferometric reference beam. Additionally, it increases resolution to the theoretical limit, independent of the laser focal spot size, and corrects for distortions in the input beam as well. I have developed this technique for use with nonlinear optical microscopy and was able to show it is a viable alternative to I-SHG by imaging simulated rat tail tendon at the diffraction limit while retrieving the orientation of the fibrils through the phase of the SHG signal. I also implemented the algorithm for CARS, where the phase information can be used to greatly increase the signal-to-noise ratio by reducing the nonresonant background radiation that results from competing nonlinear optical processes. I showed an example of this by imaging a simulated fibroblast cell where the CARS process was tuned to the lipid droplets inside of the cell. I am currently in talk with experimentalists to apply this theoretical technique to experiments as that would further demonstrate the impact of my work. Finally, keeping in theme with the collagen fibrils, I show that the ratio of the forward SHG signal to the backward signal, the F/B ratio, is affected by a mismatch in the refractive index for fibrils larger than 100nm. This measure is an indicator of fibril diameter and thus important for making qualitative predictions. Single fibrils are generally too small to be significantly affected by near-field effects, but the bigger fibrils can be. Fibrils in rat tail tendon have a distribution of fibrils diameters and the large fibrils occur infrequent. However, I found that the large fibrils are largely responsible for the forward as well as backward signal, thus refractive index mismatches still affect the F/B ratio significantly despite their infrequency. The F/B ratio for a collection of fibrils placed in a n=1.47 medium was found to be 31.8±0.7% higher than for those in a n=1.33 medium. Our experimental colleagues have done preliminary measurements on mouse tail tendon where they found an increase of 40±20%, in line with the value of 28.1±0.6% that I found for simulations with mouse tail tendon. In conclusion, the theoretical tools I have used in my thesis have provided me with the ability to study nonlinear optical image formation processes with a level of detail that would be near-impossible to do experimentally. I have used this ability to show how refractive index mismatches, such as those found in biological tissue, can significantly distort the far-field intensity signals. I have shown this for SRS and CARS where the far-field intensity signal appeared an order-of-magnitude larger compared to the same sample without a refractive index mismatch with the background medium. Additionally, shifts in the perceived position of the object under investigation were observed and I showed the presence of a nonresonant background signal in AM-SRS. Likewise I showed that in the SHG imaging of collagen fibrils significant changes in the F/B ratio can occur. All of these effects have important implications as these types of images as biomedical researches rely on the correct interpretation of nonlinear optical microscopy images for both research and diagnostics. Apart from showing the effect of a refractive index mismatch, I have also shown that computation modelling can be used to infer subwavelength features in SHG imaging experiments of collagen fibril such as fibril orientation and fibril diameter. These methods have the potential to aid medical researchers as changes in the structure of collagen are often an early indicator of diseases such as osteoarthritis. Finally, I showed that the ptychography algorithm I developed for nonlinear optical microscopy is able to retrieve phase information of the nonlinear electric susceptibility in SHG and CARS imaging while also enhancing the resolution and correcting for distortions in the input beams. I can also use much larger laser spot sizes than in conventional experiments without compromising the obtained resolution, thus fewer measurements are required. The technique is not limited to SHG and CARS either; it will work for other nonlinear optical processes as well. Experimental verification of nonlinear ptychography will be done soon. This technique has to potential to significantly improve current imaging techniques since access to the phase information allows one to observe additional information about the sample as we showed with the I-SHG microscope.

Nanometrologická vibrometrie / Nanometric vibrometry

Ševčík, Michal January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the precise measurement of distances in nanometer range at ultrasonic frequencies for the purposes of vibrometry. The paper is primary focused on~nanometric displacement measurement methods. First the thesis deals with the physical phenomena based on light in the theoretical section. This includes interference of light, index of refraction, polarization, interferometry and more. Understanding of these physical laws is crucial for design and assembling of the interferometer. Subjects of interferometric method for precise and fast measurement of the nanometric displacement and vibration are discussed. Interferometer components such as lasers, photodetectors and optical elements are described are described in the final part of this section. Practical section of thesis can be divided into two parts. The design and assembling issues are discussed in the first section. Many problems which I had to solve are described. Control software and implementation of the signal processing is the subject of the second part. I met with particular problems such as phase unwrapping. I solved this problem of discontinuous phase field with user written algorithm. Finally the graphical user interface was created. Using assembled interferometer and written software application I measured vibration of Langevin transducer on ultrasonic frequencies.

The Growth of Columnar Thin Films and Their Characterization Within the Visible and Near Infrared Spectral Bands

Booso, Benjamin David 05 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Feasibility of Troposphere Propagation Delay Modeling of GPS Signals using Three-Dimensional Weather Radar Reflectivity Returns

Muvvala, Priyanka 26 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Vliv atmosférických turbulencí na optický svazek / Influence of atmospheric turbulences on the optical beam

Bárta, Miroslav January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study a free space optics and its application in communication technologies. It describes possible interrupting impacts on the beamed optical signal, which are signal noise, attenuation of the atmosphere and atmospheric turbulence. The basis of the thesis is to describe the impact of the atmospheric turbulences on the optical beam. Fluctuation of optical intensity in the optical beam has been measured and index of refraction structure parameter calculated. With its assistance, turbulence rate has been determined.

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